Arranged Skunk

Story by Rhysion on SoFurry

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In a society of normal anthropomorphic furs, what kind of life can someone who has the body of a feral or non-anthropomorphic animal really have? Can living as a somebody's companion or pet really be fulfilling? This is the tale of one skunk as she finds out what the future may hold for her.

This is a fairly lighthearted (not that most of what I do doesn't end up being kind like that for some reason) second attempt at using the world setting from another story, Four Legs, but with a non-anthropomorphic perspective instead of a tauric one.

And I can't shake the feeling of dissatisfaction at how I think this turned out. Oh I spent time and worked over it for a while, but I don't think the characters came out very well. They seem kind of flat to me...

I don't know, I'll let you be the judge of that. Let me know what you think of the story and characters overall.

Nervously, the large non-anthropomorphic skunk paced around the lounge as her feline friend watched from one of the community center's cushioned box-like chairs for feral furs. She had been restless ever since reluctantly agreeing to the next part of a program the institute offered to help non-anthros like her.

The big black panther sighed, tired of sitting and staring. "Leah, there's nothing to be so worried about. You've been meeting and talking with him for months now. All of the people who sign up for this are wonderful and caring. I have no doubt in my mind he's perfect for you."

"But it just doesn't feel right to me to be doing this."

"Doing what, the placement program or inviting him over to meet your family?

Leah glared at the grinning cat, "you know what I mean Melisa. I don't like everybody always trying to help me out all the time. I'm not a cub. Just because we were born a little different, doesn't mean we can't take care of ourselves."

"Maybe, but tell me how you or I could hold or job with these paws? Neither of us can even hold a pen to write our names." Melisa hopped down from the short elevated wooden box filled with a pillow and walked to the middle of the room where the skunk was standing. "Sometimes you just have to take what you're given and go with it."

The panther stretched her body out and yawned, curling her tongue up nearly to her nose before lying down again. Leah just shook her head. "But giving, no, putting me in a home to be taken care of as somebody's pet hardly seems dignified."

"Eh, it's actually not that bad you know. While I'll give you that simply being handed everything in life is a bit lacking, at least you can get the one thing money can't buy this way." Melisa chuckled before continuing, "plus, all the petting and brushing and personal attention you could ever want. Anthros can't help but love to touch and rub us."

"Yeah, I know," Leah rolled her eyes, looking around the room at the handful of community center workers playing with, talking to, and most of all putting their paws on their non-anthropomorphic counterparts, students, and friends. There was no objection from any of them however. No from the small cubs sitting on their teacher's lap as they read a book together, not from the few vying for attention by rubbing their heads against the legs of those standing around, and not from the couple of grown ferals getting their coats brushed.

Non-anthros, or ferals as most called them due to their appearance being almost exactly the same as their natural animal cousins, were furs with the same rights just like any normal or even taur-morphic person. They could think, talk, and read just like anyone else. The only thing was that they were born with an uncommon but perfectly acceptable genetic condition that gave them a more animalistic body of roughly the same size and proportion as an anthro. It depended on the species, but most small mammalian ferals grew to the size of a large dog or wolf. Some of them even got nicknames of 'giant talking doggy or kitty' by cubs and kits.

Not even Leah could turn down a good rub or scratch either, but right now her mind was worried about things other than the comforting pleasures of flesh and fur. "I just wish there was more I could do than just this."

"Unless you can get lucky and find an opening specifically looking for one of us, this is honestly not a bad alternative." Melisa had sprawled herself out on the carpeted floor, still looking at her skunk friend as she lay with her legs pointed to the side. "I was anxious at first too, but the school found a great family that loves and cares for me like I was one of their own."

"I know Arthur's a nice guy and all, but I don't get why he'd want to take care of someone like me. Surely there's got to be a normal anthro skunk out there that could do more than I'd be able to."

"Does it really matter why anyone does anything they do? Look at me; I actually like reading and using, well, trying to use computers and stuff. It doesn't make sense and it's not practical, but I still do it anyway. Maybe Arthur just wants someone to love and care for."

"I don't know, you might be right, but there really isn't much more I can do for him than be a pet or companion of sorts."

The cat wiped her large paw over her face, brushing off the loose fur she picked up from the floor. "And what's wrong with that?"

"It just feels wrong to me."

"Nothing wrong about it. They wouldn't be doing this for us if it wasn't something they wanted to give and do. I think you'll come to like living with someone like most of us do."

For the rest of the afternoon Leah still couldn't shake her feelings of nervousness. Sure, what Melisa said was some small comfort to think about, but her entire walk home from the center was no easy one. Tonight was the night she agreed to invite Arthur over to meet her parents.


Just put me down now; I can't take any more of these dinner formalities... Leah sat looking on from the large backless wooden chair for feral furs at the dinner table as her parents made small talk with her guest and possible new family member. She was never much one for staying at the table longer than it took to eat her meal, and that food had long since vanished a half hour ago.

"So what's it like being an electrical engineer, Arthur? Do you ever get zapped on the job?" Leah's father, Frank, spoke. He set his drink back down on the table next to his equally empty plate and twitched his round black ears, an odd habit he did when listening for an answer.

Arthur laughed, "No, not really. I don't actually spend that much time dealing with live current. Most of my day is behind a desk and computer."

