Blind Dates Aren't Always Bad

Story by Roarie on SoFurry

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A logged RP of my character, Vesi Sondreas and a friend of mine.

Characters are copyright their respective owners (including relatives). Please respect this. So no stealing.


Vesi was furious. She was going to kill Shas when she got home. String him up by his whiskers and tail and gut him. 'I'll look after the cat and the rabbit. Go have fun.' he'd said. Fat lot a fun she was having. You weren't suppose to be late on a blind date! But then maybe you weren't suppose to be 20 minuets early like she had been. So she'd more than made their 7:30 dinner date at the swankyiest, most expensive place in town. She grimaced at herself. But she had waited until the given time to walk up to the matradee. The reservation had been under Shas's name. Small wonder. The black and pink tiger knew everyone. But now she'd been sitting here for a good 20 minuets. Her agitated behavior had already scared away the servers. They'd now left her alone with her champagne and her glass of ice...which she was now chewing on. The servers dancer around the rest of the restaurant as they watched the 5'8", 230 pound, purple furred and black striped tigress twitch and growl. She was gorgeous in a skin tight, breast revealing red number over her purple, black and white fur (her belly and the palms of her paws are white). She was a pare with smaller size B-cup breast and an stout hourglass that flows into wide, size 16 hips.

'I have this amazing guy I need you to meet!' Shas had told her. And his insistence had finally worn her down. He insisted the man was 'cute' and was perfect for her. 'You haven't been out in months!' was his excuse. Of course the fact that he was the brother of one of her brothers many flings wasn't encouraging but...hell she'd give him a chance once. She'd enjoy biting his head off if he was wrong. "Cute." She muttered to herself. Cute in Shas's eyes was bunny slippers and babies. She really wondered if this would end well and continued chewing on ice.

Zabura was ready to scream as he walked into the restaurant, rather damp from the light shower that had sprung up out of nowhere. His day had not been going well to begin with. Not only did he have another blind date with another of his sisters friends, or was it sisters friend's sister. He couldn't remember at this point he'd gone through so many. Each one worse than the last. On top of that, while he'd been working security for had tripped going down three stairs and he'd spent an extra hour at the hospital before the company could route somebody to replace him. Then after he raced home and got a four minute shower he found Salem had stopped by while he was getting dressed and traded his brand new four day old Mustang for her twenty year old Buick. It had left him six blocks from the restaurant in the worst part of town with ten minutes till he was late. He left it to get stripped. Salem had already called him ten minutes before and said she'd had a teeny accident. Knowing her he'd be buying two cars tomorrow. So he'd ended up hiking those six blocks in just over 30 minutes. He fixed his face as he walked into the restaurant and was directed to the table. 6'5" 255lbs of lean chiseled muscle in a damp Orange polo and slacks walked over to the table and grinned ruefully. "Sorry I'm so late, had to find parking on Sixth and Haymont. Or rather the car I was driving decided it liked that neighborhood and didn't want to leave." He tried to infuse as much humor as he could muster into his tone.

Cute? Shas had his freaking wires crossed. What walked through the door was over six feet of black tiger muscle and Ves's mouth went dry. "Damn." she whispered to herself. She downed the glass of champagne she'd been ignoring and allowing to go flat. "This is going to be a long night." She put back on the facade of pissed off tigress quickly when he was directed to her table. She leaned back in her chair, crossed her arms and legs and twitched her foot. The skin tight red number was probably ruining the effect but she didn't really care at this point. "You're wet, late, and you look like hell. Have a story for me?" She turned her scowl into a sticky sweet grin...than also managed to show her fangs.

Zabura raised a mildly inquisitive eyebrow, her sour ire sluicing of his fur like the water that was slowly dripping down his face. "Which story do you want, the truth? The simple version of the truth or the one that involves me saving a flaming school bus of children?" He asked completely deadpan. Dropping into the seat and smiling just a bit. Before she answered he made her choice for her. "Client kept me late at work, then my sister borrowed my brand new car and left me her clunker. It in turn left me six blocks from here thirty minutes ago. I had an appointment to keep, I walked." What he didn't mention was that it normally took twenty minutes by car, in good traffic. He'd nearly had to run the entire way just to make the time he had, and he wasn't even out of breath.

She felt her lip twitch just slightly at the sarcasm but kept her mouth shut at he sat and related an actually rather believable story. She reached over to grab the dishtowel wrapped around the champagne's bucket and threw it at him. "Would this be the same sister who warmed my brothers bed once? He seems quite fond of her. Must be because they're exactly alike. No wonder her won't date her again." She reached for the champagne and her now empty glass and filled it as she watched him between her lashes. "Your day sounds rather awful." She added offhandedly. For the first time her tail twitched up into visible vision. A sure sign, if you knew her, that she was now interested in something.

"Knowing my sister that one time most likely encompassed an entire week and probably put your brother in the hospital with acute snoo snoo poisoning." He said with a lop sided grin. "But yes, the same sister. I'm pretty sure that I won't be seeing that Mustang ever again either, so yes my day has gone less than stellar." His said while drying off, it really was a light drizzle and he hadn't gotten soaked. His smile turned a bit more genuine and he flashed his teeth in a devilishly charming little grin and looked at her in a way that showed he found her attractive, without being vulgar. "Though I must say, since I saw you things have started to look up. Something about the company of a beautiful woman that can make the small things disappear."

"Not likely. Shas hops beds so much you'd swear he was a jackrabbit with an itch and not the tiger I know him to be." She twitched visibly the at mention of a ruined mustang. "Yuck. Thank god I don't drive a fancy car or I think i might just know your pain." She'd been tinkering with a stem of her glass as he dried and not really paying attention when she finally saw his smile. It suddenly felt like she'd been whacked on the head with a frying pan. Wow. OMG Shas! I can't believe you got one right! But she schooled her features and tried to act nonchalant. She wasn't one to added to the list of fan-girls he probably already had. And then he suddenly decided to stroke her ego and she smiled at him. "Why thank you!" Suddenly she snapped her fingers and asked for the waiter...who responded immediately...probably thanks to her foul mood earlier. "The special was a seafood platter yes? Two?" She quirked a brow at her quest in question. "Your finest appetizer and bring the man his favorite drink." She turned to him and grinned. "You can make it expensive. I'm throwing all this at my brother's tab." She grinned ruefully.

He'd been idling over the menu, it helped that he'd eat here before. "I've always been partial to steak. Give me the thickest, best cut of meat you have, just wave it over a warm pan. And I'll take a bourbon, neat." He closed the menu and handed over. "As for the tab, I don't mind covering it. After all, I might as well use my my money for something." He said in a way that showed he wasn't boasting. Yes he had money to burn from his job, but besides making sire he had a few nice things and treating the ladies he mostly used his money to help his family. "Speaking of money, how do you pay the bills?"

She shook her head at his offer to pay. "Nope. Little bro is footing the bill. The boy makes enough damn money with his four night clubs." She scowled and rolled her eyes. "Me? Oh me. I own a used bookstore and sell art at a few local galleries. Nothing major." She deliberately tried to slough it off. Most people tried to make a giant fuss about her being an artist. She turned back to the waiter who was now waiting for her order expectantly. "The seafood please. And keep a watch on the champagne bottle in case I finish it off."

He said nothing to her reply to pay and he could tell there was gonna be a race for the check, but he was patient. His drink arrived quickly and he sipped his amber liquid slowly. Propping his elbow on the table and his chin in his palm. His dark brown eyes flicked over her form, taking in the way her dress complimented her rather pleasant attributes. If she looked closely she'd see his eyes weren't solid brown. They were the color of coffee, with just a hint of cream in it, nearly black. But it took some serious staring to notice the small flecks and swirls of yellow, almost caramel color. He was still trying to fix his silver white hair into something respectable looking. It was well over military length and insisted on falling into his eyes now that it had gotten wet enough. "Book store huh? I spent a good bit of down time in Iraq and Afghanistan curled up with a book. Not much else to do when you finish your paper work and aren't on patrol." He didn't know if she had been told he was a former marine captain.

