Chapter 2: First Timer Towards Pokedex.

Story by rsareal on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokemon Alternate Adventure

Chapter 2 for the Pokemon Series. The same as previous chapter, I don't own the Pokemon or the story. But I do got permission to wrote and post it. I apologize first hand if there are spelling and grammar errors, my English is second. Thanks for fave, comment, watch, and rates.

Chapter 2: First Timer Towards Pokedex.

The bell at the school finally rang and the students went out from their classes and went home, bringing great news (and bad news) to their folks at home. Most of the students brought a report card and a white envelop back home. Genesis and Alex are among the students.

"I can't believe I pass the test." Alex laughed gleefully at his friend.

"I have no doubts in my mind that I will pass after seeing the questions." Genesis replied with a smile.

"It just that I cannot believe it." Alex looked back at the white envelop. "With this we can go out on an adventure together, seeing a new place or maybe I could visit my uncle at Unova for thanking his present a lot."

"His present?" Genesis asked.

"Did you forget? Kaito is my best 10th birthday present ever and thanks to him that I manage to pass the exam." Alex starts to gloom all of a sudden. "I wonder what I should give him as a present."

"Why not poffins, I'm sure that Kaito loves them." Genesis gave a suggestion.

"Ugh... it's not easy to make one." Alex gave a gloom face, gloomier than a gloom. "Last time I cooked, everything is burnt. Even if I go to a PokeMart, they only sell PokeChow. The only place that has poffins is at Celadon city, which two weeks or more by foot. Lastly the berries are limited especially when he had a fave."

"Why not give what you already have?" An old man voice gave another option from behind which gave both of them looked at the source instantaneous.

"Professor Oak!" Both of them shouted as they found out the voice owner.

"Hello there," he greeted. "I'm sorry that I eavesdropping like that, though I heard story that you two have an unusual Pokemon."

"We don't know if our Pokemon is unique but what do you mean by give what I already have?" Alex asked him with confusion.

The professor only smiled at him. "Why your love and care for your Pokemon of course, and also with a bit of gratitude if I may add."

"Hmm... that is possible. But how can you tell it's for a Pokemon? I could enjoy the poffin you know." Genesis answered with a bit of lie.

"Humans may like Pokemon food but only few that I know. I told you that I overheard it and because of this little fellow." He apologetic while he pointing at his own back.

"Little fellow?" Alex asked as both of them looked behind the professor's back. They didn't see anybody when suddenly they saw a whitish tarp at his shoulder. Suddenly another head appeared behind the professor's head with green hair and a pair of red horn. A Ralts looked at them and gave a wave. "Is it the same Ralts?"

'Of course I am.' The Ralts replied. 'Sorry though, I told everything to Professor Oak.'

"And that is why I am here to ask both of you to bring your Pokemon when you registered to be a trainer. It is a good way to know your own Pokemon skills and oh, did I mention that the registration is at Pallet Town?" Both of them shook their heads. "Then I guess it is written inside the paper, though I must warn you to never let your guard down when you are around tall grass. Wild Pokemon mischievously tends to jump at unfortunate people near the grass." The professor starts to walk away, biding them fare well.

Both of them went silent for a minute after the professor left them. "Shall we go home?" Genesis asked him.

"Yeah, I think we should." Alex replied.

Both of them went back to their respective home after having the final test. Genesis was greeted by Riana the Riolu as his mother is still working at the local mart. Unlike him, Alex was greeted by an Ursaring which happens to be Kaito in one of his illusion tricks again because he is the Ursaring. His sister also greets him. He told them that he passed the final test and becomes a trainer candidate. The sister patted his back with joy and congratulating him, while Kaito conjured an illusion where there are many of him and his sister in one room clapping their hands together (He sometimes overreacting a bit but hey, it is worth to celebrate). He called his parents to tell them the good news and they were happy for it.

As for Genesis, he told the good news when they are having a dinner with the family. It is a special event but things aren't well prepare, so the mother will promise a big feast and shopping together for his supplies.

On the next morning, Genesis and Alex went off to get their license at Pallet Town as instructed on the letter. Of course both of them bring Riana and Kaito together as instructed by the professor personally. The journey only takes a half day, if there are no obstacles of course. As the professor said, there are tall grasses along the road and Wild Pokemon tends to surprise the victim or run scared depends on the size of the victim.

On their journey, they saw a flock of Pidgey and Taillow flying around or across the road, some were resting on the tree branches. There is a couple or three Rattatas suddenly ran out from the grass playing chase and ends up wrestling together for fun. They even spot a Zigzagoon or two lurking around above the grass and a Sentret. Around the trees, there are small nesting hole where they faintly saw Hoothoot is sleeping.

The weird part is that most of the wild Pokemon are less hostile and some even went to them and asked for a battle or two. Riana and Kaito accept the offer and they readied their battle stance. Both the future trainers gave a sigh and followed their friends.

Status Check:


Riana (Riolu F): Lv. 3; Quick Attack, Foresight, Endure.

Kaito (Zorua M): Lv. 3; Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip.


