Suppressing Fire! - Chapter 3

Story by Mr-Mau on SoFurry

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#4 of Suppressing Fire!

Colonel Miranda Kapp is confronted by a League infiltrator who is set to kill her given the chance. The captains of the 71st brigade are issued a confusing order and debated on whether they should obey it. Captain James Poole is convinced to ask Captain Roxanne Kam if she is as attracted to him as he is to her. Military life on the front of a 12 year war is full of surprises.

"Why, it's the 'Bullet Dancer' in the flesh. I've heard so much about you!"

"Who are you? Get out! You're not authorized to be in here!" Miranda screamed at her unwanted intruder. She stopped removing her blood soaked bandages and took a moment to look over the pitch black panther looming over her. Her breath caught in her throat as she noticed the League insignia on his lapel. This panther meant trouble.

"No need to be uncivil. I have admired your work for a while now. Your skills are known throughout the League and many of my colleagues have expressed a desire to face you in battle. But where are my manners? Garren Pritchard at your service." Garren bowed extravagantly, never letting his eyes drop from Miranda's face.

"What do you want?" The blood seeping down Miranda's side slowed to a trickle. The pain had lessened and it felt like she may have torn out a few stitches, nothing too serious, but any unnecessary movement may re-open her wounds.

"To kill you of course! That is my purpose - to go unnoticed and take out the targets assigned to me. I am a mere clerk, checking off your name from my list." Garren's deadpan delivery was more threatening than an emotional outburst.

"Killing me will accomplish nothing. There are many more to take my place." Miranda was buying time for Ben to make it back, but also understood that she couldn't stop this panther from completing his mission in her current state.

"I know all about you, Colonel Miranda Kapp." Garren began to recite facts from memory. "You have an excellent service record: promoted to Colonel by the age of 23, fought and won countless battles where your troops were outnumbered 2 to 1, supreme agility and a near supernatural sense to avoid injury. Except, it appears you are not in top form. Pray tell, who was skilled enough to wound the invincible 'Bullet Dodger'?"

Miranda employed an old delaying tactic, boasting. "I faced a whole garrison of League shock troops and gunned them down in cold blood. I was so engrossed in battle I didn't even feel the stray bullets that struck me. Your colleagues are rather easy prey, if I may say so myself."

"Ha! In another life I would have liked to be your friend. Alas, we cannot choose our realities and we exist as enemies in this dreary world. Too bad you are incapacitated; I would have liked to fight you fairly. But your loss is my advantage. Prepare yourself, Colonel Kapp!"

A knife flashed in Garren's hand aimed directly at Miranda's throat and he leapt at her with remarkable speed. Her highly tuned reflexes saved her from certain death as she avoided the assassin's lightning quick lunge. He tucked and rolled into a crouched position, ready to launch a second and likely fatal attack. Miranda's shrill yelp gave him pause as the last few stitches in her abdomen split open and she fell to the floor groaning in renewed agony. Garren strolled triumphantly to where she lay and knelt to deliver his final words in her ear.

"Such a waste, such a beautiful waste. Be thankful that I don't have the time to ravage your nubile body. I'll settle for a taste before I deprive you of your insignificant life." Garren planted his lips over Miranda's gasping mouth muffling her cries of distress. He groped at her breast through the flimsy material of her tank top while his other hand wandered south to slip between her thighs. The tightly wrapped bandages around her crotch hid the bulge of her sheathe from his initial touch, but a slow realization dawned in Garren's mind that something was terribly out of place.

"What the... is this..."

Garren got no further with his lewd examination before his vision went suddenly dark.

Specialist Trevor Lynn unpacked his bags and settled into his new home, a small tent across from the commander's bunker. The tent was cramped and smelled like a musty barn, but it was his and gave him some privacy to read and write. He had to leave most of his favorite books back at the deployment camp so the ones he did bring were prized possessions. Long dead authors kept him company during the lonely days of his youth which was an improvement over the kids who teased him for wearing glasses or being short. Trevor learned to cope, and thrive, on his own and graduated at the top of his classes in high school and university.

