Zodiac - Cancer

Story by Zodiac-Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Zodiac Archives

Zodiac Cancer

_"The investigation continues into the case involving one Reverend John Loveless. Earlier this month he and several other members of the religious community were indicted on charges of fraud, conspiracy to tamper with evidence, and conspiracy to commit fraud. Several other members are set to be arrested as the investigation finds more corruption.

"Recently though, with the death of his only daughter and the film that was released on the internet of it, authorities are now investigating a possible connection between the Reverend and the video. Reports indicate that it is possible he was directly involved in both the filming and the murder. At this time though no further information is available, though we will keep you updated as soon as new details arrive. Bob?"

"Thank you Sally. In related news the company 'Lonely Loves' in a controversial move has demanded all rights to the recent movie released involving the death of one of their lead female actors. They claim that as Melissa Crane, also known as 'Bobby Bunny', was under their contract at the time of her death it entitles them to the copyrights of the movie she was making.

"The family of Ms. Crane are protesting the claim and do again beg any who would have knowledge involving the incident to come forward to the authorities. The situation is further complicated by the death of Ms. Crane's manager who committed suicide shortly after the video was released on the internet. Judging by the wide release of the video the possibility of further developments is slim."

"Thank you Bob. Now, let's check with Eric in our weather station. Eric, how are we looking for rain on this holiday weekend or can we expect some-"

"They got her! They got Jessica!"

"What do you mean, 'they got her'?"

"I mean someone came in and grabbed her! Knocked three of us out cold, they killed Tom, and Eric can't move his legs. We didn't even see who did it."

"You have got to be kidding me!"

"Wish I was... damn, there's blood everywhere, almost ripped Tom's fucking head off. Call the cops, call someone. We've got to this cleaned up. Call an ambulance too, we're going to need some help."

"Got to be kidding me... we are so fucked. You have any idea who took her?"

"No clue, but Tom shouted something about Zod. Or something like that. No idea."

"We're the professionals, how the hell does shit like this happen? When word comes out that we let an actress as big as her just get kidnapped right under our noses, we're going to be dead!"

"We're professionals, THEY were fucking something else. Damned red eyes, never seen anything like it. Ghosts."

The video begins. A symbol fades into existence with twelve other symbols circling around it. Overlaid over the top of all of that was a single word. "Zodiac" The spinning symbols stop and the fourth symbol comes to the foreground before fading away._

"Time to wake, Mrs. Andreason," the voice said, drawing the bunny out of the comforting blackness of unconsciousness. It tugged at her mind insistently until with great effort she opened her eyes.

She was in the back of a truck or some kind of moving van, that was the first noticeable clue. Light streamed in through a pair of heavily tinted windows in the back of the truck, causing her to squint. There was a wolf staring at her, his pelt completely black.

"Ah, there you are. Welcome back to the land of the living. We were not sure if you would wake in time."

She tried to talk, but nothing but slurred mumbles came from her muzzle. Her wrists were bound above her head, and her feet were bound together at the ankles. Her entire body felt like it was made of lead, her muscles heavy and unresponsive.

"I wouldn't try to talk quite yet, the drug in the dart is still wearing off. But, have no fear, by the time we reach our destination you will be feeling quite yourself." He smiled at her, a smile that made her shiver without reason.

A second shiver followed and the reason became quickly apparent. She was entirely without clothes. Anger burning in her eyes she glared up at the wolf. He laughed and shook his head.

"I'm sure you have questions, so let me answer a few of them. Yes, you were kidnapped, though I suppose you can hardly be called a kid anymore," his gaze flowed over her well defined figure. "The acting career has treated you well. If I remember right, you have a movie that was just released, didn't you?" He received no response. "We will be arriving at our destination in five minutes, where I will explain the next part of the plan."

Jessica stared up at him, still not trusting herself to speak. What she was not saying with words was clearly visible in her gaze,

The wolf only smiled. He crouched down so he was on her level, leaning in so his nose was only a few inches away. "My name is Zodiac."

That brought instant recognition. Her fires of anger evaporated instantly, instead being replaced by icy cold fear. She knew that name. There was not much to know, but what she did know filled her with dread.

"Ah, I see that you recognize me. Well then, that should make the next steps easier." He stood, peeked through a curtain at the front of the truck, then turned back to her. "We will be playing a game. If you are successful in the game, you will survive. If not, losing is fatal. Do you understand?"

