Another Love Story: Chapter 5 - Apology accepted

Story by wolfie714456 on SoFurry

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#5 of Another Love Story

Y'all ready for THIS!? Here it is, my fifth installment! It is lengthy, but I would say it's a really cute chapter. Axel reprimands himself and apologizes for letting Damian think he didn't like him, but how will Damian take it? Read it to find out :3 Also, I think NOW would be a good time to write a POV for Damian, since this chapter will explain a lot of internal conflict that he was struggling with! What do you guys think?

Comment, like, fave, rate, SHARE! I love to hear your guys opinion. So far, I've had NOTHING but POSITIVE feedback and I love and appreciate it! I hope this chapter isn't too cliche for you guys!

Thanks, you guys! I love you, all! <3


This was the moment. Our lips were so close to meeting. I haven't felt this nauseous, this excited, this...feeling ever. It was exactly the way he described it, so strange, but right in so many ways. The idea of him not being next to me was just to painful to even consider. I needed him, not just lustfully, but I needed him. I've never been in a relationship, much less with a guy. I was still not out of the closet with my sister and mom. I couldn't come out, my mom would be devastated, so would Miranda. God, this feeling, though. I felt invincible, I felt like I could walk on air, I felt like I could overcome anything. I haven't felt this sure about anything in my whole life.

I heard a knock and the door slammed open and I immediately pulled back. It was Miranda and her baby. Here was my sister and my beautiful pup of a niece. Miranda was my gray wolf sister. She's been my real mom ever since I was born and she was five. She was my sister, my mother, father AND life coach all wrapped into one strong, beautiful, brave person. She hated to show her emotions, but she was much worse than I was. I couldn't help but cry after a whole turmoil would errupt, but Miranda, she could hold her emotions and be so placid. There she stood with a look of disbelief on her face, also annoyance and anger.

"Why the HELL is mom on the floor, Axel?!" She whispered as the baby slept.

"I don't know! I didn't do anything." I pleaded. If anyone scared the hell out of me, it'd be Miranda. She knew how to play with all my emotions, anger, fear, regret, ESPECIALLY guilt. She also knew me like a book and she knew when I was lying. That's why I hardly EVER lied to her, because there was no need. She glanced at Damian and looked at me again with a confused and angered look on her face.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"Oh, Miranda, this is Damian. Damian, Miranda."

"Nice to meet you." Damian said calmly and with the same cool manner he had when I bumped into him. It was really sexy.

"Hi, I'm sorry, but you should probably be on your way. I didn't expect for company and Axel knows better to invite people without talking to mom and I." She said respectfully.

"Why does it matter? She's drunk." I scoffed. Miranda glared at me and began to scold me.

"She's drunk, and?! She's also your mother! She could do whatever in the hell she wants! Unlike you! What's gotten into you? You need to respect her, even if her decisions are wrong!" Miranda growled. I just whimpered and my ears lowered.

"It's fine, I'll be on my way." Shrugged Damian and stood up to tower of Miranda and her child. Miranda looked up and gave him a polite nod. He turned around and grabbed my chin and leaned in to kiss me. 'Oh shit!' I thought as I pulled back. My eyes widened in fear and he looked confused and left with a kind of disappointed look on his face. Miranda saw the attempt to kiss me and glared at me once again. He showed himself out and closed the door and I heard his car engine turn over. Miranda just stood in the doorway.

"What in the HELL was that?!" She whispered intenselly. Remember when I said that nobody knew about me being bi? Well, my sister was one of those people that didn't know...that is, up until this moment.

"What was what?" I mumbled as I looked at my feet with my head lowered.

"Axel! You know damn well what I meant! Did he just try to kiss you?! Is he gay?! Are you a fag?!" She yelled. "For Fuck's Sake! Are you, Axel?" I just shook my head. "You better be honest! Did you at least tell him you're straight?"