Shelf space in this army-issued tent was turning out to be valuable real estate and Trevor would need to think carefully about what items were important enough to earn the limited spots. Two thick biographies of former Emperors of Tanos were balanced precariously on the end of one shelf and fell to the ground once Trevor's back was turned. He let out a deep sigh and grudgingly returned the tomes to his duffel bag. As he stood up to survey his work, Trevor noticed an orange furred fox sprinting away from the commander's bunker. Why was Major Bree in such a hurry? He peered out the front of the tent and saw an unfamiliar dark figure walking casually toward Colonel Kapp's abode. Even weirder. Trevor ignored the instinct to mind his business and instead trailed the tall, black soldier to satisfy his curiosity.

Long shadows shrouded the paths amid the lines of tents and low buildings in the commander's section of the Empire camp. The flurry of activity following Colonel Kapp's rousing speech earlier today settled down with the disappearance of the sun. There will be much to do over the next few days and the soldiers knew that sleep would become a precious commodity so they took advantage of the down time. Trevor didn't see anyone this evening except for Major Bree and the mysterious stranger, not even the guards who patrolled the perimeter.

The door to Colonel Kapp's bunker was slightly ajar, enough to appear closed at a glance but not to Trevor's heightened sense of awareness. He peered into the circular room through the narrow opening and saw a black clothed and furred panther talking quietly with his commander. The scene appeared to be commonplace, nothing more than a courier delivering a message. However, the fur on the back of Trevor's neck stood on end, something about the tall panther's stance conveyed dominance, not the normal trait for a messenger. He swallowed his fear and pulled open the heavy door, careful to not make any noise. The conversation between his commander and the stranger continued uninterrupted, their words spoken too softly to make out.

Trevor crouched behind the large conference table that stretched across the length of the main room, thinking how stupid he would feel if he was eavesdropping on two officers discussing matters above his station. But his intuition won out and he listened to the large stranger speaking quietly to Colonel Kapp and tried to pick out a word or two to determine the nature of the conversation. Suddenly, the black furred panther unsheathed a mean looking knife from his belt and launched himself at his prone commander. In a blink, the cream colored Colonel rolled away from the surprise attack and fell to the floor groaning in pain. Trevor froze, unable to think, and noticed the League insignia on the stranger's dark coat. Colonel Kapp was in mortal danger and he was the only one who could help. Move you idiot, he screamed at himself and watched as the assassin knelt over the downed officer to dispense the fatal blow.

A sharp jolt in the back of Trevor's mind caused him to react and try to save his commander's life. He reached up onto the conference table, grabbed the first heavy object he found and threw it as hard as he could at the crouched panther. By some stroke of luck the empty machine gun casing he threw sailed through the air and hit his mark directly on the head. The panther slumped forward and fell on the Colonel in a heap.

"Sir! Colonel Kapp!" Trevor ran to Miranda's side and pushed the limp assassin away. "It's me, Specialist Lynn! You're going to be alright, don't move."

A dark pool of blood spread out from Miranda's freshly opened wounds. Trevor remembered the bare minimum of his medical training and placed his palm over the bleeding area to apply pressure. Miranda flinched in pain and tried to pry off the hand from her abdomen but was too weak to have any effect.

"No... Ben... need..." Miranda was delirious and floating on the edge of consciousness.

"Please, stay awake! Help is coming! Sir! Colonel!" Trevor's eyes filled with tears against his will. "Major Bree is coming. You have to fight, sir! Stay with me... you can't d..." He shut his mouth, not wanting to air his worst fear in case saying it would make it come true.

The bunker door burst open to the sound of running feet as Major Bree and Doctor Tannen took in the scene before them. The doctor wasted no time in assessing the situation and rushed over to Miranda readying fresh bandages from the bag he carried. Ben pulled the young otter to his feet and demanded an explanation. Blood dripped from Trevor's trembling hands as he haltingly recounted how he followed the stranger into the bunker and rescued Miranda from almost certain death.

"Calm yourself, Specialist Lynn. You saved her life and I can't thank you enough. Doctor, will she be alright?" Ben saw that Miranda's bleeding had stopped under Dr. Tannen's expert care.

"Colonel Kapp has lost a significant amount of blood, but I foresee no long term damage. A few stitches and a bag of fluids should suffice. I don't want to move her any more than I have to. Help me lift her to the bed. Carefully now." Once Miranda was safely in her cot, Ben turned his attention to the immobile League soldier on the floor.

"Where did he come from?" Ben asked no one in particular.

"He appears to be a League infiltrator, Major Bree. An elite class of soldier. From what I've read, no infiltrator was ever caught alive by the Empire. I think... we got very lucky this time, sir." Trevor had access to confidential information as a result of his specialist training and took pride in his knowledge of the enemy.

