Autumn II - Tension

Story by Qorxma on SoFurry

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An electronic ringing woke Alex. He slowly opened his eyes, and looked down at Luke, who had woken up as well. "Hey sexy," Luke said, stretching. He slowly licked Alex's chest. Alex squeezed him, smiling. "Hey." Realizing where the ringing was coming from, Alex got up and pulled the cell phone out of his pants pocket, then laid back down with Luke. Luke continued to lick. He looked at the caller on the phone: Christine. He flipped it open. "Hey," was his greeting, relaxed and content. "Hey. So?' "So what?" "So how did it go?" Alex looked down at Luke, who kept licking, staring at him mischievously. "Pretty good, I guess. He seemed to understand." "And?" "And what? We made up and now we'" "If this were just a little fight between two friends, you wouldn't have called me. Something happened that you're not telling me about. Come on, Alex, if there's one person you can share anything with, it's me." "No, nothing - " He gasped as Luke bit gently at his nipple. He glared at him. " - Nothing happened." "What was that?" Alex said nothing. "Fine," Christine sighed. "Let me talk to him." "Who?" "Luke. I know he's there." Alex hesitated, then gave up. Christine knew he wasn't telling the whole story, there was no use pretending. He handed the phone to Luke, who sat up and held it to his pointed ear. Alex faintly heard Christine say something, but he couldn't understand it. "Uhh, hi," Luke paused. "Who am I talking to?" A pause, Christine introducing herself. "Oh. Well, it's a pleasure." More talking. "Yeah...yeah...well, we're not really wearing anything right now, but - "Alex sat up and snatched the phone from Luke. "Well, seeing as everything is somehow your business, here are the answers to all of your questions," Alex said, irritated. "Yes. And it was great. Now please, leave us alone." He ended the call, then turned to Luke. "You..." He pounced on him, pressing him into the mattress, nipping his ear, feeling his fur, enjoying the sound of his laughter. He gave him a quick kiss, then the two sat up on the edge of the bed. Luke tore his gaze from Alex, stared at his naked feet momentarily, then looked back, his eyes framed with concern. "Are you sure about this?" He asked Alex. Alex smiled but raised his eyebrows, confused. "About what?" "" "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" He slipped his arm around Luke's waist. "I want to be sure you're not mistaking friendship for love." Alex thought momentarily. "Do you know why I left Christine?" Luke shrugged. "Did she get fat?" Alex tried to keep a straight face. "You're a dick. No, it was because I didn't love her. We were similar, we got along, and we found each other attractive in a detached sort of way. We were friends with benefits, really, but we didn't know that love was more than that. Then I caught myself fantasizing about other girls. And I told her. And she wasn't surprised, or even mad. And then we realized that we were great friends, but not lovers." Luke looked back, smiling, though his look said he still had reservations. Alex continued. "If this morning I'd pissed off Steve, or Mark, or even Christine, I wouldn't have broken into a cold sweat and paced down the street for a half mile talking about it on the phone. I can't think about anyone else, Luke." Luke smiled more, Alex squeezed him, then furrowed his brow. "But enough about me. How do you feel?" Luke sighed. Alex rubbed the small of his furry back. "I liked you as a person the minute you sat next to me. You didn't cringe like everyone else. And we became friends, and I liked you more and more, but there were some things you didn't know about me, and it really stressed me out. I didn't come out to you at first, because I wasn't sure that you'd be that accepting. I mean, me being a Furre was weird enough. Later, I learned you weren't that kind of guy, and it wouldn't have put you off at all. But I still didn't say anything, because by that time, despite my best efforts, I'd developed feelings for you, and I thought it would never work. This morning, hiding them for so long finally got to me, when you pushed me away. God, that hurt. But then, in a couple hours, it all changed." He gave Alex a quick lick on the cheek. Alex smiled. "When did you figure out you were gay?" Alex asked. Luke thought. "I was about fourteen. I had a girlfriend, everything was going fine, a cute coyote, you'd like her. Then, like