Caveat Emptor

Story by Gothic_Paladin on SoFurry

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Caveat Emptor By: Gothic Paladin Dedicated to Mix, Whom in such a short period has influenced me so much. I hope you will take this humble story as a token of my gratitude, And in the hopes of a long lasting companionship. ____________________________________________________ Vulpack was asleep, demons of his past and present plaguing his dreams, making him toss and turn unable to lay with perfect harmony. Vulpack was not an average creature. Vulpack's father was a Kitsune, a fox spirit, his mother was a Lupine, a wolf spirit. Vulpack was no runt by the standards of Kitsunes at 6' tall, but by that of a Lupines he was unremarkable. Vulpack was handsome, his coat was glossy and well groomed, the majority of his fur was faded red, but his chest and stomach, were silver, in stead of a fox's usual white. Vulpack's tail was longer and bushier then the norm, it was the same dull red color as Vulpack's coat, with a streak of silver gray that ran up to the silver tip. Vulpack's eyes were a deep green, and sharp as razors and his hearing superb. Both Vulpack's mind and body were in peak performance. Despite all one wanted to associate with the hybrid...he was just a half-bred runt. Vulpack was despised, and alone in the world. It wasn't surprising that Vulpack turned to this field of work. Vulpack began to shake violently, he whimpered and yelped from the stings of invisible arrows, and hidden daggers. With no warning he stopped and snapped up, panting heavily, as if he'd been running from some unseen nemesis. The room around Vulpack was spinning. A neon light flickered with a dismal red glow, which priced the darkness of the room. This wasn't Vulpack's home...but it might as well have been, he had spent enough nights in it. Vulpack whimpered his hips were burning, and he was alone. Immediately Vulpack checked the nightstand beside the bed. There were only two fifties, that didn't even cover half of Vulpack's fee. The half-breed slide out of bed grumbling and grabbed the money. The walk to the bathroom was long and agonizing, but Vulpack had had worse...and he was sure that much worse would lie ahead of him. Vulpack put on some cloths, shuddering as he did. Vulpack's T- shirt wrapped uncomfortably tight around his torso. Vulpack's jeans squeezed close around his groin and ass, revealing more then Vulpack would have liked too. Vulpack hated this job, he hated selling himself. ****************** Vulpack walked slowly down the night street, if someone pointed their muzzle his way he made sure to let them have a good look. All the while though his mind concentrated on finding his under paying costumer. Tonight was amazingly easy. Vulpack's costumer was new to prostitution, and how it worked. This consumer was a young strapping stallion. For an equine he wasn't very 'impressive'. Actually the stallion was very 'small', considering his species' usual 'advantages' over most others. The young stallion was waiting outside the bar, a cigarette in his mouth. The equine didn't notice Vulpack until he was standing right in front of him. The equine jumped, and was probably going to bolt, but Vulpack gave the Stallion a good knee to the stomach to keep him from moving too much. The Stallion hunched over, his cigarette fell to the ground. Vulpack bent down, putting his muzzle next to the Stallion's ear, "Ya' shorted me, Babe. 125 bucks, please. After all it was such a 'rough ride'." Vulpack whispered mockingly. The Equine nodded obviously pained, reaching into his jean pocket, he pulled a small wad of cash. With out delay Vulpack snatched it, running the bills through his fingers, not even checking their value, "The rest?" Vulpack demanded. "Thas' all I got, man!" The Stallion cried hoarsely. Vulpack smiled, he didn't get to do this too often... ******************* With pleased grin on his face Vulpack walked into the bar. It was dank, and lit poorly with florescent and neon lights. The bar was full of people, the air was clear, and easy on the senses. This was one of the few bars that didn't allow smoking, so this was where Vulpack picked up most of his clients. There were several reasons for this, some of them had to deal with Vulpack's hatred of nicotine right in his muzzle and so he could see what exactly he was in for, if he was unsure. Smoke didn't exactly enhance Vulpack's vision. With a giddy little walk Vulpack made his way to the bar counter, near the back of the single roomed building. The Bartender was...well, tending to his bar. As Vulpack took a stool, the bartender began smiling pleasantly. The bartender was a lion, a bit on the large (or lard) side, but no one would ever have the guts to tangle with him. Everyone called him Bill, his real name however had long since vanished. Bill was cleaning a mug, the same one he had been cleansing the entire day, and for the past few years. It was a monotonous little choir that Bill devised himself, to make it look like he was busy. It worked. Bill watched Vulpack, "Your in a good mood, what's up?" Bill laughed solidly. Truly, if Vulpack was happy it was a good omen. "Just got to do something I hadn't done in a long time." Vulpack giggled back, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the counter. Bill smiled wider, then Bill let his eyes wander down for a moment, " should at least learn to zip up afterwards Vulpie." Bill mumbled warmly. Vulpack looked down, and sure enough he was undone, with a couple spots of residue remaining. Vulpack zipped himself up quickly, and looked up at Bill. "I told him to get all of I see him, I think I'll turn the table, if ya' know what I mean." Vulpack said with a chuckle. Bill nodded. "Everyone knows what you mean." Bill laughed. Bill smiled and made a bit of idly chit-chat with Vulpack, mostly about the whether or whatever popped into his head. Usually Bill kicked prostitutes out, but Vulpack was different, he was kind, and noble, well as noble as a prostitute could be. Vulpack wasn't dirty or disease ridden like the rest of them. Vulpack got tests after each encounter or two, and was kind enough to show them to people if they asked. As far as Vulpack being a half breed, that was fine with Bill...He didn't discriminate. There was something about Vulpack that Bill noticed; any wolf or fox that wanted a good time would come to Vulpack, and even though they hated the half they did not share with him, they went along with it anyways. Those clients of Vulpack's always went away a little broader in mind. Plus Vulpack kept costumers coming back, even smokers, a major bonus! The door of the bar swung open. Somewhere between the time Vulpack had come into the bar, and the bar door opened again it started to rain. Rain wasn't uncommon, but what had taken shelter in the bar from the rain was very rare. His fur was ruffled, short cut, fiery red and orange. He stood high above anyone person there, he was at least 7'4". He was wearing only a pair of dull, tattered jeans, that ran the full length of his legs. His torso was a show case of muscles, and rugged masculinity. His muzzle was boarder then that of a canine, but not as much as a feline's. He had a long fiery red mane that extruded from the back of his neck and head. His ears were long, like that of a lynx, in each were a heavy looking golden earring. He had as long lion-like tail, with a blood red tassel of fur on the end. His eyes were a light, wondrous purple, that in poor lighting must have seemed a deep blue. Vulpack gulped and turned to Bill, "Think he's here to take my business?" Bill eyed the handsome creature. Bill wasn't the sort to be a 'bitch' in a relationship, but he would have gladly spread his legs for this marvelous specimen. "No, I don't think he's a prostitute, he has to be a stud." Bill said not taking his eyes off the new arrival. Prostitutes sold themselves, while studs, they sold their seed, in long strenuous, yet pleasurable sessions. To be a stud you have to have a sort of raw sexual magnetism, and you must appeal to everyone. Needless to say this male had it, whoever he was. Another thing studs could do was pick and choose who they would mate with, Vulpack always envied that. Vulpack looked at Bill, back at the stud, and blushed. Vulpack wasn't the only one checking out the massive male, everyone else in the bar were studying him with their eyes, including Bill. Vulpack looked away and gulped, this wasn't good for business. The 'stud', watched the room full of eyes. A polite smile crossed the male's muzzle, and he walked to the counter. Eyes followed the male as he went, and sat down. Bill swallowed heavily and smiled nervously, imagining a sex scene evolving panties, and a whole lot of playful nipping and teasing. For the first time however, Bill was the one wearing the panties and on the receiving end of the nipping and teasing. Bill had to kneel slightly to hide his suddenly erect organ. "WHa-What can I do -ahem- for you?" Bill asked, resisting the urge to lunge over the counter and blow the male in submission. Vulpack giggled, he could see Bill's 'frustration'. The male smiled warmly at Bill, "Nothing, thank you. I just need to get out of the rain and this seemed so very nice." His voice almost echoed in his huge chest. It was deep, and refined, as if to never meaning offend. Bill shook a little bit, and nodded, "-Ahem- You...uh have to get something to uh, 'hang out' here" The male looked at Bill, as if to say, 'Oops, I'm sorry sir'. Vulpack saw the look and knew Bill was going to remember it to fulfill some darker desire, when he was alone of course. "I'll have...Hmm? Sorry, I'm not too good with drinks. Can I just stay until the rain is over, please, sir?" The male answered, obviously not familiar with this environment and not one to demand either. Bill's mighty heart cracked, and he nodded. The male smiled at the bartender and closed his eyes, relaxing slightly with a low sigh. Vulpack was only sitting a seat or two away. Vulpack watched the male relaxing, his eyes closed, he seemed so peaceful. Suddenly one of the male's eyes peeked open. Before he could look away Vulpack saw the creature smile. The male's eyes gazed at Vulpack carefully, as if trying to choose what he liked best about the prostitute. Vulpack looked away and blushed, staring at the floor with new found interest "I'm Mix." said the deep echoing voice. Vulpack turned and saw the Male staring straight at him, smiling softly. "I'm, uh, I'm Vulpack" Vulpack said uneasily, still not daring to look up into the Mix's eyes, just anonymously at Mix's chest. Mix smiled wider, "That's a very nice name. If you don't mind me asking, you just...don't seem like, you know?" Mix said this, motioning his paws, trying to get Vulpack to understand what he meant. Vulpack stared at Mix's paws questionable, wondering what he meant. "Fox, you don't seem like your a fox..." Mix managed to choke out seeing as Vulpack was at a loss. Vulpack blushed, and shook his head, staring at a bowl of peanuts