Royalty and Black Ice

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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Comments are always Welcome.

Many folks think that being born into a rich and powerful family is a wonderful thing. Well for one unique young man his life started out much similar to most traditional families. Except for the fact his was indeed born into a royal home. Both his mother and father come from a long line of royal families. Being the only one of three children but, the only one of mixed breed descent. He was treated equally by all members of his family regardless. Though being the youngest also he witnessed that his family believed in love and semi arranged marriages.

His brother, Turless and his sister, Ellorna both found love and partners of genuine royal blood. In two months it will be, Lucas's turn and he's nervous beyond belief. That after turning eighteen he only has three full years to find the right woman of royal blood and marry her. In addition to keep his family image strong and pure, talk about pressure. As of late his father has changed it doesn't take much to anger him lately. Luckily the only person he never takes it out on is his mother, Sharon.

Shortly after coming home from school his father was on one of his little rants. So Lucas tried his best to sneak past his father before he became a source to vent upon. Sadly as Lucas crossed the doorway his father turned around and looked right at him. "Hello, Father." Lucas said turning to the left. His father looked down at his watch then back up at his son before speaking. "Son, please come here and have a seat there's something I wish to discuss with you." He replied walking around his desk and sitting in the chair.

Hesitantly Lucas did as his father had told him and entered the room. Once he sat down his father sat forward resting his elbows on the large wooden desk. "I'm sure you're aware of that in two months you'll be turning eighteen. Granted you maybe my youngest child and my second son born into the family. Under normal circumstances, since my first born son and daughter have already fulfilled the requirements set in place. For when the day comes that I finally pass away. That you wouldn't have to jump through the same legal loops yourself." Father informed. Lucas sat there slowly processing what his father was getting at.

"I just got off the phone with the family's legal team and your grandparents. Apparently the rules that applied to your brother and sister also apply to you. Nothing I did would sway there decision so if you want your inheritance. You'll have to follow the same road and rules your siblings had. I haven't told you mother yet I'm sorry son but, I really did try." Father stated. "Father I won't lie to you something told me that this was going to happen anyway. I've taken a while to come to grips with the situation and now I've accepted it." Lucas said.

"That's good to hear now I would like you to do something in the meantime." Father stated. "Of course father and that would be?" Lucas asked. "I want you to list details of what you're truly looking for in a woman. Mentally, physically, and spiritually take these next two months to do some major soul searching. Once you have everything written down, hand it to your mother or I, 48hrs before your birthday. Hopefully I've made myself very clear on this matter son." Father stated. "Yes, sir." Lucas replied. "Than you're dismissed." Father instructed. Lucas stood up and quietly left the room.

As he headed up the spiral staircase towards his room he was lost in thought. "What I'm looking for in a woman easier said than done, father. I don't really socialize with anyone my own age, older or even younger than me. I really don't want to get married I'd be perfectly happy living on my own with a job I like. Perhaps mother will be able to shed some light for me on this. Since I don't have a clue of where to begin or what turns me on." He mumbled walking into his room. Sure enough several hours passed and Lucas couldn't find anything he'd look for in a woman or a wife.

When he was called down to dinner his mother greeted him warmly as they sat down at the table. While the family ate his mother could see the dilemma going on in her son's eyes. She would wait until after dinner before talking to him. After dinner she kindly went up to his room to talk with him. As she sat on his bed next him Lucas told her everything that went on earlier. What made it worse was the fact she had kept him pretty isolated growing up. All of a sudden to be thrown into something like, this without the proper socialization. This might be a recipe for disaster perhaps there might be a way to help him.

There's two months before his eighteenth birthday that might be enough time to get him social. With those of his own age and perhaps give him an idea of what he wants in a wife. Though she had to make sure he could tell the difference between someone that would marry simply for wealth and power. Adverse to some of good genuine standards and would love him instead of just his background. She had to play this very carefully in order for things to work successfully. Though she still had to inform her husband that he's not ready for this. Two months might not be enough time for him to get prepared.

Much to her dismay he wouldn't budge on the issue no matter what she tried. So she had to figure out a plausible way of doing what needed to be done. In the short two month time frame Lucas had been given. Sharon called her step children to come to the house. Ellorna was more than happy to come down to lend her baby brother a hand. Turless on the other hand made up an excuse not to come down. After hanging up with him she couldn't believe he was acting just like his father. Ellorna came down the next morning to aid her step mom with her brother.

