Wet Wolf 3

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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#1 of Wet Wolf

So a seemingly long time ago I wrote Wet Wolf (Which is here http://www.sofurry.com/view/151807) and Wet Wolf 2 (Which is here http://www.sofurry.com/view/201156) which were about a wolf trying out for a swim team and the ensuing... events.

I have been going through my google documents, where I keep all my stories, and have discovered quite a few half finished and finished but unposted stories. So this is the first of a few over the next few weeks.

**Both Luke and Chad's eyes were fixed on the otter but in different positions. The once top now questioning bottom's wolven eyes were fixed on the large swinging length. Chad's eyes were fixed on Darrens face though, the two otters eyeing each other off. Both wanted this wolf, Darren for the conquest and submission of the newest member of his swim team and Chad because of feelings that were oddly unfamiliar, a mixture between lust and something else.

"He's mine, Darren. Back off" Chad growled out, his teeth clenched and lips snarled back a little. He hadn't been lying to the wolf about everyone on the team having been Darren's bitch at one point or another. At first it had been flattering, after all the otter was amazingly good looking and hung like a demon. Over time though it became very obvious Darren didn't give a shit about the guys he was sticking his dick into and was, frankly, thicker than his jaw destroying cock. Still you couldn't turn him down, everyone on the team either feared him, revered him or a combination of the both, though mostly the first one. So when the wolf didn't show and Darren called up for some action Chad had said yes.

"What was that Chad?" The larger otter replied, a deep warning tone in his voice. "I'm sure I just heard you telling me who I can and can't fuck. I don't think that's your call to make, especially for a guy you couldn't even cum inside and make your own." Darren said as he half lifted and half rolled the other otter off the wolf so the two males were lying next to each other, their spent cocks still half hard and against their flat stomachs. "I've never had that problem, every time I've fucked a guy they've known it. Sometimes they've known it for days afterwards..."

"He'll be too tight for you. I barely fit in there..." Chad started and was stopped by the look in the captains eyes, his stomach sinking as he realised he had made things worse.

"Oh, I think I can break him open. Let him know what a real man is like..." Darren replied with a mean grin, his hand moving down and stroking his cock slowly, his fingers barely able to grip around his girth. He moved onto all fours as he crawled over the wolf, letting his cock rub against the wolf's length he so completely dwarfed. "You'd like that wouldn't you wolf?"

Luke couldn't reply, the entire situation so different and confronting he just froze up. The otter above him was indeed a magnificent specimen. Where Chad's muscles were lean and taut and just suited his slim lined form Darren's were large, bulky and stood out even through his thick fur. He might have thought the larger otter did steroids or other drugs but the ten inches of otter meat grinding against his own six stood as testimony against that. In fact only two things were stopping him from wrapping his arms around the otter and telling him to plough him like fresh morning snow.

The first was the exact same thing that was turning him on so much, ten thick inches now leaking pre seed across his belly. His fur not being fluid resistant had now matted with the otters preseed. He had barely been able to take Chad's cock, and that had hurt like salt on an open wound until he worked his talented hips so well. This monster would tear him apart, it was longer and, more importantly, thicker.

The second one was less physical and far more emotional and hard to describe. Chad had blackmailed him into sucking him off and then to coming here and in some way manipulated him into bottoming for the first time in age. But once he got here, got naked and straddled the otters manhood he actually found himself enjoying it. Especially the fact that while the otter was in control and calling all the shots he was still doing it for both their pleasure, not just his own. Looking up into Darren's eyes the only feeling he got was that the large otter would enjoy himself and he was being dragged along for the ride.

"Darren..." Chad began, placing a paw on the otters shoulder gently, knowing better than to try and intimidate the larger otter when he was in a mood like this. "C'mon take it easy on him. He just took his first cock. You rally going to make him take his second right now?" He lied, hoping that it might persuade the captain otherwise. "I'll let you fuck me any which way you want"

"What makes you think I'm not going to anyway? It's been a while since I last got my rocks off, I think I can manage both of you" Darren replied almost casually. He didn't turn to face the other otter, too entranced by the wolf beneath him. He stroked his fingers along his torso down to well toned legs and gripped them at the knee and lifted them up until he had the wolf's legs draped over his shoulder, like an inverted fur cape. He ran his fingers along the wolf's torso and turned his face to Chad with a sly grin.

