Fate Ch. 1

Story by Allester Darkflame on SoFurry

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#1 of Fate's Laughter

A young woman finds herself falling, literally, for the man of her dreams... but he is far older than her and something else about him has her holding back.


Fate Chapter 1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STORY CONTENTS: Romance, Love, Vaginal, Voyeur, Nudity

COPYRIGHTS: All Characters are © Allester E. Darkflame 2006 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Meralin pushed her cart down the aisle of her local grocery store, looking over the various foods lining the shelves with a multitude of colors, words, and pictures meant to bombard buyers with slogans and ideas of their products, but it was a single thing she was looking for and she knew precisely where it was. Unfortunately for her, the box of rare spices was gone. "Ohh no... that's not fair." She exclaimed to herself and hung her head. The vibrant blue feathers cresting her skull sunk down tight, a black stripe along the end of those feathers matched up perfectly along her neck just inches before the tips of her feathers turned white around her shoulders for a few inches. Tangled along her feathers, several beads formed twenty-two rows of dreadlocks along her head. So lost in her 'depression' she didn't even notice the person rounding the corner of the aisle at the same time as her, the resounding sound of cart meeting cart rang out for a moment as the force of the impact toppled her five foot nine inch frame to the ground.

With a loud 'ouf' as she landed on her rounded tush, her blue feathered thighs quickly slammed tightly together to stop anyone from peeking under her mid-thigh red skirt. The black scales on her shins leading down to her talon-tipped, three toed feet with a single toe behind her foot at her heel. "Oww... I'm sorry." She said, opening her sapphire eyes which were surrounded by white feathers on her face and flanking a short black beak. Her hand lifted up slowly to rub her head, the black scales of her forearm and fingers showed off clearly against the blue and white feathers on her head. Just past her elbow, her blue feathers rose up her biceps and back to her body. Her chest rose and fell as she breathed lightly, barely a C cup hidden behind a red vest that hugged her chest tightly and left her white feathered belly exposed.

"I'm sorry miss; I wasn't watching where I was going." A male voice said.

"That's ok, neither was I. Could you help a lady up?" she asked, and then she felt stupid as she looked at her collision partner. Her cheeks went crimson as she lowered her head. "I-I-I..." she stammered in embarrassment.

The male smiled at her as his white furred hand held out to her from his side. "It's alright. I'm used to it." He chuckled at her as her talons cupped in to his palm. Her large wings shifted as he pulled on her arm with amazing strength and helped to balance her as she stood.

Flustered still as she towered over her new friend, she tried not to stare as she looked over the wheelchair he sat in. A special cart attachment hooked over his lap where strong Velcro straps restrained his lap and legs to help keep him seated in the chair. His white fur was all hidden by a pair of blue jean pants and a white t-shirt that was covered by a light black jacket to help protect him from the cold. Her eyes caught the large muscles that covered his chest and arms, an obvious side-effect of moving his chair and own weight with just his arms for most of his life. The one thing that caught her eyes the most, were the piercing green eyes that stared up at her with a smile on his muzzle.

"So uhm, can I have my hand back miss?" the male asked, still smiling as a few locks of black hair fell down over his eyes as his head moved.

"O-Oh! I-I..." she huffed, trying once more not to stare at his chair again.

He chuckled lightly, shaking his head slowly from side to side as he smiled all the more. "Come on, it's easy. Just uncurl your fingers slowly and lift." He teased her.

Still blushing, she did as he said a little quickly and set her hands at her sides. "I-I'm S-sorry sir." She rubbed her cheeks, trying to make the blood move away from her cheeks.

"Ahh don't worry about it. I've been in this thing since I was a baby... well, if you count strollers as well." He laughed.

She giggled briefly before covering her beak up and gasping. "I-I'm sorry I d-d..."

"Don't worry, it was meant to make you laugh." He said, cutting her off.

He shifted in his chair a little, and she noticed he had... five tails. He was a Kitsune, not a common fox. Each one swayed in its own motion, the tip of each tail fluffed and carried a soft blue fur color. She couldn't help but tilt her head as she reached for her cart and gripped it firmly. "Meralin!" She finally blurted out.