you, I caught myself fantasizing, focusing on other girls, but also guys, once in a while, then more and more. I denied it of course. Not because of shame, there's not really any homophobia in Furre culture. Just fear, because everything that was going so well was about to crash down around me. In a couple of months the passion had left, and we both knew it, and broke it off. We still get along, not as well as you and Christine, but we're definitely friends. I got interested in guys. I had a few flings, always casual stuff. But as far as a relationship, you're my first." Alex smiled. "'re bi? You're still into girls?" Luke thought again. "I guess, but the only person I'm into right now is you." They smiled, kissed again. "We'd better get dressed. Steve and Joe will be back soon." Alex and Luke had a tedious week. Christine was still the only one that knew about their relationship. They kept it hidden from Steve, Mark, and Joe, Alex had no idea how to tell them, even though he knew it couldn't stay a secret forever. They could find no private time for sex, and it drove them both crazy. They could see it in each other; Luke claimed he could smell it. But soon, Saturday was there again. Alex lay on the couch with a notebook in his lap, scratching through physics homework, waiting for Luke to come so that they could finish the work together. He heard footsteps, and got up, opening the door before Luke had a chance to knock, making sure he was in nobody's line of sight. Luke stepped inside and shut the door, Alex grabbed him, pressed his mouth to Luke's. Tongues intertwined and Luke rubbed Alex's back, embracing him, and Alex did the same, slowly moving his hands down to feel his tight, toned, perfectly shaped ass. They pulled apart, smiling at each other. Alex caught a glint on Luke's ear, and noticed a single gold ear ring, tastefully set towards the base of his right ear, the shine complimenting his brilliant eyes. "When did you get that?" Alex asked. "I've had it for a while, but haven't worn it since I got here. Do you like it?" Alex grinned. "Well, you proved me wrong, I didn't think it was possible for you to look better." They smiled at each other and sat down on the couch, Luke opening his bag and taking out his notebook. They shared answers and slowly worked through the problems. Alex's phone rang. He looked at the caller: Christine again. He flipped it open. "Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?" "Maybe, I never listen. So anyway, do you have anything planned tonight?" "No. Why?" "Cool, I'm coming down. You can expect me at around nine. We should all go out and get dinner, you, me, and Luke." "Yeah, sounds good." Joe stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking at Alex. "Hold on," he said to Christine, then covered the mouthpiece of the phone. "What's up?" "I just talked to Mike, he's having a party at his apartment. You wanna come?" He asked. Mike was one of Joe's friends, they'd gone to high school together. "Yeah. How's this for a deal: you know Christine, my friend? Pretty hot, brunette? I'll bring her, if you let Luke in, too." Luke frowned at him, clearly not wishing to be the negative part of a compromise. "I dunno, is she worth that?" Mike grinned, joshing Luke. "Sorry about that," He said to Christine. "How do you feel about a party tonight? All the guys from my apartment, you, me. We'll get liquored up and laugh at you trying to dance." "That sounds good." She paused. "What about Luke?" "I've got some leather straps and stuff, he'll be locked in my room." "What?" "He's coming too." "Cool. See you at nine, then." Alex and Luke finished their work, but not without distraction. They knew some of it was done incorrectly, but they didn't care; it was good enough, and they had difficulty concentrating. Nine o'clock came. Fifteen minutes before, Joe, Steve, and Mark had left, Alex willing to wait for Christine and unwilling to cook, he had ordered Chinese. The few precious minutes together they had were spent tenderly on the couch, mouths together, tongues intertwined, Alex longing to pull Luke's clothes off and let Luke do the same to Alex, but outside, he heard a car pull up, the engine shut off, and a door open and close. Alex frowned as Luke pulled his tongue out of Alex's mouth with a disappointed expression and got off of him, buttoning his shirt again. A knock at the door. Alex walked up. Luke followed closely, put an arm around Alex's waist. Alex opened the door. "Hey," Alex