Were are all the Fox's

Story by Tony D. Wolfe on SoFurry

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Were Are The Fox's?

Tony D. Wolfe

The knock at the door finally came, after hours of anticipation, pacing, and frustration the knock was resonating off the wood and glass doors frame. The young man jerked slightly, his hair recently cut held firm under the ministrations of hair gel, and his glasses reflected the ambient light of the studio apartment. It took him a moment to realize that he wasn't hearing things at all, and then he stood brushing his black double breasted suit gently to help it fall out. He slipped his snap brim fedora on his head and gave a slight grin before opening the door. Beside him were his bags, and a old leather bound trunk. Clothing and some personal effects ready for traveling.

Beyond the threshold of the door another young man stood, the same age, thinner build, akin to a swimmers, yet not so taunt. He too was smiling, just slightly behind the large dark sunglasses, and a baseball cap pulled low. A stark difference between the two of them, the young man on the outside dressed casually, baggy jeans, and a flannel shirt, though clean shaven, much about him was difficult to see under the loose clothing. The well dressed man reached a hand out to the other with a nod.

"I thought you'd never get here," the well dressed man said softly, with just a hint of glee skimming on his voice. His hand was taken and shaken gently.

"I'm an hour early Tony," the young man said with a smirk. "Your things packed? I'm ready to get going, it's going to be a long drive."

"Yeah, packed them last night," Tony nodded. "You can leave your car parked where mine is, it'll be safe, my roommate will keep an on it Will. Want to come in for a minute, or want to get going right this second?"

"Right this very second, yesterday if we could help it," Will grinned as he gave his answer. Tony nodded and grabbed his bags and hefted them out to the car with a small trolley like device. He was packed and ready in just a moment, with plenty of room to spare in his station wagon.

"It's old, but reliable and roomy," Tony said casually helping will pack his bags in as well.

"Better be, two weeks on the road, and two cons to attend," Will gave a hinyt of a grin.

"Two?" Tony asked puzzled. "Will we have time to get there and back?"

"Plenty of it," Will nodded. "I got a personal invite to this one, asked to bring a friend, and it's free." Will grinned a bit bigger. "It's on the way to where we're going anyhow, and I figure, what's the harm right? Apparently this one is pretty hard to get into, never heard of it till now, but I wanna go."

"Then I guess we're going to two," Tony smiled and closed the hatch to the wagon and slid into the drivers seat, Will in the passengers. "Well mister navigator, where too?"

They spent a solid two days on the road, sleeping in the car to save money in the long run. Usually driving in shifts, though the second night they slept in the back together, both so tired that it was hard for either of them to star awake. Tony had woken up in the middle of the slumber with a slight pain on his shoulder, and gave a shudder, he glanced around and waited for a moment for any sign of a bug, and finally dozed back off.

The back of the wagon had fold down seats, and a curtain Tony installed to block out light if he ever needed to sleep in his car. It was the first time he'd ever tried it, and found there was far more room in his car than he thought there was. Will had commented on the space, and gave Tony on little peck on the cheek, grinned and slipped back into the passenger seat.

The drive that day had been long, and quiet. Neither of them had much to say, and so the radio came on, and they began tracking radio stations across the miles until night fall, and the conversation suddenly returned. With a new bend though.

"You a good driver Tony?" Will asked out of the blue as they slowly wound there way down a forest road, Tony long forgetting the name, or the distance.

"I'm ok," Tony said with a smirk. "I'm been driving half the time, you can rate my performance however you like." Tony glanced to Will who had pulled off his sunglasses and hat, stretching out a bit on the bench seat.

"I say under average driving conditions you're above average," Will nodded. "But I wonder how you'll do under more stressful conditions." Will grinned and reached down into his small back pack and began fishing around a bit. "Trust me Tony?"

"Considering I'm taking this trip?" Tony asked, then pondered slightly. We never met before you knocked on my door, but over the past few days I think I know you pretty well, so I'll trust you." Will grinned and pulled too short lengths of fuzzy rope from his pack and smirked slightly.

"Put both hands on the wheel then," Will said with a grin as he rolled up the window which had been constantly open since the trip began. Tony complied hesitantly, and then took a deep breath and did as he was told. Will took no time in tying his hands comfortably, and very securely in place on the wheel. "This game has simple rules Tony. First, if you can't drive anymore, stop the car. Second, if you want me to stop, tell me to stop. Third, if you start swerving, slowing down, speeding up, or loose control you loose the game. Agreed?"

