On Heated Nights the Arcanine Howl

Story by foxohki on SoFurry

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Male human/two female ArcanineThis story was inspired by my friend Gouka and contains light non-consensual! It's very light hearted and all in good fun~ <3Artwork cover is used without permission, as the Japanese artist won't respond to me... T^T It is used to show what a cute Arcanine looks like and is not so much relevant to the story! Easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission! ;3 Here is a link to his page: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=28639580


Four grey-hued eyes dimly glint amidst the trees of Viridian forest; the faint glow of the moonlight just barely giving evidence to the two hungry gazes that followed the figure of one clumsy bi-pedal creature awkwardly stumbling its way through nearby foliage. The night's wind carried with it many smells and scents towards the owners of those smoky stalking orbs, and while a thick coat fur easily blockaded any icy chill that may have been carried amongst the cool currents of air, scents were always something much more penetrable and engaging; two black wetted snouts picking up one certain pleasant scent in particular which appeared to be emanating from the creature in question itself, it was an aroma that made maws dampen and water in anticipation. "This bush again!?  I swear I have passed it three times already!"  A distinctly human voice grumbles in frustration; causing diamond shaped ears to perk and shift as the inaudible strains of words find their way to any hidden pokémon watching close by, it was clear enough to anyone watching that he was lost.  "I'll kill you!  I'll make sure you never want to cross paths with me again!  ARRHHH!"  The fleshy two-leg walker goes on to shout angrily before diving to the ground and tackling his leafy bane with a battle cry; twigs snapping and green bits flying as two large quadruped silhouettes silently slink towards the commotion.

  "Aranine arc..."   "Arca-what?! Oh...  That can't be good..."  The human's voice barks in response, but then gradually turns to a more passive tone as it turned around to investigate the source of the noise; the man's vision being filled with what appeared to be a close up a wild Arcanine's face, he thought perhaps it had come to his assaulted shrub's aid. "I'm sorry!  I didn't know!  Please!"  The man pleads as and his pink face pales slightly as his bottom slowly begins to scoot backwards and away. Growling with a menacing sort of tone, the Arcanine couldn't help but laugh as it slowly advanced upon the human; his demeanor completely changing from angry too fearful as his provocative bush becomes but a distant memory and an aggressive pokémon three or four times his size becomes an all too vivid reality. As the human continues to shuffle further backwards on the dirt covered floor in a feeble attempt to escape, his bottom and back are suddenly met with something solid and furry, and he's forced to stop his movements completely as he slowly turns around to confront whatever it was.  

"Arc~!"  The startled cry of yet another Arcanine rings in his ears as the fluffy canine pokémon feels the human's touch against its left foreleg and upper chest; this one slightly smaller, but still quite large in comparison to him as the fire type canine quickly runs past his side makes its way over to retreat behind its more intimidating friend's hindquarters, where it remains mostly out of view and cautiously peers out from behind that safe place.

  "There's-- there's two of you?!" The human whines, horrible scenarios playing out in his head of what they might have planned for him. "Just what do you...  What do want from me then?"  He went on to mumble, the more timid demeanor of this new Arcanine throwing him off a bit as it continued to coyly stare at him from behind its more aggressive, snarling counterpart. "I'm not a pokémon trainer I'll have you know!  I mean you no harm! And...  And...  Umm...  If you just let me go, I'll--" Starting up once more, he is soon interrupted by the sensation of a large blunt object smashing into his chest; an orange and black blur impacting him and forcing him onto his back, not painfully, but with enough force to tell him to lie down and shut up. The more assertive of the two Arcanine proudly stood directly over his subdued human form after executing a weak form of its trademark extreme speed attack, and now it stared down at him as if to show him who exactly was control and whose claws his fate rested on; seeming to emphasize this point even further and demonstrate its dominant position over him soon after, two massive paws are slowly placed on either of his shoulder to then surprisingly gently push him into the ground as the large canine applies a good amount of its upper body weight to him there. 

Stuck pinned underneath his pokémon captor, he didn't so much as try to move against its powerful will nor utter another word, but merely whimpered in a slight fear of what it might have planned for him, and hesitantly watched as the feral beast sized him up; two grey-hued eyes very, very close now, they trailed down the length of his form before finally pausing a little more than half way down for a moment, where they then quickly made their way back up to his face again.