She grinned as he studied her and tried to fix his hair, pretending not to notice. She quiet enjoyed his looks, that rough and tumble edge he seemed to exude. The too long hair even adding to it. She wasn't stupid enough to stare right into his eyes just yet but she knew she'd probably get lost in them. She'd always liked the tall dark and mysterious types. "Iraq? Shas didn't really tell me anything about you. Mostly because I didn't want to know. Forgive me, but I tend to take everything where my little brother is involved with more than a few grains of salt. I was half expecting you to have three heads." She smiled and chuckled at her joke as she sipped more champagne.

He sat very straight in his chair, snapping his hand to his eyebrow in the beginnings of a salute. In that moment it wasn't hard to picture him in the military. The salute dissolved into something more casual. It oozed out with that casual grace that seemed to punctuate his every move. "I spent about 11 years in the marines, you know. That whole travel the world, meet interesting people and kill them bit. Made it to captain, but then I stepped on the wrong toes and got handed my career in a nice shiny box. I keep it next to the medals they gave me. Now I work in the private sector. Getting paid ten times what the marines paid me to baby sit people who only think they are important." His tone was so wickedly sardonic it was easy to miss the bone deep pain and hate lacking his words, though his eyes showed them rather clearly. He finished his drink in one gulp then grinned brilliantly, catching the waiters eye and holding his empty glass in silent signal. That was something all the ladies liked about him. His easy grins and upbeat attitude. "So what kind of art do you do?

Hmm. Interesting. "You're most definitely a mystery." She'd studied the salute and the later behaviors. She surmised that he never gave away more than her had to. Mores the pity. It's strange, but I like this one. She waved away his question "My art is inconsequential. Do you hate the people you guard? Or the military. I can't quite tell from your words. But I have the rather uncanny and sometimes terrible ability to read eyes. I wonder, there are a lot of ways so much war could have screwed you up...but you seem stable enough. Sane enough." He tail flicked from side to side up next to her head and she mentally cursed herself for the dead giveaway she was interested if not amused.

"Most of the people I guard aren't worth the bullet it would take to shoot them. Almost all of them made their money ripping people off. The others I probably don't want to know how." He said with a slight shrug. "As to the military. There is no such thing as an ex-marine. I wish I could still be over there, risking my life for a purpose instead of a paycheck. My anger, if you can call it anything other than disappointment is directed at how politics and not merit is what decides what happens to your career." He noticed her tail flicking about but and saw the curious interest in her eyes. It brought a smile to his face.

Ves's eyebrow quirked at the thought of guarding criminals. She couldn't fathom putting up with that kind of bullshit. "They don't get you involved in their crap do they? Just guard them." A part of her brain went on alert that he could be in a crime syndicate and she'd never know it but she immediately snuffed the thought. "Politics? I knew there was a reason I put more stay in my bookstore than aristocrats. Print in a page doesn't lie to your face. I also can't fathom why you'd still want to put yourself into that much danger. Haven't you ever wanted something more? Like a wife and kids?" She blushed immediately at her social faux-paw and turned her head away. That just wasn't something you mentioned on a first date, much less a blind one.

He shook his head. "They don't trust me enough for that, with good reason. I'm not about to become some hired muscle." He said with a soft growl, not directed at her. He then shook his head softly. Shrugging at her other question. "I always wanted to serve my country, and I'm not afraid to die to keep the things I love safe." He said simply, not trying to boast. Then his eyes danced as she blushed at her own slip up. He almost asked 'Why, is that an offer?' but he managed, barely, to refrain. That didn't mean you couldn't read it in his eyes. "It's not something I'm opposed to, it's why I'm here now. Trying to find her. Never really had the time or desire in the corps."

Trying to find her. The phrases, to her, seemed out of place coming from his mouth. But as usual her brain jumped three steps. Completely forgetting her embarrassment she pressed on. "You've done this before! Here I was assuming you were like me had been duped, for whatever reason, to do this by your sister." She was more than half astonished. The big burly tiger was apparently a hopeless romantic.

Been duped, I wouldn't quite call it that, she's been trying to get me laid ever since I got out of the marines. It's just taken her awhile to realize I'm interested in more than having my ashes hauled. To be honest I didn't think she'd ever get the message no matter how many disappointed ladies I sent back." He said giving her another winning smile. "Put considering the place we're in and that you haven't tried to drag me anywhere with more privacy I'm hoping she finally did."

She considered this and him for a few seconds. Mr. Ex Marine was endlessly interesting. "You're probably wrong. Shas would love to see me get my rocks off more often. The conversation sounds like it went something along the lines of 'My brother needs to get laid. Know anyone?' and of course Shas would think of his beloved sister." She scowled and pinched the bridge of her nose. "So sorry." And then she brightened suddenly. "But perhaps we've fooled both of them by not being what they want or doing what they think we aught to do."

"Or the other way around, not that it matters much in the end. All I can say is that however it came about I'm happy it did." He said, still smiling softly as he focused solely on her, making sure she knew she held his complete interest. "Anyway enough about the aberrations on our family trees, do you have any other siblings?"

Happy with it, or happy with her? She puzzled over the question and the odd turn tonight had taken. And she was pleased that he was looking at her. So few men seemed to take notice of their local bookseller. "A younger sister. Tibby is a mechanic who spends most of her time letting her purple and white tiger fur turn black with oil. I'm not sure how she managed tomboy with sensible but feminine me and her fashion minded half gay brother but she grew up liking sports, machines and computers. She now uses all those talents at the shop she owns. You?" She smiled and then turned a just as brilliant smile to the waiter as she brought over a tray of small appetizers.

"I'm the oldest of four kids. It's me, Salem, Detric and finally Ruby. We don't know how mom and dad managed it but we all came out a different color. Salem is a maltese, she's blue, she mooches off even though she makes more than enough with her 'uh-hem films'. Ruby is erustic, she came out red, she's only 16 and already a sophomore in collage and working on a degree in graphic design. Detric is a golden tab, he's 18 and he just joined the Air Force." He grinned at her and snatched a piece of the appetizer, and munched on it. "Before you think it we all share the same genes, dad started checking after Detric."

"I raised Shas and Tip. We lost our parents when I was 14. Mercifully the foster home they sent us to kept us together. I worked my tail off to get us out by by the time I was 18 and into our own apartment. From there the two seemed to understand that if we didn't make something of ourselves it was our own fault. I helped them as much as I could but eventually they didn't need it. Now they take care of me. I'm sure my siblings are mine. The signature purple is unmistakeable. But Shas and Tib almost don't look like tigers because of their stripes. Shas sports red-purple swirls that stand out on his black fur and Tib has white lightning bolts. We call her sparky sometimes because she hates it." She smiled the entire time she talked about her family. "I believe it when you tell me the genes match. Our mother was a white tigers and dad was red.

His eyes shadowed as she told him about her parents. "I'm sorry to hear that, I don't know what I'd do if mom or dad went and we're all but out of the house now." He'd continued to munching all through her explanation and by now had finished half of them. He took notice of this and smiled sheepishly, pushing them towards her and sitting back, folding his hands in his lap to keep from snacking. "Sorry, hungrier than I thought, I had to skip lunch." He looked at her intently, seeming to take a measure of her. Then a weight seemed to settle. Yes, this one would do. "So now that you've seen your siblings become successful and productive do you think you're ready for kids of your own?"

She laughed at his sheepish look and his question. Pushing the plate back toward his she answered, "Eat as much as you want." She picked up two to nibble on and turned pensive. "I'm impatient and can be very rude and harsh. My siblings know this. I'm sometimes terrible around other peoples children because I don't like disobedience. You know those parents who let their kinds wander all over restaurants or stores? I hate those people. And while I'm not one to go the extreme that children are to be seen and not heard, I'm not one to take backtalk standing down." She sighed and downed the rest of the food whole. "It could be said that I hate children. Which isn't entirely true. I think I mostly hate other peoples children. Shas and Tib came out alright."

