Mother and Daughter 1 - Claiming the Daughter

Story by Dakota on SoFurry

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"Yes Ari, I know perfectly well where the place is... Mmm hmm... I know, I know. Just give me two hours, and I'll be ready... Look, you don't need to convince me anymore, I know fully well what this raise means for me... For crying out loud, you would think that you're the one who got it.... Alright.... Well if you stop talking my ear off, I can start washing up and get ready... Alright, two hours then.... I'm hanging up now. Goodbye, Ari."

Crystal let out an exasperated sigh as she hung up the telephone. She had spent the past hour listening to her friend jabber on and on about Crystal's raise at work, about how much it would help her career, and about how important it was to celebrate the occasion. After having started out at the accounting firm as a secretary, she had dedicated herself towards climbing the ranks. Now, after six grueling years, she had finally broken through to land a lower management position. Not bad at all for a girl who had dropped out of school at seventeen to become a single mother, and after all those long years, her life was finally starting to look up. Finally free of her friend's phone call, she laid down on the bed with a sigh, stretching her limbs. After a short series of light pops, she hoisted herself off the bed with a soft grunt, taking a few steps over to the bathroom, reaching in with a wingpaw to start the water running for her shower. A few minutes later, she was done stripping herself of the business suit, tossing her garments nonchalantly on the bed. She started towards the bathroom, but stopped to take a glance at the full length mirror on the other side of the bedroom.

At 33 years old, anyone could easily mistake her for being a good ten years younger, if not more. She was a diminuitive bat, the top of her head barely reaching over four feet tall, though the large ears on either side of her head added over another foot to her height up to the tips. Her body was covered in a coat of short, silky brown fur, lightening to a lighter tan hue from the underside of her muzzle and down her front. She arched her back slightly as she spread her wings to either side, a good seven feet from tip to tip, bringing them back to stroke her wingpaws down her front, from her pert breasts, ripe to the touch despite having breast-fed her daughter, and wonderfully proportionate to the rest of her body, down across her trim abdomen, the faintest outline of her taunt muscles showing through her fur, looking as if she had never borne her daughter. Turning slightly to the side, she looked at her rear end in the mirror, a perfect heart-shape as she bent forward slightly. Crystal was proud of her figure, having somehow always found the time to keep it in shape. She smiled to herself in satisfaction - though it did at times make her life easier, she prided herself on never having to use her body as a tool to manipulate her way up the chain to her current position, relying solely on her own motivation. With one last twirl, Crystal crossed the rest of the room to eagerly climb into the shower, chyrring in bliss as the hot water poured over her, plastering her fur to every feminine curve as she reflected on the day's events. She was quite suprised when her boss informed her earlier that day of her promotion, and she wasted no time in calling her good friend Ari, who quickly organized a celebration - A few hours at a classy club, followed by a movie, along with about a half dozen of their mutual friends. She closed her eyes as the running water massaged and tickled at her fur and skin. Finally, all her hard work was paying off. The satisfaction in that was overshadowed by the fact that she knew, her daughter would never have to go through the same.

"Now Celeste, are you sure that you're going to be alright while I'm gone?"

"Of course, Mother. I'm sixteen years old... I can take care of myself for a few hours. You just go out and have fun. You need it." Crystal laughed quietly as she shook her head, closing the door behind her as she left. Celeste let out a sigh as she flopped down on the shabby sofa in the living room of the small apartment she shared with her mother. She did in fact know how hard her mother had been working to make a living to support the two of them, and was quite happy at her mother's stroke of good luck. In addition to letting her mother unwind, it would give her a chance to sneak off with some of her friends to find what trouble they could get into.