  "Arc, Arcanine arc..."  The powerful fire-type squinted its eyes slightly now as it stared down at him with a hot, gripping gaze, hunger shining in the large eager spheres as it uttered some words in a soft tone that was clearly meant for its more timid friend. Remaining completely at one Arcanine's mercy, he could only catch a glimpse of the other's shifting paws and forelegs with his narrowed range of sight while still under this first advancer, as the second one now padded its way over to join them; and then swiftly, without any warning whatsoever, there was tugging sensation on his right lower pants leg; the more hesitant Arcanine seeming to have sunk its sharp teeth into the cloth of his jeans, he could now feel them be thrashed about and pulled every which way.   'Unwrapping me are they? Have these Arcanine developed a taste for human flesh?  Not how I thought it would end...  Eaten by a pokémon...'  Interestingly enough, his thoughts seemed more amused than scared at this point; almost as if he refused to come to terms with what he knew was happening right before him, or perhaps acknowledging what seemed an imminent, impending death.

  When his pants refused to budge much at all for that more timid Arcanine, it almost seemed although it have given up on them as it stopped its motions; only leaving a few large holes behind.  But then, after a brief exchange between the two large pokémon, the tugging quickly returned upon his waist as a large forepaws slide from his right shoulders to be placed firmly against his chest and the sensation of two cold snouts pressing against his stomach is felt as both Arcanine muzzles press into his midsection and teeth grip a hold of his upper pants; and this time there goal seems to be achieved massive jaws go to work and succeed in pulling the man's pants down to his ankles; the loud sound of ripping cloth being heard as they then pull them off completely the cool night air brushes over exposed legs as their torn, blue-dyed remains are discarded completely and tugged away, his shoes and socks were made short work and suffered a similar fate as well soon after. "Nice...  Nice pokémon doggy..."  The man mumbles as a the two large paws that were pinning him are lifted upwards and immediately replaced with the heavier weight of an Arcanine's behind as it sits down directly on top of his crotch; catching a glimpse of its large white tail wagging back and

forth on either side of its rear end, he thought maybe they were just playing with him? 'Or playing with their...  Food...'  His almost hopeful stream of consciousness takes a quick backpedal into his ever prominent torrent of fear as a large wet tongue is pressed firmly against the entirety of his face; running upwards against him before retreating back into a starving maw, surely it was tasting him...

  His frightful suspicions seem to be further confirmed upon hearing the loud snorting nose breathing of the smaller Arcanine from between his legs and behind its friend on top of him, that is, until he feels its tongue press up against his very sensitive male regions soon after.  For a moment, he only felt and overwhelming pleasure. That single stroke of a long, warm, rough licker inciting a brief moment of euphoric bliss before he quickly jolted back to reality. 'Oh gods...  They're going to start with that most tender area of mine first...'   "Please!  Just... just kill me first before you eat me! Roast me with a fire attack so I'm nice and crispy!  I--" His plea for a swift death is cut short by a large paw almost gently being placed on his lips, and he was quite taken off guard by this seemingly compassionate appearing gesture; but even more taken off guard as the other Arcanine's tongue came back for a second taste of his male bits through the cloth of his now dampened boxers, and another, and another...  More and more moisture collecting there as his arousal increased further and further with each lick.

  Stunned in thought and trying to come to terms with what was happening, he simply lied there under their manipulations as a lovely wet warmth came back to stroke his genitals again, again and again...  Time seemed to slow down then during that moment, was his sanity slipping away?  Perhaps he'd already been eaten and this was his mind playing some cruel, after-death dream world trick on him...  Was this heaven? Pleasure coursed through his body with every lap of hot and wet friction running long his penis and testicles.  His chest heaved slightly against the weight of the Arcanine atop him as it remained perched on him and the cloth separating his sensitive male flesh from a lavishing, loving tongue become increasingly annoying to him; the mid-section his boxers utterly saturated with canine saliva, if he had one wish, it would be for that troublesome underwear to not exist...  Only but a few seconds a go he would have used that wish to escape, but now?  Now... Attempting to lean upright with the front half of his body, the man becomes overwhelmed with the need to hold onto something.  Sinking his fingers into the astonishingly fluffy-soft and inviting fur of the Arcanine's pelt siting on him, he is given only but a moment to enjoy it as the large canine seemed to no want to oblige him; having none of this new assertive display from the human, tiny

and harmless as it may have been, he is roughly forced back to the ground by both its forepaws pressing down into the sides of his chest and then center of it; purposely digging its claws into him slightly as it tears his shirt to pieces with the action, there were several red lines on his chest where he's almost cut, but the slight sting they created is quickly soothed as a second Arcanine tongue joins the first in lapping at his aroused body in an almost apologetically way.