"Y..yes," she said, testing her voice. Gone was the fire, the anger and passion. Now was only cold fear.

The wolf crouched by her again, unwrapping some of the blankets that covered her body. The truck, while he was working, came to a gentle halt. "We've arrived, good." What he revealed was disturbing. There were weights on her body, but not the kind of weights she expected.

"Are those..." she began, looking down at them with wide eyes.

"Yes, those are explosives. Quite powerful too, I would ask you not to bounce around too much."

Around her arms and forearms, thighs, calves, stomach, and even along her back, were small packets of explosives, all connected in a wire harness. If her insides were cold before, they were frozen now.

"Why?" was the only word that she could make.

"Quite simple, my good bunny. You are going to rob a bank."

The First City Bank stood across the street, all gleaming black stone and reflective windows. It tried to convey both the expression of 'inviting' and 'secure' at the same time. The wolf drew the curtain back over the window, hiding the view.

"The plan is simple," he said to her. "You will go in, demand the money, retrieve the money and then come back out. When you reach the truck the game is over and we drop you off at a location of your choosing."

"And if I fail, you blow me to bits," Jessica said bitterly.

"You learn fast," he replied, smiling. Reaching out he offered her, grip first, a pistol. "You'll need this, and your detonator."

She took the gun, then leveled it at the wolf with an ease that spoke of practice. In turn he just looked at her and laughed. "You did not expect me to hand you a loaded gun, now did you?"

"I could have hoped," she said, reaching out for the other item. It was a classic thumb push detonator, something that you would see in the movies. "This doesn't work either, right?"

"Planning on blowing me up with it?" the wolf teased.

"No, just don't want to make myself accidentally go boom."

A female feline, completely white with strange red eyes, poked her head through the curtain. She held up three fingers before disappearing again.

"That's our queue. You almost have everything that you need, but there is one last part to this game." The wolf walked over to one of the cabinets and pulled out a couple of items. "For this next part you will need to spread your legs."

"What?!" was her outraged reply. Face red, a shocked expression, she simply stared at the wolf.

"I will explain this once," Zodiac said, looking at her. "I can cut your throat and leave you dead on the side of the road. That will not bother me any. If you do not obey a command, instantly, I will kill you without hesitation. Do you understand?"

She nodded as she realized that discretion would be a wiser choice in this matter. Still blushing badly she spread her legs for the wolf, leaning back as far as she could.

He in turn walked over holding what looked to be a large bullet shaped dildo. "I trust that you are no longer a virgin," he said, chuckling at his own joke. "Though, with a career that is as... pure? as yours, that is always a possibility."

Jessica simply stared at the thing that was presented before her. Absently, eyes locked on the toy, she said, "no... I'm not."

"Good, that makes this easier," was his reply. He spread a thin layer of some kind of lubricant onto the device before placing the tip against her petals. "I would suggest you relax completely, it makes it easier on yourself."

"Gods..." Jessica said to herself, closing her eyes. She tried to envision one of her old boyfriends, or one of her crushes, another male who she enjoyed as she felt the toy slide effortlessly past her labia and into her body. It was big, and before it hilted inside of her she had her fingers in white knuckled grips on the blankets around her.

"There, that wasn't so bad, now was it?" he said, brining if possible an even deeper blush to her cheeks. Straps extended from the base of the dildo and wrapped around each of her hips, holding it firmly in place. It left nothing to the imagination, forcing her bare pussy out even more.

"Second, roll over onto your hands and knees, then lift your tail," the wolf instructed.

"I don't do anal," she stated, staring at him. For his part he simply stared back, showing a bit of amusement.

Swearing under her breath she rolled onto her hands and knees before lifting that cotton white fluffy tail. Beneath it showed a small pink star, to which the wolf applied a glob of lube.

She hissed softly at the coolness of the lube, and then at the feeling of the plug he was ever so slowly pushing into her. Fingers curling into the blankets again she tried to relax for as long as possible. When, finally, she was about to beg for him to stop, the plug made it past the wide point and sunk into her with almost a pop.

Whimpering in pleasure she held still for several seconds, letting her body adjust to the sensations. "Don't do anal, hmmm? You should know me better then that," the wolf said, mockingly.

Something started inside of her body, rising from the dildo. It was a vibration, almost unnoticeable at first. With every passing moment it increased in strength, working its way through her loins and into her body. Jessica's breath came in shorter and shorter pants as she lost herself in the building sensation.