on the bar counter. "My dad was a fox, and my mother, she's a wolf...My mom reared me." Vulpack said uneasily. Out of the corner of his eye Vulpack saw Mix frown. "I understand how you feel, I'm a Flare Kitsune, a quarter tiger and a quarter lion..." Mix said, placing a hefty paw on Vulpack's back. Vulpack turned and half smirked. Vulpack had to admit, Mix's paw was warm and inviting. "And the other half?" Vulpack asked without giving it a second thought. Mix smiled warmly and scooted over to the seat between them. "I'm a wolf." Mix said, taking his paw off Vulpack's back. "Quiet a blend you got there." Vulpack said, settling into the situation. "I was bred to be a warrior. I hated inflicting pain on others. I've seen too many good people die because of simple grudges and petty hates." Mix said, a solemn veracity quivered in his voice. "I have an idea of how you feel, my father raped my mother during the Fox-Wolf war. Met him once in my entire life." Vulpack said, and turned his neck to face Mix. Vulpack gave an awkward 2 second smile and turned his eye's back to the subject of the peanut bowl before him. "The Fox-Wolf war..." Mix sighed regrettably "That was one of my first memories." Vulpack turned his eyes back to Mix, "So..." This question forced it's self out, partly due to curiosity, partly to the need of changing the subject, "how's business?" Mix looked at Vulpack wearing a ponderous look, "I'm...sorry?" he asked inquisitively. "I mean... having much luck with your job..." Mix still wore a puzzled look. Vulpack sighed, "Ya' know...your Product?" Vulpack asked again vainly. Still Mix shook his head. "What are you talking about?" Mix asked, shaking his head, like he was trying to remember if he had some job he'd forgotten about. "Jesus!" Vulpack whispered leaning closer to Mix. Though Vulpack was in the business of being without morals, he couldn't help but be bashful. "You know, your...stuff" Mix was still lost, and Vulpack knew he'd have to come right out and say it. "Your donation... your sperm" Vulpack said blushing deeply. Mix looked at Vulpack rather solemnly, and cracked a smile, "You think I'm a prostitute?" Mix laughed in a hushed tone. After a short fit of laughter Mix, brought himself eye to eye with Vulpack, "I-I do not sell myself. I'm sorry if I mislead you." Mix said eloquently. Mix pondered if Vulpack wanted sex from him. Mix also pondered if he, himself would be willing. The thought of being paid to have sex with such a beautiful male amused Mix and made him put on a funny grin, holding back a slight snicker. Vulpack blushed, and looked away. Mix saw a chance to confirm his thoughts, "What made you think I was a hooker?" Mix asked, still musing over the thoughts of being paid to have sexual intercourse with such a male. Vulpack's gaze shot back up to Mix's, there was no way out of this one, Vulpack was going to have to explain himself full. With a slight cough, and unsteady frown Vulpack finally managed to choke out a slight whimper, best characterized with a small and insignificant, 'Ahem', like that of a small child who had just suffered some great embarrassment. "You-you see, Umm, Mix I thought you were uh, thought you were a uh, prostitute because, now hear me out, because-" Bill cut in, knowing Vulpack well, he thought that Vulpack would be better off this way, "He's a whore..." Bill said, simplistically. Mix gave Bill a sideways glance, and smirked mischievously. Vulpack looked at Bill, and stuck his tongue out at him, for lack of a better insult at hand. Bill smiled softly, and nodded, "Now, if you'll excuse me...I have to go take care of a...few... 'things'..." Bill said shiftily, and made a sort of hunched wobble to the bar's storage room, where he no doubt made sweet himself. Vulpack slowly turned his eyes to Mix and realized instead of disgust, or hatred, Mix's eyes were filled with understanding, and exuberance. "I-I should of told you sooner...I'm sorry...I just figured you know and you knew about me..." Vulpack said nervously. Mix smiled and nodded, his eyes were warm and soft, like a blanket in the cold winter nights. Vulpack got a few goose bumps and realized that he was horribly embarrassed. A shiver rushed through Vulpack's body, Vulpack blushed, he could scarcely contain his emotions. "...It's okay...I can't say that I understand exactly...but I know your just fine..." Mix said. With a sudden movement, Vulpack found himself in Mix's arms. At first Vulpack was confused, and a little apt to fight Mix off...but steadily Vulpack began to realize how comforting Mix's strong body was against his own. Almost in an awed unison the room turned all it's eyes onto Vulpack and Mix. To Vulpack however it felt like the entirety of existence was staring down at them. Vulpack, whom had remained somewhat motionless, suddenly lifted his arms, and wrapped them around Mix's torso. "...Why..." Vulpack murmured, choking on his words, allowing himself to close his eyes out of pure enjoyment, a faint blush creeping over his cheeks. "...Because you've suffered and I will help you..." Mix whispered in a hushed loving tone. Vulpack felt Mix pull away... Vulpack, with his eyes still not daring open, reached out desperately and took hold of Mix. Vulpack let out a soft whimper, like a child losing hold of his mother. Mix, with a sympathetic smile took Vulpack back into his arms and rested his chin on Vulpack's soft shoulder. Mix too now closed his eyes...nothing seemed more perfect then this very moment to Mix. Vulpack was hurt...he was in need...but Vulpack didn't realize that Mix too needed healing...Mix too needed his sins washed away... " would you like to stay with me..." Mix hummed, with a far away thoughtful quiver. Vulpack sighed a hurt anguished sigh... "Please...dear God..." Vulpack whimpered desperately. Mix broke the embrace and took Vulpack's paw into his own. Slowly, as one they opened their eyes...each staring into the other's. With a sort of reverence toward one another, they stood up from their stools, unable to brake their longing gaze. Vulpack was confused... He hadn't felt this way...or any way for that matter for anyone... being a hooker desensitized Vulpack to the wonders of a companion... Mix wasn't too confused, he'd experienced these thrills of love before. Mix had also dealt with love lost, good friends, good lovers...who could never return home... Vulpack felt himself squeeze Mix's paw softly, then Vulpack felt Mix squeeze back. Mix, leaned in close, his lips barely touching Vulpack's. Vulpack blushed, as he felt the room's many eyes crawl over the two of them. With a helpless sort of compassion Vulpack pressed his lips against Mix's. The experience was better then any sex that Vulpack had ever had. Mix pressed his lips closer, there was a sort of tension filling up in the back of Mix's mind. Mix joined his arms around Vulpack's waist, and pulled the smaller male closer. They pulled their lips away from one another's, and stared lovingly into one another's bright eyes. Vulpack placed both his paws on Mix's shoulders and squeezed. Mix started to purr...Vulpack, who unfortunately could not express himself by purring, just nuzzled Mix softly, a slight sigh of dying fear crawling from his lips. Mix's smile then it sank slowly, "I don't have anywhere to go..." Mix whispered embarrassedly. Vulpack shivered, he had many bad memories starting with this phrase alone, "I have a place we could stay." Vulpack spoke shakily. Mix grinned and leaned close to the smaller male. "I won't do anything without your permission." Mix Whispered knowingly. Vulpack was taking back. Mix gave Vulpack a thoughtful smile. Mix placed his paw on Vulpack's cheek. For once in a very long time Vulpack felt safe as he left the bar. Mix had wrapped his arms tight around Vulpack's waist, and they both mutually nuzzled, strangely enough this seemed exciting to both Mix and Vulpack. It was like there was something in the air that filled them both, ancient voids long forgotten were filled, new wounds seemed a thing of distant memory. Their walk in the rain was invigorating to say the least. Vulpack felt Mix's wet fur prickle up as the rain splashed down. Mix, when Vulpack looked up at him, looked similar to a downed cat... Vulpack politely made a snicker to himself, when he was sure he wouldn't be heard...which wasn't very often considering that Mix had his arms firmly planted around Vulpack's body. The dreary monotony of the falling rain made their walk all the more enjoyable. The gentle pitter-patter of the rain and the chill made Mix and Vulpack's embrace so much more inviting... so much warmer. Vulpack saw the neon light -No Vacancies-, in the distance. A shutter ran over Vulpack's body, that nearly ran up into Mix's as well. There was a flood of micro memories that rushed into Vulpack's head. Fights, pain, hurt, that may have only lasted a second in actuality, but seemed infinite in Vulpack's mind. Suddenly Vulpack felt Mix's warm lips on his forehead. Vulpack sighed... it seemed to keep the horrid memories at bay. Vulpack smiled lightly, a tear rolled down his cheek. Mix just looked down at him with a awkward, outlandish wonder. "Are you okay?" Mix asked curiously. Mix's mane by now had given up against the rain, and hung around his shoulder heavily, bogged down by, what Vulpack guessed to be gallons of rain water. "Yeah, I'm-I'm ha" Vulpack chuckled, shaking away a bit of doubt. Mix smiled a quasi humored smile, "Yeah-yeah, funny I know. Now could we get inside or something? This isn't exactly healthy!" Mix bellowed, madder then wet hen (or cat). "So now your Mr. Health, After kissing a man whore?" Vulpack half mused at his own expense. "That was my seal of approval." Mix said with a grin, obviously in a much brighter mood then two seconds ago. Suddenly the cheerfulness ended and the irate mood returned with a vengeance. Vulpack smiled and didn't even wait for Mix to speak again. "Hold your horses we're almost there." Vulpack sang, with a mock appreciation for the damp sheets of water pouring down on them. ******************************************** Mix and Vulpack held one another's paw and ran up the stairs of the motel to the second level of rooms. Vulpack's room was (inconveniently) located behind the flashing neon advertisement. Vulpack plopped down on a armchair near the door with a soft wet -squash- sound. Mix who only had his tattered jeans, stood very still, shivering and chattering his teeth uncomfortably. Vulpack looked at Mix and noticed something. Mix's jeans were wet, they were drawn tight to Mix's body. Vulpack's eyes were drawn to Mix's crotch and there it was, he could see the outline of an amazing sheath, and located under that was a astounding pair of orbs. Vulpack stood up, and drew closer to Mix. "Y-y-y-y-y-you- d-d-d-do-don't h-ha-have an-any cl-clo-clothes I ca-can wea-wear d-do-do y-you?" Mix stammered sloppily. Vulpack blushed and shook his head. "I-I think it woul be better if you...take those off...their soaked, there's no way that can be good for