Vesanto's Captive

Story by Yoru on SoFurry

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Vesanto circled the huge stone disc of the table. The man lay in the centre, his wrists trapped with ropes that wrapped around pulleys at the edges of the table and were fastened securely to rings in the ceiling above. Shining chain mail twinkled under the light from high above, a magical light that threw a beam straight down onto his captive, and a soft glow outwards. The effect provided Vesanto with the chance to remain invisible to the captured champion, by staying in the darker area around the table.

The man breathed shakily, trying to recover from the experience of being magically captured and moved here with ever seeing a living being. "Are you there, demon?" He whispered to the darkness. Vesanto admired him for his self control; barely any fear broke through his voice despite how helpless he was.

"Demon? Am I a demon, now?" He was close to the man's head, and reached his hand into the light, letting it shimmer off his fur, piercing through the black and revealing deep blue under layers. His black claws caught the light in an almost metallic way, as they carved a set of scratches loudly into the circle of the table.

The man's breathing quickened, and the tension in his muscles increased as twitched away, turning his head toward the sound. Vesanto saw the tension and turned the huge wheel that the stone table rested on. Silently, the well-oiled wheel screwed down into the floor an inch, lowering the table straight down with it. The ropes, connected to rings set into the rough stone above, tightened slightly, taking up the slack of the man's arms as he released it.

The man didn't notice the tightening of his arms or the downward motion of the table. "You aren't human." Vesanto was still impressed by his calm.

He stopped at the foot of the table, stood just outside the light. "And that makes me a demon?"

"You are a monster! You killed by brother! I don't know what you are!" he shouted it at the point he heard the voice come from. His captor failed to suppress a deep chuckle at how easily his prisoner's mask of calm had been pierced. The man wasn't calm at all, his emotions were just below the surface.

Vesanto leaned over the table, planting his hands firmly between the man's widespread ankles, the pads of his fingers pressing against the cool stone. His shoulders slid into the light, their toned muscles flexing as he lifted himself onto the table. "I am Ves, champion of Kalar. I am not a demon, nor am I human."

Leather and cloth, night black, draped around his body in a way that afforded comfort and intimidation as well as protection. The soft black leather reflected very little of the magical light from above. It was curved over his shoulders in hardened pads, an ornate chest guard, and softened to allow flexibility in the back and abdomen. The cloth lay more like a shadow between the edges of the leather, as if darkness could be woven and used to clothe his sides and shoulders.

He stood slowly, spreading his arms to his sides, his blue undercoat shimmering. "I am a Canid., a channeler, and to one like you, a monster. But I am not a demon. You humans often make that mistake, coming over from your lands across the sea to conquer and destroy" He pulled a wickedly curved casting dagger from his belt, whose enchanted obsidian edge caught the light with a mirror finish, the black glow of magical energy hanging like a pencil line of smoke along the razor sharp edge.

He knelt down over the now body of the human, now trembling at the sight and sensation of the knife; such a blade had a way of raising the hairs on one's neck. Ves placed his right foot at the man's crotch, right knee supporting his weight at the champion's side, while the other foot rested under the man's arm. He grabbed a handful of his neck-length hair and lifted his head from the stone. "Do you want me to show you a demon?" A black metal bead shone from the centre of his pink tongue as he licked his white teeth.

"No," the helpless man whimpered, shaking his head quickly.

"I'm sure you don't, but since you have bothered to compare me to one, I feel I must enlighten you. First is that what you call demons, I call planars." He pressed he man's head back against the stone, turning his head to the side and holding it hard against the cool rock. The man whimpered, and squeezed his eyes shut.

Ves looked into the darkness and then tilted his eyes to the side, signalling that his servants in the darkness should turn the wheel and tighten the champion's restraints. He felt the table shift, and the man felt his arms and legs pulled outwards.

The Canid leaned over the man, whispering into his ear, "I have one planar in mind. I'll teach you about it. Or him, if you prefer." He pressed the knife to the man's throat, resting its slight weight against the champion's tanned skin. "He is from a plane of indulgence. The catalyst for his plane must be liquid, and one of this demon's favourites is blood."

