As One-Ch.2: Family

Story by Umbreon at Dusk on SoFurry

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#2 of As One

Haha! I did it! Or, at least... I think I did. Did... did this work? Well, If it did, then I'd like to thank 502nickster for helping me pull through this one. Seriously, you rock dude! Now, about the story. This chapter is a bit more... characteristic. Ren has matured, so no more of the childish imagination you saw in the first chapter. I think this is where my abilities as an author peek through just a little. Character progression, setting up the plot, reason, action, drama, the whole lot. blah blah blah, enjoy the story.


Chapter 2: Family

"NO!" I awoke abruptly. Panting heavily and looking around, sweat dotted my fore head and tears stained my cheeks. There were no dead bodies, no blood. Mom isn't here. Dad isn't here. They've never been here... not since that day. It was all just a dream.

"Hey. You okay?" I looked in the direction the voice the direction came from. A Glaceon was sitting a couple of feet away from me. There was a worried look on her face.

"No. I'm never okay." I replied meekly while staring at my paws sadly.

She walked closer and sat down right next to me. "Why do you always do that?"

I looked up at her, confused. "Do what?"

"Be honest. Why can't you lie and say everything is okay, or lie and say that I don't have anything to worry about instead of telling the truth and making others feel bad for you?"

I blinked. "It's how my parents raised me. Lies are masks that hide the coward underneath."

Everything was silent for a while. "How come you never talk about your old parents?" old parents. I hate how she said that.

She wouldn't understand. However much she cared for me, I'm sure she'd never love me enough to accept that I'm the child of two Umbreon; that I chose to be one myself in honor of my parents. Nobody would understand.

"It's a delicate subject. Someday I promise I'll explain everything."

"I know, it's just that you've never really told me, or anyone for that matter, what they were."

I sighed and looked away from her. "I couldn't tell without everyone hating me in the end. It's complicated. You wouldn't understand... nobody would."

"You always say that."

"I always say it because it's true. Ever since I was younger everyone would look down on me because of who my parents were. I was hated by my peers. Only some of the mature 'Eons knew it wasn't my fault and saw me as another Eevee cub in the pack, rather than some freak. Aside from that select few I was hated by everyone, and so were mom and dad."

"You had another nightmare?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm sorry if I woke you up with my screaming."

She shook her head. "It's fine... you were fidgeting a lot in your sleep and I heard you mutter a few things under your breath... things like 'please' or 'coward' the occasional 'no' and 'Mother'... why don't you ever call me mom?"

I sighed. "Because it's hard for me to...Because I knew my real mom... because I think 'Kris' sounds better."

She smiled. "Could you at least tell me what you can about your parents?"

I stared off into the distance. Not much could be said really. "What is there about them that you don't already know? Mom was sweet, kind, caring, loving, protective, and compassionate. Dad was strong, understanding, gentle, proud, and supportive...yet they were both misjudged."

"Why did nobody like them?"

"I'll tell you everything one day"

"And that day is?"

"I'm not sure. How about the day I evolve? I'll explain everything then. You'll understand why, and it will all be clear. You won't stand to be around me anymore and I'm already prepared for you to disown me."

She looked hurt. "Ren, don't say that. I'll always love you no matter what."

"Kris, please, stop trying to fool yourself," I spoke tiredly. "Eventually you'll see me like all the others have. You'll look at me and see a beast; a monster that shouldn't exist."

There was a lump in my throat that I couldn't seem to swallow and my eyes were burning."You're not always going to love me, no matter how many times you say it...there's just no possible way." I could feel the tears building up fast. I hate crying. I can never be strong enough.

I stared into the eyes of the Glaceon I knew for as long as I knew my real Mother. "I'm just trying to prepare you for the day that everything changes. And if I hurt you along the way, if I hurt anyone, then just know that I'm sorry. I don't like making others feel bad. I hate it. I hate myself. So when the time comes and you don't want me anymore, the day when I break your heart, p-please try to remember that I'm sorry."

I broke into a fit of tears, burying my face into Kris's chest and letting the waves of sobs rack my body. She seemed perfectly content to let me pour my heart out while she rubbed a paw up and down my back, whispering sweet, calming words that did little to help and made me cry harder to know that she loved me this much.

I'm weak and pathetic. They deserved better than me. I hate myself for having to do this to them. I try to stay quiet, but whenever the topic is my life before them...someone gets hurt.

It seemed to be forever before the cave was quiet again. I looked at the mouth of the cave, where a faint blue light filtered in through the curtain of vines. It was probably still night-time.

"You're a good kid Ren, it's hard to believe that you have so much buried beneath the surface."

I'm a good kid? "I doubt that. Not much of a good kid if I'm a problem myself. I'm sorry if things go bad. I'm sorry if I make things hard for you. But someday, it's going to hurt worse than this, and I can't do anything to stop it, and It's killing me on the inside... I'm sorry."

She hugged me closer and whispered, "I know you are. Whatever happens I'll try to be supportive, okay?" if only she knew.

"Thanks, for everything" I looked at the vines and nuzzled Kris's chest once more before saying, "Excuse me."