"Eh?" he asked.

"M-My name, it's Meralin." She smiled.

He nodded his head and chuckled "Ahh, it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Meralin. My name's Reign." He winked.

Her cheeks tinted once more and she giggled, "Miss. I've never been married, and I tend to avoid guys. All of them seem to just want in to my panties." She teased.

With a snicker, Reign just smiled "Kind of hard for me to get in to them. It all works yeah, but since I can't move my legs, the girls gotta chase me, if they can catch me." He teased, making her giggle even more.

For a moment more, the two of them stood and sat there, and then her eyes caught something. "Oh! You're the one that got the last Serwin Paste!" she chirped, noticing her favorite spice in his make-shift cart.

"Oh? You like it? I love the stuff; use it for some of the food I cook." He responded.

"Yes, it goes good with my Ester steaks." She giggled.

"Really? I'll have to try that one at my shop."

"You have a shop?" she asked, looking at him with shock.

He smiled "Ohh? Didn't think a cripple could own a restaurant?" he teased her, smiling still.

Flustered once more, Meralin turned her head and lowered it, making her dreads hit each other with clacking sounds. "No! No, that's not what I meant." She huffed, stumbling over her words.

"Hehe, don't worry hon., I just had to flirt with ya a little. I own the Peregrine Perch. About two miles from here on Longbay Avenue"

Her head lifted up, she knew that place, and she ate there for lunch several times a month. "Whoa... I've probably paid most of your bills." She giggled "I eat there way to much." She smiled, "Hey uhm... not to be rude or misunderstood... but uh... would you like some help with your shopping?"

"Nah, I don't need help-" he started.

"Ohh..." she sighed, cutting him off.

"But, I could use some company." He finished, smiling at her as she lifted her head and smiled in return.

She looked at her cart and chuckled "Well then, I'd be happy to keep you company Reign." She said as she moved ahead of him towards the next aisle. Her hips swayed side to side naturally, her tail feathers fanned out half way to cover the inner portion of her rump and display the black and white stripped tips of her tail feathers.

Reign enjoyed the view as he planted his hands on his wheels and pushed, following her as they moved down the aisle. He plucked a few more things he had come for from the next few aisles while she loaded up her cart. He had only come for a few things, and found something more.

"So Meralin, stocking for fallout or just feeding the homeless?" he asked, noticing she had filled her cart with a few things that didn't seem to fit right.

"What do you mea- oh..." she huffed, noticing she had thrown in a few 'male' items and condoms in to her cart without thinking; she was distracted with other thoughts. After a moment of pause, she started to put back the few things she had picked up that she didn't need, including the condoms that appeared to make her rather flustered and blush even more.

As they arrived at the check out, an employee motioned reign towards the front of the line, "She's with me." He said, pointing at Meralin. Before she could say anything, he gave her rump a soft patting "Come on babe." He said, using his hand on the small of her back to give her a little nudge towards the check out stand. She complied of course, even as he wheeled in behind her. He enjoyed the way she walked so confidently in front of him, she didn't wait up or take half steps, and she just walked naturally. Even as she unloaded her cart, she moved fluently from the cart to the counter in quick motions.

His own little basket took two seconds to unload. When he saw her start to rummage in her purse, he reached out and gave her rump a soft pinch, making her jump with a loud chirp. "Come on honey, I got the card." He smiled, wheeling himself foreword and making her step ahead of him. She started to voice her complaint, but by the time she got her first 'Wait' out, he had already swiped his card and punched in the numbers. With the receipt in his hands, he folded it up and put it in his jacket pocket along with his wallet. They left together, despite the stares the cashier and a few other employees' gave them.

"You didn't have to do that Reign, I'll pay you back." Meralin said.

"Really? How? You don't know my number, where I live, and I don't know your info either." He smiled.

"Ohh you think you got me huh fuzzy?" she smirked as she stopped at her car. She turned around and leaned over to tuck a piece of paper in to his jacket pocket. "I know where you work sugar." She winked "And now you know my number." She teased him.

