Innocence Lost : 4

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This story is fiction. It has scenes of adult and cub sex. If you don't like these themes, then please don't read. This is my first foray in stories dealing with cubs. I welcome any critique or suggestions or comments, as these are incentive for me to write more. Be it character, story or grammar based, feel free to comment or send me a note/email.

Any resemblance to actual incidents, institutions, existing/prior/future fursonas or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.


I thought I had gotten over what Griff had done to me, but when Shay said he wanted to see me, my first instinct was to run, to say no. I wanted to end the webcam chat and crawl away into my bed and hide there, pulling my plush toys around me for comfort.

I realized that there was more damage from the lynx's actions than I'd realized. I also realized that if I couldn't get over it I wouldn't be able to have sex with any guys anymore. I'd be too traumatized to engage them, and that didn't sit well with me.

But when he mentioned his son, it was enough of a surprise to banish those errant fears. Shay was a cublover; i knew he wanted me, but I hadn't even considered the possibility that cublovers had kids of their own. I started to wonder why he wanted his son along. Of course, there was a quick way to find out.

Shay gave me a patient smile as I asked him about this. He told me that he was divorced, and that, yeah, he had a son. He also went into detail about his "dream vacation." Seems the stag had a fantasy about filming his son with another cub. Not only that, but he would get involved at some point in the movie.

I asked him if he and his son had ever done stuff, to which he smiled and nodded, and told me that it was consentual. He would never force sex on, or coerce it out of, anyfur. His son, Matthew, had walked in on him while he was watching an adult porno, and had become very inquisitive. One thing lead to another, and soon the two bucks had begun experimenting together.

The idea of sex with another cub hadn't really factored into my equations. Sure, I'd looked at other cubs in the showers at school, but my focus had been on adults for sex. Cubs had little money as it was, and I didn't feel right about taking cash from them for sex. The other issue against my pursuit of cub on cub action was that you never knew who you could trust.

They might break down and tell somefur, or decide to use the information against me. Adults had too much to lose to do either, though some might attempt the latter, not that I'd have given them the chance to.

Shay told me he would make it worth my while. I'd get to have sex with a cub, sex with an adult, and I'd get paid well - very well. He'd also treat me to things like dinner, movies, stuff like that, since his son would also enjoy getting out and enjoying those activities.

He could tell I was more than curious about this. But the issue soon became one of how to get permission to go off with a strangefur for a day. My parents would want to meet both Shay and Matthew, and they'd want to know where they were from, and how I had met them. I told Shay I would think about it, and for the next few days I strained my creativity to the limits, coming up with idea after idea, discarding most of them.

Shay offered some suggestions as well, which was good. As a parent, he no doubt loved his son very much, and would not want strangefurs mistreating him. At least, I assumed he loved his son. Having sex with a strangefurs cub was one thing...having sex with your own cub entirely another. I thought of me and my dad going at it and I shuddered at the thought. I figured it was something that worked for some, and didn't for others.

Eventually we came up with a plausible idea. Shay was very excited about working with me during this process, and that excitement was infectous. I was eager to put our plan into action, and while the events of my near rape still haunted me, I pushed onwards. I would make sure to find out if what Shay said was true, that Matthew was consentual in their sex. If it was, then I figured I didn't have anything to fear from the stag.

Our plan would take at least a couple months to come across as believable, which was just fine as it would coincide with summer break, so I put it our plan into action a couple days later, when during breakfast I let drop Matthew's name in passing. Obviously, my parent's wanted to know who this Matthew was, and I told them he was a young deer who I had met in a chatroom on a site my parent's knew I frequented.

Shay had Matthew create an account on there for just that purpose, and we had started chatting the previous day. We cammed a bit as well, and he was definitely a cute buck, a little timid at first, but once we started talking he opened up, and soon we were going on and on about anime and computer games and music.

