Week 1

Story by Nivasto on SoFurry

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#1 of The Wish of an Angel

Author's note:

This is the first finished fur story that I have uploaded. I wrote it as a Christmas gift for my mate. It's not that good, but helpful comments are appreciated. Thanks

There is a hand job scene towards the end, so if you are not comfortable about/shouldn't be reading m/m yiff of any kind, you've been warned.

The following character's are real fursona's, and are therefore under copyright of that person:

Wolfer; Nivasto; Sammy and Sarah. Permission was given by these people. All other Characters have been made up by the me.

This story is subject to copyright by Nivasto Tigerpaws on 19/12/2007.

Week 1

Love is something that we must all believe and hope in, because to not have hope or trust in love is not to live. Without love we would all be hollow inside. It comes in all sorts of forms, but it is almost impossible to grasp how strong true love really is. We have to believe in love, because it's the closest thing we have to magic.

He awoke slowly. Stretching and growling he turned over to look at the clock next to his bed. 7:46 am. He cursed quietly, and rolled over, wishing it was the weekend already.

-Five days left- he thought.

There was a big convention on that he was going to. Being 16, he was now officially allowed to go to one. With a sigh he threw the covers off him, and got out of bed, padding softly into the bathroom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror for a moment. The tired looking wolf stared back at him out of the mirror. His fur was dark grey, almost black all save for the large, white patch of fur on his chest.

-No one would want me. I'm never going to be good enough for anyone. I just look too weird. I'll never have love in my life-

With another sigh, he turned away from his reflection and went into the shower. Turning the water on, he let it heat up, before stepping under the warm torrent of water. He murred softly as the water cascaded over him, wishing that he could finally have someone in his life. He longed for the day when he would be able to have a shower with someone he loved. Being held close as the water poured over both of them.

-I wish someone would come into my life. Someone to love me, someone to hold me close and be there for me. -

He had always longed for love in his life. Though never having experienced it, he knew that it was better to fall in love, even if it meant getting your heartbroken. Because he knew that love made everything all right, and if he found someone to make him complete, everything would be all right.

With a sigh he drew himself back into reality, and poured some shampoo onto his paw, and worked it into his fur. Once finished, he got out of the shower, and dried himself off, and started getting ready for school.

'Wolfer? Are you ready? We have to go or you'll be late! It's 8:15 now. We have to go!' his mother shouted from downstairs.

'I'm coming!' he shouted back down.

Rushing into the kitchen, he grabbed the toasted cheese sandwich his mum had made, and drained the glass of milk in one go, before following his mum into the car.

Meanwhile in another part of the country, in another city altogether, a white tiger was stirring. He let out a long soft moan, and smiled to himself.

-Five days left- he thought to himself.

Looking over to his partner who was still fast asleep next to him he turned over onto his side, and watched the raccoon for a moment, before shuffling closer, and placing a paw onto the raccoon's back. Slowly lifting himself on top of him, and nuzzling gently into his neck, purring softly. The raccoon shifted a little bit, giving a slight groan, before slowly opening his eyes.

'Good morning Rik' the white tiger greeted him. 'It's time to get up. Come on. You have to be in the office in an hour.' The tiger smiled at him, but Rik merely groaned a little bit. Letting out an unimpressed sigh of annoyance the tiger got out of bed, and padded into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror he admired himself. He was tall, but not too tall, slender, and had a perfect complexion. As he turned the shower on to let the water heat up, he felt two paws wrapping around him from behind. Purring, he leaned into his mate.

Kissing the tiger's neck, Rik whispered in his ear 'Gods I love you so much. I'm never going to leave you, Niv. You mean everything to me.' Niv rolled his eyes. He had heard this far too many times, and in his opinion love existed, but it was better to stay away from it. He was trained in making guys fall in love with him, and believing that he loved them back. But it was all just a ruse. He didn't understand why people would want to fall in love with someone when all it ever brought them was heartache and pain.