"I know what that's like. I'm sure you get as bored as I do sometimes," he replied with a grin.

"Sometimes I do, but other than when it gets slow when we've got to wait for test results it's not a bad job I think." Arthur turned to see what Leah though, and soon all eyes were on her.

"Leah, are you feeling alright? You've been staring off into space for a little while now," the female skunk seated next to Leah, who was at the far end of their rectangular table expressed concern. "Do you want me to cut you up another apple or something?"

Shaking her head to break the daze of boredom, Leah looked around at her mother and father to the right, and Arthur to the left. "I-, no, no, I'm fine. Just a little tired maybe. It's been a long day."

"Why don't you tell us about it? I know I didn't get a chance to talk to you earlier in the afternoon today. Arthur reached a paw out to try and console the non-anthropomorphic skunk at his side. "It's bound to be more interesting than talking about my work is."

Leah sighed and relaxed slightly atop her chair. "It's not that there's been a lot going on, but I've just kinda been stressed out all day."

"Over what? You weren't worried about having me come over were you?"

"Well," she continued. "It didn't help that my brothers decided to forget to leave the bathroom door open in the morning. They know I hate having to go outside to do my business, but they keep shutting the thing anyway."

"They did that again?" Sheryl replied, glaring over at the stairs in an attempt to see and scold the trio upstairs in their rooms. "I'm sorry sweetie. It seems like that happens to you at least once a month."

"Then, during class, all the cubs decided it was my turn to be pounced and tickled."

The other three skunks chuckled and Arthur spoke with a lingering grin, "oh, that doesn't sound like it's all that bad Leah. I thought you liked playing around with them?"

"Not when I don't know its coming!" she exclaimed, shuttering at the memory of their overwhelming sensation of them all over her. "Half a dozen little cubs jumping on and pawing and nibbling everywhere isn't as much when they take you by surprise and climb all over you."

"I think you enjoy playing back with them," Arthur replied.

"Yeah, Leah always was great with cubs. She used to give her youngest brother Eric rides around the house back when he was still little enough." Sheryl smiled happily at the pleasant memories before continuing, "I bet they can't help but be drawn to you all the time."

Leah struggled not to simply outright agree with them; Arthur and her mother were oddly right, she just didn't want to admit it. "Well, a little bit maybe. Everybody kind of helps out at the community center, and I don't want to just sit around doing nothing all day and be bored."

"Leah, nobody expects you to do any more than you're capable of. Not your family, not your school, and I'm sure Arthur wouldn't either," Frank spoke between sipping his drink. "While we all greatly appreciate some of the things you do, we'd still love you just the same if you weren't always trying to prove yourself to us."

The skunk's mother chimed in as well, "your father is completely right dear. We all love you and we want to help you in whatever way possible. I know the institute for non-anthropomorphic furs tries to do all they can too. I'm so glad you were able to find someone as nice and wonderful as Arthur."

"Mom, is that what this is all about to you two? Finding someone to take care of me because of my body?"

"No! Not at all Leah! We'd support you no matter what. It's just that, I don't want to see you have to live alone and without anyone to love back, "Sheryl reached over to brush her daughter's cheek with her paw, trying to hold back the well of emotions running through her mind. "I know things can be hard for you sweetie, but sometimes you have to just accept the helping hand you're given."

"Leah, I want to be there to give you that helping paw."

She closed her eyes and sighed as her mother continued to rub the side of her face. "I don't know why you want to do so much for me Arthur. What do you get out of all of this? Easy companionship? A pet? A mate?"

Arthur shook his head. "No, companionship is only secondary. I want to help out. I know what it's like for you, how difficult things can be sometimes. It's not something I want to see anyone live through again."

"And how do you know what it's like for me?"

"Well, my mother was a non-anthro like you." Frank and Sheryl were somewhat taken aback by his statement, but not completely surprised. This kind of thing was fairly common in this community. Many times family members of ferals would feel compelled to stay and care for those therein. "She was very much like you too. She always wanted to remain independent, even though it wasn't really possible. For all the school and everyone did for her, I just want to repay the favor in the best way possible."

"By adopting me?" While Leah wasn't completely unappreciative of and sympathetic towards the skunk's sincere offer, her pride kept her from jumping into his lap right there. She really was the same as any other fur, wanting a family to love and love her back. But simply being handed these things because she was different in some way always irked the female. Why should she be given for free what everyone else had to earn?

"Oh my, that's such a romantic tale," Sheryl blushed at his generous and caring proposition and story. "Frank didn't have such touching things to say like that to me all those years ago."

Frank took the playful jab in stride, chuckling at his wife's comment. "That's not true and you know it. I remember clearly the gleaming tears that ran down your pretty face when I asked you something just like this."

"Don't ruin the moment dear. Besides, how long did it take for you to build up the courage to do it anyway?"

"Uh..." he stuttered, not wanting to share the embarrassing secret. "Well, I do appreciate all you've done and are offering to Leah, Arthur. I know the two of you have been getting along great for months now, and it's good to finally meet you."

"Yes, Leah may not have told us everything, but we know you're a great guy."

Arthur's face went red under his black and white fur at the apparent beaming good words. "Thank you, I didn't know you all thought so highly of me. I'm not really anybody special, but a skunk who wants someone to care for."

