How Midnight Shines (with pictures and music!)

Story by ScaleMaster on SoFurry

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**NOTE** This is a sequel to the story [How Love Flows](%5C), so you may wish to read that story first to get a clue as to what things I refer back to I also would love to hear your comments about the story, and my noobish drawing skills :D

Life was simple. There is really no other way to describe it. I had a steady job, a beautiful boyfriend, and a nice apartment that we both shared. Ever since Phrost and I fell in love with each other that night, things have been great, no troubles, worries, or anything to cause the slightest bit of depression. There seemed to be no downs in our relationship, or life for that matter; everything just seemed to go up. The apartment we moved into was a one bedroom and one bathroom place that we called home. We both had more than enough money to afford our home, buy food, pay bills, and even go out to eat and see a movie every so often. It was three years ago this very day that Phrost and I had made love on the floor in my room. We had both graduated from Littlecomet High and decided to skip out on college because we both had good job opportunities in Los Angeles. Homesick had haunted us for the first couple of months, but we had each other to get through it. Both of our families knew about our relationship, and while some family members silently looked down on it, the general consensus of it was good; they didn't mind how we decided to live our lives, as long as we were happy.




Being our anniversary, we decided to have a private night at the home; a little wine, some gourmet food, and anice movie we would cozy up and snuggle to. But that was still 8 hours away... Being in the office talking to the most boring people can really get you thinking of things other than your surroundings. It was like that day right before he came over to my house and we made love for the first time; that undeniable anticipation of not knowing the outcome because of its infinite possibilities. That same feeling had hit me again, only this time, I knew how he felt about me, and I wasn't nervous, just wanting to be with him, missing him more than ever and content that our relationship has survived through thick and thin for so long. I loved everything about him; strengths, weaknesses, good habits, bad habits; I loved him when he was Happy, angry, sad, depressed... and most of all when he showed he loved me, that same feeling being given back... That's all I yearned for, was to be loved by him, the one I cared for so much.

As I said, I was at the office, answering phones, and being like every office worker that does his work happily in a cubical. I filled out pie charts, made documents, stapled, shredded, filed, and everything else you would think a stereotypical office person would do. The hands on my Dilbert clock on my wall seemed to slow down when I stared at them. It was 1:30pm about 4 and a half more hours of work and I would be out of there, and back home cooking dinner for our special night. Phrost was a historian, and he loved his job. He was assigned to a team that did research on our ancestors, the dragons of the past. There was some old mystery about an ancient language that they used to speak that would allow them to become "One" with another dragon of their choosing. It was all very interesting and I loved for him to tell me about it each night when he got home. Time started flying by when we emailed each other back and forth later that day. We sent messages telling how our day was going and how much we loved each other. 5:00pm rolled around eventually and I sent him off an email again:

_Hey Love,

I am through with work so I must get home and get ready for our

Special night tonight! I love you and I will see you soon...

Your mate,


I drove home, and noticed a storm was starting to brew in the skies. It was odd that the weather man hadn't forecasted it. I hoped for a quiet storm that could make the mood tonight more romantic. After I got home, I went to the bedroom and slipped out of my suit and put on a pair of shorts and a white t-shirt. Phrost would be home in about 2 hours, so I had time to get everything ready. I had prepared the meal I would cook all week and I got out my recipe that my mom had sent me in an email. The dish was Orange Ruffy, a tropical fish, but it was going to be prepared elegantly. My mom told me this was what she made for my father on one of their anniversaries, and it was probably the best meal she made in her life, her words. Time flew by as I chopped, minced and decapitated vegetables for our salads and put some store-bought rolls in the oven. I was about 10 minutes done with making everything when Phrost came home with a single rose in his hand. I walked up to him, whipping my hands off on my shirt from the oily foods I was preparing and kissed him, pushing my tongue into his muzzle and feeling his love through my body.

"Hello love" He said as he broke the kiss and handed me the rose.