He chuckled at her, watching her start to unload her bags in to the car, "Well then, how about a date hmm? You can pay me back that way." He said.

She squawked and jumped at that comment, hitting her head on the tailgate of her car. "W-what?" she asked as she turned around, noticing his look of pain from her hit to the head.

"A date. We can go to my place, I'll cook it up and you can take the bill. How's that?" he smiled.

Blushing once more, Meralin waved her hand "W-wha... well..." she paused and rubbed her neck. "O-Okay... that sounds like fun... Saturday at nine good for you?" she asked.

He chuckled, "Sounds perfect. You can pick me up, ok? I'll be out front." He winked at her, "I'll make sure to leave the chair at home so you can really pick me up." He laughed, teasing her obviously as she giggled from his joke, no matter how silly it was.

Watching him push his way to his own car, she noticed he drove an electric car just like her, small and compact with just enough room for four people and some groceries. It only took him a couple seconds to unload his cart, even as she started to walk towards him to help, she noticed he loaded himself in to his car, and then his chair without any hassle at all. Even still, she leaned over in his window and smiled "Remember, Saturday at nine." She winked and reached in to ruffle his ears.

With a smile, he leaned his head up in to the rubbing talons, "Right, I'll be there early." He chided her as he put the car in gear and let her step back. She noticed the throttle of the car was placed near the wheel along side the brakes, a custom design for the handicap.

When he was out of distance, Meralin smiled. He was cute, funny, successful, and didn't let his disability slow him down. Her hearts beat rapidly, unable to calm herself down after such an eventful afternoon. Even as she got in to her car, the drive back to her home was longer then she expected as she went over everything in her mind.

******************* Saturday **********************

Meralin grumped in front of her mirror, standing naked as a jay-bird and holding up several outfits to her chest and body "What about this one Meribell?" she asked her older sister who sat on her bed behind her. Holding up a tiny black dress that hugged her upper body just about half way along her chest and descending down to hug around her hips, just a few inches of her thighs hidden with the dress ending just above the point her feathers merge to scales at the middle of her thighs.

"Well, it's cute, but it looks like you're going to put out on the first date." Meribell teased.

Meralin turned on her sister, the dress still held to her front. "Oh ha ha sis. You know full well I've never even SEEN a guy naked, and honestly, I don't want to until I'm ready for it." She sighed "Not like I haven't been ready before, it's just most guys have given up by the time I'm ready."

Meribell chuckled lightly, smiling at her little sister "Well it's good that you're waiting. I did, and my husband is the greatest male ever." She teased.

Throwing her dress at her sister, Meralin chuckled. "Very funny." She said, planting her hands on her hips, making her perky feathered breasts jiggle with the black fleshy nipples poking from the feathers edges. "But Reign is different then most guys,"

"Yeah, he can look up your skirt while walking next to you."

"STOP!" Meralin laughed, chuckling as she picked up a red pleated skirt and a white blouse. "He's... just not restrained by his handicap, in fact I don't think he even notices it anymore unless he's making a joke about it." She smiled and looked herself over in the mirror.

"Put some stockings and a garter belt on and you'll be every man's school girl dream."

"MERIBELL!" squawked Meralin, whirling on her sister and making the skirts pleats fan out in the turbulence. "Well... that's not a bad idea. Test him; see if he's just after one thing." She smiled.

With a sadistic grin, Meribell sat up, "Really? A test on the first date? So super sleuth of you sis." She winked.

Meralin smiled as she set out her outfit and plucked up a pair of cotton white panties. As always, it took her a moment to get her toe talons through the leg holes and then slide them up her long legs. Once the cotton hugged her crotch and rump, her fingers let the waistband snap against her wide hips. "Bra?" she winked, holding up a padded matching white cotton bra.

"Ohh yeah, make him work for his peeks."