For the next seven weeks the trio worked very hard on getting Lucas's social skills up to par. The one thing he failed to do in the mean time was the small assignment his father gave him. What he would want in a woman for a future wife. So he spent the next forty eight hours contemplating hard on his ideal woman. Sadly after sixty hours of heavy thinking he fell asleep. Only to wake up the next morning staring at a blank paper on his lap. Lucas took a deep breath then went downstairs to speak with his father.

As he walked into his father's study the older wolf could tell something wasn't right. "Father, I spent the last two months thinking long and hard about my ideal woman. Unfortunately I can't picture her my head right now it just seems the info is out of my reach. Perhaps once I start dating I might be able to get a much clearer picture." Lucas stated. "Very, well I can see by the look on your face you tried very hard. Very well if you think that will help you then go right ahead. Just keep this in mind Lucas the clock is ticking." Father stated placing a hand on his shoulder. After a pleasant eighteenth birthday party Lucas met many polite and attractive single women.

At first things were very awkward for him and the woman he happened to be with. By his sixth date with a different woman things began to smooth out. Until he unknowingly noticed something rather unusual after his seventh and eighth date. Despite their manners none of the women really clicked with him. The months slowly ticked by and so did his father's patience. Sharon tried her best to limit their contact with each other. Considering his father's temper wouldn't help Lucas make an easier choice. The boy was under enough strain as it stands now as the second year passed by.

Each woman he dated was like a broken record only interested in the money and status his family had. Though the women he was set up with were in fact very attractive. They were just way too caught up in them selves to actually care about him. Lucas started to desire a woman that really stood out and cared more about others. Three months into the third year he kept meeting women only interested in his status. So he kindly declined to take them out on a second date. After he kept seeing the very same pattern from his previous dates. It was at that point his father virtually had enough of his youngest son pussy footing around.

The next morning he jumped on the phone and called his family's large legal team. While Lucas was away at work a constable's car pulled out front of the building. A few moments later the constable steps out and makes her way inside. The female Siamese cat walks over to the receptionist's desk. "I'm looking for Lucas Athlon is he working today by any chance." She asked. "Yes, he's in his office on the forth floor room # 413." The receptionist informed. "Thank, you." The female constable replied walking towards the elevator.

It didn't take the constable long to find his office and knock on the door. "Come, in." Lucas said as she opened the door. "Are you Lucas Athlon by any chance?" She asked. "Yes, ma'am can I help you?" He replied wondering why. "You are here by ordered to appear before the state judge. First thing tomorrow morning at 8am, for your trial hearing. Sorry to bring you bad news. Bye." She replied leaving the office. After she left Lucas slumped back into his chair as his mind started to race wildly.

Thousands upon thousands of thoughts raced across his mind then he took a ragged breath. Called his boss explained his situation and ask if he could go home. This way he could get everything he would need for his court date. His boss was shocked and offered to help him any way possible. When Lucas mentioned who was bringing him to court he quickly backed off. Not wanting to get involved with his father knowing how powerful the man is. With a wish of good luck and told him no matter what he still had his job. That gave him some confidence as he made his way out to his car.

The drive home felt like it took forever as his car stopped at the front gate. After punching the code to open it, the gate clicked then opened a moment later. It was a short drive up to the large car garage where his father was waiting. A moment later a taxi pulled up directly behind them confusing him even more. "Father, what's going on?" Lucas asked. "I'm tired of your games and lack of effort in finding a wife. As of tomorrow afternoon you are no longer my son and heir to your portion of the family inheritance. Hand over everything you have currently on you immediately." He replied in a cold angry tone.

"Not until you give me a straight answer." Lucas replied not moving an inch. "Answer, me something first. Why out of any of the women you've dated haven't you called them for a second date or even purposed?" He asked firmly. "Simple, they were solely interested in our social position and power to care about what I want. Every woman you set me up with was no different or better than the previous woman. So why should I be with someone that only cares about themselves instead of their partner." Lucas informed.

