Week 2

Story by Nivasto on SoFurry

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#2 of The Wish of an Angel

Week 2

As Monday morning came, and another long week loomed ahead, both Niv and Wolfer awoke.

The wolf woke when the alarm rang. Slowly he opened his eyes, and thought for a moment his dream may not have been just a dream. But as he turned around in his bed, the tiger he had been dreaming about was not there. He let out a long sad sigh, and threw the covers off himself. And padded into the bathroom. He stared at his reflection for a long time, thinking back to the events that had happened. He still couldn't believe it.

-I was approached by someone. For the first time in my life. And not just by anyone-.

He felt so unbelievably happy, but he longed to be in the tiger's arms again. Longed to be held by him again, so warmly and securely. But the tiger liked him too; it wasn't just a one-way thing. He could see it in those deep, beautiful aquamarine eyes. There was something more there. And Sammy had said so too. The fact that Niv had just walked out on them seemed to go completely unnoticed by him. All he felt was pure happiness.

He sighed as he got into the shower, imagining what it would feel like to be with Niv, letting the water rush over them, soaking them together. Feeling the big feline purring in his ear, as he massaged shampoo into the wolf's fur. He finished showering and got ready for school, whilst fantasizing about being with the cat.

Niv woke at around midday, purring softly as he lay remembering how sexy and cute the wolf was. Murring loudly he stretched, unsheathing his claws, before collapsing and giving a satisfied little purr.

-No. He's too young. Move on. - He told himself, trying to shake the younger wolf out of his head. He padded into the bathroom, and got in the shower. But as he started washing himself, he found himself fantasizing about what it would be like to hold the wolf again. Gently purring in his ear, whilst rubbing shampoo into his fur. He shook his head, trying to rid himself of these thoughts.

'This is madness.'

He decided that he needed to go for a walk, to take his mind off Wolfer. Despite it still being fairly early, he decided to go to his favourite gay-bar club. He sat on one of the sofa's drinking his usual drink, smiling to himself as he wondered in whose bed he would end up tonight.

The day passed fairly uneventfully, he got approached a few times, but none of the guys really interested him that much. He kept thinking back to how nice it was when he held the wolf.

Wolfer on the other hand, was trying to figure out his emotions. He had never felt this way about another before, nor cared so much for someone. And this confused him. He didn't know how to go about dealing with these new sensations. He was open to new ideas, and feelings he never knew existed.

-How can one person make me feel theses things? - He kept asking himself over and over again.

-What is it about him? Why do I care about him so much? -

But he knew that he wanted to be with the feline. Be held in those arms again.

-But why? What's going on? -

He couldn't understand it. Why had these emotions all come out so suddenly?

He found it impossible to concentrate on any of the lessons, because all he could think about was the big feline, and how he made him feel. As he sat in his last lesson, he wondered what Niv was doing at the moment. Was he thinking of him too? Was he going to call him tonight? He longed to hear that voice again. So soft and soothing. As the end of the day came, and he made his way home, he kept checking his phone, hoping that he would get a call from the tiger.

As evening set in, Niv was finding it more difficult than usual to become interested in the guys that approached him. But then a spotted a sexy fox sitting with a group of friends, and so he approached him, they spent the rest of the night together clubbing and dancing, until the fox suggested that they go back to his place. So they did, Niv not caring about anything, but having a good time. He had forgotten completely about the Wolf.

Wolfer was longingly waiting for a phone call; he wasn't able to do his homework either, because he kept glancing at his phone hoping that it would ring. Eventually he gave up, and went to bed. He curled up, and was a little sad that the tiger wasn't there to hold him while he fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Niv and the fox where making their own intimate moments back at the fox's place. Suddenly Niv stopped.

'Is everything ok?' the fox asked, panting slightly.

Niv sighed; Wolfer had suddenly popped into his head.

'Yeah, sure. Everything's fine.' he smiled at the fox, before continuing, and forcing any and all thoughts of the wolf out of his head.