Rattata M: Lv. 2; Tackle, Tail Whip

Rattata M: Lv. 3; Tackle, Tail Whip

The battle starts as both Rattatas starts to tackle at both of them. Riana and Kaito dodge the attack by side stepping away from each other. The attacks are missed but one of the Rattata didn't stop running as it suddenly change course and aim the tackle at Riana.

"Riana, behind you." Genesis called her. She looked behind to see the Rattata is getting near. "Kaito, go!" Alex told Kaito. Kaito saw it as well and rush towards the tackling Rattata. It is a direct hit for Rattata's shoulder and Kaito's cheek but he manage to stop the attack towards Riana. Both Rattata and Kaito tumbles around from the amount of speed from the tackle attack as Riana looked at both of them, neglecting the second Rattata that ready to tackle again.

"Is that a tackle attack?" Alex asked.

"Looks like it, Riana look out!" Genesis answered as he yelled at Riana for the second attack. Riana was worried at both of them when she heard him call. Riana look at her surrounding and saw the second Rattata is closing in. She instantly moved both her paws to the front to block the attack. The tackle is a hit and Riana stumbled back.

Other side of the view Kaito and the Rattata slowly stood up grunting a bit of pain. Both of them start growling at each other. Both of them start to tackle against each other without dodging. "Keep your head together, Kaito!" Alex yelled. Kaito heard him but he won't let that grudge aside. At least he want to avenge it twice fold. The little tyke thinks of a plan to out maneuver it and he just got one. He slowed down the tackle to a full stop and brace for another tackle from the Rattata while pretending to lose a momentum.

The Rattata saw the chance and gave another tackle. The Rattata took the bait. When they are face to face, he quickly dodged the attack and used his bushy black tail to swipe and flinch the Rattata. Because of that, the Rattata lose its footing and flinch. "Now that's new tricks for Tail whip." Genesis commented. Of course Kaito snigger at the result. While the Rattata is flinch, he used the chance to change into a Rattata. When the Rattata opened its eyes, it saw another Rattata sitting in front of it. The Rattata confused for a moment and looked at the other opponent and saw another Rattata is fighting against the little jackal, Riana. The Rattata realize that its friend is still fighting with the female Riolu. If it's still fighting then who is the one sitting in front. Not a second later it was tackled by fake Rattata.

Meanwhile, Riana slowly stood and looked at the Rattata ready for another attack. Riana dodge the attack and ready for her own attack. Her leg starts to sprint towards the Rattata. Her speed is almost the same as a sling shot and the damage is like a sledge hammer for the Rattata. "That is definitely a Quick Attack, you go girl." Genesis commented.

Riana used another Quick Attack to tackle Rattata again and this time with greater force that makes the Rattata flew off. Kaito also tackle in Rattata form but not as strong as Riana. By incident, both the Rattata collide to each other and both of them are unable to fight because of exhaustion and minor injuries. Kaito and Riana waited for a while, seeing if they are willing to fight further. When they saw no movements, they cheered at each other and then ran towards their respective human friend.

"Great battle, you two." Alex praised as he greet Kaito open arm.

"You did great, Riana." Genesis praised her. "You make me proud."

The Rattatas slowly regain their consciousness. Both of them looked at their spar partners as the partners looked the same way. Riana and Kaito went to the Rattatas and began their conversation with their native tongue. The first expression is worry from Riana. Next is a slight pain from Rattata and then it told them something that makes Riana felt slight relief. Next one Kaito expressed some pride which the Rattata laugh. They trade conversation which makes Rattata gave a surprise look, then back to laughing and giggling chat.

"I wish I could understand what they were saying." Alex groaned bluntly.

"So am I, but judging by the way they talk I say it's just a small talk, which we don't have time for it if we want to get back the same day." Genesis answered. "Come on, Riana. We will be going without you."

Riana and Kaito looked at their human friends and remembered why they are here in the first place. Both of them chat a bit more which gave a surprise look and envious and bade fare well. Riana and Kaito went back to their respected friends.

"Are you two had some fun?" Genesis asked. Both of the Pokemon nodded and starts barking, probably talking about their battle. "Of course we saw the battle. You two are good." Both of them start to glee.

"Well the celebration could wait until we have our license. And once we got it, look out world cause here come the best Pokemon masters." Alex said with a cheer.

Genesis shook his head as Riana and Kaito did as well. "You are so full of it, do you?" He asked.

"Of course, I always think positive and way over my head." Alex answered. They all laugh a bit and continue their journey to Pallet town.

The journey didn't take too long because they arrive at noon. The Pallet Town is like any normal Farmville town except they have a quite a distance on each house, perfectly suited for farming or ranching. Riana and Kaito took a deep breath and somehow felt rejuvenate. Rumor has it that the air on this town can revitalize and strengthen the Pokemon to their prime state. Guess the rumor is true, that's why the locals kept the town green as far as the eyes can see.

