A Stitch in Time pt. 2

Story by Radical Gopher on SoFurry

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#5 of Patterns of the Grand Design

This is a work of fiction. It contains explicit adult themes and as such is not recommended for readers under the age of 18. All characters are copyright RAD and may not be used without permission. All characters depicted in this story are over the age of 18.



It was nearly nine o'clock when Victor arrived at the apartment building. Flying had been a lot easier than he'd imagined, once he let instinct take over and guide his movements. Gliding through the evening sky he approached the open rooftop from above rather than risk landing on the much smaller balcony of his own apartment.

He misjudged his speed slightly and had to back-flap in order to slow down quickly, making the landing a little rougher than planned, but acceptable, considering his unfamiliarity with the subtleties of flight. Fortunately, it was a cool evening, so no one was hanging around the rooftop pool.

The elevator ride to his floor was not too uncomfortable because the designers of the apartment building had foreseen the need for moving large pieces of furniture. He only had to crouch a little to get in or out. Moving down the hall was another matter though. Sapphire went ahead and unlocked the apartment door, then carried the still unconscious skunkette across the threshold. Victor, even with his wings tightly folded against his body had to crawl on all fours to pass down the hallway and squeeze through the apartment door. He closed it behind him.

Once inside the former todd sat cross-legged on the floor, curling his six-foot long tail to one side. There was a full-length mirror by the door and he got his first good look at himself. His body was quite humanoid in shape with thick, muscular arms, shoulders and chest, not unlike a body builder's. His legs, which were also muscular and well sculpted, were digigrade, and ended in a pair of long, clawed feet. His neck was slightly longer than normal, but not unnaturally so, and his head carried a long, pointed draconian muzzle. A heavy eyebrow ridge of bone and scale helped complete the picture, along with a set of large, frilled ears and a pair of ten inch horns that swept forward from each side of his head. His overall color consisted of varying shades of red. Cautiously, he stretched out one wing as far as he could. It reached almost nine and a half feet in length, four in width, and appeared rather bat-like; though unlike the typical chiroptera it was attached to his back and not his arm. When folded, it had no more than a five-foot vertical length. Victor could almost swear the wings and tail felt like extra limbs.

Breaking away from his self-examination, he looked over as Sapphire went to work on the young girl. She first cast a very simple spell to keep her asleep. Then she began examining the dancer. A soft blue glow enveloped her as she passed her hands across the skunkette several times.

"Well," she muttered, "it could be worse "

"What's wrong?" the dragon asked.

"Some facial cuts and bruises... those are pretty superficial and don't need much more than normal attention. Her left eardrum is ruptured.... that I can mend without too much trouble. The biggest problem is the bastard broke one of her ribs. It's punctured a lung. That's going to take a lot of careful manipulation on my part to fuse it back into place and mend the hole. A general healing spell would normally take care of that, but I can't spare the manna or the time needed to gather more, so it looks like I'll have to do it the hard way."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"You can keep an eye on her while I get what I need from the kitchen and bathroom." She looked over at Victor sympathetically and smiled. "I know you'd get them for me if you could, but in your current form I don't think you'd fit anywhere but the living room." Rising, she made her way into the kitchen. The dragon moved over to sit next to the couch. Picking up a tissue from the end table, he gently dabbed at the girl's muzzle, trying to wipe away some of the blood.

"When I was a kid, I use to dream about being really tall. I can see the disadvantages to that now," Victor said.

"Everything in life is a trade off," the vixen commented from the kitchen. "Especially magic. The taller you are, the larger your house has to be. The more manna you use, the more manna you have to collect, etc, etc."

"I remember you telling me your biggest problem isn't so much collecting or using manna, but storing it."

"True enough," Sapphire said, as she returned to the living room and set a large bowl of steaming water and several towels on the coffee table. "Gathering manna is easy thanks to you, but with my connection to the lamp blocked for the duration of my stay in your world, my "reservoir" is finite."


I'm sorry... It seems that in my selfishness for a mate I forced you to give up an important part of yourself...OW!"

Sapphire had grabbed Victor by a frilled ear and tugged on it, hard. "Don't say that! Don't ever say that!" she hissed heatedly. "I'M not sorry you wished for what you did. Not in the least. And as for being selfish, a truly selfish person would have walked away from that alley and let this girl be beaten to death." She let go of his ear, wrapped both arms around his neck and kissed him on the side of the muzzle. She pulled away, heading for the bathroom. "I'd gladly trade any portion of my magic for a lifetime of love," she said softly, "especially with you."

She returned a few moments later with a bottle of grain rubbing alcohol and a bowl. She had Victor pour the alcohol over both hands, drenching them and catching the excess in the bowl. She then sat on the coffee table across from the skunkette. She whispered a few words and her hands were suffused by a soft blue glow. "Here's where it gets interesting," the djin said. As Victor watched she pushed her hands into the girl's side. She gently reached up and grasped the broken rib, moving it down and back into place.