Giggling hysterically, Meralin slipped her arms through the holes of the bra and pushed the cups up against her breasts. Lucky for her, the bra was designed for avians and the back strap rested against the lower joint of her wings bases. The front clasp made it easier to clip her bra shut before she reached down and grabbed the blouse. It took a few moments to wiggle the blouse over her arms and head, before fanning her wings out to slip them through specialized cuts in the back of the blouse to let the fabric tuck between and along the sides of her wings, only to be buttoned at the hem to hold the blouse in place.

The skirt remained where it was on the bed as she reached out and took up a garter belt. Slipping it up her legs, she wound the belt around her hips and shimmied her thighs a little. "Think I'll knock him dead?" she winked, sitting down and pulling up custom made white stockings that hugged her legs and hid the feathers and scales of her legs from view in a veil of white silk. Her toe talons poked through custom holes and wiggled while she clipped the garter belt to the hem of the stockings. Little red ribbons were sown in to the side of the fabric.

"Knock him dead? Hell, with that get up, you'll make him stand up and BEG." Meribell giggled.

Smirking in an avian like manner, Meralin slipped the skirt around her hips and zipped it closed. She stood up and viewed herself in the mirror. "Oh damn... I do look like I'm fourteen again." She chirped with a chuckle.

"Make up!"

"Wait wha-" Meralin coughed and hacked as her sister powdered her face with some blush that truly brought out the color of her eyes. Some purple eye shadow was quickly added as well.

"Perfect." Meribell exclaimed, turning her sister to look herself over in the mirror. "Sexy sis."

Meralin stared at her image in the mirror, blinking at the image. Here she was, twenty-eight years old, and she literally looked half that now. "Holy shit." She said in a soft chirping tone.

"No shit." Meribell responded, sliding a cute little chibi-dragon backpack over her sisters shoulders. "Just to complete the outfit." She laughed and slapped her sister's ass. The skirt fell just a few inches above her knees.

Walking with a practiced grace, Meralin just smirked "I'll see you later tonight sis, tell ya all about it." She winked and closed her bedroom door to head for the car.

As she walked down the stairs, she let out a loud chirp as two hands gripped her hips. "Just where do you think you're going dressed up like a cheap street whore?" a cold, but barely contained giggling voice asked from behind her.

"Mother!" Meralin commented, turning around and smiling at the older Blue jay.

"Yes dear?"

"Must you treat me like I'm ten?"

"Only when you're dressed like you're ten."

Meralin stopped her complaints and huffed. "I'm going on a date with Reign, remember?" she smiled.

"Ohh right, Right. The five tail." Her mother chirped lightly, fanning out her tail feathers. Her form was much more plush and rounded from age and two children, but she carried her figure well. Wearing a fifties house wife dress and apron combo, her bountiful bosom held back in the outfit, put on display by a wide U shaped cut at the top. Her rump jiggled visibly with every step she made even through the dresses fabric. "You know I want to meet this boy if you go on more then one date dear. Why not bring him to your sister's..." the woman paused for a moment and looked around "Surprise party." She whispered.

"Mom! I don't want to traumatize him by introducing him to you!" she huffed.

"Ohh what am I going to do? I'll just flirt with him, hang my panties on his nose and seduce him in to my bed." She smiled.

Rubbing her forehead, Meralin chuckled "Mom, I know we're Faye followers, but must you be so open about your sexuality? Honestly, I didn't want to know about you doing three hawks all at once just last week, yet you told me every detail!" she chuckled, clicking her beak softly.

"Well... I wanted you to be ready for your future man. I swear your sister got all my sexual energy and you just got my hot body."

"Ge-MOTHER!" Meralin huffed, her feathers fluffing up as she turned "I have to go!" she chuckled. She loved her family, always open and easy to talk to, it's why they all lived together... that and to help cover the bills for the two story house.

She hurried down to her car and climbed inside, noticing another vehicle pull up and a large hawk male step out. His proud crest a glorious brown and black mingle as he turned his brown eyes on her and smiled. "Have a nice evening Meralin, remember, put something on your door knob if you're going to bring him home." He clucked playfully.