"You want the other end? Help comfort this little bitch you seem to be all gaga over while I make him my bitch?" The otter jerked his neck down towards the otters cock which had gotten hard from the sight of the larger otter about to ravish the wolf he had been balls deep in minutes ago. "Better go clean that up. We can wait"

"I'm not gaga about him" Chad replied, his voice a little strained. "It's just, you know. You break a guy in, he's your responsibility and all"

"Ha! After me he'll be broken in." Darren replied and used a short thrust of his hips like an exclamation point. His blunt tip pushed against the wolf's still quite spread hole which made the wolf gasp in surprise and then tighten his hole as best he could. "I saw the look on his face when you were in him. He's a born bitch. So either lay back and watch or go clean off your filthy cock and get the other end."

Chad paused for a moment, looking at the scene. It was true that Luke had ended up enjoying the fucking just as much as he did after the initial resistance. Darren was big but not exactly cruel in sex, just forceful. Another stab of Darren's hips forced Chad to make his decision and he wordlessly moved off the bed into the small en suite. He had just got his wash cloth wet with warm water when he heard the wolf's deep grunt echo from the bedroom into the en suite, fading slowly with metallic undertones as it rung off the porcelain.

Darren grunted as he gave his hips another thrust, his large head trying to force it's way in but even with the lube he had grabbed while Chad was out of the room he could barely get more than an inch in. He could see the wolf splayed before him, eyes squeezed shut and his fingers gripping through the bed sheets as he resisted, pain his only reward.

"Come on Luke, you know you want it. I saw the way you gasped when Chad was in there about to shoot his spunk. It'll be like that times ten with me..." His deep voice echoed around the room. He controlled his voice to keep it low, sensual and almost comforting. He'd popped lots of cherries, although he thought anyone fucked by a cock smaller than him was still a cherry, just by talking them through the process. He relented his thrusting and then was about to thrust again when Chad was back on the bed.

"You bastard, you said you'd wait!" The smaller otter, all bark and no bite though as he knew nothing he could say or do would stop the otter now.

"You took too long," Darren replied shortly and then gave the thrust he had been ready for before Chad had interrupted him. It took the wolf by surprise and another couple of inches thrust in and stretched the wolfs already sore passage around a far too large invader. He whimpered and rolled his head left and right, trying to press down into the covers and away from this intense pain.

Darren's eyes left the wolf's body, his admiration of his handiwork just making him harder, and for the first time examined Chad's body as a top. He'd never taken the time to admire anything but his ass before but from this angle he realized just how nice a cock the otter had been keeping hidden away in his Speedo's every practice. It was long and thick and, currently, throbbing hard. He reached forward and took it into his paw, and stroked it slowly.

"He..hey!" Chad cried out in surprise as he was pulled in closer to the larger otter and then felt Darren's lips press against his own. If asked later Chad would have been forced to admit that he was quite a good kisser, his lips were warm and welcoming, his tongue teased his lips and tongue tip without just thrusting in and owning his muzzle like he had expected. But compared to when he had kissed Luke not half an hour earlier it was like kissing a girl, no matter how good she was there just wasn't a spark of interest.

Before he could react by pulling back or moving so Darren would work on his neck or nipples he felt Luke's head press up along the underside of his leaking cock. He shivers and whimpered into their combined lips as a wet talented tongue worked along the underside of his shaft until it found his leaking tip and the wolf's eager muzzle wrapped around it like a calf latching onto it's mothers udder. He gasped and pressed forward into the kiss and put his hands onto Darren's shoulders to keep him from collapsing in pleasure.

Darren loved every second of the kiss. It wasn't something he often did. He usually only kissed guys he dated and since he could get as much sex as he wanted without needing to spend money taking guys places and paying attention to them he didn't. At the same time though he was still easing his length into the wolf. Luke had given up resisting and the otter had rewarded him by no longer just frantically thrusting his hips, instead he just leaned forward and let himself slide in, his weight and strength meaning any natural resistance was obliterated in seconds. He had now surpassed where Luke had penetrated and was stretching out virgin, painful, territory.

