Week 3

Story by Nivasto on SoFurry

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#3 of The Wish of an Angel

Week 3

As a new week began, both Niv and Wolfer woke wishing that it was the weekend already, so that they could be in each other's arms. Feel each other's warmth against their bodies. Feeling secure, like nothing could ever hurt them.

Wolfer sighed a happy sigh, imagining what it would be like to wake up having Niv next to him, holding him, gently stroking him as he woke up. He smiled widely, as he threw the covers of him, and padded into the bathroom. Getting ready for school, he couldn't stop thinking about what it was going to be like that weekend. Finally being able to hold Niv again. Curl up with him. Do things together. He was now convinced that what he felt was love, and that it wasn't an infatuation.

-And damn does it feel good. -

All day long he couldn't stop smiling. It was as though he was on some sort of happy drug, and nothing could get him down, because all he felt was pure bliss that he was meeting the tiger again.

But time seemed to be dragging its heals, passing depressingly slowly, and still it wasn't the weekend. Anticipation wearing on as he yearned for the week to end, seconds taking years to pass, the week stretching out into an eternity before him never yielding.

Every time he spoke to the feline, his heart raced, as though his life only had meaning when he knew he was safe in the tiger's voice.

Niv woke and let out a soft purr, smiling widely before opening his eyes. He turned around, but found the bed empty. He sighed a long, heavy sigh he got up and walked into the bathroom. He leaned on the sink, and pressed his ears back a bit, hanging his head a little. He really missed the wolf already.

-Christ! - He though to himself -What the hell is going on? I've only met him once, but he's making me see things in a different light. How is it possible for one person to make me feel this way? -

He felt a tear trickle down his cheek, absorbed into his cheek fur. He shut his eyes, and clenched his jaw, before tearing them open and staring at himself in the mirror.

-What have you been doing? Why have you let yourself go like this? Turned so cold! -

He went into the shower and let the water run over him. Washing away his impurities. He realized he had to stop this nonsense he had led himself to believe was OK. He finished showering, and went into the kitchen, making himself breakfast. He checked his phone, seeing he had new voice messages.

'Hi ya Niv, Bill here. You gave me your number last weekend at the convention so I thought I'd give you a ring. I'm in London for a few weeks; so if you'd like to meet up sometime, just let me know. My number's 0789...'

Niv deleted the message. The others where all of a similar nature. He deleted all of them, and spent the rest of the day lying on his bed, sprawled out, trying to make sense of what was happening. What this one single wolf was causing him to do. A lot of people had tried to get him to change his lifestyle, but he couldn't, he didn't want to. He had always said that he was happy. And then, along came this one wolf, with the power to shatter the reasoning for the very life he had so easily defended to others.

He managed to get some sleep a few times, but he always dreamed about Wolfer. Eventually he decided to take a walk to try and clear his head.

As he walked down the streets, he saw so many couples, all of them happily with each other. It only reminded him, painfully so, of how much he wanted to be with Wolfer.

The rest of the week passed with nothing special happening. He spent a few hours each night talking to Wolfer on the phone. It felt to him as though when he was talking to him, nothing could harm him, like he was secure and safe when in the comforting hold of Wolfer's voice.

Saturday morning had finally arrived, and both waited in anticipation as Niv was approaching the station where they would meet. As the coach drew into the station, and Niv descended the stairs of the bus, Wolfer spotted him. His heart skipped a few beats, as he couldn't believe that the tiger had actually decided to come, and hadn't forsaken him. Niv walked towards Wolfer, a firm and confident stride. Niv noticed Wolfer standing a little aside, and smiled warmly at him, his body filling with a warmth that he couldn't describe. When he had reached the wolf, he put his arms round him, and took him into a tight warm hug, gently nuzzling into Wolfer's neck, closing his eyes, and letting out a sigh of happiness. Wolfer, took a moment to react, he still felt a little dazed by the fact that this was actually happening to him. But soon he let the tiger's warm embrace, and tender touch wash over him. When eventually the hug was broken, Niv took Wolfer's paw in his, looking deep into his eyes, and smiled.

