The legendary Aura master seires #5

Story by darkAuraUser33 on SoFurry

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#5 of Legendary Aura Master story

Chapter 5 of the series, guys. First chapter with some yiff i personally think i did alright for my first time but is up to you to decide if i did a good job or not.

I don't own pokemon, all rights reserve to the owner and creator of pokemon. The story is for entertainment purposes.

the only characters that are mine are Migx, kevin, Black heart and others not yet introduced in the story.

The legendary Aura Master series

Chapter 5: Fun at the pokemon center

The room was very quiet after Riley left with Nurse Joy. Migx had fallen asleep shortly after because he was feeling very exhausted and decided he needed time to get some of his strength back. On the other hand Lucario was sitting next to him on his right side; she was very bored, so bored she started to disturb his nap, poking his forehead. As she did the expressions in Migx's face amused her a bit but she wanted him to wake up. She thought on giving him a little pinch on his right shoulder but decided not to because that would make Migx a bit angry at her, so she kept on poking him as she starts to wander in her thoughts and while she's lost in her thoughts Migx's soft, meaty and kissable lips caught her attention and so she decided to wake him up with a kiss.

She gets up from the chair and leans closer to him, her lips moving ever so slowly, trying to make the moment last forever as she brought her lips to his. Time seemed to stop as her lips slowly approached their destination... but then... Nurse Joy came in when Lucario's lips were about to grasp Migx's. "Oh my... Lucario! You should be careful; Pokémon and trainers can't have that type of relationships even though is not prohibited you could get hurt if you forced your desires into your master." She said and Lucario stopped to look back with a sigh. "What is it Nurse Joy?" She asked. "Well, good afternoon, here is your master's food, wake him up, he haven't eating anything yet so this will definitely bring a smile on his face." Nurse Joy replied. "Thank you, I'm sure he will appreciate it." Lucario said and Nurse Joy nodded to that, leaving the room.

When she did, Lucario murmured "Finally... now I can continue where I left... where was I? Oh yeah... I was about to kiss my master." And she tried once again to kiss Migx, ever so slowly, carefully leaning her upper body against his chest, so that her little love scene doesn't turn into a tragedy because of her chest spike, Slowly aligning her soft lips to Migx's, until finally she stopped with her lips pressing on her master's.

The soft contact of Lucario's lips woke him up; he had his eyes wide open in surprise and a slight blush in his cheeks. He pushed back Lucario just a bit to break the kiss "Lucario..." he took a deep breath before continuing "Is there... something you want to tell me?" She nodded and he smiled patting her head tenderly. "Ok, tell me why did you wake me up?" Lucario lifted her eyes to see his face and she smile, then answered softly, "Master you silly. I woke you up to tell you that Nurse Joy came with your food. It's right next to you in that adjustable rolling table." She said pointing at the food using it as an excuse for the real reason, which was to enjoy his warmth. "Thanks for waking me up, Lucario." He said and she giggled to which he grinned and she replied. "My pleasure."

Migx began to move the medical rolling table up to his left side, crossing it over his stomach so that the table (which is the upper part) is placed above his body so that he can eat in bed. He grabbed the hard plastic tray and opens the lid, inside the plate there was some rice, brown beans and some steak with a bottle of milk at the side. He sniff the food a little and quickly said "Hmm... smells good but does it taste good... what do you think, Lucario?" he cocked his head to the right just to find Lucario looking at the food with her mouth open and he said with a playful tone "Earth to Lucario, are you there? Hello."As he said that he noticed that Lucario was struggling to give him some attention as her eyes were fixated on the food and after a few short seconds she replied "Huh... sure, I mean it looks good, it smells the same too so it has to taste good." A soft laugh escapes Migx's mouth seeing Lucario's desire to taste the food and said "I guess we will find out." She moved her head to the side as if she didn't understand and said "Huh, you're going to give me some of your food." Migx nodded calmly with a huge smile on his face, as he said "Of course I will, you want to taste it, right. That's why I'm going to share it with you." She smiled to her master and replied not wanting to force him just because she looked delighted "Thank you, master but that's yours I can't." "I don't mind I'm not feeling that hungry anyway..." As soon as he said that his stomach growled. "Ok... maybe just a little bit." He blushed and gave a glance to Lucario who was giggling using her paws to cover her mouth. "If you say so, master." She replied as soon as she stopped giggling and Migx nodded happily saying "Well then, let's eat."