Mom and dad smiled lovingly at me and said it was good that I was making new friends. A few days later, whilst camming with Matthew (or Matt as he prefered to be called) and showing off some of my action figures, my dad happened to come into my room. I immediately flung myself upon the opportunity to introduce the two of them, pulling him in front of the webcam and telling the young buck that this was my dad, and that the boy grinning back at me was Matt.

My dad smiled and reminded me that tomorrow was garbage day, then left. Matt and I spent the next hour lamenting on how cruel it was for parents to force us to do chores!

Matt and I continued our conversations, as did Shay and I, and over the next two months I sporadically dropped Matt's name, so that my parents got used to it. During those months I would still make regular visits to the bookstore, hoping to land more cublovers. I started going at different hours, and randomizing the amount of time I spent in there. I was also much more aware of my surroundings, and my mace and switchblade were comforting weights in my pockets.

Sadly, I got no offers. Whether this was because of my change in hunting schedule, or because my city didn't house many cublovers who went to this mall, or a combination of both, I could only guess at.

I did get an email each month from Wayne, who eagerly took me between his legs, my young maw wrapped around his spasming cock, gulping down his thick loads. I didn't have to give him any more underwear, but he did have me freshen the scent on the pair I had already given him. He also took some pictures of me, and as per my conversation with Shay, I got my own copies.

The pictures were of me naked, posing, aroused, and with cum dripping out my muzzle. I allowed him to have my face unobscured, but made him swear that these pics would never be put online, that they were for his own personal use only, and that he keep them in encrypted folders. He agreed, and he paid me extra for the priveledge, and I was happy with that.

Two and half months after I had first dropped Matthew's name, I burst into the kitchen one Saturday morning, hyper and excitable and grinning from ear to ear. My mom told me to calm down and pushed me into a chair, ignoring my enthusiastically hyper "Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom"s until I had cereal and orange juice in front of me.

That chore out of the way, my mom finally let me speak, and I told her, my words bubbling out enthusiastically, that Matt's dad was taking him on vacation and that Matt wanted to come here, to our city, because his dad was looking to do some hiking and fishing and camping and the area around here was perfect for that.

And indeed it was. The city I lived in was well known for its scenic surroundings; vineyards, woods, lakes and hiking trail festooned hills. It attracted thousands of tourists every summer, and had been mentioned in numerous articles and magazines.

My mom frowned and hmmmm'd a lot, and I let a look of resignation fall over my face as I told her that Matt's dad had the same reaction. This perked my mom's ears right up and she started asking about Shay.

Now giving my parents details about Shay was a little risky. Not that they'd discover anything about him from what I would say. But if something happened down the line, Shay's identity would be known to them. Still, in order for me to hook up with Shay and his son, this was a necessary risk.

Shay's experience as both cublover and parent came in extremely handy. He told me what to say, and how to say it, to get my mom to believe that Shay was just another parent, just like them. The more alike the two of them seemed, the more my mom would take a liking to him, if only for the fact that he supposedly shared her views on parenting and what was good for her cub.

My mom finally consented to a "Maybe. Your dad and I will have to discuss this" attitude, and I wolfed down my breakfast and scampered back up to my room to let Matt and Shay know what had happened.

Several days later and my parent's told me they would like to speak to Matt's father, and I told them that Matt had told me the same thing, that his dad wanted to speak to them first as well. And so a kinda family cyberchat happened, all of us gathered around my computer, with everfur getting to be introduced to everfur else.

Shay told my parent's that he was indeed looking to take Matt hiking and camping, and had been looking through brochures when the young buck had told him about our city. As far as he was concerned, one place was pretty much as good as another, but the whole concept of meeting up with somefur his son had just met over the internet was a little alien to him. Of course, my parent's agreed wholeheartedly, as we had expected, as we had planned.

I can thank Shay for my manipulative nature. My experiences during those few months in getting my folks to agree to our plan opened up doors to ideas and tactics that would be invaluable in the years to come.

In the end, it was decided that Shay and Matt would choose our city to vacation in, on the much agreed upon condition that we all meet up for dinner as a final, and in person, get to know each other, where all lingering doubts could be put to bed.