His hips finally came to a stop an inch or so away from fully bottoming out but he knew better than to thrust. He'd been with enough guys to know that some guys just couldn't handle everything he could provide. He rolled his hips slowly and heard a muffled groan from the wolf who had his mouth stuffed with otter cock and smiled. He pressed forward into the kiss and pressed his tongue just a little further as he thrust his hips down, both males shivering in response.

Luke whimpered around Chad's cock as he felt the thick inches inside him throb and pulse. If he had been told a week ago that he'd now be two otters willing bitches he would have laughed, but now he was in that position and finding himself enjoying it. He reached up and gripped Chad's firm rump tightly to hold himself up as he started to bob up and down along the firm length. Thick drops of otter cum filled his muzzle as a reward and he heard Chad gasp and felt his cock shudder in pleasure. Just as he was about to start bobbing back and forth he felt firm hands grip his hips.

Darren pulled back from the kiss roughly, letting chad fall forward against him. He licked his lips slowly and then gripped Luke by the hips. He pulled back slowly but only for his own pleasure, only so that he could feel that tight hole around every inch as he drew back. He looked down and saw Chad mesmerised by the sight of his length slowly easing back until just the head remained and then not even that as it came out and sprung up against his stomach.

"Put it back in your little bitch friend," Darren growled out as he pressed his muzzle against Chad's neck.

He could still remember how wild the other otter had gone when he had bitten down while fucking, the way his anal ring had throbbed tight around him and the sounds he had made. The larger otter opened his muzzle and slowly licked over the neck, teasing Chad and making him make some of those same sounds. Without needing to repeat himself warm hands run across his abs and down to his length. He felt himself being drawn down and aimed against that same no longer tight ring while a second hand held his base and stroked it slowly.

"A good pair of bitches you make'" Darren said, his tone complimentary and encouraging.

The large otters teeth bit down on Chad's neck which made him gasp out. At the same time Luke pushed down right to the base on his cock and could feel it pulsing like mad, the otters weak spot revealed. Another bite and Chad groaned out loadly. One hand rested on the back of Luke's head, forcing him down further on his needy cock, and the other pulled Darren's head in closer.

Darren grunted and dug his teeth in, loving just how much of a reaction he can get from the otter without even having his cock inside him. Luke's movements underneath him reminded him exactly what he is doing though and he started to thrust. At first he used just an inch, back and forth quickly. Then a minute later he's moving from side to side, spreading out the wolf as he makes little circles. Before too long his circles were large and over half of his lnegth was pushing back and forth of the wolf's ass. He gripped with his hands and pushed in as far as he could and then pulled Luke back just that little bit more.

Luke gagged on Chad's cock as he was invaded by Darren's cock. He coughed around it and tried to pull of but Chad just pushed him down on it with a grunt as the bites on his neck continued to make him shiver in bliss. Just as Luke couldn't take any more he felt the otter inside him pulling back to the tip and a feeling of relief washed over him. It didn't last long though as Darren slammed forward again deep and hard and hilted himself with a grunt.

Little stars of pain and pleasure swam in Luke's vision as Darren got that last inch in. He was sure something inside him was broken now but didn't care because of the addicting waves of pleasure roaring through him. Up until now he had been hard but hadn't noticed, now he was throbbing like it was his first time all over again. Thin trails of pre oozed onto the sheets as he began to suck in Ernest on Luke's prick again.

Darren and Luke began to move in time. Luke's head thrust down to the base of Chad's cock when Darren hilted while he moved back as the stud withdrew. After a few minute of this Chad started to get into the action, pumping his hips back and forth into the now regularly thrusting muzzle. Paw roamed and rubbed freely between Darren and Chad while Luke held the smaller otters rump hard as he plunged back and forth along the now saliva coated inches.

It was only a matter of time until one of the trio came and the weak link in this chain was Chad. Despite having cum not an hour earlier the bites on his neck had triggered all kinds of feelings. Plus that same talented muzzle that had drained him at the pool was going at it hammer and tongs. He felt his knee's weaken and he fell forward against Darren's strong frame as he grunted. His hips thrusted forward with every spasm and he came straight down the wolf's throat, not a single drop wasted. Luke pressed down hard and held his nose in to Chad's pubic fur as he felt that familiar swelling and then waves of heat down his throat telling him the smaller otter was finshed.