said. Christine stepped in and shut the door behind her. "Hey," was her response. Alex broke free from Luke long enough to give her a quick hug. "You're Luke?" She said to the fox. "Guilty. Nice meeting you, finally." He shook her hand, then slid his arm back around Alex's waist, Alex put an arm over his shoulders. "Same here," replied Christine. "Well, you ARE cute. I don't know how Alex manages to snag people like us." Luke blushed, if it was possible for a fox to blush. "So, are you two, like, a couple now?" "Guilty," Alex said. "You look it," She replied, reaching over and pulling an orange hair from his collar. There was another knock at the door. "I'll get it," said Luke. He pulled his wallet out of his khaki pocket and went to the door. He swung it open to see a slightly shocked delivery driver. "Hey, how ya doin?" Was Luke's nonchalant greeting. The driver looked back. "Umm, order for Alex?" "Yeah, I'll take that. What's the damage? Twenty five?" Luke handed him a crisp twenty and a ten. "Keep the change." "Uh, thanks." Alex reached for his pocket and Christine fumbled through her purse, but Luke dismissed their efforts to pay him. Luke brought the food into the living room and set it on the coffee table. Alex sat down on the couch, Luke sat next to him, planted a quick kiss on his cheek. Christine pulled up a chair. "Wow, Alex, plastic forks and styrofoam trays. You're such a romantic," Christine said. "You know me. So, how's school been for you this year?" Alex asked Christine, as they started to dig in to the food. "Not bad, classes are a little better than last year. They're not trying to weed slackers out with busy work any more. How about you?" Alex gave Luke a quick squeeze. "Never better." Christine smiled, and giggled a little bit. "What?" asked Alex. "Nothing," She smiled. "You two are just a really cute couple." Alex thought momentarily. "Christine, why are you so cool with this? You act like it's no big deal at all. I mean, when I told you about how I was feeling, it was the first thing you suggested. I can't imagine many people accepting what Luke and I have, but you don't seem to care at all that he's a Furre." "Well, I spent some time with a Furre at my school. She was a panther, her name was Silvia. Really nice girl, we talked about everything. She had a difficult time fitting in. But the more I talked to her, the less I noticed that she was a Furre. It stopped mattering. I realized that anybody, no matter who or what they are, experienced the same emotions. The difference between Furre and human is really very slight when it comes right down to it, just minor physical stuff." Alex thought. He hadn't actually thought about that. The only thing he thought about was the fact that he loved Luke, and Luke loved him. "And you didn't flinch at the fact that he was a guy..." "Girls think gay couples are cute," she said, giggling a little more. "Oh." Alex rolled his eyes. A little more eating and they were full. Alex stuffed the leftovers in the fridge. "Ready?" he asked them. Christine nodded, then pulled a pack of gum from her purse and passed some out. They walked out the door, Christine on the left, Luke on the right, Alex at the middle, trying not to look too involved with Luke. After a couple minutes of strolling through the brisk autumn air, they arrived at Mike's large, four bedroom apartment. They climbed the steps of the porch that served as the entry way. Music thumped from inside, several people stood outside, drinking from plastic cups, chatting noisily. They walked to the entrance. Luke got a few stares. Entering, Alex noticed the normal party setting: the large apartment stuffed with noisy people, talking, some playing Beirut and whooping victoriously, all at varying levels of intoxication. Music thumped, some overproduced crunk trash. Mike was a great guy, but he had terrible taste in music. Alex was caught off guard as an arm was thrown over his shoulders. He turned, saw Mike, a little red-faced, loud and extroverted from a mild buzz. "Alex, you dick, you finally showed up!" "What's up, man?" Mike let him go, they pounded knuckles. "Watching you assholes drink my booze, that's what." "Aw, cry about it. Anyway, this is Christine." Christine smiled and winked. "And this is Luke." Mike stared, as if noticing the fox for the first time. "Hey," Luke said, stuck his paw out, waited awkwardly. Mike paused. "Shake his paw, you dick. Don't you know how to host?" Alex elbowed Mike, who started, then