As uncomfortable as her guest was being made, Leah felt even more uneasy being talked about and not included. "Hey! Don't I get any say in this?" she responded. "What if I don't want to be sent off with Arthur like some kind of pet?"

"I wouldn't force you to have to do something you don't want to. I'm only offering something that could be better than being alone and uncertain."

"Leah," her mother started with a look of concern in her eyes. "I really think you'd be much happier with someone in your life. We all love you, but it's just not possible for us to be able to be there for you forever."

"I know you don't want to accept it sometimes, but you can't do everything. I'm sorry Leah," Frank frowned. "But that's just how it is. Even though things might seem hard for you sometimes, there's always some shining light in the darkness that can guide you through."

Everyone was staring at the star of the dinner for her reply. The tension in the room was almost thick enough to cut with a knife as the three of them waited to hear her speak. They all laid down their thoughts, feelings, and hopes on the table, wanting a positive answer back in kind.

Apprehensively, she spoke, "I... I don't know. It's just that this all seems like its being forced on me, that you want me to just go with Arthur. I mean, he's a nice guy and all, but," Leah looked him in his gentle pleading eyes. "I, I just want some time to think about it."

"That's perfectly fine with me. I'll still be here when you're ready, although I can't help but hope for happy news soon."


Leah already knew in her heart and mind what the answer was. She'd made the decision some time ago, but had been hesitant to say anything because it meant accepting more assistance from other. She wasn't completely helpless or a kit anymore. In fact, at almost two decades old there was little the feral skunk wasn't allowed to choose or do anymore.

But adulthood was still largely the same for furs like Leah. For whatever reason, society decided to shoulder any burden that they might have, in exchange for some freedoms and responsibilities all because they couldn't be expected to reasonably function with everybody else. Without a humanoid body, they were left behind.

But even if it was just a sociologically ingrained compassion that drove them to help their non-anthropomorphic brothers and sisters, there was always a place for all of them. And while not everybody agreed with some methods and practices, they did try to be fair and just in some way. Companionship as a pet or mate of sorts was the most common and accepted way to give ferals a role they could fill.

On the surface, it wasn't too bad either. Their needs were fulfilled in exchange for being bonded with an anthro or sometimes a taur. Not every relationship always worked out, but most generally did. Same species ones where the feral provided as a great mother or father to the cubs was one a lot of furs looked forward to.

Leah had retired to her room, which wasn't much more than a corner in a common space on the second floor of their house. While privacy was sometimes and issue, there wasn't much reason for her to have a huge room of her own; she had very few possessions and little need of more than a bed and few toys and knickknacks.

Her bed, which was actually more of a couch, faced the way opposite the stairs in order to try and give her some personal space to hide in. The skunk had laid on her side, paws and large fluffy tail dangling partially off the side of the sofa while she tried to sleep.

The thoughts of the conversation they all had mere hours ago played through her head over and over, never breaking the anxiety of what she was finally going to have to do soon. It's not fair that I don't have much choice in this, Leah whimpered softly. Nothings ever been fair for me, all because of this body. Why did I have to be born this way? Why can't I have a normal life like everyone else?

_ _ She sighed heavily, starting into the dim blackness of the wall. I know mom and dad and everybody just want what's best for me, but I don't know. Why do they all have to keep helping me all the time? All I really want is to be able to do things for myself without somebody there holding my paw like a cub.

_ _ Twitching her tail lightly, Leah continued to lay in thought quietly. The solution to many of her troubles was in fact, another problem in and of itself; one she knew there were few other options than to take. Arthur's a good skunk, and I'm sure he'd do anything to try and make me happy, but can I really be happy living like that? He said his mother was a non-anthro like me, and that she always wanted to do more too." She shook her head against the fabric of the couch, still fighting the thoughts and emotions in her mind.

But he also said she never regretted her decision either. She loved her mate and family, even though there was always more she felt like wanting to do. Am I just going to have to accept that I'm a second class fur, never able to do everything there is in life?

_ _ Moaning and whimpering at the depressive reality she was creating for herself, Leah sighed again and rolled onto her back, leaning and resting her body against the back of her bed. Maybe, I don't know... Maybe it really won't be so bad after all. Maybe, maybe going with Arthur will give me meaning and purpose, even if it's just being someone's companion and lover.


"Don't be afraid to treat it like it was always your own, Leah. I know you're probably tense and a little anxious, especially after your big dinner a few weeks back, but I think you'll find that this isn't nearly as bad as you've made it out to be.

Leah sat in the middle of what was suddenly her new living room, looking around as Arthur spoke and showed her everything. The size of his house was roughly the same as her parent's, perhaps a little smaller in overall scale.

"Downstairs is the living and kitchen," he continued. "I know you won't really be able to cook anything, but there's always fresh fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator. Personally I can't get enough peaches and plums, but what do you want me to get for you, Leah?"

She paused and closed for eyes, spending a moment taking it all in before turning and looking up to face him standing next to her. "I, uh, I like berries I guess; seedless ones mostly."

"Alright, I'll be sure to keep more berries around then. I know good wildberries are the best, but they're kind of hard to find sometimes."

"I-you don't need to go out of your way for me, really," she frowned worriedly. "You're doing so much for me already, and I don't know how I'd ever be able to make it up to you."

