Human boy to Elite Hero Ch.7

Story by shelbyproject on SoFurry

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December 16th, 2541 2330 hrs, covenant carrier ship, damaged lab room. Once Jacob had gotten out of the simulation room, the lab had been darkened by black soot everywhere. "nn...nnn, that you?", Jacob quickly looked around trying to find the voice, then his eyes were shocked and scared at what he saw next. Norr-Strumk is on the ground bleeding out with several spiker spikes in his chest cavity. "Oh my god... Norr-Strumic are you alright!?" Jacob yells as he runs over to Norr-strum's aid. "heh, not bad human, I only wish I could've lived longer to see what you will be in the future, and nn...its Norr-Strumk, but your close enough." Norr-Strumk said in a weak voice, feeling as if his time is almost up. With what strength Norr-Strumk had in him and lifted his arm up, pointing to a small pantry. "G-Go in there and pull out one of the bags with straps on it, doesn't matter which one their all the same." Jacob nodded and jogged over to the pantry and when he opened it, there were multiple colored back packs. He grabbed a dark blue one and jogs back to Norr-Strumk. "Good... now place your hand on the inside part of the pack, the part where it touches your back, It'll recognize you as its owner and with bond with you." Jacob had no clue what he was talking about but he did it anyways. He placed his hand on the pack and it then glowed white, then white with an orange tint within the white glow. " Great, it worked, for now on, where that pack, that pack is now your own personal energy shield, normally you have to be a ranking official in order to get one, but you're a fine specimen. Take care of your self...Jacob..." Norr-Strumk's wounds had finally gotten to him. Jacob dropped to his knees, tears rolling down his cheeks. " why...-sob- why did someone else have to die..." Jacob muttered out still kneeling next to Norr-Strumk's corps. Then, something entered the room in a rush. "You human get up, slowly." Jacob heard this voice, and he knew it wasn't the sound of a human, as he was standing up, he grabbed a spike from Norr-Strumk's chest cavity and tucking it under his arm and putting arm to his side. It was a minor elite with a covenant carbine. " Oh how cute this is, a human crying for a fallen moron, how pitiful, here, let me end this pitiful scene so I may continue my mission." the elite said moving closer n closer to Jacob. "HAAAA!!!" Jacob yells as he thrusts his hand that had the spike at the minor's neck, stabbing repeatedly. The elite fell on his back and soon after perished from Jacob's relentless stabbing. He slowly rose to his feet, dropping the spike. "..." Jacob just stood there as he looked at the blood on his hands. "if this is what I have to do to protect, then so be it. I will protect the crew on this ship as if they were my family, cause they are all I have now." he said clenching his fists. He leans down and takes the covenant carbine and the two plasma grenades, puts on the backpack and heads out into the hall way, moving out to help out whoever he can.

Jacob had moved down a few halls and still no contacts, friendly or foe. "help! Please somebody help!", there was a cry for help not that far off, Jacob kicked into high gear rushing to the sound for help. He came up to the next the next hallway and peeked around the corner, it was a grey skirmisher trapped under a pile of metal debris. "hang on I'll get you out of there.'' Jacob said looking for something to lift the debris up. "what? No your just gunna kill me when you get me out aren't you!?" the skirmisher shouted at Jacob. "No I'm not, I just saw the scientist Norr-Strumk die before my hands, I'm not gunna let anyone else die before me." he said while he was still looking. He then spotted a gravity hammer next to a dead brute chieftain's corps. He grabbed it and stuck it into the pile. "Just hang on, I'll...get you out of there...I promise" Jacob grunted as he leaned on the gravity hammer, the leverage wasn't enough to lift it enough to get her out. " gunna do something fast, and once you feel you can move, get out of there quick ok?" Jacob said looking down at the skirmisher.

The female Skirmisher nodded as confirmation. Jacob rolled the hammer over to where the vents are facing up, then activated it, sending the hammer end shooting into the ground. The metal pile lifted up and stayed up for a few seconds, the Skirmisher got out of there quick and soon after the pile came crashing down. Jacob backed up from the pile n turns to the skirmisher offering his hand to help, but the Skirmisher had its plasma pistol drawn. Jacob felt as if all he had done was for not. "Just because you got me out of there doesn't mean I have to like you human. But, you did save me from being trapped from being crushed from that have my thanks human, now how to do you plan on getting us out of here?" the Skirmisher asked placing her hand on her hip n holstering her plasma pistol. "well I don't know really, I was just focusing on helping the crew of this ship and go from there." Jacob said picking up his carbine off of the floor. "well then, why don't we rendezvous with the others eh?" said the Skirmisher. "heh heh that's alright, I made a vow to protect those on this ship, even at the cost of my own life. You go ahead and do that Ron...devass thing and I'll do my best to clear out the enemies." Jacob said with a warm smile. "ha-ha clear them out? Human, those are heretics, they wont hesitate to kill you on the spot. You humans confuse me oh so much". Jacob replied as he started to walk away, "Well, you do some crazy stuff when you want to protect something. Its like the old saying of my kind, 'you don't know what you have until you've lost it', and I've lost it twice now, cant let that happen a second time. Go now, catch up with the others I'll keep on going." Jacob peeked around the corner and darted out of the Skirmisher's sight, going to take out any who oppose the crew on the ship.

Ooooo looks like our human is become quite the hero, wonder if he's gunna get a little reward later? Mwahaha maybe, maybe not guess we'll find out in the next chapter!!


p.s. thank you also for the comments the do helpz ^.^ ty again submit any illistrations as well if ya want ^.^

human boy to elite hero ch.8 final chapter

December 17, 2541 0030 hrs, covenant carrier ship, delta corridor, hallway 03. After saving the Skirmisher, Jacob heads to the bridge to get an over look of how many enemies were on the ship. Hallway after hallway it felt like there was no end. That...

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Human boy to Elite Hero ch.6

December 16th, 2541, 2000 hrs, covenant carrier ship, simulation laboratory. "Eliminate all hostiles, no time limit, begin." announced the computer voice. "Eliminate all hostiles eh? Alright lets find these 'hostiles' and see what kind of fun we can...

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Human boy to Elite Hero ch.5

December 16th, 2541, covenant carrier ship, Shal-tablii's room, 1930 hrs. "Well it seems that the shipmaster has taken a liking to you." said Shal-tablii with a warm smile. "Yeah, for a minute there I thought I was dog food." Jacob replied, calming...

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