"Good to know. Trevor isn't it? Bind his hands and feet and keep watch over him until I decide what to do."

"Yes sir, Major Bree."

Trevor wrestled with the dead weight of the panther and managed to secure his hands and feet in the flexible cuffs that Major Bree had provided. Dr. Tannen gave the infiltrator a quick examination and determined he was simply unconscious. The doctor then took his leave to fetch medical supplies and sent in a few soldiers to remove the intruder. A low moan escaped the downed infiltrator's mouth as he was carried away, but he didn't resist or show any other sign of awareness. Trevor walked with the guards for a few steps then sat in the main conference room and looked down at his blood soaked hands. He broke out in tears and succumbed to an irrational fear of inadequacy. What if he hadn't followed the stranger? What if his throw had missed? What if...

"Wake up! Who are you? Come on, you can rest when you're dead." Ben tossed another cup of water at the unconscious League soldier. They were in a private interrogation room, one with no cameras or recording devices since the laws that defined prisoner treatment were murky when it came to spies or covert operatives. Until Ben could identify and question the panther, whatever happened in this room was technically legal.

"What... owww... my head! Where am I?" The panther's eyes had trouble focusing on the figure sitting across from him.

"You are a prisoner of the Empire. Due to the unique nature of your capture, the normal rules that regulate the care of League soldiers do not apply until you answer a few questions. Do you understand?"

"Major Bree..." Garren read the tiny writing on Ben's dogtags. "Major Ben Bree is it not?"

Ben hid any outward display of surprise at hearing his name. "Name and rank, soldier. I'll introduce myself later."

"Garren Pritchard, League Infiltrator, classification number 112036. You are Major Ben Bree, age 23, Chief Officer of the 71st infantry brigade. Also, you are Colonel Kapp's best friend. Did you know she is a freak of nature? Unfit, impure, uncl..."

Ben didn't notice his fist impacting Garren's face until it was too late. "You shall not speak about Colonel Kapp in that manner. Stick to answering my questions and only my questions."

"You must know. No wonder you take orders from... well... not a she, an 'it' I suppose? It probably has a bigger cock than what you're packing. I can't wait until I tell the boys about this one. Empire soldiers following an abomination, something less than an animal."

"Shut your damned mouth!"

"Touchy touchy. Fine, have it your way. Ask your questions." Garren's unflappable aura of confidence betrayed no hints that he was in fact bound in place.

"How did you get past our perimeter? Are there more secret tunnels out there?"

"Tunnels? Do I look like a rat? I am an infiltrator, not some scurrying rodent. Your guards cannot see the unseen. I am disappointed in the Empire's profound lack of intelligence gathering. It's not your fault of course, I assume you never had the opportunity to come face to face with my kind." Garren's green and yellow irises bore a hole into the middle of Ben's forehead, as if he was capable of reading minds.

"You are correct, in a manner of speaking, about our lack of information regarding the League's elite infiltrator class. But don't take our unfamiliarity for ignorance, we have killed your colleagues before and we do know that infiltrators work alone and are among the highest trained soldiers in the League's army. There's one thing you haven't considered though."

"Really? Do tell."

"We have captured you. The first infiltrator to have allowed himself to be taken down alive. Your vaunted training amounts to nothing now. You will answer my questions, fully and completely. Only then will your name be officially added to the prisoner registry that qualifies you to receive fair treatment." Ben smiled coldly to further cement his statement.

"Point taken, Major Bree. There's one thing you haven't considered either."

It was Ben's turn to feign interest. "Really? Do tell."

"How droll. I am only here by my own free will. It's been a pleasure talking with you Major."

Without warning, the panther uncoiled himself from his bonds and launched at Major Bree in a remarkable show of violent intent. The unforeseen demonstration of the infiltrator's abilities sent a wave of shock down Ben's spine that prevented him from putting up a defense. The toothy smile on the black panther's face filled the major's vision, like an ominous prelude to his imminent demise. As fast as Garren's finely tuned muscles were, the mechanical trigger on the hidden stun gun was faster and it sent 250,000 volts of electricity through his body well before he could deliver any blow. For the second time that night, the panther's body fell in a lifeless heap on the floor.

"Jim! Roxy! Get in here!" Both Captain Poole and Kam were watching through one-way glass and hurried into the cramped room.

"Yes sir!" They said in unison.