I made my way outside while trying not to awake the other two sleeping bodies. A voice stopped me. "Where are you going?"

I didn't even bother turning around. "I'm going out to train."

It was quiet for a moment. "It seems you're always training every living second of the day." Nope, only at night... but she can't know that. "Why don't you ever take a break?"

"Because I have to get stronger."

"You don't need to be stronger."

"Yes, I do."

"Why do you say that?"

I thought back to the day where a helpless, whimpering Eevee lay down in a puddle of blood. The ground around him littered with corpses. A promise to the dead.

"It was a promise I made to mom and dad."

"You make a lot of promises," she observed.

"Yeah, I guess I do. And I intend to keep them all."

I stepped outside. This place was much like my old home. It was larger though. There was a dense population of trees off to the right of the clearing that led to the rest of the forest.

In the center of the pack grounds several 'Eons and 'Vees were sleeping away the last few hours of moonlight. I knew Christian was one of them. He would do anything to get away from his over-protective mother, even if it meant sleeping outside instead of inside a nice, warm den. I used to know how he felt. When Mom was still alive...

I don't see why the others were out here though. There were plenty of empty caves that made good dens. I guess they just enjoy sleeping under the starlit sky.

Opposite the clumps of trees were two gigantic oak trees that have probably been growing here since the start of time. There was enough space in between the two to fit a couple of Snorlax if necessary.

Beyond the two oaks was on open meadow- nothing but a huge plain with rolling hills that stretch as far as the eye can see. The forest classes were held there. I sometimes wonder how long I had been running that day if I had made it all the way to the edge of Star Forest. It seems hard to believe, but it happened.

I also wonder why we even have to go to school. I mean, sure I can understand that we need to build up basic survival skills and learn about type matchups as well as other things. We even get paired up to have battles at school so I guess it's not too bad.

As far as I know, I'm the strongest Eevee in this forest- not to brag or anything... but it's probably true. That fact alone earns me a few spiteful looks from the guys and caused most of the girls to fall head over tails in love with me, something I'm not entirely comfortable with.

I didn't really ask to be the most popular Eevee. I guess it was just my personality that everyone found so... I don't know... cool?

I'd rather be invisible in the background like I had been for I don't know how long, but now all of a sudden I'm the main point of attention. I know it sounds wrong, but I kind of want everyone to go back to hating me and avoid the very earth I walk on. I shouldn't dwell on these thoughts. They make me feel bad.

"I'd better get to it." I muttered under my breath and made my way over to the two oaks where I would begin my training session for the night. My cave was closest to the elderly oaks so it wasn't much of a walk.

When I got there I picked one of the trees and faced it, claws digging into the ground with anticipation. After gathering up enough courage I started a run at the tree.

Getting in close enough, I jumped at the trunk and sunk my claws into the wood. Pulling myself up with my forelegs and pushing off with my hind legs I began effectively running up the tree. Gravity soon won over and I was forced to turn around and run straight towards the floor.

Not slowing down a bit I jumped off when I got close to the ground and continued into a continuous sprint towards the other tree.

Nearing the old oak I began to run up it as I had the other, my claws finding little niches in the bark that helped me gain height.

I continued to do this until I couldn't possibly climb any higher. At this point I used quick attack, a handy move I picked up a while back, as a boost in speed that helped me climb a father distance up the trunk.

This little routine I made up for myself is used to increase my strength, speed, and overall stamina. Fighting against gravity basically doubles the amount of pressure I put on myself. Hey, when I promised my parents I'd get stronger, I wasn't kidding.

Up, down, level out, up down, level out. The process repeated itself until I tired myself out or reached the top of the branches of the old trees, which is practically impossible for someone of my build.

I slowed to a stop, breathing heavily. My legs felt weak beneath me. It was a miracle I even managed to stagger my way into the plains.

Sitting amongst the sea of grass, which looked more blue-ish than green in the moonlight, I began the other half of my training regimen.

I remember way back when my Espeon teacher had told me to 'become the night itself'. I wasn't sure what he meant by that, heck I don't know what he meant now. But I got a grasp of what he said nonetheless.

Closing my eyes, I tried to be more attuned with the environment. The Noctowl are hooting in the trees. The Kricketune are chirping a soothing melody. The wind ruffles the grass and brushes through my fur. The leaves of the trees shake gently in the breeze. Paw steps slowly padding their way towards me.


I glanced over my shoulder. There was an Eevee standing there. She was looking at me with an odd mix of sadness and understanding.

I muttered out a reply to my adopted sister, "Hey Celia."

She moved closer and sat down right next to me. "Aren't you tired?"

"No, you?"

She yawned. "A little groggy, but it's nothing I can't handle." There was a pause. "I heard everything."

I winced. "You were awake?"

She chuckled. "With the kind of dreams you have, who wasn't?" her smile disappeared and she looked at me. "I didn't know you cry."

I looked away. "I try not to."

"Why? It's good to know that there's something under that serious expression of yours."She was quiet again. "Do you really think mom's going to disown you? After you left she started crying because you said that. She was blaming herself, you know."