you..." Vulpack hummed timidly. Mix stared at Vulpack, startled. "I-I have towels and stuff you can dry off with...but staying in those wet things isn't gonna' help anything" Vulpack managed slightly stronger in will this time. "I'd-I'd ra-rath-rather noo-not." Mix chattered nervously. Vulpack wasn't going to take no for an answer, he wanted to see Mix, all of Mix...And what if Mix left those cold wet clothes on? What of Mix then... Vulpack brought himself closer to Mix, their chests were practically pressing against one another's. Both of their chest's were heaving. With a heavy breath, Vulpack yanked Mix's top button loose, and unzipped the crotch of the jeans. Vulpack just stared up into Mix's purple eyes, Mix looked down confusedly into Vulpack's green pools. Vulpack's lips quivered as he slide his thumbs along the waist band of Mix's pants, and with a sudden jerk Mix found his pants down at his ankles. Vulpack pressed himself ever so closer, Mix began to grow warm against Vulpack's body. Vulpack knew that cold water could distort things, so he didn't look at Mix's package, not yet. Sort of a self torture, in retrospect. Slowly Vulpack pulled away, and Mix grew cold once again. Vulpack turned and wandered into a half-bath the motel sported as a 'Luxury Bathing Area', and grabbed a towel. Vulpack walked out back to Mix, still avoiding view of Mix's organ. "Mix just toss your pants over here... I gotta' take my clothes to laundry anyways." Vulpack said, and silently watched Mix. Mix paused for half a moment and bent down removing his jeans from around his ankles. Mix blushed, and tossed the sopping wet jeans to Vulpack, whom caught them, and immediately responded by tossing a towel to Mix. Mix caught the towel and fumbled around with it, beginning to dry himself off. Vulpack walked back to the bathroom where he threw Mix's jeans down, and began to pull off his own pants. Suddenly a thought came to Vulpack. Vulpack pulled his clothes off quickly, and hung them on the shower rod. Vulpack drew himself to full height and walked out of the bathroom. Mix, whom was previously engaged in drying himself, paused, his full attention now on Vulpack. Mix blushed again and shivered softly. The sight of Vulpack's tight bare body made Mix's groin tingle, with a familiar warmth. Vulpack shivered softly, he was slightly embarrassed, and cold... "I-I don't have any clothes... I'm gonna' have to share that towel with you...if you don't mind." Vulpack whispered. Mix just stared at Vulpack's well trimmed figure, slack jawed. "Hello?" Vulpack said silently, taking a step or two closer to Mix. A bit of reality fought it's way back in control of Mix's mind and he shook his head softly, clearing out a few cob-webs. "Ye-yeah-yeah, it's-it's fine..." Mix said uneasily and opened the towel, which he had wrapped around his body. Vulpack smiled warmly, as if to say 'Thank you', and stepped closer into the open circle. Mix sighed under his breath, closed his eyes trying not to think 'dirty' thoughts, and closed the towel around Vulpack. Vulpack smiled, and pressed his wet body against Mix's as the warm cloth enclosed the two of them. Mix blushed and groaned breathlessly, resting his chin on Vulpack's forehead. Vulpack pressed his advantage, and slowly joined his paws around Mix's waist, running his finger's up along Mix's spine. Mix trembled, a faint tickling sensation ran through his body. Mix couldn't hold it back anymore. Vulpack closed his eyes and rested his cheek on Mix's chest, when he felt it. Vulpack felt a warm, hard shaft press against his stomach. Mix groaned, blushing and pulled away from Vulpack. The towel fell to the ground uselessly. Vulpack took a step back and gasped, he felt like a child, but it was the only way he could express his surprise. Mix looked at the floor, a worrisome frown on his muzzle, and his face glowing bright red. Mix's organ was at least a foot and half long. It was about as thick as a Coke can. The head was bloated, and slick looking, likely due to Vulpack's moist fur, and the pressure of their bodies' against each other more then likely forced a thin layer of pre-cum to coat it. Vulpack's eyes traveled down the meaty shaft to where it protruded from the sheath. Vulpack could see a small swell on either side of Mix's sheath, which indicated that Mix's cock was more wolf then lion, or tiger. Vulpack's curiosity was nearly quenched, his eyes traveled lower. Between Mix's legs hung a heavy looking sac, containing two nearly golf ball sized orbs. Vulpack clasped his paws over his own mouth, his eyes widening as he watched Mix's penis pulsate slightly. Mix tried to ignore this by looking around at anything but Vulpack, or his own enlarged member. After a short awkward, and tantalizing silence, Vulpack got over his squeamishness, "Aren't...Aren't you cold?" Vulpack asked, not taking his eyes off of Mix's extension, as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. Mix scanned his eyes over Vulpack's tender little body. Mix shook his head, staring at his...well feet, the other thing just happened to be in view, "N-no...Actually...I think I'm a tad-bit on the warm side." Mix hummed. Vulpack smirked, taking his sight off of the organ. "Well... I'm actually a bit cool... I was actually gonna' ask if you wanted to share a bed... it gets pretty cold at night, and I'd like to have somebody to keep warm with." Vulpack said deviously. Mix looked into Vulpack's eyes. Vulpack's eyes were clad in an emerald fear draped in a fleeting veil of lime bravery. Mix could even see beyond that...the uncertainty...Vulpack wanted this... but he didn't know if it'd be worth it, he didn't know if he could trust Mix. Vulpack was trying to bluff Mix, he was trying to see the steel of Mix. Mix shook his head softly, "Don't! If you want to just say so. I don't want you to think I'm pressing myself onto you..." Mix sang in a silent whisper, "I don't know why, but I have feelings for you." Mix took a step closer and embraced Vulpack's paws with his own. "If you want me too I will, but I won't play games about this. I want us to be on the same level." Mix finished, giving Vulpack's paws a soft pleading squeeze. Mix could see the layers in Vulpack's eyes being stripped away. It was like watching a long suffering soldier disassemble himself, as if he were just any other weapon. Vulpack stood breathless at the sounds he had heard, he could feel the whole of himself let go of fear and doubt. What was left though Vulpack could not understand. It felt like a passionate burning sensation, but it seemed so very small and scared within Vulpack. "I- Yes...I do...I'm...just...I..." Vulpack murmured, with a dulled reverence to his self disarmament. Mix smiled warmly, his eyes aglow. Mix placed a paw on Vulpack's cheek and leaned in. Mix subtly drew Vulpack into a deep, caring, gentle kiss. Vulpack felt an absolute warmth engulf his body, shivers of joy, and dying sorrow running chills up and down his spine. Vulpack closed his eye, so as not to focus on anything other than that feeling...than that state of being. Mix pulled his lips back elegantly. Vulpack didn't feel the warmth fade, it lingered, even as Vulpack ventured his eyes to peek open and join together with Mix's, the sensation stayed. It actually began to intensify. A warm shiver spread from Vulpack's spine into the rest of his body. Mix with a gentle rocking, hugged Vulpack, and scooped the smaller male into his arms. Mix wandered into the next room, and smoothly placed Vulpack onto the bed. The bedroom was dark, say for the flicker of red that filled the dark void every few seconds. The bed was made up, which is odd since Vulpack had left the room in disarray when he had left. Vulpack considered it must had been room service. Mix quickly got on top of Vulpack, just as Vulpack propped himself up on his elbows. Mix had either paw just above Vulpack's shoulders, and his knees planted firmly into the bedding adjacent to Vulpack's hips. Mix kissed Vulpack several times short and sweet, with each kiss Vulpack murred, and nipped at Mix's chin. Mix grinned, his tail flickering excitedly. The two of them laying on there... it was just as romantic as arousing. Mix had paused completely, a kind smile on his muzzle, Vulpack gazed into Mix's eyes, they emitted a soft amethyst glow Vulpack realized. Then came a huge jolt, and Vulpack found himself on his stomach. Dazedly Vulpack began to respond, with a slight flicker of his tail. Vulpack exposed his tail hole for Mix's pleasure. Vulpack closed his eyes and smiled, he could feel Mix positioning over top of him. Suddenly a shock hit Vulpack's system. It was a wet, cold sensation, in an odd place. Vulpack's eye's shot open and he looked down at Mix. Mix held Vulpack's foot kindly, licking the arch and sole of it, like it were a lollipop. It tickled, insanely, but it was arousing, this had been the first time Vulpack had ever experienced something so pleasuring and yet so bizarre. Vulpack murred, and twiddled his toes, a few soft giggles escaping in-between his exuberate sighs of arousal. Mix's paw began to massage Vulpack's foot, kneading it softly, while licking along the center seam of the foot's arch. Vulpack's cock began to grow in it's sheath, it wasn't often that a hooker with Vulpack's experience could be aroused without his private areas at least touched. Vulpack's organ was obviously canine. The tip was very smooth, while the base had a large swollen knot. Though Vulpack's beef was not as impressive as Mix's, it could hold it's own at 8 and a half inches, and a good solid inch thick at any given point. Vulpack's balls however were something to be marveled at, his scrotum had always been bogged down with two heavy looking testicles, that were able to produce much more seed then any normal pair could. A wave of uneasy pleasure ran down Vulpack's body, down to his foot, and up his spinal cord again, making Vulpack's shiver of delight clearly visible. Mix had Vulpack, Mix could have easily taken the young male right there and then...but Mix decided against it. Mix wanted to see how far he could push Vulpack before either of them climaxed. Vulpack turned onto his back, forcing Mix to loosen his grip on his foot. Mix kept licking Vulpack's foot. With a long luscious stoke of his wet tongue Mix made Vulpack twist and flinch, blushes flashed over Vulpack's face, as his groin began to tighten. Mix grinned, Vulpack's mouth was watering. Mix responded to Vulpack's salivation, by quickly moving his foot up too Vulpack's muzzle. Vulpack was hazed, waves a new found pleasure drifting through him. Vulpack gladly took to licking Mix's foot, it stopped himself from crying out loud. Mix wriggled his toes softly, absorbing the feeling of Vulpack's tongue into his body. Vulpack, however took this as a signal. Slowly Vulpack took Mix's baby toe into his mouth and suckled it gently. Mix was astounding, the feeling was nearly overwhelming. Vulpack's tongue was moving just over the sensitive areas, obviously Vulpack had quiet a talented tongue. Even Mix was blushing now. Mutually, as if two warriors exchanging blows (Hehe, intentional ^.