And so, three months later, Shay and Matt pitched up at my front door one Friday evening. Matt and I did our cubby thing and dashed off to my room to play games and talk and roughhouse a bit, which brought a unified "You cubs stop that horseplay!" shout from our parents. Shay and my dad hit it off pretty well, thanks in no small part to the information I had given Shay about his hobbies and interests. My mom was eager to know where the three of us would be going, and Shay had brought brochures with him showing the cabin and surrounding area that we'd be spending our week at, complete with contact numbers that went a long way in setting my mom's mind at ease.

Shay and Matt spent the night at our place, at my mom's insistance. Nothing happened that night. It was far too risky to do anything with either Shay or his son. The next morning we bundled into Shay's car, my mom fussing over me and my luggage, ensuring I had enough clothes, clean underwear, toiletries and some extra allowance money.

Just before we left, Shay suggested that my parents come over to the cabin the following Sunday for a barbeque. Since the cabin we'd be staying in sat right on the lakeside, and said lake was well known for it's fishing, my dad, an avid angler, swiftly agreed. Even my mom seemed taken with the idea; it had been a while since she'd had the chance to just relax and not worry about anything housework related.

And then we were off, making our way to a private cabin in the woods alongside a lake, an hour's drive out of the city, where there would be plenty of time for fun and games. And sex.

Matt and I were a pawful in the back seat, but Shay took our anctics with great patience and simply smiled at us in the rearview mirror. I was surprised how well Matt and I got along. Not only did we share similar interests in games and movies and anime, but we shared a deeper secret, that we enjoyed sex with adults, and while Matt had only ever been with Shay, he confided in me that there were some of Shay's friends he wouldn't minding spreading his legs for. Naturally, this got both of us aroused, and we shifted trying to get more comfortable, until, almost as though we shared a psychic bond, we glanced over at each other and grinned.

"Hey, dad?" Matt called out.

"What's up, Matt?" Shay asked, glancing in the miror at us.

"Try not to crash the car," the young stag grinned impishly.

Both me and Matt unbutton our cargo shorts and tug them down, pausing there to allow us a long, lingering gaze at each other's crotches. I wore my usual snug briefs, this time red with white borders, while Matt wore a likewise snug blue and white pair of boxer briefs. In the mirror, Shay's eyes grow wide, and he has to continuously alternate his concentration between road and the back seat.

We hear him attempt to stifle a whine, and we glance up and grin again. Matt reaches over to help me out of my shirt, pulling it off me and then waiting while I did the same. Now clad only in our underpants we sit back and start caressing our little pouches. The feeling is intoxicating, knowing that there are cars behind us and to the sides, and while they cannot look in and see what we're doing, they can see that we're bare chested.

Matt suddenly tackles me, and we end up lying on the back seat, the young buck pinning me down and brushing his muzzle against mine. We start licking at each other's lips, our hands stroking each other's sides, and soon this turns into full fledged kissing, our adolescent tongues flicking in and out of each other's mouths, moaning softly as we grind against each other.

I can feel Matt's little boner poking at mine, and I slide my hand into his underpants, grasping his rump firmly and squeezing, thrusting upwards against him, grunting feverishly as he begins humping back in return.

"Save the cumming for the cabin, boys," Shay says, his voice laden with warmth and lust.

"Ok, daddy," Matt replies, kissing me one more time before sitting up and pulling his shirt back on.

I follow suit, but for the rest of the trip we keep our shorts pooled around our ankles, one hand buried in our undies, fondling ourselves, the other clasped together as we share a period of intimate playfulness.

The last couple miles is made through dense woods, and when the cabin finally comes into view, both Matt and I gasp in awe. It is beautiful, a traditional log cabin that we know comes stocked with enough modern conveniences to make our stay very comfortable. The lake shimmers in the still, warm air, presenting us with a sparkling display of light and water.

The car rolls to a stop and Matt and I bundle out of the car, having pulled up our shorts the moment we turned off onto the dirt road. Shouting and gambolling across the grass we dash towards the waterside, making for the wooden dock, alongside which a boat is moored. Shay stretches out languidly, enjoying the heat of the sun on his face.