I sighed. "It's not her fault. It's mine. It seems that all I ever do is hurt. I can never make someone feel better. It always ends up with someone crying. I can never do anything good. If there's someone I haven't hurt, then it will happen eventually." I stared off into the horizon. "Sometimes I think it would be better for everyone if I just left; to just run away and take all my problems with me..."

She cuffed me over the ear with her paw. "Stop it! Don't you ever let me hear you talking like that ever again. There are still people who care deeply for you. Imagine how heartbroken they'll be."

"Will it matter? It's going to happen sometime. Why not sooner than later? I honestly think it's better that way."

I couldn't even begin to fathom how she drew in enough strength to push me over and pin me on the ground before she started yelling at me. "Of course it matters! Why can't you see that? Do you even care what others think of you Ren?" She was staring at me angrily. Celia doesn't lose her temper easily, so whatever I just said really pissed her off.

"Please get off of me."

"Answer me!" she pressed down harder on my chest causing my sore muscles to flare up in pain. Sometimes training has its drawbacks.

I gritted my teeth against the burning sensation and spoke quietly. "Of course I care, but it won't make a difference. In a few days' time your entire view on me will change. You'll ask questions... and I'll have answers"

I laid my head back down in the grass and stared up at the sky, my gaze falling on the moon; a beautiful white crescent in amongst the sea of black. "It seems as if I've been running all my life. I still am. I'm running from the truth. I'm running from myself. I've already lost one family, and I'm powerless to stop it from happening again.

"Ren." Her voice shook.

"I know what it's like to have everything you've ever known ripped away from you. I know what it's like to be thrown into the world with nothing, to wander aimlessly, empty and confused, to find that thing you loved most again, only for it to be taken away one last time. That is what I'm going through right now."

"Ren, please just stop talking."

"I was happy once. I wore real smiles and had a spring in my step." I chuckled sadly."Those days are long gone. Ever since then I've been scared, lost, broken, hopeless, sad, tired, weak, and I regret anything I have or will ever do to hurt anyone."

"Y-you're scaring me." I tore my gaze away from the sky to look at her. There was a little bit of fear in her eyes along with hints of sadness and confusion. I was hurting her right now and I want to stop talking, but I can't. She has to know...has to know that I'm sorry."

"I've seen death... I've seen others die before my very eyes. I was helpless and weak. I couldn't defend myself so they did it for me. They were killed because of it, because of me, because they cared for me, because they loved me."

"P-please, stop, just stop." There was a break in her voice and I felt her tense up.

"It may not seem like my fault, but I blame myself for their deaths. I wish I could take it all back. I wish I could undo everything, but it's too late for that and I've come to accept it. I've lived with it this long and I'm not afraid to embrace it."

Io stared directly at her with full belief in what I was about to say. She was giving me a disapproving look as if she couldn't stand to hear what came out of my mouth next, and I can't blame her. "The day I die is the day the world gets rid of another problem."

"I SAID SHUT UP!" she moved so fast I didn't even register what happened 'till it was over.

One second I was looking at Celia as her expression turned into one of fury, the next I had my eyes shut and was facing the horizon.

I slowly opened my eyes, wincing against the stinging pain on my cheek where there were three identical claw marks.

I looked back at Celia. The only words to describe her now were 'pure hatred'. She was glaring at me angrily and her paw was reared back as if she was ready to strike without any hesitation if I said anything stupid again.

I stared at her sadly. If she wanted to hit me then that's fine, she could claw me to death and I wouldn't raise a paw against her. As long as she felt better in the end, but that wasn't the case right now.

"I hate when you get like this! You make me worry! You make me feel like there's nothing anyone can do to help you! But there has to be some way to make you think straight!" I do think straight. She would never see that. "Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that messed up mind of yours! But, honestly, I really don't want to know. I never want to know because it scares me to see you like this on the outside. It makes me think that what you are right now is nothing compared to what you have bottled up inside. It scares me to know it can get worse than this."

Her voice was starting to break as the questions came. "Why do you have to be so honest all the time? What are you trying to prove? Why can't you tell us what's wrong? Can't you see that we are a family now? Do you even care about us? Do you even care about anyone?"

I couldn't answer all those questions so I settled for the easier ones. "I care. I've already told you that. It's hard for me to tell you right now, but the day we evolve I'll explain everything. I'll tell you, Kris, and Nathan everything. It has to be all three of you though. It wouldn't work out any other way. So I need you to be waiting for me at the den when I get back. Promise me you'll be there?"

It took a while for her to find her voice. "Okay. But now I need you to make me a promise."

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Promise me you won't leave. You're my brother and I love you. You've always been there by my side no matter what, but for me to know that I can't see you there after you're gone is just so... so..." she stopped to take in a deep breath before continuing. "I don't want you to leave. So please promise me you'll stay. Promise me that I don't have to lose my only brother... please."

She was on the brink of tears and I knew that my answer, the only one I could give, would push her over the edge. I hate seeing others cry, so why is it that I always make them? Why me?