"Yes." I lied. It hurt me to lie, but I didn't want her to know. She wants what's best for me. She wants me to have kids, she wants me to have a 'normal' life. I've argued with her and have asked her what is normal, according to her. There was no point in arguing. She was bent in trying to arrange my life for me, practically. I knew she already suspected that I was gay, or bi? Whatever. She would ask me why I never had a girlfriend, why I never liked anyone, why I never looked at girls' asses or boobs or stuff. I blamed it on the fact that I was raised by my mom and her and that I knew enough about them and wasn't interested in that as much. Truth be told, I never cared for looks. Sure, someone could be pretty, beautiful even, but no one ever had the beautiful 'feelings' that I looked for.

"Okay...what was he doing here, anyways?"

"I sprained my ankle playing and he brought me home and we just talked and we were both tired and we ended up sleeping on the couches. He woke up and asked if he could sleep over and I let him, until you kicked him out." I grudged.

"Hmph." She snorted. "Well, just pick up mom and go to sleep." She said calmly. I sighed and I went to pick up my mom as my sister moved to let me walk by. I looked for my mom and couldn't find her on the floor. I looked all over and couldn't find her. I finally took a peek in her room and saw her covered with blankets.

"What the hell..." I muttered as I heard an engine turn over, again. I looked out and saw his car barely pulling out of the driveway, his face so distressed and sullen. 'No...' I whimpered. I can't believe it...I just blew it with the only guy who ever liked me. Could this night get any worst?

"Blechhh!" And with that, I declared that THAT was the worst night of my life. I went to the restroom and grabbed a towel, a mop, and a trashbag. This was gonna get ugly.. ______________________________________________________________________________ Waking up the next day, the sky has never seemed so gray. Life has never seemed so dull as it had that day. I was still so frustrated about last night and it didn't seem like it was leaving anytime soon. I skulked around my room and put on a not to vibrant wardrobe that day and grabbed everything I needed for school and shuffled to school. I heard my mom vomitting in the restroom and my sister cooing her child to sleep as her boyfriend went to work. I walked out and began to walk to school. I was afraid to walk across Omar and tried to think of another route to walk. I thought about it and then realized no matter what, I'd have to face him sooner or later. I walked to school and then, as if prophetically, I saw Omar and he didn't seem to happy, but neither was he angry. He seemed worried, sad. This was new, but oh well. I might have to explain to him.

"Axel, I couldn't sleep, I thought something had happened you, bro. What happened?" Asked the concerned husky.

"I'm sorry, Omar. I didn't mean to leave you in anticipation. I fell asleep and he left." I replied as sincerely as I could. Omar sighed a breath of relief and smiled again.

"Well, glad to hear. I was worried that he'd done something."

"Omar, what could he have possibly done to me?" I asked with an annoyed tone in my voice.

"Well, he could've hurt my prodigy." He grinned and made me laugh. He gave me a hug as I left to school. I stopped midway and turned around and caught him looking and then quickly looking forward. "Omar." I called to him. He spun around immediately and I just stared. All this while, Omar didn't know that I had a major crush on him freshman year and I've always wanted to admit it. It was time I told him, I didn't really care anymore. With Damian not willing to talk to me anymore, I just didn't care. "We need to talk, later." I told him with dead seriousness in my eyes. He nodded and headed on over to school, as did I. ________________________________________________________________________________

I went to Mrs. Rolands office and saw her office closed. I sighed and walked to God knows where. I took out my book and began to scribble in my comp book. I don't even know why I kept it, but it sure did help in times like this. It was my book, simple as that. I wrote whatever I wanted. Lyrics, quotes, poems, drawings, phrases, anything that caught my attention. I saw a quote that really made sense to me. "If you're feeling unloved, look up in the night sky and count the stars. The number of stars you see are people who love and care for you." It made me smile and I started to write a poem. The bell rang and I finished my poem. It was one of my most heartfelt works and it meant a lot. I just hoped that he liked it. Next thing I knew, I felt like I'd walked up on a wall. I grunted as I moved back to see a huge bear glaring down at me. He was vicious looking. A cut that went through his eye down to his muzzle, his brown fur, his dark brown eyes, his huge stature, everything was so vivid. I didn't whether to be mortified or to apologize.