Darren gave a deep grunt and bit down on Chad's neck harder as he started to thrust faster and faster. The rhythmic slap of his balls thumping against Luke's rump filled the room and got faster and faster. Luke let Chad's now spent cock fall from his muzzle and pressed his face against the otters spent cock and drained balls as he huffed and panted in pleasure. He couldn't reach down and paw himself but his cock spasmed and bounced as Darren rode him like he was breaking in a wild stallion, his hands no longer holding the wolfs hips but instead they roamed and squeezed and slapped.

"Oh god, he's so big!" Luke half complained and half complimented as he felt the solid otter behind him all but ruining his rump. "So big... so big..."

Chad felt himself blushing in humiliation as the wolf whined into his pubic fur. The same wolf who had been gasping and groaning around his cock like a bitch in heat now exclaiming the size of the ruff otter fucking him. He couldn't deny it either, he could see it stretching the wolf out again and again right now and he'd felt it himself.

"That's right pup, you're my bitch now," Darren mumbled around the otters throat, just adding to both their humiliation.

Both Darren and Luke moved rhythmically against each other, Luke pushing his rear up for the otter while the otter continued to just fuck back and forth however he liked. Chad thought they might go at it for hours but seconds later he felt Darren's jaw clench on his now raw neck. Luke shivered as he felt the stud behind him pause and hold right at the tip, which was pulsing harder than he could believe, and then slammed forward right to the hilt and held there.

Darren's muzzle broke off from Chad's neck and he hollered at the top of his lungs as his cock widened and thick globs of his cum started to fill the wolf beneath him. Luke gasped and bit down as soft as he could on Chad's thigh, getting another shiver and a pulse in the otters spent cock, as he was stretched open a new. He could feel Darren's monster pulsing and knew he was being filled but his own cock just twitched and throbbed beneath him, his own traitorous need unfulfilled.

Darren's hips thrust without rhythm as he emptied his ball into the wolf with a deep grunts. Finally he gave a last thrust and then slowly eased out. As he eased out he gripped his base and stroked his length, making sure to leave the wolf beneath him with every last drop his seed buried. chad could only stare at the slick length as it came out of the wolf's tail hole, a place he had been quite happy to completely own until now. Darren gaves the wolf a few thumps with his blunt cock head under his tail before he collapsed back with a sigh.

"Damn chad, your bitch here has a hole that just milks you dry. You should really share him with the team," Before Chad could reply he heard Luke speak up from his position pressed against his now slightly sore thigh.

"I'm not his bitch"

"Of course not'" Darren replied with a nasty reply as he gave his cock a few strokes and sdmired the view of the wolf still on all fours. "I just came in here and found you riding his cock like a merry go round float because you slipped and fell on him while he was naked. Again and again and again. Look at you, you're rock hard after being my bitch,"

"But you couldn't even make me cum, not even with another guy fucking my mouth. So either I'm not the bitch or you're just incompetent," Rallied the wolf. He turned his head and glared at the otter, his eyes burning with an inner fire.

"Unless I didn't want you to cum," Darren replied with a cruel grin.

He stood and moved around behind the other otter. He slipped his arms around the otter and pulled him against him and away from the wolf. Chad tried to struggle but it was too late as he felt himself pressed against the larger otter, his firm muscles against his back and weighty shaft pressing between his ass crack made his cock thicken slightly. Darren then just simple laid back on the bed with the other otter on top of him.

"Fuck him," Darren growled out as he looked at the wolf, his eyes focused on the throbbing shaft between his legs and the slick glans. "This it your chance to get back at him, and i guarantee you his hole is sweet. even for someone your size,"

Luke froze as he looked at the scene. His tail hole hurt, his balls were boiling and his cock was so tender he probably wouldn't last more than a minute. But at the same time he didn't actually feel the need to get revenge on Chad, compared to Darren he had been tender and gentle, plus he had loved every moment of it.

"Either you fuck him or I do'" Darren growled as he made circles with his hips, his shaft already lengthening again, ready for a second round.

Chad and Luke locked eyes for a second but it was all it took for Luke to know the smaller otter's preference. He moved in quickly like tan errant roller coaster and gripped the otters legs. Lifting them up revealed two surprises, the tight anal ring of the otters not quite as tight as he had guessed and Darren's thick cock already at half mast and rising quickly. his own prick jumped at the double sight, his newly discovered subby side thrilling at the sight of the cock that had ravaged him so while his dominant side loving the idea of being deep inside that ring all too soon.