He sat back, chewing slowly on the food, an attentive eyebrows quirked. When she finished he pursed his lips. "I don't think anything you said is any different from most people. I know I'm horrible with most peoples kids. Mostly cause I'm used to having people listen to me when I talk. It doesn't mean I'm gonna be a mean dad, just strict." He shrugged.

She smiled at him, charmed somehow that something she considered a major flaw didn't bother him. "I like to play and act five sometimes. I can imagine myself roughhousing with my children. Biting and snarling in a play hunt. I can't imagine not letting children be children but there's a time and place for play just as there is for everything." She reached over for her glass of ice water to sip. "I'm amused really. I came here expecting to hate you...a lot. But I don't hate you. Instead, every time you open your mouth i want to know more."

"You could hate a lovable guy like me? I'm shocked and saddened." He said with a face of pure, melodramatic sorrow, clutching his chest and shaking his head. Whipping a fake tear from his eyes. It all melted away to that infectious grin of his which only broadened as their server appeared with the food. "I'm saved, thought I was gonna waste away!" He eyed her with a conspiratorial air. "Is it just me or when you get a steak like this do you just want to forget about the fork and knife?" He looked very much like a kid at that moment, trying to convince her to break one of her moms rules. "Use the teeth we were given the way they were meant to be used." He sat back after that, hands folded while he waited her her to begin eating or sag grace. The closest he was to religious was a foxhole convert, he didn't believe in god till bullets were flying.

She laughed at his antics and was almost crying when the server planted lobster and shrimp in front of her. She grinned and licked her lips. "That grin of yours could talk a small animal out of it's skin in no time flat. It's impossible to hate you when you flash that thing." She was still grinning as he eyed his steak like the predator he was. "You know, I don't care how you eat it. But the other customers might prefer if you used a fork." A couple in the corner was just now starting to loosen up after witnessing her being rude to the servers earlier. "When you're in a place that has a freaking crystal chandelier I figure it's best to have manners." She hummed happily as she picked citrus shrimp off her fork. "Yummy!"

"I know, I know. I said I was tempted, weak enough to give into temptation." He smirked, slicing the supremely tender steak with barely an effort. True to his request it just about gushed blood. Pooling into the side of mashed potatoes. He popped it in his mouth and shuddered dramatically in pleasure. Chewing it to the fullest and savoring it before he swallowed it. "I love this restaurant. Tell your brother he needs to buy it." He continued to chew for awhile while waiting for the moment to strike, he wanted her to half forget her comment about his grin. "Speaking of my grin, you think I can talk you into my apartment and out of your dress tonight?" And then that grinning was unleashed in full force.

She chewed happily and laughed at his comment. "Don't need to. He's a partner. He can't cook at all but he backed one of his friends. It's nice to see it doing so well." She remembered advising him on the risk involved in throwing money at something untested but, like usual, he'd gone with his gut and done it anyway. His next comment made her raise one of her brows but she continued to lick and suck at the shrimp tail she'd been devouring, if not a bit more obviously. "Only if you're a good boy. I don't like it when men try to grope and run. I'm not that kind of girl. But I'd be lying if I didn't admit I want to peel that shirt off of you inch by inch." She wiggled her brows suggestively but turned her attention to the lobster tail still on her plate.

"Well let's look at the logic behind this, I don't have work tomorrow, you'll be in my apartment. I won't have a car and if all goes well I'll be waking up next to an extremely beautiful tigress and as everybody knows that's not something easy to run away from." His eyes danced as he kept them on her, cutting the steak by feel alone. "If you like I've got a pair of cuffs you can use to make sure I don't go anywhere." his own eyebrows wagged at her. "And your brother might not be able to cook, but I can. While I was in high school and college I worked I a restaurant, not quite this fancy, but close. I'll cook you breakfast."

She chewed her lobster pensively and acted as if she was weighing the options. He was highly tempting and she was very flattered by his offer. "Hmm...well I suppose I could have Joy come in early for my shift. Saturday or not there are still books to sell." She chewed another bite just to torture him a little longer and then reached for her champagne again downing it, she grinned. "I believe my skills would be enough to make you stay and breakfast you might have to fight me over. I make a mean pancake." She played with the rim of her glass and put in the last jab. "But on one condition. You have to kiss and dance with me first." She nodded towards the small wooden dance floor and the little group of couples already swaying on it.

He sat back and gazed at her passively as she toyed with her glass. Why did his heart feel like it had suddenly dropped into his stomach. "I believe there is a simple compromise, my kitchen is big enough that we can both cook breakfast for the other." He hid his sudden terimiety behind the mastication of another bite of steak then smiled when she answered. "That my dear sounds like a plan. I would very much like to kiss you Vesi." He sipped his bourbon and wiped his lips on the napkin, standing and extending his hand. "I warn you though I'm not the greatest dancer."

Her name coming off his tongue was very interesting and so foreign she felt a shiver run up her back. She was tempted to ask him to say it again but she shook off the thought and instead reached for the paw he offered. She marveled for a moment that the most handsome thing she'd seen in fur for a long while was leading her towards a dance floor. That and he was so brawny and sturdy and so male that she had to blink three times just to make sure he was real. "I'm not worried if you can dance or not. I'm not asking for a Samba on the spot. Just sway with me to the music." She pulled him to the edge of the floor and set his hands on her waist, wrapping her arms around his neck she coaxed him to sway with her gently to the music. She leaned forward and nuzzled into his neck, reveling in soft fur and the smell of male and soap. "Mmmm.", she mumbled, "Well this has been a weird night."

He didn't really need her help to know where to put his hands. He wasn't a good dancer, but he wasn't a bad one either. His hands a bit playfully lower than they should have been. Not quite crossing the line. He ran his mind over her features as he buried his nose in the sweet scent of her. The mix of shampoo, perfume and female so incredibly delectable that he almost started grooming her. He could feel her breast pressed against his broad chest, and if they were just shy of how he liked them they at least wore exquisitely firm and perfectly shaped. And she had the ass of a goddess. His body moved in time with hers as he danced with her, a deep purr rumbling his chest. Wishing he was somewhere much more private now. "If you say so, I found it delightfully pleasant if completely out of the very much crazy normal days I have."

Crazy normal?" She laughed at the thought. "I guess that about explains my days too." She looked up at him. "But don't you have people to make it interesting? Friends, family, co-workers. That's what life all about. Relationships." She sighed and took a breath. Using her usual amount of unnerving independence she reached her hands up to pull his face down to hers. Tentatively, not because she was scared but because she was worried how he would react, she pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him.

"What's that Chinese curse about living in interesting times? 'Well there's war, famine, plague and we're about to get hit by a meteor, times sure are interesting!' Haha." The quote intoned in a much different voice. "Doesn't mean I'd try to change a thing about it. Also doesn't mean I'm not going to bitch from time to time." His soft smile appeared as he swayed to the music. She had no reason to worry as she pulled him down for a kiss. Moving at her pair so as to not seem too eager he pressed his lips to hers, purring softly and leaning into the kiss till he had to help support her some. Things probably shouldn't to so fast, he'd only know her for one and a half hours. Hardly spec of time. But it felt right as he broke the kiss, pressing her face gently to his chest, letting her hear how fast his heart was beating.

"What Chinese curse?" She was genuinely curious because this was something she had not heard of. She then proceeded to roll her eyes at his sarcasm. Not that she didn't enjoy his humor but she figured it best not to let on how much. The kiss sent a zing right down her spine and her knees gave slightly. Odd, hadn't she kissed him? Why did it feel the other way around. All she knew was that he as delicious and her was purring! She found herself rather disappointed when he pulled away and would have protested if he hadn't snuggled her into his chest. She allowed herself to enjoy his scent and sound of his drumming heart. "Your move next. I could do this for hours but we shouldn't."

A sly chuckled rolled around his broad chest as she nestled into him. "That doesn't sound too bad. Spending a few hours with our bodies pressed close together. Swaying in time with each other." His voice took on a sensual tone, like a lovers caress. It emphasized the double meaning behind his words. "I'm happy as long as you're happy."

