My Guardian Foxgirl

Story by Valen on SoFurry

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My Guardian Foxgirl - by Valen, 2004

You know the drill. Copywrights, don't read this under the age of reason, yada yada...


Kyle was cold. Quite cold.

He'd been laying there on that cold patch of dirt and rotting leaves for a long time now. It was the dead of winter, but not a single snowflake graced the ground on which he laid. That just made it seem colder, he grumped. Shuddering, he pulled himself onto his side so that he could glance down at the gaping, bloody gash in his leg. He just had to climb that tree and get a good look of the woods; when they talk about hitting every branch coming down, they aren't kidding. He'd manage to snag his leg on a thick, sharp branch and tear a good-sized hole in his right thigh. Hitting the ground on his shoulder/neck region didn't help matters much either. For a few hours he stumbled around dumbly, having not the slightest clue where he was going, delirious but aware of himself. And now he was here, curled up on the forest floor with a good portion of his blood soaking the soil. Oh well, at least the cold is keeping me from bleeding out any worse, he thought bitterly while groaning.

God, this sucks.

He opened his closed eyes halfway, and squinted. In front of him, some ten feet away, there was a small animal. Waiting for his blurry vision to clear some, the image finally formed into a picture of a fox. Hah, he puzzled, at least something is halfway welcoming in this damn wood.

"Hey there, you..." he whipsered in a sarcastically distressed tone.

The fox glanced a few other ways before looking back at him, whipping its tail about behind it. Kyle blinked his half-lidden eyes slowly, watching the fox with disinterest, until the fox reared up from its sitting position and cautiously trotted over to him, and then he was a little more than curious. It danced around him while he watched, perplexed. The fox poined its small muzzle at Kyle's injured leg, sniffling there, which made Kyle tense. The fox's tongue lapped out and slid across the wound. There was a brief stinging sensation which made Kyle wince, and his first reaction was to brush away the fox's head.

But, for some reason he didn't. Instead, he laid his head back on the leaves and took a deep breath. Hm, the leaves seemed a lot more comfortable now. His legs folded out and he allowed this fox to do what it wished, it didn't really matter as he saw it. Still, there was something fairly odd about the way this vixen cleaned and soothed his...wait, how did he know it was a vixen? His brow furrowed over his closed eyes at this confusing thought, before he felt something else on his leg besides this vulpine creature's tongue. A gentle pressure from something warm, many small little impressions...fingers? His eyes opened, and he drew a sharp breath in shock.

His little fox friend wasn't a fox anymore. So to speak, anyway. Now he saw a new form, a fox girl kneeling beside him while gently cradling his thigh to continue licking him. Her face was more human than fox, just slightly furred behind a lovely mane of shimmering red hair. Her upper body was small and lithe, and her legs were folded underneathe herself. Her ears sat folded upon her head, and her long bushy tail was curled around her thigh. Kyle's mouth hung slightly open, completely dumbfounded at the situation he was now in. He was no longer delirious, in fact he was fully conscious, and really he had to be, to be able to contemplate exactly what was going on here. The vixen raised her head, and a pair of glowing red eyes fell on Kyle's. He couldn't help but take an inward gasp; she was very beautiful...

The fox girl silently moved herself up his body, staring down at him for a few moments. Kyle's mind was racing; what in the world did this thing want with him? He was soon given an answer, as the fox lowered her head and gently brushed her soft lips against his own. Kyle's head spun, and the settled. His eyes shot open wide, and then drifted closed as something came over him. Now he wasn't cold at all, he was really very comfortably warm. He snuggled himself against the ground, which seemed more lenient now, and willingly pressed back into this vixen's kiss. Then she lifted her head, and left Kyle behind his closed eyes to enjoy the sensation. He felt her draw her fingers across his shoulders, and then down along his chest, his belly. Down to his thighs and legs, all the while trailing a new tingling feeling that spread from her touch. Then he felt her move, one of her small legs draped over him and he felt her settle down onto his body, straddling his waist with her thighs. His skin was greeted with a wonderfully soft, silken feeling, and as he looked down to find the source, he found that he was now without any clothing; that wonderful feeling was her furred haunches touching his legs and hips. He didn't even bother trying to figure it out, he felt much too good to care.