Together they walked around Manchester, going around the city talking and otherwise getting to know each other better. They wondered around for a few hours, until it was time to meet the others for the meet.

Once everyone had arrived, they all went into a bar. Niv and Wolfer sat together in a corner to themselves, talking about anything and everything. Eventually, Niv put his paw tenderly over the nervous Wolfer's shoulders, letting him lean onto him. After some time,

As it was getting late, they decided to head home. When they got to Wolfer's house, they went to his room and watched a film. Lying on the bed, Niv but an arm tenderly around Wolfer, who, leaned into Niv, sighing a long happy sigh, smiling blithely. They remained like this for a long time; in each other's arms, feeling blissful by the security they felt from the others' gently caressing heat, till Wolfer became more confident, and slid his head down into Niv's lap. But as the big cat looked lovingly down at him, he blushed slightly and turned his head away. He couldn't look at the cat without feeling a little intimidated, and embarrassed.

'Are you ok?' he asked.

'Yeah, I'm fine' Wolfer replied, still unable to look Niv in the face.

'Are you sure?'

'Yeah, I'm fine.' He smiled, but still didn't look at him.

Niv sat Wolfer up, and turned to look at him, again, looking him deep in the eye, before leaning in and gently kissing the wolf's lips for a brief moment, before pulling back. Wolfer just sat there for a moment, frozen, trying to comprehend and process what had just happened. Tentatively, and ever so carefully, he looked into the cat's eyes. And there he saw such kindness, and love he had never imagined. Before he had any further time to dwell on this, Niv leaned in again, and kissed him tenderly. This time, slowly and gently, moving his tongue into the wolf's muzzle. Taking a moment to react, the wolf hesitantly returned the kiss, letting his tongue touch the cat's. Feeling the Wolfer's submission, he moved a paw behind Wolfer's head, bringing him deeper into the kiss, letting his tongue explore the wolf's muzzle, the kiss now growing ever more passionate, as Wolfer let his inhibitions go, and submitted fully to this new found sensation that was running threw him. He moved his paw behind the tiger's head, moving to sit on his lap, as he continued the kiss. Delving deeper into Niv's muzzle, letting his tongue roam around the new found maw.

Hearts' thumping fast and yet still softly. Neither of them feeling the need to say anything at all, for as they looked into each other's eyes, that look said more than one thousand words ever could. And like this they fell asleep. Both sleeping as soundly and happily as not in a long time.

As the sun slowly started to rise above the horizon, and the warm rays slowly crept in through the window and onto the sleeping couple. Niv was the first to be awoken by the tepid beams of golden light gently touching him. He slowly opened his eyes, and turned his head to look at his stirring lover. He moved and gently kissed the wolf on his nose. Wolfer opened his eyes suddenly at this, and found himself immediately staring into the eyes of his feline lover. Niv smiled warmly, whilst moving a paw caressingly through the wolf's head fur, before gently placing his muzzle onto his lover's; kissing him tenderly.

'Good morning, love.'

Wolfer growled happily, looking into his lover's eyes for a moment, before turning his head to the side again. The feline slowly licked up Wolfer's neck to his muzzle, looking into his eyes. Purring softly, he nuzzled into Wolfer's neck. The wolf's scent starting to wash over him, and taking a hold of him. He moved a paw up and down through Wolfer's chest fur, gently brushing over his crotch causing a shocked and excited yelp to pass the lips of the wolf. He purred a little, grinning mischievously, looking into his eyes. Running a finger just under the elastic of the boxers, causing Wolfer to squirm a bit, yearning for contact with the finger. Unsheathing his claws, Niv gently scratched down the wolf's chest, before moving his paw into the boxers, gently gripping the emerging wolfhood. Wolfer gasped out at the sensation as his meat was touched for the first time by another male. He caressed the sensitive flesh, whilst moving his other paw up and all over Wolfer's chest, panting slightly as the smell of lust started to saturate the air. He inhaled sharply before freeing the arousal from its constraints, letting it slap against Wolfer's chest making the wolf gasp and moan out, gripping at the sheets. Niv continued to move his paw up and down the shaft eliciting moans and growls from his lover. As his paw reached a steady rhythm of pumping, he moved his other paw onto the furry sac, fondling the globes that resided there. Squeezing a little bit, but not too hard.