"I-I'm sorry." I said as I saw him grunt and sneer.

"Watch were you're going, punk." He growled as he walked past me and shoved me, causing me to drop my book. He saw and instead of picking it up, he stepped on it and gave a grimacing grin. 'That's it, he crossed the line.' I thought to myself as I bared my teeth.

"Thanks, you ASS." I made clear he heard the word. He stopped dead in his tracks and his head glanced over his shoulder with a look of fierce rage.

"What did you call me?" He uttered as his voice rumbled in his behemoth like of a body. I immediately lost all courage, but I still had to stand up for myself, it was barely my second day and I was gonna gain an enemy?

"Did I st-st-stutter? I said 'Thanks, you ASS.'" I repeated mockingly as to act like if he couldn't hear me. He turned around, a look of rage burned in his eyes. He came muzzle to muzzle with me and eyed me down as I eyed him right back, hoping not to show fear.

"You better watch yourself before you get hurt, a spicy attitude like THAT is bound to get you hurt REALLY bad, around here." He snarled.

"Well, maybe you could try being a bit more courteous." I replied respectfully, trying not to incite an argument and problem so early. He just looked at me and puffed.

"You got lucky, kid. I'm not in the mood to hurt anyone right now." He grumbled. "But if I catch you mocking me or disrespecting me, you're gonna end up in a lot of hurt." He growled.

"Well, maybe just treat me with respect, or don't communicate or interact with me at all." I replied calmly. This seemed to shock him and, as if he discovered America, he was enlightened a little. 'This guy is not to bright...' I thought to myself as he seemed to have taken this new idea.

"I like you." He grumbled, still a look of anger, but with a small grin creeping on his face. "Still, watch yourself." He reassured me as he walked away. As I saw him walk away, I felt my knees begin to quiver and my adrenaline had gone from fight to flight in a matter of a heartbeat. I was feeling clammy and shaky. 'Well, that was unexpected...but now he likes me.' I thought to myself. That was a great accomplishment. I saw my book and saw how his gigantic foot tore the seams from the book and I groaned.

"I'm gonna have to buy a new book." I said out loud as I saw a hyena staring at me. I looked and I was kind of embarrassed and groaned to myself as I saw him looking at me with a kind of amazement. 'What's up with this guy?' I thought. He came up to me and he still had the look of amazement.

"Dude! You almost got your ass kicked by the biggest guy on the football team! And now he likes you!" Said the Hyena. I felt, like in a way, he would end up being a singing bard and tell my tale to everyone in lands! It was strange how my mind was coming across "Fable 2" at a time like this, but nonetheless, he reminded me of a bard.

"Well, common courtesy goes a long way." I sighed and exhaled my nervous held breath and I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

"Wow, well you're, like, a survivor! He kicks anyones ass that he doesn't like. And he doesn't like many people. Not even guys from football. You're one of the few." At the mention of that, I immediately felt like if I made a new best friend. I felt a sense of pride and I felt pretty boastful.

"What's his name, anyway?"

"Barry." Creative name... "Oh, and by the way. I'm Cain. Nice to meet ya!" Said Cain excitedly. He extended his paw and shook my paw. He was a really nice guy. I've sure been lucky. I've been meeting awesome people left and right. First, Peter, then Cain.

"I'm Axel. Hey, I've seen you around. Don't I have you for nearly every class, just not choir and baseball?"

"Yeah! I think we have every class together." said Cain even more excitedly. His tail started to wag and he began to grin. He sure was a happy guy. "This is cool. I'm sorry if I'm so straightforward, but just seeing you stand up to Barry and NOT get your ass kicked is just amazing!" He exclaimed.

