Classroom Disruptions

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Contains cub porn, including but not limited to someone under the age of eighteen masturbating ... BEWARE!

Cameo by jimmywolf

He is © himself

The little mouse sat and squirmed in his chair. The sudden urge to visit the restroom hit him hard. He'd already been told by his science teacher to wait until the lesson was finished but he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold it. He raised his paw for the third time in the last half hour. The middle aged beaver standing by the overhead projector sighed loudly and looked at the mouse.

"Yes, Mr. Henry?" He said a little annoyed as he paused his lesson once more for the mouse.

"Mr. Stratton, I really need to go to the restroom."

"It's a dire emergency and you can't wait ten more minutes until I'm done?" He asked condescendingly.

"I'm sorry." The mouse said as he stood up out of his chair and picked his school assigned agenda book from his desk.

He quickly padded to the teacher's desk and opened the small booklet to the page of blocks for the teachers to stamp to track student movement in the hall during class time. Mr. Stratton walked over to the desk and picked up the stamp. He opened the small ink pad and stamped the very last open box for the week. Good thing it was Thursday and the mouse probably wouldn't have this problem again until the next week.

As soon as his teacher removed the stamp form the page the mouse closed his agenda and scurried out the door. He walked to the closest set of restrooms to the class as quickly as he could. He was relieved none of security guards or other faculty were around to stop him and ask to see his agenda. The little mouse couldn't believe how much different sixth grade was in a big city than fifth grade was in a small rural school.

He turned the first corner to his left and then immediately turned into the large open doorway and around the divider. He didn't pay too much attention to anything in the restroom except for the first open stall door he saw. He got in the stall, turned and locked the door and unfastened his button and tailflap as quick as he could. His pants hit the composite stone floor and he sat down on the seat of the toilet.

A sigh of relief eased from the stall as he gripped his small erection between his thumb and index finger and started tweaking it in his fingerpads. Waves of pleasure shot through him as he clumsily masturbated himself. It was was if a valve had opened up and the pent up burning desire was slowly bleeding away.

He had discovered masturbation less than a year prior, not too long after he graduated elementary school and his family moved to the city to follow their jobs when the company they worked for moved. He was helping unpack after they moved and he opened up a box of old VHS tapes. His mom and dad hadn't had a VHS player since he was really little, but he still had one for all the movies they bought for him when he was younger. He saw some movies that looked interesting so he asked his mother if he could have the whole box. Having no need for the tapes any longer, she agreed without giving it a second thought.

After working all day and getting most of his room set up before bedtime, he decided to take a look at his find. As he was digging through the tapes one with a home recorded sticker label caught his attention for some reason. The only thing written on the label was 'I was Thinking of You,' and it looked like it was in his dad's handwriting. It was faded but the marker that wrote the title was still readable.

He pushed it in his VCR and hit play. The screen was fuzzy at first as a few seconds of blank tape played then it flashed into a grainy picture of a tall stool sitting in the corner of a room. It looked like there was a light shining on the stool. There was a sound like someone rustling around and image blurred and sharpened as someone played with camera focus. He watched the image curiously wondering why it was focused on an empty stool, but then he saw a shadow move into the light and then the figure of a mouse walk in front of the camera.

He was male, the camera was focused from his thighs to the middle of his back and he was naked. The image of the naked backside of the mouse on the screen made his eyes go wide and he hit the stop button as fast as he could. His heart raced and his cheeks heated with blush. He knew that this was something he wasn't supposed to be watching, but his boyish curiosity overtook him very quickly.

He padded over to his room door and closed it as quietly as he could. He turned the small lock on the door knob, (a luxury he never had at his old house,) and then went back over to his twin bed that sat not too far from a dresser his TV and VCR were sat on. He reached forward and pressed the play button once again.

The home movie picked up where it left off with the camera focused on the mouse's rear. He watched as the mouse on the camera slowly turned to face the camera. He nearly gasped when the image of the mouse's erect penis came into view. The mouse sat down on the stool and spread his legs open, exposing all of his sensitive spots to the camera.

The young mouse couldn't help but wonder why it looked so big and why it was outside of its sheath. The fur covered sack that rested on the stool also looked a lot bigger than the mouse's tiny boyish balls. Tingles ran up and down his back and his breathing quickened. He had no idea why, because he knew that he was doing something wrong by watching the tape, but he felt a nearly uncontrollable need to continue watching.

The mouse on the screen did something then that he was definitely not expecting. He took his paw and wrapped it around his penis and then started pumping it up and down the length. A long moan echoed through the speakers. Occasionally between the rough strokes, he would tweak the head of his penis with his thumb and index finger which would cause his thighs to stiffen and his whole body to jerk.