When he awoke the next day, the fox was still asleep beside him. Niv clutched his stomach, as he felt a little sick. He padded into the bathroom slumping down against the wall, he couldn't understand why on earth he felt bad, guilty, for what he'd just done. But he knew he had to get away. He left a note thanking the fox for a great time, and that he really enjoyed himself, but he had to go. Personal reasons.

As he left the fox's room, he started to walk aimlessly around the streets. He didn't know what to do, or where to go, so he just went into a café, and sat there, staring out of the window. He couldn't understand what was going on with him. But he HAD to pull himself together.

But as the week wore on, he started feeling increasingly more and more guilty about being approached by other guys, and found himself thinking about the wolf more and more. Until it came to a point on Saturday night when he was out with Sammy and he told him about how he felt. Sammy listened to this slightly amused, and revealed that he had indeed taken Wolfer's number, and told Niv to give Wolfer a call the next day, and arrange to meet up for the weekend after. Niv agreed, and that night he felt considerably better and more at ease with himself at the prospect of calling Wolfer the following day. He also, to his great surprise and disbelief, felt a little bit shy and nervous. Something that he didn't know was possible, and this confused him somewhat.

When Wolfer awoke the next day, he immediately checked his phone, but found that he had no missed calls, no texts. Niv hadn't made any effort to contact him. He had been so sure that the tiger felt something, but now he was starting to have his doubts. With a heavy heart he went to school, he felt like crying, but couldn't. He half-heartedly kept glancing at his phone every now and again, but now with considerable less vigor. He was confused in himself, because he had never felt this way about anyone before. Never cared this much about someone. Could it be that he was in love? And still the feline made no signs of wanting to contact him. It was as though Niv had made a lasting impression on Wolfer's heart, but now completely eradicated him out of his life.

-He probably doesn't even remember me. - He sighed.

As the week wore on, he became increasingly more and more depressed about the situation. He longed for a call, even a text, but none came. He tried to forget about Niv, but he couldn't. He cried himself to sleep at night, wanting this nightmare to end. This torture of truths that maybe he wasn't good enough for the cat. That maybe he had just imagined it all, because he wanted to feel love from someone like him. Eventually, and painfully Sunday morning came. He had given up all hope by now that he would get a call from Niv. And then the phone rang. He looked at the display, but it wasn't a number that he recognized. He hesitated for a moment fore answering.


'Hi, it's Niv' came the response. Wolfer could have shouted out with happiness. All of his feelings came rushing back to him, as though the rest of the week, the pain and suffering had never happened.

'I'm sorry I didn't call earlier, but I've been really busy.'

'Err...Erm that's OK.' he replied.

'How you feeling?'

Wolfer smiled and thought to himself

-Amazing now that you're calling. - But answered

'I'm fine thanks. You?'

'Yeah, not too bad. Look, listen, I've been doing some thinking, and I thought it would be nice if we could meet up again sometime? Like maybe spend next weekend together if you're free? Because I understand that you have school and all, so can't really just come up tomorrow.'

Wolfer was speechless. He didn't know what to say, or how to respond. He was just completely shocked. Not only had he called, but also he was now asking him on a date. His heart hammered in his chest, he still couldn't believe it.

'Err...Err...Err' he stuttered. Before finally managing to regain some self control and managed to blurt out.

'I'd love to.' immediately blushing deeply.

'OK. Well, I'm glad we've got that sorted now.' Niv smiled to himself happily flicking his tail, and purring softly, before continuing.

'Anyway, how have you been this past week?'

'Fine, just been at school all week. Erm, you?' he replied slightly more confident.

Niv sighed, before answering.

'I've been fine thank you. Been thinking about you. A lot, actually. Anyway, listen I have to go, but I'll call you again soon.' and hung up.

Wolfer was a little dazed and upset by the fact that he had to go so suddenly, but he had finally called him, and that made his heart leap with joy. Suddenly everything was all right again, his life was perfect, he was going to be seeing Niv again.