Enjoying the sound and feel of his laughter she nudges him at his double edged joke. "I thought one of those dances was preformed horizontal." She said this with a flippant air as if she hadn't just implied sex. "I'm just fine and dandy but for whatever reason, the longer you we sway here and act like we're on a Sunday stole, i want to do naughty dirty things to you. I think perhaps it has something to do with your scent, this sexy black fur of yours and those damn muscles I can feel under my paws." She squeezed a muscle on his upper arm just to prove a point.

He had that boyish grin on his face the entire time he danced with her and he was not shy about where he put his paws. Sliding down to run along the swell of her backside. "Well I can't say I can complain, as ravishing as you look in this dress I'd rather see it on the floor and you, naked on my bed with your hair tousled as you writhing in pleasure under me." He licked his lips suggestively. "If you taste half as good as you smell I think I might have found my new snack." He growled, leaning in to nibble her ear. "Perhaps we should retire, the way you press against me has made my pants suddenly smaller, and not from the meal. Unless you want to give these fine folks a live demonstration of the mating habits of tigers." He added with a wink. Completely un-phased by her rib poke.

"Hmm." She mused as if weighing the choices. "I don't know. It could be quite the entertaining spectacle." This made her laugh so she chuckled into his fur. Once the fit had passed he pulled away to break the contact between everything but their hands. She pulled him back to the table, threw a 50 on the table and then yanked him toward the door. When she got there she was informed that Shas had already called the restaurant and taken care of the bill. She smirked at the black tiger behind her. "I'll let you pay next time. I swear." She then proceeded to pull his out the door and across and down the street to parking garage where her car sat. She's lied about her car being a pile...well partially. Tib had insisted early in the day that she drive her custom purple lotus. A birthday present from a couple years back that Ves hardly ever drove. It was mostly kept on display at her sisters shop for men to ooooh and awe over. Which was mostly how Vesi liked it. She preferred her serviceable Subaru on most days but tonight she was glad for the sporty supercharged wonder. She led him up two flights of stairs and down a row of cars until she could see her purple jewel in a corner spot. "I remember you said yours broke. But this baby wont." She reached in her purse for the keys and unlocked her, the lights flashed and made the purple flecked paint dance. "Wanna drive? I'll let you if you promise not to go too too fast or scratch the paint.

He enjoyed listening to the silver bell of her laughter, even more so the closeness off her body as she pressed into him. His eyes laughed at her as he scanned the room, quite a few eyes were on the rather distinct and visible couple. He couldn't of cared less and almost flipped a few the bird. He was happy to see the proactive server had already boxed up their food. Not to be out done he stuffed a hundred dollar bill into the servers hand and left him standing there with his mouth agape, scooping up the boxes with one hand and letting her drag him around. The boy probably made more from them on this slow night than he would the rest of the week. His eyes danced as he saw the Lotus and he let out a nearly boyish squeal. He quickly got that under control. Grinning wide he circled the car. "Mine isn't broke, it was broken. There's a difference, one implies negligence, the other enemy action." He eyed her carefully as she said he couldn't go fast. "And how exactly is too fast?"

She laughed at his boyish grin and squeal and allowed him the proper time to circle the car and goggle. It wasn't like it was something the zippy purple monster wasn't used to by now. "Whichever. Doesn't matter really." She walked over to slip into the passengers seat and then tap on the waiting ipod. Letting some slow love songs on a low volume fill the car on it's very custom sound system she answered him. "If you screech the tires on the way out I will kill you. Don't think I can't." She flashed out a long fore claw and grinned at him. "Otherwise. Just don't a get ticket alright? Not that she's not fast enough to outrun any cop on the road."

He still grinned. It was hard to imagine him without the smile, smirk or grin always plastered on his face. He took the keys from her and got into the drivers seat and adjusted it for the max space. Even so he barely fit. Which was the reason he had bought a Mustang over a car that he could have afforded. He wanted at least a semi comfortable ride, but the tiny speedster was not designed for someone of his size. He turned her over, shuddering at the purr of the motor, grinning at the visceral thrill of such a well tuned machine. "I have a new mechanic..." Was all he said and slammed on the gas. The car shot backwards and spun on a dime. In unskilled hands the smell of burnt rubber would have filled the air and a long trail of skid marks. There was hardly a squeak from the wheels and he popped it into first, pressing the gas a bit more gingerly. Having shown off well enough. He stopped at the exit to the garage and asked directions. Traffic was still insane so he had no chance to really open it up, which was fine. He wouldn't mind a long drive with her in passenger seat. Still he drove with professional skill, somebody had made sure he was excellently trained. His tail had somehow managed to make its way into her seat and was playfully flopping in her lap.

She scowled at his antics but couldn't really say anything when he proved not to leave any marks on the concrete. She enjoyed the joy ride down the ramps and was enjoying petting the tail like a pet snake when she answered. "I thought we were going to your house? But I do need clothes I suppose." She pointed him uptown to a big 20 story apartment complex. She continued to lead him to the parking garage and her set of private spots. Three of her four spots were filled meaning that Shas was no longer alone in her apartment. She checked over her read Subaru, Sha's new white mustang and her sisters custom, vibrantly green hot-rod. "I guess you get to meet the family. If you want to come up."

He enjoyed the scritching she gave his tail. His purr melding with the slow soft love song. His preferences ran to hard rock and other end but he knew a few and silently sung along under his breath, lest he inflict his atrocious singing voice on her. He was very careful to keep his eyes on the road while driving but when they stopped for red lights she would catch him stealing glances at her and smiling. When he pulled into the parking spot and she invited him up he just shrugged. "Little early but I'd like to thank your brother for dinner and it couldn't hurt to talk with your sister a little." The entire ride he'd practically been giggling.

"Because she's going to become your new mechanic?" She hadn't commented on the fact that he seemed to know the car had been made by her sister despite not having been told. She walked toward the elevator and was pleasantly surprised to find it already on her floor and ready to go, fully trusting him to look after the car she got in and waited for him to catch up. She pressed the button for her 16th story and the button to keep the doors open a bit longer.

He was on her heels as she headed to the elevator, making sure to arm the alarm on the way. He stood beside her, his tail playing with hers as he waited for the doors to close. In an instant he was pressing her against the side of the elevator. His paws roaming her body as he gazed hungrily into her eyes. He gave her a long second to protest before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers firmly and giving a hungry little growl.

f he was expecting her to protest he was dead wrong. Instead she gave him a quizzical look and purred like a happy kitten. "Did the car do that to you?" She rubbed on the underside of his balls with her knee, gently of course, just to show she knew of his erection. She decided to return the kiss with as much fire as he was dishing out. She saw no reason to wary of the flames. To her mind, things always happened for a reason and if the fact that she'd only know him a few hours didn't matter. Under no circumstances was she letting this handsome stack of tiger flesh leave her sight anytime soon. The elevator slowed to a stop and dinged as she was nibbling playfully at his chin. She sighed and nudged him. "Here we go."

By the time they reached her floor her had both her legs wrapped around his waist, he wasn't going to let her tease him like that or they wouldn't make it off the elevator. "I think it was more who I had in the car with me that caused it." He'd told her in reply. When the doors opened he didn't let her hop down off his waist. Keeping a firm hold on her and walking out into her penthouse with her hanging off of him, his ears folded back and a devilish grin on his face as he prepared to embarrass her awfully.

Hey!" She yelled and beat on him so he'd let her go. But that was a little too late. Pidge, her brindle tabby, rounded the corner, mewed curiously then proceeded to rub on his leg. She groaned, "Damn cat. Always preferred men haven't you." And then she heard, 'Sis? That you?' from the back of the house and it was the beginning of the end. Tib showed at the end of the small hall with a brown and white mini-rex rabbit perched in her paws and looking curious. "Shit!" She muttered just under her breath. "Let me go you Barbadian. You've done your embarrassing." Deliberately she bit his neck...perhaps a little too hard. Meanwhile Tib was still standing at the end of the hall with the rabbit, how with one of her brows raised and smirk on her face.