shook with Luke awkwardly. "Sorry, I've never actually...met one of you guys." "Hey, don't worry about it," Luke said. "You guys want something to drink? Follow me." Mike led them into the kitchen, swung open one of two refrigerators, which was stuffed with cheap beer and soda. Luke and Alex each took a beer as Mike mixed Christine a rum and coke. "Thanks man," Luke said. "I don't care what Alex says about you, you're alright." Mike laughed, and Alex suddenly realized how suave Luke could be. They took their drinks, made their way back to the living room, towards the couches that surrounded a large TV that was playing a basketball game. Christine tapped Mike on the shoulder. "Do you have a bathroom?" She asked quietly. "Yeah, down the hall that way, to your right." "Thanks." As she walked away, she gave Luke's ass a light pinch that made him jump. Luke stared at her, but she had her back to him, was walking away as if nothing had happened. Luke looked at Alex, who sat down on the only vacant couch, as did Luke. "Yeah, she kind of likes to act like a...temptress around certain people. Hell if I know why," Alex said with a furrowed brow, swigging his beer. "Does it bug you?" Luke raised his eyebrows. "No, not really. Does it bug you?" "It shouldn't, I trust her. But you mean so much that - " He was cut short as Mark flopped down next to him on the couch. Alex swallowed hard, greeted Mark. Luke did the same, although he didn't seem as nervous as Alex. Steve and Joe joined them, took the other couch. Steve had found a short, slightly drunk blonde named Becky, his reclusive personality being transformed to party animal with the alcohol. The five joked, traded insults. "Room for me?" Christine asked, standing next to Luke, who was at the end of the couch. "Might be a little tight," he said, winking. Christine smiled and squeezed in next to him. Luke yawned, stretched, and put his arm around Christine, smirking. The night wore on. They all drank more, although Luke and Alex were reserved, limiting themselves to three drinks. Christine became increasingly red and giggly, and continued to flirt with Luke, even going so far as to plant a kiss on his muzzle. Alex knew it didn't bother Luke, and it really didn't bother him either, so he watched everyone else who saw it, enjoying their reactions. Mark and Joe looked on with surprised amusement, Becky stared with an open mouth, shocked and mildly disgusted. Steve looked the most uncomfortable: he knew and liked Luke, and the attention he was getting from Christine didn't faze him, but he didn't want Becky to know this. The party started to wind down. The neighbors had complained to Mike twice and threatened to call the police, and people started to filter out. Alex and Luke thanked Mike, then left with Christine, Steve, Becky, Joe, and Mark. They stumbled back to Alex's apartment and sat down on the couches and bean bags around the living room. Becky made sure to sit at the opposite side of the room of Christine and Luke, who were still flirting. Alex looked at his cell phone, noticed it was only one; the party had let out early. "What do you guys wanna do?" Mark asked. "Breakfast!" yelled Joe, ready to hit Denny's like any college student. Everyone but Luke, Alex, and Christine got up. "You guys comin'?" Asked Steve. "Nah, I think we'll chill here for a while. Besides, we wouldn't fit in your car." Alex said, reclining on the couch. Steve shrugged, and the four left. As soon as the door closed, Luke lay his head back against Alex's chest, who gave him a quick kiss. Christine had sobered up a bit. She looked at the two and smiled. "You guys are a cute couple." "You keep saying that," Alex said. "Well, you are." "Well, thanks, I guess," Alex said. "But I think I know who you think the cute one is. And I can't say that I blame you." He smiled mischievously at Luke. "Yeah, it's been a long week..." He said. Alex grinned, realizing that they had the apartment to themselves, except for Christine. There was a very awkward silence. "Yeah, I guess I'll give you two some privacy." She grabbed her purse and got up. "No, don't go. I don't get to see you that often. This mongrel's here any time." Alex frowned at her trying to leave. "Yeah, stay a while. Besides, you shouldn't be driving," Luke implored. "But you two must be dying to get at one another..." She stood by the door, looking at them. Neither Luke nor Alex could argue that point. "Can I watch?" She finally asked casually. Luke raised his