At the end of the pier we stop and stare down into the water. It beckons us with tempting glittering, giving us an escape from the sun beating down on us. We hear a creak of wood behind us and turn to find Shay approaching, a video camera trained on us.

"So how do you guys like the place so far?" he asks.



"That water sure looks invigorating," Shay grins, winking.

Matt flashes a grin back at his father and pulls off his shirt, tugging off his shoes and socks and stepping deftly out of his cargo shorts. I watch him, laughing, and suddenly he is pulling my shirt off as well, and soon we are both standing in our undies, grinning at each other and back at the camera.

Shay holds up a hand to forestall us leaping into the water. "Hold on, kids." He sets the camera down on a post, making sure it is focused and steady, then steps up to us. "While we're here, there is a big rule you have to obey. That rule is..." he suddenly grins and scoops us up, his powerful arms encircling our waists and hefting us effortlessly into the air as we squeel in playful delight and batter his back and shoulders with a tiny flurry of fists, " have FUN!" He shouts the last word and suddenly we are flying through the air, yelling and flailing and then an explosion of water and bubbles as we plunge into the lake.

Coming to the surface, spitting out water and giggling, we find Shay laughing at us, the video camera back in his hands. As we tread water, splashing each other, performing playfully for the camera, I notice movement behind Shay as a portly, greying raccoon saunters down the dock. Our cavorting ceases as we wait for Shay to notice, and by our sudden silence he quickly does.

"Welcome, Mr Kealey," the raccoon smiles, holding out his hand.

Shay shakes and smiles. "Mr Olgaard, I presume."

The raccoon peers down at us in the water and laughs. "Didn't take them long to start enjoying this place, do it?"

Shay chuckles. "They've been looking forward to this for a while now. Despite that, they didn't hesitate to demand several stops along the way for places of interest," he smiles apologetically. "Which is why we're a little late."

"Oh don't worry 'bout that," the raccoon says. "As it happens, my ride is going to be slightly delayed as well. Should be here in a few minutes though, so let me give ya a quick tour of the cabin. Then I'll be out of your fur and you guys can enjoy what we have to offer out here."

As the raccoon leads Shay down the dock towards the cabin, we swim quickly to shore and dart up to join them, soaked and giggling, pausing to grab our clothes and holding them gingerly in our hands so as not to get them overly wet.

On the porch, Mr Olgaard tosses us a couple towels he had thoughtfully brought from inside, and we bundl ourselves in them and followed the adults into the crisp interior. The living room sports comfy couches and a large fireplace, as well as a tv and dvd player. The raccoon tells us that while they didn't have any gaming consoles, the storage closet holds a number of boardgames that will hold our attention if required.

The kitchen is fully stocked as per Shay's request, the closest store being a fifteen minute drive out. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a leisure room which houses a rack of fishing gear and a pool table finishes off the cabin. Mr Olgaard points at a list on relevant numbers on the wall in the kitchen in case we need anything, and he mentions that while we do have internet access, it will be a little slow out here.

The sound of a vehicle pulling up draws our attention back outside, as Mr Olgaard's ride arrives. With a cheerful wave he bids us enjoy ourselves and is soon lost to sight as the car vanishes into the woods.

Still wrapped in plush towels we help Shay bring in our luggage and additional supplies, and then Matt and I select one of the rooms with two single beds as our "room". While we will actually be spending the nights in the master bedroom in the king sized bed with Shay, we want to give the impression that nothing untoward was going on when my folks arrived on Sunday.

Shay makes us a quick lunch of hotdogs, crisps and soda, and once our bellies are full, he guides us into the master bedroom. There he tells us to take off our wet undies, which we do, and we stand naked before his eager gaze as he appraises our budding little bodies.

Shay kneels down in front of me and places a hand on my shoulder reassuringly. "Hey, pup, if at any time you don't want to do something, just tell me, ok?"