From his perspective all the dragon could see were the bulges representing Sapphire's fingers as they moved underneath the dancer's fur and skin. "How are you seeing to do that?" The vixen looked up at him and he noticed both her eyes were glowing. "Uh, never mind," he muttered.

Focusing again on her work, she gently scooped up the larger bone fragments and fused them and the broken rib back into place. She then reached up and sealed the hole in the girl's lung, re-inflating it. Sapphire withdrew one hand, placed it against the skunkette's chest and began to push something upwards with both hands. "Put the towel under her chin and hold her head up slightly," the vixen ordered. Victor did as instructed. The girl coughed up a large clot of blood, staining the towel.

"Good!" the djin said, pulling her other hand out of the dancer. "Now onto the ear." Soaking her hands once more in alcohol, she gently reached into the skunkette's skull and brushed her fingers delicately against the inner ear. The vixen shook her head. "I'm going to have to use a little more manna here, the structure is too fragile for direct manipulation." She pulled her hand out and placed it against the side of the girl's head. She chanted several arcane phrases and the soft blue glow of her hands spread outward. Sapphire held her for almost a full minute then withdrew her hands. The glow faded. She picked up a clean towel, dipped it in the still hot water and carefully dabbed blood away from the facial cuts and from around the skunkette's muzzle. Finishing, she put the towel to one side and pulled a blanket over the girl. She sat back and heaved a sigh.

Victor looked at the vixen worried. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, brushing back a lock of blue-black hair. "Yes. I just feel a little drained, that's all," the vixen replied.

"If you'd like, I can keep an eye on our 'visitor' while you take a nap."

She smiled, looking hungrily at the dragon. "Thank you, but I said I felt drained, silly, not tired." The curvaceous vixen stood and slunk over to Victor. "Our guest will be sleeping for quite a while," she whispered sensuously, rubbing one hand up and down his chest. "It would be a perfect time for me to... recharge, don't you think?"

Victor felt the djin's hand lightly stroking his chest and stomach and was surprised how stimulating her touch was. He wandered if this was what alligators felt when their bellies were rubbed. He reached down and ran his thick fingers through the vixen's luxurious hair, massaging her scalp and the back of her ears. She murred softly; taking pleasure from the sensation. Leaning back, the dragon rested his head in his favorite overstuffed chair and stretched his body out along the living room floor with Sapphire lying atop him.

The vixen gently began to lick his scales, enjoying the incredible smoothness of his dragon skin against her body. She felt one massive hand reach down and delicately slide a clawed finger under her pantaloons, maneuvering her tail free, then stroking and tickling it along its base, even as it massaged and kneaded her ass. She shivered, feeling her fur stand on end under Victor's gentle ministrations. GODS! How she loved this anthrop body of hers!

Sapphire pulled herself along the dragon's chest, planting a series of hot, rapid vulpine kisses until she was cradling his head. She nibbled and kissed one of his frilled ears, sending a pleasurable shock through his body that caused the inside roof of his mouth to tingle. Blood pumped rapidly into his head, turning the ears a dark crimson and making them even more susceptible to her wicked attention. She blew her soft, warm breath, first into one, then the other, causing Victor's body to stiffen and shudder. He squeezed his eyes shut and focused on not loosing control. He could feel his penis as it unfolded from his sheath and expanded, poking out through the slit in his boxers.

Responding in kind, he gently flipped the vixen on her back and pulled her pantaloons completely off, leaving her nether regions covered by only a single triangle of cloth. He reached a clawed finger beneath this fabric and tenderly slipped it into her mound. With his other hand he pushed her top aside and ran his scaled hand under her breasts, cupping and massaging them even as his forked tongue snaked its way out of his mouth and danced across her nipples.

The vixen arched her back and howled, her body shuddering, her hands raking across dragon scale. Had it been normal flesh, her claws would have left a series of long, bloody welts in their path. It was fortunate for Victor that his hide was, for the moment, quite thick. Green tendrils of energy seemed to flow out of the dragon and into Sapphire, changing color as they touch her, enveloping the djin in a soft blue glow.

She slid down Victor's chest, pushed his hand aside and stripped off the last threads of modesty guarding her entrance. She rested her folds against his massive dragon-hood, then, like a thing possessed she writhed against him, huffing and moaning, spreading his precum across her mound, mixing it with her own juices. Desperately, the vixen grasped his penis in both hands and impaled herself. She moaned louder, driving herself downward onto the massive rod until it would travel no farther.

Victor continued massaging her breasts, tickling and gently rolling her nipples between his scaly fingers. In all the times they had made love before, he had never seen Sapphire so frantic... so possessed... or aggressive. It worried him because she wasn't engaging in her normal playful banter. Instead, she was like some lust-starved creature, desperate for release. As always, she felt incredibly warm and tight; especially now with his new found size.

Sliding up and down on the dragon cock, she again arched her back and howled as another orgasm tore through her. More of the green energy flowed out of his body and into hers. She continued to ride him, words joining her guttural moans and cries.