"Aw, well. It's nothing. Hey, let's go to class." I suggested. He gladly agreed and we went to our first class together. The whole day, we just hung out and talked about things we had in common; music, favorite classes so far, sports, misc. things that interested us, 'girls.' Actually, I told him I was bi and he was even more intrigued. At first, I was afraid to tell him because he kept talking about girls that he liked or that had crushes on him. I tried telling him there was a girl I liked, but I just couldn't commit and I told him the truth. He was a bit offended that I was lying about it, but I told him the situation at home and he was compliant about it all. What I liked about Cain was that, well for starters, he was a conversationalist. God, he could talk and talk good! Not mind-numbing chit chat that made me wanna drill a hole in my head. He was educated and fun at the same time. He was opinative, but also fair. Second was the fact that he was a great listener. As much as he talked, he was as good in listening. He could remember details with ease, as if he had some kind of audible photographic memory. The main thing that made me like him was just how open he was. He was so out there and proud of whatever. Not in a vain way, he was just happy to be alive, and I liked that. He had serious...well, for lack of a better word, 'Moxie.' He was pretty cute, too, now that I look at him. He was in track, so his physique was slender, like most hyenas. He had sandy brown fur and hair. He had streaks of black running down his back and his eyes were a light brown, almost gold, color. He was very handsome and his smile was to die for. Whenever he smiled, it just made me warm and fuzzy with happiness. He was surely one of those people you'd have to meet to believe. Another thing about him was his ability to 'feel' other peoples emotions. What I meant was that he was sensitive to other peoples emotions and was able to instantly tell when people felt bad or annoyed or just negative, overall. I was feeling pretty bummed about Damian after lunch and he couldn't help but notice.

"Hey, bud. What's wrong?" He already started to give me a nickname. Bud, short for Buddy, obviously.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just something in my head." I lied to him. He didn't seem to buy it for one minute.

"Hey, Axel, I know I haven't known you for too long now, but to tell you the truth, this isn't the same Axel I met just a few hours ago. If there's anything you need to talk about, or if you just need to talk your problems out, you know you can count on me." He said with that famous grin of his. I smiled and looked at his pleading 'Let me help you' eyes and sighed.

"'s kind of a long story, but to put it short. I like this guy and he ended up admitting to me he liked me too. Sister caught us in the moment when we were about to kiss and sent him away and he tried to kiss me in front of her, but I just shoved him away and let him leave." I said as I rubbed my head and slammed myself imaginitvely. He looked at me inquisitively and started to think.

"Why'd you push him away?" He asked as he played with a sudoku.

"Because I didn't want my sister to see." I replied lame-like. He just nodded his head and tried to make sense of the whole situation.

"Well, wanna tell me how everything went?" He asked sincerely. I looked at his light brown eyes and saw the sincerity and care he had and I smiled. I didn't tell him details like who it was, nor did I give clues as to give it away. I did mention it was someone very unexpected and had a lot of pressure about school and sports. "So, he wanted to kiss you, but he barely came out of the closet? And your sister doesn't know your gay?" He asked more understandingly. I nodded.

"It's not as bad as you think, though. He kind of admitted that he liked me a lot. Telling me things like 'he feels lost when I'm not around' and he gets nauseous when he just sees me and stuff like that. It sounded way to sincere to fake." I reassured him. I didn't want it to sound like I was making it up and I didn't want him to tell me something along the lines of 'he's faking it' or 'he's just curious.'

"Well, damn. You're in a bit of a mess." He sighed and my ears lowered to my head. I knew it, but hearing it from Cain just made it all the worst. "Don't worry. All you need to do is just pull him aside and explain what was wrong. Be apologetic and he'll understand, if he cares for you that much." He smiled. 'Easier said than done.' I thought as I pretended a smile. It didn't convince him. "I know it doesn't sound like a good plan, but it wouldn't hurt to try." He reassured me. That got me a bit more hopeful as I thought about having the opportunity to finally kiss him. The bell rang and it was time for 5th period. I was excited to talk to him and practically ran to class. I opened the door and was the first of few to sit before the bell rang. A couple of minutes passed by and no Damian. The bell rang, still no Damian. Role call and he didn't show up, I was beginning to think that he'd start avoiding me by not showing up to class. I cringed at the thought of it and I felt defeated. I wanted to talk to him and apologize for my actions, I really did. As we stood up to warm up, I heard the door open and slam close. I turned to see if it was Damian, but it was just a rabbit with a call slip. My ears lowered and I resumed warming up.