The younger mouse pulled the shorts and underwear down he was wearing and looked at his sheath. The tingling sensations running though him had a strange effect. He could see the head of his penis sticking out of his sheath and the small shaft was slipping out a little farther too. It was by no means as big as the mouse on the tape, but the eleven year old was almost giddy at the sight of it.

He looked back at the screen and then back at his own boyhood. He licked his lips and then moved his paw to the pink flesh that stood in sharp contrast to his white fur. He timidly touched his own member and squeaked out loud as electrical pulses seemed to shoot through him. After catching his breath, he looked back at the TV screen. His example was working his member in earnest and seemingly having a very good time doing so. The little mouse resolved to try again.

He wrapped his fingers around his small penis and again squeaked out loud, but he resisted the urge to withdraw his paw. After he let himself calm down, he closed his eyes and grit his teeth as he moved his paw up and down once. His whole body shook as tingles raced from the tips of his ears to the bottoms of his feet and all the way down his tail and back up again. The little mouse waited until the sensations subsided and then tried again.

He repeated that several times, but he noticed the time between the overly intense feeling and when he could move his paw again was getting shorter. It was only a few minutes before he had his eyes open again and was intently watching the mouse on the tape and doing his best to keep pace.

Everything was going great until mouse on TV started moving his paw extremely fast and grunting loudly. The younger mouse didn't have any idea was was going on, but then he saw a stream of something shoot out of the tip of the recorded mouse's penis. It was thick and ropey, and after the first there was another, and another, and yet another. Each subsequent stream was a little less thick and a little less powerful, but there was so much of it. His paw was coated in it, and the stool was dripping with it. The floor out of view of the camera must have been splattered with it too.

The young mouse's eyes were wide as he witnessed the orgasm on tape. Then a few seconds after it was concluded, the mouse stood up off the stool and walked to the camera, giving a nice up close shot of the slickened penis. He then reached down and picked the camera up and looked into the lens.

"D-daddy?" The little mouse said aloud.

He had his suspicious that he might be watching his dad, but the image on the screen was a young mouse with toned muscles, and his dad was much more round in the tummy and the backside.

"Can't wait to cum in your pussy like that again. Love you baby, see you on Spring Break."

It was his dad. His first erection, his first time masturbating, it was to a home movie of his dad rubbing one out for, (presumably,) his mom. He couldn't believe it. He was so shocked he nearly forgot about his paw around his own member until he accidentally squeezed himself and he jumped and squeaked again. He looked down at his pink member sitting in his paw. It lightly pulsed as if begging him to continue. He leaned forward and hit rewind on the VCR.

He had watched the video several times since then. He loved watching how his dad's paw worked his length, the precision in the flurry of chaotic movement, the exactness of the random strokes. The young mouse had masturbated at least three times a week ever since. If he didn't, he would get this overwhelming urge to touch himself. It would get so bad he couldn't focus on anything else. Today was one of those days.

He panted softly as he moved his paw up and down, enjoying the subtle slapping noises of his paw against his body on the down stroke and the faint whiffs of juvenile musk. He couldn't believe how bad it was today. His paw worked over his member in all of the moves he had practiced. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the tile wall as he panted. It felt like he was close to being done, but then he suddenly heard another stall door close and lock.

He opened his eyes and sighed in disappointment. He knew he couldn't moan, squeak and squirm about with someone else that might overhear it. He looked down at his member ad it rested in his paw and he rubbed it softly. He was hoping that they were just shy about using the urinals and were going to pee then leave, but his hopes sank when he heard a belt unfasten and a pair of pants hit the floor. He contemplated just leaving since he knew he needed to get back to class soon, but then something else got his attention. He heard a second belt unfasten.

His wonderful curiosity again overtook him and he ventured a peek under the stall divider. Two stalls down he could see a pair of booted foot paws from someone sitting on the toilet, but there was another pair that looked like it was standing and facing the fur sitting down. The one standing had his pants around his ankles while the sitting one just seemed to have his jeans unfastened because they weren't bunched around his ankles.

"C'mon Jimmy, get to it before someone comes in."

The little mouse's eyes got wide and he fought to contain a surprised gasp. Two furs in the same bathroom, doing something naughty just like him. He'd heard kids in his class talk about 'being' with other furs, but it was something he had yet to experience or see for himself. He watched as the standing set of feet eased closer to the sitting pair.

The little mouse decided that he would be a little daring. He eased down onto the floor so he could get a better vantage. To his disappointment, the distance made it impossible to really see anything other than what he had already seen. He sat back up and then looked around the stall. He had to see what those two others were doing. He needed to see what there were doing.

He stood up as quietly as he could and eased his pants up and then reached for the door lock. His stopped himself just before he turned the lock. He realized that the old locks were far too noisy, and if he unlocked his door the other two would instantly be tipped off that he was in the restroom with him. He looked at the gap between the floor and the stall divider. There would be enough room for him to get under it, but it would involve him crawling on the floor of the restroom.

