Chpt 15- The War Begins

Story by Lunar Stargazer on SoFurry

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#15 of MLP: A Hero's Rebirth

"My lord, we found the stone."

The gryphon king's eye lit up upon hearing those words. "At last all this planning is coming to together. Send in my elites at once."

The gryphon left and within a few moments, a group of three lean gryphons walked in. They bowed to their heads as the king rose from his throne. "What is thy bidding my lord?"

"I want your group to infiltrate Equestria, sneak into Cenaterlot Castle and abduct Princess Celestia. I don't care what you do to have her comply just make sure you get it done."

"As you wish sire."

The three then left and were seen by both Gallen and Grain, the observers that were ordered to watch for Lunar's as well as the princesses movements. They walked by each other without so much as a word.

Both observers had entered the throne room and bowed to their king. "Report."

"It seems your highness that Lunar's power has been growing at a steady rate. He will be at full power by the end of the week if this continues."

"Hmm well its a good thing my plan is moving into the next stage. I have just sent my best to retrieve the princess for us. Once her powers are ours we will take Equestria and beyond."

It was still dark once the group reached the castle. "Horsefeathers Glenda you expect us to carry the princess all the way back to Gryphus?"

"That is what Lord Greaves wants and that is what Lord Greaves gets. Unless you want to end up on the block like the last gryphon who crossed him."

"Look lets just get this done and over with." The three land on the balcony and dropped their voices. "Look she's still asleep. Who is that beside her? Can we eat him?"

"I don't know but whoever it is he must be something to her."

Glenda then placed a claw over the princess's muzzle which woke her from her slumber. She was about to use her magic before the gryphon female shook her head and spoke so only she could hear. "I wouldn't do that if I were you princess, otherwise we don't know what will happen to your little friend over there."

Celestia looked over and seen a gryphon with a knife just inches from Tom's neck, she then looked back to her abductors. "Now you be a good little girl and don't struggle and your lover lives. If you don't well we can't say what will happen to him."

Celestia narrowed her eyes with anger but she new that she did not want anything to happen to any of her subjects, Lunar or otherwise so she closed her eyes and nodded.

"Good girl. You two tie her up and lets get out of here before the patrol arrives."

The two gryphons, following the orders of their leader, tied the the princess's front and back legs and then tied her muzzle close they had also tied her wings to her form so that she couldn't fly away.

"Are you two ready yet? There is a patrol coming and I don't want to be here when they fly by."

"We're coming, we're coming. Geez I think the princess needs to lay off the sweets."

The two gryphons along with their leader flew off into the night with the princess in tow. The last thing Celestia sees before her eyes fill with tears is the image of Tom sleeping soundly.

Tom slowly yawned and opened his eyes thanks to a knock on the door. "Ok ok hold on." Tom got out of bed and walked to the door and opened it.

"Sister thou is late raising the. Oh hello Lunar we were just about to wake Tia. Wait where is sister?"

"Huh what do you mean she was right..."

Tom's eye went wide. "Tia?" He looked around the room hoping she was playing some kind of game but when he got to the balcony the only thing that he found was a solitary white feather. Tom kneeled down and picked up the feather as Luna walked up beside him.

"She's gone."

Luna shook head. "No that is not like Tia, she would not leave her subjects or you."

"You think she was taken? But who in their right mind would do such a thing? Celestia is not a bad pony."

"We do not know. But the sun must be raised or else there will be panic."

"Well who could do it?"

Luna thought for a moment. "Thou should do so Lunar."

"Me? Whoa, Luna I don't have the ability to raise the sun you know this. Besides I don't even know if my magic is at it's peak or not, I could kill myself."

"Please big brother thou has to try. The last time we did it, it did not end well and Tia forbade us from doing so again."

Tom gulped and drew in a deep breath. Everything within him was screaming to chase after those who took his love from him, to watch them bleed before him. But Luna was right, the sun had to be brought up or the ponies of Equestria would begin to think Luna had something to do with it.