He picks up the plastic fork and began to get ready to eat the food "Let's try first, the rice." he said looking at her. "Sure, why not?" She replied.

As those words were exchange he continued on to the next step that was to taste the food. He buried the fork under the rice and manages to get a good portion on top of it, after that he lifted the fork and ate the rice. "It taste good... at least for now." He said after swallowing it. "What do you mean... at least for now?" Lucario asked. "Well, the food in this area of the Pokémon center isn't as good as the one in the food court." He replied. "But how do you know that. Have you ever been in this area before?" She asks out of curiosity because Migx had never talked about being in a Pokémon center's medical area for humans before. "No, but when I was just a little kid my dad had to stay in this area, he was really sick and needed careful treatment, he use to be in a room just like this one. He told me the food tasted horrible and that's why I'm surprised it tastes good so far." Migx replied. "Oh, I guess that explains it... and what happen to your father?" Migx lifted the fork and puts it right in front of her. "I rather not talk about it besides it's your turn to eat." He said and Lucario opened her mouth so that he could feed her and he did, placing the plastic fork inside it as she closed her mouth to swallow the rice. "Well... is it good?" He asked. She pauses before continuing then said "Yes, it tastes great." "Ok, the food definitely tastes good, so let's eat." He said and gave her a happy but tired smile.

Then they began to eat everything in the plate after a few minutes they were done and they were full. Thirty minutes later they were resting, so that they don't experience stomach aches, Migx decided to start a little conversation between him and Lucario while time passed. "Lucario, I was thinking about what Cynthia said... I would like to give you a nickname, if you let me." He said with his eyes closed. "Are you sure you want to, master? I know you love to call me Lucario." She replied. "I know but is the only way to distinguish you from Riley's Lucario." He said reopening his eyes. "That's true, so what kind of nicknames do you have in mind, master?" She replied.

As she did Migx pushed the medical rolling table aside and began to get up from the bed, taking a thinking position, he was now sitting in bed with both of his hands placed in his chin and his legs carefully cross in an Indian style. "Hmm... I... Maybe... ugh, this is hard! Oh... I got one how about Aura... oh wait no is too common, who knows how many female Lucario have that nickname... I got nothing. Aura fits you so well but I'm just certain there must be others so you can't have that one." He stopped and closed his eyes trying to concentrate, trying to find the perfect nickname for Lucario. "Master..." Lucario tried to talk but Migx put a finger on her lips to stop her, using his aura sight, so as to not harm her by poking one of her eyes accidently and said "Lucario... I'm trying to concentrate, please be quiet." And Lucario took his finger off her lips so that she could speak what was on her mind. "But Master I have one." She replied and Migx gave her a questioning look after reopening his eyes. "Alright, let's hear it." He said and Lucario nodded. "Ok, how about Angela." She replied. "That's actually pretty good. How did you come up with that name?" He asked. Lucario's face began to turn rosy as she began to recall all those personal and full of emotion events that had transpired over the past days and replied "I remembered those moments when you said I was your angel and how you looked at me with those loving eyes, showing me your affection. I thought that maybe Angela fits me well."

What Lucario said touched him and he began to feel a little weird, just a bit more romantic than usual. He looked into her beautiful red eyes and smiled. "It's perfect...that name is perfect because is true you are my angel. I love you, Angela." He said.

The pronunciation of that name sent Goosebumps to Lucario, it sounded so magical. She blushed immediately and lowered her face to try to hide it. She started to feel something inside her heart like a fire being lighted. She lifted her face again and she was still blushing. "Master... can... can I sit in bed with you?" she asked nervously. "Angela..." He said softly and She gulped. "Angela, I would like nothing more." He replied.