"Throw him into solitary confinement. Nothing gets into his cell without my permission. That includes food and water. Clear?"

"Yes sir! Should we get the doctor to check on his condition?" Roxy asked.

"Do as you wish. Just... get him out of my sight."

"Sir!" Again, in unison.

Ben exited the squat building that housed the interrogation rooms and made his way back to Miranda's bunker. Having an infiltrator in custody was a huge asset, however, capturing him was turning out to be much easier than trying to extract useful information. In fact, finding time to adequately question Garren may be impossible since he will be too busy over the next few days organizing the mass retreat. Ben had to weigh the potential advantage uncovered through a serious interrogation session against the welfare of the entire brigade. He needed more time, more personnel, and above all, he needed Miranda back on her feet.

Captain James Poole looked up at the thousands of twinkling stars in the moonless sky and let out a deep sigh of regret. Before the war, Jim was studying astronomy and planetary physics in university and was sought after by several highly respected research teams around the country. It was his dream to be a small part of the cutting edge technology involved in unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. The outbreak of war put a stop to all research funding and he had no choice but to volunteer for the Empire army. Better to be a volunteer and have a chance at a leadership position than to be drafted into the infantry, unable to showcase his unique skills and university education.

The stars would have to wait, Jim had other pressing issues to attend to. The appearance of an infiltrator shook his confidence in the patrolling guards' capability to recognize a true threat. One breach of the camp's perimeter was one too many in his opinion. Defense of the camp was Jim's responsibility, something he took quite seriously when it was assigned to him a few months ago. He had personally re-trained the lead guards to improve their skills and even got Miranda's approval for surveillance equipment to be added to the perimeter patrol routes. The equipment had paid for itself during the surprise attack last week; well-placed motion sensors gave plenty of warning for the on-duty guards to hold off the first push.

"Earth-to-Jim. Whatcha staring at buddy?"

Jim reluctantly lowered his eyes from the starry sky. "Hey Roxy. I'm was thinking about what I would be doing if it weren't for this war."

"Oh yeah, you wanted to be a star guy right?" Roxy was perfect for the military; she loved the camaraderie shared between troops and the daily routine of morning briefings and afternoon missions. She wasn't one to ask deep questions about the nature of the universe, she was happy enough to follow orders and make decisions based on what she observed on the battlefield.

"Astronomer. I wanted to be an astronomer Roxy."

"That's cool." She sounded disinterested. "Hey, a messenger dropped something for us at Worthy's tent. We should go see what it is."

"Is it from Major Bree?"

"I'm not sure, Jim. I came out here to look for you before Worthy had a chance to open it."

"Ok. Lead the way, Roxy."

Jim trailed a few steps behind the eternally young tiger watching her tail swish playfully side to side. When he was assigned to this brigade, Roxanne had already gotten a reputation for putting both male and female soldiers at ease with her casual attitude. Her promotion to captain hadn't changed her demeanor apart from the times she needed to issue orders. The stress of combat barely affected Roxy's tone, her ever-present confidence bolstered those around her and battles were often won due to her empowering aura. It was impossible to find anyone who disliked her, but at the same time, Jim saw that Roxy maintained a subtle distance from those under her command. He had to admit that he was attracted to the white and orange stripped tiger, however the opportunity to talk privately with her was turning out to be a challenge.

Captain Robert Worthington stood out among the short flat-topped tents that lined the officer's section of camp. The bull's dominating presence was made more apparent by virtue of his bare barrel chest being intersected by bandages that covered his many shrapnel wounds. Worthy spent a week recovering from a rogue grenade blast that probably would have killed a lesser soldier. By sheer strength of will, he returned to duty and claimed that getting back on his feet, hooves more specifically, would be a better use of his time than the doctor-prescribed physiotherapy. Jim was glad to have the bull back; a 50% healed Worthy was a greater asset than most other soldiers.

"Jim, Roxy, come into my tent. You need to see this." Worthy said to the approaching captains.

"What's wrong?" Roxy asked as she and Jim opened the tent flap. "If I didn't know you better, I'd say you looked almost... scared."

"Read this and tell me what it says." Worthy handed them a one-page mission brief.

To: Captain James Poole, Captain Roxanne Kam, Captain Robert Worthington

Subject: Re-Assignment of Key Personnel

Ref.: 3433-6-21-A45901

The aforementioned captains of the 71st infantry brigade are hereby re-assigned to a special task force under the direction of Lt. General Nancy Lane as per executive order #55-NL0032. The task force will be required to report on all Empire troop deployments to Lt. General Lane bypassing the normal chain of command until further notice.

