Human boy to Elite Hero ch.6

Story by shelbyproject on SoFurry

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December 16th, 2541, 2000 hrs, covenant carrier ship, simulation laboratory. "Eliminate all hostiles, no time limit, begin." announced the computer voice. "Eliminate all hostiles eh? Alright lets find these 'hostiles' and see what kind of fun we can have." Jacob said with a mischievous grin. He starts to walk down the street, with his BR drawn, he keeps the muzzle up looking out for anything suspicious. 2130 hrs, Jacob had been walking the streets for an hour n a half and hasn't seen a thing, no birds, animals, ppl nothing. Meanwhile back in the other room, "ha, that was a great lunch surprise they had, oh dear..." Norr-Strumk said in a slightly worried voice. Both him and Shal-tablii had left for lunch as soon as the program started, but he forgot to input the codes to have the enemies come in for Jacob to shoot n kill. So he then inputs a few codes and hostiles had been added to the program. Back to our human, Jacob is walking through an ally, still keeping his eyes out but is a lot more bored then he was earlier. When he got to the end of the ally, he looked both ways and of course no one. "heh star bucks, ha-ha I didn't think they would have that here, guess its going off based off of what I think, hope the enemies aren't teletubbies on crack n meth... actualy that would be fun as hell to do." Jacob said as he started to laugh thinking how the teletubbies would act when on those drugs. But his laughter was cut short when he saw a metal trash can fly through the intersection. Jacob takes cover behind a parked low-car. Jacob peeks out and its just a group of humans trashing up the street. "These are the guys I gatta shoot up? But their just trashing the place, sure I would like to do something but killing is a little much." Jacob said but was corrected, this group of humans were yelling in anger, throwing stuff at whatever was in front of them. Jacob moved to the sidewalk side of the car and peeks up over the hood, and there was a group of 5 brutes. These brutes just had their arms crossed and their weapons holstered/slinged.

One of the humans ran as fast as she could and she started to punch like a mad woman at one of the brutes stomach. All the brute did was laugh as her punches didn't even effect him. The brute getting punched grabbed her by the neck and picked her up like a feather, then throws her down the street in Jacob direction. Jacob see's the woman and feels as though he should do something, but before he even moves his eyes back to the two groups, the group of humans charged at group of brutes. All the brutes did in response was draw their brute plasma rifles and opened fire on the humans. The sound of anger and charging footsteps had gone silent. The woman that had been thrown shortly before was starting to come too, groaning from the pain she was experiencing. "the humans aren't the bad guys, its those brutes!" Jacob thought in his head. The brute that had thrown the female had an evil grin on his face. As he walks over to the female, a bulge starts to form under his brown fur. Soon as he gets to the hurt female, he picks her up and slams her not hard but hard enough against the car Jacob was hiding behind. Jacob gets behind the passenger door and peeks through the window, taking his BR off of safety and flipping it to semi-fire. The brute tore off the female's pants, revealing black panties. "N-no..please just leave me alone." the said as she tried to squirm out, but it was no use. "Silence wretched human, I know you humans love to breed so I'm going to fuck you till you bleed out of your eyes!'' the brute yelled as he tore off her panties. Once he got a view of what he was about to tear up, his cock shoots out, 12 inches long and 6 wide, it was still growing, twitching with each passing second. "well then, it's a shame your not gunna feel that pussy anytime soon.'', Jacob had already taken aim when the brute was yelling at the female. "what? Whose there show yourself coward! Or are you afraid of your little friend here getting all of this!?" the brute yelled. "heh heh you have no idea who your talking to, goodnight scum bag." Jacob said as he pulled the trigger. *B-B-BANG*, 3 shots go off, all plugging the brute directly in his forehead. The brute just falls to the ground, Jacob then pops up and gets off two more shots, hitting two more brutes, dropping them to the ground as well. "three down, two to go." he said reloading his gun, he took peeked his head out, but to his surprise, he didn't see any of the brutes, he had assumed that they took cover so he just waited. Suddenly, a brute shows up behind Jacob, and shouts its roar, then enclosing his two fists, he swings them at Jacob simultaneously sending Jacob flying across the street into another parked car. Jacob sat there trying to figure out what the hell just had happened to him. The brute raised his arms in the air and lets out this long roar, assuming he had victory over Jacob. The roar had stopped short, blood started to run down his face, Jacob had drawn his pistol and shot the brute in the head a couple times. The brute fell to its knees then face plants into the asphalt. Jacob slowly gets on his feet, rolling his shoulder around to help the pain. Then the last brute comes out from hiding and shouts a long roar, it was obvious that he had gone berserk. Jacob turned slightly to the berserk brute. Both then charged at each other, both running as fast as they could. The brute swung his fist at Jacob when he was in range, but Jacob stops and strafes to the left so quick, the brute had no time to react, then Jacob empties the clip into the brutes side and head. The now shot up brute, falls to the ground, slides and rolls to a stop. " next time, don't mess with me, you will end up like your buddies." Jacob said walking over to grab his BR that he had been separated from. "AMAZING!!!'' exclaimed Norr-Strumk, "He as the smarts of one of our zealot class elites, but the speed of our skirmisher. This boy is truly amazing." Norr-Strumk said eagerness to see what else Jacob could do. "ERROR ERROR ERROR, PROGRAM INTERRUPTION ENGAGING EMERGENCY PROGRAM SHUT DOWN" the computer voice said as the room turned white again. When Jacob opened his eyes, he was still in the blue circle, which was kind weird for him, seeing as how he walked his ass off.

"Hello? Uhh guys is this thing gunna let me out or what's going on?... Hello?" Jacob asked as nothing was happening. Finally the outline for the door appeared, Jacob walked up to it, and it sparked, then one side fell at an angle while the other side fully opened. Jacob's eyes grew wide, it looks as if a bomb had gone off inside the lab. "ATTENTION TO ALL HANDS THIS IS THE SHIPMASTER, THE HERRITICS HAVE BOARDED OUR SHIP, DO NOT LET THEM WIN OR TAKE ANY OF OUR BROTHERS LIFES, WARRIORS PREPAIR FOR BATTLE!" announced the shipmaster as the ship alarm started to go off.

Ooooo boy this just got interesting, wonder what's next for our lil human boy, tune in next time

All copyrights belong to their rightful owners.

p.s. distraction lol ty for the read. ^.^ :3

Human boy to Elite Hero Ch.7

December 16th, 2541 2330 hrs, covenant carrier ship, damaged lab room. Once Jacob had gotten out of the simulation room, the lab had been darkened by black soot everywhere. "nn...nnn, that you?", Jacob quickly looked around trying...

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Human boy to Elite Hero ch.5

December 16th, 2541, covenant carrier ship, Shal-tablii's room, 1930 hrs. "Well it seems that the shipmaster has taken a liking to you." said Shal-tablii with a warm smile. "Yeah, for a minute there I thought I was dog food." Jacob replied, calming...

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Human boy to Elite hero CH.4

December 16th, 2541, 9:30 pm, Planet Reach, Covenant Air Port, Shal-tablii had taken Jacob, and is now escorting him to the covenant's recently acquired airport. As they passed the entrance gates, burning jets, heli's, warthogs, refueling trucks,...

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