eyebrows, Alex chuckled. "I don't mind," Alex said. "Alright," said Luke after a pause. The two grinned at each other, Alex bit his ear and they quickly made their way to his room, Christine followed cautiously. Alex threw open the door, shoved Luke towards his bed. He laughed and fell forward onto it, rolling over, giving Alex his sly and tempting look. Luke threw off his already unbuttoned shirt and unzipped his pants as Alex did the same, kicking off his shoes, and finally jumping out of his pants and boxers, his erect cock springing out and begging for attention. Luke started to pull his pants off, and Alex grabbed them and helped, pulling them up and off his legs. Alex took the final step and pulled Luke's silk boxers up and over his legs, pausing as he pulled it over his feet. He took one foot and ran his tongue over the pink pad on the bottom, watching the toes curl in anticipation. Flinging the boxers aside, he bent down and put his hands on Luke's hips. He took as much as possible of the big, red cock in his mouth, sucking it, licking the tip, trying his best to please Luke. Luke scratched Alex's head, then tapped his shoulder. Alex picked his head up and looked at him. "You need work with that. Lemme show you," Luke said, then shoved Alex into the mattress, bending down and licking Alex's cock. Alex couldn't help but wonder where Luke had acquired the talent he had pleasing Alex. But before long, he didn't care, all he could think about was the tongue moving perfectly, his sharp fangs providing just a little delicious pain. Soon, he was off of Alex, knowing that in his state, he probably wouldn't last too long. Luke sat up, looked at Alex, then glanced mischievously at his bedside table. Alex looked at it, then grabbed the bottle of lotion on it, pumping it onto a hand, rubbing his cock with it. Luke rolled over and let Alex rub it onto and inside of his tail hole, getting it as slick as possible. The fur on his back stood up, half from the feeling, half from anticipation. Alex kneeled behind Luke, and using his hand to guide it at first, slowly slid his hard cock into Luke's ass. He gently thrust a couple of times, probing, moving his hips, until he found a spot that made Luke's whole body tense and shudder as he thrust. He leaned forward, rested his chest on Luke's furry back and thrusted with his hips, struggling to keep the pace slow. He reached around underneath Luke, gently stroking his chest with one hand as he steadied himself with the other. He teased Luke's soft fur, then slowly moved his hand back, gently rubbed Luke's throbbing cock, the tips of his fingers barely touching the knot, shaft, and then tip. He could feel a small, delightful dribble of sticky pre every time he gave Luke a good, deep thrust. Finally, it became too much for Alex. He thrusted as hard and fast as he could, wrapping his arms around Luke's chest. Luke let out a small moan and wrapped his mouth around Alex's arm, causing a small amount of exquisite pain with his sharp teeth. The bed shook, Alex on top of Luke, skin and fur pressed together as he mercilessly pounded him. Luke's awkwardly positioned tail thrashed wildly as the hole beneath it tightened and his cock twitched, then shot cum all over the mattress and himself in several huge bursts, covering his chest and Alex's arm. Luke whimpered a little as Alex finally finished, burying himself in Luke, coming hard and long into his tightening hole. His cock slowly went limp, and he pulled it out with a pop as they rolled sideways, both of them panting. "Wow..." Christine said. Alex jumped, sat up, and looked at her, he'd forgotten that she was even there. She had taken a seat at the edge of Steve's bed. Luke wiped the liquid from his chest with some tissue, then slowly licked Alex's arm. Finishing, he licked his lips and drew a claw up Alex's chest and off of his chin. "You didn't last very long there, stud," Luke said. Alex smirked. "I got the job done." "This is a chore for you? Well, you're not finished yet." Luke grinned, then shoved Alex back again. He growled, then took Alex's flaccid cock in his mouth again, baring his teeth. The threat didn't frighten Alex, but he enjoyed Luke's feisty attitude. Luke slowly started to suck and lick at him, until Alex was hard again, which didn't take long, despite having come only minutes before. "Wait. Turn around," Alex said. Luke grinned at him, then lithely turned around in the bed to the sixty nine position, swatting Alex's face with his big