It was good, very good, better then any of the toys that she had ever had, and she had had some of the best. She was getting closer, her fingers stretching out, reaching for something invisible.

Then, like a bucket of cold water was dumped over her, the feelings stopped. Wide eyed she looked about, only to find the wolf sitting there, amusement almost dripping off of his muzzle. "Enjoying ourselves now?"

"Fuck you!" she growled, crouching back in the corner. Her loins were damp with excitement though, the odor filling the air.

He ignored it with a smile, "I will now explain the second half of the game. I am going to turn that on, and you are going to walk over to the bank. You will be naked. You will demand all of the money. And if you reach a climax before you succeed in exiting, I will trigger the explosives."

"That's it? That's your game?" she demanded. "You're just a pervert waiting to see if I get off?"

Spreading his hands, laughing, he said, "Yep, that's about it." He tossed her a long black trench coat, "for crossing the street with," and a small earpiece that fit comfortably over one of her bunny ears, "so you can hear me talk to you."

"I'm going to beat you at this, just you watch," she said, growling under her breath as she put on the trench coat. "Just you watch."

She stomped out of the truck barefoot and started across the street towards the doors of the bank.

"Yes, I will. And a couple million other people as well."

"I can do this," Jessica was saying as she was crossing the street. The asphalt stung her bare feet, but she ignored the discomfort. "I'm an actor, I can do this."

She was half way across the street when the vibrator inside of her sprung to life. It brought a gasp to her lips and her hands moved downwards to cup her crotch through the trench coat. Her knees trembled and she found it difficult to walk for a moment.

"Fucking cheater," she mumbled under her breath. A car honked and she started across the rest of the street, her body trembling. On the other curb she took a moment to catch her breath.

"I can do this," she repeated to herself, looking at those mirror glass doors. With slowly building confidence she strode towards them, gaining momentum with each step.

Zodiac slipped into the comfortable chair and turned to face the screens. The wall before him was covered with flat panel screens, each showing a different camera and different angle. He slipped on the headset and smiled as he heard Jessica's 'internal monolog' as she psyched herself up.

"Well well, let's see what our little bunny can do," he said to himself. Behind him a pair of the pure white felines monitored other screens and controls. They each turned to look at him before returning to their work.

She walked through the doors smoothly, pushing both of them open as she passed through. Each stride long, purposeful, and yet calm. Three steps in and she was surveying the bank. There was an overweight, balding guard by the door, she just passed him. He hadn't noticed her yet, but he would in a moment. There was a crowd, something she hadn't expected, and a line leading up to the tellers. Others sat at their desks around the room. In moments, everything would change.

"Now," came the voice of the wolf over her earpiece. She needed no prompting. In one fluid motion she slipped the trench coat from her shoulder. It slid down her body like a black waterfall and crumpled soundlessly to the ground. Lifting the gun she pointed it strait at the guard.

There was that classic moment of silence, her naked white fur such a contrast to the black trench coat she was just wearing. Recognition dawned next, first at the gun, then at the explosives, and finally to the fact she was entirely naked. She drank in the moment, drawing on her acting strengths.

'I can do this,' she thought to herself. She almost smiled.

"This is a robbery, everyone on the fucking ground, NOW!" she shouted at the top of her lungs. Fury burned in her eyes as she turned again to look at the very surprised guard. He looked ready to have a heart attack.

The wolf wanted to cackle. He kept his composure, but just barely. He switched from one camera to the next, picking out the best shots and angles. "I so love working with professionals," he said, smiling. "This will be good."

The nudity actually worked to her advantage. The shock of the explosives along with all of her beautiful white fur stunned most bank goers into complacency. "That's it," she said, motioning with the gun. "Everyone get down, nice and peaceful like, and no one will get hurt."

When the guard started to move she trained the gun on him again, "Now now, easy like, you down on the ground too." It was going well, very well. The role felt natural, easy. She even smiled, enjoying herself.

"Fill these completely," she said, tossing a handful of large burlap bags to one of the tellers. The poor vixen simply stared back, still stunned. "NOW!" With a whimper the girl started stuffing handfuls of bills into the bags.

"Now..." she began. Then the vibrator leaped into action inside of her body, increasing in intensity. Jessica groaned and almost dropped the gun, her hand moving down to where the toy pierced her body. She panted, forcing back the sensations that wanted to send her body into spasms of pleasure.

"Hurry..." she panted, "just hurry, okay?" Her fingers trembled around the false detonator.