  As much as he desired to, he dared not move to get rid of that nagging barrier his boxers created, even if it seemed a constant teasing torture as two large pokémon tongues continued to lap his anxious, pleasure-trembling body. "Arc Arcanine..."  Standing up, the Arcanine that was previously sitting down on him now looks down and back between its four legs to say something to its friend, before then walking forwards slightly and then sitting back down on the man's chest while laughing quietly to itself. 

It was at this point in time when he began to wonder at what gender these Arcanine might be, and upon feeling a slight moist-dampness amongst the incredibly silk soft fur the rear end now placed directly on the recently exposed flesh of his chest and no balls or a sheath there, he figured it must belong to the excited genitals of a female pokémon.  A bit at ease after coming to this revelation, before he can so much as begin to question the second Arcanine's gender, its tongue quite suddenly stops its ministrations, and in a blur of motion his boxers are peeled off and bliss replaces them; a throbbing erection being exposed to the cold night's air for but only a brief moment as a large and uninhibited canine tongue quickly goes back to work.

  Lick by lick the man was brought closer and closer to an inevitable peak by a one very hungry Arcanine.  Visibly on the verge of a pokémon-licker-induced orgasm, his form squirmed and writhed beneath two furry assailant's erotic wills. "Arc arc..."  The Arcanine anchored upon his upper torso mumbles something as she shifts even further forward against his body, and all at once the man felt as though he was blanketed in warmth from inside and out.  Becoming entirely covered in large, warm furry bodies, two sets of firm forepaws are placed on the back of the man's head and sides of his hips as both Arcanine simultaneously embraced him; the more forward and forceful Arcanine hunching her form over the top of his head and shoving a sopping wet poké-vulva in his face, he felt her damp slit roughly press to his forehead while the end portion as his penis is promptly taken inside a ravenous Arcanine maw, his body heating further as his pleasure rises and rises and his form trembles. 

Lingering on the brink of ecstasy, all he could hope but do was bury his face into the crotch fur of the Arcanine before him as his member is suddenly treated to the gripping suckles of a desperate muzzle below, and a human tongue tentatively leaves its mouth to contact and explore an uncharted pokémon pussy with curious licks before then suddenly being so bold as to plunge its fleshy depths and deviantly dig its way inside with frantic enthusiasm; feasting on tender female folds as the intense pleasure of an Arcanine licker slides back and forth repeatedly against the super sensitive tip of his penis in turn, and his length remains entirely consumed and greedily suckled with strong passionate tugging muzzle squeezes.

  "Nnnn!"  The man moans as thick, hot, sticky streams of white gooey liquid flooded the confines of a begging Arcanine's maw and splashes against the back of its throat, and his hands quickly moved to grip the upper rump of the Arcanine his head was intimately engaged with as he was rocked and wrought by pleasure underneath them; his fingers rhythmically massaging orange fur and the  flesh beneath as he rides his orgasm and casually continues to tongue inside the pokémon's vagina riding his vibrating form as if this were something he was happily enjoying or even loving. Feeling a cold wet nose press into his upper crotch and lower stomach, and a polar opposite wet warmth on the upper portion of his testicles, it appeared as though the Arcanine had liked the taste of his seed as it enthusiastically tried to get more and pressed his length deeper inside its enormous maw and he felt it's tongue and lower lip right up against his testicles while his penis remained hidden within a still suckling, undulating muzzle; his maleness being massaged and squeezed by a lightly moving mouth organ and grasping pokémon mouth as he focuses his own tongue's efforts on what he found to be an Arcanine clitoris hidden atop the sensitive fleshy walls before.