About fifteen minutes later, Celeste hung up the phone, sighing sadly as she spread out on the couch. Of all the nights in which her mother would be gone all night, it had to be the night that all of her friends seemed to be busy otherwise. She let out a small humph as she shifted on the couch. Just over sixteen years old, the bat girl seemed to be the spitten image of her mother, though her own beauty was still young and blossoming where her mother's had matured and ripened. With a grunt of disgust, she grabbed the remote for the television and began flipping through the channels, hoping that there would be something worthwhile somewhere. She smiled to herself as she browsed towards a certain group of channels - her mother had recently gotten satallite television, but had neglected to block certain channels - Celeste had discovered this on an earlier evening while her mother was at work. She licked her lips as she watched a scene of a dolphin male and an otteress enjoying each other's company while submerged in a pool. Well, she thought, giggling to herself, not much else to pass the time. She wiggled her hips on the couch, making herself comfortable as a wingpaw slided down into the front of her jeans.

Crystal was quite glad that she had let her friends talk her into this celebration. She was definately feeling on top of the world, with a little help from the drinks the girls at her table kept ordering for everyone. Being built for flying, she was definately a lightweight, weighing significantly less than a hundred pounds, but she had let herself go just to live up the evening. As the conversation around the table progressed, the group of ladies couldn't help but drift to talking about the various other occupants of the classy bar, namely the various males, especially since over half of their group were single. Crystal was only dimly aware of the conversation, however, mostly pre-occupied with her own thoughts. She was rousted from her thinking when she felt a nudging at her side, courtesy of her friend Ari's tail. She leaned over to listen to the feline eagerly trying to get her attention.

"Hey Crystal... the male sitting at the bar about ten feet behind you... I think you might wanna check him out, since he's been checking you out for about the past ten minutes."

With a giggle and a shake of her head, the bat discreetly peered over her shoulder in the direction her friend had indicated, and quite quickly saw who her friend had been referring to. Sitting at the bar was a dragon of about nine or ten feet tall, his body covered in a lustrous coat of dark red scales, looking smoothed and polished enough to gleam. The suit he was wearing showed he obviously had some taste, as it complimented his color very well. He had a relatively massive build, more the build of a being naturally strong than a bodybuilder. She couldn't help but let her eyes wander up the sight of the thick muscles of his arms, up to catch one of his ruby-red eyes looking back at her. Their gazes locked for only a second, before she turned back to the table, her large ears tinted pink with her blush, to much giggling of her friends. "Like what you see, dear?" questioned Ari. "He certainly is worth a look, isn't he. Those scales of his, and you know what they always say about dragons..... mreowr!"

"W-w-well, I guess he's kinda cute...", Crystal managed to stammer out, overcome with embarassment. "But all he did was check me out, like I did him. Totally innocent."

Ceri, the black vixen sitting across from Crystal, licked her lips with a deep murr. "What I'd like to do with him is anything but innocent." Her eyes twinkled as she noticed Crystal's deepening blush. "Wouldn't you agree? Just when was the last time you got laid, anyways?"

Crystal's ears turned almost beet red at this - Although she did have the occasional relationship, she often avoided things getting too heavy, especially since her high school sweetheard gave her little Celeste before getting killed in a car wreck a week later. "Now see here... Just because I think a guy might be attractive doesn't mean I'm looking to crawl into bed with him."

Ari nudged her side again, smiling at the bat with a purr. "Well, at the very least, go introduce yourself to him. Letting him buy you a drink or two won't hurt, will it?" Crystal's ears drooped a little as she looked to each of her companions, finding the same knowing smiles on each of their faces. "Alright. I'll do it." She stood up out of her seat, running her wingpaws over her black evening dress for reassurance. "But I can tell you all now, nothing is going to come of this. Just a drink or two, and some pleasant conversation. Nothing more."

Crystal slowly cracked open the door to her daughter's bedroom, letting out a soft chirp, her echolocation telling her that her daughter was indeed asleep and in bed. She eased the door shut with a soft click before returning to the door of her apartment and motioning her guest in, falling into his arms, feeling the way his thick fur covered the muscles on his chest through his shirt, while his own large paws caressed up and down her sides through her thin dress.

