Pokemon Dominance Club pt2
Lucario just sat on top of noctowl trying to ignore his own urges brought on by the noctowl's dream eater. suddenly noctowl shifted from underneath lucario nearly causing him to fall off the bird pokémon.
Shigeru Umbreon Chapter 1
You're noctowls poisoned..." trainer: 'no! noctowl!" ?????: "umbreon! finish the job! quick attack!"
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Ecruteak City and Olivine Lighthouse
"come out noctowl!" noctowl appeared staring down the curious typed pokemon. "noctowl air slash!" noctowl fired air slash but mantine disappeared under the water before attacking with water pulse but noctowl managed to dodge expertly.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Team Rocket and Azalea Town
The second pokemon sent out was a machop and i substituted for my noctowl, having noctowl use air slash to defeat machop.
Pokemon D/P Journey to Jublife
"noctowl, this is chimchar." "noctowl." noctowl said as if it was bored. "hey, whats your problem noctowl?" "chimchar!" chimchar tried to explain to noctowl. "its o.k. chimchar, he'll come to his senses soon.
Journies of Martha, Passionate Pokémon
It's time for you noctowl!" jonathon threw a pokeball, and an owl like pokémon came out. the first thing martha saw was intimidating red eyes; something deep inside of martha shivered. noctowl intimidated martha. noctowl's piercing gaze froze martha.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Return to Kanto
noctowl appeared interested in what was next on my journey. "noctowl, would you be able to fly me back to kanto, viridian city?" noctowl was all for it and was more than happy to help his trainer out.
choose your own erotic Pokemon story 7
As brasa was incapacitated you call back ali and send out dust "dusk, noctowl's weak, use tackle!" you tell dusk, as he swoops in low and hits noctowl, knocking him unconscious, it was a critical hit!
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Ilex Forest
"i need your help noctowl!" noctowl appeared staring down the heracross unflinchingly. heracross smirked at both trainer and pokemon before beginning the battle.
A Different Kind of Training - part 4
A light-purple beam streamlined from his head directly to the noctowl. noctowl fell to the ground, but this time it didn't get up. "noctowl is unable to battle," the ref declared. "return, noctowl. you did well." noctowl was recalled into its pokeball.
Total Trust Chapter Four: A Whole New World
noctowl was now visible again and i fired off my attack without hesitation. however, it did not work because when notctowl emerged from the attack it did not have a single scratch. max consulted his pokedex while noctowl swooped down at me once more.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Goldenrod City and National Park
"come out noctowl!" noctowl appeared flying over to sunkern who panicked slightly at the looming noctowl. "noctowl air slash!"