He licked his lips nervously. He'd topped plenty of guys before and had gotten no complaints but... on those occasions he hadn't been dripping a guys spunk out of his hole. Darren gave a thrust of his hips, impatient at the wolf's hesitation, which was all the prompting the wolf needed. He gripped his engorged knot and squeezed it which made his cock as hard as possible. His slick tip traced through the otters crack which made Chad gasp each time the pointed tip ran over his entrance.

Finally the wolf was content with how slick the otter's rump was and he pressed his tip against the tight ring. His grey furred muzzle fell open with a gasp at the warmth and tightness around him and before he knew it he had slid in half way. His paws stroked the otter's thighs as he continued to sink in until he was resting his engorged knot against the tight ring. The wolf breathed deeply and slowly, trying to keep himself calm despite the way the otter's insides clenched around him and pulled him in deeper.

"Damn Chad," Luke breathed out, honestly surprised at how perfect the otter was around his wolf hood.

He had the smallest dick in the room but right now Chad wouldn't have made any kind of comment about the size. It filled him perfectly, not to small that it didn't stretch him out or hit his prostate but not so big as to be uncomfortable, like Darren's. He reached down and gripped the wolf's hips and pulled him tighter against him and gasped as the knot stretched him but stayed outside his too tight ring.

Luke felt a growl grow in his chest unconsciously and added to it as he leaned over Chad's form and gave a short hard thrust. Chad's eyes opened and he gasped as the wolf above him stretched him just that little more. Luke's hips pulled back until just the tip was inside the otter's tight hole and then thrust forward again making both Luke and Chad grunt in pleasure. Luke felt Darren's hard cock press again his balls as he bottomed out but ignored it as he started to fuck the otter who had claimed him twice already.

Chad and Luke's eyes were locked as the wolf thrusted back and forth hard and fast. Chad grunted softly with every thrust and his hands ran along the wolf's firm back and gripped his muscular ass, pulling the wolf against him harder with every thrust. Luke shivered and had to bite his lip at the thousand of pleasurable sensations roaring down his spine to his brain like an express train. The dull claws pushing into his ass, the look on the otter's face, the feel of that tight ring around him, Darren's length grinding up against his own...

It took the lust stricken wolf a few seconds to notice that Darren wasn't just letting his cock head rest against him as he thrusted but that he was actually guiding his massive member up and towards Chad's tail hole. He wanted to give a warning, he wanted to slow down and pull out but his prick wouldn't hear of it and his prick had his hips well under control. Finally Chad's eyes opened wide as he felt Darren's cock pressing against his ring while Luke's thrusting guided it into place.

"Darren!" Chad cried out and started to struggle again but between the lust crazed wolf on top of him and the muscled otter beneath him he had no chance to escape.

"Let Luke finish and i'll be all yours" The smaller otter pleaded as he felt the massive glans starting to spread him open, the girth of it similar to the wolf's knot but far, far longer. "Ah... it's.. not going to fit,"

Darren just grinned and bit down on the smaller otters neck which silenced him in a pleasurable gasp and also made his tail hole relax just that little more. This opportunity was all that Darren needed and he thrusted up hard and fast. All three fur's grunted in unison, two in pleasure and one in pain.

Luke suddenly had a far larger cock now sandwiched against him, which just by itself was hot, and the tail hole he had been pounding was almost insufferably tight. Darren had a smaller but rock hard and fast moving cock grinding against him, stroking right against the sensitive underside of his cock. He was used to tight holes but this was something else entirely. Chad's eyes were closed in pain and he had bitten down on his lip to try and cope but it wasn't working. Luke wasn't small and Darren was just outright massive.

Darren gave a grunt and thrust his hips up hard and pushed half of his oversized prick up into Chad. He couldn't get in any further though, the angle and the tightness was just too much. He couldn't thrust either but didn't need too, the wolf was doing all the work for him. He laid back and put his paws behind his head and closed his eyes and enjoyed all the sensations washing over him.