The contents of this briefing and its orders shall not be disclosed to anyone. Any defiance of this order will be met by the harshest of consequences.

Lt. General Nancy Lane

Head Administrator, Empire Military

"The message is pretty clear to me. We're expected to spy on our own commanders." Jim did not hide his displeasure at the order.

"Why now? Do you think it has something to do with Miranda's injuries?" Roxy asked.

"Whatever the rationale, the only reason why this order exists is because someone isn't confident with Major Bree's command potential." Worthy added a mean sounding snort to punctuate his statement.

"Can we do anything about it? Orders are orders, regardless of how we feel about them. It's not like we're doing anything bad, are we?"

"I suppose not, Roxy. But this sets a dangerous precedent. We were taught to respect the chain of command above all else. Maybe central command is taking extra precautions to protect the troops against the weapon they are deploying. Maybe they need our help to ensure everyone will be safe. But maybe Worthy is right. What if central is trying to find out if Major Bree isn't up to the task?" Jim's mind was running in circles of unfinished thoughts. There was something about Lt. General Lane's order that didn't sit right with him.

"We don't know anything for sure." Roxy proclaimed. "Let's just take this order at face value and not speculate on the 'what ifs' until we have to. Gentlemen, it's been a long day and I'm going to hit the sack. Is there anything else on your mind Worthy?"

"Nope. That's all for tonight."

"Get some rest, Worthy. You look worse than usual. You too Jim." Roxy turned and left the two captains to stew over her words.

"Worse than usual? How dare she mock me!" Worthy's reaction was more to soothe his ego than a sincere expression of his feelings.

"Look at yourself, Worthy. You're more mummy than soldier. She's got a valid point."

"Still... she's got no right." Worthy caught his reflection in the mirror above his sink. "I can't just take these bandages off - Doc Tannen would kill me, then revive me, then yell at me."

Jim paid no mind to Worthy's outbursts and lost himself in confusing thoughts of true meaning of the mission briefing and the occasional flash of Roxy's hypnotic tail. He considered himself smart enough to figure out most problems, but the solution to why central needed troop movement reports eluded him. It didn't help that he was distracted by his feelings for Roxy or by the stirring in his long neglected groin.

"Yo, Jim. You gonna sleep standing up at the end of my bed or what?"

"Sorry, Worthy. I'm still kinda shocked from the news."

"Oh really? Is that why your little soldier is standing up to salute?" Worthy pointed out the visible bulge in Jim's pants.

"I... didn't notice. I'm too tired; my body does odd things when I'm tired."

"Don't lie to me, Jim. Why haven't you talked to Roxy yet? She's genuinely interested in you, I can see it in her eyes."

"It's not that easy. We're in the midst of war, it's hardly the best setting for romantic intentions." Jim shifted his stance to relieve some of the pressure on his crotch.

"Who said anything about romance? You'll end up missing your chance by waiting for the perfect moment that will never come. Just go talk to her, Jim." Giving good advice was one of Worthy's best attributes.

"Fine! If she kicks my ass, you'll be the first one to feel my wrath." Jim warned.

"She won't. Well, she might if you flaunt that thing in her face."

Jim made a swift exit from the bull's tent and took several deep, calming breaths to settle his nerves, and other things. The army hierarchy didn't approve of romantic relationships between officers, let alone two captains who commanded separate companies of soldiers. The introduction of personal affection toward another officer creates the possibility for biased decisions that may result in the loss of life or an engagement. Nevertheless, Jim needed to find out if Roxy had any feelings for him, and to hell with the rules and regulations that defined inter-officer conduct.

The low sound of thumping music permeated the space around Roxy's well-lit tent. One of her particular quirks was a fondness for playing loud classic rock at all hours of the night. Jim assumed that she was so accustomed to the sounds of war that she required some level of noise to serve as a distraction in order to sleep. The continuous beat resulted in many dark, abandoned tents around Roxy's humble residence. She was an odd mix of personality traits; preferring the company of her loyal troops during the day and preferring absolute privacy and seclusion at night. He tried to make enough noise so as signal Roxy of his arrival.

"Hello? Roxy? It's Jim." He had to shout over the din of music.

"Yeah, come in!"