  "Arrrrc..."  The Arcanine he was pleasuring roars softly, almost as if moaning as her two forepaws gripping the back of his head became more apparent and pushed his head harder against her furry crotch mound surrounding her vagina; pads and pointy claws pressing a bit harder into him as she begins lightly humping against his face now, female juices splashing against his tongue and lips as he tries to continue his lickings of her clenching, rippling vagina that seemed to be increasing in excitement all its own and match the Arcanine's own aroused motions. Female cum coated his chin and streamed down his neck as his satisfied captor finally released her grip of him and let the back of his head drop to the floor before pacing forward and off his body entirely.  "Arc!"  She then barks; apparently telling the other Arcanine to stop what it was doing as it suddenly released its now familiar muzzle's hold of his maleness to leave it cold and

wet with saliva, glistening in the light of the moon, throbbing and still erect.

  "Arcanine arc, arcanine..."  Seeming to give her more timid friend further instructions, the man watches onward in awe as this second un-attended to Arcanine turned around to face the opposite direction and then crouch down low to the ground on its front legs; its hindquarters remaining raised high up in the air, it seemed he was being given an invitation normally only made out to a male pokémon, and the answer to whether or not he should consider accepting was made quite clear by a low growling starting up from behind him from the more dominant of his two captors. This Arcanine too was clearly female, he could see that now as he leaned forward to begin begrudgingly crawling towards the presenting pokémon.  He took note of how her genitals were slightly different looking from her friend's; vulva slightly swollen and accented with a light reddish hue, the fur surrounding seemed to be already be wetted as if it had been licked recently, and licked quite a lot.  He knew enough about pokémon to know this one must be in heat and in dire need of a male; in dire need of him...

With a fluffy orange furred behind encompassing almost his entire range of vision, her female bits became close enough to touch as he shuffled further towards her, and he reached forward with his right and pressed the ends of his index and middle fingers to her vaginal lips; finding them so very heated and slippery, they immediately moved upon his touch and shifted upwards slightly ever so slightly on her rear end as they clench down shut in response and tensed.

  "Arr..  Arcanine..."  She whimpers upon feeling the human's wandering touch there; curious fingers stroking up and down her flaming entrance, it gave her both release and a kind of pleasure like she'd never felt before. The man would be lying to himself if he didn't say he found her embarrassed-happy noises entirely cute, lying to himself if he didn't say he was quite thoroughly enjoying all of this...  He found himself incredibly aroused still, despite having just been milked by this very same feral fire canine he was now pleasuring with his fingers, and all of this was exciting him to no end.  He had become a mere pokémon's play thing, an Arcanine sex slave.  But he was loving it to no end... His erection painfully throbbed and pulsed, fully returned and pushing him forward to continue performing lewd interspecies acts as his head shifted and his cheeks met a mound of crotch fur as a human tongue met hot, needy, begging pokémon vaginal flesh.  The Arcanine groaned and whined louder as he burrowed his thick licker within the depths of everything female, and her warm, wet folds quivered with delight as he began vigorously painting the inner walls of her hugging tunnel with a fresh coat of his saliva, but that all quickly turned to howling and roaring as his mouth's lips closed tightly around the bottom her vulva to begin suckling on tender, soft, sensitive vaginal lips; her clitoris being dragged back and forth against the roof of his mouth for a brief moment before the man shifts up a bit to stab that little bump of special flesh with his tongue, his intimate actions cause the Arcanine to absolutely lose it.  

  "AARRRC!"  Her claws dug hard into the soil as an easily obtained orgasm gripped her virgin body and rocked it about, form shaking and humming with a climactic excitement never before experienced and a pleasure never close to being felt before; and no more howling is heard soon after, just the sound of very heavy panting and the faint, barely audible sound of heavy viscous liquids dripping to the forest floor below; thick and clear female pokémon cum dribbling down the man's chin, it seemed as though he had acquired a taste for all things Arcanine. He eagerly drank her juices as they come, and when they stop, he found himself immediately wanting more.  He felt as though his tongue belonged inside her, and he realized he was actually beginning to develop serious feelings towards this shy Arcanine. 

Beginning to love her even...  The cute noises she made, the way she had to have her friend help her to find someone to mate with her, he was loving everything about her...  He realized he was more interested, more enthralled and more turned on by this pokémon than any female human he'd ever been with or thought about being with.  He loved her, plain and simple...