He pressed the knife against the man's skin until a bright drop of blood pooled at its tip, hanging at the wound for a moment before sliding up the blade. More blood trickled from the tiny cut, coating the smoky edge in scarlet. The man pulled at the ropes holding his arms, trying in futility to defend himself. Vesanto's eyes glinted like sapphires as he repeated the signal to lower the table, and felt the man's body slowly tighten.

More blood well up from the cut and spilled down his neck. The knife's edge was saturated, and the Canid withdrew the dagger. He rose for a moment and then knelt again beside the man. He drew runes on the stone with the bloody knife, its enchanted tip easily cutting a groove which held the lines of his channelling power. His mind reached out from the physical planes, calling out to a distant spirit, and in a moment was back, the spirit sharing his body. The man saw the blue undercoat glow brighter for a moment, casting its only light from an inner source.

Ves felt the spirit's warmth, a strength in his body, a warm pressure in his groin. He urged the demon out, but it pulled at his body in a way that made him shudder. His member throbbed in his pants, spontaneously wanting to be touched, and his mind clouded with lust. His empty hand edged up his thigh, and Vesanto wasn't sure if it was himself or the planar demon moving it toward his suddenly erect shaft.

The man stared at the Canid, fear clear on his face, but tinged with confusion. He didn't know the sensations at work in the furred body beside him.

Been a while since I felt your body, Ves. I was beginning to miss the fit. The words floated through his mind, a silent verbal connection between the host and the spirit. Like a whispered word across the skin of his neck, they made his body tremble sensually.

I've got someone for you today. I'm not on the menu. He whispered back, sending the words floating around in his mind, knowing they would be found by the planar sharing his thoughts.

The spirit released itself from his body, leaving behind the sexual frustration it had created. A transparent crimson fox, half the height of the champion and Vesanto and bearing horns and soft wings both covered in velvety black fur. His arms and legs ended in chocolate brown which faded to black. On his right hand he wore a dark metal glove, the tiny sections of demon-crafted armour clung to his furred hand, and sharp, shiny claws were fastened at the tips of the fingers.

"Oh, and he's a sexy one, Ves. What are we gonna do to him?" He licked his lips, his slightly pointed tongue wrapping around elongated fangs. His tongue and lips were black; his voice was silky, shaking with excitement, whispered and high pitched. His voice and naked body were androgynous, but he gave off a distinctly male aura that even the human could feel.

His eyes were wide and eager as he began to pace around the champion, carefully stepping over his trapped limbs on the table. His irises were mirrored, reflecting a ruby-tinted copy of the man's face. The champion's terrified eyes were locked on them, and a carnal need in his soul stopped him from looking away. The demon had found a link to his mind, and the human felt his body responding to the unseen caress of the planar's spirit.

"Meet Ilia. Ilia, meet..." he looked to the human, who shook in silence. "Your name, human." A stunned pause sparked Ves to press the blade under the man's arm painfully.

"Ciel." The man squeaked.

"The letters C.L.?" Ves pressed the knife harder, turning it so the back of the blade would press but not cut. The man spelled it out for him.

Ilia smiled and nodded in approval, "Not bad for a human name." He looked over to the Canid. "Can I take a look inside?"

The man shook his head and began to speak, but the demon was already gone, his essence vanished into the Ciel's body. The man's words melted, changed into a breathless whimper. His muscles bunched up for a moment, his arms and legs struggling against the rough rope. Ves watched his chain armour grow tight at the crotch, and heard another whimper escape his lips.

The Canid gave the signal to tighten the bonds, and now the man's arms were held taut, spread eagle and helpless on the stone slab. The extra tension drew a cry from the man, one of heated pleasure. Half formed words quivered on his lips before melting away into another frustrated cry of ecstasy. His head turned, and released a scream of desire, his hands curling into claws, his hips gyrating slowly.

The fox's clear red body surfaced through the human's chest as if the demon were bathing in his soul. He put his arms over the sides of the man's squirming body and said, "He's a good fit - "

The man moaned as the fox turned his attention away, "Please don't stop."