She sat on the bed and began to gaze at Migx expectantly. "What's wrong? You're expecting something aren't you? I can tell from that look in your face. Angela, I'll do anything just say it." Migx said trying to comfort his Pokémon. Lucario looked very nervous and shaky so she hesitated before asking "Well... can... can you place your head on my lap?"

Migx smiled at the request and looked at his Lucario and smiled once again this time with a slight blush in his cheeks. "Are you sure?" He replied. "Yes, please." She said eagerly.

After that he shifted his body carefully due to his injured leg and laid the back of his head on her lap as soon as he did she began to stroke his hair. They were making eye contact and the moment started to become a desperate struggle to keep each other from having sex.


The sky was beautiful it was colored in purple and it was 6:45 in the evening. Riley was outside the Pokémon center nearby the statue of Palkia preparing to take Rayquaza out for a night stroll. He looked at the ultra ball and thought: "Migx is an incredibly great friend but I can't help to feel worried... there is something I can sense inside him, is strange...he is incomplete, is like his soul is incomplete. A few days back he gave me half his aura not to mention he also gave some to my Lucario and Riolu but even before then I could sense that void in his essence but just barely. Back then I couldn't tell if he was incomplete or not. It was only after the transformation that I became aware of that void in his soul. I wasn't sure what it was... at first I thought that the transformation split his soul but that's not it. Now... now I'm sure of it, his missing a part of his soul. I have to go back to Canalave city and look for the legend in the library. There must be something that can explain the void in Migx's soul. I need to informed this to Migx but his probably too exhausted to talk. I'll pay him a visit tomorrow morning; he needs to know before things gets worst."

Lucario noticed the worry in Riley's face so he pulled his shirt and Riley turned to give him the attention he was asking for. "Master... I've read your thoughts and I have noticed the void in Migx's soul too... but we can't be worried. Hopefully, we will have an answer to the problem once we head to Canalave city to read the legend again." He said.

Riley smiled and lifted his face to gaze at the sky; he took a deep breath and said: "I hope so."


The atmosphere in the recovery room was set, Things started to get pretty hot in the room. Migx began to feel aroused as Lucario kept stroking his hair. He began to imagine him and Lucario having sex in all positions, he imagined himself pleasing Lucario in all the ways known by men. He was acting so different, he wasn't being himself but Lucario was loving it. They were still making eye contact because he didn't lower his sight one bit and he had imagined all that with the purpose of getting Lucario wet and horny.

Once he was sure Lucario felt the way he did, he said with his eyes set on Lucario's. "Are you willing to give it a try, Angela? I know you've read my thoughts and I know you've seen what I've seen... but is up to you. Are you sure you want to? Once I start I'm not going to stop."

Angela maintained her gaze for a brief moment and she started to open her mouth slowly to reply to Migx; the blush in her cheeks and the sparkle in her beautiful red eyes had him crazy, he could barely contain himself from fucking her. As she began to move her lips to speak Migx began to feel anxious and a sudden impulse took control of him. He quickly gets his head up from her lap. Then almost immediately he latched on to Lucario's lips with his own, she was surprised, her master had never acted like this before, it was the first time he couldn't control his feelings towards her. The kiss was a soft and a gentle one even though he was exited; he could still stop most of his body from hurting her.

Lucario had closed her eyes to better enjoy the moment and her master's lips. He was in a strange position a doggie style position while he kissed her, his left hand placed on the bed, his right hand cupping her jaw and both his knees pressing against the mattress.


The breeze of the wind was a gentle touch on Lucario's face. He as well as his master had a strange feeling, a sixth sense about Migx lost part of his soul. It seemed that this new discovery will be far more difficult to decipher than they had imagined.

