The Call

Story by zacky351 on SoFurry

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#2 of Life Goes On Sidestory: Fantasy #1 - Floating in the Sea of Love

Things pick up right where they left off with me feeling the happiest I've been in a long time and it only gets better with one little phone call.

As I walked home from the high school I kept replaying the events at the pool over and over in my head with a huge smile on my face. I still couldn't believe a guy as gorgeous as Xander could be interested in a guy like me, but those thoughts were swept away by the image of his kind and earnest smile. Thinking about his smile quickly turned into fantasizing about what we would do together. Images of us walking down the pier with ice cream cones in our hands, frolicking on the beach and in general having fun together danced around in mind. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that I overshot my block until someone's dog barking nearby brought me back to reality. I quickly backtracked and was surprised to be greeted by my mother who was watering the front yard, "Hi Joey. Did you have fun at the pool?"

I couldn't help but grin as I thought about what happened again and said to her, "Oh yeah I did mom! A lot of fun!" I leaned against our fence as I continued excitedly, "I met a guy there and we hit it off really well." She smiled as said, "That's great Joey! I'm always glad when you make a new friend. You can never have too many." I lose some of my happy feelings as I am reminded that she still has no clue that I like guys as more than friends. I force myself to keep smiling and nod as I say, "Yep. Never too many." I let out a fake yawn before saying, "Boy. I'm pretty wiped. I'm gonna go take a shower and lie down." She nods her head as she says, "Oh. Alright. You go do that. I'll be out here finishing up if you need anything." I nod and give her a small wave before going into the house.

As I walk inside my little brother Miguel says excitedly, "Hi Joey!" He then gets up and holds out something constructed out of Legos and says, "Look at what I made!" I look at it from different angles trying to figure out what it is when he says, "It's a shield!" I give him a questioning look as I ask, "Why did you make a shield?" He just smiles up at me as he says happily, "Cause I want to be a knight. And all knights have shields." I grin at him as I say, "Then where's your sword mister knight?" He kicks the floor softly as he says a bit gloomily, "I didn't get to make it today. The shield took all day to make." I put my hand on his head and ruffled his hair as I said, "Aww, don't worry about it Miguel. You can get to work on it tomorrow and you know what I'll help you." His face brightens back up at this as he says excitedly, "Really Joey!? You'll really help me make my sword?" I puff my chest out as I say, "Of course I will. I'm your big brother after I? We'll make you the best sword ever!" I'm caught off guard and nearly fall over as Miguel slams into me with a hug. I hug him back gently before he wrinkles his nose and says, "You smell like a pool." I chuckle and say, "Well yeah. I just got back from one." He smiles as he says, "I love pools. Can you pleeease take me with you sometime?" I shrug as I say, "Sure, why not? I'll take you next week." He hugs me again as he shouts out, "Yay! Thank you Joey!" I laugh as I pet his head and say, "Ooh, no problem Miguel."

"Alright Miguel. I really need to take a shower now so please let go" I say as I slowly peel him off of me. He reluctantly lets go, but smiles as I pet him one more time before walking down the hall to my room. After I gather up my towel and cloths to change into I am once again interrupted by the sound of my cell phone ringing. I groan as I think, "Can't a guy just take a shower?" When I pick up the phone and see that it's Xander calling I immediately turn from exasperated into giddy. I let out a few quick breaths to calm myself, not wanting to sound overly excited, before answering, "Hey there Xander. What's up?" He chuckles a bit before saying, "Oh nothin. Just callin about those plans. I'm not interruptin anything am I?" I chuckle a bit myself as I say, "Oh no. I was just getting ready to take a shower is all." I can practically see the seductive grin on his face as he says, "Oooooh. Can I join?" I feel my shorts tighten a bit before I laugh nervously and say, "Not unless you want to come all the way to my house." I chuckle before I say teasingly, "And no I'm not gonna tell you where I live yet." I hear him shuffling a bit, "Must have shrugged his shoulders" I think, before he chuckles back and says, "Yeah. I guess you shouldn't. It is a bit too soon for you to be telling me where you live. Oh well. I can wait and earn my way there."

I chuckle once more before saying playfully, "So, back to those plans?" I hear him shake his head before saying, "Right. Right. The plans. So, I was wonderin if you would like to go to the park near the shopping center tomorrow. Walk around, chat, lie down under a tree, maybe grab some ice cream?" My smile widens as I picture us doing those things. I come back down to reality and quickly say, "Yeah! Sure. Sounds great to me!" He laughs as he says, "Great! You want to meet there at around noon?" I don't even give it a second thought as I say, "Of course! No problem! I'll be there!" He chuckles a bit more before saying, "Great! You sound so excited." I blush hard as I don't say anything. After a moment he laughs as he says, "Did I embarrass you?" I hesitate a moment before letting out a soft, "Uh huh." I can see him grinning in my head as he asks, "Are you blushing?" I blush even harder as I reluctantly say, "Yeah." He chuckles before he says, "Ooooh, that's so adorable! Aww, don't worry about it. I'm really excited too." I scratch the side of my face as I grin and think, "H-he's excited about this too? Ooooh. This is the happiest day of my life."