^), they sucked, and licked one another's toes, setting their private parts in a blaze of passion and need. Finally Vulpack could stand it no more. Vulpack sat up just as Mix was sucking Vulpack's big toe for the sixth time. Vulpack pulled his foot away, the sight of Mix's burning loins were too much for Vulpack to bare. Vulpack made a rushing crawling advance on Mix, but was stopped short. Mix had no more then placed his paw on Vulpack's chest to stop him. Vulpack sat there shocked, Mix was only a few seconds earlier so gently, and restrained, and with the greatest ease he could hold back the full strength of another male. Mix smiled with a subtle wink, as Vulpack felt something rub against his groin. Absently Vulpack looked down to see his groin was being held in between Mix's big and index toes. In all the excitement Vulpack had forgotten his own needs and wants. Suddenly, however, they all came flooding back, and Vulpack's hips began to buck with no regard to Vulpack's personal feelings. Vulpack wrapped his paws around Mix's foot, as if he were too close to cumming to be teased. Vulpack just stared at his bulging member, his mouth slack-jawed. Vulpack wanted this bad, he needed to cum with this male...he wanted Mix to make him cum. Mix added pressure with his toes, while giving them a slight wriggle. Vulpack now oversensitive cock picked up on the stimulus right away. Vulpack's back arched, the red warmth on his cheeks now a raging inferno. Vulpack's tail went wild, flinging all directions at once, finally stopping and standing on straight end. The smaller male's tip plumped up, at first just a drizzle of a clear substance dripped out of his slit. Then a sudden splash of white seed hot with an amazing range, splattering on Mix's Muzzle and chest. "Ngh!!" Vulpack groaned, words unable to define the level of euphoria reached. Mix's eyes were set on the volcano that was Vulpack's length. The stream didn't end with that sling of cum. It continued, a steady layer of semen pouring out, coating both Vulpack's Cock, and Mix's foot. Mix was dumbfounded at the power of Vulpack's orgasm. Finally, after nearly two minutes the flood of seed began to let up. "AAahhhha Hhhhahah, mm-aah..." Vulpack groaned, his groin's tension releasing. Vulpack's eyes were nearly in tears, they had been fogged over so badly. Vulpack's tail fell limply too the bed and twitched like a dying fish, before it gave up on moving all together. Mix opened his mouth, and licked his lips as if to speak, but Mix accidentally licked up a bit of Vulpack's drizzle. Mix blushed as he enjoyable swished the cum over his tongue taking in the distinct flavor of Vulpack. Vulpack began to support his upper body from becoming limp. Once again Mix opened his mouth while Vulpack settled into this weaker more venerable, position still recovering from the massive pleasure of a massive orgasm. "Im-Impressive..." Mix, finally gasped, still in utter awe of the load delivered. Vulpack made a slight twitch, and a weary giggle, "Yeahhhhhh....still got plenty left..." Vulpack snickered jadedly, patting his balls. Mix grinned, "Oh really?" Mix laughed back, "Well let's test that, shall we?" Mix rushed forward and forced Vulpack's back flat on the bed. Vulpack grinned, finding himself securely pinned down. Mix pushed his lips down on Vulpack's. Vulpack didn't struggle, just licked Mix's tongue as it forced it's way into his mouth. Vulpack felt an erratic twitch course through him. Yearning for more Vulpack pressed his lips tighter against Mix's. Mix found himself a bit taken back by Vulpack's brash actions. For some reason Vulpack didn't strike Mix as the type to kiss so passionately. Mix, soon forgot his surprise while began to lose himself in Vulpack's accepting lips. It wasn't too long after that they began to brake their kiss. Slowly, as if to preserve it, they pulled their lips away. Mix could feel his length throb, as it stood erect in-between his legs. Vulpack smiled, and blushed, his legs spread invitingly. Mix took this as a cue...though not as what you would expect. Quickly, Mix rearranged himself, into the 69 position with Vulpack. Vulpack found himself starring down Mix's exquisite shaft. Vulpack felt a slight tickle on his lower regions, that made his cheeks brighten. Vulpack cocked his head up, and saw that Mix was lapping at his loins. Vulpack's member still hadn't recovered from his cum fit he had just experienced, so it was still in his sheath. However Mix's playful licks were quickly coaxing it to emerge. Mix just licked the sensitive area over and over, he could feel the immense heat of Vulpack's privates on his nose. Mix soon began to notice the tip of a new erection appearing from it's warm home. Immediately Mix took the meat into his muzzle. Mix sucked it lovingly, causing the entire head to slip into Mix's Muzzle. Vulpack blushed, it tickled so much! Vulpack murred as more of his beef forced into Mix's warm, comfortable muzzle. Mix didn't seem to object either, in fact Mix seemed more then happy to suckle on the hardening organ. Mix closed his eyes, sucking and licking Vulpack's organ, enjoying every moment of it. Mix's lips suddenly began to part, and slide around a huge bulge in Vulpack's cock. To Mix it was like taking fire into his muzzle, it was so hot. However Mix knew this was a harmless blaze, only a flame of passion... Vulpack sighed and began to sweat as his knot found it's way into Mix's mouth. This more then enough to make Vulpack want to cum again, but he couldn't. Vulpack wanted to, more then anything, but he couldn't. Vulpack couldn't let Mix do all this for him, without giving Mix a proper repayment. Vulpack opened his lips, and let his tongue venture out, over the surface of Mix's swollen organ. Vulpack could tell by a sudden quiver that Mix was very much pleased with this action. Vulpack half murred and slowly wrapped his lips around the tip. Vulpack could feel the blood pulsing through it, making it throb, and plump. Mix's mouth shuttered around Vulpack's cock, as if wanting to moan, but hindered. Vulpack forced his hips up, trying to achieve more of this wonderful feeling. Vulpack's urges didn't stop there, he opened his lips wider, Mix's extension shuttered and took up the open space gleefully. Vulpack blushed, his mouth was more then full with Mix's cock, but he still wanted more. Mix too was pleased with what was in his mouth. The salty taste of Vulpack still lingered on the pole, and Mix loved it beyond any words imaginable. The hardening knot in Mix's muzzle began to bulge, which meant, both Mix and Vulpack knew, it was due for release. Vulpack resisted, this was a prostitute's natural reaction. if he had an orgasm, it would take away from the other's experience and lower the price. Vulpack was trained to do this, he couldn't help it. Vulpack pulled himself out of Mix's mouth, it stung slightly, but Vulpack supposed it was worth it. Vulpack pulled him self semi-upright, his lips still locked around Mix's member. Vulpack let his mouth and throat relax... The thick cock began to slide down Vulpack's esophagus, they both felt it. Mix blushed, he was more then excited to have Vulpack deep throating his organ. Vulpack closed his eyes and concentrated on only two things, the first was the movement of his tongue over the long hard shaft, and the second, and far less important, breathing. Mix's body clinched up tight, his eye's slammed themselves shut. Mix's cock had a new, funny feeling. It hurt, but in a good sort of way, a familiar sort of way. Vulpack opened his eyes just in time to see Mix's knot emerge from his sheath. It was a beautiful sight to see Mix's sheath spread, and stretch, as a nearly hard ball sized knot surfaced. To prevent it's escape, Vulpack wrapped his paw around Mix's heath and pushed forward. Mix's probing cock grew warmer and deeper in Vulpack's throat as he did this. For the first time in a VERY long time, Mix felt sexually threatened. Mix couldn't handle taking anything, not without swift repayment. Mix swallowed, a shiver of gleeful joy ran up and down his spine. Mix couldn't hold himself too much longer, not to this kind of torture. "Aah!" Mix groaned. "Mmmm Mmmm." Vulpack responded directly, his eyes fluttering. Mix saw his chance, with a swift tug Mix had yanked himself free from Vulpack's tight throat. Vulpack gagged for a second, before remembering that he still had a tight hold on Mix's wanting cock. Mix had forgotten all about Vulpack's paws, and was far to busy sticking his muzzle back into Vulpack's crotch to care. Vulpack gasped, as a unique sensation came over him. Vulpack's eyes were as wide as saucers, trying to identify this new stimulation. Mix soothingly rolled his tongue over Vulpack's entrance. Every half lick or so, teasing the young prostitute with an attempt to force his tongue into the tight ring of muscle. By Vulpack's sudden stiffness, Mix inferred that Vulpack was more aroused then he had been before. Vulpack had no idea the pleasure in evolved with licking out tail holes. Vulpack had numerous times done it for people but never experienced it first hand. Vulpack began panting, his groin was warming up, hardening more and more with each movement of Mix's tongue. Vulpack found himself about ready to burst at anytime. Vulpack tried desperately to snap out of it the coma coming over him, with his climax drawing nearer each moment. Mix felt Vulpack trying to adjust to the coaxing, so Mix picked up pace. Mix forcefully shot his tongue into Vulpack's tail hole. Vulpack shuddered, whimpering submissively. In a last act of desperation, Vulpack used his free paw to grab a hold of the midway point of Mix's penis, and jerked wildly. Mix trembled, all the way up to his tongue as Vulpack's paws massaged the sensitive flesh. "Mmmaah!" Vulpack gasped. "Mmmm." Mix muffled. Vulpack felt Mix's organ grow warm in his paws, it was ready to release. Vulpack to ensure his victory, let his tongue lap over Mix's boiling sac. Mix's body jolted several times. Vulpack groaned, feeling that his groin was far too tight now to hold any longer. "Aah!!" Vulpack sighed simply, his cum splattering all over Mix's neck and chin. The magnificent load covered most of Mix's neck, and Vulpack's lower belly. Vulpack may have cum first, but he was determined to make sure that Mix was not far behind him. Vulpack took Mix's orbs into his muzzle, and sucked them lovingly, all the while, his paws pulling Mix's cock ruthlessly. Mix quaked, so much so that his tongue pulled it's self free from Vulpack's body. Vulpack didn't really miss the intruder. Mix's cock began to swell more so then it had already been. Vulpack could feel the liquid warmth sloshing down Mix's tube. Vulpack closed his eyes, rubbing his tongue against Mix's testis and gave Mix's cock one last rigid tug. Mix's head shot up, "AAH!!" Mix howled. Vulpack smiled, as best he could with a face full of Mix. Oddly, the warm spray never came... Vulpack