"I don't make promises I can't keep." Even with me whispering as quietly as I could I'm sure she still heard me.

Celia, my only sister, collapsed on top of me and buried her face into the tuft of fur around my neck. She cried hard and, in short intervals, stuttered out phrases of speech. Most of it was muffled by my fur, but I managed to pick up some of what she said, things like 'Please don't go' and 'Why?'

I absentmindedly rubbed a paw up and down her back, just as Kris had done for me earlier, and thought back to the day I met my new family.


My paws are sore from all the walking. How long have I been out here? I didn't care, nothing matters now.

I'm lost and confused. I don't know where I'm going. I don't care where I'm going. Nothing matters now... nothing.

Where am I? Why does everything look the same? It's not important; I'm still moving aren't I? My eyes are heavy and by steps are slow. When was the last time I slept? I couldn't sleep. Every night the nightmares keep coming back. They haunt my dreams. I don't think that they'll ever leave.

My right side is sore. It may just be a bruise, but it still hurts like hell. I haven't got a chance to rest it, I need to keep moving.

My stomach grumbled. When was the last time I ate? Not sure really. If I knew how long I'd been walking I could definitely answer that question.

A bush with berries on it was not far away though. I walked towards it. There were blue berries on it. Oran berries. I plucked one off and bit into it without hesitation. It was sweet as I had expected it to be, but something was... different. I swallowed and instantly regretted it.

The pain was intense. There was a burning sensation in my abdomen and my head started throbbing. The back of my eyes burned and I felt the need to claw them out.

Blinking back a few tears, I looked at the bitten fruit in disgust and threw it out of sight. Arceus, that is nothing like mother picks out for breakfast.


Trying to suppress the urge to vomit, I staggered on. My eyes were shut tight and I put too much effort in placing one paw in front of the other.

After a few more minutes in hell I heard a rustle in the bushes. I turned to look at the underbrush and slowly made my way towards it, trying to keep as low to the ground as possible.

On the other side of the bush was a Pidgey. It seemed to be looking for something in the grass and hadn't noticed me.

My muscles tensed up as I prepared to jump. Trying to remember the few hunting lessons I had with father I pounced at my unsuspecting prey.


I faltered and landed face first into the ground a few centimeters away from a very startled Pidgey. It squawked and flew off before I could recompose myself.

"Damn it."I picked myself up and continued walking in any random direction, much to the protest of my stomach.

Face it Ren, you're going to die out here.

"Shut up."

Where exactly are you going?

"I-I don't know."

So you just decided to wander off and disappear?

"No, I didn't even plan anything."

Well, what's the plan as of now?

"I'm going to hope I can find a pack to live with."

Hope only gets you so far, buddy.

"You think I don't know that?"

Are you okay?

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

Dude, you're talking to yourself.

"I am?"

I don't know, are you?

I stopped to think for a little and chuckled. "I guess I am... I should stop now, huh?"

Ya think?

"Yeah, well... goodbye?" I didn't hear anything from myself afterwards, so it must have been over. "That was fun... heheh."

What in Mew's name is happening? Look at me. I'm lost, starving, possibly suffering from food poisoning, and now I'm going delusional. This day couldn't possibly get any better could it?

And here I am, laughing like an idiot as the world started spinning around me. My feet fell out from underneath me and a round stone managed to find its way to my bruised ribcage.

I cried out from the sudden impact and rolled onto my other side to lessen the pain.

I heard an audible gasp but passed it off as my imagination. No one could possibly be out here in the middle of nowhere with a dying survivor like myself. Ha, dying survivor. What a strange phrase.

Something picked me up by the scruff of my neck. I opened my eyes and saw nothing but the forest floor as it moved underneath me, my vision fading fast.

Is it another Pokémon? Is it friendly? Or is it going to eat me? Oh well, at least I died knowing I kept someone else alive. That's the least I could say for myself. Maybe I could go in style and be served up with fried Magikarp on the side and some Figy berry sauce. Man... I would taste awesome. Heheh.

In a world where the grass is red and the trees are blue, I muttered something that sounded unintelligible even to me in my delirious state. "Hey dad, you hungry up there? Tell mom I'm coming. Just you wait, I'll be there. We can all be a family again. We'll be together, and we'll all taste delicious. Heheh. The secret is Figy berry. I'm going to die. How great is that?"

I heard a voice, but it seemed so far away. It sounded angelic and heavenly. It brought a smile to my face. "It's not great at all. You're not going to die. Don't worry little one, it's all going to be all right. Just hang on, we'll be there soon."

"Mom, is that you? Why do you sound so scared? It's okay, Mom. I'm coming for you. I'm coming to protect you. Your little warrior is coming. You don't have to be scared anymore. I'm sorry I'm not a Leafeon like you wanted, but we can be together again. We'll all be happy. And where is 'there'? Is it heaven? That's nice. I'm happy for you. I'm happy for us. Just wait for me, 'Kay? I'll be there in a little. I'm coming...I'm coming..." I slowly closed my eyes, feeling myself growing lighter with each passing second. My eyes shut tight, and I felt free.

