Sometimes All You Can Do Is Please Someone Else...(A gift for ChronoX99)

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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This was a gift I wrote for my mate (ChronoX99) because I looooooooove him <3 But I hope everyone else loves it too!

Please comment/rate/fave!


It had been yet another long practice session, muscles strained from the hard work in the sun Jacob could barely wait to get inside the cool air conditioned entryway of his home. The front door swinging open with a slight creak as he walked in, the thoughts of footwork and the memories of being swatted on the head with foam practice equipment slowly fading.

With aching muscles he lowered himself onto the plush, green couch. His fluffy black and white tipped tail flicking out behind him before he sat on it, not wanting it trapped beneath his pert rump. Leaning back into the large cushions and pillows he stretched his arms above his head, having discarded his shirt hours before in the heat, letting his chest be on display, his silky, smooth fur soft to the touch. With a relaxed sigh, he closed his eyes. His black hair ruffling against the pillow as he laid back into it.

Just as he had started to drift off a noise grabbed his attention. His ears swiveling on his head as his attention perked a bit to catch the direction of the sound. Opening his eyes he slowly looked up, propping himself up onto a elbow.

On the other side of the room, coming in through the door, was a familiar face. A younger dog anthro, with golden colored fur and an unidentifiable breed, a mutt. Her ears brown and floppy on top her head. She wore a simple, black tank top over a small blue skirt. Her long legs on display as she moved closer to him. "Hey pet."

His mind reeled for a second as she came closer, and then he became relaxed again. "Oh, hey there Fran. What's brings you here my mate?"

Fran didn't reply, instead she slowly slinked closer to the male feline as the question lingered in the air. Casually, gracefully and sensually Fran sat herself down on the couch next to him and mirrored his position on the couch. "Oh, noooothing..." Her hands tiptoed their way across the top of the couch before finally resting near his ear, which she fondled softly. "Just wanted to be with my mate."

He smiled and looked at the mutt anthro, "That sounds fine. Snuggles?"

At this Fran smirked, her tail flicking side to side with amused enjoyment. "No... I was thinking I'd come get some use out of my adorable pet."

At her words he flushed, the light pink blush showing through the fur on his cheeks. A faint whine of "Niii" leaving him as his ears flattened to his head and he blinked at his mistress, awaiting what she would say next to command him.

Watching as those ears folded over Fran practically shivered with delight, the thought of having the night with her pet was perfect. Her mind flooding with thoughts, plans, and mostly wants. The most prominent being a collar. "Where's your collar, pet? I want that on you."

He flushed a slightly darker shade of pink at the mention of his collar, glancing over to the door to his room he nodded in its general direction. "There" His tone was soft, bland but the hidden defiance was hiding just beneath the surface.

The mutt fur gave a soft huff of annoyance, gesturing towards the door with one hand and her fluffy tail behind her. "Well, go get it on, pet" She barked, her words short and simple. A tone of slight command in her voice now.

A slight nod was his response as he wriggled free from under her and moved off the couch. His shorts hugging to his rump slightly, giving Fran something to look as he walked to his room. Her eyes greedily looking over every inch of his pert ass. "Mmm...You have an amazing rump, dear, it's so cute!" she crooned, knowing what response her words would get. Jacob's cheeks darkening to a dull red blush and another soft whimper of "Nii" accompanying the blush.

As quickly as he had went in, he came rushing right back out. His simple black collar around his neck, fitting snugly around his slender throat. The large ring sitting just at the base of his throat. His matching black leash dangling from his paw as he returned. Routine in his head he quickly handed over the end of the leash to the female mutt, acknowledging she was his mistress.

Fran could help but grin as she took the leash, giving it a slightly shake so the metal chimed slightly, the sound making both sets of ears in the room swivel or perk up to here the sound. A slightly amused grin on the pup's face as she gently tilted Jacob's head up with one finger, no complaints coming from the complacent kitty boy. with a jingle of the metals coming together she clipped the leash onto the collar, leaning back to look at him property with a pleased expression.

"Such a pretty kitty" She cooed as her fingers stroked up his neck, gently cupping his cheek with a soft touch. At the same time, her head tipped to the side to reach to his sensitive neck. The first touch of her lips to his neck in a light kiss illicting a little girly squeal from the cat. His tail flicking side to side as he squirmed against his mistress. His squirming earning a strong, but gentle grip on his hips, one paw on each side, holding him still and against her as she planted another kiss further up his neck.

With each soft kiss the cat boy squirmed more, his mewls of both enjoyment and slight complaint getting louder in Fran's ear. Her lips leaving his neck as her teeth replaced them, shining white canines pressing to his neck in a soft, but powerful bite. The cry from Jacob that accompanied it making the pup's tail wag wildly behind her. The fur making a yellow blur.

She let her teeth stay locked to him for a few moments, enjoying the quiver of his slightly girly body in her grasp. Her tongue flicking over the red bite mark she had left. His fur mussed up where she had bit down.

Once pleased with the throbbing bite mark on her kitten's neck she pulled back, giving his leash a little tug. "On all fours, kitty" She barked, an absolutely gleeful expression on her face as he obediently dropped to the ground, looking up at her with ears laid back and wide eyes. All the while the dog's tail wagging excitedly.

As she walked the cat boy couldn't help but look up at the rump just over his face, short skirt covering most of the plump bottom. Though a closer look showed her bare pussy lips. Her soft, velvety fur covering them. The slightest sheen of her excitement showing. Several shimmering droplets of her wetness dripping down, landing right onto his little pink nose, the scent of her assaulting his senses, making him purr louder.