opened his eyes as a slightly cold wet trickle oozed onto his chest and stomach. Vulpack couldn't believe his eyes. The tip of Mix's cock was bloated, yearning for release, yet only a clear sloppy stickiness escaped. Sudden fatigue came over Vulpack. Cumming two times in the same half hour with such a fierce quantity was more then enough to make him want to pass out, not to mention all the work he put on Mix, only to make him pre-cum. Mix shook, and realize that Vulpack was losing his once iron grip on fattened cock. Mix turned his head to see the hazed, tired, and astonished look on Vulpack's face. Mix smiled. Vulpack gave up, his paws fell uselessly to his sides and his lips uncoiled from around Mix's boiling spheres. Mix sighed, positioning himself so that he was muzzle to muzzle with Vulpack. Mix kissed Vulpack warmly, Vulpack barely responded. "Mmm." Vulpack groaned, a microscopic tremor coming over him as Mix kissed him. Mix parted his lips from Vulpack taken back by Vulpack's sudden coldness. Vulpack whimpered under his breath, his eyes blinking in and out coherent thought. "Shhh...." Mix hummed, "Relax Vulpack we'll continue this later. For now, just regain your strength, dear." "10...10 minutes" Vulpack groaned meagerly, "Wake me up..." Mix nodded, and ran his paw over Vulpack's cheek. The world around Vulpack went black instantly. For the first time in many, many years Vulpack slept well. There were no nightmares, no invisible foes, or unstoppable nemesis. Vulpack dreamed of a blue sky, a wonderful life, a new chance, every door in the world open to him, and this new man beside him. It was a taste of perfection. Vulpack awoke somberly. Vulpack didn't honestly want to wake, so he didn't exactly shoot up. Vulpack's eyes just sort of flickered open. It took Vulpack a few seconds to realize where he was. Vulpack could hear a steady beat, almost as hypnotic, as it was strong. Vulpack nuzzled his pillow, but he found it was no pillow. Though where Vulpack's head lay was soft, it was also very firm and reinforced. Mix's chest was very well suited for rest. Vulpack looked up, realizing where he was, to see Mix looking down at him smiling warmly. Mix's luminous purple eyes made Vulpack tingle warmly as they gazed down at him. Vulpack remembered the exercises that they had just gone though, and began to realize neither he or Mix even had a speck of cum on them. Mix closed his eyes, blushing, he could tell that Vulpack had noticed the service performed. Vulpack smiled and licked Mix's neck. "Thank you..." Vulpack said, honestly. There was nothing Vulpack hated more then to wake up with his fur matted, because he hadn't the energy to clean himself the night before. Mix nodded once in acknowledgement, and blushed deeper. "Don't mention it, it was my absolute pleasure." Mix said slightly embarrassed. Vulpack lifted himself up and kissed Mix's lips. Mix kissed back excitedly. Strange. Vulpack had never been laying next to (or on top of) a naked man, who wasn't erect. Mix was just enjoying the kiss for the pure pleasure of being kissed, this was a new thing to Vulpack, he was very curious. Mix jumped sensing Vulpack's probing paw. Mix pulled back slightly, a ponderous look in his eyes. Vulpack was now the one blushing. " don't have to do that, not with me. I was just trying to share this with you." Mix hummed, placing his mighty paw beneath Vulpack's chin, and lifting it softly. Vulpack nodded, his eyes transfixed on Mix's purple pools. "I'm-I'm sorry Mix, it's sort of reflex...ya' know?" Vulpack murmured, his mind more focused on the purple lanterns before him. "Don't be sorry." Mix said sternly, and hugged Vulpack close. In the absolute darkness Vulpack felt warm. Even the neon sigh hadn't retired for the night... nothing interrupted them anymore, Mix's eyes cast the sole hint of illumination in this dark void of a room. For the longest time in Vulpack's entire life he was being held by another man. Their naked bodies were clasped close together, as if inseparable. Not a single thought in Mix or Vulpack's mind was concerned with sex. They both concentrated on the pure warm feeling each other's bodies were producing. They stared at one another, Mix's arms held Vulpack stationary, while Vulpack's arms held Mix stable. "Mix...Your the first to ever hold me so..." Vulpack Mumbled under his breath, into Mix's ear, sweetly, but heatedly. Mix kissed Vulpack's cheek, and smiled. "Your the first I've ever held like this." Mix whispered back, with his own sort of caring, yet hot undertone. Despite some doubt in Vulpack's head about this Mix was telling the truth. Mix had been with a few men in his life, and more often then not, enjoyed their company quite exclusively, but never had Mix held a man in such a way. Mix had always feared betrayal or death would over take his mates. They almost always fell to these tragic fates, within three or four weeks...tops. Vulpack smiled, not sure whether to believe Mix's kind words or disregard them. Ultimately Vulpack decided it was best to retain a critical confidence in Mix's words. Vulpack kissed Mix's lips a tad bit forcefully. Mix smiled and closed his eyes, casting darkness over Vulpack, as their lips met and gently pressed into one another. They pressed their tongues together at the same time, moving all at once as if using the same mind to dictate their actions. Vulpack's eyes met the amazed glow of Mix's eyes, as they both tried to push one another's tongues back, each to no avail. Mix began to blush, he wouldn't be able to put Vulpack's tongue down as easily as he thought he would. Finally Mix pulled his muzzle away, embarrassed at his defeat. Vulpack smiled, and rubbed his paws against Mix's chest, "Too much for you?" Vulpack giggled. Mix blushed deeper, "Yeah..." Mix half laughed. Vulpack kissed Mix again, just a simple, sweet kiss. Mix smiled and kissed back the same simple kiss. Vulpack smiled, and looked around. It was so nice now. Gradually Vulpack's eyes made their way all around the room. Steadily Vulpack looked at the clock, and saw the time. Vulpack looked up at Mix, "I said 10 minutes! It's been two hours!!" Vulpack hissed, a bit distraught. Mix looked at Vulpack a bit shocked. "I-I'm sorry, I just thought you looked too peaceful... I didn't want to wake you." Mix said awkwardly, staring into Vulpack fuming eyes. Mix kissed Vulpack, Vulpack's eyes softened, and glinted lightly. "It-it's okay, Mix, I'm sorry for yelling." Vulpack hummed as their lips parted, his eyes hazed, and his cheeks burning. Mix grinned, and let his paws run up and down Vulpack's back. "It's okay, sweetie." Mix whispered. Vulpack looked at Mix, pet names never really applied to Vulpack, so he wasn't too use to it, even though he'd always dreamed of having one. "Th-thank you..." Vulpack stuttered, at a loss for words. Mix nodded and nuzzled Vulpack's shoulder. For the longest time the two just lay next to each other. Each of them were madly in love, but each were to scared the other wasn't. Vulpack tried to cough out the words, but they were lost in his unnerving treble. Mix just tried to smile bravely, and not make himself look like a fool. "I-I love your eyes." Vulpack managed to whisper. Mix's eyes searched Vulpack's. "I-I love their color...their bright and-and radiant." Vulpack continued, not sure if too much of his feelings were escaping. Mix starred into Vulpack's green pools, in awe of what he had heard. "I-I love..." Mix tried hard to think of something to say, and just stopped trying, "I love you..." Mix said in a matter of fact sort of way. Vulpack blushed wildly. "I-I love you too Mix..." Vulpack said, and squeezed his arms around Mix's waist. Mix sighed relieved, and gave Vulpack's forehead a quick peck. Vulpack give a soft kiss back onto Mix's neck and sighed, the same relieved sigh, resting his chin on Mix's steadily expanding, and contracting chest. Mix smiled warmly and ran his paw over Vulpack's cheek. Vulpack squeezed himself closer to Mix. In the midst of embracing Mix, Vulpack, opened his mouth for a moment and let his tongue venture out across Mix's chest. Mix quivered softly as Vulpack did this, it felt 'stimulating'. Vulpack took Mix's subtle response as an invitation for more. With a little more vigor Vulpack ran his tongue over Mix's chest for a second time. Mix groaned and trembled again. Vulpack responded by licking Mix's chest further. Mix's body was growing very warm, very fast. Soon Vulpack found himself lapping at Mix's chest as though it were the largest T-bone he had ever laid eyes on. Mix blushed as Vulpack's tongue picked up pace, and didn't show any sign of letting down. Vulpack, however just relaxed enjoying the taste of Mix's musky body, his tongue lapping over and over Mix's trim muscular physique. Mix placed his paw on Vulpack's shoulder and pressed softly to try and make him stop. Vulpack just took this as a game and playfully nipped at Mix's paw. Mix realized very quickly this was not the way to go. "Vu-VuLLpack!" Mix demanded as Vulpack continued to lick his chest. Vulpack eventually looked up to see what was concerning the larger male. "Stop, don't have to do this anymore..." Mix hummed kindly and ran a paw over Vulpack's cheek. Mix didn't realize that Vulpack really did want this. "But-But... I want to..." Vulpack whispered, and licked Mix's paw. Mix stared at Vulpack for a moment, bewildered. "Pl-please...can we..." Vulpack started and paused for a short faint blush. "Do it...? I-I mean all the way." Mix looked at Vulpack in silent admiration. A short eternity passed before Mix opened his lips. "Yes- Yes, but only if your absolutely sure..." Mix said forebodingly. Vulpack paid no attention to Mix's warning, and kissed the larger males lips lustfully. As Vulpack pulled his lips away from Mix's loosely, he saw Mix's firm gaze. Vulpack bowed his head, slightly shamed. "Ye-Yes I do...I want this more then anything." Vulpack said, his muzzle still bowed down. Mix lifted Vulpack chin and stared him in the eyes. Mix saw no doubt in Vulpack's eyes, no uncertainty. Mix nodded warmly, and scratched Vulpack's chin lovingly. "Okay...just...if anything feels too funny, or hurts...I'm going to stop, but I'm gonna' need your help, I need you to tell me if it's too much, okay?" Mix said with a stern, almost parent like worry. Vulpack nodded and grinned innocently. Almost as if rehearsed Mix rolled over, pinning Vulpack's back to the bed. Vulpack, in a sort of compulsive compliance parted his legs. Mix brought himself back onto his knees, sitting Indian style. The warm smile Vulpack was used to was gone, now it was masked by a stranger. It was a face that in Vulpack's short time of knowing Mix he had never seen him wear. It was a concerned face, a honestly concerned face. Mix was worried about Vulpack's safety. Mix was skilled at this, but Vulpack could still get hurt. Mix also knew that it would hurt to start and by the time he would finish Vulpack's hips would never be the same. "Vulpack..." Mix whispered, his voice as dark as the newly dug