Wolfer grasped and clawed at the sheets as he felt himself approaching his climax. His heart pumping loudly. His breaths becoming sharp and shallow. Tilting his head back. His muscles going tense. He reached his orgasm. Breaths becoming nothing but mere snatches at air. He let out a long howl as his seed squirted out of his shaft and onto his chest. Powerful bursts of thick, white wolf cream. As his high subsided, he collapsed onto the bed, his body heaving as he drew in ragged breaths.

Niv purred loudly, gently running his tongue over his chest, lapping up the cream that had been spent. He grinned, looking up at the wolf, licking his lips.

'Mmm. Tasty' he murred.

He took the receding shaft in his paw, gently lapping up the last few drops of spooge that had come out. He then came back up, and put his arm around Wolfer, nuzzling gently into his chest. Purring contentedly.

After having caught his breath again, and relaxed from the experience, Wolfer suggested they get ready to the meet. He got up, leaving Niv who merely spread himself out over the bed, and padded into the shower. As he showered, he thought of what had just happened, and couldn't believe it, even though the sticky residue in his fur was obvious proof enough. When he came out, Niv went in, and they both got ready. They caught a train into town, and met up with the others.

The day passed too quickly for both their liking. Minutes taking seconds to pass. Time flashing past them like a speeding bullet. They spent most of it in each other's arms, nuzzling into each other, purring and growling softly. Happy to be with each other, but as time wore on, the feeling of sadness enveloped them both. Knowing that it would soon be time for the Niv to leave again.

When the time came to say goodbye, they held each other close. Holding tight to the other one, wishing that they didn't have to part. But knowing that fate drove them to be parted again. But just as they knew this, they knew also, that fate would bring them together again. Nothing could keep them apart forever. It was only a matter of time before they would be able to be in each other's arms again. Be able to nuzzle into each other, smell each other's scent, and bask in the warmth and security that their love provided them.

As the coach drove away with his lover on it, Wolfer, felt as though part of him was leaving too. He turned and headed back home. Not wanting to stay. He hated saying goodbye. It made him so sad, like his heart stopped beating when Niv left. And would only commence when he held his love in his arms again.

On the coach on his way home, Niv started to think about the weekend. As he looked out at the countryside passing him, he began to think twice about his choice. Maybe he hadn't done the right thing. He decided not to think on it and get some sleep.

When he arrived back at his apartment in London, he sent Wolfer a text saying that he got back safely. He listened to his messages whilst grabbing a drink from the fridge. Most of them were from guys that he had met randomly in bars or clubs, whom he didn't remember. But there was one, from a sexy ex of his who wanted to meet him on Monday for drinks, and take him round the shops if he was interested. He went to bed and collapsed on it, staring up at the ceiling.

-No.- he thought. -Love isn't something I can have. No. I can give love, but never have it. That's my fate. -

He shook his head vigorously, trying to get the sexy wolf out of his head. The wolf had dominated his mind, his thoughts, for a while now. He fell asleep, trying to think of the next day rather than Wolfer.

When Wolfer went to bed that night, he basked in the memories of the weekend. He held the pillow pressed close to him, smelling his lover's scent, inhaling deeply, smiling as he did. He closed his eyes, happy that he had finally fallen in love, and how he couldn't' wait to be in his arms again. Fall asleep in those powerful arms.