She had hit it off quite well with the dragon. The pleasant conversation had told her that he was quite intelligent, very soft spoken and polite despite being over twice her height and much more massive than she, an endearing sense of humor, and most important of all, was single. They spent hours talking and sharing drinks at the bar until after some time, looked around to check up on her friends, only to find out they had left her to her new friend a good hour beforehand. So naturally, she graciously accepted his offer of a ride home. Whether it was his charm or the drinks, she found herself with no reservations about inviting him up to her apartment, scarcely able to keep their hands off each other long enough for her to make sure her daughter was asleep. Insistantly tugging him by the shirt, the bat led Merik towards her own bedroom. She scarcely had enough time to lock the door before she felt a gentle licking sensation along the rims of her large, very sensitive ears. She leaned back against him with a weak chrr, the sensations causing her to go weak at the knees. She almost did collapse when his arms encircled her, holding her upright. She closed her eyes as she reveled in the sensations, feeling his tongue caress the delicate hairs lining the inner cups of her ears, hearing the low rumble eminating from his chest, so low and steady it was almost a purr. She spread her wingarms slightly as she felt his large paws caressing over her body, tracing every smooth curve as they unfastened first the shoulder straps of her dress, then the magnets holding it fastened to her wing membranes at her sides. With a soft, almost inaudible rustle, the dress slid to the ground, leaving her now nude body pressed against him.

Slowly she turned around, her ears blushing a deep red as his eyes took in the sight of her perfect form, gently biting at her lower lip as her own wingpaws furiously worked at the buttons of his shirt, gently easing it down off of his arms. He smiled as he watched down at her, feeling her nuzzle against his bare chest, the scales smooth and firm, and very warm, almost hot to the touch. His smile couldn't help but widen slightly as her wingpaws trailed down to his pants, hurridly unfastening the belt and fly, then pulling the rest of his garments to the ground in one smooth motion. Her eyes widened slightly as she now took her turn to stare at her new lover. The scales along his front, from the underside of his neck, down his chest and betwen his legs were a brilliant red shade, contrasting nicely with the darker scales along his back and limbs. His arms and legs were muscular and toned, not bulky but the power in his steely muscles quite evident, and she guessed that his wingspan would fill her bedroom if he stretched out to the fullest. And as she looked him over, she was unable to stop her gaze from travelling downwards between his legs. He was well endowed for his species, in proportion to the rest of his massive build, but to the bat femme, he was absolutely massive, well over a foot in length from his scaled vent to his pointed spear-shaped tip, probably closer to a foot and a half. And all along the length were raised ridges, almost like ribs, giving him a shape she'd never imagined a male would have naturally.

She barely registered as his arms once again encircled her, easily lifting her up to his chest as he carried her to his bed. A sweep of his foot pulled the covers back as he gently layed her down on the matress, her ears still red with her blush as she pulled him down with her, wriggling slightly as his much larger body loomed over hers. She gently wrapped her thighs around his waist as she nuzzled her head at his chest, hearing his low, comforting purring as she felt his member press up between her legs. She let out a small cry as she felt him enter her, his width stretching her quite wide. Her entire body trembled as she felt herself draw tight around him as he continued pressing in, deeper and deeper. They both let out a matching grunt as his tip pressed firmly against her cervix about halfway down, his moan of pleasure at her tight, silken muscles gripping him matching hers, feeling so full at the feel of him, almost searing hot inside her. She let out a whimpering moan as she felt him start to pull back, her innards desperately tugging at his length as he withdrew almost all the way, before sliding deep back inside her. His own eyes were half-lidded as he looked down at his lover, watching her pleasure as he gently mated with her, taking up a smooth steady rhythm while his large paws caressed her sides and slender breasts. Her wings were wrapped tightly around him, hot with her increasing pulse as she nuzzled and licked and nibbled at his chest. As the minutes passed, her moans started to grow louder and louder as she felt his shaft, hot as dragonfire, stroking her own inner fires as his thrusts steady grew faster and firmer. Her hips bucked and lifted up into him as she felt the ribbed texture of his cock with every motion, the ridges teasing at her clit and stretched labia and sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout her form.