Luke knew he couldn't last much longer and decided to end with a bang. He lowered himself and pressed his chest down against the whimpering otter and slipped his arms around him tightly. His muzzle pressed against Chad's as he pushed in right to his base, his knot pressing against Darren's cock which gave both of them an odd but pleasurable sensation. Luke grunted and hammered back and forth with just that last thick inch. small circle of his hips made both otters moan

Chad gasped at the change of pace, the pain now interspaced with pleasure as the wolf used his hips like a master craftsman. The thicker otter inside him was only forcing Luke's cock up to hammer his prostate all the harder and now with the rapid thrusting his sweet spot was being hammered like not even Darren had managed before. He could feel his cock thickening again, his erection never completely having died but had greatly diminished with Darren's entry. He didn't think he could cum, he'd already had three in one day, and yet his balls were demanding more.

Luke broke the shallow kiss and lowered his head into Chad's neck on the opposite side to Darren and bite down. He heard Chad gasp and felt the ring spasm around him as he wrapped his arms around both otters and pulled Chad and Darren against him. a few more thrusts, a few circles of his hips and then a carnal grunt was muffled by Chad's shoulder as he came deep and hard. His hips didn't stop even as his thick creamy jizz coated both Darren's length and Chad's insides, in fact they got faster and harder.

Darren grunted as he felt the wolf speed up. His toes curled and his paws dug in deeper into Chad's body as he was bought rushing towards the edge. He started to thrust his hips back and forth in need, unable to contain his desire any more. He could only shift half an inch at most either way but it, along with the wolf's still hard and now pulsing cock, was more than enough to send him into spams of pleasure. His cock swelled and a larger wave of pleasure rode the otter like he was a surfboard. Despite how hard it felt the amount of fluid he injected inside the other otter was sorely lacking compared to the wolf's well bred rump.

The sensation of fullness only increased for Chad as both of the males inside him marked him with their seed. The way the wolf thrusted, the way Darren throbbed, it was all too much for Chad as his cock pulsed and his hips jerked wildly. No sperm erupted from his head though, he'd already spent far too much of it today and for the first time since he was eleven he grunted through a dry orgasm.

The three lay panting, their fur ruffled every which way and their bodies completely exhausted. If they hadn't been as athletic as they were there might have even had been some cause for concern about heart attacks but instead the trio just lay their panting, savouring the moment. Luke felt he was ready to fall asleep when he heard a distant tune and felt Darren stir beneath him.

"That's my phone. Probably my date wondering where I am." The large otter murmed.

He drew his hips back slowly but nothing could have prepared the otter for the feeling of loss except maybe child birth. He bit down on the wolf's available neck and whined as the huge thing within him was dislodged. Darren's removal even forced Luke's still rock hard cock out of Chad's hole with a grunt from the wolf. Without a thought to the other two Darren pushed Chad off him and climbed off the bed and stretched.

"You two were great'" He said and turned and winked as he cupped his pendulous shaft, his cock still not retreated to the safety of it's sheath. "Especially you pup, Chad has great taste in bitches!"

Without any further words he walked out of the room leaving Luke and Chad looking at each other in disbelief. Neither knew what to really say now. At the start of the day the wolf had hated the otter for forcing him into sex. Now he had just been fucked by him, another otter and had shot his load inside Chad. The entire situation was too complicated to comment on.

"He's going on a date smelling of wolf and otter spunk" Chad said as though not believing the words even as he said them.

"And he already got his rocks off. Twice!" Luke replied with a grin.

His arms were still around the otter and he drew him in closer against him. Maybe most people didn't start things from a frenzied threesome or coerced oral sex, he thought, but everything has to start everywhere. He was about to say something when Chad burst out laughing. Luke wanted to ask him what was funny but glanced behind him and saw the same thing in the mirror Chad was laughing at. The two of them, ruffled, cum stained but holding onto each other. Luke started to laugh as well because, well, sometimes you have to.


Drunken Circumstances

**It was nine Pm on a Friday night which usually would mean I would be in bed for an early shift at the call centre I work at but since they swapped my shifts this week it left me high and dry. I'm not a bar or club type of person and all of my friends...

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30 Minutes a Day

It has been a drunken New Years resolution that the twenty something raccoon had never intended to go through with. It wasn't like he was fat anyway, his body was far slimmer than most of the other raccoon's he saw around, definitely slimmer than...

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Just the tip

The raccoon knocked on the door for the third time, this time hard enough that he could feel the cheap second story veranda underneath him shake a little at the force he was putting into the blows. It was late, it was windy and this was the last...

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