"And so full of energy. He'll make a good meal."

The man quivered in fear and lust, and the sensation made Ilia toss his head back in pleasure. Ciel in turn arched his back off the table, his groin throbbing; a laughing squeal of pleasure escaped the planar's lips.

They both lay panting for a moment, then Ilia said, "He's delicious. Where did you find him?"

Vesanto lounged across the stone tablet and rested an elbow between Ciel's legs, his own legs spread out beside his captive. He set his chin on his palm and gently rested his other hand on the human's crotch, receiving a gentle thrust upwards in return. "He wandered in here today, thinking he could kill me, maybe. Brought a small army with him."

"No wonder his clothes are so uncomfortable; he was ready for battle, probably travelling for days... Could you get them off for me?"

Ves nodded and Ilia disappeared back into Ciel. The human began to writhe, every part of him that could move was trying. He let out a long, almost tearful cry of pleasure.

The Canid sat up beside his prisoner and picked up his dagger from the stone disc. He brought the tip to the chain mail of the human's armour and slowly slid the edge down his chest. Metal and cloth underclothing parted easily, separating easily at the firm pressure of the magical edge. The heavy links cascaded down, exposing the man's hairy chest.

Ves clucked his tongue, and pressed the edge of the blade flat against the tanned skin of the chest, scraping smoothly to shave off the hairs. He felt his own erection, still firm from his own brief possession by the demon, return to full strength at the sight of the naked and helpless human writhing before him.

He continued to scrape the edge against his chest, removing every stray hair as the man struggled with his arousal. A sheen of sweat began to appear on his now smooth chest.

Standing and stepping between the man's bound legs, he slipped the tip of the blade under the champion's belt, feeling it part softly. As he slid the knife slowly down one leg of the man's pants and then the other, the man's hard shaft, glistening with precum, sprung into the light.

Ciel was begging now. Ves watched him, sweat glistening on his body as the human's lips formed desperate silent pleas to the demon. The Canid understood the silent struggle. He had allowed Ilia into his own body in order to gain his loyalty. His own body was tingling with the whisper of pleasure the planar's brief visit to his body had left. He didn't envy the human for being trapped on the table, unable to touch his glistening shaft.

Vesanto enjoyed this role, watching Ilia pleasure himself. He was in no hurry to end the teasing, nor did he have any need to pleasure himself. He sat and rubbed his hands over the warm, quivering legs of the human.

The fox resurfaced, his arm resting on the side of the human's belly. The man lay against the table, limp, exhausted; his breath was hoarse and panting. Pointed fangs showed as the little demon grinned, "Do I get to eat him up, now?"

Ves smirked and slid his hands up the man's legs towards the dripping hard dick in front of him. Ilia and Ciel moaned as one, the fox's high squeal mixing with the man's lower moans. Ves wrapped his soft hands around the big cock and squeezed, eliciting a back-arching moan from the human that caused the fox to cry out in pleasure, laying back to rest his head on the man's collarbone.

Ves slowly slid his hands tightly up the precum-slick shaft. The man whimpered at the slow, teasing stroke, but Ilia threw back his head and cried out in ecstasy, his hands slid over the human's skin as he let the sensations take over his body. The claws of his gloved hand scratched narrow lines of red on the tanned skin.

Ves's hands quickened for a moment, bringing a matching cry of pleasure from both the recipients, a short, barked "Ah!" As Ves stopped, the man groaned and bucked his hips, and Ilia's cry rose slightly in pitch, trailing off into bliss.

Ilia raised one arm to cover his face, the clawed glove resting on the cheek of his host, and the tips caught on the man's flesh. The claws raked away across the tanned cheek, leaving four thin red lines that did not bleed. The man gasped in pain and surprise, his body jumping.

Ves' hands squeezed tighter jacked slowly, intensifying the pleasure suddenly to compensate for the pain. Ilia threw his head back, a puff of breath that should have been a scream escaping his throat silently, lost in the quivering man's desperate moans and movements.

He continued the slow, tight strokes. The man begged him, "Please speed up, I need to release, please." Ilia let out a long, low moan as the man begged, at the desperation in his voice and body.