With a sigh, Meralin smiled and flipped him the bird "Bite me Luscious." She teased with a wink back at him. She took off on to the main road and started for the restaurant her date would occur at. The drive was short lived, but what driving she did do, she just couldn't help but think about how the date would go. Would he like her outfit to much? Would he think she was a hussy? Her mind reeled with thoughts while her body drove on auto-pilot to the parking lot. Once she was stopped, she snapped out of her trance and shifted in her seat. From the corner of her eye, she noticed a pink silk ribbon hooked around the parking break. With a chuckle she picked it up and bound her dreadlocks with the ribbon and created a bow behind her head.

Climbing from her car, she walked through the front doors slowly, as if it was her first visit despite having been there hundreds of times. A waitress quickly stepped up to her "Hi! Welcome to the Peregrine Perch, just one?" the young vixen asked. Bubbly and energetic, her tail wagged behind her quickly.

"Nice to see you again Sanya, and uhm... no, I uh have a date tonight." She smiled.

"Really? Meralin, cool!" she giggled and grabbed the avians hands, dragging her to a two person table amidst many smells of fresh seafood, home grown vegetables, and red meat. "Should I wait for him to show up? Or get your box of condoms-I mean bottle of wine now?" she smiled.

Meralin blushed at the comment, was everyone just about sex now days? "No uhm... he's here already. I just arrived a tiny bit early." She clicked her beak softly, nervous.

"Well... ok then." The vixen commented and wondered off to handle one of her other tables.

With a smile, Meralin tapped her fingers along the top of the table, taking note of the people around her. She didn't even notice Reign rolling up beside her until he asked "Can I take your order miss?" he teased.

As she turned around and looked at him, she smiled as he sat in his chair, black slacks on his legs and a white crisp chef's jacket buttoned up over his upper body. He looked rather dashing in it and she felt her cheeks blushing with blood, luckily the make-up blush hid it. "Well yes... I uhm, would like some Tuna and side salad with a glass of red wine." She teased him.

"Well sure. I'll have that out in a few minutes." He winked at her. Placing his hands on his wheels and carting himself off in to the kitchen.

As he went through the double doors of his kitchen, the hustle and bustle of everyone made him smile. He carted himself over to a special work station designed for him and looked around. "Cheri, I need a Tuna, Salad Fixings, Twelve ounce steak with potato wedges and a bottle of 44 red wine please."

After three minutes of some nose, a cute mink lad walked out from the supplies zone and placed the requested items down on the work station while Reign washed his hands in a sink right beside the station and then soaked his paws in an anti-bacterial bath. "Here you go sir." The boy said, scurrying off to his next request for supplies.

Reign just smiled as he slid some gloves over his paws and placed the tuna in a frying pan. The steak on the flame-pit just a spot over from the pan, everything was flame cooked here to be more healthy for customers. While the meats cooked slowly, he began tossing the salads together while looking through his station for a rack to put the potato's on. It took a few minutes, but one finally got delivered to his station fresh from the wash. He used it to tuck away the potatoes for cooking in the oven bellow the fire pit. Once the salad's got tossed and mixed together, he slid the bowels on a specialized tray hooked to his stations edge.

Flipping the tuna on to its other side, his paws then moved under his stations and pulled up several bowels of syrups and sauces. Chocolate syrup mixed with a mint flavored tartar sauce. Slowly he drizzled the mix on top of the tuna and smiled as the flavors began to build in his nose with sweet and spiced scents. His own steak had to be turned once more before he put it on to a plate, followed by the tuna on another plate. A soft 'ding' rung in his ears above the noise of the kitchen and the potato wedges were pulled from the oven, and settled some on his steak plate.

"Okay folks, I'm off the clock and on a date, don't bug me unless it's an emergency!" he chuckled, as the kitchen cheered on him.

Once the plates were on the special tray, he unhooked the tray and slid it over his lap and removed his gloves. Tossing the pair in to a steam cleaning bag, he rolled his way out in to the main room and back to Meralin. She already had a glass of red wine in her paws thanks to Cheri knowing just what to do with it. He slipped up along side her and smiled "Here you are miss." He smiled, taking her tuna plate off and placing it before her along with her salad. He then placed his own meal on the other side of the table and set the tray against the wall as he rolled in to place.