grave, "Are you sure... this will hurt for a little bit, and you maybe a bit lacking in your legs afterwards." Vulpack listened to Mix intently, and nodded, "Mix...I want this... I will undergo anything to make it possible." Vulpack said, staring into Mix's serious eyes. Mix sighed, and lifted one of Vulpack's legs. Mix ran his finger over Vulpack's tail hole and softly as he could, he pushed it in. Vulpack gasped, it felt good. Vulpack sighed and blushed as his eyes fluttered, falling in love with this brief sensation. The first digit was soon followed by a second and a third, each of them making Vulpack wanting it all the more. Slowly Vulpack began to feel Mix turn the fingers and try and stretch the ring of muscle. Vulpack knew this was only a warm up, but already he was finding himself very aroused. Mix massaged Vulpack's entrance for nearly 10 minutes before removing his digits. Vulpack was already in ecstasy because of Mix's talent. Mix nearly smiled but this was serious, he didn't want to hurt Vulpack. Softly Mix pulled one of Vulpack's legs up and over his shoulder, resting the groove of Vulpack's knee on his shoulder joint. Vulpack's other leg Mix held just beneath his arm pit. Vulpack very quickly found he was being held in very stationary position. Mix sighed, and he closed his eyes, allowing his organ to grow. Watching the growth process forced Vulpack to lick his chops, and his eyes light up. Mix opened his eyes and saw he was only about half-way to being completely hard, just about right for insertion. Mix looked at Vulpack with a silent worry. "Vulpack" Mix whispered. Vulpack looked up at Mix, "You need to guide me into you...I can't do it myself." Vulpack nodded, and then shook his head. "Mix, I have to be able to move, you have to let go of my legs." "Vulpack, I can't risk you getting hurt- "I'm a trained professional," Vulpack hissed, cutting Mix off, "Let me handle my own body." Mix looked at Vulpack for a second and nodded, letting go of the smaller male's legs. Vulpack sat up lifting his butt , and wrapping his legs around Mix's waist. Mix leaned forward. Vulpack could feel the electricity as Mix's semi-soft penis rubbed around the still far to tight entrance. Vulpack climbed onto Mix's lap, as Mix leaned back onto the balls of his feet. Vulpack groaned, as he felt the tip of Mix's massive organ just barely begin to penetrate him. Mix was muzzle to Muzzle with Vulpack, and he saw first hand that Vulpack was enjoying this. Gradually Mix placed his arms around Vulpack and tightened his grip on the male. Vulpack stared hazed and lovingly into Mix's face. Vulpack allowed his paw to trace a path down Mix's side, sending a quasi tickle into Mix's massive body. Vulpack kissed Mix sweetly, and gripped Mix's length, holding it steady. Mix jumped, and nearly bucked his hips at the sensation. Vulpack began to pant, voluntarily feeding more of Mix's cock into his body. Vulpack whimpered with delight as the head slowly pierced into his body, stretching the muscles wide apart. "Aaahh!" Vulpack exclaimed, his head and back arching as he cried, a wave of pleasure running through his body. Mix blushed, Vulpack's body was far to tempting to give up. Mix swiftly rammed his hips up, the rest of his partially erect groin lodging it's self inside of Vulpack. Vulpack took a deep breath in and his eyes widened. Vulpack could hardly stand the bliss coupled with the sting, it was so good to feel it inside of himself. Vulpack bit his lip, his body heaving, with a fiery red blush on his muzzle, and a shudder of euphoria erupted within him. "Mmm Mm Mmm." Vulpack murred silently, not daring to say anything further for fear of crying out loud in ecstasy. Mix groaned, his member steadily began to grow within Vulpack's warm body. Mix tightened himself around Vulpack even as Vulpack took hold of Mix's broad shoulders. Soon Vulpack could feel Mix's warmth build inside of his body, he could feel Mix's dick expanding in his tight little body. Vulpack became very excited, so much so that his own extension began to expand and push against Mix's ripped stomach. As Mix's cock grew, so did his ambition. Mix slowly lead one of his paw's down Vulpack's spinal column, all the way down to Vulpack's convulsing tail, and slowly the paw made it's way around Vulpack's luscious rounded hind quarters. Mix moaned and squeezed Vulpack's ass hard, Vulpack just yipped shyly. "Mm!" Mix groaned and pushed his hips up further, forcing himself to grow more within Vulpack's small body. Vulpack groaned, feeling his insides become pressurized and his hips nearly dislocated. Despite the pain involved, Vulpack found that he was having more trouble holding back his yelps of satisfaction. Mix squeezed Vulpack's rump again making Vulpack blush and open his mouth for a panting cry. "Aah aha! Mo-MOReeE!!" Vulpack growled, his eyes forcing themselves shut as sweat rolled down his brow. Mix licked Vulpack's neck lustfully, and jabbed his hips forward. Vulpack arched his back and allowed his tongue to hang from his mouth as he delightedly panted. Mix grinned, and squeezed Vulpack closely with his embracing arm. Steadily Mix lifted Vulpack. "AAHH MIX!!" Vulpack screamed, as his spine arched it's self back. Vulpack's insides were trying to adjust around Mix's enormous intruder. Mix's jaw tightened feeling Vulpack's stressing muscles grind against his length. "Mm Mm." Mix sighed, pulling Vulpack half way off of his groin. Mix looked up at Vulpack. Vulpack was nearly limp, say for a few stray twitch of random muscles, and the constant squeeze being presented on Mix's groin. Mix smirked, Vulpack was beautiful there, nearly passed out, sweat drenching him, a faint flutter in his eyes, and his cheek a blaze of red. Mix's paw squeezed Vulpack's butt again, and found that a cold oily liquid was drizzling out of Vulpack's entrance. The cold slick sensation sent shivers down Mix's spine. Mix slide himself back into Vulpack, this time frictionless. Mix and Vulpack both picked up a faint -Slush- noise, as Mix's organ glided into the tight refuge. Vulpack's body sputtered and vibrated, while Mix's rod grinded against his prostate. Vulpack's own member was receiving quiet a pleasant message as it pressed over Mix's ripped stomach, leaving it's own trace of pre-cum on Mix's stomach. Mix glided Vulpack effortlessly up his rod, Vulpack's external muscles relaxed, as a faint mist of sweat ran through his coat. Vulpack's eyes were now strong enough to see. Vulpack opened his eyes with a half hearted effort, and saw Mix's faint lavender glow... Vulpack groaned, his body suffering the painful, yet pleasurable burden with no intentions of slowing. Mix looked into Vulpack's submissive eyes and nodded, Vulpack, in hushed agreement nodded back. Mix slowly picked up his pace, setting Vulpack back down at his member's base, and lifting him again. Each venture of Mix's dick into Vulpack forced Vulpack to cry out and whine, while each withdrawal made Vulpack pant in a worn arousal. "Aahh ahhh ...ha ahaa ...AAhhh....Ah ah ....ahhhh ....aaHhAa!" Vulpack squealed rhythmically with each of his body's forced climbs to the summit of the cock and down. Mix just concentrated, while he slide the male up and down his length, impaling him on his overly hung member. Mix's jaw tightened, nearly enough to brake all his teeth. Mix fondled Vulpack's wet rounded buttocks harder and harder his cock drilled deeper and deeper into the male, a soft -slush- following each motion. Mix soon noticed a solid warmth building in his sheath. Slowly Mix felt the swelled flesh escape the lips of his tight shelter of skin. Mix was forced to hold Vulpack steadily, so as not to drive it into him. Vulpack's once hazy eyes were now bright and fully exposed. Vulpack could feel the immense heat building just under his tail hole. Vulpack studied Mix's wordless face. " V-Vulpack... My-my knot...I-I'm not sure if you can-" Mix started, his sincere eyes probing Vulpack's shocked eyes. Vulpack blushed and shivered, he felt Mix's cock throb and heat up. "AAhhh MIX!!!" Vulpack called out suddenly, and with a new found energy, forced his hips down. With a -slurp- Vulpack's entrance began to stretch around the solid mass. It burned Vulpack's insides, and nearly made him pass out, as the knot forced into the overly small hole and into the far to narrow passage way of Vulpack's body. Mix stared at Vulpack horrified, and tried to pull himself out. It was too late, Vulpack's ring of muscle had closed around the back of the knot. Mix gave a couple quick tugs to make sure, but he was trapped inside of the suffering male, and his knot was expanding. "AaAAhh AHA AAH!!" Vulpack gasped, the growing knot sending new waves of excitement and torture over him. Vulpack's body swayed and teetered trying to maintain balance on the bulging beef within him. Mix struggled, this hurt him even, but he knew no where near as much as it did Vulpack, "Vu-Agghh- VuLPACK!!! STOP!!! AAHgG!" Mix groaned, with a ecstatic nausea. Vulpack ignored Mix, and continued to ride the monstrous organ. Up and down, over and over, Vulpack's body taking so much abuse for so much pleasure. "Aah hah Ah!" was Vulpack's only reply, his eyes and body fluttering, struggling to deal with all the stimulus. Vulpack's lips quivered, his hips were beginning to ache like they never had before. The incredible heat inside was making Vulpack use all of his strength just to stand it. An abrupt shudder ran down Vulpack shoulders and his body collapsed on top of Mix's. Vulpack only had enough strength to keep himself awake... Vulpack's eyes shut themselves and opened just a sliver...fogged, and distant. Mix's back arched and wriggled and then all at once Mix stopped and gripped onto Vulpack tight. Despite all of Mix's instincts he kept his hips still... he didn't want to hurt Vulpack more then he already had. "Shh-Shhh" Mix whispered unstably into Vulpack's ear, forcing it to twitch softly, "Jus-just relax... It'll Alll be Over Verry soon..." Vulpack groaned in resistance, moving his hips up. Mix groaned and shivered, even though Vulpack had barely moved it still sent a shockwave through Mix's stuck cock. "No-nooo-noo..." Vulpack whimpered, almost as if suffering a nightmare, "Pleeassee Aahh." All the while Vulpack kept trying to move his hips. Mix did the best he could to hold Vulpack still, but he was failing miserably. Vulpack kept squirming, trying to fight off Mix's restraints. For lack of a better form of defiance, Vulpack opened his muzzle and softly licked Mix's muscular chest, lapping at it over and over madly, whimpering pleadingly between each lick. Mix nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt the slab of wet flesh rub over his body. Mix was so taken that he had accidentally pushed his hips upward. Vulpack made a silent howl of pleasure because of the sudden, swift movement inside of him. "Ahhh aahh..." Vulpack bayed hotly, a deep blush crossed his muzzle. Mix looked down at Vulpack's contorted face, a little astounded as Vulpack's resilience. Vulpack