Her wings and legs suddenly clenched tightly around him. She moaned out his name as her sex tightened even more around his length, fluttering and rippling against his smooth shaft as she orgasmed quite fiercely, bucking and writhing on the bed as her inner muscles desperately tried to milk his own release from him. She wasn't long to wait. He threw his own head back and roared as his shaft began to throb fiercely inside of her, the tapered tip of his shaft pressing just barely inside her cervix as he sprayed his seed up into her. She whimpered as she felt his essence enter her, hot as molten lava, almost painful as he coated her womb with his release. Their simultaneous orgasms lasted for almost a full minute before they both collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily in each other's embrace. Her wings held tightly around his torso, while his own completely surrounded her in darkness and warmth. She planted a kiss on his chest before looking up at him, her eyes shining with content happiness as the afterglow settled over her. "That... that was amazing, Merik."

The dragon only let out a warm chuckle at her words, as his hips once more started to rock back and forth, his ribbed length once more starting to thrust in and out of her. "I hope you don't think we're done already, my dear" he said with a grin, looking forward to a long night.

Several hours later, Celeste eyes fluttered open as some noise, real or imagined, rousted her from her sleep. Her ears turned this way and that as they listened for any other sound, but heard none, as the walls were heavily soundproofed, a necessity for those with hearing as sensitive as her and her mother. She turned onto her side as she tried to find a comfortable position, feeling the cool sheets against her nude fur, but to no avail. Whatever noise had woken her was gone, but she was now wide awake. Rolling onto her back, she stretched her wings and legs under the thin sheet. She had thought that her time tending to herself earlier that evening would make her sleep well enough. Guess I still have a little bit left in me. No sense in letting the time go to waste. Her wingpaws slowly started caressing her front and her slender breasts, feeling the gentle slope of her developing body, her nipples quickly getting firm at the toying of her gentle fingers. She continued fondling her breasts with one of her wingpaws, while the other caressed down her taunt tummy, pausing only a moment at her mound, before slowly tracing against her soft folds. She let out a low hiss at the feelings shivering up her spine, delving a finger between her solfly furred netherlips, tracing from her tiny cunny to the hood of her pink pearl.

She wiggled slightly on the mattress, bringing her wingpaw to her muzzle, licking away at the dampness on her fingers before lowering back down. With a quiet moan, she slid a finger up inside her as much as she dared, pressing so very gently at her virginity before pulling back, focusing her attentions on the bundle of nerves at the top of her cleft, stroking and tweaking and rubbing at her clitty, faster and faster until she was lost in the sensations, biting down on her lower lip to stifle her whine of pleasure as she climaxed firmly around her own fingers. Celeste lay sprawled in her bed for several more minutes, her pert little chest heaving as her breaths eventually slowed down to normal, letting out a soft "mmmmm" as she stretched out, warm and content in her young afterglow. She only took a few moments to lick her fingers clean again, before slipping out of her bed and walking over to her bedroom door. A drink of water will help me get back to sleep, she thought to herself as she opened the door to her bedroom. She only peeked out for a moment, looking at her mother's bedroom door, just to make sure it was shut before slipping out, thinking she'd be alone and no reason to put anything on for just a quick drink. She stepped out into the hall and turned the corner to the kitchen, but as soon as she did so she realized that she was not alone. Merik and Celeste locked eyes with each other for the moment, each catching the other by suprise. She just barely had enough time to see the glass he was holding, (apparently she wasn't the only one who wanted a drink), before she realized that he was naked and very aroused. His massive body completely dwarfed hers, taking a moment to look over his immense body before looking down between his legs. Her eyes widened at the sight of his throbbing arousal, driving away from her mind even the thought to use her wings to cover herself up from his own gaze. And gaze he did, his deep purring starting up once more as he looked over her nubile young body, younger than her mother's yet no less desireable. He smiled and licked his lips as he saw where her attention was focused, taking a slow step towards her. "You must be her daughter. Funny, she never mentioned to me that she had one. Don't worry, your mother's just asleep at the moment." His voice seemed to break her from her daze, and in one quick motion she wrapped her wings around herself to try and conceal herself from his lustful gaze, while trying to turn and run back to her room. She barely got more than a step before the large dragon placed his paws on her, one on her shoulder to keep her from running, while the other cupped her muzzle. Merik just silently watched her as he continued to hold her in his rock-steady grip, not nearly enough to hurt her, but enough that her struggles were useless. Celeste meanwhile was in a state of panic, taking deep panicked breaths while struggling as best as she could. Slowly, yet surely her struggles started to lessen. Merik just smiled, knowing the effects his pheremones must be having on a girl as small and as young as she was, her struggles stopping completely as he felt her young tongue start to lick at the pads of his paw and the scent glands near his wrists. A small part of Celeste's mind was still telling her that this was wrong, she should be screaming for help or running away, but the scent that was filling her nostrils from the dragon's cupped paw was so strong, so enticing, making her entire body start to feel warm and tingly and very aroused. She actually whimpered with disappointment as he pulled his paw away, elicting another deep chuckle from the large wurm. "Don't worry, child, we're not done yet." With that, he rested a paw on the back of her head, slowly easing it down towards his throbbing tip.