"Axel?" called Mrs. Walters. My ears perked up and I went to get the call slip and took my items and headed over to the library. 'Weird. I've never gotten a call slip to the library.' I thought to myself as I walked on over to the corridors and stopped in front of the library. Before I stepped in, I heard a soft whisper.

"Psst. Axel!" said the voice in a hushed whisper. I looked around and didn't see anyone. I was really beginning to think I'd lost it. "Axel! Over here!" I turned to my left and saw Damian behind an open door. I looked and my heart fluttered in anticipation. "Come over here." Damian said as he signaled me to walk over to the door. I immediately followed him and he grabbed my paw as I reached the door. His heat eminated from his paw and the touch gave me the chills. His touch was soft and secure, it was warm and it made me murr in pleasure as I tried to snap out of it. He tugged at me and I followed him through the dark corridor. I saw a light on top of a staircase and I couldn't help but wonder where we were going.

"Damian, where are you taking me?" I asked in a hushed tone. He just chuckled and replied calmly.

"You'll see." He smiled. I wondered if he was still mad, but this was something that someone wouldn't do if they were mad...unless he had something planned. I suddenly became totally apprehensive and stopped dead in my tracks, letting go of his warmth. He turned and looked at me confused. He inched away from my muzzle, his warmth escaping his nostrils and his paw caressing my chin. He looked at me and opened his lips. "Don't worry, you're safe. I want to show you something that means a lot to me. I promise you won't get hurt." He uttered. As he spoke, his tail began to wag and he kissed my forehead. God, how I wanted him so bad. I felt chills go down my spine and back as I entered a kind of trance mode. I didn't know what was happening, all I knew was that my legs were moving unconsciously as I followed, my mind clouded with thoughts of us embracing and passionately kissing. I got goosebumps and my tail wagged lazily.

Before I knew it, we were at the entrance of the light and I closed my eyes at the brightness. I felt the brightness, but it was a kind of warmth that I felt when the sun touched me. I felt a beautiful breeze and the chill of winter lingered in the air, but I swore I could feel the Sun's warmth on my skin. My nostrils caught a familiar scent, no. Not a scent. I smelled scents of roses, lillies, and...mints? It smelled heavenly. I felt him guiding me as I closed my eyes and he let go of my hand and grabbed my shoulder. "Okay, you could open your eyes, now." He spoke in a sweet tone. I opened and to my astonishment, we were in a garden of sort. I looked around and saw beautiful shades of reds, pinks, purples, lilacs, yellows and greens. I was astounded and I swore I was in the Garden of Eden or something like that! I took another whiff of the air and the heavily perfumed air entered my body as I exhaled it once again. The sun draped over the flowery like a rainfall and the breezes sent the heavenly smells lingering in the air. I was speechless at the glory. I'd never known this school had a greenery.

"Wh-what is this?" I asked dumbfoundedly. He smiled and replied in all his pride and glory.

"This is the school's greenhouse. I take care of it, when I have the time." Oh God, a singer, a jock, AND a green-thumbed troll. What else did this amazing fur have under his belt?

"Damian, it's beautiful. Did you plant all these?"

"Huh? Oh, no. These flowers are from any random person. People donate these roses and flowers and tend to them in there own time. I planted these." He guided me as we walked onto a little patches of small white flowers with golden centers.

"These are beautiful!" I exclaimed. "What are they?"

"Daffodils." He said proudly. "That sounds kind of pansy, so I prefer calling them Narcissus. It's there scientific names. It sounds more appropriate." He was something else. I wondered if anyone else knew about this side of him.

"I know a bit about flowers too." I replied eargerly as I took a whiff of the 'Narcissus' flowers. "I know about the story of the Narcissus flower. Greek mythology."