Arthur kneeled down to bring himself face to face with the sitting skunk and placed his paws on her. "Leah, you don't have to do anything to repay me. We're companions, mates, family. I don't want you to think you owe me anything. That's not what family does."

She turned away for a moment, and then looked back in the anthro's eyes again. "I suppose so, but it seems wrong to take all this hospitality and give nothing in return."

"Nonsense! Just being here for me is more than enough. I want to do this for you," he grinned, reaching in to give her a comforting hug. "Well, at least whatever's within my capability."

Still held in his embrace, Leah tried to emulate the happy mood, nuzzling the side of Arthur's face with her own. He stroked his paw down her striped back a few times, then let go and returned to his feet. "Come on, I'll show you to your own room, unless of course, you want to share mine?" Arthur chuckled.

"I've never had a room of my own before."

"Not even when you were little?"

"No, I had to share one with my brother Jeff, and then I got moved to the couch when we got too big to do that anymore."

"Well, this is your choice then. We've got the big sofa downstairs if you want to sleep there." Arthur pointed to the large brown 'L' sectional piece of furniture in front of the television. "It's a nice soft one. I got it from my parents before they moved out of town a few years ago. Had to fight with my siblings for it too, everyone wanted the thing!"

"I'll keep it in mind then," Leah responded with a light hint of optimism. "Did you already have a few, um, things, setup for me around here though? Or will we need to get them from my parents?"

"Things?" Arthur scratched his head before realizing what the ill at ease girl was referring to. "Oh! Those things! Yeah, the bathroom is already setup okay for you. I've had a lowered toilet and step pads sitting around for years, so that my mother wouldn't have any problems when she came over."

The two of them walked up the flight of stairs and into a somewhat small hallway. There were three bedrooms, all rather average in size. Besides Arthur's room and the one he setup for her, there was an office with a computer and desk at the far end of the hall.

"But uh, I think we might still need to get a few more things for you. I don't have any door handles you can open yet. Don't want to get shut out of that bathroom again I'm sure. Oh, and your dining room chair, we should probably get that too."

"Okay." Leah peered into the room he said would be hers, and was a little unsure how to react to having an actual bed instead of a couch. It wasn't something she slept on in more than a decade, and now there was one to call her own. "Wow, this is all so nice of you!" she called out excitedly, jumping up onto the light blue sheets and pillows. "I can't remember the last time I had a real bed to sleep in. It got so lonely and dark always sleeping on a couch in the corner."

Arthur let the skunk pad around, pawing at the blanket eagerly for a moment before speaking. "You see? I knew you'd like it here. And I'll always be there if you get lonely and want someone to hold."

"Ah, well," she blushed. "There is that too I guess."

He laughed and joined her, sitting on the edge of the mattress. "Your bed and mine are plenty big for both of us if you ever want me by your side, or you want to come sleep with me. But, let's go get something for lunch before finishing up moving everything. I'm pretty hungry, what about you?"


"I told you so Leah. The adoption program is great, isn't it?" the big feral panther grinned wide at her. "You're having a much better time living with Arthur than you would have with your parents."

The skunk turned away to hide her flushed face from her feline friend, not wanting to let her brag. "Well, it's not that bad."

"Not bad? I think you have something more to say than that." Melisa's smiling face remained unchanged as she paced around Leah, who was sitting in the middle of the school's large lounge room. "How long has it been now?"

"A-about three weeks," she stuttered.

"And have you really gotten to know Arthur yet?"

"What, what do you mean Melisa?"

The panther licked her chops as she came around again to face the nervous skunk. "Oh, you know what I mean. I know you've been thinking about it. You want to sink your teeth into that fur just as much as anyone else in your position would."

"Melisa!" she gasped, shocked by her friend's blunt openness of the subject. "I've only know him for seven months and haven't even lived there for one yet!"

"So? What's that got to do with anything? I took both my foxy companions the day I moved in with them. They wanted it as much as I did, and it's been great ever since."

"But, I thought that you were supposed to wait until you were officially mated to do any of that?"

Melisa laughed, throwing her head back in a roaring purr. "There aren't any rules to love Leah, you just do what you feel is right. What did you want to do, and more importantly, what have you done so far?"

Reluctantly, mostly due to the cat's overactive curiosity and inability to let things go, she answered. "All he's done so far is just pet me and scratch behind my ears while we sat and watched TV."

"So ask him for a more thorough rub down then! You know you want it!"

"Well, I guess I could ask Arthur to rub my belly or something. That always feels so nice, but it's hard to get anyone to do it for me."

"I know what you mean," the purring feline replied, rolling her eyes at the comment. "Anthros are so uncomfortable touching us down there. Just because our teats are there doesn't mean they don't like getting attention too. In fact, I like mine getting rubbed and petted, even by most strangers."

Although not always easy to make out because of their size and the blackness of their respective furs, Leah looked over at Melisa's set of two pairs before turning inward at her own and responding. "Yeah, I really miss being little and nobody being afraid of doing it. But I guess I'll ask him then, I could really go for a good rub."

"Mmm, me too. I love how it always leads to something a little more satisfying with my mates whenever either of them does me. Oh, and you'll have to let me know how it goes. You know I love hearing about these kinds of things."

"You're always such a bad naughty kitty aren't you?"

Melisa just giggled.


"So, how was your day Leah? Did you do much at the non-anthro center?"