"I see well it still doesn't change anything, now hand over all your personal belongings. This discussion is over I'm sick and tired of your pointless excuses." He ordered walking towards Lucas. Just his father was within arms reach another car drove up and someone stepped out. "Is everything alright here Mr. Athlon?" A cop asked. "Yes, this young man is trespassing and has certain items in his possession that belong to me. Take them from him and escort him off the property." His father lied. "That's a LIE, I'm his son here's my proof. Run the ID if you don't believe me officer." Lucas stated handing his driver's license to the cop.

He took it, walked back over to the car then starting typing away on the laptop. While all this was going on two other officers were inside the house. Keeping Lucas's mother and sister inside the house to keep them from interfering. Little did, Lucas know that his father had threatened to do far worse to them. All they could do was watch and cry at what was going on outside. Once the officer exited the car he didn't say anything he just pulled out his handcuffs. Kindly asked Lucas not to resist and cuffed him. The officer removed everything he had in his pockets a second later.

Once the items were placed in his father's hands, Lucas was placed into the back of the cop car. With, polite thanks the cop got back into the car then drove off the property. He didn't say one word to Lucas the entire time. Despite being asked a barrage of questions by Lucas, as they drove onto the road. The cop finally explained everything to him it drove Lucas to a fury of rage. Never under any circumstances had he ever heard such bullshit. Luckily the cop agreed with him but, said his hands were tied on the matter. After a few moments Lucas managed to calm down as the cop continued.

His father had used his power and position once again to fix a mistake that threatened him. What bothered Lucas so much why go to such lengths to fix such a minor problem. It's not his life in trouble here, no it's was his youngest son's. To accuse your own flesh and blood of being an imposter and a thief. Something just didn't smell right Lucas was always a good son. Accomplishing a lot that made everyone in the family super proud of him. All of a sudden now that meant nothing to anyone that didn't feel right.

Why didn't his mother or sister try to stop him from doing this. That thought plagued him more than anything else. After being placed and a single bed holding cell. Lucas carefully weighed his future plans while he waited to be brought into court tomorrow morning. He tried to get comfy on the bed and fell into a rough slumber. The following morning was a hurricane that came and went in roughly one hour's time. By the time Lucas was able to think even remotely clear. He was standing alone on the front step of the court house.

Everything he once held close was perminently stripped cleanly away from his grasp. His body ached all over his mind a wash with pain and abandonment. Even the kind words from those that supported him stung like nails going into a coffin. He was able to borrow some change from a kind stranger to make a phone call. The only person he could call was his boss. When he picked up the phone and Lucas explained what happened. As Lucas went to ask him for a little help, his boss told him that he couldn't do it.

Apparently his father had called him yesterday and told him that if he did anything to help. That he would come down and run his business straight in to the ground with a phone call. So he apologized for everything then kindly hung up the phone. As Lucas hung the pay phone up he fell to his knees and began crying again. A familiar face saw everything and decided to do something since she felt partially responsible. "Hey, come on I'll take you to my place. Then I'll see about getting you someplace away from here to start over." She said leaning down. Lucas looked up at the woman and noticed it was the same constable from before.

True to her word she helped him get back to a sense of normal. When Lucas felt it was time to move on he said thank you to her and left. He traveled south moving all over the great US in search of work and love. Staying in one place for a couple of months at a time to get experience and meet new people. Traveling through the mid-US Lucas ended up in the pleasant state of Iowa. Spending the last six years traveling from place to place. He felt it was time to find a steady home to live and make a life. So he drove towards the nearest little city called Harlan, Iowa.

After pulling into a hotel parking lot he rented a small room for the night. First thing in the morning he'd go out and find a job, apartment and perhaps a girlfriend. Luckily during his travels he was able to try all sorts of different styles of work. Despite everything that had gone on he still had his life and health. Once he finished eating he threw the foam cups into a small plastic bag. Turned off the lights a moment later but, left the radio on. It helped him drift off into a calm and peaceful sleep.

As early morning sun shone through the window near his bed. The soft beams of light roused him from his sleep. With a hardy yawn he stretched out before sitting up and crawling out of bed. As he walked into the bathroom he stretched out a bit more. After a nice cold shower he threw a fresh pair of boxers and clothes on before going out to his car. He jumped into his car, started the motor and drove into town. It was a short ride into town he stopped at a nearby news stand.

