The Elder Scrolls: Foxfall, Fruitfall Redux

Story by Tempo on SoFurry

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#5 of The Elder Scrolls

An Argonian mage follows her vulpine lover up to a remote hot springs, with steamy results.

The Elder Scrolls: Foxfall, Fruitfall Redux By Tempe O'Kun, scholar at the College of Winterhold

Reconstructed from writings on a newly-found set of ancient sap slabs, relocalized from the possession of Dunmer raiders by Back-Through-The-Veil and donated to the College.

Volume 5

~ ~ ~

Swims-With-Wolves stirred in her bedroll, grateful for the Lilmothiit's furred embrace.

The fox had come to her village Sizaan, and left as Autumn-Warmth-Found. He'd also left with her heart, which is the only reason any sane Argonian would travel up this frozen mountain with him. Even with sunlight streaming through the walls of their tiny tent, the only heat she could find lay in his fur.

He jostled, pressing against her tail.

She hissed a chuckle. "Something is poking me in the back, my fox."

"It's not my fault." His hot breath lingered on her cheek. "Too many attractive Argonians here."

Her webbed, scaly hands cupped his own, which lay on her chest. She felt herself beginning to warm, in more ways than one. "For a lustful little mammal, you are at least a flatterer."

"And you are sweet for a grapefruit." He kissed the corner of her smile.

"Mmmmm. Why is it you insist on calling me that? It this fruit real? Sounds like you made it up."

"It's quite real. Yellow on the outside, pink on the inside, prone to messy drippings." A soft lick over her cheekbone, then he began sinking lower in the bedroll. "There are those who swear by eating one every morning."

Swims-With-Wolves giggled, spreading her legs for his paws. Talented fingers massaged her slit, drawing hisses and coos of pleasure from the groggy Argonian. The fox buried his nose in her, greedy licks sweeping inside her delicate folds. Her tail wriggled beneath him. Her hands stroked his silky ears. Each slurp of his tongue washed another wave of bliss through her body, his fingers thrusting inside her, his lips teasing her clitoris as he savored her juices with shameless ardor. Her fluids blended a trace of her scent with the slick syrup of sun-sweet fruits. With each lick, she felt herself tensing, her body produced more, her mind sailing higher on each wave of pleasure. At last the tide rose with her hips, her body trembling a few moments on his tongue before she collapsed back to the bedroll.

Before she could uncurl her toes from his tail, Autumn climbed atop her, licking his whiskers. "Are you quite warmed yet, my love?"

"Mmmmmmmhmmmm." She breathed deep of her own scent, which soaked the fur of that cunning black muzzle. Her hands stroked his back, cupping his rear and pressing his half-erect member to her sopping, slobbered slit. "Though I fear I might need some heat for the road."

The fox smiled, unsheathing his turgid penis and stroking the tip up and down her vaginal lips. "You had but to ask, milady."

There, under the heavy warmth of the bedroll, he stroked in and out of her. He yipped in delight as her warm, wet walls wrapped his shaft, black paws clutching her flanks. The chill wind outside blew unheeded as they became lost in each other's flesh and devotion. The reptile's claws crackled through his pelt. The narrowness of the fabric confines made it difficult to thrust into her, though, being a cunning little vulpine, he simply lifted her knees to her chest. She cried out, her passage massaged by his leaking shaft, the underside of her tail tickled by his furred scrotum. She found her nose buried in her lover's luxurious pelt, breathing his scent: heavy, musky, and so very male.

On they continued, until both found a reason to shiver other than the cold. He filled her, though made sure not to tie. More than one morning had been delayed by his canine attributes. The tiny tent had warmed to comfort, the air rich with the scents of their arousal.

Once they managed to emerge from the bedroll and dress themselves in heavy furs, they braced themselves and crawled out into the bluster and chill. The cold struck Swims-With-Wolves like the ground after a great fall, as it always did. By the time she recovered, Autumn had stowed the tent and resumed leading her up the narrow mountain trail. The path ran steep, frozen gravel crunching under her feet. The crisp chill of mountain air stole heat from every exposed inch of scale.

Like every morning on the frigid climb, she made him promise their destination worth the misery. The fox just smiled, fur dancing in the wind, and egged her onward. Even the Argonian had to admit, though, that the cold became more bearable with his silken warmth squishing inside her as she walked, dripping out a little at a time. And when the wind bit too hard for even her eight layers of fur, he pulled her close and warmed her with myths and magic. And so, in this way, they arrived at the hot springs.

~ ~ ~

Autumn-Warmth-Found relaxed as his body adjusted to the intense heat of the springs. Aches and soreness from their travel dissolved in the simmering water. The scent of sulfur permeated this alchemist's brew of steamy water and stone.

Relaxed and at complete ease, he opened one eye at his Argonian companion. Like the patient alligator, her eyes and nostrils floated at surface level. That ruby gaze eyed him with eager intent, then vanished beneath the steaming surface.

The fox knew that look. He squirmed, glancing around to check for the spring's innkeepers.

Taking advantage of her kin's water-breathing, she swam forward and nuzzled into his lap. The Lilmothiit moaned, gripping the stones edging the spring for support. Her reptilian lips kissed back his sheath and she began breathing water around her tongue's swirling efforts. The Argonian savored his salty, male musk, unhurried by breath, until he could no longer tell the water from her tongue. One hand massaged his hefty sac, while the other played though the swaying suspension of his fur in the water. Those supple, scaled lips suckled his sheath back until his knot felt the parboiling caress of the water.

She floated under the surface, moored only by her lover's shaft as she squeezed the growing swell of his knot. Her head bobbed with aquatic slowness as her tongue coiled and constricted, then writhed in turn, lapping at all the places experience had taught her most tender.