"I truly hope so, Lucario. Remembered that we have Black heart on our tail and we can't see him. He might even be spying us as we speak, he's a monster. He's the legendary Aura Master and according to what I remembered from the actual legend... He can become... the aura." Riley said looking into the night sky. "Yes, I know but what are you trying to say, master?" Lucario asked. He lowered his face and turned to look at Lucario; he closed his eyes for a brief moment and get to his knees in front of Lucario and with his eyes half open he replied. "It means we have to be careful with what we say he could be listening. I have no doubt that he heard us and I also doubt he doesn't know about Migx's transformation..." He stopped; his eyes began to open wide as if he had discovered something shocking. "Lu- Lucario... Migx transformation was evil wasn't it? Then that means... Oh no... No... t-this is bad... this is really bad..." Lucario looked at him worried and began to feel tense. "What's bad, Master? What did you discovered? Tell me please." He begged. "No... he could be listening... I can't tell... at least... not for now." Lucario started to move his head side to side, scouting the area. "But there is no one here." Lucario pointed out the obvious. "Maybe your eyes and your senses deceive you... Black heart can become the aura... he could be in a tree or another Pokémon that's why you can't sense him or see him. Please don't ask me again... I'm doing this because I feel is the right thing to do, trust me." He replied.

Lucario nodded without saying a word and Riley patted his head. "Thanks, for understanding, Lucario." He said.

Then he got up from the ground and throws the poke ball to the sky, the ball opened and the huge green majestic dragon type snake came out. He let out a Roar that made everyone look over the windows in their homes. Riley noticed and said "Rayquaza, your master asked of me to give you a stroll. He said it'll make you feel happy but... before we go... you need to be less noisy, ok." Rayquaza nodded and lay down on the ground so that Riley and his Pokémon could get in top of him. Riley and his Pokémon started to climb Rayquaza's back, once they were in top of him Riley said: "Ok, Rayquaza, let's go." Rayquaza took off and his night stroll over Sinnoh began.


The love between Migx and Lucario was evident. A few minutes had passed and Lucario looked like she could get wild any second now. They broke the kiss and they start to gaze each other's eyes as they did Lucario noticed a strange red glow on her master's eyes but the strange glow immediately disappeared after a few short seconds and that worried her.

"Are you feeling ok, master." She asked. "I'm feeling good but I'll be feeling better when I have you pinned down on the bed, begging me to stop." He replied. "Master... you... you've never acted like this before... are you sure you're ok?" She asked again with a hint of fear and awe in her voice. "Sorry... that was uncalled for... I-I'm feeling really strange... is like I lose control sometimes... maybe this is a bad idea." He replied staring into her eyes.

Lucario was feeling nervous and a bit afraid of her master's behavior. She wanted this more than anything but the sudden attitude changes in Migx scare her a bit since this had happened before and that is way he transformed into the aura monster. He saw the frightened look in her eyes and he knew that there was something wrong with him. "I'm sorry but... I don't want to hurt you... I'm not feeling myself, Angela... I would love to mate with you more than anything but it seems I can't as if I was cursed or something." He said slowly.

After a few minutes of staring Lucario directly in her eyes Migx began to back away carefully so that he doesn't injure his left leg that had a plaster to help it heal quicker. As he slowly began to move away Lucario grabbed his hands and pulled him towards her, the pull was a bit too rough. The sudden pull caused a strain in his left leg that hurt him. "Ah!" he cried.

Lucario silence him with a kiss that he accepted and soon the pain started to fade and his desire were ignited again. She broke the kiss and began to stare at his eyes; Migx was blushing as he breathes heavily.

"I ...can't, please s-stop this, Lucario." He said gasping. "Master... forgive me for doubting you." She replied in a provocative way.

That was all Migx could take as he heard Lucario's inner voice begging him to start in that sexy apology. He leaned closer to her neck and began to kiss it. She gasped and bit her lips "*gasp* Ah-ah... Master... ooh-ah... nng, Mmm." As she moaned he began to pant in her neck like this: "haahh, haahh, haah! *pant* *pant*." While his head rested on her shoulder with a bright red face as Lucario stroke his hair. He had never felt so aroused in his life, his heartbeats were fast and the adrenaline began to build up. He hugged Lucario with such force that she groan. "Sorry *kiss* I guess *kiss* I was looking forward to this day *kiss* for far too long." He said between kisses to her neck.