If he noticed her beating on him it wasn't apparent from his face. His tail brushed the top of her cats head as it nuzzled against his leg. When Tibs popped around the corner he replied with "And company..." Keeping a firm hold on her despite her struggles. He was rewarded for his pithy comment with her teeth sinking into his neck. He winced hard and she might have heard him grunt a bit but he didn't seem ready to concede. Only sinking a claw into her thigh in retaliation. "Sorry, we expected to be alone. Guess my plans for ravishing your sister will have to wait." Only after he was sure she would firm several shades redder did he allow her to hop down. A faint hint of crimson from where her teeth had punctured.

"LIAR!" She yelled and sunk long black claws into him. All ten. She growled and then looked back at her sister with a pleading look. She shouldn't have been surprised by the sick smile her sister gave her in return. Tib grinned and motioned for Shas. "We could leave. I personally I like seeing my never so much a ruffled big sister mad and horny." Tib laughed and quietly bent to let the rabbit down as Shas rounded the corner and gave a low whistle. "Sexy." He remarked and grinned too. "I guess I get to say I told you so." He winked and Ves groaned. Dear god no. And then he finally let her down and she tried desperately not to hide her red, embarrassed face.

We were expecting to be alone, before we saw their cars...I must have forgot to mention that part." If he hadn't been enjoying the discomfort he'd inflicted on her he might have felt sorry. But the blush on her face was all kinds adorable. He gurgled as she sunk ever last claw into him and pulled on them. She had found just the right spot. He was too busy trying not to yelp to laugh at the though. When she finally pulled them out he sighed and as it had never disappeared his grin came back. "We just stopped by to pick up a few things, I don't imagine we'll be long, but that's more her decision."

She growled at all three of them them, scooped up the rabbit who was now sniffing at her toes and marched off to her room muttering and burying her face in the soft fur. "That was outrageous baby. All three of them out to get me. Traitors." She set Sky gently down on the bed and reached for a bag of treats on a shelf to give her. She handed one to the waiting animal then turned in a circle once to get her bearings. After that spectacle did she really want to go with him? She set the bag back and then went to her dresser for her jeans and her closet for a blouse. She thought her normal clothes might help her get her calm herself.

Her ire seemed to pierce his omnipresent amusement. He looked back and forth between her siblings and his expression was a cross of confusion and someone who had just tasted something sour. "I didn't just fuck up did I? Because I really hope not." He didn't really wait for their response, slowly following on her heels he peeked around the corner and knocked on her open door. His expression apologetic

Sky hopped off the bed to meet him and sniffed at his shoe only a few times before reaching up to lean oh his leg, clearly asking for attention. Ves looked over over her shoulder at the the traitorous rabbit as she picked out a blouse. "That was unnecessary." She said as she violently pulled free a blue camisole and a white button down to go with it. Shas and Tib appeared behind the huge black tiger male and while both were dwarfed they still managed to be seen. "Sis? Come on. We're sorry." Tib pushed her way through the door to cross the gap, take the clothes out of her sister's hands, throw them on the bed and then hug her. "Don't be too cross with us. He didn't know you prefer being more quiet about your love life." And then she grimaced at her own statement. "Not that it gives Shas or I any excuse because we did." Vesi hugged her sister back and looked over at the two males. She sighed and wiggled free of her sister. "Tibby, my travel bag is in the hall closet." She turned back to the closet and pulled free slacks, another blouse and jacket. Throwing all of them behind her onto the bed she disappeared into the bathroom and Tib ducked into the hall to retrieve the small bag.

He was still chewing on his lip when her siblings flanked him. Be wasn't sure he wanted backup, he'd gotten himself on her bad side. A place he was quickly finding her really didn't want to be. Why was it that the thought of upsetting a woman he barely knew was tearing at his insides like trying to pass a tangle of fishing hooks through his intestines? "Even if I hadn't known that's no excuse for having put you in such a position. I might say that I was just caught up in the moment, but it wouldn't only be an excuse. I meant to tease you, not to upset you and I'm sorry. It didn't occur to me that you would object to sharing our plans." He chose the most diplomatic way do saying it. When Vesi asked Tibs for her night bag be felt a little better, but he knew he'd have to be careful. When she stalked into the bathroom he chose to perform a tactical retreat. When Shas followed him he took the chances to extend his hand. "I have to thank you for dinner, it was delightful. As was the rest if the evening till I managed to not only put my foot in my mouth but I think I made it all the way to the knee."

"SHAS! Put Sky away! She's trying to eat my comforter!", Vesi yelled from the bathroom. She'd just spied her now bored rabbit making mischief. Shas gave the older male and apologetic look. "It's fine. The dinner was actually paid for the minute she told the matardee who she was. They owe me and they know it. And don't worry about Ves. She can be a hard ass but she's still may favorite person." He grinned and stuck out his hand for a shake. He heard his sister yell for him again so he quickly shook hands and went to scoop up a rabbit. He watched as Ves stuffed clothes and toiletries into the small pack Tib had brought. The younger female was now perched on the edge of bed and gibbering about the town gossip. He watched as the two women preformed their general interaction with Tib talking and Ves listening, while she listened she changed out of her dress and into the jeans, cami, and blouse she's chosen earlier when she was done and zipping the travel bad she pointed out the bedroom door. "Shas, get that rabbit back in her cage and Tib, you go talk to the man about a car. His broke on him tonight." When the two had gone she grabbed for her purse and the bag and headed to drop them near the door. "I'm ready." She said to the general apartment as she headed to the kitchen for glass of water. "Whenever we're done discussing autos."

He took a moment to peek inside and see what was going on, wondering why she needed so much stuff for one night. Then again he supposed he wouldn't mind having a companion for another night. He was mildly amused by how much a production this was all turning into. He was lounging peaceably on the sofa when Tibs came out. Sharing a bemused smile with her. "Well broken is a mild term I just called my sister while you all were busy, totaled is more the right word. You wouldn't happen to have two cars already tuned up for sale would you? I love what you did with the lotus.

Vesi watched and leaned on a kitchen counter as Tib frowned at the man on the couch and Shas stared out the window and pretended not to pay any attention. "I make custom cars to drive, not to total. If I hear you do that to one of my babies and I have to fix it I'll skin you." She gave him the evil eye to let him know she meant business and tried to ignore the giggles from the kitchen. "But is just so happens I don't keep much of anything around that doesn't get driven," she head an 'ahem', from the kitchen and tossed back. "The collectors garage doesn't count. Now what you should do is talk to my sister about the Lotus because she never drives it and I'll get to work on something first thing."

"Lotus is too small, it was lovely to drive but I have back problems from that short trip. Not gonna try and drive that everyday." He said with a shrug. "And I think your district can attest that I am capable behind the wheel, less could be said of the person you would be releasing your anger on. I'm just the money man. Sides I've wanted a Mustang since I was twelve." He saw Ves waiting to the side and stood. "But we can talk about this later. Just know that money isn't a problem." He started walking towards Ves, extending his hand to her with a bow. "Might we depart milady?

"That sister of yours? If you give her one of my cars you have to let me put the fear of the gods in her first." Ves nodded at him and headed for the door Tib followed with Shas short behind. The lightning bolted tigresses continued to talk. "Now mustang I can do. I have a rusting pile I've been meaning to do something with. As long as you're okay with 80s muscles. Well the body anyway..." She rambled about a new modern engine and drive train. "...and I could have her fit you, right down to lengthening and stretching anywhere you need. Give me a color scheme and some measurements and I can have her sent to the media blaster in the morning and get bodywork started by the afternoon." Ves muttered something about regretting getting her started and purposefully opened the door. "Now the other car we'll have to talk about...." Ves gave her a meaningful look and Tib shut her mouth but she did fish a card out of her wallet and hand it to him.

When she mentioned the 80's Stang he rounded on her and hissed. He would never drive that abomination to the Mustang family, it looked like a slightly aggressive Ford Comet, and he hated them with a passion. "The most painful death you can imagine is more preferable to driving one of those, no mater how well you fix it up." But he was also trying to sidle out the door as he did. He snitched the card and waved goodbye. Ducking out the door. Not that he couldn't talk cars more, but he knew better than to keep a lady waiting. "I'm assuming you wanna take your daily driver, I got the Lotus out of my system already, besides I'm only a few blocks away."