"Well thank you Reign. It's nice to see a chef that knows how to serve." She winked at him.

He smiled at her and picked up his silverware "Well, when it's such a ravishing beauty as you, what guy could refuse to deliver?" With a quick cut along his steak, he took a bite and watched her as she tasted her own meal.

Her eyes lit up at the flavors blending over her thin tongue, even as the tuna just melted along her taste buds. She shuddered and smiled, "I'll have to order this more often."

"It's your first try of it?"

"Yeah, I normally eat the Trailers grab bag." She blushed as she took a bit of her salad.

"Well, that's a good meal. Nothing like mixed nuts, berries and slices of pork glazed in a cooked honey sauce." He smiled, nibbling at his potato wedges for a moment "But you should really try my specialty, The Tail Typhoon."

She looked thoughtful for a moment as she gummed at her tuna a little more and shuddered. "Isn't that the five meats cooked in different styles and juices?"

"That it is. Something I thought up in my youth."

"Your... youth?" Meralin inquired.

He smiled and nodded his head sagely as he swallowed a mouthful of meat. "Mmm, Five tails my dear. I'm five hundred and thirty-two years old." He chuckled.

Smiling, her head just shook "I knew you were old, but damn you're robbing the cradle!" she teased him.

"Ohh right, Miss Grave Robber." He teased her right back.

She blushed vibrantly at that and giggled as she set her silverware down and sipped some of her wine. "Well... I think age is just a number." She finally responded and whispered under her breath "Pedo."

With a light chuckle, he leaned over the table a little and responded in kind "Me too, Necro." He teased.

She smiled brighter and giggled. "Wow, only my mom and sister have ever been able to keep up with my beak talk." She said, wiping her beak with a napkin. "Listen... for our next date... I was wondering," she paused, waiting to see if he backed away.

"You want to go to the theater and see Cats?" he smiled.

Taken off guard, she blinked, stunned briefly before she spoke up. "No no, I meant... oh my." She looked flustered and blurted it out "My mom wants to meet you and invited you to my sisters surprise birthday party." She huffed, gulping down the rest of her wine.

Nodding his head as he tucked his napkin in to his empty plate, he smiled. "Sounds like fun, when will it be, and will you be wearing that cute outfit again?"

She blinked and smiled. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't. But it's in three days, seven at night."

Nodding once more, he smiled "Can I offer you a ride home then?"

Shaking her head, she smiled "Nah, I drove myself. Didn't want to scare you off by having my family here on the first date." She teased.

"Oh thank you for small miracles, just need to meet them on the second date." He chide while winking at her playfully.

With a soft smile, she stood up and moved to lean over and kiss his cheek. "Thank you for a lovely evening Reign, I can't wait to see you in three days. Call, ok?" she smiled.

He nodded his head "Alright then. I'll call tomorrow at noon." He winked at her.

The two of them parted ways with smiles on their faces, but Meralin was even more giddy as she thought more about him. She hadn't even realized the whole dinner had lasted two hours and thirty minutes... time had escaped her and she was happy about it.

*************** 3 days later **************

With a heavy sigh, Reign looked at the steps up the porch and smiled. "Great." His eyes then turned to the doorbell a good four feet away from the step up to the door. He'd throw some rocks at the door, but a pane from a glass door protected it and he didn't want to crack the glass. "Let's see... figure this one out." He thought to himself, rubbing his chin. It was too late at night to honk the horn with neighbors around, the rocks wouldn't work, and he couldn't exactly scream for help without worrying people for the wrong reasons. As he thought on the matter, a pair of talon-tipped claws wrapped around his shoulder and the black scaled forearms of an avian curled around his neck.

"Cold Reign? Lemme warm you up sweetie." A matronly voice spoke in his ear as the woman's very ample bosoms pushed to the back of his head.

With a laugh, Reign wiggled his head "As comfy a pair of pillows you have Miss Freya, I'm afraid my fur keeps me to toasty for that." He teased.