groaned and moaned, continually trying to bounce himself on Mix's organ, licking Mix's vastly expansive chest. Mix groaned softly, and placed his paws on Vulpack's shoulders. Mix lifted Vulpack's upper body, which sagged limply until he and Vulpack were eye to hazy eye. Vulpack's green eye's fluttered a little absently, as if too pleased to be thinking of anything else. A few beads of sweat ran down Vulpack's brow and muzzle. Mix's eye's searched the euphoric green seas before them. Vulpack's head sank and wobbled for a moment, while he whined timidly, enjoying the pleasure coming over him. Mix half grinned and ran a paw down Vulpack's back. Vulpack shivered as Mix's warm fingers trailed down his spine, sending electrical waves of excitement through his body. Eventually, after making what seemed like an hour long journey Mix's paw found it's self resting on Vulpack buttocks. Mix blushed, feeling the cool slick liquid dripping out of Vulpack's tail hole, it coated Vulpack's ass. Mix, feeling a slight urge, softly kneaded Vulpack's butt cheek. Vulpack's head lifted, his lips quivered letting out a muted moan. "Ooh." Vulpack groaned, blushing and nearly drooling. Vulpack's chest started pounding and heaving trying to get the energy to keep himself on Mix's cock. Vulpack's eyes half opened, all he could see were Mix's bright purple eyes struggling to stay open. "Aahh!" Mix moaned and jerked his hips upward by complete instinct. "Ahh..." Vulpack called out, his entire body jerking with Mix's body movement. Mix felt Vulpack's burning, rock hard length grind against his abs. Mix kissed Vulpack's neck hotly, licking it up and down, sending Vulpack's body into an silent uproar of pleasure. "Aah ...aaah...ahh..." Vulpack 's voice peeped out pleased. With a jerk Vulpack found that he was sitting vertically up. Mix held onto Vulpack's shoulder's, forcing Vulpack's limp body straight up. Vulpack felt Mix push down on his shoulders. Vulpack's paws gripped onto Mix's massive arms and tried desperately to hold on. Mix forced Vulpack down on his cock, Vulpack's entire body straightened, as though it could support it's self, and went limp again. The deepest blush Mix had ever seen burned it's self onto Vulpack's cheeks. "AahhaH!" Vulpack cried out, his eyelids collapsing. Mix's left paw ran down Vulpack's back and gripped onto the smaller male's hip. Vulpack had the blind sensation of being bounced up on the astounding piece of beef, relieving the pressure inside of him. However Vulpack's ascension was stopped short Mix's thick knot. Then Vulpack began to feel the pressure being forced back into him, when Mix pulled him back down on the sweaty meat. Mix started to bounce Vulpack helplessly up and down on his hardened member. Faster and faster, harder and harder. Vulpack made a few indistinguishable whimpers as Mix's shaft rammed in and out of his tight ass. Mix groaned, feeling his pressure begin to build, he bucked Vulpack on his hips harder. Vulpack's body began to sweat, drool drizzled down from his muzzle as the rod became hotter and hotter inside of him. Mix watched Vulpack's limp body bounce up and down on his mighty cock, sweat beading down Vulpack's ripped chest and stomach. Vulpack's hips stretched and tensed. Vulpack's tight little tail hole slurping as Mix's cock ran it's self up and down inside of Vulpack. Mix's own pre-cum cascaded out of the entrance, coving his own balls, making them grow hotter and heavier with cum urging to get out. Mix hadn't even noticed Vulpack's nearly 9 inch member before, it was hard as a rock, bouncing up and down, sending flings of pre-cum all over, some even striking Mix's muzzle and neck. Mix gazed and saw Vulpack's two cum filled balls bouncing up and down with the rhythm of Vulpack's ascension and falling on his cock. To Mix, Vulpack's sac began to look heavy as though the weight was increasing inside. They began to bounce erratically, Vulpack even mustered enough strength to make a mock hump into the steamy air. Then Vulpack's body arched back, his eyes closed tightly. With a yowl, Vulpack's cum splattered out of his heated member. Mix caught a major part of the load in the face, all over his lips and muzzle. Mix's tongue dared to jet out and collect some of the salty semen. It must had been the musky taste, but Mix's groin tightened, as did all the other muscles in his body. This would be it, Mix knew it and he was going to make cumming inside of Vulpack a moment to remember. Mix rushed forward, forcing Vulpack onto his back before the half-fox half-wolf could pass out from such a fearsome orgasm. Vulpack was barely awake, when Mix rushed himself forward, sending a shock through Vulpack's body. Vulpack sat, or more appropriately laid there a moment dazed. He was on his back, his tail end raised in the air slightly, Mix still very much buried inside of him. Vulpack looked up at Mix, whom loomed over him. Mix was panting, his purple eyes were narrowed and focused, Mix's body was trembling, and sweat trenched his muzzle. As Vulpack looked a little harder he saw the faintest blush burning on Mix's cheeks. This was all in only a few moments but it felt like hours to Vulpack. Abruptly Mix's powerful hips jab forward, sending the length of meat deeper into Vulpack. Vulpack blushed and twisted, his body hitting cloud 9. Mix forced his muzzle closer, Vulpack pressed his head forward as much as he could. Mix and Vulpack's lips met and clasped together. Vulpack felt the warm ecstasy grow inside him, even more then it already had. Mix licked the inside of Vulpack's mouth, this time completely subduing Vulpack's tongue into submission. Mix brought his hips backwards, his knot catching him in the midst of trying to pull out of Vulpack. With all the might Mix could pull together, Mix rammed his muscular hips forward, his lips still intertwined with Vulpack's. "Mmmm!" Mix howled, still locked within the passionate kiss. Mix's cum spat out of his tremendous cock, in an almost tempest like magnitude, coating Vulpack's stretched and abused insides. Vulpack's insides began to relax, and enjoy the pleasure of Mix's liquid fire it's bused Surface. However despite the slight pause, Vulpack's body was far from done. Vulpack's ever-growing feeling of pleasure climaxed at that very moment. Another load of cum boiled inside of Vulpack's overly-heated testis. Only a split second later, seed burst out of his cock for a second time. The cum splattered over Mix's hot and sweaty torso, beading off and leaving long strands of dripping cum. Soberly, with the most exciting experience of both Mix and Vulpack's life behind them, they broke their kiss. They both sighed faintly, the energy to express themselves in full was long gone. Vulpack's eyes fluttered open, while Mix's slide open like heavy iron curtains. They both stared into one another's eyes. Mix's purple eyes seemed a bit brighter to Vulpack, they looked tired, but they seemed more caring, and focused then ever before. To Mix, Vulpack's eyes were softened, it seemed as though Vulpack could now understand love, how it felt and how it felt to have it. The two of them watched each other, panting out jets steam. Vulpack's softer eyes began to close, and Mix knew his job. Steadily he hugged Vulpack close, not letting him go, and laid back allowing the younger half breed to rest on his chest. Vulpack murred softly, nuzzling himself into Mix's broad chest. Mix checked his knot, by giving his hips a swift tug. Nope, he was still caught inside of Vulpack. Vulpack stirred. "mm...mix....don't leave....stay with me.....pleasee..." Vulpack pleaded weakly, still mostly unconscious. "Shh...sweetie, relax, I'll never leave your side. Now, just go to sleep...I'll still be here in the morning." Mix murmured kindly and licked Vulpack's muzzle. Mix's knot would keep them tied close throughout the night, until it would soften, but that would take a long while, he would be asleep long before then. Mix purred and hugged Vulpack. Mix deep inside was a little afraid, but he sincerely thought Vulpack would be worth any trouble caused. Steadily Mix began to lick Vulpack's sticky fur, cleaning it off. It must had been the cat in him that liked to do this. It never failed after each and every intercourse, Mix found himself licking his mate clean, Mix liked doing it. Mix thought more and more while cleaning his new mate, he began to blush. A different sort of blush, a knowing blush. Mix knew that he was holding someone very special, even if Vulpack didn't know it. It was hours before Mix found sleep but only mere moments before Vulpack discovered his new dream world. Vulpack's dreams were pleasant now, nothing really disturbed them, like a tranquil pool. No one was mean, or hate filled. Mix was there, softly hugging and stroking Vulpack's fur, as the gay little world span round in Vulpack's head. The events and sequence were far to complex for Vulpack to remember when he would awake. Alls that would really last into the realm of reality was a gentle optimism, and a new fondness for sleeping. **************************************************************** The morning came in full swing. The bright sun burst through the window, in between the shades. Vulpack's eyes flickered open, the almost violent natured sun light stabbed at the sensitive green tissue. Vulpack stirred turning his back to the light source. Vulpack allowed his eyes to open gradually. The image of the world around Vulpack was blurred, and shapeless. Colors were mixing and fading into one another, almost everything was not how it had seemed in the night. Vulpack remembered the night with a sort of delayed reaction. He could practically feel the fierce kisses and heated movements. It all seemed so very perfect. The memory was almost as pleasurable as actually experiencing it. Then, Vulpack turned over. No Mix...nobody at all. "Did I dream it? Did I...dream him?" Vulpack asked himself, with a sort of unforgiving self pity. Though Vulpack explored his environment with his eyes, he soon found a much more hurtful answer to the question. There was an indent on the bed, where a man about Mix's proportions had laid. Also, the covers had been pulled up around Vulpack's chest, the work of another, and by no means his own. Vulpack whimpered longingly and sat up, removing the cover. A soft, thrilling pain jolted into Vulpack's hind end. Vulpack whined and stroked his hips softly. They had a dull burning in them, as if he had spent the night impaled on a tree trunk, which he pretty much had. Vulpack eyed his bare hips for a moment. They were wider, much, much wider. The bone must had relocated. Vulpack was something of an armature doctor, anatomy was a big part of his job. There would be no more then a simple readjustment of his bone structure. Things of this sort tended to happen, not necessarily to Vulpack but they happened none the less. Vulpack noted his wider hips with a sort of commerce in mind. Vulpack's hips were now much wider and far more effeminate. Some found this quiet attractive in a male, Vulpack