Leah turned her head to look at the skunk resting his arm across her back as they sat together on their sofa. She was laying at the center of the 'L' intersection, facing the television with Arthur. "Oh, well, not too much really. A few new cubs were enrolled today, and Melisa and I got the usual 'new cub pile up' when they were made to jump on us by the older ones. Those three were so scared of Melisa, but had no problem getting me!"

Arthur laughed, "Ah! So what's your panther friend got that you don't? Or maybe it's the other way around then?"

"I'm not sure, but I always get jumped on. Their nibbles and licks tickle me every time," she huffed. "And Melisa never does anything to stop them."

"I still think you like it when they do that, and just let them have their way. You enjoy getting the attention just like anyone else would."

Leah growled playfully, unwilling to admit whether his accusation was true or not. "Maybe, but I'm not telling!"

"No? Well, did anything else happen today in that case?" he questioned, starting to give her attention with his paw as well as his words.

The little conversation she and her friend earlier in the day slowly crept back into her head, along with the question the cat wanted to get her to ask; the personal one. "I, I guess there was one other thing today..."

Arthur perked his round black ears up slightly, listening intently at the other skunk's anxious words. "I, she wanted me to ask you if you'd... rub my belly too."

"I don't think there would be a problem with me doing that, but..." he smiled warmly, reaching his paw around her far side and under her chest. Arthur leaned his head over her neck and whispered softly, "You don't have to say it's for a friend. I'd do anything to try and help you Leah, you know that."

"You're okay with this, even though we've only known each other for half a year?"

He continued to rest himself on top of her, nuzzling his face into her fur. "Of course, I don't need a reason to love and care for you, do I? Sometimes things can be hard for you, and I just want to be there whenever you'd need me."

Leah tried to look up at anthropomorphic skunk lying atop her from the right. She was torn between knowing that he was right about being a feral in the world made for furs with hands, needing this kind of help, and not wanting to be someone who was a complete burden. It didn't seem fair at all.

"Arthur, I, I don't know," she whimpered. "I really appreciate all you're doing for me, but I can't get over the fact that I have nothing to give in return for all of your kindness."

"That's not true in the least Leah. I'm not doing any of this because I want something from you. All I want is someone to love and to care for. You don't have to give me anything but to simply receive that love."

It wasn't the first time she'd heard him say those words, and in the time they'd known each other he always tried to support her. Even when she wanted little to do with the arrangement, Arthur stuck by her and didn't give up.

"Do you want me to rub your belly for you Leah?"

She felt the soft touch of his fur and paw pads pull away from her body, and watched as he stared down at her face, waiting for an answer. "Yes, I do," Leah nodded her head.

Leah rolled over onto one side, exposing her black furred underbelly and half dozen paw sized breasts lining it to him. "You shouldn't have to feel bad about asking me for anything. I'd be happy to help you with whatever you might have trouble with. You're not a burden at all."

Arthur set his paw on Leah's chest between her forelegs and gently ran it down towards her tail end. When he reached the first mound on her belly, she lifted her hind leg to give him complete access to her.

As his hand brushed across each pair Arthur drew his fingers together, teasing the swelling pink nubs with his claws. Leah tensed her body tightly at the pleasurable touch of someone else she'd rarely felt down there since she was a cub. "Ah! That's the spot," she moaned. "Just my belly and breasts don't bother with the chest."

"Like this?" Arthur brought his other paw in to assist the rubbing and squeezing, eliciting more groans and whimpers from the feral skunk. He was relentless, yet still gentle in his petting and brushing. Leah's mouth gaped open and lolled her flat red tongue out as her leg started to shake with a mind of its own.

"Oh, that feels so nice Arthur! It's been so long since I could get anyone to do this to me!"

"Do you want me to help with anything else?" he grinned. "It seems like you're starting to get pretty wet back here you know. Are you trying to tell me something?"

Maybe her body was telling him something. Maybe she did want him to go a little lower. Maybe Melisa was right, it might not be so bad after all to have someone there to take care of you. There certainly could be worse situations out there to be in.

"I, I..." Leah mumbled as Arthur buried his face between her legs, nibbling and playing with one of her nipples with his tongue. Nobody ever did that before, and it took her completely by surprise how good it felt to have somebody suckling at her.

She had no milk to give Arthur, but it didn't stop him from latching on with his muzzle and trying none the less. The experience was one she wanted to explore further the voice in the back of her mind said. There was something... instinctual about it that wouldn't go away.

"Aw, no milk," he teased after letting go of the teat with a lightly audible 'pop' sound. "I'm still thirsty though. Can I take a drink from somewhere else then?"

Leah nodded her head, eyes still held shut from the last few minutes of him playing around. "Y-yeah, please."

Arthur shuffled around on the sofa so that he was directly behind her. Leah waited nervously for him to finally connect and quench the heat that was rapidly growing in her loins. Though she could open her eyes and look, the feral skunk chose instead to lie on her back and wait for it.

And when the tip of his warm wet tongue finally reached her pink, black furred slit, she couldn't stop herself from closing her legs around Arthur's muzzle and head. He pressed on anyway, savoring the taste of Leah's juices as he lapped from one end of her sex to the other in spite of the cage he was trapped between.