His hesitation melted when he heard a deep moan and then a muffled moan and some slurping noises. Whatever inconvenient dirt his fur might pick up could be easily remedied with a shower, but a chance to see two furs doing something like this, who knows when that would happen again. He eased down onto his stomach as quiet as he could and crawled under the stall divider. He stopped and peeked under the stall divider once again. He could see up the legs of the furs but nothing of real substance yet. He rolled onto his back and inched closer to the divider as he tried his best not to give away what he was doing.

He finally got an angle that he could see what was going on, and it was like a brilliant flash when it came into view. It was two of the high school kids from the second floor of the mixed middle and high school. The one standing was a wolf that was lean and trim but had definite definition in his leg muscles. The little mouse could see up between his legs and he could see the furry sack dangling below his sheath. It looked swollen as the two orbs inside it seemed to pulse as if they were alive.

The little mouse shivered at the sight, but then his eyes trailed to the sitting wolf's muzzle that was wrapped around the others member. He had a heavy black leather jacket on, what looked like blond headfur, (though looking up at the lights made it hard to tell for sure,) and his jeans were open at the fly. One of his paws stroked his black cock while the other held up the recipient of his oral attention's football jersey. Both of them looked so much older than he was. They had to be at least sixteen.

He watched the wolf bob his head on his partner, sucking and slurping while the other wolf bucked his hips into his ministrations. The little mouse subconsciously puckered his lips at mimicked the sucking. It looked like it tasted wonderful by expressions on both of the other boys' faces. The little mouse wrapped his paw around his still exposed member and began stroking it in time with the blond wolf's sucking motions.

The standing wolf took his paw and put it on the back of the sucking wolf's head, allowing for additional leverage as he tightened his backside and thrust his hips a little faster. The other wolf sucked harder on the red colored meat between his lips and he sped up his paw on his own member. The little mouse shuddered all over as a dry orgasm pulsed through his body. It was the most intense he had ever experienced, even though he had to suppress the urge to cry out as it hit him. It wasn't too long before the sitting wolf followed him and the tip of his black cock started shooting jets of thick wolf cream.

The little mouse's eyes snapped open as one of the streams splashed across his left cheek. It was warm and felt like it permeated the short fur on his face. He closed his eyes as it seemed to soak into his very soul. The scent was so masculine and the feel was so right. He instantly fell in love with the sticky jissim on his face.

He opened his eyes again when he heard the standing wolf start to pant and moan. He saw him grip the sitting wolf's combed blond headfur with his paw and pull his muzzle tight against his sheath. His thighs were tight and quivered a little. The mouse knew that the wonderful stuff just like what was on his face was going into the other wolf's mouth.

"Fuck yeah, babe." The standing wolf said in a long and low tone as he looked down at the sitting wolf. "Such a hot mouth. I love getting off in your-" The wolf paused as his eyes went wide as he noticed the little mouse looking up at them from the other stall.

The mouse squeaked and withdrew as far into the stall away from the divider as he could and scrambled to his feet. He hastily fastened his tailflap and his front button as he heard the two in the other stall scrambling to dress themselves as well. Luckily he managed to get it done first and ran out of the restroom. He turned around the corner and walked as quick as he could toward his own class. He never saw the two wolves come out of the restroom behind him, so he allowed his racing heart to calm as he approached his classroom.

He paused outside the door as he zipped up his pants and straitened them out. He took a deep breath and exhaled in a long sigh. He put his hand on the door handle and was about to go back in when the now cool dampness on his cheek reminded him that he had a little bit of a mess on his face. He moved his paw and wiped the cum off himself as best as he could, making a mental note that it did seem very difficult to get out of fur.

He looked at his fingerpads as they glistened a little with a small white glob of thick semen. He put it up to his nose and sniffed at it. The scent was still incredible and it instantly made his little boyhood tingle and ache once again. Curiosity getting the better of him once more, he opened his mouth and dabbed the glob on his tongue to see just why the wolf in that stall eagerly kept his muzzle around the others member while this stuff was coming out.

At that very moment, it was like everything came into focus. He realized that he didn't really need to masturbate. He realized why his father in that video said that he couldn't wait to cum inside his mother again. He realized that all of this time, for better than half a year without him even knowing it, it wasn't the feeling of touching himself he needed or even the dry orgasms he managed to get from that.

Those two older boys had a single purpose in what they did; now blatantly obvious to the little mouse. The end result of whatever it was to bring whoever you're with to a orgasm and share yourself in that most intimate way, that's what his urges were. He wanted to be the one receiving that cum in his mouth, or in his pussy, (whatever that actually was,) and he needed it bad. Now he just had to figure out how to get it.

The End.


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