"Ok," Tony said quietly and almost at once Will was sitting right next to him, and a strange smell hit his nose. He'd smelled it before of course, but very briefly. It smelled good, sexual, clean, earthy, it smelled a lot like home. Will just grinned and un buttoned Tony's pants and jerked them down and then smirked a bit.

"I kinda saw you as a briefs kinda guy," Will shrugged a bit and pulled the boxers down revealing Tonys member which was rapidly becoming hard. Slowly Will wrapped a hand around the cock and started gently stroking it. Tony was amazed at how smooth Will hands were, and gave an involuntary shudder and took a sharp breath. "Don't loose it yet Tony, the games just starting." And will started slowly stroke Tony's cock, and strangely enough his cock began dribbling enough pre to keep things sliding smoothly. Will just grinned, and slowly leaned across Tony's chest tilted his head a bit and planted his lips to Tony's, it wasn't long before will was full on French kissing his well dressed friend.

Tony shuddered as his cock quickly became rock hard, and it seemed as he could get no harder, will broke the kiss and leaned his head down. Will began with the tip of Tony's cock and slowly slid the whole member into his mouth, and then slowly to the back of his throat. Slowly he worked his all too smooth tongue over Tony's cock and began bobbing his head back and forth gently. Tony worked as hard as he could to concentrate on the road, but as Will began imposing suction on his member it became much more difficult. He maintained his speed as best as he could, and forced himself not to thrust slightly into Wills mouth. His eyes began to slowly try and screw themselves shut as his breathing became more labored.

Tony was no stranger to a blow job, but this was probably the best he'd ever had. Wills head worked at varying speeds, sucking the whole length and then just the tip. It was While Tony forced the car to continue it's work on the road that Will did something unexpected, having pulled loose a small bottle of lube the young man coated his fingers in the gel and forced his hand under the very horny driver. Tony of course raised himself up a bit and once he relaxed back again Will slid his fingers into Tony's very tight hole.

Just a few moments of finger fucking and Tony pulled the car to the side of the road and moaned loudly as he began to cum, flooding Will's mouth with more semen than he had ever produced before. Maybe not much more than two ounces, but it was quite a bit for him. Will pulled his fingers back and kept suckling till Tony had finished. As the Driver sat panting in the drivers seat Will grinned as he raised his head up put the car in park for the incapacitated driver, and then pressed his lips to Tony's again, and once again will was French kissing him almost immediately, this time Tony got a taste of himself in a big way though. Will began forcing Tony's seed into his mouth, wrapping his arms around Tony's body and behind his head. Moments later it passed and Will sat back grinning hugely. Lips stained ever so slightly in white and a bit of crimson.

"You taste good Tony," Will grinned a bit. "but you lost the game, I guess that means we camp out here tonight." Tony who was very tired after the thunderous orgasm just nodded lightly as his hands were untied. Pill rolled over the front seat and into the back of the car, followed moments later by a still very aroused, yet drowsy Tony.

"Wow, that was very unexpected," Tony said still panting just a bit.

"Shouldn't have been after all the fun we've had online," Will said with a smirk. "Not to mention we're going to a Con notorious for people showing up just to fuck each others brains out, I see no reason we should miss out on that." Tony just nodded a bit and realized Will was more than likely right. "Now, it's your turn to help a fellow fur out In a time of need. Now I know for a fact this macho tough guy attitude of yours is bull, you're a sub and we both know it." Tony just nodded lightly and Will pulled the curtains with a grin. "I also know a few other things about you, you told me of course. I know you want me to fuck you, and I know you're horny as hell right now, which means your reason is not working right." Tony nodded again, pulling his hands and boxers the rest of the way off, then his shirt smirking a bit as he sat nude in front of Will. "I have a question for you Tony, answer it truthfully." Tony nodded softly and watched as will pulled his own shirt off. "Would you let someone in a fur suit fuck you?"

"Sure," Tony nodded grinned just a tad.

"Would you let a fur fuck you?" Will grinned a bit.

"Absolutely," Tony laughed and shook his head a bit.