Giggling she hit the elevator button she didn't think anyone had ever hissed at Tib about a car. She thought for the half a minuet it took for the elevator to show up. "You could borrow the Lotus. She's right when she says I don't drive the car enough. And I think that's what she meant anyway. That color is matched to my fur, selling is out of the question." She reached over to grab one of his big paws and let her tail play with his.

He blinked, the offer was flattering, and he'd say as much, but perhaps he should educate her a bit. "You do realize you just met me and you're offering to let me burrow over a hundred thousand dollars of machinery. It's flattering and I'm happy to think you can trust me. And that you could probably get the car back even if you didn't...but I can rent a car just as easy. It's a generous offer, but one I can't accept." He said, walking ahead of her and screening the way casually. Of was hard to even notice he was actually acting like a body guard right there, but his eyes were alert for any threat.

She frowned at him slightly but nodded. "I don't often question when I implicitly trust someone. And her price means nothing to any of us. She's a car that doesn't get driven like she should was my only thought." They hit the garage floor and she fished her normal keys out of her purse. "Wanna drive this one too?" She popped the truck and stashed her bags regardless.

"It's always been my position that trust is earned, and I'd prefer to earn it instead of being handed it. You may think I'm weird or worse insulting you, but I just don't feel comfortable doing something like that." He said, clearly walking around towards the passenger side of the (blank model.) Subaru. "Naw, this is your real baby, I'll let you keep her to yourself."

She frowned at him some more but shrugged and threw the truck down with a thud. Walking around her well taken care of but still needing a wash Subaru, she clicked her key chain, opened all the doors and climbed in. Thanks to Tib the car had a special sound and sync system that was linked to her phone so she immediately began talking to her car as she got in and buckled up. "Send a txt to Tib. 'Put the purple monster away. Mr. Tall Dark and Burly doesn't want to use it. Send another txt to Shas. 'Don't ruin anything tonight. And none of your friends in my home.' " She turned to the black tiger then as she began looking in her mirrors and turned on the car fully. "Where am I heading?"

While she was doing that he was fiddling with his own phone, though he was sending texts the old fashioned way. He often sent messages best not said aloud at work so he was in the habit of never using the voice feature on his phone. He typed out three quick messages, one to each of his siblings inp the time it took her to get the car started. One was to Salem telling her she needed to leave if she was at his place, the other was was to Ruby congratulating her on her latest A in school and the last was to his little brother congratulating him on his Call of Duty score. He dropped the phone into his lap and smiled. "I'm actually pretty close, take a left on Lake and go two blocks down then take a right on Moorland. I'm the third building on the right."

She nodded at him and turned the car to leave the underground parking. She was careful as she edged into traffic and got the car going in the direction she indicated. A call buzzed through and she asked her car to answer it. Tib's voice crackled through the speakers. "Hey sis we're really sorry about that thing up stairs. I already wailed on Sha's ass a bit for it." Ves rolled her eyes, knowing full well her sister couldn't see and sighed. "Forget it. Please just for get it, both of you." Tib sounded wounded in her next comment but was obviously willing to do what her sister asked. "If he doesn't want to borrow the monster ask him what he does what and I'll get to working on it tomorrow. Maybe I'll call it a favor to you sis, since I've been bored with no family projects lately." Vesi turned to the big male squashed into her co-pilot seat and raised an eyebrow in question to him. She knew full well he could here. "She's kissing my ass for pissing me off. Might as well take advantage of it."

There was no reply from any of his siblings but that was to be expected, his brother was probably cursing some 12 year old out for killing him right when he was about to get his fiftieth kill and Ruby was probably too busy studying to pay attention to her phone. As to Salem's probable reason for not answering he chose not to think too hard about it. It was better for his blood pressure if he pretended he didn't know what debauchery she was most certainly engaged in. Hopefully she had chosen to preform it in her own apartment which was actually the penthouse next to his on the same floor. He pursed his lips as he considered Tibs' offer. "Well if you can get a hold of any 60's muscle I might just die of happiness. I saw this beautiful 69 Challenger rusting in the junkyard the other day. I just didn't have a good mechanic to take it too. " While he was talking he'd used his phone to look up Tibs' personal record as well as her place of business all were in excellent standing with the community and authorities and she would be receiving a text from him with the gps location of the Challenger on her personal phone even as he finished the sentence. "I sent you the location call me sometime tomorrow and let me know if you can make it run again."

Tib giggled over the phone and quibbed about his choice. "I figured you had me on speaker." She checked through the location she'd sent him. "Oh. You want that one. Not only is he sexy but he likes sexy cars too. I'll txt Charlie and tell him I want it A.S.A.P! He'll have it ready for me before noon tomorrow. Have fun!" She clicked off and Ves let out a pent up breath. "Well that was interesting. Tell me where I'm going. I'm on the street you wanted."

"Take that left right there into the garage. My personal parking space is on the third level section C slip number four." With a little bit of guiding he couched her to the proper point. Hopping out of the car quickly to cross around it and open the door for her. He smiled and extended a hand to help her out of the car. The garage they were in was not quite as nice as the one they'd come from and while it was still in a good part of town it did tend to see a bit of seepage from the seedier parts of town a few blocks away. The fact that there was no 24 hour security helped explain why muggers liked it so much. He was just taking hold of her hand when he heard a scuff from behind him and felt something pointy pressed to his back. With a muffled voice saying not to turn around and to give him all the money. The large black tiger only sighed and released her hand, slowly raising them over his head and speaking calmly and signaling Ves with his eyes not to do anything. "Alright, I don't want any trouble my wallet is in my right pocket you can have it, it's got all my money. " Having cooperative prey seemed to relax him and he shifted the knife away to reach into Zab's pocket. Which was when the tiger suddenly wasn't there anymore, the only motion that was clearly visible was him taking a quick step left and back and turning. His hands were a blur and she could hear the knife landing in the distance and six solid blows landing in just over two seconds before his attacker crumpled to the floor whimpering in agony as he tried to decide what hurt worse. His broken nose, dislocated knee or his left arm with its dislocated wrist, elbow and shoulder. The attacker hadn't quite finished hitting the ground by the he turned back around and starting fixing his mussed jacket, extending his hand to her once more and smiling brightly. There was no question that he could have easily killed the man just as quickly or left him permanently crippled but none of that seemed to show in his voice as he asked sweetly, "Shall we continue on my dear?"

Vesi smelled the attacker before she knew he was behind the big black tiger so she did the smart thing and didn't move. She clicked the locks shut and re-closed the door he'd opened. It surprised her when he moved so damn fast and it was over to too few seconds for her to really comprehend. So got out of the car when she saw the poor fur fall and then walked over to toe at him slightly. "Do we call the police of just leave him here?" She cocked a brow at him, not seeming at all surprised that the man was now pretty much crippled. "What? You said something about martial arts. I assumed you knew how to handle yourself." She walked back to her car to retrieve he over night bag.

I'll call the police on the way up, they'll take him to the hospital and fix him up. I didn't do any permanent damage but he'll walk funny for a week or two." He said shrugging at the compliment "It was my job for a long time to go to scary places and kill bad men, now I just get paid obscene amounts of money to make sure people with lots of money keep all their money and are alive to spend it. I usually have to worry about people with guns. A person who doesn't even know how to hold a knife doesn't worry me." It was obvious he was on alert again by the way he screened their way to the elevator and only once they were inside did he relax. He inserted a key into the box and one of the darkened buttons came to life, he pressed it and the car lurched into motion. He turned to grin at her as he pressed her against the wall once again. "I seem to remember we were in a similar position earlier today." His tail coiled with hers and he leaned in to kiss her again.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Why is it everyone around me is rich?" She blew a strand of hair out of her eyes and repositioned her bags on shoulders so she was surprised when he pounced her for a kiss. "Oh hi! Well maybe this time we wont get caught." She kissed him back with some passion and actually let the tip of her long, rough cat tongue tease his lips.