  The man lightly gripped either side of his newly claimed Arcanine's haunches with both of his hands and began petting and massaging her lower back as his tongue started lapping along and her inner folds, once more tonguing at any lovely place he could gain access to; hungrily collecting any leftover female cum and the increased amounts of arousal liquids there, tiny happy whines escaped his lover's maw as he feasted on her sex with a renewed and newly found passion. "Grr....  Arc!  Grr...."  A disgruntled growl came from behind him, which was shortly followed by a slowly advancing second Arcanine, and her figure was then upon him and felt by him as the fur of her undersides and chest pressed to his back.  

The man didn't know what he could have done to upset her, but when he felt her forelegs wrap around his chest and then the forceful thrusting of her crotch against his lower bottom, he had a guess of what it might be.  Her awkward female humpings of him quickly stopped and then her teeth latched onto his shirt to tug him upwards and direct him to stand, and finally she nudged him forward to press his crotch against her friend's furry rear to blatantly confirm his suspicions.

  "Arc!"  The Arcanine before him barked happily as she felt the man's shaft press into the base of her large tail, and then braced her hind legs to stand steadily on them; obviously following some sort of instruction taught by her friend as the man got situated to his new position and gripped that same place on either side of her large, glorious haunches from above now; her cute fluffy tail now pressing into his stomach as he slowly leaned forward against her behind and she kept it up and out of the way to give him access to her special female area.  

Gripping his erection with his left hand, so very hard for the pokémon he loved before him, he then slowly guided its tip inside towards the large mound of Arcanine femininity before contacting one heating, in season canine slit and slowly pushing inside to feel a warm, damp, squishy soft tightness spread around his hardened cock until finally it was hilted within her body completely; vaginal muscles immediately claiming their prize as his length is clamped down hard and a faint wet clamping squish sound declares their completion of male and female united as one.

  The man held himself there for a moment, human crotch firmly pressed to furry pokémon crotch as he took in the wonderfully pleasing sensations of being buried inside her femaleness and being treated to aroused Arcanine flesh as her tunnel excitedly clenched on him a few more times, when he then heard a heavy sniffing snort-like sound from down between his legs; and suddenly the cold and wet nose of the other, more assertive orange-and-black-furred beast prodded the back of his balls; the second Arcanine's nostrils strongly inhaling his musk as the sudden sensation causes him to push harder into his more deeply engaged female lover in front of him in an attempt to seek more encompassing warmth; and more all-encompassing warmth is what he finds...  

With member hilted hard within the hot wet vice of the Arcanine's pussy before him, a second wet warmth comes to blanket the entirety of his testicles from below as a large tongue begins lapping at him from behind; and that's all the prompting he needs as he becomes lost in lust and love...

  Gripped by a plethora of happy emotions and consumed by indescribably immense pleasures, he painstakingly slowly slides his fingers forward along silky orange and black fur, until finally the man's digits find their way to his pokémon mate's mid-section and leans forward against her to slide his hand beneath her and wrap his arms tightly around her waist.  His chest pressed firmly to her lower back and resting there, he finally begins thrusting his hips against her behind and mating his inter-species lover in earnest. "Arr... Arr...  Arr... ca... canine..."   The quiet sounds of sex and pleasured grunts fill the surrounding forest air as a tightly gripping Arcanine vagina is repeatedly filled with a human penis again and again; the slick confines of the fiery female's fleshy mating hole working the man's member over with powerful squeezing hugs as the faint sound of wet flesh sliding into wet flesh became repeatedly overshadowed by the rhythmic, moist slapping squishes of an overly excited vaginal tunnel collapsing hard around his length to leave no area untouched and vividly embraced; her female bits starving desperately craving what she's finally receiving and thoroughly enjoying every inch he gave to her.

  "Arr... Arr...  Arr... ARCA... ARCANINE!"  The soft pleasured whines of his Arcanine lover gradual grows to a howl as her body shifts inside and out; vagina felt rippling over his penis to cast a symphony of pleasure as wet spasming flesh-hug sounds flood the air surrounding her hindquarters, she simultaneously arches her head upwards to howl and drown the noise out with a verbalized display of her intense climax. Large amounts of female cum are felt and seen leaking out in a mass of liquid lust as they travel down along the base of the man's penis and into the maw of the other Arcanine's tongue which remained still licking at his testicles and any part of his penis she could get at all the while, and upon tasting her friends special juices, her tonguing motions increase and begin press and lapping at the area even harder still; the man groaning as the licks trailed forwards and upwards to begin lapping more directly at his member as he continues to repeatedly bury it inside the depths of quivering, writhing pokémon femininity, the large, pink maw organ swiftly consumes any dribbling juices as it prevents a single drop of thick stick liquids from falling to the forest floor below, a distinctly separate and intensely good feeling warm and wet friction licking and licking at the bottom of the man's glistening cum covered shaft and bumping against the leaky contracting vulva lips of her

friend; juices rushing out a bit and escaping there deeply meshed and engaged sex's with each tightening squeeze of satisfied female genitals.