The grass is bright green and sways beautifully in the gentle breeze. I'm happy. Nothing can hurt me now. I'm free. Running through the grass. Laughing. Chasing the Butterfree. Nothing can touch me.

"Ren." That voice.

I looked in the direction it came from. A lone figure sat on the crest of a hill. The setting sun cast a shadow over most of its features, but it still looked familiar. That voice...

"Mom?" it was really her! She was really here! "Mother!" I ran at full speed towards the shape on the hill. She is here. She didn't leave me.

I rushed into her and buried my face into her chest. The feel of her fur. The slow steady heartbeat. This was real. I moved back and grinned at her with pure elation. "I thought I'd never see you again."

She smiled."I will always be near, my sweet child. You will never be alone."

I looked around at the beautiful land all around us. "Where is this place? Is it heaven? It's so beautiful."

She laughed. A sound I thought I would never hear from her again. "This is not heaven, but it is not really earth either. Do you like it?"

"I love it!" I wagged my tail excitedly. "It's so green and wide and... and I feel like I could run forever and nobody could stop me."

She smiled. " Well then, here's something you're going to love even more."

I tilted my head curiously. "What is it?"

A new voice spoke up, proud and gentle. "Hello, Son."

My eyes widened. "Dad?" I turned around. There he was sitting and smiling, watching me with interest.

Mom walked over and sat next to him. The two looked at me fondly. They seemed so happy, and I knew I should be too. But I wasn't. And I knew why.

"Does this mean that I'm dead?"

Dad stepped forward; his rings glowing brightly even in the middle of the day... how is he even awake now?

"Ren, you're not dead, but we are. There's no easy way to say this, but we shouldn't even be here right now."

What? "You have to leave?" they nodded sadly, but they still wore smiles. Even in death they were smiling. "But you just got here. Can't I come with you?"

Mom shook her head. "No sweetie, it doesn't work that way. I'm sorry baby."

"No... I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Dad asked.

"I'm sorry that I let you die. If I had been stronger that day you all wouldn't have given your lives trying to defend me. I could have protected Mom, but I was weak. I could have fought alongside you, but I was a coward."

"You were a cub, and you still are."

"I was weak," I shouted at him. "You and mom are dead because of me! It was all my fault!"

"You didn't make those snakes attack our home! You had nothing to do with it," he scolded me. I knew he was trying to make me understand, yelling at me like this. It was how he'd always make a point. It worked then, and it worked now. "None of this is your fault. Get out of the past. You are alive now, and that is all that matters."

I choked. "It would be better if you were still with me. If only I was strong enough..."

He sighed and shook his head. "Strength isn't everything, Son. I mean, sure there's power." He placed a paw on my shoulder. "But you also need intellect," He moved his paw to my forehead. "Courage," he placed his paw on my chest, right over my heart. "And someone who will stick with you the entire way."

Mom moved beside him. The look of hurt on her face killed me. No... that's not something I should say. I wasn't dead, they were. "Do you really think we're dead sweetie?"

I looked at the ground. I couldn't stand to see her eyes. "It's the only reasonable explanation isn't it?"

She lifted my face up with her paw so I was staring straight into her eyes again. Her beautiful ruby red eyes. Not only was there hurt, there was love too. And sorrow. "Think about it honey, are we dead if we're still live on inside you? In your memory? If you talk about us? If you let others know us through you?"

"Well, I guess not."

Dad smiled. "You're going to make a fine Umbreon one day."

What the? "Umbreon? How did you-"

He cut me off with a laugh. "I'm sure you made it quite obvious." He turned to mom who had a look of bewilderment on her face.

"Obvious? I didn't know." She turned to me. "How come you didn't tell me sooner?"

I smiled. "Wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well, mission accomplished."

Realization hit me hard and the smile dropped from my face. "You two have to go now, don't you?"

They nodded sadly, but there was a smile on their faces. Loving smiles.

"Will I ever see you again?"


"And that day is?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

Dad sighed heavily. "Behave yourself, Ren."

"And don't forget," Mom piped in, "We will always be with you."

"You will?"

She nodded and placed her paw on my chest, right where Dad's had been. "In here."

I sighed and looked to my dad. "You know I won't stop blaming myself, don't you?"

He smiled. "Yes, I know. Try not to be too hard on yourself... for us."

It's never too late to say three simple words. "I... I love you..."

"We love you too, sweetie."

"Don't forget us."

I leaned into my parents as they hugged me close to their bodies, knowing this would be the last time I ever saw them for a while. I would try to keep them alive though; in my heart. "I promise I won't."

A bright light enveloped us.


There's something soft underneath me. Ah, why does it hurt to think? Where am I?

"" Are those voices? Ah, I should stop.

"Arceus, spare me." Speaking is an effort. Thinking is an effort.



Sleep? That sounds nice. Relax... rest.

"Are you sure he's gonna be okay?"

"Yes, yes, now leave him be."

Huh? Voices? Again? Female? The first sounded a bit more high pitched. Maybe she was younger.