"Somehow I don't think you find the fact I have my own money turn off." He said with a shurg and a laugh. "But I admit it is nice to meet someone with a bigger bank account than mine, at least I don't have to worry about you being attracted to just my money. " He said seriously, his eyes locked with hers. His claws teased down her sides and he pressed his lips to hers . Slowly savoring the sensation of her lips and tongue, letting his mouth part open so his could dance slowly with hers. He spent the entire ride to his 42nd floor penthouse locked with her in that slow embrace. Not as fiery as before but just as hot. As the doors opened and they stepped out of the elevator it opened into a elegant but reserved hallway. The decor was expensive but far from palatial. The diamond shaped hallway wrapped around the central pillar the elevator was in and four doors were placed in each of the cardinal directions. He explained that each one was one of his siblings homes. His was the one closest to the elevator and he swiped a key card to get the door to unlock. The door opened onto a large living room, one wall was entirely made of windows, as they walked further inside the room opened up even more and it was apparent that the penthouse was at least two stories. There was a cooking/dining area set off to the side against the windows that merged with the living area. On the interior wall were three doors and a spiral staircase leading to the second story, which was half the size of the first. That also served as the master bedroom. The side rooms were guest bedrooms and the guest bathroom. Outside was a balcony with a large swimming pool and hot tub. It was all remarkable clean and almost spartan except for two sets of discarded clothing lying on the floor just a few feet inside. As he saw those he let out a muttered curse at his errant sister. "I swear I change this lock once a week and she still gets in here... Her place is nicer, why does she have to mess with my stuff? " the question was mostly to himself.

Her skin sizzled a bit as they walked out of the elevator. It seemed a wonder to her that they'd not know each other yesterday. Shas was going to strut around like a peacock for weeks about having found his sister's soul mate. That thought startled her for moment. Soul mate. Was he? She wasn't quite sure yet so she continued the conversation they'd been having before the searing kiss in the elevator. She inspected the diamond shaped hallway as she talked and let him open his door. "You misunderstand. My bank account is actually amazingly small. I jut raised two amazingly rich brats and they spoil the hell out of me. Something about being the best big sister on the planet. But you're correct that I don't need your money. Not when the towns richest and most eligible bachelor, my brother, is on speed dial." She babbled until she followed him into his penthouse and then lost her voice. The gorgeous place made her small apartment look like a zoo and the view was terrific. She walked up to the wall of windows and placed her paw on the glass. Wonderful. His taste was impeccable if a bit spartan. She was dimly aware of him cursing about his sister and giggled. "She does it because you tell her she can't. Hand the biggest, sparkiest key and stock all the things she loves in the fridge. Giver her a week, I bet she doesn't hang out anymore." She walked over to flick a claw lightly over his muscled back and then bend to pick up the lacy bra. "At least she has great taste.

"I'm aware of that, doesn't make it any less frustrating finding the underwear of whatever boy toy she's brought home this time stuffed in my couch any more palatable. And I have the sinking suspicion that your brother has been here and neither of us want to contemplate what he was doing. " Even his ire seemed tinged with amusement for as much as she bugged him he still loved his family. He finished picking up the discarded clothing and folding it into a tidy pile which he set outside the door. She may like to break in with her flings but she knew better than to be in his place with company when he got home, especially when on those rare occasions when he had company himself. After he washed his hands he walked towards the kitchen. "Care for a drink? I don't have much right now, a few beers a cheap scotch, and some sodas. There might be some wine around as well, Salem always makes sure there is a bottle or two for when I have company over." It didn't show but he was having much the same thought as her. He did not want to hear Salem when she got on him about actually bringing a girl home.

She laughed loud when she mentioned her brother and his sister and their probable combined exploits.. "Oh come on. I know what the boy does, and most nights I know where the boy is. He has a terrible habit of leaving his car in odd places and having to explain how it got there. I'm sure he's been here. I don't listen much about his flings but I might remember a something about a Salem. Maybe when they're done with their respective whore-paths they'll be perfect for each other." She wandered about a bit more, looking the the tell, tale signs of living like pictures and collectibles. "Wine please. But just a little. I drank a lot of champagne at the restaurant."

He scrounged around and found a bottle of white Zinfandel, one of the few wines favorable to his palate. The decor of his home was muted, with the bare amount of furniture for comfort and convenience. Between the two bedrooms was a small cabinet. Almost a shrine laying on it were three flags folded inside wooden cases with glass fronts, laying on each flag was a set of dog tags, each burnt and bent in some fashion. There was also a photo above each flag and another of him in his uniform. There was another of all four of the people in photos piled onto a Humvee all smiling. Various other photos on the walls showed his siblings and parents. There was one large painting of his sister at one of her modeling shoots covering the wall. It was for her shoot with maxim and it was one of the most risqué to ever appear in the publication. Despite his objections she'd commissioned one of her artist friends to paint it directly on the wall. "I can only hope she'll settle down soon, she's driving me crazy as much as I love her." He walked over and sat on the sofa in front of the massive plasma screen setting the wine on a finely wrought iron and glass coffee table and inviting her over. The table had been made from the shattered hulk of a Humvee struck by a bomb in Iraq and was the work of an artist wounded in the line of duty.

"The things you own are as interesting as you." She was over at the shrine gleaning what information she could off the war artifacts. "It's clear what's most important to you, you're family and your job. But not the one you're currently working at. I wonder again how you are somehow single. I'm extremely boggled." She sauntered over to where he was sprawled on the art piece of a couch and dipped her head to whisper in his ear. "What makes me so lucky?" She lightly nibbled at the top of his soft ear and then moved to go around the couch to pick up her dink and sit with him.

"I'm not sure, does there actually need to be a reason?" He asked as she snuggled into his side and he wrapped an arm about her, pulling her close. His claws stroking down her sides. "I wouldn't say that the job was important to me but the people I did it with and for. And the people I didn't bring back with me." He smiled though as she considered herself lucky to be sitting here. "And I could say the same. What makes me so lucky to have you sitting here in my home? "

She raised one dark purple brow at him and then gave him the stupid answer. "You're cute. We'll see how cute." She nibbled at his jaw. "Tell me about the men those flags represent. Maybe I'll learn more about the man who owns them. I think I want to know everything about you."

"You know I was marine. They were my team, my brother's. I came home they didn't. They didn't have any family left so I keep their flags. Nobody that died for their country should be forgotten." He said a bit stiffly. He knew he could tell her his secrets, but now wasn't the time. He took a sip of wine while she nibbled his chin, a slow purr coming from him as he pulled her into his lap.

She purred right along with him and allowed him to squeeze her closer into his lap. "You told me you were a Marine, but I know how men can he with threir emotions. I wondered if you'd tell me more that someone else knew. But perhaps that's for later." She sighed and inhaled his scent, letting it was over her. "Why do you smell so good to me?" She giggled at herself. "Better question is why is does being in you lap feel so natural? Like I've been here before."

"Maybe later indeed. " He said with a sigh. "It's not that I have a problem telling you or anything. I just don't want to spoil what has mostly been the best night of my life for quite some time. I hope you don't think I'm being selfish." his fingers began to un-tuck her blouse, sliding his paws up under it to tease her silken fur. "As to why I smell so nice I'm sure it's that axe shower gel I've been using, works just like the commercials said it would. ". He grinned as his fingers danced on her sides testing for ticklish spots. "I'm pretty sure I'd remember if I ever met someone as beautiful as you though."

Flatterer!" She colored and then hoped up out of his lap with more agility than one would think from the size of her butt. She toddled around in a awkward circle and then looked over at him. "Sooo...what are we doin'? Because I'm suddenly exhausted and I'm suddenly realizing I'm in your home...and you brought me here for a reason." She blushed just thinking about it and looking over at the huge muscled piece of tiger flesh wasn't helping matters. "...and you're not exactly expecting me to fall asleep on you." She walked over to the bank of windows, partially to look out but also to not look so closely at him.