Celeste again heasitated as the voice in the back of her head tried to speak up, tell her that this was wrong. Yet the pheremone-laden scent coming from his tip was even stronger than the scent from his paw, and a moment later, she found her lips wrapped around the tip of the male's cock, licking with her long tongue and suckling gently, making soft slurping sounds. What am I doing? she thought to herself. I've never done this before... I've never even seen a naked male before... I don't know who this is, I don't even know his name! Yet here she was, sucking him off, hungrily and eagerly, loving the taste of his musky pre thanks to those addictive pheremones. Merik could tell that she was inexperienced, her motions not having the expertise that her mother had. But what she lacked, she made up for in eagerness, her tongue curling around the tip to savor each drop of his musky pre that she could get. Her eyes looked up into his, gazing up into those ruby-red orbs as she wrapped her wingpaws around the length she couldn't fit in her mouth, milking at it with her fingers to try and get more. Merik's breaths steadily grew deeper and faster as he felt the young girl put all her effort into pleasuring him, and only a few more minutes passed before, unable to hold off any longer, he let out a deep grunt as thick spurts of his fertile cum started to pump fiercely into her mouth. Celeste's eyes opened wide with suprise at this, half wanting to pull away and half wanting to keep drinking down the musky fluid. Her need quickly won out, and she started gulping at each mouthful of the dragon's cum. It was flowing too fast for her though, and the excess oozed out the corners of her mouth, dribbling down her neck and chest. It seemed like forever before he finally stopped. He rested his paws on her shoulders to ease her back and off of his cock. Celeste let out a squeak as she fell down onto her rump, panting heavily as she tried to catch her breath. She kept looking up at the massive dragon, watching him as he kneeled down beside her. "What is your name, little one?" he asked, resting a paw on the back of her head to scritch her ears.

"I'm Celeste..." she said weakly, her thoughts still in disarray at everything that had just happened.

"That's a very beautiful name, Celeste. I'm going to be your master from now on. You're my pet, you'll refer to me as Master, and you'll do everything that I tell you. Do you understand?"

The words were out of her mouth before she even knew what she was saying. "Yes, m... master." She looked up at him, worry and uncertainty in her eyes and words. "But what will my mother say?"

Merrik turned to look back at the closed door to Crystal's bedroom, a grin slowly spreading on his muzzle as the plan formulated in his mind.

Endangered - Introduction

Boring legal stuff - This story contains material not suitable for persons under 18. This story contains adult material involving incest and minors, so don't read if it offends you or it's illegal to read. All characters are copyrighted and property...

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The Slumber Party

Boring legal stuff - This story contains material not suitable for persons under 18. This story contains adult material involving minors, so don't read if it offends you or it's illegal to read. All characters are copyrighted and property of their...

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