tail. He lay over Alex, his warm, soft weight pressing their chests together again, as he slowly and teasingly sucked Alex's big cock, presenting his furry sheath to Alex, who had only to draw his tongue across the opening before Luke's cock enthusiastically slid out, dripping a bit of pre. This time, Alex took the shaft in his mouth and sucked and licked gently, tasting the salty, musky flavor, using one free hand to tenderly massage Luke's knot, the other to stroke his ass, occasionally pushing a finger into the still wet hole. "Much better," Luke murmured softly around Alex's manhood. They sucked and moaned gently for a while, each enjoying the tender closeness and the act of pleasing one another. After several more minutes of sixty nining, Alex felt Luke's tight hole close around his finger quickly, and he started thrusting his cock into Alex's mouth, rather than simply letting Alex do the work as he had earlier. Luke's moans became louder and longer, Alex could tell he was close. Alex let go of the knot, pulled out his finger, and stopped sucking. "Alex...don't stop..." Luke begged. Alex smirked. He moved up further, licking Luke's furry orbs, and finally, drawing his tongue across Luke's tender asshole, eliciting another low moan, even more ecstatic than before. He licked and teased Luke, eventually pushing his tongue in as far as he could, making Luke squirm and moan even more. Deeper and harder he licked, feeling the tender muscle twitch and clench. Finally, after it seemed Luke was about to pass out from the stimulation, he stopped, and turned around, face to face with Luke, who was still gasping. "No one's ever done that to me..." he panted. "Well, you've never been with someone like me," Alex said softly, with a confident grin. They both smiled and kissed, before Luke suddenly grabbed him and rolled him over onto his back, straddling his chest. Alex gently stroked Luke's sides as he felt the wonderful, damp warmth of his cock and cummy tail hole on his chest. Luke moved back, and suddenly slid down over Alex's waiting cock. Luke bared his teeth as Alex gasped and sat up to grab Luke's hips and help slide him up and down. They moaned, Luke using his legs to rise and fall over Alex's firm shaft, Alex trying his best to thrust despite the awkward position. The pleasure and warmth made Alex close his eyes, feeling as though he were basking in bright sunlight. As Luke slid up and down, Alex occasionally felt his wet, warm tongue pass over his face. The hot, soft fucking went on for at least fifteen minutes, until Alex felt the familiar tickle in his loins again, just as Luke began to buck his hips faster and faster. Suddenly, Alex felt Luke's hole clench tighter than ever before. Luke moaned and gasped even harder, his fit body tensing. He felt Luke shoot copious amounts of hot fox cum on their chests again, Alex hungrily lapping some of it up this time, the reservations he had about doing so earlier lost in lust. Weak from the intense orgasm he was still experiencing, Luke stopped sliding himself up and down Alex's cock, his legs twitching. Alex laid Luke down in the bed and thrust hard and quick, making Luke's orgasm last even longer, milking even more cum from his prostate. Finally, the tingle he was feeling grew to an explosion of heat and released energy in his loins, and he came harder than he ever had in his life. As multiple waves of pleasure washed over him, he buried himself as deep as he could in Luke, emptying himself into his vulpine lover. The final thrust made Luke whimper and leak the last of his cum onto his stomach as he basked in the canid afterglow. For the second time, Alex rolled off of Luke, his limp cock popping out of Luke's wet, stretched tail hole. Both lay in bed for a while, panting. Alex gave Luke a kiss on his black lips, then sat up, remembering Christine. He looked at her, laughing at her expression, which was a combination of disbelief, shock, and almost disgust. "Did you enjoy the show?" Luke asked with a sly, foxy smile, his head propped against his arm, one knee up in a sexy, confident pose that showed off his foxhood. "I thought you'd be more...gentle." "He can take it," Alex said before grabbing Luke and squeezing him, the two smiling. Alex was distracted by a familiar electronic ringing. "Can you grab my phone, sexy? You're closer." Luke reached into Alex's pants, which were thrown haphazardly across his desk chair, and pulled out the phone. As he leaned over, Alex tickled his