"Ah! Arthur!" she cried, but he took her moaning as a sign to go on. The long thin wide muscle had found its way into her, and she continued to quiver and whine in delight.

All Arthur could smell, feel, and taste was his big non-anthropomorphic counterpart before him. With his nose being buried directly into the source of Leah's ecstasy, she was the only thing in the world that existed to him at the moment.

Deeper and deeper he probed while the end of his muzzle rubbed and teased at the nub just outside. Leah gasped and pawed at the air above her futilely as she felt herself building up inside. It was almost exactly the same incredible sensation she'd feel when going down to clean herself, but only so much more intense and all the better with someone else being in there.

Leah wanted to call out, to tell Arthur what was about to happen to him. But, all she could manage was a series of short whines between her fast sharp breathing.

Arthur didn't need words to know something about to happen. Between the total saturation of the now matted fur on his face and Leah's ever quickening and erratic spasms around him, he knew she was about to climax. And the only thing he did was try and lap harder.

The feral skunk's black and white striped tail wrapped up and around Arthur as her whole body convulsed and tightened. If Leah could consciously think right then, she might have been worried that she could've hurt his muzzle he had buried so deeply inside her. Fortunately however, neither would have to worry about anything like that, and Arthur loved every second of the pressure she was exerting on him in such a wonderful place.

When at last she had settled down enough for him to pull himself away, Arthur watched contently as him companion leaned against the side of the couch, paws still up in the air while she drifted off to sleep. "Leah... I need to go wash up, but I'll be back to join you."

She nodded, not really understanding the words he said but still hearing the sound of his voice. Arthur smiled and looked down at the mess he had made in his pants before walking upstairs.


"Am I glad it's Friday. Aren't you Leah?"

"Yeah, but not that there's really anything wrong with being here though."

Melisa hopped up onto the box-chair for non-anthros, padded around in a circle, then slumped herself down on the cushion. "Maybe, but at least I get to play with the computer at home. All the keyboards here are for anthros only, and I can't use them because they're too small. I really wanted to finish reading this novel I started last week."

"What's it about? I don't get to read books very often, at least not as much as you do."

"This one is about a group of furs who get stranded on an island out in the ocean and have to struggle for survival. But, there's more to it than just that. The island has some mysterious secret or something. Whatever it is, they always seem to get help at the most critical moment they need it."

"Hmm..." Leah crooked her head in thought. "Sounds like it's a good story."

Melisa grinned, affirming the skunk's comment. "Yeah, I like this author a lot. Most of his other stuff has been good too. But, how about you, anything new happen since moving in with Arthur?"

"Well," she replied. "Arthur helped me setup some place in the backyard to dig a garden. I didn't know farming and planting could be so much fun."

"That's not what I meant Leah," the black panther chuckled with a devious grin about her face.

"Wha-what do you mean then?" she blushed in response.

"Oh, I think you know what I'm talking about. It just happened to be the same thing we discussed a couple days ago."

"You don't mean...?"

She nodded her head slowly.

Leah's face turned deep red under the black and white fur as she answered about the belly rub. "Good for you Leah! I'm glad you took the next step in your relationship. So, where did it go from there?"

The feline leaned in close as her question was answered with an intimate whisper. "Ooo, I didn't know you and Arthur were into that kind of stuff."

"I wasn't expecting him to do that. And I didn't know it would be that good either."

Melisa nodded her head again with another lusty grin. "You're so lucky to have a mate of the same species. The two of you will be able to have so many cute little kits together."


"I don't regret being mated with my vulpine couple though. I'd have never known that taking a knot would feel as great and filling as it does otherwise." The cat relaxed her happy expression before continuing, "but I know I'd have to go through special arrangements if I ever wanted to be bread."

"Kits!? Breeding!? I'm not sure that I'm ready to be a mother so soon Melisa."

You'd be a perfect mother Leah! We ferals are all great at that. The thought of cleaning and feeding all those little kittens makes me feel so warm and excited inside."

Lean slouched down on the floor beneath her friend, still flush in the face with embarrassment. "I don't know Melisa..."

"Come on, if that belly rub felt as good as it did, being filled full of skunk seed would be even better. Plus, I'm sure Arthur would be perfectly happy to help you out. He'd fill you to your hearts content if you wanted. Arthur's a great guy and you know it."


"Look," Melisa sighed at her reluctance. "I know you don't want to just sit by and take handouts all the time, I don't like the idea either. But sometimes you just have to accept what life gives you. In our case we were dealt a bad hand being born as non-anthros, yet, we've also been given great families and mates who love us. Neither of us could easily pay for these things with money or material things, but who needs that when you can simply put your heart and soul into someone who loves you?"

Leah continued to sit and intently ponder the words of her friend, staring at her jet black face as she spoke. Melisa had a point, there was no denying that being feral was unfortunate, but maybe all that Arthur really wanted was just her love. He'd given her so much already, with it bringing no end to the guild in her mind. If all it took was just returning a little affection, perhaps she could feel better about receiving his.

"Nobody expects you or I to be able to live the same lives anthros can, it's just not possible. But we're still furs, and we still have feelings and emotions just like anybody else. There's no reason we can't be happy or make somebody else happy."

"I'm sure you don't want to wait till I get bread to get jealous and want your own, do you?"

"You're not just trying to live out your own fantasies through me are you?"