I nod, and Matt pipes up with;"My dad is really nice when it comes to sex, don't worry."

I smile and nod again, and Shay pets my head softly, and stands up.

"We're going to start off with a little movie," he smiles, and reaches into a suitcase, pulling out various props, handing them to us. To me he gives a cowboy hat and a double holster belt, complete with fake pearl handled silver toy revolvers. To complete my outfit he also hands me a red trimmed pair of white boxer briefs that have a red steer emblazoned across the rump, and a checkered red neckerchief. To Matt he gives an indian headdress, a leather loincloth, a belt with a toy dagger and tomahawk, and a pair of leather wristbands that sport colorful feathers.

Shay opens his video camera and films us pulling on our costumes, and he whistles softly as we stand before him, a cowboy husky and an indian deer, resplendant in our erotic attire. "You guys are hot," he breathedssoftly, licking his lips. "Ok, so we're gonna go go out into the woods and play cowboys and indians. Tyler, you're gonna be a lost cowboy wandering the woods and Matt, you're the brave little indian who finds him, ambushes him and pins him to the ground." He winks at his son. "You know what to do from there. Tyler, just play along," he grinned.

As Shay leads us into the woods, I cannot help but get a boner as I walk behind Matt, his loincloth clad rump swishing back and forth seductively. Once we have found a secluded and isolated area of woods, Shay calls a halt, and while we wait we watch him pull of his clothes, until he stands naked before us, his cervine cock saluting us with eager anticipation.

He looks so much hotter in person than he do in pixellated form, and I grin as I run my eyes over his well toned body, from his feat to the tips of his majestic antlers.

"Ok, boys," he says, picking up the video camera and turning it on us, "Tyler, you are going to go behind those bushes and come walking out to that tree. I'll be with Matt filming."

I follow Shay's directions and dash off behind the bushes. This is something the two deer had obviously planned out beforehand, but no matter, I would give a good showing. When I hear Shay call my name I stalk cautiously out from behind the bushes, hands resting on the handles of the revolvers, eyes darting back and forth , scanning the terrain around me, pausing to perk my ears up to listen intently.

I don't see Shay or Matt, but I know they are nearby. A brief flicker of movement catches my eye and I glance over, feigning concern. I see Shay standing between two trees, below him a handful of colored feathers peeking over a low bush. I let my eyes wander slowly over both of them and move on, giving no impression that I've seen them.

My ears perk at the sound of a twig snapping, and I draw my revolvers, coming to a standstill, turning in a circle, guns pointed outwards as I study the woods for signs of impending danger. When my back is turned to them, Matt darts out silently from the bushes, his tomahawk held high, and with a whooping holler he lunges at me.

I spin, bringing my guns to bear, but the tomahawk clashes against the barrel of one and it gets knocked aside. With my remaining revolver I try to shoot my attacker, but Matt tackles me and brings me to the ground, and we wrestle over the gun. Above us, Shay stands filming, shifting position to get better shots of the action.

My gun spins out of my grasp and I hold up my hands in submissive surrender. Matt stands above me, raising his tomahawk high, and whooping loudly in victory. Then, putting his hands on his hips, he grinsdown at me.

"You my slave now!"

I nod slowly.

"Stand up! Turn around!"

I do so, and the little indian deer gathers up my guns, tossing them aside. He approaches me and grabs my butt. " my cowboy fuckslave," he grunts. "You make me happy indian."

"I'll do whatever you want, just don't kill me," I stammer, and my words are met with a grunt of satisfaction.

"Take off underpants," Matt huffs, poking my butt with the head of the toy axe.

I slip my fingers into the waistband of my underpants and slide them down slowly, bending over as I pull them over my feet, my rump thrust out for Matt and his father to see, my tail lifted to give them an excellent view of the puckered rim that has yet to taste cock.