"Oh! Oh gods! More! Please... more! More! Aaah! (huff, pant) Yes! Aaah! Yes... Yes... YES! OOOOHHH! (whine... huff, huff) AAAH! NO! NO! AAAH! GAWDS... YES!" Pain and pleasure merged into a brilliant fog of blue energy as the vixen came one last time.

Hearing her give voice to her pleasure drove Victor over the top. He thrust upward with his hips, pounding his rod even deeper into the djin. Hot dragon seed exploded into her cunt, passed her cervix and filled her womb. Green flames engulfed both figures. It danced wildly around the room enveloping everything before it finally swirled upward, changed color and dove into Sapphire's waiting body.

The vixen fell back against her lover, exhausted and incredibly full of manna. Beneath her she felt soft fur instead of dragon scale and she turned. The Zorr's phallus pulled free and she found herself looking into the half-closed eyes of her restored lover. Their intense lovemaking had drained away whatever energies had originally transformed Victor into a dragon. This told the djin two things. First, the spell changing him had to have originated from an outside source. Second, the spell had lacked sufficient power or focus to attach itself permanently to the todd.

Victor looked up at the vixen and smiled, reaching up and gently brushing a hand against her cheek ruff. "That was really incredible. I wish you could be my mate," he muttered quietly.

She kissed him on the lips and pulled back. "I am your mate... silly todd."

"Oh, yeah! That's right," he replied, "It's so much like a dream come true I keep forgetting." He paused and thought for a moment. "Was I a dragon just now?"

"Yes," she nodded, "and you were magnificent."

"You weren't bad yourself. I don't think I've ever seen you so wild or out of control before. What happened?"

Sapphire laughed gently. "It was your musk."

Victor raised an eyebrow quizzically. "My what?"

"Your musk. Dragon musk was one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs of the ancient world. That's why so many young princess and maidens secretly dreamed of being kidnapped and ravaged by dragons."

"Well... there goes another fairy tale stereotype down the drain." They both laughed. The sound of movement drew their attention towards the couch.

The young skunkette they had rescued was sitting up, staring blankly at the two of them. Rising slowly, she advanced on the two vulpines, her eyes locked steadily on Victor. The blanket covering her trailed away, leaving her once more completely unclothed. Victor sat up, intending to intercept the girl but Sapphire stopped him by placing a hand gently against his chest.

"Careful," she hissed quietly. "I think she's sleepwalking. You don't want to wake her."

Reaching the todd, the skunkette gently knelt before him, leaned in and gave him a passionate kiss on the mouth. Leaning back, Victor broke off the kiss and looked over at the vixen, confusion in his eyes.

"What the heck is going on?" he whispered furiously, watching as the dancer bent over and began taking his limp cock into her mouth.

"I think she's acting under the influence of the dragon musk. The room absolutely reeks of it."

"But she's asleep!" he muttered, sputtering as he felt himself began to stiffen once again. He looked over at the vixen. "A little help here, please."

"I don't know," she replied playfully. "It doesn't really look like you need help. Besides, this could be quite fun to watch. I've always been a bit of a voyeur at heart."


"Oh, alright! If you insist" she said. Maneuvering behind the skunkette, the vixen gently grasped the base of her tail and lifted it, massaging the underside as gently as Victor had earlier massaged her.

"What are you doing?" the Zorr hissed.

"Trust me," she replied. "The effect of dragon musk on the uninitiated is so strong that she won't stop until she gets off, so that's what I'm doing... getting her off."

"Well hurry, please. I've never taken advantage of anyone before in my life and I don't want to start now." He couldn't believe how quickly she was pushing him to the edge. Gritting his teeth, he tried to mentally block the pleasurable sensations. He thought of the dentist, claws on a chalkboard, chewing ice cubes. None of them seemed to be working.

He looked over and watched as Sapphire licked the girl's cunt, once, then twice, then deftly inserted a finger into her pink folds and gently brushed it against her nub. A pulse of blue magic enveloped the girl's sex and she tremored heavily, wracked by an intense orgasm. She paused in her mindless assault on Victor, whimpered slightly, then collapsed against the todd, her eyes closed. She began softly snoring, a peaceful expression lining her face.

Sapphire looked at the todd and smiled. "See... nothing to it." Her eyes shifted to his fully erect and engorged penis. "Oh my... I think I'm going to have to do something about that," she said evilly. Lowering her head, she took Victor completely into her mouth and began suckling on him. Within moments the todd's eyes rolled back into his head and he exploded sending thick spurts of seed down her throat. She eagerly drank his cum, lapping away at even the last few droplets and smacking her lips.

"Delicious." She looked up at Victor who was passed out, a silly smile on his face. A wicked little thought crossed her mind and she giggled.

* * * *

Several hours later the skunkette woke to find herself tucked into a clean, warm bed, the sheets of which smelled like honey and vanilla. For the first time in many years she felt a sense of absolute peace, acceptance and love. The sensation was so strong it didn't bother her in the least to find she was sandwiched in between two Zorrs. She smiled and embraced the nearest of the two.

Victor, feeling a warm pair of arms enfold him, rolled over and embraced the figure next to him. Pulling her close. He opened his eyes... and promptly fell out of bed.