Genesis and Alex asked the locals where Proffesor Oak's office is. All of them told that he lives further up the hill and have several wind turbines. Also there are numerous teenagers are gathering at his office so they can't miss it. They thank the locals and went to the directions they were told. The lawn on each houses are spacey, they can see some are growing vegetables or flowers. There is one particular house where the infamous character lives with his mother and Mr. Mime the miming Pokemon. Unfortunately he went to a different region to be a champion (which is never happened and I won't tell you which region) along with his trusted partner male Pikachu. The locals are friendly to the newcomers, they even greet them warmly. They greet them back and keep on going.

After a long walk, they finally find where the Professor's office is and unfortunately crowded with trainer candidates as they were told. They looked that the door is open and came out five teens gleefully probably having their first Pokemon. After the five left, five candidates are called in. Within an hour or less, the five trainers came out and the cycle keeps on going.

After a long tired and boring wait, it's their turn along with other three. Another scientist, probably the aide, greets them in. The place is a bit of mess. Many books stacking on the floor and gaps on the bookshelf, some pot plants which slightly wilted because of neglection. Lastly the hi-tech lab machine to analyze and studies Pokemon (in a good way), in the middle of the room stood a large table with 15 Pokeballs on it complete with labels.

"Welcome, trainer candidates. I assumed that all of you wanted a Pokemon partner for your first time adventure." A professor aide started the routine speech. Other teens are nodded while they didn't. "As you can see on the table here, there are 15 Pokeballs consist of 15 starters from every region for you to choose. I will release them from their pokeball in case you are wondering what kind of starters you may get." The rest of the teen are eager with their new partner, while they didn't.

As what the aide told, he released all the Pokemon from the pokeballs. One by one the Pokemon starters stood in front of the candidates. There is a bulb like plant Pokemon, a small dinosaur with tail on fire, a blue turtle with wavy tail, an herbal plant Pokemon, a badger with fire on its back, a crocodile, a gecko, a chick, a swamp quadruple Pokemon, a land turtle, a monkey, a penguin, a beaver, a serpent and a pig.

"Wow there are various type of Pokemon here. That is so cool." Alex is glee looking at the starter Pokemon.

"But nothing is compare to us, right Riana?" Genesis asked while looking at the darkish Riolu. She nodded as she agreed that they are inseparable.

"True because your bond far too long before they did." An old voice coming from their side, agreed as well. The professor came in from another room and greets them all. "Welcome to my humble home, or at least you can call it home. I see that my aide has shown the Pokemon so why stopping now. Go ahead pick one. As for you two, you can come with me to the other room."

Genesis and Alex went to the room where the professor came along with their partners. Little did they know that someone got an eye on them. On the other room, the first things they see is a computer attached to a large motherboard and also have a large scanner that attached to the motherboard as well. There is also a rack where the chemical kit and some books are placed. Last part is a table where there are so many papers are stacked with some chairs and a mug possibly it's the professor's.

"I'm glad that you came and brought your Pokemon with you." Prof. Oak started to talk.

"Well you told us to bring them as well." Genesis answered.

"True. Now may I take a look at them?" He asked.

"What for?" Alex asked.

"Just for a health inspection to see if your partner is fit enough for a long adventure ahead. And also I would like to see them up close." He answered.

"Well," Genesis and Alex looked at their partners. Both Riana and Kaito are dislike with inspections where both of them will be touched very often for thorough inspection. "You may, but don't take too long. I'm sure they don't like it too much."

"Then I shouldn't make them wait longer." Prof. Oak approached both of them and starts inspecting their physical health. "Hmm...both of them are healthy, perfectly fit, there are some bruises here and there and they were recently occurred. May I ask why and how?" Genesis and Alex told the story where both Riana and Kaito tag battled with Rattatas. "They even partner up very nicely. That's one of a good point in tag team battle. Well, besides her unique dark fur, everything is fine. Now, may I ask them to lay down on the scanner one at the time?"

Kaito climb the scanner first and confused what to do next. "All you have to do is lie down on your back and stand still. It is only a light passing over your body so don't be afraid of it and relax." It's true what the professor said as he entered some keyword, the scanner come to life and orange light lighten up and slowly moving from his tail to his top hairy fur. It is painless but being the first time is too much stress for him. After the scanning complete, it's Riana's turn. Compare to Kaito, Riana is more timid when it comes to inspection. She feels like she was exposed completely with nothing to cover or hide.

After the scanning is complete, the Professor read the result thoroughly. "Well, everything is fine, nothing is out of place. I say they are good to go." An aide came inside with a tray. "Ah Tracey, You always came in the nick of time."

"Well you know me Professor." The aide named Tracey answered. "Since we used to be on the same page, so my guts knows when the time is right. The trainer candidates already choose their Pokemon partner and receiving the Pokedex and Pokeballs. What's left are these two so I brought the blank dex and the Pokeballs here."

"Hmm," Prof. Oak nodded at him. "Well then, shall we start registering both of you?" Both of them nodded. Prof. Oak installed the Pokedex with his computer for several minutes and the Pokedex are officially theirs. "All right. All set. Congratulation, you two are now officially trainers."

To be continue.....

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