She let her body fall upon his own, her chest brushing over his smoothly, and he found his arms guided onto her thighs, gently stroking them up and down. The vixen licked and kissed across the nape of his neck, purring in a foxy way, and it made him feel even more at ease. He knew something wasn't right with all this, but what did it matter, a gorgeous fox girl was sprawled out upon his naked body. The fox's hands drifted downward over his chest, over his sides and down his lower belly, and then he felt her fingers touch against his erect manhood - oh, he WAS in that state, wasn't he? A breath left his lips at this. Is this what she wanted?

Her fingers curled around his member, caressing back and forth on its length, coaxing sighs and hums from him. This is definitely a new one by me, he mused to himself as he curled his fingers in the fur on her legs. After a few minutes of soft touches on his hardness, he felt her grasp it in her hand and aim it, and found the tip of his shaft pressed against something velvety wet. He knew immediately, and his erection twitched in anticipation. Oh God, he thought, this is really happening, isn't it? He inhaled deeply, surrendering himself completely at this point, opening his eyes some to gaze on his foxy lover as she cooed, parting the sweet spot between her legs around his engorged maleness and slowly sliding him into her welcoming belly, until their hips met.

They both moaned commentarily of each other, and the vixen let her hips rub softly against Kyle's, while he just hugged the ground and relished in the feeling of being deep inside this beautiful creature. She leaned down to kiss him again, and their tongues mingled between their lips. Kyle shivered, he'd never felt anything so incredible as this creature's sex wrapped snugly around his hard shaft. Then she began to move, lifting and lowering herself on him, her inner walls tugging tightly against his flesh, causing him to whimper pleasurably.

This is how they were for some time, the fox pleasuring herself on Kyle's throbbing manhood, giving soft purrs and foxy noises to him. His hands wandered aimlessly along her upper body, smoothing over her firm belly and up across the mane of fur on her chest. Her own hands were pressed against his stomach, giving her leverage to raise and lower her hips, occasionally forward and backward motions, sending his length into her at a different angle and giving a new feeling to their lovemaking.

Both of them began to feel the heat rise within them. Kyle bit his lip as he flexed the muscles of his member inside her, knowing she could feel it. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead, and he no longer felt the cold winter winds blowing inhospitably along every inch of his body. All he felt was the tickles of this fox girl's fur on his body, and the slick, hot sensations of her womanly tunnel enveloping him. He tensed periodically, the pleasure coming close to its peak. Somehow he knew she was close as well, and he held onto her hips to give support as she whined quietly and hung her head, breathing heavily over him.

Suddenly, his vixen lover threw herself back and cried out with an adorable noise, and he could feel her inner muscles contract rhythmically around his flesh. That was all he could take, and he gritted his teeth, pulling her down tightly onto him while he let out strained sounds from within his throat. His shaft pulsed within her, and then he jetted his hot, thick fluid deep into her warm belly as they both melted into each other.

Both of them lay panting heavily, wrapped up in the other's arms. Kyle's mind was gone, lost in the warm embrace of this heavenly being resting upon him. The fox curled her pawed hands against his chest, leaning up to kiss him softly, and Kyle drifted away from himself, settling into a heavy sleep.


Kyle lay spread-eagle on the ground. The wind was bitingly cold again, but he didn't notice it as he stared into the sky, feeling very soothed. He'd woken up by himself, fully clothed, and the horrid wound in his leg was gone, as if it had never even been there. He laid there for a few minutes, before rising to his feet.

He really had no idea what had just happened. Maybe he dreamed it all. One thing was for certain, he knew he'd never look at foxes the same way again. He began walking, taking a slow strolling pace off in the direction of his woodland home. He had plenty on his mind, that was for certain, but oddly he just felt like being totally thoughtless for a while. He just had some sort of experience...whatever it was, he might never really know. Sometimes, he figured, it's just best not to pick things apart, and enjoy the beauty of what's given.