He back away and felt a lot of pain in his left leg but instead of showing his pain he gave Lucario a sexy look. Then he began to lower his face and his entire body; Lucario was wondering what was he doing until he placed his face between her legs. As he did he began to wonder if it was a good idea. He didn't have experience. He only knew about it because he saw a porn video in the internet at the age of fourteen and because of that he was unsure but determine to give it a try and so he did knowing it was too late to stop now. "Master!" she said shocked. He lifted his head and noticed Lucario was blushing a lot and said sexily. "Don't worry... I know you'll enjoy it." She closed her eyes and lied to her master saying "Master... no, stop, please."

Migx smile still staring into her eyes. He knew Lucario well for as she said those words her legs were still spread inviting him to continue. He knew immediately that Lucario was lying so he didn't hesitated one bit as he placed his head back where it was, where he began to stick out his tongue.

Lucario began to gasp as her master's tongue was gently caressing her sex. She was enjoying it so much and it was so pleasing, so good! That she tilted her head to look at the ceiling as if she was howling to the moon, chewing her lower lips and sometimes rolling her eyes back into their sockets. "*gasp*, ah-ah...Mmm... M-master, ah!" she moaned so sexily and loudly, Migx had to stopped as he lift his face to look at her, she notice that he had lines of drool all over his chin and she felt good about it because it reassured her that he indeed wanted to have sex and this was not a dream. "Lucario... please, be more quiet or Nurse Joy will find out what we are doing, ok." He said calmly to which Lucario responded with a devilish grin and a nod.

Immediately after that he continued his work. He began to lick her pussy gently, slowly moving his tongue up and down, side to side inside her wet sex. Her taste was incredible unlike anything Migx had ever tasted and he found himself quite addicted to its exotic flavor.

Lucario was delighted even though it was her first time she was acting like an experienced girl. She wanted everything Migx had to offer and was looking forward to have him inside her instead of been scared or shy about it. Her moans were perfectly controlled, not too loud as for other people to hear and not to low so that Migx could hear her. Her sexy low growls and moans had Migx hard and ready for action.

She was getting ready as Migx slow and persistent job had her almost at the limit of her orgasm. Every slow and gentle lick forced her to let it go as she cried out "Ah, Gods. *pant* nng, m-more, master! *gasp*" but she didn't, trying to make the moment last for as long as she could possibly hold so that her master can fully enjoy her. However her resistance didn't last long for she couldn't hold her orgasm any longer as she moaned "M-master, ah, ah, taste me!!! Master!" as she said that, she began to squirt her fluids all over Migx's mouth. He tried to swallow as much as he could possibly take but Lucario's orgasm was too much for him to handle leaving a small mess in the bed but he did swallow an incredible amount and found it rather delightful to have tasted his Lucario's cum.

He began to lifts his face from between her legs and as he emerge from them she thanked him for not withdrawing at the last second "Thank *pant* you *pant* master *pant* for tasting me. *pant-pant*" Migx smiled cleaning his lips with his tongue and replied hotly "Your flavor was exquisite." Her eyes lit up as she heard those words, thinking that her master thought of her greatly, she cupped his jaw with her paw and with a hot look in her face, she said "Let me taste you, master!" as her words slid his mind his hard awaiting cock twitched eagerly and he said "Yes, I would like you to taste me too, Angela."

As he said that he rolled to his back, where he was sporting a tent in his blue coat to which Lucario responded with a laugh as it look funny and he ask "What's so funny?" Lucario's laughter stopped as Migx fallowed her gaze and quickly found out why she was laughing. His erection under the blue coat made him look funny because it appears as if he had a pointy belly right between his legs. He laughed too a bit and said "Will I'm not anything like that. You should know better you've seen me naked more than twice." She began to laugh softly this time while pushing him gently saying "Yeah and you looked delicious."

His face turns bright red as he smiled and said "I'll make your every fantasy come true." As he said that Lucario bit her lower lip before saying "Don't hold back even if it hurts me."

Lucario sat in his belly with her eyes closed and her brow furrowed as she rub her buns on Migx's tent. Migx was surprised as her buns and the feeling of her tight slit massage his cock cause him to gasp as he said "Lu- *gasp*Lucario you're so *gasp* hot!" She reopened her eyes and smiled to that as she leaned to kiss him being aware of her chest spike. Seconds later their lips pressed against each other hotly and as their tongues played and wrestled with one another, Migx thought to himself "She's so good! And considering this is our first time she's acting so damn experienced. This is way beyond instinct and desire... this is an obsession."