Smiling in that avian manner, Freya lifted her body and gripped his wheel chair handles. "So, Meralin's told you my name has she?" the older woman looked back at her daughter with a smile as Meralin climbed from the car.

"Well that she did, just last night before we made plans to meet."

"Just how long have you been waiting here deary?"

Smiling a little more, Reign turned to look at Meralin "Just about two minutes before you arrived. I parked down the road just a little ways like I was asked." He said, noticing several more Blue jays walking up the road towards them.

A knowing cluck of her tongue came from Freya's beak and she giggled softly "Yeah, it's a surprise daughter for my eldest daughter's birthday. So, only one car pulling up would be unnoticed." She smiled.

Meralin crept up and gently bumped her mother aside "Thank you for meeting him mom, but I'll cart him around myself." She chided with a wink.

"Pfft, you take all the fun out of flirting hon." Freya said, waving a hand as she walked up to the door and unlocked it.

As the door opened up, she held it open for everyone to wonder in to the front room, as two burly blue jays helped heft Reign's wheelchair up on to the front steps and through the doors step up. Reign of coursed thanked them and shook their hands with a bright smile on his muzzle to show he really did appreciate the help. Freya moved everyone around in the front room, being very quiet about it all. Everyone took no time in taking the orders from the Matron of the house, and once everyone was in place Freya picked up her cell phone.

For a few moments, all was quiet, but soon a voice in the lower bedroom could be heard. "mrong herow?" the voice spoke, muffled by the door separating the rooms.

"Meribell sweetie, sorry to bother you on your birthday night hon, but I left the oven on and could you please shut it off before the electric bill goes sky high?" Freya fibbed on the phone.

With a loud grumble a voice sounded out "You need to get a gas stove mom!" and then a click as the phone was hung up.

A few minutes passed, giggles heard from behind the door. Some movement could be made out and everyone readied themselves for the shouting. After several more seconds, the door swung open and everyone shouted "SURPRISE MERI---" and everyone fell silent with their eyes wide open.

Just as shocked as the surprise guests, Meribell and her hawk lover were equally shocked. There in the doorway, her blue butt was on full display with her legs wrapped around her lover's hips and his hands clutching her bum. His face stuffed in to her naked cleavage, unable to see their guests but able to hear their shout. His eyes were wide like saucers, just like Meribell's eyes were. Each and every person in the front room was stunned in silence, able to see the dripping dick still stuffed between Meribell's thighs.

Everyone stood, unmoving, unspeaking until Reign chuckled and broke the silence "Nice view." He commented.

In that same instant two things occurred. The first was the door suddenly slamming shut, the second was Meralin's hand slapping the back of Reign's head, making him emit a low 'ow' noise. Everyone shifted around, a little uncomfortable now after that fiasco, all except Reign and Freya. The two of them found it comical rather then embarrassing. "Now come then folks, let's get the cake and presents set up. No need to let the love of a couple disturb us, it's not like we don't do it either." Freya commented.

Reign rolled his chair over to the table and reached his hand in to the backpack hanging on the handgrips behind him. Rummaging around, he produced a gift wrapped up neatly and placed it on the table right where the cake was laid by Freya. "Now Reign, I told you that you didn't have to get anything." Meralin complained.

"Well why not? I'm a guest at her party, the least I could do is celebrate like the rest of you and give her a lil' somethin' somethin'... especially after that show." Reign teased, tickling her belly.

Meralin squirmed and giggled until a loud squawk broke from her beak and she stood up straight, coughing in to her hand. "Ehem... 'scuse me." She said with a giggle.

With a wide grin, Reign tickled her belly again, making her squirm and fall in to his lap giggling and squawking in uproar. He just smiled and continued to tickle as the door opened, he stopped and smiled. "Nice to meet you Booty, I'm Reign." He winked.

Meribell's cheeks flushed and then turned red as she smiled. "You are a Pervert Mr. Fox." She teased as the hawk followed her out.

"Ahh you can't fault me for being who I am. Besides, I'm not the one that walked out of my room butt naked with your sister in my lap."