"Ah how sweet of you, thanks!" I said, taking the rose and kissing

him again.

"Smells good, I can't wait to eat, I am starving. But I am going to go wash up and slip out of this suit and into so more comfortable clothes" He said teasingly




I smiled and watched him go off into the other room. I put the rose in a vase and set it on the table and walked back into the kitchen and started to finish the cooking. Both plates had a nice big slice of Orange Ruffy, Salad, a baked potato and a dinner roll. I had laid it all on the table in our small dinning room and got out the bottle of, "Coteaux du Giennois", a well know French red wine. I fetched the 2 wine glasses and set them on the table and filled them half way with the red liquid and made sure everything was perfect. At that time I noticed the lights dim which startled me, but looked up to see Phrost walking towards me and we took our seats. We smiled as we dug in, not worry to much about messing up the order of our silverware or food. We talked about our day and good old times back a long time ago, even before we fell in love with each other. The feeling that shot through my body at work, the feeling of me wanting to be with him was now put to rest from actually being with him. The rain tampered outside, making the ambiance we were engaged in increase on the romantic side. The air was comfortably warm and the soft music seemed to play in rhythm with the rain outside.

Our dinner was more perfect that I had hoped for. It filled us up, but didn't make so full that we were uncomfortable or miserable. We had gotten "Dragon Heart" for our video to watch. Phrost had never seen it, but had every scene memorized. We decided to make the mood more romantic and we stripped down to our boxers and cuddled under a blanket, leaning our backs against the sofa and faced toward the TV. The rain outside started to speed up a bit and thunder began to echo and lightening lit up the skies. All the lights in the apartment were out and the only illumination was coming from the TV and the lightning blasts outside. We cuddled each other close, our half-way naked, scalie bodies grinding against each other as we nuzzled. The movie started and we watched intently. We felt compassion when Dragon gave the prince half his heart, we felt anger when the prince turned evil, and we felt heart broken when the Dragon died, but also hope when Draco got his wish to be among the stars.

The movie defiantly set the mood for us. By this time we were kissing each other passionately and letting the blanket slide down to our waist as we sat there. The credits of the film scrolled by, but we didn't care, we were too involved with each other to worry about shutting off the movie. I put my hand on the back of his head, just under his horns but rubbing his ear and pushing his head closer to mine. We both made out like high school loves in a movie theater, but eventually ending up in the position of me on my back and Phrost on top, rubbing his hands all over my chest as we kissed wildly. All those emotions that happened in our first yiff reigned down on me again and I began to feel my groin tighten a bit, wondering if Phrost was getting the same feelings I was. He must of, because not later than the moment I thought that, his hand was rubbing down from my chest, and to my groin. Moans escaped me and forced its sound out between our sealed lips. There is no way to describe a feeling when you are making love with another dragon; the love, excitement, and even orgasms where more than any human could ever handle in this world. There is some sort of magic that derives itself from the darkness around you that makes everything feel better. These enlightening senses were very evident tonight. My whole body rippled with the effects of Phrost's touch, making me quiver every time he groped my groin. I could finally feel my cock leaving my warm sheath and make its way into the Phrost grasp. Every vein is pumped full of blood and my member reaches full length as it is continued to be rubbed by him. I am still transfixed in the kiss as my arms raise above his head and arching my back at same time. Being lost in this moment made me get startled when he broke the kiss ran his hands down my thighs. He sat up between my legs and lifted them out of the way. Phrost got a finger and shoved it into my hole, causing me to arch my back again and moan as he poked my prostate with his finger. He continued to poke my tail hole and twisted his body around where his cock was in my face. I grinned and immediately licked it, snaking my tongue around the member, feeling it twitching as I engulfed it in my muzzle. He groaned happily and then pulled himself out of my mouth. My only guess is that he wanted me to 'slick him up' for some other action that he and I were both aware of. I felt him twist around on top of me again, and lift my legs above his shoulder. I turned me head to try and find the remote that was laying on the couch and grabbed it and clicked the television off. The only lights that now lit up the room were the scarce flashes of lightning from the ever growing storm. I could feel him move around my body in the dark, not being able to see him at all unless a the heaves lit up the skies for us. The storm outside seemed to be watching and reacting to every sensual move that we made, making the mood even better. I felt him pull his finger from my ass and move his hips up to my ass. He pushed his member against my tail hole and I gasped. The thunder rolled, like it was waiting for him to continue, urging him on. I tried to do the same by moaning in pleasure. He took it slowly, pushing in me, the further he went in me the louder and stronger the heavens shook the earth. The amazing thing is when he pushed in me, when his balls touched my ass and his full meaty cock was thrust all the way, lighting crashed and lit up the room, making me for a split second see the pleasure in his eyes and letting him see the seductiveness of mine. Our hearts beat fast, and we could both feel the powers of love revolve around us, like a twister capturing us. Phrost pulled out about halfway and shoved in again, moving faster and faster. The faster and harder he thrust the more it thundered outside, making the vibrations of the rumbling earth echo through our bodies. His member rubbed mine from the inside and caused it to twitch ever time he trust fully into me, also causing meeps and murs to leave from my mouth.