"Interesting," the wolf said as he leaned back in the chair. "She's good, she's very good." He rubbed his chin, watching the monitors, before smiling. "Let's take this to the next level, shall we?"

Reaching down he touched a button on the control panel in front of him. It blinked three times before going a steady red. In a nearby police station the bank's silent alarm was triggered, a full panic mode.

"That should help move things along." He sat back again to watch.

It was almost ready. All she needed to do was to grab the money, get outside, and get to the van. She was almost done, she could do this. She-

She turned when the movement outside caught the corner of her eye. Her hands fell to her sides and she stared in disbelief. Lights, red and blue ones, everywhere. The street outside was almost cleared of people. Instead it was filled with cop cars and officers, all looking in her direction.

"Fuck..." she said, taking a few steps backwards. "Fuck fuck fuck..."

"You are not to let anyone leave that building," a soft, mocking voice said in her ear. "If anyone is released, you will detonate."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" she shouted. She turned to look at the frightened individuals laying on the ground about the bank.

"If you are caught, you will die as well," the wolf continued. "We are on the corner down the street, I suggest you hurry."

"Oh no..." she said, shaking her head.

The phone chose that moment to ring. Numbly she stared at it, her body at an odd cross of shaking in pleasure and shaking in fear. Motioning with a gun she had one of the tellers answer it.

"Hello?" her voice was shaking, the poor collie trembling like a leaf. Jessica leaned back against an island counter and tried to force the feelings of pleasure back down into her belly, the waves from the vibrator threatening to overwhelm her.

"Ma... ma'am... they want to talk to you," the girl held out the phone.

"You don't want to talk to them," the voice in her ear said.

"What do they want," Jessica demanded, glaring at the girl.

"What do you want?" the collie asked, and then waited. After a pause she said to Jessica, "They want you to let some people go."

Jessica rolled her eyes, "Always the same thing. Always. No, tell them no, and tell them if they don't leave, I will blow up the whole damn bank. They have five minutes!"

Shaking harder the collie relayed the message, then replied, "they're asking for the children. Just the children."

The bunny's eyes scanned the bank again, finding those few children that had come in with their parents. She saw all the eyes on her, all over her naked body. Groaning she leaned over the island, the detonator hand coming up to squeeze firmly at her left breast.

It was getting harder and harder to focus, the toy increasing in its sensations inside of her. "Damn..." she muttered to herself, eyes closed.

"No one leaves," the wolf whispered, she could almost see him smiling. "No one."

"No one leaves," she said, pointing the gun at the collie. "Hang up on them."

She walked to the lobby of the bank, looking out at all of the flashing lights. Her body was shaking, it was growing impossible to hold back the sensations that were coursing through her insides.

"Miss... are you alright?" the vixen teller asked, approaching.

"Fine, I'm fine. Just... just give me some room," Jessica said, leaning back against the counter again. Her breath was coming in shorter pants, she could feel the toy... it was...

"You are getting close," the seductive voice whispered in her ear. "So very close."

She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream. Fingers white knuckled on both gun and detonator she pushed off of the island. The flashing lights were the perfect backdrop to the next scene, the one that she knew was coming.

"FUCK YOU!" she shouted, though whether it was to the wolf behind the earpiece or the cops circling the bank she couldn't say. For a long moment she simply worked her hips, focused inwards, got her rhythm. She could hold it, she could keep herself back, she could do this.

"I can do this," she said, steeling her resolve.

Something hit her in the guts. It was subtle, though strong, a hard pulse that started at the base plug in her backside that curled all the way to the tip. A second pulse followed the first. Her eyes went wide, both gun and fake detonator dropping from nerveless fingers. A third hit and her eyes closed.


It started slowly, but built quickly, Body shaking she took one step towards the bags of money sitting on the ground, then a second. Her knees gave out before she could make a third. Dropping to her knees she cried, tears running down her cheeks.

"I... can..." her breathing came in gasps, her belly tightening, fingers curling into fists. Her head tilted back and she stared, sightless up at the ceiling.

"I..." a shudder ran through her body and she felt herself slipping. It was over and she knew it. A whisper came from her lips, the room fading out around her, turning into a tunnel of blackness. "...run..."

The feeling started low in her womb, a pressure, a tight knot that twisted in on itself harder and harder again. Everything shrunk down to that single point before exploding outwards. She tilted back her head, her arms went wide, and she screamed out her climax into the startled bank.