  "ARR ARRR  ARR, ARCANINE!"  More howling echoes through the once quiet forest as a writhing Arcanine's form is struck by yet another wave of pure bliss; the constant massaging tongue of her friend pressing hard into the top of her slit now and lightly running against the front of her clitoris with each lick, she could feel the back of her pleasure button simultaneously be pushed hard into by the human penis being dragged back and forth against her most sensitive and soft female insides to light her entire body up with pleasure once more. A black snout and white muzzle fur is splashed in clear sticky liquids as rippling vaginal flesh continues to dance around a repeatedly thrusting male organ; the hard, rigid tool jumping and dribbling pre-cum itself, the subtle goo added to the slippery concoction of female cum and arousal liquids thickly coating the soft insides of Arcanine's fleshy folded love hole, the man can't help but groan in pleasure as he slams the full length of his own overly-exited sex hard within her to begin vainly expelling his human seed and plant his white goo deep inside her fertile pokémon grounds.  

  Constant loving licks continue to run their course as an overly zealous Arcanine now directs her aim lower and back towards the man's testicles as he continues to ride his climax, and he then feels two massive paws press down against his lower back to keep him from humping as she continues to collect any flowing sex juices trying to flee from their connected genitals; a bit of salty male flavor adding to the constant flow of streaming mating liquids as the man remains deeply embedded inside his furry lover, hugging her chest tightly with his arms as he lightly moves his hand back and forth against hers stomach to feel her incredibly soft fur there and brush them against six quite large and erect feral nipples as her vagina repeatedly hugs and massages his resting, lightly squirt and dribbling length in return. Slowly the man's trembling penis begin to soften and all licking of his genitals finally cease as the more assertive Arcanine behind him back pedals away, but then quite roughly he feels her entire form upon his back as his torso remains still pressed to the Arcanine he is hunched over, and his member finally slips out of the fleshy hold of his more timid Arcanine's vagina as the one behind him now begins to hump her crotch directly into his butt; feeling her vulva and it's wetness upon him there, it was obvious she was very aroused.

  "Please! I need time to rest!"  The man complains as the dampened pokémon slit is vigorously loved against his behind, feeling its soft wetness eagerly streaking him as he slowly manages to pry himself out from between both of the Arcanine's large furry bodies and fall to the forest

floor on his hands and knees exhausted.  Neither of them seemed to have any qualms about that, and his presence seems to go unnoticed for a moment as he sits there watching them curiously and amused; the more dominant Arcanine now gripping her thoroughly mated friend's upper midsection similar to how he was as she humps her vulva now at the base of her friend's tailbone instead of his own behind.   Noticing that they were distracted, the man began to slowly turn around and crawl away from them. "Arc! Arcanine arc!  Grr..."  He hears one of them speak and then growl at him. Slowly turning around and sitting down where he had gotten only but a few feet away, he was met with the two of them now both faced towards him and just staring.  With the shyer, more submissive Arcanine looking to the side a bit and staring at him out of the corners of her eyes, white cheek fur lightly red and blushing, her controlling companion began to advance up on him, and he swallowed hard.

  "Arcanine arc..."  She whispered as the bottom of her left forepaw met the center of his chest to then slowly press against him and force him to lie down onto his back, and the incredibly soft furred undersides of an of the fluffy fire type pokémon came to contact and rub into his chest right after, stomach, crotch, and upper legs as she laid her large form down on top of his; feeling her vulva hotdog his member half-way inside that intensely warm and wet outer fold of her sex as she did so, her vivid female presence on his more tender and soft penis caused the male flesh to twitch and spring back to life slightly, and it appeared a promise of more seeds for yet another hungry Arcanine hole. She began to gently shift her hindquarters against him, rub-rubbing her salivating slit up and down the length of his penis with a slow, steady humping motion; loving the way his entirety felt against her vaginal lips, they kissed and gripped the human's male meat with an increasing excitement as it was slowly coaxed back to full strength and remained hard and stiff as his tip slipped inside her and his length was again enveloped inside one hot and hungry pokémon vagina.  