"Really Celia, do you have to watch over him every living second you're here?"

Another one? Male? So that makes three other Pokémon with me at least. Celia. That's a nice name.

"Well who knows, he might be dead," The first voice, Celia, responded. "I'm just making sure he won't turn into a zombie and eat us all." Ha. What a sense of humor. "I THINK HE LAUGHED!" Gah! Why'd she have to yell?

"Celia! Be considerate." The other female spoke up.

"Why? He is dead isn't he?"

"No, he's not." No, I'm not. But I might as well be.

"Why don't you go play with your friends?" the male asked.

"Because, I want to know who he is."

"Don't we all?"

"I guess so..."

"Let him sleep, honey." The other female urged.

"But Mooom."

"Hush, now. Ruby might be doing something interesting. Why don't you go join her?"

"Because her version of fun is watching the sunset."

"The sunset is always a beautiful sight." The older female offered.

"Fine! But when I get back, I'ma poke him." She said mischievously.

I heard her giggles growing fainter with each passing second.

Good. She's gone. Maybe I can get back to sleep.



Something's prodding at my face...

It's quiet. Strange. Aside from a dull ache in the back of my mind, I feel a little better... maybe I can figure out where I am and who these Pokémon are.

I barley opened my eyes a crack before a bright light poured in, temporarily blinding me. I shut them close and after the burning feeling had gone and the little spots disappeared, I tried again.

Two brown pupils were the first thing I saw, staring at me intently.

"AAH!" I jumped backwards, smacking my head into a wall. My legs felt weaker than I expected and gave out underneath me. I fell out of the bed of leaves and landed on my bruised side. "GAH, for the love of Mew!"

"Mom, He's awake!"

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?"

I looked up and saw a Glaceon with a look of worry upon her face.

" that hurt." I curled into myself, not sure whether to hold my head where it made contact with the wall or to hold my aching side.

"Celia! How many times have I told you to leave him alone when he was resting?"

"I don't know... a lot?"

"Then why didn't you listen?"

"'Cuz I thought it would be funny when he woke up."

"Was it?"

"Kinda."The Eevee giggled.

I groaned from where I was on the floor. What a sense of humor.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Let me help you." The Glaceon picked me up and placed me back on the leaves that served as the bed I slept on.

"Thanks." I lay back down and closed one eye tightly, trying to ignore the pounding in my head.

The Glaceon sat back. "Oh boy, I don't even know where to start."

"I do. I do. I do." Celia was hopping up and down excitedly. She looked at me. "You should know better than to eat an Oren berry."

What was she talking about? Oh yeah. "What's so bad about Oran berries?"

She sighed. "No. Or-en be-rry." She pronounced every syllable slowly and clearly. It took me a while to realize there was an 'e' where an 'a' should have been. "It's a look-alike item. Didn't you notice anything strange about it?"

Now that I think about it. "Well, it was a little fuzzy. And the leaves had little spots on them."

She smiled. "They're known for causing everything from minor headaches to hallucinations. Sometimes it poisons its victims too." Hallucinations... So the talk I had with mom and dad wasn't? Whatever, it was real to me. That's all that matters. "The severity of the case depends on the condition the victim was in. and from what I saw, you were pretty banged up. But it's all okay. Mom fixed you and you're all better. You're lucky she found you when she did."

I guess I am. Not really sure what would have happened to me if she hadn't. Well actually I can, but that's not relative to the point. The point is that she saved me. Me! Why? I just don't... never mind. I shouldn't question these things.

"You okay?"

"Huh?" I snapped out of my daze. "Oh, yeah, just thinking."

"About?"the Glaceon asked.

I sat up and looked at her, trying to ignore the flash of pain that flared in my side. "Your hospitality."

"Oh. Well, think nothing of it."

"No. it means a lot to me... thank you."

She just nodded as Celia spoke up. "I've been meaning to ask you, is that your blood?" She pointed at my chest.

"Huh?" I looked down. Dry blood caked all over the fur on my front. "N-no. Not sure who it belongs to really. A lot of Pokémon died..." my voice drifted off. Blood everywhere. Sounds of hisses filled the night. "Mother!"

There are bodies everywhere; the bodies of the innocent and the damned, the bodies of the foolish and the brave. A lone Eevee cub lay amidst the corpses. "I'm sorry. I'll get stronger. I promise."

I was brought back to reality by a blue paw waving in my face. "Hello? Is everything all right?"

I blinked and looked at the ground sadly. "Sorry."

"What happened?"

"My pack was attacked by Arbok and Seviper. They're all dead now."

"So you're parents are-"

"Dead? Yes."

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry... erm..."

It took me a second to figure out what she was hinting at. "Ren, and don't be. It was my fault. I couldn't protect them."

"How long ago was this?"

"I'm not sure. Not long. Don't know how many days I've spent out in the forest, though."

Then I realized something. Looking around I asked, "Isn't there somebody else here?"

"Hm? Oh, you mean dad." Celia looked at the mouth of the cave. "I think he went out hunting a while ago."