Soon after Migx grabbed her hips and held her still saying "I thought you said you wanted to taste me first, Angela." She blushed hotly saying "I guess I couldn't wait to feel you in me!" He smiled as his left hand patted her buns to which Lucario responded with a sexy growl and he said "Warm me up first so you can enjoy it better."

As he said that he placed the Lucario in front of him and he began to undress, slowly lifting the blue coat by grabbing it in either side of his hips. Once he was naked Lucario caught a glance of him from head to toe before blushing. His ripped muscular body was finally going to be hers she thought as she continued looking at him with the desire to fuck him and asked nervously "Can... can I touch you?" Migx smiled and patted her head as she blushed. Then he looked at Lucario sexily and said "Exactly what you feel for me is what I feel for you so don't be shy." As he said that he reached for her paws and held them carefully because of their spikes. Then he sexily placed her left paw on his chest and her right paw on his cock.

Lucario gasped feeling her master's big cock twitching in her paw, tickling it. She grabbed it with care as she lifted her face and looked at Migx expecting some kind of restrain but he didn't; he said softly "You can do to me whatever you please." She smiled to him before returning her attention to his cock. She felt reassured and bold as she began to work her paw along her master's length and as she did Migx gasped often saying "*gasp* that feels so good."

Long minutes had passed and she began to lose her shyness as she continued to work on his shaft in a very slow motion. She wasn't experience but Migx found that she was doing a great job. As she continued massaging the warm shaft before her she began to wonder how it would taste. It was so damn big and it looked so tasty she had to put it in her mouth to test her theory as she did Migx murmured softly "Oh God!"

She leaned to his throbbing cock sticking out her tongue sliding it all the way from his shaft to the tip as she did Migx bit his lips fiercely, trying to contain his inner animal. It wasn't long before she arched her neck and tried to take as much as she could of his length into her throat. Quickly realizing it was too big to take it completely as she chocked a little, hearing her coughs Migx withdrew and said "Are you ok? Please don't force yourself to impress me. I don't want to hurt you, Angela." His loving eyes set on her face as he cupped her jaw. She blushed embarrassed of not being able to please her master like she wanted to but then he said like reading her mind "Angela you're doing better than I have ever imagined this is my first time so it doesn't really matter as long as I get to feel your warmth and your love." And she felt happy as he let go of her jaw and smiled.

She quickly slid her tongue from the tip all the way back to his shaft and then into his balls were she began to suck them gently before sliding her tongue back all the way to the tip as she withdrew the first drop of pre-cum slid down from the tip, to her paw. She paused and sniffed the strange fluid and found out that had a sharp smell. Without asking permission or looking at Migx she aimed his pennies straight as she slowly slid her tongue from top to bottom gathering the fluid that had just leaked from her master's big cock that ended in her paw.

Migx gasped loudly and moaned with delight as he looked how happy Lucario was, he though "I hope she liked it, cause there is more on the way!" Meanwhile Lucario swallowed the pre and found its flavor to be just as she had imagined, good and addicting.

It wasn't long now before she opened her mouth and took the first few inches of his cock into her mouth and began to suck on it gently, this time with double the speed and effort as she licked the head while stroking his shaft, up and down.

As the new sensation surge through his body he gasped, feeling how quickly his orgasm was building. His muscles began to tense and his body to stiffen as he said "I-I'm a-about to *gasp* cum!" Hearing this Lucario wasted no time, picking up the paste, sucking harder and longer. She even perform some deep throats a few times as her master groaned loudly "Aaaah, Aaaah, ah! Ah! *pant* Ooh, uh *pant-pant*"

The firsts long, hard spurts of thick, hot semen filled her mouth. She tried to keep up with them but couldn't as a little escape her mouth. She immediately went to lick clean the leftovers that drop down from her mouth to his legs and balls. When she was finished cleaning him she quickly said "Its flavor is incredible... thick and creamy, with a sweet yet bitter after taste... I want more!"