"No, you just have her in your lap with your clothes on." Freya piped in. Everyone turned to look at her, and she just smiled in that avian manner. She waddled over to the table with some plates and then lit the candles. "Come on dear, come blow out the candles." She murmured.

Everyone crowded around Meribell as she blew out the candles, they all sang for her and she looked irritated by the music, but she enjoyed her family and her new friend. The cake was served up and everyone sat down for their cake. While there weren't a ton of presents, they all were something Meribell definitely wanted, all except Reign's. She could only smile at what he had got her, a simple picture frame with a poem inside of it.

Simply Blue, Just like you.

A world of wonders, beyond the sky.

Take the time, to learn to fly.

When you land, don't say goodbye.

Fly away, once again.

To lands unknown, and seen within.

When you look up, the night sky descends.

Land again, within view.

We'll always remember you, Simply Blue.

Meribell smiled as she recited the lyrics, then leaned over and hugged Reign around his neck. "My sister better keep you." She chided Meralin.

With a chuckle, Reign patted her shoulder and smiled. "Me too. I like her, she makes me feel like I can walk again." He said, looking back at Meralin as she stood behind him. "Or at least sit up and beg."

Meralin's cheeks went red and she smacked his shoulder "HEY! Don't you turn in to my mother."

With a laugh from the group, Freya chimed in "Not unless he grows a DD over night honey."

Everyone laughed once more, and by the end of the night, Reign's two new male friends helped get him and his chair out the door again. Meralin took up the handlebars and pushed him to his car, smiling brightly. "This was a fun evening. Though I don't think anything we do will top what happened tonight." She chuckled.

"Ohh yeah, I see your sisters naked ass before I see yours. Totally heart broken." He laughed, even as she chuckled with him.

"You've got a long way to go before you even see my panties Mr."

"Ohh but I could, if I just look up." He winked at her.

She looked down at him and leaned foreword, giving his muzzle a soft peck with her beak. She then leaned further in and brushed her cheek against his. "Mmm, when should we meet again hmm?"

For a moment, he looked thoughtful and rubbed his throat. "How about tomorrow. We'll go see a movie and have some dinner where I don't have to cook."

Giggling softly, Meralin stopped in front of his car at the end of the road. "Sounds like a plan."

"Could you wear that school girl outfit again?" he teased.

Smacking the back of his head lightly once more, she giggled "Perverted little puppy." She teased "I'll think up something." She winked. Helping him out with his chair and getting in to his car. She hung herself through his window and this time kissed him a bit more fully.

"WOOO! Look at those tail feathers! Hot Damn baby!" a female voice called out behind them before giggling as Meralin's tail feathers dropped down to cover her rump as she turned around. Behind her, her mother stood there with her arms crossed over her chest. A smug look on her face, she turned and waddled back to their home, giggling softly as she looked back.

Meralin sighed and turned around, she looked at Reign and smiled "Please tell me your parents aren't like mine."

Laughing, Reign leaned his head back against the head rest "Lucky you, my parents live in Selaria, about four thousand miles east of here. You wont have to meet them for a long time!" he laughed some more as he turned on his car "See ya later babe."

She nodded her head and turned to walk off, but stopped to make sure he wasn't staring at her butt. When she noticed him looking back to the road innocently, she smirked knowingly and watched him drive off. She sighed and smiled, curling her wings around her and huddling to herself. "You were right, he's a good guy."

Jumping, Meralin opened her wings and found her sisters male looking at her. "Donavin, don't scare me like that!"

The hawk smiled brightly and winked. "Sorry sis, but your entire family was worried about him coming by tonight, since I'm the only one that pays attention to peoples character and other factors, your mom asked me to judge him. From what I see, he's either a damn good liar, or he's a hell of a guy."

With a nod of her head, Meralin patted his shoulder. "Ok Mr. Spy, I won't post pictures of your balls hanging out of my sister on the Cybernet." She teased.

"Wait... what did I do!?" he huffed, chasing after her, but just a few steps behind her.

~~ To be continued...

~ Allester E. Darkflame