He purchased a local newspaper then drove around to find a quiet place to read. After finding a nice shady spot he cut the ignition, leaned the seat back and started reading. As he looked through the want ads he ran across an ad that was looking for a handy man. Someone familiar with cameras, wiring, and various other trade skills. Strangely the only thing besides what they were looking for, was a phone number. Pulling out a pen he marked that and a few others.

As the day wore on he went back to his hotel for the afternoon to make a few phone calls. About an hour later each number he called about the job openings. They told him the positions had been filled and the ads were closing as of today. Leaving just one left to call something told him not to bother but, he dialed the number anyway. After a few rings someone picked up the phone. "Hello, how may I help you?" A sultry voice asked. "Hi, I'm calling in regards to your help wanted ad in the paper. Is the position still open or has the position been filled?" Lucas said.

"Oh, no it's still open a few folks have called but, sadly no one has come down to apply. Are you interested in the job, considering I really could use the help." She stated. "Yeah, could you please give me the address and I can be there shortly." He replied. "Splendid! My address is 987 Ikai Street near the warehouse district. Will you have any trouble getting here because I can give you directions." She informed. "Nope, I'll be able to find it thank you, I'll see you shortly. Um? Who should I ask for when I get there?" He said. She gave him a brief description of herself then politely hung up.

Roughly forty minutes later he drives up to the address the woman gave him over the phone. Sure enough a few moments later he noticed a woman flagging him down. So he drove down the street a bit further till he pulled up beside her. Lucas's eyes slowly grew wide as she knelt down by the passenger window. At first all Lucas saw was cream, light black striped cleavage. Followed by a the unique markings only a tiger could have. He soon became lost in a pair soft aqua eyes and smiling face.

"Well, glad to see you have a good sense of direction. The parking lot is in the back but, since you're new you can park out front." She said stepping away from the car. He complied with her instructions parking his car in a nearby spot. After a brief moment Lucas cut the ignition then calmly stepped out. A loud wolf whistle quickly grabbed his attention as he spun around. Only to locked eyes with the rather amply curved tigress standing a few feet away. Lucas extended his elbow to her she kindly wrapped her arm around it, as he escorted her inside.

As the pair walked inside, Lucas wasn't prepared for what he saw next. The place outside didn't look all that big but, being inside certainly was eye opening. "Trying to figure out why inside is so much larger than outside?" She wondered as he looked all around. "Yeah, who ever designed the internal layout certainly knew what they were doing." He said. "Well, you thanked one half of the people responsible. The other you've yet to thank is my husband, Max. I'd like to welcome you to, The Ion Wyvern Seal Hotspot this place has a little bit of everything." She said as they walked towards the elevator.

"So what sort of stuff do you have going on here?" He asked. "We just left the main floor where a majority of our customers hang out. The basement is where the more adult entertainment is. It's split into two separate sections. One side has only female exotic dancers and the other all male. The second floor is a recording studio is for our online striptease videos. Along with our repair shop for our broken equipment and my second office. The third floor is reserved for employee's spare rooms, dressing rooms, lounge areas and offices for administration. While the forth and five floors are mainly used for storage." She informed as she punched a button on the elevator control panel.

"Well, seems like you have a nice self containing business here miss? Oh Fur!, I never asked your name this whole time sorry." He replied feeling a bit dumb. "Barbara Vidia, Mr. Athlon so any other questions you forgot to ask?" She stated smiling. "Not really but, if I do I'll be sure to ask." He replied as they reached the third floor. As they walked into Barbara's office she walked towards the desk and sat down. Lucas sat down in one of the chairs facing the desk.

While Barbara fished around in her desk drawers for the paperwork. Lucas jumped a little when a skimpy piece of fabric flew at him and landed on his lap. Naturally he picked up the cloth then looked at it the moment he realized what it was. His dark gray fur reddened brightly as Barbara sat back up in the chair. After she found what she was looking for and as she placed it on her desk. When she saw Lucas's face, as he held the very skimpy lace g-string. Trying her best not to laugh at his reaction but, couldn't help smiling. He noticed she was looking at him he quickly dropped the underwear.