"No, I'm back." A muffled voice spoke up as a Jolteon came walking in with several plump Rattata hanging from in-between his teeth.

He dropped the fresh kill as the Glaceon led him away. "We need to talk," She said urgently.

Noticing me, the Jolteon started to protest as she dragged him away. "Ah, but I was...I didn't get a chance to...honey, let me-"

She cut him off with a simple "I'll explain everything" and he waved a paw at me as he disappeared out of sight.

"So." Celia stared at me curiously.

"So..." I replied. We sat in an awkward silence.

This girl freaks me out. I really don't want to talk to her because she's staring at me like I'm something shiny she found on the side of the path. But I really need to know something.

"How long was I out?" Okay, not really the ideal question, but in my defense; the longer I was unconscious meant the more days, or more specifically, nights, I missed out on training.

"A day or two... depends on how you look at it." A couple of days! Oh man, I don't think that's too good.

She gave me the once over. "You know, aside from all the blood and dirt, you look kinda cute." Arceus, please tell me she's not hitting on me.

She laughed when she saw the look on my face. "Don't worry. It would feel weird to have a crush on my new brother, although, you and Ruby would make a cute couple."

Oh, for the love of Mew! Now she's setting up with one of her friends. "Please tell me you're joking."

She chuckled and replied slyly, "Of course I am, maybe. After all, she only knows you as 'the poor boy that your mother saved' and I'm sure introductions are in order."

I sighed, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Wait... Did you say brother?"

She nodded. "If all goes well then I will have a new brother by the end of today. I'd prefer to have a sister, but you'll have to do. A sister would come out to gossip and giggles. But having a brother means that I have someone to poke fun at and annoy." She poked my chest and giggled.

"Oh joy," I said sarcastically. It's not like she isn't doing that already.

"In case you haven't noticed, they aren't my real parents," she whispered to me, referring to the two 'Eons that just stepped out. "From what I've heard, my mother died giving birth to me and my dad left her long before I arrived. Mom and Dad took me in when I was still just an egg."

She put on another sly grin. "But enough of that, now about you and Ruby-"

"Okay, stop right there. Look- I don't even know anything about this girl-"

She gasped. "And she doesn't know anything about you. Oh my gosh, you two have so much in common." She laughed and I started to think that she was going to enjoy this whole brother thing a little too much.

"I just have one question."

"What is it?" she looked at me intently, like a student who was too eager to learn from her teacher. I suppressed the urge to shudder.

"How is it that I look cute? I look exactly the same as you. It's like saying that you look cute, or some completely random Eevee that you've never met before looks cute. What defines me as 'cute' anyways?"

She pondered the question. "I don't know really. It's like a personality issue. You seem to have a brave personality, as well as daring, loyal, honest, and," she tapped my nose and giggled, "Cute." I slowly shook my head and refrained from asking how a personality could be defined as cute.

The Glaceon and Jolteon came back in and sat down right next to Celia. "Ren, huh?" The Jolteon asked. I nodded. "Well, my name is Nathan," he said, placing a paw on his chest. "And this is my beautiful mate, Krystal, and our daughter, Celia." He continued and gestured to the others in respective order.

The Glaceon, Krystal, nodded at me and blushed as she was introduced. Celia just giggled.

"If what I understand is correct, then you're an orphan." I nodded. "Well... me and my mate talked it over and we wanted to know if you, well, if you would like to...erm, would you, I mean, you do have nowhere else to go and-"

"Would you like to be part of our family?" Krystal interrupted, fed up with her mate's reluctance.

Of course I was expecting it. But it still caught me by surprise, for other reasons though. "Why?"

"Excuse me?" obviously not the answer she was expecting.

"Why are you offering me this? Y-You've done enough for me already and I don't want to be any trouble. you see - I'm not used to being treated with such kindness from anyone other than... than my parents, and what you're doing now is more than what I would have expected. I'm already in your debt and I don't know how I could ever repay you. Plus, she scares me," I added while pointing to a grinning Celia

Said Eevee giggled. "You're funny." She turned to Krystal. "I like him. Mom, can we keep him? Please? Pretty please? I promise I'll take good care of him and everything." She stood up on Krystal's foreleg, wagging her tail excitedly and staring up at the Glaceon with gleaming eyes. "Please, please, please, please, pleeeeaaaaasse?"

The Glaceon ignored her. "I'm asking you this because I look at you and I see a child. I see a child who has nowhere to stay and no one to turn to. I see a child who needs to be loved and cared for. You don't have to, but if you feel the need to repay me, then you can do so by becoming my son. Honestly, you'll be doing me a favor."

She seemed to genuinely care for me. It kind of reminded me of mom...

"Ren, listen to me. I want you to run as fast as you can away from here. Find someone to take care of you in my place, and always remember sweetie, mommy loves you."

I looked into the Glaceon's eyes. There was a kindness in there I remember seeing in mom's. A love... for me; someone she barely knew. She really did care for me... but why?

"And as for her," she looked down at the ever persistent Celia. "You'll get used to it."