Migx started to laugh softly and said "What?! More." He was shock but at the same time happy that Lucario was enjoying everything that had happened so far. She reached to grab his now flaccid cock to stroke it so that it's hard again. The soft long strokes with her paws did the work as Migx cock began to stiffen. She smiled knowing the night was young and that Migx was ready to take her, she could tell how much he wanted her because of his thoughts that were all about her being fuck hard. She didn't hesitate; Migx knew what was coming when she sat in his belly and aim his cock straight to her pussy, slowly sitting on it. He felt her vulva and how his cock slip between her sex parted lips. It was so good! He had to force himself not to grab her by the hips and forcedly bring her down to bury his cock but decided not to knowing it will cause more harm than pleasure and so he thought to let her go at her own pace.

She read his thoughts and quickly pushed down until she had half his cock buried in her. She moaned loudly and her eyes filled with tears, the new sensation was hard to manage. Blood began to ooze out of her sex as she stood still to adjust to the sensation of having her pussy stretched for the first time. Migx loved it since he had his eyes shut as he held the bed sheets with force trying to stop his instincts but couldn't as he gave an involuntary thrust that caused both of them to moan in delight at the same time.

Lucario placed her paws on his chest. She lay there for about a minute, at this point the pain of having sex for the first time had disappeared and an incredible hunger for pleasure was replaced as she push down till Migx's cock was completely inside her sex, she quickly said "*gasp*Gods! It's *pant* so big."

At this point Migx felt in heaven as her tight and warm inner muscles surround his member; the feeling was so great, he couldn't control his inner most desires as he groaned out "Uhh-ah." He held her hips as he withdrew and came back with a vengeful hump that made Lucario squealed loudly "Eaaahhhh, Aaaah!" The need for Lucario's body became very clear to him now as he fuck her with uncontrollable speed and power, each thrust felt so good, her warm and tight pussy squeezing around his cock as she panted and moaned sexily making him come near his orgasm. He kept humping her but slower this time as his orgasm came his body began spamming as her inner walls closed on him he delivered the seed and as he did he groaned out "Aaaahh, Ah, *pant* Aaaahh, ooh*pant* God! *pant*." hard spurts of thick cum filled her depths and as he climaxed Lucario climaxed with him. She placed her paws to the side of his shoulder and as she receives his fertile hot seed she kissed him passionately, their tongues wrestling and playing with each other.

As the climax ended Migx saw the satisfied face on Lucario and he smiled stroking her buns gently and she said, "*gasp* Thank you, Master *pant-pant* for everything." With that Lucario began extracting herself off him and as she did Nurse Joy came in, she was in shock and she couldn't believe what Migx and Lucario have being doing all this time. She heard some noise so she came to investigate and when she opened the door she found the problem, an injure patient having sex with his Pokémon, she thought that maybe something bad happen but never would have guess Lucario will be bold enough as to have sex with her master.

Nurse Joy closed the door behind her and said "Look at the mess you've done. There is cum all over the place. Who do you think that will have to clean this?" Neither of them answers as Lucario continued the task of extracting herself off of her master, which she did with pleasure moans and growls. When Lucario was finish extracting herself from Migx, he answered "I'm responsible for everything and I'm ready to take any kind of punishment." Nurse Joy looked at him for a brief moment before she turn away and said, "No, is alright having sex with a Pokémon is not a crime yet. You're very lucky, Migx and please if you're going to have sex do it in the bathroom that way you wouldn't make such a big mess." He nodded and Nurse Joy said "Go clean yourselves, I will clean those bed sheets and pillows then I'll get you some new ones." He nodded and went to the bathroom with the help of Lucario since he couldn't walk correctly just yet as they did Nurse Joy put on some plastic gloves that she had on her apron and began to take off the bed sheets and the pillows to get Migx some new ones.

Back in the bathroom Lucario and Migx had enter the shower and turned the handle. The warm water pouring on them as Lucario looked at her master in front of her playfully. She stroke her paws on her back, gently massaging him, felling him and enjoying the close contact as she said "Master, I want more, fuck me harder and longer this time!"