"It's not flattery when it's true." He returned, watching her shapely rear as she rolled off his lap and twirled about. She might have chosen to look elsewhere but he was quite content with the sight. He slipped up off the couch to follow her to the windows. "Well I'm sure it's obvious how I'd like for this evening to end, but I'm not interested in you for only tonight. If the only thing you want to do is fall asleep on me than I'd be happy to have you in my bed." He said wrapping an arm about the shorter female. Something about her made him want to be close to her and the way her frame fit with his made his skin tingle and his head spin.

She sighed happily and unconsciously and leaned back into his body. She reached up to nuzzle under his chin. "Bed time? You can wake me in and do all sorts of things to me later. Right now it feels like someone suddenly popped my balloon. What is it? Like one in the morning?" She turned to look out at the gorgeous night scene. "This has really been one of the greatest night of my life too." Even with my siblings half wreaking it.

"Hmm, that sounds like a good plan or you can wake me up yourself." He reached down and easily scooped her into his arms, holding her as if she weighed nothing. His tail swishing happily behind him as he walked up the stairs, his tail snagging her bag and dragging it from where she'd left it on the sofa. The entire upstairs was open to the ceiling and only contained a bed, a dresser, a bookshelf and another tv, this one a bit smaller. On the wall was a door leading to the master bath which was open. The lights flicked on as he came up the steps and inside the bathroom could be seen dual sinks a standing shower big enough for four and a six person bath tub with jacuzzi jets. "You're more than welcome to use the bathroom to change. I usually change out here anyway."

She meeped and mew slightly as he swong her up. She wasn't anyones idea of a pixie and wasn't used to being treated like one but she calmed quickly and realaxed into his chest and arms. She watched, with an amused expression, as he back bounced on the stairs behind them. It occurred to her briefly that she was glad her purse and her phone where down, locked in her car. Otherwise she'd be cursing at him for bouncing electronics. "Okay." she squeaked as he set her on the bathroom floor. The room was awe inspiring and made her itch to try out the tub. Instead she picked up her bag, wiggled a '1 minuet' signal with her fingers at the male behind her and closed the door on him. She changed into simple flannel night pants and a well fitting camisole, her normal nightclothes. She threw he dirties back into her night bag, picked it up, and then turned to open the door and peak around the edge to see if he was ready.

Just this one time he decided to take his time changing and his choice of clothing was chosen with malice aforethought. He picked his smallest workout shirt and set it to the side while he hung up the jacket and pants in the closet. Salem would make sure that the maid made sure they were dry cleaned and returned to his closet. His dress shirt went with the jacket and his boxers and undershirt made it into the hamper in the closet. This all took considerably longer than the forty seconds it usually would and she opened the door she would be treated to the sight of him working his way into a pair of loose fitting pajama pants with nothing below. Next came the shirt and she could see the muscles of his back flex as he stretched the shirt out, still it looked painted on when he was finished.

Her mouth formed into a silent 'ooo' as she watched his pull clothes back over that terribly sexy boy and realized she wished he wouldn't. Not that she was minding the tank so much. It was really do something to show off that fantastic back. Finally she decided to stop staring and walk over to bed, awing the slight squeak and groan of the mattress to mark her arrival. She left her bag on the floor and sat cross legged on the bed, waiting for his next move.

He turned around as she opened up the door fully. Grinning at her and making no effort to disguise his roaming eyes. "Mmm, you look good enough to eat." He said with a growl. Flopping onto the bed before her and sprawling shamelessly.

"Oh this old thing?" She gave him the 'pshaw' movement with her hand but still glowed at the compliment, it showed in the slight pink on her cheeks. She clawed up to the top of the bed and began to dive under the covers head first.

Which was how she came to find herself face first in a pair of freshly worn panties. Ones that matched the bra they'd found before. He never had found the ones that matched and had just assumed she'd gone commando. Apparently he'd been wrong. If she was wondering if it was possible for the unflappable tiger to be dumb struck she would have her answer as he tried to decide whether he was embarrassed or pissed. His face shifting between bright pink and dark red under his black fur. There were signs they'd seen use while he was with her so they hadn't been left from the night before. And from the scent coming from them it was a sure thing the female was related to him... And in heat. " I'm a kill her." Was all he said.

For a moment Ves was shocked and then angry and then throughly amused as she realized the pair matched the bra from earlier. And since the dictinct family scent was close enough to him she figured they really were his sister's. She tossed them too the floor and flopped back unto the headboard for a full belly laugh before regaining her composure and looking straight back at him. "Looks like my siblings aren't the only ones ruining everything." She grinned and wriggled the rest of the way out of the covers to crawl over to him and into his lap to try and comfort. "Downstairs, in my purse in the car is some Plan-B. She's going to need it. My keys are in the the front pocket of the overnight bag if you want to go fetch." She kissed and nuzzled at him, fully aware the his temperature had risen along with his blood pressure and neither were her fault. Mores the pity, she thought to herlself.

"Don't worry she's got plenty on hand already. She hits it twice as often as most girls which is probably why she hops beds so much. This was probably her idea of an aphrodisiac. " The last part was grumbled but he was already getting his temper back in check. Mostly because she had taken it so well. "Not that I'm complaining about the results... " He wiggled against her as she crawled ontop of him and it was obvious that his sister wasn't the only thing that had his blood pressure up. "So why precisely is there a Plan B in your purse if you don't mind me asking?"

She frowned a she looked up and him and the distressing news. "You know that's unhealthy right? The Plan-B isn't a heat suppressant, it makes you shed the lining of...well..." She stopped realizing the topic was uncomfortable and then colored as he asked her that rather personal question. " see, the heat suppressants have never really agreed with me and you never know what could happen when your slit is over-ridding your brain. Of course I keep myself locked up durin....but it helps to be prepared?..." Her words died out slowly until the last few were rather soft. This wasn't a topic she wanted to discuss with him, especially since now that she was in his lap, her body was of the mind that it would like to have a run in with this one during her heat.

"I'm aware of what it does and that's not why she has them. She's actually allergic to them too. She just keeps a healthy supply of condoms on hand. But those break or forget to get put on or you have the smart as that thinks he can pin her down that way. So she has backup, and the condition I left the mugger in is preferably to what happens to the guy that tries it... After she's done with him of course." He grinned as only an older brother who has turned his sister into a lethal weapon can. "But you mentioned something about sleeping, which will not be happening if you remain where you are.

"Oh." Ves squeaked at the hopped and wriggled of his lap and back to the top of the bed. This time she threw back the covers a bit to check for anymore nasty surprises like the the underwear of the male his sister had apparently been entertaining. Finding none, she wiggled under the covers ans threw them over herself. "Sorry.

He smirked at her as she hopped back up and under the covers. His motion mirroring hers. Getting up and peeling back the covers he slipped into the bed and invited her to come snuggle. "I'm not sure I was actually complaining. I'll see you in the morning." he said giving her a quick kiss on the top of the head.

She smiled when he pulled her back into him and purred happily as his big warm body enveloped her. It was strange that this felt so damn right and natural. She forgot to be nervous and edgy in his home and his bed and instead relaxed. There was, however, one more pressing issue on her mind. "You know I'm not the kind that bed hops. If we do this, whatever we do, you're mine for the remainder."

A deep rumbling purr matched hers as she fit securely to his side, like she belonged there. "I'm not sure if you remember earlier tonight I said I wasn't looking for a one night stand. I have no trouble finding those and they don't make it five minutes. I told you that I'm looking for a wife and the mother of my children so if you didn't believe me then I'm telling you again."

She sighed happily and snuggled in closer. She supposed she could deal with that. Maybe she'd even like him enough to be that wife and mother. Only time would tell. "Alright. I believe you. But slowly boy. No rings and no promises yet. I like you. This feel right. Let's go from there." Then she closed her eyes and went straight to sleep.

Oh so you mean I have to take the ring back?" he said fiddling under the pillow like there was something there. "I'm not saying I want to get married right away and you're supposed to start pumping out cubs. Just that I'm serious and that I really like you a lot."

She mumbled something like 'bad kitty' as her mind turned off and let her flow into sleep. She really was mostly dead to the world and terribly comfortable in her current position.