It was dark again, nothing but thunder and the slapping sounds of our love making were our only visuals of what was going on, besides the feelings themselves. I could hear him breathing harder, feeling his pulse beat through his dick in my anus. My heart beat rhythmically with his, making it seem we were one being. My member was hard as a rock, poking upward, begging for a rub down. He must of sense this because right then and there he reached his hand down on my cock and began to jack me off. His hand was nice and slick, so I figured he must of licked his paw before pawing me off. My heart raced as my member was pumped his muscular paws. I could hear him start to moan, feeling him fuck me harder and harder, causing the friction to get very hot and seductive. I felt him thrust hard and pause a bit and then continue. His cock seemed to slip back and forth a lot easier than before, so I figured he must of pre'ed in me. This thought of his spooge dripping down from my ass caused my own pre to blow out from the tip of my cock, and onto his hand. Lightning lit up the sky, flashing like the grand finally of a fireworks show on the Fourth of July. My mind raced of a millions thoughts of love, sex, and Phrost. I could feel his rhythmic thrust become more off beat, so I figured he was close. I swooped my tail around in between his legs and squeezed it in to his asshole as hard as I could. A loud, deafening crack of lightning blew right outside the window and I felt him push into all the way, growling loudly. I could feel every hot, liquidy spooge being poured into my ass like a water hose. I immediately put leaned up to kiss him and his hand beat faster and faster. My eyes closed tightly and I screamed in ecstasy. Another huge crack of lightning flickered its light into the room and a huge boom of sound beat through the apartment. My member began to twitch crazily and shoot huge amounts of spooge into the air, landing on both of our bodies, making us sticky. He continued to rub my cock up and down until he could feel the twitching stop. The main part of the storm seemed to be passing by, and we could only hear faint rumbling noises...




After catching our breaths we cuddled again, exhausted greatly from having sex and cumming more than we both have in a long time. We both started licking each other, not just on our muzzles, but all over our body cleaning up the spooge that rained down on us. I licked on his stomach and even nipped at his softening member a couple of times to hear how reacted. The room was pitch black, and the mood couldn't of been better. There is nothing like laying down with no clothes on next to your mate; it was the greatest feeling in the world right now. Who knows what the next year of our relationship would bring us. Love is defiantly what I looked foreword too. As I felt him sleep against my chest, breathing softly I turned my head to look at the digital clock that peered through the darkness. It showed 12:14am, just past midnight. You never thought you could see light shine on the earth during the darkest of hours, but it did, and when we looked into each others eyes, we could see ever bit of it. Magic does exist, but only if you believe it does. The magic that captured us tonight claimed to the world through the storm our love for one another.