Matt kneels behind me and presses his nose against my butt, burying it between my cheeks and licking at my hole. He grasps my buttcheeks in his hands and spreads them, his tongue flicking against my little cubhole as I moan softly, glancing back over my shoulder. I can see the top of Matt's head and his eyes focused on my tailhole, while just to the side Shay pants and slowly strokes his engorged cock, continuing to film us.

When Matt ceases his licking I look back again, and the little deer is rubbing himself through his loincloth, grinding against his palm as he uses the tomahawk to gesture at me to turn around. Once I do he puts the head of the axe on my shoulder and pushes down, and I sink to my knees before him.

"Pull off my loincloth," he says, and I do, untying the cord and letting it fall down, exposing his stiff little member which thrusts itself out at me demanding my attention, twitching as though beckoning me to it.

"Suck!" Matt grunts, and I lean my head forward and take his cervine cocklet into my muzzle, sucking on his 3 inch flesh with much gusto, my eyes running up his youthful chest to meet his eyes, which flicker with friskiness.

He moans as I suck him, exagerating the sound, making it sound a little funny. But I focus on the dick in my mouth and I suck on him happily, my hands finding his rump and exploring the tight round domes with relish. For many minutes I kneel in service to my new cub friend as his dad films us and plays with himself.

"Me want to fuck now!" I hear him grunt, and he pulls out of my mouth and points at a boulder nearby. "You bend over that boulder. Me fuck your cowboy ass!"

Ordinarilly I would have found the dirty talking hilarious, it seeming out of place coming from the lips of a cub, but I am incredibly turned on by the naked deer and his father, my own penis throbbing persistantly between my legs, aching to spill the meager load carried within my balls.

I hurry over to the boulder and bend over it, with Matt in close pursuit. He spreads my legs again and spits onto my hole, smearing his saliva around and inside it. I relax myself, but I know I would be able to handle his penis with ease. My practice sessions with the canine dildo had borne fruit, and I was able to take the entirety of my toy inside me, albeit with much lubricant.

Matt's ardent little cockhead presses impatiently against my tailhole, and I let myself open to his advances. The little deer grunts as he stabbs at my ass, his cocklet delving effortlessly inside me. With cute little grunts he grips my hips and thrusts away at my ass, fucking me spiritedly, and in return I thrust back, my cock grinding against the rock leaving a spattering of precum against it's surface.

Suddenly Matt slaps my ass, hard, with the side of the toy tomahawk, and I yelp in surprise.

"Me fuck cowboy good! You my fuckslut now."

I nod and glanced back, finding desperate desire in his eyes as he rutted inside me. "Yes, are my sexy indian brave. Fuck me harder, I'm your bitch!"

Matt grins and plunges his pubescent cock harder and faster into me. It slips out a few times, but he quickly recovers and stabs it back inside, and soon I could hear the tone of his grunts change, and I knew he is about to blow his cubby load.

He pulls out, jerking at his pulsing little member and grunts at me to kneel. I do, stroking myself as I watch him masturbate in front of me. I open my muzzle and stick out my tongue, and he pushes the head of his little penis against the warm, moist surface. He screws up his face, his eyes narrowing as he stares, panting breathlessly, at his cock and he wobbles slightly as he finds release, several spatters of cubcum splashing against my tongue.

Like mine, I find his cum to be pretty much without flavor. It is slightly salty, but nowhere near as strong as an adult's. It is also lacking fragrance, once again much like mine, and I wait until he has squeezed the last clear drop of boyspunk out and then lick my lips, wetting them with his seed.

Shay nods at me, grabbing his thick cock and pointing at mine, then gesturing at his son, and lastly patting himself on the butt. Taking my clues from him I grab the little deer and grapple him to the ground, forcing him to his knees. He complies with only a feeble attempt to drive me off, and then he is ready, ass thrust up in the air, his shoulders and head flush with the earth, and I grab my penis and push it against my young friend's tailhole, which parts for my eagerness and I am inside him, fucking his cub ass, moaning loudly as I have my way with him.

This is my first time in a guy's ass, and I love the sensation. The tight clenching of the muscles around my shaft, squeezing and stimulating me, the friction of flesh against flesh, the wonder in watching my cock vanish into his young, round ass, I can see why guys like fucking, and why they'll love fucking me.