rump, eliciting a soft growl. Alex took the phone from Luke, noticed Steve was calling. He flipped it open. "What's up?" "Hey Alex, we stopped at Becky's place, and I was planning on just dropping her off. But her roommates weren't there, and she had some stuff, and we... got kind of drunk. We're all gonna crash here, we'll be back tomorrow." "OK. Would you mind if Christine used your bed? She probably shouldn't be driving." "No, I don't mind. Just keep Luke out of it," Steve said. Alex laughed. If only he knew. "I'll try. See ya, man." "Later," Steve said. Alex shut the phone. "We've got the place to ourselves for the rest of the night. Christine, Steve said you could use his bed if you want to." "Yeah, I think I will," she said, looking at her watch. "Would you mind getting the light, Alex?" Alex reached over and shut his bedside light off, covering them all in darkness. She yawned and kicked off her shoes, then flopped over onto Steve's bed, not even bothering to remove any of her clothes. "Goodnight, you freaks." "I think we scared her," Luke whispered, pulling the covers over the both of them. Alex give him another squeeze and a kiss, and they let themselves drift off to sleep. For the second time in a week, Alex woke happily with Luke beside him. Luke still slept, smiling peacefully. After several minutes of Alex simply staring at him, Luke stretched, blinked, and stared back at Alex with his brilliant eyes. They smiled at each other, words not needed. Alex sat up and pulled the covers aside. Despite the earlier efforts of Luke's tongue, he felt a little sticky, and noticing the matted fur on Luke's chest, figured that he probably felt the same way. "We should get cleaned up," Luke said lazily, as if the act didn't require him to leave the bed. Alex grabbed two towels, some shampoo, and soap, and they stole their way into the bathroom, still naked. They traded kisses and washed each other, Alex enjoying the feeling of soft, wet fur, which took a while to wash. Finished, they dried, got dressed as Christine showered and re-applied some make-up, tried her best to be lady-like. Luke wondered aloud if she was trying to make up for getting hammered, watching two guys fuck, and passing out, fully dressed, in somebody else's bed, which earned him a light swat to the muzzle. Mark, Steve, and Joe got back as Christine left, giving Alex a hug and Luke another pinch. The rest of the day was relaxed, Luke spent it with Alex and his room mates. Night came again and Luke left after a furtive squeeze and peck from Alex. Alone in the living room, Alex flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV, deciding to channel surf for a while before bed. A familiar buzz and ring from his pocket made him hit the mute button as he pulled out the phone. "Christine," the screen read, to no surprise. "You again?" was Alex's greeting. "Yeah. I need to talk to you about Luke." Alex furrowed his brow. "About what?" "First, you guys really have something, I can tell. I could see something even when you were pretending not be with him at the party." "He's amazing." "Yeah, he really is. Secondly, I can tell he's very smart and a little sensitive. Don't try to get anything past him, and don't try to control him." Alex scowled, growing angry. "Who the hell do you think I am?" "When you asked him if he wanted to go to the party, what did he say?" "I, umm..." "Exactly, I knew you didn't ask him. He might have wanted to spend the night alone with you. I know you're not a control freak, it's just that you've never been with someone who doesn't expect you to be a little more dominant." Alex thought about this, realized Christine was right. "Alex, just be a little considerate and think about things before you do them." "OK, I guess you're right." "And you can't keep this a secret forever, that's the biggest thing. I can tell Luke doesn't like it, and neither do you." Alex gulped at the thought of telling his roommates, wondered how weird it would be, dreaded telling his parents. "Yeah, I know. God, that's gonna be tough." He paused. "Well, thanks, Christine." "Yeah, no problem. Bye." "Bye." Alex flipped the phone closed and shut off the TV. He walked upstairs, threw his clothes in a hamper and flopped into his bed, missing Luke's soft warmth, his sweet breath. He wondered how to tell his friends and family for a little while, before pushing the frightening thought from his mind and picturing Luke's brilliant eyes, bittersweet emotions chasing him to sleep.