"You sure know your history." He replied with a grin.

"I love mythology. I like a lot of things. People sometimes think it's weird that I look at colors not by a favorite color, but by what each color means."

"Hm, what does 'blue' mean?" He asked curiously.

"Well, it can mean depth, wisdom, sadness, depression, serenity, peace. Why do you ask?" I turned curiously as I caught him smiling at me.

"It reminds me of you." He smiled. 'Damn,' I kept thinking to myself 'he's amazing.' "Plus, I figured it's your favorite color." He admitted with a chuckle. I was taken aback by his answer, it WAS, in fact, my favorite color.

"How in the hell?!" I replied with a look of shock and surprise.

"The colors on your bedroom wall, your bed sheets, your backpack, baseball gear...your eyes." He replied. He wouldn't stop grinning. I would've thought it hurt for him to keep on smiling, but he didn't stop. It was like here, he was completely vulnerable, willing to show everything. I still felt apprehensive and I felt really guilty about the night before. My eyes befell on the Narcissus flowers and my ears lowered to my head as my tail lolled. He seemed to notice and was concerned. "What's wrong?" He asked sincerely, grabbing my chin and trying to force me to look him in the eyes. I didn't and I shrugged him off as I walked to a rose bush and saw a brilliant red rose, barbed to the very top. I picked the rose carefully and walked back over to Damian.

"I still feel really guilty about last night." I admitted regretfully. While I was talking, I was picking the thorns off the bright rose. "I do like you, but I can't be out of the closet with my family just yet. I knew you were upset, and I was gonna talk to you about that. I do like you, Damian. A LOT, and, for some reason, I'm trying to find excuses not to go out with you, but I can't find any. I don't even know you, but I want to get to know you." I admitted with a grin in my eyes and my lips. He smiled and I handed him the rose. "I've heard that a thornless rose means 'love at first sight' and a red rose means 'love'. I'm really sorry." I said. He looked at the rose and chuckled as he grabbed it carefully, treating it as if it were a child.

"Axel, I honestly have no explanation for why I feel this way towards someone. I was scared at first." He admitted, a disturbed and bothered look fell on his face. "I never had feelings for another guy. I'm not trying to sound all confident, but I've been with a lot of girls and not a single one has made me feel more...'different' than you, and considering you're not a girl." He chuckled and it caused me to laugh and blush. "I guess what I'm trying to get at is that I...I love you. Everything I said in your room, everything I've tried to understand, it doesn't matter when I'm with you. I was so mad when I had those feelings, I never thought that I would be gay. Not that there's anything wrong with it!" He looked at me apologetically, causing me to laugh. He relaxed at that sound and laughed at himself. "I don't know what to say, I feel like if I'm messing up."

"You're doing just fine." I said as I kissed his cheek, causing for his face to heat up. Underneath his light brown fur, I felt warmth rushing to his face.

"My point is that I'm discovering a new side of myself and I'd appreciate if you were the one to help me and be by my side." He said as he got closer to my muzzle. I began to enter the trance like stage once again. This time, all my senses were stimulated. The breeze caressed my skin as it chillingly swept over my pelt and fur, the sun felt like a shawl over my shoulders and I felt its warmth embrace me. The fragrance and perfume of the flowers filled my nostrils as I whiffed in the heavenly bouqet and the familiar scent of roses and lilacs and mint filled my body. His body also felt familiar, his warmth emanating from his body to mine, comforting me as his paw intertwined with mine. I heard his breath as I felt his heart beating as our chests touched, his diaphragm lifting and falling. Our muzzles hovered inches and, as if it were an involuntary reactiong, I felt his lips touch mine and instantaneously, the world was gone. It felt like a white-out of nothing swept over us. I heard only his heart, his pulse, his breath as we connected and the intensity of our kiss shocked through our body and energy shout out through my lips onto his. I felt as if I were a part of him and him a part of me, like if we separated, I'd die. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to his body, causing for me to talk hold of his waist and him to grab mine. My hands explored his back, his muscles rippling and flexing with ease and my fingers quivered at his touch. His lips, oh his soft, brown lips. They were plush and delicate and fragile. I was under his spell, there was no doubt about that. I couldn't help but think about spending an eternity with this wolf, and at the thought of that, I immediately imagined our lives as I caught a glimpse of the future. Us growing together, us growing old together and dying together and meeting once again in the afterlife and spending eternity forever with each other. I had found my reason to live, now. The reason was called Damian. It was at this moment I totally forgotten to breath and I pulled away for a breath and gasped for air, my lips feeling numb and cold without his warm caress. I'd once again looked him dead in the eye, my muzzle under his chin, lying on his chest. He looked down at me with a look of amazement and as if he had envisioned exactly the same thing I had. His face was now imprinted in both my brain and heart. His emerald green eyes, his light brown fur, his beautiful structure, his scar...His scar...what was that scar, anyhow? I wanted to ask him, but I was to much in a euphoric state to bother.