I am brought back out of my thoughts when he coughs and nervously asks, "Um, and I was also wondering if maybe... after the park... If it's not askin too much... maybe we could catch a movie. You know. Together?" I couldn't help but laugh before I said, "Wow! And I thought I was the shy one. Why so nervous?" He chuckles a bit, getting his usual confidence back, before saying, "Guess I was just worried that if I asked for too much too soon I might scare you off. So, does that mean you don't mind goin to the movies afterward?" I shake my head and let out an exasperated sigh before saying, "Yes Xander. I'd love to go to the movies afterward. So, what did you have in mind for us to see?" I can hear him scrathing his head through the phone and chuckling a bit before saying, "Um, I hadn't really thought that far ahead. I was worryin about whether or not you would agree to go so much that I didn't even look up what was showing." I laughed hard at this before saying, "Man. And I thought I could be air headed at times." He harrumphs before saying, "Hey! I may be a bit of an airhead, but at least I'm trying." I chuckle at his reaction before saying, "I know you are. Don't worry. I actually think it's cute that you were worrying so much you could forget things." He laughs awkwardly as he says, "Thanks. I'm glad to hear you think I'm cute."

I grin and laugh one more time as I say, "No problem. So, if you don't mind. I'd like to get to my shower soon." He sounds a little flustered as he says, "Oh oh. Right, yeah. Forgot you were gonna do that." Then he takes on a seductive tone as he says, "You know. I wouldn't mind if you thought about me while you are in there. If you don't mind me thinking about you when I take mine?" I feel another blush coming as I laugh nervously and say, "No no. I wouldn't mind. Your sure it's alright for me to do that?" His voice gets very breathy and he pants softly as he says, "I'm sure. Just let yourself go and have fun." And with one last sultry, "Good night." he hangs up. I stand there for what feels like an hour, having trouble comprehending what just happened. "H-h-he just gave me permission to jerk off to him. I-I-I can't believe this is for real." I pinch my arm hard and am relieved when I feel the oddly comforting sting of pain.

I quickly rush to the bathroom and start the shower. I have a little trouble taking my shorts off because of the raging hard on I didn't notice I had until I started undressing. I give it a good feel as I think about the call from Xander. I had barely met him and already he was affecting me this much. If anyone had told me this morning that I was going to meet a guy who was totally into me and would not only ask me out on a date but also give me permission to jerk off while thinking about him, I would have laughed in their face and called them crazy. And yet, here I am right now jerking off to thoughts of Xander.

I imagine us kissing passionately as we slowly undress each other. Then when we are fully naked I imagine myself slowly kissing down his muscled body before stopping at his nipples for a bit to playfully lick them, Xander moaning the entire time. After my fun with his nipples I work my way down to his eight inch dick and stop for a moment just to admire the sight of his big, hard tool and sizable balls. He gently puts his hand on my head and slowly pushes me down the rest of the way while saying, "Go ahead. I know you want it." I don't resist at all, eagerly opening my mouth and letting him in. I gulp down about five inches before I start to bob my head up and down, flicking my tongue around the head of his dick every chance I get. I look up and am pleased to see him with a big smile on his face as his tongue lolls out of his mouth.

After tongue bathing his dick a bit more he pulls my head up and says, "Thanks, but I think it would be more fun for both of us if you laid down." I blush hard as I look down at the floor and nervously say, "U-um, I-I'm still a virgin." He chuckles as he lifts my face up to look him in the eye and says, "I thought that was the case." he ruffled my hair before saying, "Fortunately for you I wasn't askin you to lie down for that. I was gonna have us do something a bit different." He pushes my chest gently as he says, "Just lie down. I'm sure you'll like it." He gives my nose a lick and winks as he says, "Trust me." When I'm fully sprawled out I begin to wonder what he has planned as he walks over me stopping right above my face. He turns around and bends down, putting his dick right in my face. I look down my body to his upside down face and he gives me another wink before engulfing my entire six and a half inches in one go.

I close my eyes and moan loudly as he massages my dick with his throat, dragging his tongue across the top of it every time he went up. When I open my eyes again I see his cock dangling above my nose and playfully lick it. I hear him moan around my dick as I lick his a few more times before taking it back into my mouth. We spent the next five minutes in a steady rhythm before I felt my impending orgasm closing in. In reality I softly bite my lip to keep from moaning as I cum hard across my stomach. I stand there panting for a good minute as I ride my orgasm out. Once the afterglow had passed I opened the shower door and hopped in. As I scrubbed the cum and chlorine out of my fur I thought to myself, "Wow! If I cum that hard just from imagining sex with Xander I can't wait to find out what the real thing feels like!" After finishing my shower I went straight to my room and jumped into bed for what I knew would be a good nights sleep. I yawned loudly as I started to drift, the image of Xander's smiling face invading my mind one last time before I succumbed to sleep.