Her body shook, almost violently. She couldn't see, she couldn't think, the waves of pleasure crashing through her overwhelming both thought and reason. It was nothing like anything she had ever felt before, pleasure that was almost to the point of pain, a live wire connecting from her loins to her brain.

Bank patrons watched on in stunned silence as she formed an almost complete arch on the tiled floor, her voice trailing off to whimpered moans of residual pleasure. The guard was the first to try and make a break for it, but others quickly followed him. They all found the doors locked, barring their escape.

Jessica saw nothing but blackness dotted with white hot stars. It felt like she was surfacing from the bottom of the ocean, rising from the depths. The need for air built in her lungs until, with a gasp, she broke free to the surface and inhaled deeply. A whimper rose from her throat, her muscles refusing to move.

Slowly her head drooped, chin resting on her chest. Her body went limp and shook with sobs. Juices matted her inside thighs and dripped from the toy, her body soaked.

"Gods..." she said, unable to move.

Zodiac smiled. He spun the camera angle, circling around the kneeling bunny. It ended up on her spread legs, dripping with her climax, before panning up to her blank, almost lifeless, post climax expression.

He smiled, then pressed a button. Inside the bank there were three sharp beeps, followed by one long continuous one. There was one syllable heard from Jessica as she knelt on the ground.


There was no slow motion, no freeze frame. In one moment the bunny was still kneeling naked on the floor. In the next a fireball was rapidly filling the bank. And in the next after that the camera was enveloped and destroyed.

He switched to an outside view, showing the fire erupting from the windows of the bank, glass and stone flying everywhere. The cops ducked behind cars and cover as chunks of cement crashed all around them. It was over in moments, flames licking up empty windows and dust still settling as spectators rose from their hiding spots.

A lonely siren filled the air, coming from the distance, beyond the dust and smoke. And, retreating from that image, he faded out the screen.

For a long minute he simply sat, staring at the blank screens. The felines knew better then to disturb him. The silence grew, moment by moment. Then, he smiled.

"Perfect. Cut it, wrap it up, let's see if we can get it out before the evening news gets wind of what's going on, shouldn't be that hard. Let's mix it with that new band's album... what's it called? The third song will be perfect."

As the felines behind him began to work he cycled through the images that they had gathered. The one he stopped on was her eyes staring at the camera, unseeing, lost in complete and utter climax.

Hands behind his head he leaned back, smiling wide. "Perfect."

_The image faded away, went to black, and the beginning Zodiac symbol faded back onto the screen.

The one with the remote clicked off the screen. Silence filled the board room for the space of several seconds. He then cleared his throat, "We have confirmed that it was her, and that the events in the media occurred as shown."

"How the hell does something like this happen?" another member of the board asked.

"This Zodiac character has struck before, this is his fourth video. All participants die, it seems to be the reoccurring trend."_

"Is there any recovery options in a situation like this?" an elderly board member asked.

"No. Our best option is to come clean, open all the books, and allow a complete investigation."

"That may ruin us as badly as keeping quiet," one board member said angrily.

"It probably will. But it is the only way that we will survive this."

"Let us not tarnish our hands with the corruption that this Zodiac figure seems to enjoy spreading," the head of the board said. He leaned forward, sighing. "She was my pupil. I will not have her name dragged through the mud. Open the books, and let us brace for the coming storm."

The board stood and filed out. Holding a hand up the head of the board had the younger board member wait. When the room was empty he turned to the young man.

"She did die, didn't she? She didn't suffer?"

"No sir, as far as we can tell it was instant."

"Good." He stared out over the city's skyline. "I have a feeling, and I have based my career on feelings. This is not over yet."

Together they watched the rain fall over the city.

Zodiac - Gemini

**Zodiac Gemini** _"So what happened here?" "He jumped off the top of a twelve story building, apparently doing a swan dive and a double twist." "Damn... any motive?" "He's some porn star's manager, got herself killed doing a...

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Zodiac - Taurus

**Zodiac - Taurus** _The reverend sat back in his seat, running his fingers through his thinning hair. The work for the day was done, the church meetings were complete, and he finally had a free moment to himself. It was rare now days, with...

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Zodiac - Aries

**Zodiac - Aries** _"Dude, you got to check this out!" the wolf boy said as he dropped into the seat. "What is it?" the cheetah asked, leaning over his left shoulder. "It better not be any of that twisted scat stuff you were showing...

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