How Midnight Shines (with pictures and music!)

\*\*NOTE\*\* This is a sequel to the story [How Love Flows](%5C), so you may wish to read that story first to get a clue as to what things I refer back to I also would love to hear your comments about the story, and my noobish drawing skills...

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How Love Flows

FIRST OFF! I take alot of pride in my writtings, and I would love to know what you think about my stories! So please if you could take the time to post a comment about it I would be greatful. These comments motivate me into writting more stories and...

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The Best Man

The Best Man "Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!" The alarm clocked screamed through the bedroom. On the bed awoke a startled dragon, dressed in red fiery scales, that would make you think he tasted like cinnamon. He reached his hand over to the clock to...

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A Dream Beyond Imagination

A cold wind blew across the tips of the wheat in the field outside the old wooden, green house. Night laid itself across like a thick blanket, determined to rid any light that protruded through the sky. The eerie creaking of the swing set would make...

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