"Wow." I uttered. I was speechless, the only thing that could escape my lips was that one word. No words could describe how wonderful that feeling was. He seemed to agree. He just nodded his head dumbfoundedly and smile a huge grin.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Damian Charpentier, Football Quarterback in waiting, Singer and artist. I love anything having to do with sports, music and an awesome, cute, wonderful wolf named Axel." He uttered and caught another breath. "And hopefully, he'll want to be my boyfriend one day."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Axel Jason Lovell. Singer, baseball player and I love singing, art and anything having to do with an incredibly loving, amazing wolf named Damian. And I'm pretty sure I'd like to be your boyfriend." I replied, my tail wagging erradically. He smiled and pulled me in for another kiss. This seemed too surreal. I kept trying to think 'Pinch yourself, it's a dream!'

"I never thought this could happen, even in my dreams." He replied as he broke our kiss and smiled at me lovingly." 'You and me both, babe.' I thought as I caressed his cheek with my paw and pulled him in for another kiss. After that, the bell rang and we both looked at each other and went to practice. I missed 7 balls and got stuck out and he got called on the bench for letting players slip through his defense. I was stuck in my own world and he was probably stuck in his. I got benched and was ordered to take a walk to clear my thoughts and he, conveniently, was ordered to do so as well. We walked past each other on the track various times before he finally decided to accompany me and talk.

"So, when do we go on our date?" I asked.

"This is it." He replied jokingly as I stuck my tongue out at him and he bit the air. "Hmm, tonight? My parents are happy that I came home, so they'll let me out, especially when I introduce my boyfriend to them." I giggled at the word and he blushed.

"Actually, I was thinking if we could give it some time before we introduce ourselves to each others parents." I admitted, he didn't like the sound of that since he was so eager to show me off to his parents, but he understood my situation. "Besides, have you told your parents that you might be gay?" I asked seriously, causing for a face of realization to surface. "Thought so." I replied with a grin. He just shoved me aside and I bumped into him like if he were a wall. He chuckled and we continued to walk and plan our date. As I thought about it, I realized that I had never given him the poem! I thought about a good opportunity and decided that at our date, I read it to him. I hoped that he'd like it.

Another Love Story: Chapter 6 - Faithful?

'Ah!!! What am I gonna wear?!' I thought frantically as I scowered my closet for a pair of nice clothes. I was so excited for our date, but also so nervous. Damian had decided that he wanted to take me somewhere nice. He said it was a five-star...

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Another Love Story: Chapter 4 - "I still can't believe it..."

I woke up with the sound of my alarm going off again, but this time, it sounded so far away. 'Ugh, my head.' I thought as I ran my paw through my head, this time, however, the bump was so much more tolerable. I stretched my paw and I felt it hit...

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Another Love Story: Chapter 3 - Nowhere else to go but up...

As I showered in the locker's, I heard a couple of guys talking on the row of lockers behind the showers. One voice sounded too familiar. It was Damian's. I could make out that low rumble anywhere. "Did you see that catch, dude!?" Said an unfamiliar...

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