The Lilmothiit, for his part, gasped and yipped with such fervor that echoes reverberated down the silent mountainside. When he could bear her ministrations no longer, he yapped, clutching at the slick rocks, spilling his seed into her watery maw. The reptile swished the salty fluid around her mouth, diluting the thick liquid until it rose in thin white traces to the surface.

Afterward, she straddled his lap, pressed against him, his spent cock pinned between their bellies as she hugged him close, claws combing his head-fur. Her membranes filmed her eyes, then withdrew as she nuzzled him. "I have the best fox in all of Tamriel."

The Lilmothiit swooned at her sentiment, but also the extreme temperature. During a minor respite in the winds, once a towel could conceal his excitement, he engaged in a mad dash to their room.

The human proprietors of the spring's tiny inn paused to spy out their windows. They saw a copper-furred, silver-tongued catfolk prancing back to his room, robed in naught but a towel. And if his noises sounded a bit too vulpine, none cared. Who knew why the beast races did anything? Besides, he and that Argonian payed in teas, fruits, and potions more than gold, rare delights for a remote inn.

Once the illusion-clad fox had finished his courageous stoking of the fire in their room, he returned to collect Swim before she broiled. His career as a bard brought in enough coin that they could afford a room with a sizable fireplace.

Swim still faced a serious dilemma. "It's warm, and it's water! This is incredible! And you wish me to leave it?"

"I'd carry you, but you're bigger than me." The fox hopped from foot to icy foot. "Come on!" He seized her by the hand and dragged her, squawking, through the shin-deep snow.

Laughing, they dashed against the chill winds. His towel fell in the snow. "Leave it!" The shivering Argonian dragged him onward and into their room before he could do more than blush.

Together, they slammed the heavy door and fell into a nude tangle of limbs, laughing. The piquant, honeyed odor of pine logs, both burning and stacked, hung thick in the room.

"A nonsensical place! Impossible heat surrounded by impossible cold!" She clutched his naked body, for more reasons than warmth.

His paws rubbed heat back into her scales, perhaps massaging a bit longer than needed on the curves of her hips. "Never learned of hot springs in your studies?"

"I had heard of them, but they remained but an academic footnote." She pressed her toes against his legs. "And my feet are frozen!"

With a yip, he rolled her toward the fireplace.

"Mmmm, yes, the fire was a wise precaution." Atop him, she stretched her legs toward it, burying her nose in his chest-fluff. "It is not fair you are warm-blooded." She hissed in pleasure, kissing up his neck. "Not fair. Not fair."

"I've never seen you so active." His claws traced along the delicate underside of her tail base.

"You have never seen me so warm."

His tail, copper and cream, swished against the floor, careful not to get too close to the flames. "I'm glad you didn't think I was trying to freeze you on purpose."

"Who bothers to freeze people outside the Marsh? Everything is frozen already. Besides..." Her tongue traveled up under his chin in a slow, sensual arc. "You like me too much to let me be frozen."

In response, he kissed her, stroking her body from horns to tail.

Once the pair had recovered their heat, and dried out a bit, they scrambled to the bed. On all fours above him, firelight casting the curve of her body into relief, she pressed her lips to his. Her tongue swirled into his mouth, dancing along his teeth until his own lapped up to meet it. Together, their muzzles met, their breath mingled, building a heat within them that even the raging fire could not approach.

She knew well, by now, how to handle him. Smooth-scaled hands angled his furred sheath to her slit, rubbing the delicate tip against herself as it emerged. The Lilmothiit grasped her thighs, whining in pleasure. Swims-With-Wolves cooed in delight, his stiff length sinking into her depths, always hotter than she expected. The wet, slippery embrace of her folds drove the fox to idle thrusts upward, baring his erect mammal penis into her again and again. She rode him, bucking against his motions in time just as humans ride their horses. As he felt his knot slide in and out of her, though, he knew her only destination: pleasure. So far from the Marsh she had traveled with him, and only because of the love he saw in her reptilian eyes. They shone like ruby stars down upon him, burning with all the passion of her soul as she bore down on his swelling canid bulge.

A groan hissed between her teeth as his knot stretched her. His dark paws stroked her stomach, helping her relax, marveling at her smooth scales. As the Argonian sank onto his bulge, she squawked with delight and fullness. The fox took this articulation as a cue to thumb her throbbing clit, which freed two more gasps of pleasure and a rush of healing magic down his shaft. The warm tingle sang down his cock, followed fast by a ripple of muscle and a frenzied lash of her tail as she hissed his name with tender desperation.

Autumn yelped. His lithe body stiffened, a gasp catching in his throat, golden vulpine eyes wide as he stared into hers. A surge of his essence sprayed her walls, then another and another. The Argonian's muscles clenched around him, milking this strange fruit for its exotic nectar. It pulsed deep within her, filling what little space the knot spared. Her tail slapped at the bed, then wrapped with his in exquisite tension, adoring his silky heat inside her, his silky fur around her.

When they had exhausted themselves, she collapsed atop him, panting into his fur. "Dare I ask..." Her eyes opened with lazy lizard satisfaction. "...our next destination, my fox?"

The vulpine could only smile, his gold eyes glinting in the firelight, mischief sparkling in his scent. "Have you ever made love in a magicka fountain?"

~ ~ ~

Couldn't resist doing another chapter of TES goodness. : ) Slate's ideas for it were too good.

Edits: avatar?user=5815&character=0&clevel=2 DarkDragon, Slatedragon, avatar?user=202306&character=0&clevel=2 Anakuro, Vendetta Proofing: Thefunkyone, Sillyneko, ItTastesLikeGreen Art: Slatedragon


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