The hard fleshy rod within its rightful place of another species, black and orange fur begins to lightly bounce up and down in a steady rhythm as those same large forepaws that she were placed on his head before while she was asserting her dominating mating position on him are now placed on either side of his head and somewhat affectionately embracing him; and soft furry Arcanine crotch continues to repeatedly contact bare skin as this time her hindquarters are not hunched over his head but aimed much lower her, her slick female hole being met with the length of his sliding back and forth within her sensitive inside as she consumes his maleness again and again as far as she can inside her canine cunny.

Laying on his back exhausted, the man happily obliges and begins to weakly match his Arcanine's hindquarters thrusts with a few of his own; his member still feeling a bit tender and not having that much juicy male essence left to give, it was still insanely pleasurable being underneath her and being mated by her, and he began to not mind so much the way she treated him; she actually made him feel quite safe and protected, she was so strong, so powerful, and he somehow knew she meant well...  He felt himself falling in love with her as well, and his heart bounded against her furry chest.  No one had made him feel so desired, cared for love than these two...  They didn't speak his language, but he felt it all in their presence.  Just so connected, he loved them both...

Looking to the side slightly he noticed this other Arcanine lover bent over and licking her genitals clean, and then he looked back to his pokémon mate he was now more deeply involved with to stare into pleasure filled eyes with a look of love and admiration.  Bringing his hands up her gripped either side of her neck fur and began to passionately massage and pate the area with his hands as he began humping back harder against her.  Immediately this got a response from the assertive canine as she brought her head further downwards and begin licking and licking at his face; tongue periodically running over his lips, he began to lick back against her.

"Arrr..."  The female Arcanine whined a pleasurable kind of grunt as he began licking back against her affectionately and lightly started suckling on the end his tongue as it made its course upon his mouth; never before had she been treat back this way by any male, and her intimate grip on his head tighten as she licked and humped harder still.

Quickly she shifted and he felt her forelegs wrap around his upper back and embrace the length of his back as her forepaws found his behind. He admired how articulate and dexterous she seemed for a pokémon, but all thoughts turned to mush as she rolled them over so that he was on top of her and her vagina begin to tremble and ripple over him in waves of climactic peaking.  He was given more control now, and he wrapped his own arms around her as well to return her hugging motion. Gripping her tightly, he nuzzled his face into her mane as she laid her head back and closed her eyes in pleasure while panting lightly.  Pushing and pulling his length through her desperately clenching vagina he came soon after she did, and her forepaws pushed his hindquarters hard into hers to hold him against her and push his maleness as far as it could go within her as she felt his warm seeds begin to squirt into her lower belly.

"Oh gods..."  The man gasped as the very last bit of his cum was finally drained into yet another new Arcanine orifice, and then he simply lay over his large furry lover to run his hands back and forth along her form as they cuddled.  "Eep!"  He cried as his other pokémon love made her presence known with a cold nose against his rear, and warm gentle laps of her tongue were felt upon the base of his member and testicles as she started to go to work cleaning their genitals.

Rolling over onto his side and then back to lay on the dirt and leaf covered ground, he withdraw from his Arcanine with an abused maleness and heart filled with love and belonging; he was always pretty much of a wanderer and had really just been looking for meaning in this world, little did he know he would find it in two female pokémon...

A few moments passed as he continued to lie on his back sort through all of his pleasant emotions and thoughts, when the licking actions seemed to cease and the Arcanine next to him stood up. Both pokémon stirred and turned around and began walking away, when he motioned to call out.

"Wa... Wait!"  He yelled while fumbling to his feet.

Gathering his slightly destroyed clothes, he ran after them as they both stopped their movements.  As he approached, they both gave him a smile and his more dominant queen crouched down on all fours, almost if motioning for him to get on top of her.  Hesitantly he put a hand to her back and stared at her.

"Arc arc..."  She gave him some warm feelings and a heartfelt laugh, and continued to stare at him as he stared back and then careful mounted her back.

Lowering his chest to her upper back, he wrapped his arms around her upper chest and sunk his fingers into the white fur of her large mane; a huge smile on his face as they rode off.  Not much caring where they were going, he just wanted to be with them...