She leaned down to lick the curious skunk's nose and giggled. "Only one way to find out!"


"You'll have to let me know how the food came out Leah, I don't often stir-fry poultry," Arthur asked from across their small dinner table. "But I think the recipe your mother gave me didn't come out too badly.

"Oh, uh, it's pretty good. I like the spices you added with the vegetables."

"I didn't have all the stuff she wrote down, but the improvisation was pretty close." He stopped piling up empty plates and dishes, noticing something a bit down in the skunk's reply, "but it sounds like there's something bothering you. The food didn't come out bad and you're just being nice to me, are you?"

Leah looked up from the large bowl she was licking the sauce from. "No, the food was fine. It's just that..." she paused to clean the mess around her mouth with her tongue, hesitating whether or not to say it.

"You can say it; I won't get upset at whatever's on your mind."

"Well, a friend of mine was curious what you thought about having kits," Leah mumbled off towards the end of her sentence.

"Oh? Is this the same friend who wanted to know about mateship collars, belly rubs, and those really sweet and sugary fruits I bought?"

"Y...yes... it is," she answered reluctantly. "But this time I'm also curious too. It's not just her."

"Is that so? In that case, you can tell your friend that she'd have to find someone else to give her kittens."

Leah's face and ears sank at hearing his shocking response. I thought he'd do anything for me? Why draw the line there?

"But for you," he chuckled. "I'd give you all the little cubs you want. All you have to do is ask."

"That's a mean trick to pull, Arthur." Leah looked up to see him smirking as he took their dishes to the sink. "But do you really mean it? Would you give me kits? I mean, if that's what I wanted?"

"Of course, there's room in my heart for more than just you Leah. If you want me to breed you next time you go into heat, I'll do it. Although, I get the feeling it might be hard for you to not want me to..."

She sighed and hopped down from her box chair to walk out to the living room. Arthur sat down next to her on the large brown sofa in their usual seats.

"What's wrong Leah? You're not upset at me for that little joke, are you?"

"No, I'm not. It's just that, I don't go into heat for a couple more months." She rested her head on his lap, huffing across the khaki brown pants he was wearing.

Arthur laid his arm atop the skunk, trying to console her with a soft touch behind the ears. "I didn't know you wanted them that badly. This isn't something that's been bothering you for a while is it?"

"Not until a few days ago, when Melisa said something about it. I'm not even sure if I'm really ready to be a mother yet."

"I think you'd do fine. And I'm not just saying that as the potential father," Arthur's scratching continued, gradually lulling Leah into a more peaceful trance as he spoke. "If it's something you really want, what's stopping you from achieving it? You know I'm here to support and care for you Leah."

There really wasn't anything, short of her estrus holding the girl back. All the worries and fears were merely in her head. None of them were true or justified in the least.

"So, what do you say? Should we go practice for the real thing?"

Leah paused to think a moment, allowing her companion to keep repeating the delicate motions of his finger as she lay on his lap. "I, I did really like it when you were sucking on my teat. I had no idea it would feel that good."

"I'm sure it would be even better if there was someone there to receive you milk."

"Well, there's still time to think about it, but I suppose we can give it a try. Melisa said that I'd like this even more than what we did the other night. She's been right about other things, and I can't help but listen to her suggestions and try them out."

Arthur said nothing and removed his paw from Leah's head. She turned to look up and see why he had stopped, but was immediately beset by the embrace of his muzzle upon her own. She was shocked momentarily, but did not struggle or fight when his tongue invaded her mouth. Although the first thing she noticed was the taste of their meal not but twenty minutes ago, it was the intimate dancing of their muscles that was far more memorable. Time seemed to stand still while Arthur held her head with one hand, and stroked the while stripe of her back with the other; her tail arching higher and higher with each pass.

"So," he spoke softly, releasing his hold of her. "Have you made a decision? Or do you need more time to explore other things?"

Leah tried pressing forward to not let him end their exchange so soon, but could not reach his face. "Yeah, I have," she whimpered, wanting nothing more than to share herself with him. "I want little ones to love like you love me."

"Does that mean you're not upset with me taking care of you? You don't have to do this to try and pay me or anything you know."

"No, I really do," Leah nuzzled her lover's chest, pushing the side of her head into the soft black fur between his unbuttoned shirt. "I'm not doing it because Melisa said so either. I-I want you to fill me with kits of my own Arthur, even I'm not fertile for a few more months."

Arthur reached his paw over to the base of Leah's large tail and dug his clawed fingers into her back. As if having a mind of its own, her tail shot itself straight up and she arched her back to try and feel more of his suddenly sensual touch.

"Ah! That feels so good!" She shifted her weight from side to side, stepping into the brown fabric of the couch with her hind legs. "Stop teasing me Arthur!"

"Ready so soon? You don't want to play?"

"You're always the one playing with me, I want to have a turn too you know."

He retracted his arm to stand up and finish undressing, watching the skunk stare at him with a curious awe. "Have you never seen or done this before? You look so interested in seeing what's down here."

A grin of awkwardness stretched across her face as she slumped her head down onto the cushion, trying to hide it by covering herself with her paws. "Not like this... I mean, I used to see my brothers naked when they were younger, and none of us non-anthros wear clothing, so..."