"You know when you blush it really brings out those eyes of yours, hun." She smiled. Her comment only made his cheeks burn even brighter as he sat there. "Thanks." He replied. "Alright, here's the job application, any questions just fire away." Barbara said placing the paperwork in front of him. Also placing a pen within reach in case he didn't have one on him. She decided to give Lucas a little privacy so he could fill the application out with no distractions. Taking his time looking over the application before filling it out.

Sure enough he noticed a quite a few questionable things on the application. He decided wait for Barbara to return before filling out the entire application. This way she could answer his questions about certain sections on it. Ten minutes later Barbara returned to her office as she sat down he asked her to explain a few things. She was more than happy to clarify everything on the application. One particular matter bugged him about the application.

"Please tell me you're joking about that?" He wondered showing her the item in question. "About?, Oh, that well I can't force you to do it but, I do ask you try it. During your two month probation period with us. After that you're not required to unless you enjoyed doing it of course." Barbara pointed out. "If it's all the same to you Barbara I'd rather not. Let's just say it's for personal issues." He said with a slight twinge of anger in his voice. Barbara could sense the turmoil and anger boiling within him. So instinctively she didn't press the issue any further.

"So any questions you're simply dying to ask?" Lucas asked. "Nope we're good here." She smiled. Lucas got up shook her hand and walked to the elevator. As he exited the elevator and made his way towards the front door. Someone shouted his name so turned around to see Max approaching him. "Hold up, a minute I need to go over a few things before I let you leave." He said. "Sure, thing do we really need to go back upstairs?" Lucas wondered. "Nah, we can sit by the bar and chat." Max said. So the two men walked a few yards over to the bar and sat down.

Max discussed a few things mostly rules and regulations in place for all employees. Along with getting Lucas shirt size for the uniform he'll be wearing as he works. He asked Lucas if he'd be interested in lending a hand with security on certain nights. Lucas agreed to lend a hand so Max said he'd get him a separate schedule. When they would need him to work security detail. Lucas made an odd request of Max that he wanted to be paid in cash. Instead of receiving a normal weekly pay check which was perfectly fine.

Though when Max asked for a reason why Lucas told him it was for his safety. That if he went digging around that it would cause a lot of problems for his place of business. So Max let the matter drop not wanting to stir up any unwanted problems. With no more questions left to ask they gave each other a firm hand shake goodbye. Lucas got up headed out to his car and back to his hotel. As he drove a few questions propped up mostly concerning the fact Barbara and Max. They owned a partial adult nightclub and studio together yet they were married. Not something you learn about everyday but, they were happy.

As he pulled into the hotel's parking lot the sun had set already and the moon was rising. When he went back to his room to make himself a light dinner. Thoughts of his past crept back into his mind this time they had grown in strength. So it was a little harder to silence them but, he managed to this time around. Once they were safely tucked away in the deep recesses of his mind. After dinner Lucas took a nice cold shower before turning in for the night. Since tomorrow was in fact Friday he had to be up real early tomorrow.

Lucas awoke the next morning and clock on the night stand said 7 o'clock. So he crawled out of bed and got ready for work. After getting dressed he made a light breakfast. Once he locked the room up, he jumped into his car and drove to the club. Arrived at work a short time later he parked in the employee parking lot. He parked his car way the back, cut the ignition, locked the doors and headed inside. After punching in he went straight up to his work station. He grabbed the list left on the bench and got straight to work fixing everything listed on the clipboard. Working in a timely and very thorough manner. Stopping for a short thirty minute lunch break then got back to work.

The rest of his shift went by rather quickly as the day came to an end he punched out. Starting making his way out to the parking lot. "Hey, Lucas heading home?" Barbara replied stepping out of her office. He stopped mid step then turned around to face her with curiosity. "Yeah, unless you need me to hang around?" He replied as she approached him. "Oh, nothing really important, hun. Just wondering why you haven't stopped to meet your coworkers." She pointed out. "Let's just say I'm not the very social type boss." He informed. "Ah, okay just don't keep yourself locked in there okay. Bye, cutie." She stated walking back into her office. "Bye, Barbara." He replied.