Focusing his magic he reached out to the ball of heat and light. Its touch burned him and he recoiled. Again he tried and again it burned. Tom then took a deep breath and calmed himself, once again he reached out to the sun the heat burned him but then it suddenly stopped. Using his magic he moved the sun into its spot in the heavens and before he knew it, Luna had lowered the moon and he moved the sun along.

As the sun moved and shone its light upon the land, Tom's hair grew. It moved its way down the back of his neck and rested a good inch or so past his shoulders. It then went from its normal brown to silver. Luna watch the slight transformation with blinking eyes. "Lunar, your mane. It.. changed."

Tom looked over his shoulder to his longer hair. He had thought he had grown old but as he looked at it more he seen the glint of silver in it. "Luna... we have to get her back."

The smaller Alicorn nods. "We shall dear Lunar. No fury of nature will stop us in that goal. But one of our scouts has reported in and confirmed that a large gryphon regiment is headed this way. We believe that they might have something to do with Tia's disappearance."

Tom growled in his throat and his now longer hair fluttered to life and flowed around him. "I'll kill them all."

Luna held up her hoof. "Wait sir Lunar we have a plan that might get us the information we need. If conquest is really their goal and they have taken Tia then they will come for us as well. We will need to strike hard so this is what we shall do."

"You won't get away with this Greaves. Lunar and Luna will be looking for me."

Greaves laughed deeply. "I'm counting on it. With them gone, Canterlot will be ours for the taking." He walked over to the princess whom was bound and placed upon the floor in front of his throne. "Once Canterlot is ours, the rest of Equestria will follow."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Why? Why?! Because I want it all. All the wars would stop if they were brought under one banner. A unified world needs a strong leader and I just so happen to fit that role."

Celestia shook her head. "You are mistaken if you think you can rule a global empire. The world will never bow to you. Not now, not ever."

"If they won't bow princess then I will see it burnt to ashes around me. Nothing will stop me at completing my goal, not you, not your sister and especially not your champion."

"You are mad Greaves."

"Perhaps but when the time comes your highness, your power will be mine and there is not a thing you can do to stop me. Oh and one more thing, I would not use your magic your highness those bonds are made just for you." He laughed as he walked from the throne room, leaving the princess alone with her thoughts.

"Luna, Lunar. Where ever you are, please hurry."

The large group of gryphon soldiers land just inside the gates of the Castle. "Scour the place, His majesty wants Princess Luna alive at all costs and if you see Sir Lunar, don't hesitate to kill but be cautious he might now have his full strength but he is still a force you do not want to take alone. Now go."

It never really occurred to them that the guards were not where they should be. That by all accounts, the castle was empty.

"Sir, this dose not seem right. Don't you think that we should have encountered more resistance than this?"

"I notice it too. Be on guard, they maybe planning something."

It did not take the smaller group long before they reached the throne room where Luna sat. "Ah our dear friends from the north, what brings thee her before us?"

"We are under orders to capture Canterlot. Your castle is surrounded, surrender your highness and we might let your subjects live."

Luna tapped her hoof upon her chin. "Hmm we think we shall resist thee."

With Luna's words, several guards including Lunar came from their hiding places. "I told you this was too easy."

"Princess our forces outside will burn everything to the ground if you do not come with us."

"Oh do you mean those forces?" She points out the window as battle was taking place. For each gryphon soldier there were two pony guards, both Celestia's and Luna's. Lunar pushed past guards whom had their spears pointed at the gryphons necks and grabbed the neck of the supposed leader. The human's eye glowed white and his hair again fluttered in an unknown wind as his magic surged throughout his body.

"Where is she?"

"I..I don't...know." Tom was able to pick up the beast with ease. He then tightened his gryphon the gryphon's throat.

"He's lying." A bandaged up gryphon stepped from the shadows. "He know's exactlly where she is.

"Gallen." The gryphon strained to speak in the human's grasp before being dropped. He coughed and hacked as air flooded back into his lungs. "How did you survive?"

"I trusted you Grain. You were my friend and you left me for dead in those trees."

"Our guards found him and he told us of Greaves plot to conquer Equestria. You king will not win this war he has brought upon us."