"So you're in for a surprise then. And I think you'll like what you see." Arthur kicked off his underwear and she continued to spy at though through her partially obscured eyes. "There's no reason to be ashamed Leah. You're always nude and that doesn't seem to bother you."

"Yeah, but I don't have much choice. Anthros always wear clothes, and it's just strange to see you without them."

Arthur laughed, lying back down on the furniture in front of her. He beckoned the large skunk to crawl forward, inviting her to climb on top of him with a friendly finger wag.

She complied, being careful not to step on her lover or his tail. Leah may not have been an anthro, but she was by no means much smaller than the fur that was resting on. Other than the size and shape of their limbs, they were roughly the same in size.

"Arthur, I'm not really sure how this is going to work with me on top of you. I don't exactly have any way to aim and guide you inside of me."

He didn't answer with any words. No, instead the face up skunk responded by pulling his opposite down towards himself and picking up where they left off before the undressing.

Leah's entire body rested on Arthur, and she could feel something beginning to poke at her belly between her hind legs. Focused on his warm exploratory embrace and the long stroking down her back and thighs, she couldn't help but want to simply submit to the growing feelings of need and desire tingling in her mind and loins.

Their fluffy black and white tails were not exempted from the courtship either. They danced and wrapped around each other while the rest of their bodies rubbed and ground together in equally autonomous craving.

Arthur didn't break off from the passion his tongue was sharing in their conjoined maws to slip a paw between their bellies. He brushed past the soft and pliable breasts burying themselves into his stomach, eliciting a shiver from Leah as his hand reached its destination.

Without as much as a warning, he grabbed his unsheathed skunkhood and directed it to someplace for more welcoming than sandwiched between black furs. "Ah!" Leah gasped as Arthur found his mark. Effortless, his already slick shaft slipped into the accepting sex above it.

She didn't resist the intrusion and he didn't force himself up. In fact, it was Leah who dug herself downwards as deeply as possible, crying out as she hilted herself at the base of his furry sheath to fill her hungry sex with as much of Arthur as possible.

"There, you see," he nibbled at the still paralyzed girl's neck. "Now it's your turn. I don't want to have all the fun."

The sensation of being spread apart and filled so, so perfectly was the most incredible feeling Leah had ever experienced. It was so much more satisfying than just the tongue alone was. This was what her body ached for, and she spent some time just laying there squeezing her muscles around him, enjoying the blissful pleasure.


"Oh! I'm so sorry," the dazed skunk snapped to, realizing she had been just sitting and doing nothing.

"Don't worry, you can go as fast or slow as you want. You're in control." Arthur brushed his paw over her head and cooed, "I can't do anything this time. You've got to help me Leah."

The motions and rhythm of taking the lead were both foreign and awkward for her, who needed help getting restarted more than once. At no point however, did Arthur cringe at the pace. He just smiled and helped the girl along, reassuring her with the occasional lick on the nose.

Even in the face of performance anxiety and a sloppy first time, Leah was enjoying herself thoroughly. Their positioning may have not been the norm for someone like her, but like all other things practice makes perfect.

"Hey, this really is fun," she panted, starting to get the hang of the strange dominating stance and motions. Faster and faster her legs and hips trusted to impale themselves on Arthur's bright red flesh, both of their furs getting ever more matted down with the aromatic scent of their combined wetness that was filling the room.

"I knew you'd love being in command. You're not as helpless as you might think," Leah continued to focus on the familiar, yet strangely new sensations steadily building as each pass brought her closer and closer to the incredible feelings he had wrought on her just days ago. Never before had the fem skunk been able to fill herself with anything, let alone control the wonderful operation to her own desire.

"Leah, I-I can't' hold out much longer," Arthur squeaked, gripping her hind legs with both hands. He gritted his teeth and clenched his eyes tight, trying to let her go as long as possible.

She could feel the changes welling up in herself as well. Her breath shortened, her walls tightened around him, and the range of her movement drew to mere fractions; it was happening all over again.

And then it did happen. The bottom skunk grabbed and pulled their bodies together as tightly as he could, his arms and legs twitching as his seed was deposited deeply inside of Leah. The intense new heat that filled her body was all she needed to go over the edge as well. Leah shuttered and pushed down in kind, unable to combat the uncontrollable contractions that milked the male for all he was worth.

When at least their blissful exchange was completed, Arthur was the first to relax back into the sofa, softly stroking the feral's striped pelt. Leah simply laid her head down next to his and rested her weight on top of his body freely, their faces nuzzling each other peacefully.

"Oh, that was incredible Arthur. I had no idea I was even able to do something so great like this," Leah whispered, not bothering to get up and separate their still mated sexes. "I can't wait to do this when I finally get fertile again. You have no idea how much relief this could've brought me when I went into heat in the past."

"We can do it any time you want. I don't have a problem with you taking care of me. You're very good at it." She blushed, "but I made all kinds of mistakes though."

"That doesn't matter. You said you still liked it, didn't you?"

"I suppose so."

"Then there's plenty of time to practice before the real thing. Well, not that there was anything less real about what we did tonight."

Both skunks giggled, slowly drifting off to sleep in each other's embraces.

Try as I might, I can't seem to write good yiff yet. It's fun to me of course, but I'm sure that it's less satisfying to you, the reader. In any event, do leave me a comment. I'd love to hear back from you.