In the weeks that followed, Barbara and Max caught on to what had been going on. Though they really were amazed at the work Lucas was doing repairing the equipment. The following morning as Lucas made his way towards his workshop Barbara waited patiently. As he walked by she grabbed him right by the collar of his shirt. Pulled him into her office and close the door with her foot all in one go. "Lucas, dear we're gonna have a little chat." She stated. "Okay." He replied sitting down. The tigress slowly walked by him then sat on her desk. After crossing her legs very lady like she peered into his eyes.

When she rested her chin in the palms of her hand that told him she wasn't happy. "So my little clam how long do you plan to remain locked up?" She said in a firm tone. He knew what she was speaking of so he decided to be honest. "Sorry, boss I'm not much for socializing at work it's not something I do. Its just how I behave when I'm at work." He said honestly. "Ah, well that certainly explains a lot. Promise me you'll go socialize with your coworkers, soon." She replied leaning forward. "Deal, boss." He huffed. It was at that moment she hopped off her desk grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the elevator.

Before he got a chance to argue or complain she dragged him down to the main lobby. Where all his coworkers were lounging around and talking amongst themselves. When Barbara and Lucas exited the elevator everyone went quiet as they took a look at him. The women instantly got red in the face as they checked him out from head to toe. As for the guys they felt short compared to his overall height. Barbara kindly gave him a playful elbow before walking over to her hubby. While Barbara had her back turned, Lucas managed to sneak away.

As Barbara turned around to look at him only to find that he vanished. Her tail began to twitch angrily at the fact he snuck off but, she found it oddly funny. "Oh, when I see that man tomorrow I'm going to put a leash on him." She mumbled. "Baby, you can't force someone to interact with others if they don't want to." Max informed giving her a affectionate squeeze. "I know but, he works like a bloody hermit a little socializing won't kill him." She pointed out in a angry huff.

"So the new guy is a little antisocial give the guy a little slack. He does amazing work on the equipment. So naturally it must take a lot out of him. Working on our wide variety of gear isn't a simple task to do, it's time consuming and draining. More than likely he's drained at the end of the day and doesn't want to come off grumpy." Harold pointed out. "That may be true but, that man is like a ghost. One second he's there the next he vanishes. I swear I'm gonna have to put a bell on his tail, neck, oh what the hell maybe just his pecker." She replied grinning a little. "What's this about my pecker, boss?" Lucas wondered looking at her questioningly.

Barbara's face just dropped in shock as she turn around on the stool to look at him. "Never mind I don't want to know why you decided to mention my anatomy and a bell. Knowing you either one isn't a pleasant thing, right?" He stated before she could reply. "I thought you had gone home for the night?" She asked. "I did just to get cleaned up I didn't want to smell funny when I talked to new people." He informed. "See, I told you he'd have a solid reason for slipping away." Max smiled. "Clearly, dear so Lucas go mingle with your coworkers. While I take this man of mine home for a private lesson in manners." Barbara replied as she left with Max in tow.

Lucas spent the next hour getting to know a majority of his coworkers. Before he decided it was time to call it a night with a solid goodbye he left. As he walked out to the parking lot out back he noticed that Barbara and Max's car was still in its reserved spot. A second later he heard strange sounds coming from over there. Naturally his inquisitive nature got the better of him and went to investigate. When he got closer the noises got louder and a slightly clearer. Taking another few steps towards the driver's side of the car.

What he saw next didn't surprise him all too much but, he couldn't resist either. "So are these the private lessons you had mentioned earlier boss?" He replied with a hint of humor in his voice. That stopped both lovers, dead in their tracks as they quickly separated from each other. "Lucas?! What the hell... DON'T DO THAT!!" Barbara said shouting a little. As her face blushed brightly, Max was unsure of what to say at this point and time. "Relax, it's nothing I'm not familiar with though your choice of locations is interesting to say the least." He chuckled as the couple redressed themselves.

Once the married pair got themselves organized they stood up and took a few steps towards him. The trio talked for a bit then said their goodbyes, jumped into their cars and went home. As Lucas got back to his hotel room and laid down. Memories from his past screamed across his mind like a freight train. By the time he feel asleep it was roughly four in the morning and his shift would be starting shortly. When he woke up his mind was still in turmoil his dreams only amplified his distress. After a cup of tea and something to eat he felt a little better. As he was leaving a knock came to his door so he answered it.

