My Guardian Foxgirl

My Guardian Foxgirl - by Valen, 2004 You know the drill. Copywrights, don't read this under the age of reason, yada yada... - Kyle was cold. Quite cold. He'd been laying there on that cold patch of dirt and rotting leaves for a long...

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Late Night Call

Late Night Call By Silv Valens The quiet of the late night was shattered by the sound of a ringtone. The sound awoke the silver wolf sleeping nearby suddenly, flailing under the covers. Struggling out of his slumber, he reached out to the bedside...

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Rob's Great Misadventure: Prologue

The following is a work of complete fiction, entirely copyrighted by me, Valen. It's a brief intro to something that will probably be a much longer series than anything else I've worked on. Read, if you must. Criticize, if you must. Any and all...

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A Helpful Paw - The Battle

Liz let out a soft whimper as she saw her abusive boyfriend approach. "Oh jeez...

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A Helpful Paw - The Meeting

The silver wolf sat silently in the tree, leaning against the rough bark as the cool early winter breeze whipped against him. His bare footpaws hung off of the...

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Jessie Raiye: First Day

Jessie shifted nervously as she approached the large brick structure. It had been nearly two weeks since she began to become her true self, and this was her first excursion out of her house not wearing the false mask of her other self. For too...

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Fox of His Dreams

Silv sighed softly to himself as he stood alone in the corner at the party. He had never been much of a party person, preferring to be with a small group of people, or alone. Parties were far too crowded for his taste. Running a paw through his silver...

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Baron and his Bitch

All characters are copyright to their players or myself. Not to be read by minors. My eyes open slowly, my head spinning as I come out of a deep haze. I have no idea what happened, but as my eyes focus, I realize I at least know where I...

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Miriam's Night Alone

Miriam sighed as she threw her jacket to the floor, slamming her bedroom door as she jumped onto her bed. Landing in the soft warmth, she closed her eyes tightly, biting back the tears that were coming to her eyes. Her lover was hours away and she...

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The Night Before Christmas

Silv sighed, leaning back in his chair. Christmas Eve, and he was all alone. His friends were all visiting family or doing something else in the spirit of the holiday. He wasn't super big on all the holiday mumbo-jumbo. It was a holiday for being with...

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Trick or Treat

"Trick or Treat!" the happy cry echoed from around the neighbourhood, as the children knocked on doors and collected their goodies, all dressed up in some sort of costume. All were happy with their candy hauls, though none of them knew of the danger...

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Jessie Raiye: Fun with Mommy Part II

"So mom, who was he?" Jessie asked an hour after their ordeal, sitting in only a pink panty and bra set at the kitchen table. Munching away at her sandwich, she looked over curiously at her mother, who had now put her clothing back on. "Kayden?...

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