was among those whom liked that sort of physical characteristic. However Vulpack knew he'd have to rest for quite some time before he could have sex again. Lost income would surely result in a forced departure from this fair city. Vulpack laid back down and stretched out, trying to block out how he had been tricked and how much it hurt him inside, as he had done many times before. Vulpack's Green eyes turned a stone jade color, Vulpack gave up on love. No one could ever love him... no one could even stay with him through the night. The bedroom door creaked open, Vulpack closed his eyes, letting his sprawled out body tense and relax. "Mr. Peterson I don't have your money, now go away!" Vulpack said annoyed, trying to cover his hurt heart. "Mr. Peterson? Is that my pet name?" said a silently deep voice kindly, almost playfully. Vulpack's head shot up so fast he forgot to open his eyes. There was Mix, the fiery orange and red Feline Canine breed, naked as a jay bird. A crooked smile was on Mix's face, and in his mighty paws was a tray. Vulpack eyed the tray. "Mix..." Vulpack murmured, his eyes scarcely moving off the tray. "I made breakfast, err... actually, I just sort of went down to a restaurant." Mix said whole-heartedly. Vulpack looked at the Wolf-cat, slack jawed. "No! I didn't go in my birthday suit. This is just for you, lovely." Mix said sitting on the side of the bed, placing the tray on Vulpack's lap. Vulpack sat up, a quiver of rage and relief building up inside of him. Vulpack opened his mouth, and looked down at he tray of food. Steadily Vulpack looked up into Mix's ethereal purple eyes. Something inside of Vulpack snapped. Vulpack held his head in his paws and began to cry softly, his shoulders slowly sinking with each inhale. Mix placed his paws around Vulpack's shoulders, puzzled. "Shh, sweetie what's the matter?" Vulpack took his muzzle out of his paws, and looked into Mix's amethyst eyes, a few droplets streamed out of Vulpack's once again softened eyes. "Your...your the first to ever come back." Vulpack whimpered, and hugged Mix tightly, almost like a scared cub. Vulpack could remember being afraid before. Vulpack could remember each time he'd only made it by the skin of his teeth...but with Mix, it all seemed to not matter anymore. Mix took to Vulpack's embrace and held the smaller male close, kissing his neck softly. Vulpack blushed and nuzzled Mix. Quickly Vulpack and Mix shared the breakfast, and once again held each other, exchanging kisses and loving compliments. Mix was very good at compliments, making Vulpack blush nearly each and every time he spoke, while Vulpack some what lagged in the area, since he had little compliments out side of, "Nice cumming in you", or "on you" or any other number of smart ass remarks, his customers would make as they left him in a haze. Mix eventually noticed the placement of his mate's hips. When Mix brought them up, Vulpack blushed and nuzzled him. Mix thought they made Vulpack's body much more sexy, not that Vulpack needed help in that area. After hours of talking and holding Mix and Vulpack found some time had passed. Mix smiled and kissed Vulpack's forehead. "I have to use the bog, I'll be back." Mix said, somehow tactfully. Vulpack laughed to himself as Mix left. Vulpack found that he was a bit curious about something. Silently, Vulpack ran his fingers down his own back, over his own tail, and over his entrance, he felt his muscles were a lot less tighter, though with his skills few would notice. Vulpack felt no residue, he sighed steadily knowing Mix must had cleaned up after himself, but prostitutes had their ways of finding things out. Vulpack eased his fingers up into himself. It was a bit exciting. All's Vulpack could feel was very sensitive and raw tissue, that seemed to want to tighten around the intruders. So far so good. Vulpack probed himself a bit deeper. Still nothing. Vulpack ran his fingers over the muscle inside of himself. Still nothing to be found. Then Vulpack pinched a small bit of muscle between two of his digits. Quickly Vulpack let his fingers retreat. Vulpack closed his eyes and sighed, no more pressure on his already battered insides was quite a good feeling. Then Vulpack once again opened his eyes, and stared at his fingers astonished. No blood. Not only had Mix shown Vulpack a GREAT time, Mix had managed to not rip any flesh. Vulpack sighed and went limp blushing. A soft chuckle grew in Vulpack's throat. Vulpack had found the perfect mate; Mix was smart, kind, strong, loving, and above almost all other things terrific in bed. The door wobbled open, making a long drawn out squeal. Vulpack just smiled a toothy sort of grin and turned over onto his side, amusing himself with various reflections about the wonderful creature known as Mix. As Vulpack thought, the wider his grin became...the wider it became, the more his eyes closed themselves. "Ahem." Boomed a loud thunderous voice, this was a unkind voice. Vulpack's eyes shot open and he looked up to see a rather large wolf standing over him. "Why-why, Mr. Peterson, wha-what a pleasant surprise, I was just..." "Save it, hooker." Peterson said, rather gruffly, his cold blue eyes starring down at Vulpack with a sort of contempt. Vulpack gulped. "You know I don't allow your sort in here but I'm willing to make an exception...for your case." The Wolf said, a rather unpleasant smile spreading across his lips. Vulpack stared up at the wolf terrified. The wolf slowly ran fingers down to his zipper and pulled. Vulpack looked away, flinching. This had been done to Vulpack before, but only by Wolves or Foxes, it was always only his races that hated him so. -Ziipp- the zipper sounded. Vulpack heard a bit of rustling, and identified it as the sound of underwear being pulled down to reveal a swollen organ. "Make me happy and I won't call the cops." said the gruff voice. Vulpack turned his head, he was muzzle to member with the wolf's groin. The cock was a little over the 6 inch mark, and would have been quite a nice one too, were it not connected to an ass hole. Vulpack by instinct closed his eyes, and opened his lips. The rubberier rod forced it's way in not bothering for Vulpack's permission. Vulpack was a little taken off guard, but not surprised. Vulpack half propped himself up, bobbing his head slightly, wanting this to be over with. The large wolf placed a hefty paw on Vulpack's head, sighing. " lucky we put some wolf into you Mm...I bet your mom sucked every fat wolf cock she could get a hold of...MmMm" The wolf grunted, probably getting off on saying it. Vulpack only whimpered silently, and continued with his job. Most everyone presumed, even foxes, that Vulpack's mother was a fox, not the other way round... he hated when they would think that. "Ohh...YeahHH! Foxes are onLy Ggood for one thing, sucking wolven cocks! Nagh!" The Wolf began to hump Vulpack's mouth, entering his throat. The wolf's paw then griped onto Vulpack's ear tight, pulling and twisting it. Vulpack's mind screamed in pain, but he managed to stay well contained, and not bit or holler. "MMM! ENOUgh! Stand Up, I want Your Ass!" The wolf screamed, pulling Vulpack's head off his cock violently. Vulpack opened his eyes, they were nearly in tears because of the rough natured ear pulling. "Aahh! peter- Mr. Peterson, I-I can't stand uup!" Vulpack whimpered hoarsely. The Wolf smiled a very unpleasant smile. "Just as well..." The wolf growled. With a sudden jerk Vulpack found he was on his stomach, the sex-crazed wolf mounting him. "Ahh! No!!" Vulpack screamed out loud, trying to resist as best he could. The head of the Wolf's member, forcibly rubbed over Vulpack's stressed tail hole. The wolf mounted himself into position. The Wolf's head plunged into Vulpack, who squealed defiantly. The sickening feeling of rape began to engulf Vulpack. Vulpack despised it, he hated being taken advantage of and that's what was going to happen...nothing could change it. The wolf made a low growl, his hips prepped for a trust. Vulpack gripped the sheets tight in one paw and biting his lip he closed his eyes. The wolf began to push down, the weight on Vulpack's body increased. Then the weight was lifted off of Vulpack, he even felt the landlord's bloated penis head pull out of him. "Ah" Vulpack groaned, and opened his eyes, mystified. A heavy -THUD- echoed in the room. Vulpack turned onto his back, in a dulled amazement of what he saw. Mix was standing there holding the wolf in the air, with only one paw. Vulpack saw an enraged look on Mix's muzzle, Mix's off paw clinched into a fist. The Wolf sputtered several times, as Vulpack observed Mix's grip tighten on his throat. The wolf's eyes widened at the prowess of this male. Mix growled at the weakness, and audacity of this flaccid wolf. Mix's thoughts for a moment swished around the idea of killing the wolf, but quickly decided against the idea. For a moment the wolf's blue, hardened eyes saw Mix's purple eyes glow ablaze of rage and disgust. Mr. Peterson gulped heavily, breathing had just become somewhat of a second priority. Vulpack sat there dazed.... he hadn't seen, nor heard Mix enter the room. The very ferocious nature of Mix seemed to act a quite a good sedative on Vulpack's nerves as well. Vulpack could easily picture himself fainting from such a display by a seemingly normally tranquil person. Vulpack picked himself up out of his state of temporary incapacitation. With a hobble Vulpack crawled himself to the closest side of the bed. Vulpack's hips still lagged very much, due to the strenuous exercise that had occurred that night. "Mix, No!" Vulpack whimpered, placing a paw on Mix's bare rump. Mix dropped the wolf without hesitation. The wolf hit the floor on his ass and laid his back against the wall behind him, starring up at Mix with a horrid fear in his eyes. Mix stared down at the wolf, the Feline-Canine hybrid's purple eyes bitter, yet restrained. Mix's lips curled up, baring frightful fangs and incisors. The wolf backed against the wall some more, gripping his own neck, in a wondrous fear of the damage that could have been done to the soft tissue. Mix turned in one swift movement, and went down onto one knee facing Vulpack. "Sweetie, are you okay?" Mix asked, taking Vulpack's paw into his own. Vulpack nodded once. Mix leaned in and nuzzled the smaller male. Vulpack murred and nuzzled back to the best of his ability. Mix wordlessly picked Vulpack up and held the male all the way to the bathroom. In the bathroom they both dressed, admiring each other's bodies and structure. Vulpack had little trouble standing and walking with Mix there to guide him and Mix seldom let it be possible for trouble to rear it's head. The two left the motel, the sun burning bright in the sky, shining down on the fortunate couple... Vulpack wrapped an arm around Mix's middle, and hugged him close, Mix nuzzled Vulpack, landing soft kisses on his neck and cheek. As far as they were concerned, where every they were heading, it was together, and nothing would change that. The End.