It was the hotel manager she had some bad news for him. She informed him that her superiors are closing the place down. They need any long term residents to leave. So they can overhaul the place up to the new standards the owner have put in place. With everything settled she left while he stood there calming himself down. After a few moments he grabbed his gear and headed to work. When he got there he took his time going inside. As he passed by Barbara's second floor office and entered his workshop. A shortly after she poked her head out of her office and looked around. She couldn't explain it but, something didn't feel right so she investigated.

As she walked by Lucas's workshop something in her mind pinged. Opening the door she noticed him working but, not at his normal pace. He was slouched, a little as he worked on a stage light. "Care to share the bad news, hun?" She asked soothingly walking closer to him. Lucas heard her but, didn't reply. Whatever was eating at him it was serious judging from his body language. Gently placing her hand on his shoulder, instantly she felt the dread plaguing him. As if on instinct she rushed out of the work shop screaming for her husband.

When he came to see her, she explained that something was bothering Lucas. He told her this might be something only he could handle and just to let him have his space. Sadly she couldn't bring herself to leave him alone giving his distress. That's when she made her first mistake when she went to comfort him Lucas growled angrily at her. Making her jump back in shock so she left the workshop. As lunchtime rolled around Max and Barbara managed to keep the rest of the crew away from Lucas. While they worked Barbara heard the workshop door opened then close a second later. A few moments later Lucas walked into her office and closed the door.

"Barbara, about earlier I'm sorry about lashing out like that. My mind wasn't in a very good place when you checked on me." He said. There was a pause followed by silence before, Barbara looked up from the work on her desk. "Lucas, as you know I don't normally pull rank or scold my employees. What you did earlier rea/Umm, what are you doing?" She asked. Lucas didn't say anything he simply removed his work shirt and placed it on her desk. As he went to leave, Barbara sprinted after him stopping him as he grasped the doorknob.

The two managed to sort everything out between his little outburst. Along with new living arrangements that would make things a lot easier for him. A full year had come and gone like the changing of the seasons, Barbara held a small cookout. For Lucas and a couple of others that had been with the club for a year. Along with saying goodbye to a long time friend. The band's drummer was moving away due to a family crisis that popped up. Luckily he had found a replacement drummer for the band about two months ago. He said they'd be here first thing Monday to get started.

What felt strange is he didn't mention to anyone what the new drummer looked like. Barbara and Max didn't seem to mind the surprise, since they've known him since the place opened. They trusted his judgment on the matter and were looking forward to it. Lucas spent the weekend cooped up in his place only coming out to work. That drove Barbara batty, she hated when he secluded himself. When she saw him Monday morning his fur was pale and his body language was hunched. Something obviously was wrong but, the question was what.

So she went up to his place to see what was wrong this time around. After knocking on his door as he opened the door for her. His eyes were bloodshot liked he'd been crying for a while. Barbara was stunned she didn't know what to do. Lucas had always been so controlled keeping his emotions hidden from sight. This was something that threw her completely for a loop. To see his strong defenses gone and standing there was an emotional wreck of a man. She had to get him stable before the new employee showed up for their interview.

He looked like hell as she entered his living quarters when they sat down. Lucas began speaking in low volume just barely audible to her hearing. The tone in his tone was soft, cold and full of sorrow like someone had died. Sure enough as he spoke her assumption was correct his grandparents had passed on last night. What made things worse was he couldn't show up and say his final goodbyes. Due to what his father had done to him that infuriated him. Yet he couldn't bring himself to lash out anymore.

Since all of his energy had been spent mourning his loss. Barbara didn't know what to say the turmoil he was going through upset her. Again before she could say something there was a knock at the door. She told Lucas not to move while she answered the door. "Can I help you?" Barbara asked opening the door. "Actually, I'm here for my interview your husband told me I could find you here." The tall wolfess replied. "Shall we go to my office and get thing situated." Barbara pointed out stepping in the hallway. The two women walked towards the elevator discussing Jen's future with the business.

The live band didn't perform until Friday anyway. So Jen had plenty of time to find other things to do. Though she simply refused to strut, her stuff on stage or on camera. Much to Barbara and Max's disappointment but, she came in handy as an extra bartender. Wednesday night Lucas came back to work, everyone left him be. Except for Jen she decided to pop in on him unannounced. Sure enough when she opened the door, she was hit by a blinding light. She quickly covered her eyes as the light went out instantly.