-Why bother with something like that for just one moment, when you can be just as happy as long as you have money? Why put yourself out, only to be hurt? Throw your life away, for one happy day!? No I'm happy like this. I get what I want, and people get what they want...to think that I love them for a while. -

So Niv did what he always did in these situations. He turned around and looked deeply into Rik's eyes for a moment, smiling happily, flicking his tail a little bit, before kissing his mate deeply and passionately, letting out a gentle purr. He eventually broke the kiss, and took Rik's paw in his, and led him into the shower. He poured some shampoo onto his paw, and slowly worked it into his mate's fur. Tenderly massaging him. Rik let out a soft sigh, and let Niv take care of him.

Once they had finished getting clean, they dried each other off, and got dressed. Rik looked at his watch and cursed under his breath. It was already 8:15am he had to be at work soon. He kissed his tiger quickly on the lips.

'I have to go now, love. I'll see you when I get back ok? I left the credit card on the table, so if you wanna go out, use that.' he smiled and gave Niv another kiss, before quickly leaving and heading off to work, leaving Niv alone in his apartment.

As Wolfer sat down next to his friends for his first class, he couldn't help but notice the couple in his year that had been dating for almost a year. How much he wished that he could have the same fortune too. But he knew that love would come to him, eventually, no matter how impossible it seemed to him at that moment. He never lost faith, because he knew that to have no faith in love is not to live. The lesson began, and things all happened the way they did every other day; boring and long. His mind kept escaping to the con that was happening this weekend, and how much he longed that it was already happening. He thought of how much fun he was going to have with his friends there. It was going to be one long happy weekend.

As the day drew on he longed for the weekend to come more and more. He fantasized about the raves, and the art areas where famous artists came to sell their stuff, and the fun and games.

-Why does it have to be so far off? Why can't it just be tomorrow? Or tonight even? -

But the day passed slowly and uneventfully. As did the rest of the week. It seemed to drag on forever and ever. As though someone didn't want it to ever become the weekend.

As Niv started to make himself breakfast, he decided that he'd rather go out. Snatching up the credit card that Rik had left for him, and his coat, he left the apartment. He stretched in the morning air, and lit up a cigarette. Taking a long draw, letting the smoke fill his lungs, before sexily exhaling it. He knew that he was prime meat, and that everyone wanted to be with him. And he loved it. It was simple enough money, and everyone got what they wanted. He hailed a taxi on the street, and set off into town. Walking down the high street, he saw a sexy coat in a shop window that he just couldn't resist. So he went in. But, as usual he ended up buying a lot more than just the coat.

-Well I DO need to look good for this weekend- he smiled to himself.

As the day drew on, he started to get a little bored, so decided to visit one of his best friends. They met up for a few drinks, before heading back to Rik's apartment. They hung out for a while laughing and discussing what this weekend would bring. And Niv confessed that he was already getting bored of his current mate.

'Already? But you've only been together for like a week?' Sammy said astounded. 'That's gotta be an all time record for you!'

'Oh shut up!' Niv said jokingly. 'No, he's sweet and all, but he's just really boring. He works all day, and doesn't like going out in the evenings'

'Oh! One of THOSE ones, eh? Yea, I can see how you're bored of him already. But just think, this weekend's gonna be amazing. And you never know, you might find someone new?'

'Might? I ALWAYS get what I want, I'm feline. Comes with the territory. Silly woofy' playfully pushing him over onto the sofa, and straddling his friend. Giving him a quick lick across his muzzle, purring dominantly. Sammy just grinned.

'You really don't mind cheating do you?'

'Cheating? It's hardly cheating if I don't have feelings for the guy, is it?'

'No, I suppose not.'

Niv stood up, and, taking Sammy's paw in his, led the way to the bedroom.