"Good," Will grinned and unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. He was human from the waist up, but from the waist down Will was all fox. His very vulpine cock hard as a rock drooling pre cum. Tony flinched and stared at Will for a moment noticing at once Wills feet were digitrade with the trademark reverse knee. "Aww. Scare you a little?" Tony nodded his head a bit, but didn't move away when Will crawled up between Tony's legs the fur was very soft, and very stimulating. "This is why I got the invitation you know. You can't go in without being at least part furry. Which is a problem for you since you're not, but we're going to fix that for you." Will grinned, and at once Tony noticed the features of his face had changed slightly and Will had a very noticeable muzzle, and his teeth were just slightly sharper. "A few nights ago I bit you, which starts the change, I bit you again when you were getting off, and again when I kissed you." Will dropped down onto all fours suddenly and a very fox like tail was swishing behind him, and once again Tony's cock disappeared into Wills mouth, then time though Will planted his lips at the base of his cock and bit in, and it felt really good. Tony Could feel the blood pumping out, and he felt Willing sucking, a moment later Will lifted his head, and his fox like features were a bit more defined, and Tony's cock was blood red, but not bleeding, changing. His cock morphed very Rapidly into a canine esque member, and began drooling just as much precum as Will's.

"So Tony," Will said smirking a bit licking the blood off his lips. "You're stuck with that, want to be stuck with the whole nine yards? It's easy to keep hidden you know, I've been fox from the waist down for five years now, no one notices unless I want them too." Tony just nodded softly, and Will grinned grabbing Tony's Legs and hiking them up a bit over his shoulders and positioned his drooling cock right at the Entrance of Tony's hole. "We may never get to the Con we meant to go to, but I think you're going to enjoy the outcome." And with that the fox forced his cock deep into Tony's hole.

It didn't hurt like he thought it would, instead it brought a new meaning to the word nirvana. He hadn't had a cock in him since he was seventeen, and now he was taking a very large fox's cock eight years later. Will grinned and leaned in forcing Tony's Knees down slowly, they wouldn't bend all the way down, but Will kept pressing, and then he began to thrust putting most of his weight on the knees, using them like springs for each very hard thrust. All Tony could do was moan and gasp as fur began to spread up Wills stomach and chest, and fur began to spread over his legs as his feet began to resemble Williams. A tail suddenly grew from the base of his spine as his teeth began altering themselves to accommodate his growing muzzle. Will on the other hand was totally a fox by the time Tony's muzzle began to show itself. It was then he noticed instead of the standard coloring of a fox, like William had he had black boots and gloves like a normal fox but the rest of his was shimmering snow white, though his cock was quickly turning black. Will just grinned and forced Tony's knees against his head and back a bit more, he'd never been as flexible as this, but apparently things change.

Will grinned and pulled his cock out of Tony as the final changes pulled Tony together in new form, neither of them satisfied, but Will wanted to see his new friends new form. Tony squirmed lightly as he lowered his legs a bit and panted softly as will smirked sitting back on his feet swishing his tail from side to side.

"How about we never go home again?" Will asked softly. "We could just take off together and follow this con we're going to around." Tony blinked, and then nodded with a grin of his own. "Swear?" Tony once again nodded, and will pulled one of his smaller bags out and motioned for Tony to come closer. "On all fours Tony, this is going to symbolize your promise, never take it off." Once Tony had crawled over on all fours Will grinned and snapped a black leather band around the White fox's neck. "I have your leash in there too, for now we're just very good friends, unless you want to finish what we started...."

"I want to finish," Tony said softly, swishing his tail a bit. Will just grinned and slid around behind Tony and grabbed his waist gently before pulled him down on his member. Slowly settling himself back onto his feet as he helped Tony into the same position. Will at once bit the scruff of Tony's neck and began bouncing his new boy off his lap, down onto his knot. Harder and harder jerking Tony's neck about gently, drawing a bit of blood as he panted hard against his formerly human friends neck.

Will began to growl and moan softly as he finally forced Tony down onto his knot. It at once caused the white fox to yelp, and sent shivers down his spine . Will took a sharp breath and began to spray his load deep into the white fox, jerking his hips back and Tony's neck back at the same time to show him just how locked together they were. Unified as one being for the space of their orgasm, locked together in newly hatched kinship, and freshly bloomed love.


[Authors Note: This is a fictional story that involves stuffed animals, yiff, Transformation, and my deranged mind behind it all.] [Note 2.0, I have never molested, or in any other way hurt my, or anyone else's, stuffed animals. I do not support...

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The Worth of a Man

This is somehting I needed to get off my chest. This story Contains Violence, Death, and a lot of Pain, be advised it contains semblance of homosexuality, and romance. Please give me feedback at [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection),...

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