Celia was adopted. So that means that Krystal doesn't have any real children of her own. It makes sense as to why she doesn't feel weird about adopting me now. Something tells me that she was hoping for someone like me to come waltzing into her life. Maybe I could make her happy by saying yes...

But... no. how would they think of me if they found out my parents were Umbreon? Let alone the fact that I want to be an Umbreon as well. It's nice being loved again, but I can't lie to them. "Thank you, but I need to say something first. My parents are both-" I stopped. I just can't bring myself to do it. "-very protective of me. So I would appreciate if you were less... strict on my curfew." Well... that wasn't an entire lie.

"So is that a yes?"

I nodded."YAY!" Ah, my head. "I have a brother now." Celia was hopping up and down. "I can't wait to tell Ruby." She stopped jumping and her eyes widened. "I have to go tell Ruby." Celia ran out of the cave and I heard her shouts even with the growing distance. "Ruby! Your future mate is awake! And he's my new brother!"

I sighed and fell back down on the bed of leaves. "Arceus, spare me."

Krystal laughed. "She's not usually like this. I guess she's just excited to have a new sibling."

"No. she's doing that purposely to annoy and humiliate me."

"What makes you say that?"

"She told me that being her brother meant that she could poke fun at me."

"Well, she's just being herself."

"Herself...kinda scares me."

Nathan laughed. "You'll warm up to her soon. Trust me. She's a good kid once you get to know her."

I nodded and closed my eyes. Even though it was practically the middle of the day, I felt really tired. "I'm going back to sleep. My head started hurting again when she yelled."

Krystal chuckled. "Of course, I understand. Goodnight, Ren."

I settled myself in the bed, ignoring the fact that the term "Good night" wouldn't really apply here. My head soon felt heavy as I replied tiredly. "Goodnight, Kris. Goodnight, Nate."

"Oooh, he came up with little nicknames for us. Isn't that cute?" I barley heard her though, as I drifted off into unconsciousness.

My dreams were empty, and I could only wonder why.


I eventually came to learn that Kris was 'barren' and couldn't have cubs of her own. So she adopted them.

Krystal and Celia's mom, Faith, were the best of friends. On her death-bed the Leafeon had whispered to the Glaceon that if the child were to be a boy then his name was going to be Cedric. If it were a girl then her name would be Celia. Celia once told me that she treasures her name because it is the only thing her mother gave to her personally.

Celia really has matured since the day we met. It's hard to believe that she was once a super hyper little ball of fur that nearly drove me insane. Although I do miss those days; she does have her playful moments now and then.

It was quiet. She had stopped crying. Sometime in my daze, Celia had wrapped her forelegs around my neck and started hugging me tightly, as if it were the last time she'd ever see me. For all she knew, it probably was.

I didn't say anything about being nearly choked to death, but instead returned the hug. Moments like this are rare and I cherish every second. It's not often I get to show Celia any brotherly love. This, in a way, was my apology to her.

"I've been meaning to ask you something," she whispered into my ear.

"What is it?"

"I sometimes hear you humming to yourself when you go to sleep. I like the tune; it's nice and soothing. What is it?"

I smiled lightly. Memories of the past coming back to me, bringing with them a warm feeling as well as a wave of sadness. "It's a lullaby my mom used to sing to me at night. I usually sing it to myself. It's a way for me to keep her alive in my heart."

"Oh... would you mind singing it for me?"

I don't know. It's kind of a personal thing. "Someday I will."


"Promise." Wow. Kris is right, I do make a lot of promises. I guess it's just me trying to make others happy... whatever good it'll do.

We lay there for a while longer, enjoying the bonding moment. Eventually the sky started turning a purple-pinkish color as the sun was rising.

Celia got off of me and I sat up, stretching the stiffness out of my legs. "We should probably be getting back home. Mom might have something for that," she said, pointing to the claw marks on my cheek where fresh blood was still dripping.

I sighed."I'm sorry."

She smiled."I know you are, but you deserved it." She turned around and whipped her tail in my face. "Come on, Mom might be worried."

I nodded and looked towards the sky. "I'll be there in a little." I heard her walking away and sighed.

I stared up at the bright orange sky, looking at something that was hidden well beyond my vision. "Hey Mom, hey Dad."

I still wonder if they are watching over me or not. But I do know that I'll see them again... one day.

I turned around and followed Celia back to the den, thinking about death... thinking about love... thinking about life.

And that's chapter two. Again, any errors found and pointed out are greatly appreciated. Rate, Comment, tell your friends, do whatever your little heart desires. I'll get around to posting the third chapter in due time. Look forward to it I guess? Until next time, see ya! ~Dusk

As One-Ch.3: Friends

**Got this one up sooner than expected. Only two readers so far. It doesn't phase me. Read if you wish, I'm not gonna force you to read my stories. They're just unpopular right now. And new. So I understand if not many people have seen it yet. Either...

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As One

**Hey there! Thanks for visiting this story. Not sure how the titles work out. I'm new to posting on SF. I'll figure it out eventually, though. It'll just take time. And I'm a bit spent up on that right now... I hate to say, but the writing in this...

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