A second later she felt someone's arms around her guiding her into a chair. "You, alright?" A man asked. "Yeah, wasn't expecting to see that fabled bright light folks talk about." Jen mocked. The two enjoyed a good laugh at the recent event. "So you enjoy, flashing me mister." She remarked in coy tone. "HAH!, Not really it wasn't satisfying enough." Lucas remarked causing a rich laugh from her. "What would it take to satisfy your appetite, Lucas?" She wondered in deep playful voice. This time Lucas felt she went to far and told her to stop. His tone was rather sharp but, he was very polite when he spoke.

Jen sat there realizing she had just struck a nerve. She decided to apologize, she politely excused herself and left. As the evening wore on Jen avoided Lucas for the rest of the evening. So he decided to stick around to get a chance to talk to her about their earlier conversation. After the place closed for the night, Jen spent a few minutes double checking her assigned bar. As she wiped the shelves under the bar she became aware of someone staring at her. Of course she ignored it but, this time felt different. So she stood up and turned to face the person watching her.

"HOLY, SHIT, MAN!!" She stated jumping back a bit. As she was face to face with a pair of bright silver eyes. "Hi, honey pot, Miss me!" Lucas smiled batting his eyes. Jen stood there clutching her chest trying to calm her frantic heart beat. Lucas lifted his head off the bar and sat on one of the stools. While Jen slowly composed herself enough to look over at him. "You gonna live, Jennifer?" He asked in a calm voice. "Yeah, thanks for the jump start." She replied as he smiled. They two quickly made up for their earlier misunderstanding.

As they kept talking, little did either one know they were being watched. Barbara sat there making sure those two weren't going to kill each other. As she watched them from the other side of the room. Lucas stood up then glanced over his shoulder. When their eyes lock he waved her over. Naturally she got up and made her way over the bar to see what he wanted. The moment she sat down Lucas didn't say anything to her right away.

"You know Barbara it's not nice to eavesdrop on other people's conversations." He said. "Maybe, I just wanted to make sure you two weren't gonna tear each other's throats out." She stated. "Why on the blue earth would we do that? We're just having a normal adult conversation, boss." Jen stated feeling offended. "Look, Jennifer I've known Lucas here a little longer than you. Not saying I know everything about him but, I know enough to understand him. He's a good man and employee I'd hate to lose him for any reason. Unless he decides it's time to move on than I'll let him go but, I'll miss him." Barbara pointed out.

"Well, this might brighten your night I've traveled this country for a good six years. Meeting many nice and down to earth folks that have treated me far better than I thought possible. I said to myself the next place I stop to rest myself would be where I'd end up for life. So it doesn't look like you're be losing me anytime soon, Barbara." Lucas pointed out. "Alright, so what are your plans besides work?" Barbara wondered. "Settling down and starting a family for one. After that perhaps see where the road goes once that goal has been achieved." He smiled.

"Not a bad game plan to have honestly the question is how you intend to make it happen." Jen stated. "True it won't be easy that much is certain but, time makes all things possible." Lucas said in a matter of fact tone. "Okay, since we're on the subject what would you look for in a woman?" Barbara questioned eagerly. "Rather simple someone that doesn't care for outward appearances. A woman that can see past the flesh and social standards and sees the golden heart within." Lucas replied. Catching both women completely by surprise with his heart felt statement.

The trio kept talking for a while discussing similar topics about love lives, relationships and tastes of datable people. Jen and Barbara were stunned a few more times with some of Lucas's replies. They were amazed at how deep he was for a simple maintenance man. Lucas looked over at one of the nearby clocks and decided it was time for him to call it a night. Both women agreed, so he decided to escort both of them out to their cars. After they got in and drove away, Lucas looked up at the stars shining in the night sky.

Over time Lucas and Jen seemed to grow much closer together as friends and coworkers. After fives years Lucas decided it was time to pursue a relationship with her. At first things were really rough given their employment and tempers. Who thought something like black ice on the road of life could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. With things finally the way he always dreamed them to be. Lucas could now look to the future with his head held high. Knowing that despite everything from his past knocking the wind out of him. He was able to find the strength to get up and make his own path.

The End.