Gone was the captain's uniform Roxy wore during the day; she was preparing for sleep and dressed in a green tank top and cut off shorts that did a poor job of hiding her sleek figure. Her long whiskers twitched as a kind of greeting when he entered the cramped room. Without meaning to, Jim's ears folded in to protect his hearing from the relentless sound of pounding heavy rock.

"Sorry, let me turn this down!" Roxy turned a knob on the stereo and the music quieted to a reasonable level. "What's up Jim?"

"I... wanted to ask you about something. It's more of a request really." His voice almost cracked under stress and a bead of sweat trickled down his neck.

"Let's hear it then." Jim was acutely aware of how the thin material of her shirt accentuated the contours of her breasts and showed a hint of her toned midriff.

"Roxy... we've known each other for a long time and you've been a great friend to me. I value our friendship more than anything, but there's something I have to know or else I'll never forgive myself for not asking you. Roxanne... I think you're beautiful and I'm quite attracted to you. Should you not feel the same way about me, I understand. The past week has shown me how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away. So please, I..." Roxy silenced him with a finger.

"Shut up Jim. You know, Worthy and I had a pool going on to see how long it would take for you to man up and let me know how you felt. Strange that you came tonight since this is the last day for him to claim the prize. Very strange indeed."

"Uh... so... you aren't upset?"

"How can you be university educated and be so dumb at the same time? James Poole, I've always liked you, I have a thing for cute bears. Now, come here and give me a kiss!"

Jim didn't need to be told twice. He took a giant step forward and wrapped his hands around her narrow waist pulling the tiger to his body. Their kiss was not the timid exploration of first time lovers, it was an urgent expression of mutual desire. Roxy wasted no time in casual foreplay and began to unbutton the shirt of his captain's uniform exposing the coarse brown fur on his chest. Jim was naturally slim, a rare feat for a bear, due in part to a healthy diet and of course the active lifestyle of a soldier on the front lines of war. It was clear that Roxy approved of his firm, but not overly developed, core muscles by how her hands sensually caressed his well-kept form.

Roxy's long, stripped tail fascinated Jim to no end. His hand roamed down to touch its base causing her to flinch in his arms. It was soft, flexible and yielded easily to his careful examination; Roxy breathed a contented sigh as Jim continued his manipulation of her tail. Below that graceful appendage was an exquisitely shaped ass, each cheek filled his hands with its fullness and she replied in kind by kneading his butt with her powerful fingers. The kiss grew frantic and uncontrolled, neither she nor Jim cared how their mouths met as long as they held each other close.

A familiar pressure in Jim's groin returned as both he and Roxy became bolder with their lustful embrace. She shredded his white undershirt with her razor sharp claws evidenced by several light scratches crossing his back and chest. He followed suit by lifting her tank top over her head revealing two b-cup sized breasts to his eager eyes. Jim often wondered what treasures Roxy hid under the too-formal captain's uniform and now drank in the sight of divinely proportioned mounds of seductive flesh. He felt compelled to lick and suck on her twin humps which elicited moans of pleasure and quickened her breaths with each passing second.

"Jim... wait... let me put this back on."

Roxy flicked a switch on her stereo that resumed the loud rock beat into her tent. As if on cue, her low moans rose in volume many times to match and occasionally overpower the music being emitted from the stereo speakers. Inspired by her enthusiasm, Jim re-doubled his efforts to find all the sensitive places on Roxy's lithe body. He ran a finger between the crack of her ass and brushed against the underside of her moistening crotch. She growled to indicate her rising need and slipped her hand between the waistband of Jim's pants to feel his hot maleness trapped within. Her delicate fingers could not completely grasp his thick member, but she made up for it by massaging his pulsing glans, drawing out a steady stream of pre from his small opening.

"Can we... take this to... your bed?" Jim pleaded.

"I think we're a bit overdressed. Take off those pants and we'll go from there."

Roxy sauntered over to her low-lying cot, her hips swaying with each seductive step, and pulled down her shorts and panties in one smooth motion. The whole scene looked so casual that Jim couldn't help but stare in disbelief at the bare white and orange furred tiger trying to catch a glimpse of her cleft between her legs. He took a tentative stride toward her, guided by his roaring libido, but was stopped by an admonishing look.

"You forgetting something soldier?" Roxy peered questioningly at his clothed lower half.

"Oh yeah... sorry..."