"Come on my dirty, little kitty" The pup crooned, walking her normal pace, forcing Jacob to hurry along on all fours to keep up. The leash tugging his collar just slightly every few seconds.

Upon reaching the small dining room, the pup patted the large window seat bench. "Up, Pet" She commanded in a soft, but strong voice. Watching his rump as he moved himself up onto the bench, the sunlight behind him making the collared kitty stand out even more. His nude body now on display for anyone who passed as the mutt moved closer.

Her eyes glinted with devious excitement as she moved closer, leaning to the male's ear she whispered softly. Her hot breath washing over his neck and ear as her lips brushed the sensitive appendage. "Who's kitty slut are you? Who do you belong to?"

A small tremor went down Jacob's spine as he let out a soft mewl, "You.." He whispered out, looking up at her with wide eyes. His red tip emerging from his sheath slightly beneath him, right in view of the huge window.

"What was that? I didn't hear you?" She whispered all the while, her paws starting to stroke and caress down the cat's body. His soft fur gliding effortlessly beneath her paw pads. Her touch wandering to his rump, sliding down onto those pert cheeks, spreading them with a tight grip on each cheek. His small pucker coming into view, making her tail wag faster, and a small yip of excitement fill the air. The touch nearing his more sensitive regions making Jacob mew softly, ears lowered submissively to his head. eyes following his mistress as she moved.

"You are my mistress, I belong to you" He announced louder, this time the sound easily reaching her ears, and anyone else's who may have been nearby. The loud announcement making the pup smirk widely, leaning down to nuzzle the boy's rump. "Good boy.." She whispered, her tongue snaking out to lick over his short fur, the little hairs tickling her smooth tongue.

The feel of that tongue teasingly close to his growing cock only made the appendage grow faster, sliding out of his furry sheath. His full red meat now in view, catching the pup's eyes as she shifted down to snuffle her nose against her her pet's balls, breathing in his musky scent. The touch of her cold nose on his sensitive balls making the kitten mewl out again, squirming slightly.

Fran eagerly moved her tongue to his shaft, sliding her hot, pink tongue over the tip, a small dribble of pre rewarding the lick. Jacob squirming slightly again, making the pup grumble slightly, shifting to remove her head from below him, eyeing the small notched wood on the edges of the bench. An idea creeping into her mind.


"Now just hold still.." She crooned, her hands busying at work tying his ankles to the strange wood designs, looping the thick purple ribbon around the loop in the wood then around his ankle several times, tying a expertly done knot, then moving to the other ankle. Once done with that end, she moved up to his wrists, doing the same with a little lick to his nose and a smirk on her face.

" you look perfect" she whispered into his triangle-shaped ear again. The purple ribbon giving the scene a almost feminine look as she moved back to lick his tip, making him wriggle against the restraints. The cat's small maw hanging part way open as he gave a soft little moan.

The pup smirked at the sound, ear perked to hear every little noise the boy made. Her mouth eagerly working over his length. The barbs on his cock tickling the insides of her mouth. Long pink tongue wrapped around his tip, giving a odd combination of licking and tugging with the long appendage.

Soon enough, Jacob's soft mews and moans of enjoyment had escalated to loud, girly cries of pleasure, each sound piercing Fran's mind and pushing her own arousal higher as she focused on the throbbing length in her mouth, copious amounts of sweet pre leaking out.

Finally, she heard what she was waiting for, Jacob's cries of "I'm close!" her cue. With a soft murr of enjoyment she pulled back, giving his tip one last lick before issuing her command. "Don't cum pet.."

Jacob let out a desperate little cry, squirming in his ties. Though he didn't want to, he obeyed. His head hanging down a bit as the girl shifted. Scooting a chair over she climbed up into it, first though discarding her shorts and panties, leaving them in a small heap on the floor, climbing up onto the chair. With a small smirk she sat on the chair, spreading her legs wide and draping them over the arms of the seat. Her sex spread wide and practically dripping with juices.

Jacob could only stare as he was presented with such a sight, her lips glistening with her own wetness. Her fingers starting to stroke along the edges of her lower lips, caressing herself as he watched with an aching, throbbing cock. the slight squelch sound that followed the first finger into her making the kitty boy moan out softly, earning him a smirk from his mistress.

"Oh you like that? You like watching me finger myself, kitty?" She asked, grinning as he nodded eagerly. His eyes never straying from the sight in front of him. Each lewd sound that followed her fingers sinking back into her at her steady pace making the kitten purr louder.

"You dirty little boy" she crooned, fingering faster. Her fingers curling inside her to grind to her walls, drawing out louder moans from herself. The combination of her sounds and the messy sight in front of him soon had him leaking copious amounts of pre from his throbbing, desperate cock.

Seeing the sight in front of her she could barely keep herself from drooling. Her body was soon quivering with her growing release. fingers pumped into her faster. One finger reaching out to dig into her tailhole, starting to pump into her with time with her fingers.

Reaching closer and closer to her final finish her moans switched and morphed into soft whimpers and whines of building pleasure. Her breathing switching to hard pants and gaspy breaths.

Jacob was quivering, the sight in front of him driving him mad. The sounds of her wet sex ringing in his ear, her moans echoing, her airy breathing repeating over and over in his head.

Finally, with one last squeal she let out a gush of fem cum. The scent of her release filling Jacob's scenes. Her hips rocking forward to grind to his face. Her juices smearing over his face wetly. Her mess painting his face in a sexual piece of art.

A smile spread over the girl's face as she looked down at her pet with a content, pleased smile. Her own finish distracting him a bit from his own lack thereof at her own command. Petting his head she admired the sight of him once more, leaning down she kissed his forehead once, whispering. "Such a good boy.."

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