As the weekend drew closer and closer, both Niv and Wolfer became more and more anxious and excited. Finally Friday afternoon came, and both set off to the venue, where they stayed in a hotel. Friday night, they both ended up going to the rave that was being held. Though, unlike Wolfer, Niv was one of the first to set out on the dance floor, but as time progressed he quickly moved onto the poles with Sammy. Causing quite a few heads to turn through their erotic, and sexual dancing routines. Wolfer stayed in a corner with his friends for the first bit, watching all this with a mixture of awe and jealousy. He wished he could just go up, and start dancing like the white tiger did, but he knew he'd just embarrass himself. As the feline became a little tired out, he left the stage with Sammy, and headed for the corner in which Wolfer was sitting with his friends. The wolf guffawed, and couldn't believe his eyes he was actually about to be approached by a hot fur. But the feline carried on walking past him without giving him another glance and straight into the waiting arms of a raccoon. Wolfer sighed, and leaned over into his friend's, a vixen, arms.

'He just walked straight past me Sarah. I thought he was gonna approach me. Not even a second glance.' he said and sniffed a bit. She petted and comforted him, telling him not to worry, that he would find someone, or that someone would approach him.

Niv however turned around in Rik's arms, and looked at the wolf for a moment.

-He's kinda cute. -

But with that, he was whisked off to the bar, and out of sight. As the night wore on, however, and the drinks started to flow, Wolfer became more confident, eventually moving out from the corner, and onto the dance floor. Loosing his inhibitions, and going for it. The music blared, the dancers' mood was getting hot, and Niv seemed to be getting into the company of a lot of people.

Wolfer was having a great time too. After having exhausted himself on the dance floor, he collapsed on one of the sofas with Sarah, and they both lay there panting heavily, and laughing hysterically.

'Shame no one ever approaches me though' He said to her.

'Well, I don't understand why you don't just simply go and talk to someone!'

He just looked at her in complete shock horror as though she may just as well have told him to run around town naked.

'I couldn't do that. I'd just completely embarrass myself.'

'Well, you're never gonna find someone if you don't approach someone, or hide how you feel from them'

'Let's dance'

So they got up and kept dancing, making the most of the night, and having a good time.

As the night carried on into the early hours of morning, Rik approached Niv, and told him that he wanted to go now.

Rik left with Niv at his heals. Wolfer longed for something like that to happen to him. He longed for someone he could be with, and spend his lonely nights with. Despite only having a single bed, it still felt far too big. But he was having a good time, and he wasn't going to let this get him down.

The next day a lot more people arrived. Rik and Niv both wondered around paw in paw, looking around, more than once bumping into Wolfer and Sarah. Though Niv seemed to not give the wolf any second glances, until that night when there was another rave on which they both went to. This time however, Rik got extremely drunk again, and started things with other guys. Niv just sighed and rolled his eyes when he saw it, and waited till Rik would come over to him. When eventually he did, he tried to put his arm around Niv, but he didn't let him. Niv looked at him coldly, forcefully pushing Rik's paw away and icily said

'You're not part of my life anymore. Go fuck with those random guys. You have nothing here with me anymore. You're a cold evil manipulating bastard, and you mean nothing to me anymore. You told me that you loved me, and this is how you show it? By kissing, groping, and doing god knows what with other guys? You can fuck off out of my life now'

Rik just stood there for a moment completely shocked, before trying to take the tiger's paw in his.

'Baby...please, I'm really sorry...'

But Niv wouldn't have any of it. He snatched his paw back, and bent really close to the raccoon's ear talking so only he could hear him.

'Don't you dare show your face near me ever again. And if you don't leave here quietly right now, then I'll get security and tell them you were trying to rape me, and get them to escort you from the building'

Rik just looked completely shocked, but realized there was no point in arguing with an enraged feline. So he turned heavy heartedly away from the tiger and left. The big cat smiled to himself

-That went rather well. But damn, I need a smoke now-. He looked around to locate the smokers exit, and in so doing spotted the cute sexy wolf.