Jim unbuckled his belt and made an awkward attempt to peel off his pants without losing his balance. He almost succeeded and had to be rescued from an unfortunate fall by Roxy's feline reflexes. Jim tried to voice a sheepish apology but was cut short as he was taken off his feet and wrestled onto the thin mattress. Roxy's eyes shone with a mix of feral lust and burning desire as she straddled his stomach and curled her tail around the base of his shaft. She ground her hips along his firm belly, matting his fur with the juices flowing from her inflamed slit. A generous amount of pre leaked from his cock that slicked the tail stroking his length.

"You're so thick! It's wonderful!" Roxy looked over her shoulder at the monster ensnared in her tail.

Being a bear gave Jim a few natural assets. For one, he sported a modestly sized member compared to his body at just over 7" in length. However, his ursine genes added girth to his shaft and mass to his low hanging fuzzy orbs that startled Roxy when she finally laid eyes on his bare groin. She pushed back and felt his hot member slide under her tail and press up against her needy crevice.

"I need you in me, now!" Roxy groaned.

"Your wish is my command!"

Roxy raised her hips to hover over Jim's engorged glans and took a deep, relaxing breath to ease the entry of his stiff member. In one quick thrust, she plunged down to take his full length into her dripping confines. Jim loosed a moan of pleasure that was swallowed up by rocking guitar riffs and tensed up to hold off his inevitable release. Roxy needed no such restraint and began to madly buck her hips causing his full balls to bounce against her supple backside. It was heaven for both of them, it was a glimmer of hope for happier times in the midst of a stressful war.

Jim recovered enough to match the bucking tiger's hips with thrusts of his own. He held Roxy's waist and massaged her ass and belly with his capable fingers. Every so often, he would press down on her stomach and felt the outline of his cock under her fur. Jim's previous sexual experience gave him the confidence to exploit his girth knowing that most females liked the way he rubbed their insides. All he was doing was amplifying Roxy's pleasure by hitting the hidden spots deep within her folds. The massage appeared to be working as her chest heaved in excitement and her motions became more wild and uncontrolled.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Keep doing what you're doing! It's too good!"

And so their passion grew and Jim struggled to maintain the deep thrusts that elicited the best visceral response from Roxy's thrashing body. He had the presence of mind to feel how close he was to release and prepared to withdraw from her as a precautionary measure. Quite unexpectedly, she brushed her tail up against his balls that caused him to lose control and bury his cock into her depths as the first sign of his release drew near.

"I'm gonna cum!" Jim shouted.

"Hold on, hun. Let me help."

Roxy did something that he didn't think was possible. She gripped the base of his member with her tail and squeezed hard, harder than he thought she could have achieved with her hand. The pressure halted his orgasm and she was able to continue her frenzied onslaught without fear of missing out on her climax. She had a firm lock on his release, only by releasing his shaft would he be able to cum, and he squirmed as the pleasure built to untouched heights in his brain.

"Oh baby! I'm there! I'm cumming!"

Roxy shrieked at the top of her lungs as the climax washed over her body. A flood of juices soaked Jim's thighs as she pulled off his pulsing cock to allow his much anticipated release. She sat on his lap watching his penis between her legs and uncoiled her tail letting a surge of cum race out of his over-sensitive shaft onto his stomach. She stroked his length with both of her hands to coax out all of the seed from his full sack. Jim closed his eyes to protect them from the streams of cum hitting his face and upper chest. His release lasted nearly a whole minute before the blood started to drain from his abused shaft.

"Gods... what did you do?" Jim asked once he caught his breath.

"Oh that? It's a benefit of having a flexible tail. I'd rather not get pregnant while in the army if that's ok. You looked like you'd burst sooner than I would have liked."

"I can't help it. You're too beautiful."

"How sweet! I'd kiss you, but you're a real mess. Here, clean you face at least." Roxy handed him a small rag that he graciously accepted and wiped his face.

Not caring about the remaining sticky pools on his stomach, Roxy leaned forward and kissed Jim lovingly until the end of the album.

General Oleander Baxter read the note again in his hands and seethed at what the information meant for the military as a whole. Could he have been so wrong about Lt. General Lane? Why did she overstep her authority and issue this ridiculous order to the captains of the 71st brigade? Was she a spy for the League? Impossible. Ludicrous. But what other explanation could there be? It was too late to call her in tonight and he was too tired for an all-out confrontation. He'll get to the bottom of this tomorrow. He just hoped he wasn't too late.