"You want to cum?" Ves asked, and Ilia looked at him with those ruby mirrors, nodding vigorously.

"Yes," Ciel moaned, his voice hoarse and tired, "please," his tone carried a choke of frustrated tears mixed with lust.

The Canid kept moving his hands, intensely tight, painfully slow, and relentless. The man's eyes watered, the pleasure was so intense, and yet he got no closer to cumming, the movements were too slow. His dick leaked a stream of precum that trailed down over Vesanto's fingers, and the shaft was impossibly hard.

Ilia writhed in silent ecstasy, basking in the human's desperation. As the intensity of the teasing built, so did the fox's pleasure. His body became more opaque, as if his crimson fur were growing thicker on him and letting less light through. The same was happening for his black furred horns, and to his wings hidden somewhere with Ciel's chest.

Ves watched as the man slowly tensed, more and more. The man cried in frustration, his face a mask of desperate pleasure, both of them knowing he would soon orgasm even at this agonizing pace. The writhing of his bare arms slowed, as his muscles tightened as his body prepared for his powerful climax.

Ilia's pleasure slowly became audible, his short squeaks and long, drawn-out moans slowly built in strength, matching the timing of the human's desperate movements.

The man's mouth was open, letting loose low, feral moans of desire upwards. His head was pressed back against the stone, his eyes squeezed tight but still leaking tears of pleasure. His hips lifted off the table, his body glistening with sweat in the magical light.

Vesanto pulled his hands off the man's dick, and the man was held stiff, quivering on the edge of orgasm, posed with his hips raised, his body trembling. Ilia screamed, his voice breaking as he convulsed in orgasmic bliss. His posture matched the man's arched body, though where the man had a desperately throbbing member, the fox had a blank bulge of fur.

The demon's fur grew thicker, and now he was translucent. Light seemed to pass through him, casting a tinted shadow on the man's chest. His fur darkened to the crimson red of lust, with chocolate brown starting at his wrists, which darkened to black by the middle of his hands. The same chocolate covered his belly, and down his inner thighs to his feet, where it also darkened to black.

Ves watched in rapt fascination as the man finally fell limp, gasping for air, his cock bobbing in front of him at the orgasm it still desired. Ilia opened his eyes and looked at Ves, who noticed that the irises were now flecked as a normal iris would be, with specks of brown and red that tinted the Canid's reflection in different shades on their mirrored surface.

The fox's voice was less squeaky and excited now, more sultry and smooth, "That was delicious Ves. I'll remember this the next time you ask for a favour." He seemed to vaporize into the man, and then reform standing beside him. His body, previously short and smooth, was now almost a foot taller, with a taut, slender definition to his muscles.

Ves sat up, legs crossed, between the man's legs and watched the demon stretch his velvety black wings out into the shadows while reaching his arms forward. Then his arms went up and together, and he stood on his toes, his wings and arms raised wide above.

The man panted, exhausted, unable to move even if he the ropes weren't already holding him immobile. He whimpered at his needy dick, throbbing over his stomach and leaking precum steadily.

"I think I'd like to offer you one more favour first, little friend. Follow me to a more comfortable bed..." Vesanto rose, leaving the human panting, the tears of pleasure turned to desperate desire as his only hope of release stepped down from the table and disappeared from sight.

Ilia spread his wings and rose off of the stone disc, floating over the bound man. He passed his foot through the man's aching shaft, which spasmed and shot a clear rope of precum which landed on his chin and he cried out. His writhing began anew as the planar disappeared into the darkness, his dick throbbing in time with his heartbeat, each pounding driving him mad with desire.

He struggled against his bondage, trying to pull free of the knots that held him. Slowly his movement stopped, as exhaustion from the possession set in, and his eyes closed heavily.

The servants in the darkness watched as the man slowly fell asleep, though his shaft remained poised for any contact it might receive. Clear fluid covered his stomach, and some had leaked down onto the tablet under him. The only movement was the slow rise and fall of his chest, and the steady throbbing of his shaft, matched by a tightening of his balls as they begged for release even in his dreams.