'Mine!' he muttered under his breath, as he cocked his head to one side for a moment, surveying the wolf, as he sat with his group of friends. He started to slinkily pad over to them.

Wolfer having suddenly noticed the large feline coming towards him, froze.

-Can this be for real? Is he really going to approach me this time? - He waited with baited breath, but the cat made no signs of veering from his current course, eventually standing right in front of him.

'You're really cute, and I couldn't help but notice you dancing last night. I'm going outside for a smoke, you wanna come with me?' he said smiling warmly, extending a paw to the wolf. He blushed a deep crimson under his fur, and looked to Sarah for support. She smiled encouragingly, and nodded. So the wolf took the cat's paw, and they headed outside. Once outside the tiger lit up a cigarette, and exhaled slowly, surveying the wolf for a moment.

'You're like really cute, you know.'

Wolfer didn't respond instantly, but blushed further, before responding shyly

'Thanks...You...You're really hot.'

Niv smiled tenderly, taking the wolf's paw in his once more.

'I'm Nivasto by the way, but everyone calls me Niv for short. What's your name?'


'That's a cute name. You dance really well too y'know. How old are you? If you don't mind me asking?'

Wolfer swallowed hard before answering 'I'm 18.'

Niv merely raised an eyebrow.

'OK, I'm actually 16.'

The tiger smiled widely for a moment, before pouting slightly and purring thoughtfully. 'So, you're still at school then, right?'

'Erm, yea, I am.'

-Shit, that's too young. Oh well he's still fun- the tiger thought to himself. He put a paw around the wolf's waist, gently taking him into a strong yet tender hug. Nuzzling into his ear, and purring softly. Wolfer let himself fall into the arms of the tiger. Eventually nuzzling back into his neck.

'I really like you, you know.' the tiger whispered in his ear. Wolfer didn't reply, but blushed again.

'Shhh. It's ok. Don't be nervous. It's only me. Now how about we go back inside, and get some drinks?' he pulled away slightly from the wolf, who nodded a little bit, and smiled feebly back. He led the way back inside, flicking his cigarette on the floor. Once inside, he sat back down with Wolfer and Sarah. Shortly afterwards Sammy came over. The four of them sat and laughed, but Niv couldn't keep his eyes off Wolfer. After a while he leaned over to Sammy, and whispered in his ear

'I'm not feeling to good, don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm gonna head back to the hotel. Don't tell them I left, I'm gonna say I've gone to the toilet. Give me time to get away.'

Sammy frowned, but nodded.

'Right, I'm just gonna pop to the toilet I'll be back in a bit' and left.

As soon as he'd gone, Sammy slid over next to Wolfer. And they carried on laughing, but Wolfer kept looking around longingly, trying to spot when the sexy feline was coming back. After some time had passed, and it was obvious that Niv wasn't going to return, Sammy turned to Wolfer.

'You know, he really likes you. What do you say you give me your number, and I'll give it to him?'

He hesitated a moment, but then gave Sammy his number.

Meanwhile Niv had left the club, and made his way back to the hotel room. He was breathing heavily.

-What the hell is wrong with me? What is going on with me? Why do I feel like I should be going back? -

But he couldn't explain it to himself. So he just kept going, and tried to suppress his feelings down, passing it off as having drunk too much, or having had his drink spiked. He stumbled into his room, and collapsed on the bed, and, after a long time of tossing and turning, he managed to fall asleep.

When it was time for Wolfer and Sarah to go too, they left, but all the he could think about was Niv. He didn't tell Sarah how he felt, and tried telling himself that it was just an infatuation.

That night however, when he was tossing and turning trying to fall asleep, all he could think about was the tiger. Wishing that he was in his arms again, being held so securely as though nothing would harm him when he was held by those feline arms.

-He had such a gentle touch. And when he took my paw in his, it was so gentle, and tender. Oh gods, I wish I could be with him. -

But eventually he managed to fall asleep.