Again and again I pound his ass, my balls slapping against his rump as I hilt myself inside him, his ass muscles clenching around my shaft, toying with me, and I quickly pull out as I near orgasm, my dick spurting its issue against the puckered rim as I show off for the camera, my fingers milking my cocklet of its seed and then, when I have only a drop hanging from my cockhead, stab my still stiff cubcock back inside, giving vent to a playful victory howl.

Spent, I sink to the ground, lying next to Matt, who eyes me, giggling, his ass still in the air. Above us, Shay continues filming, his cock slick with precum, his scent heavy in the air. Matt gets to his knees and turns around, reaching up to grab his father's cock in his small hands and stroking the shaft. I follow suit, taking hold of both his laden balls and the head of his cock, squeezing them firmly and grinning up at him.

There is only lust in his eyes, a conflagration of need and impassioned desire that can only be quelled by the ministrations of the cubs kneeling before him. He humps ardently into our hands, moaning as we jerk him off. I removed the hand from his cockhead and both Matt and I press our lips to it, lapping softly, seductively at the head, tasting his maleness on our lips and tongues.

The scent emanating off his ripe, round balls is almost aphrodisiacal in nature, and we continue our worship of his rampant rod in ernest. We both hear the change in pitch in his moans, both feel the tensing of his shaft, and we press our lips close together, kissing his cockhead passionately, our lips slightly apart, ready to accept his seed.

His adult cum explodes over us in a potent torrent of spurts that pushes it's way into our muzzles and nostrils and sprays over our faces in a sticky white mess that forces us to quickly shut out eyes and snort, forcing the cum from our noses. Even so, some of his spunk finds its way onto my eyeball and starts to burn, but I force myself to ignore the irritation and continue to lick and suck and kiss at the adult's pulsing cock.

When he finally stops cumming, standing above us panting heavily, eyes glazed over in a haze of post orgasmic relief, we open our eyes, save me, who can only open one. His penis is still hard and large in front of our faces, and an errant drop of cum eases itself out of his cockhole and drips to the ground.

Matt and I turn to look at each other and grin, and cum dribbles over our lips and onto our chins, both of us having decided not to swallow. As Shay quickly recovers his senses we play our parts for the camera he still holds, opening our mouths, showing off how eagerly we play with his spunky stagness in our maws, licking our lips and smearing them with his robust redolence.

I press my lips against Matt's, and we open our mouths to french kiss each other, cum slick tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths as Shay's cum surges back and forth between us, slipping out between our lips to ooze down our chins. He hold each other close, hands grasping each other's rumps, grinding our limp cocklets together as we make out, Shay's seed matting our fur and finally filling our stomachs as we swallow and lick our lips.

The video camera snaps shut and Shay slumps down against the boulder Matt had fucked me on, and grins at us, our muzzles matted and messy, smelling of adult seed, and opens his arms. We crawl over to him and press our bodies to his, his arms holding us close as we shut our eyes and lie there in cheerful, tired bliss, the woods cradling us in arms of solitude, whispering to us in a medly of breeze and bird and bug songs, the scent of a warm summer day filling our nostrils as we fall into a carefree nap, Shay staying awake to watch over us.

To Be Continued...

Innocence Lost - 3

This story is fiction. It has scenes of adult and cub sex. If you don't like these themes, then please don't read. This is my first foray in stories dealing with cubs. I welcome any critique or suggestions or comments, as these are incentive for me to...

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Innocence Lost - 2

This story is fiction. It has scenes of adult and cub sex. If you don't like these themes, then please don't read. This is my first foray in stories dealing with cubs. I welcome any critique or suggestions or comments, as these are incentive for me to...

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Innocence Lost

This story is fiction. It has scenes of adult and cub sex. If you don't like these themes, then please don't read. This is my first foray in stories dealing with cubs. I welcome any critique or suggestions or comments, as these are incentive for me to...

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