When the Roles are Reversed - Commission for Night_Spore426

Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

Definitely went far out of my comfort zone on this one, but the challenge of making it was well worth it. Thanks to NightSpore for the idea. To those wondering, yes, I am doing story commissions. I am not demanding anything in return, but to those who can do artwork, I wouldn't mind some in return if you have the time to pull it off. You can find the list of requirements in my commissions page at http://www.sofurry.com/market/view/offer?id=337

Marriages are not always what we wish they were when we first make the commitment at the altar. People change, feelings evolve, the person you thought you knew turns out to have been hiding a past they never shared with you before. Secrets can only hide in the shadows for so long, for even the slightest beam of light exposes their existence and encourages the spirit of curiosity to investigate it. The new discoveries bring fear and shame, but then you get caught. What happens after that moment can change what was once a mutual relationship into hell.

Marie pulled herself out of the car and sloughed back into her house, well, it was a building at the very least. She would have preferred to work twenty-five hours a day if it meant staying away from Josh, her "husband". The word was a joke to her, but she abided by his rules and his demands. Josh was the top congressman of the city's legislature and he had connections in high places that would make her life miserable if she tried to leave him. Corrupt was probably an understatement, but dwelling on it wouldn't make her one hour away from him any better.

Locking the door behind herself, Marie walked to the sink, wetting a washcloth with cold water before bringing it her face in relief. In no more than sixty minutes, the hate of her life would walk into the house demanding the world. He would start off with supper, then it would be alcohol, followed up by the hour it took for him to lose any sense of humanity, and then all bets were off. Sometimes he would demand sex, other times he would scream at her for not being all that he wanted, but most of the time, it would end with him beating her before he finally, mercifully, passed out from the alcohol, giving her enough time to clean up her wounds so she could avoid suspicion at work the next day.

Turning to the oven, the woman began gathering together the ingredients. Today was Monday, so he would be extra cranky; in order to lessen her assured punishment for not giving him the moon, Marie began making the best supper she could. Looking up at the clock again, she almost sobbed, knowing that in just fifty-eight minutes, hell personified would be upon her with the speed of lightning.

Josh turned towards the upstart congressman that dared to speak out against his plan.

"You have some serious nerve speaking out like that, Mr. Gregory. The idea that you are insinuating here is that because they can somehow think, they have a right to be around? I'll let you in on something. Cats are disgusting creatures. It's annoying enough that we have to live around the domestic ones, but the issue of the strays needs to be dealt with swiftly. They are all potentially carrying diseases, some of which could be harmful to our species. The only way to deal with this issue is not to neuter or spay them and then wait twenty years for them all to die out, but to take action now to eradicate them, and thus the problem directly. The vote will be held this time tomorrow. Just remember what you're asking for if you don't vote in its favor."

With that, the dark haired man stood up and walked out of the room. He was done with this nonsense today. Even the proposed idea, the unthinkable idea that animals had feelings was enough to make him want to vomit. He ignored the voices in the background calling for him to come back and headed to his car. All he wanted now was to eat dinner, get drunk and then order his wife around.

Ordering things around, that's why he liked dogs so much more, because they listened. You never had to tell a dog to do something more than once. Well, at least once it learned what you wanted it to do. Dogs were just as dumb as rocks in his opinion, but who said something had to be smart to enjoy their company. Just take his wife for example. She was an utter idiot, but that didn't mean he didn't relish coming home to torment her every day. It was all about control for him, and he had every single bit of it his hands could hold, and some more stashed away in the bank.

Arriving home about a half-hour early, he pulled the keys out of the ignition, now fuming as he consistently ran his mind over the opposition he had faced for his bill. Fucking morons wanted to do things the humane and ethically right way. No, don't trap them and kill them, just neuter and spay them so they couldn't reproduce. Josh spat at the idea as he twisted the doorknob to his, mind you, his home.

Why? Why did he have to come home so early? She had just gotten the food in the oven and it wouldn't be another twenty minutes before it finished cooking. Blankly staring at the clock, Marie braced herself for the verbal assault that was surely on its way. She winced as he walked into the kitchen and glared at the table.

"Where's the food, Marie? Where's my motherfucking dinner?!" He practically snarled as he turned back towards her. "Why is it so hard for you to make some lousy food you piece of shit?"

She didn't answer, so Josh smacked her before rumbling dangerously.

"I asked you a question bitch. I expect an answer. Why...isn't...my...food...READY!?"

Marie hardly choked back a sob, managing to stammer out an apology, a reason, anything that might keep him away from her.

"I j-jus-just got ho-home a half hour ag-go. I wasn't expec-pecting you back so early."

"That's your excuse, huh? After all I do for you, that's the best you can give me?!"

With that, Josh turned to the oven, ripping the door down. Putting a glove on, he pulled the pan of casserole out and then dumped the contents onto the floor.

"There, get a plate and eat that you whore. You can't even make a regular meal, so damned useless," Josh checked his watch before returning his gaze to her again. "You've got until I come back downstairs form changing to have a sandwich for me and then you're going to clean that shit you made up. You understand what I'm saying?"

Marie nodded numbly before watching Josh turn to the stairs, hearing him mutter under his breath how stupid she was all the way to their bedroom. Wasting no time at all, the woman scrambled to get the bread, grabbing the meat and cheese and mayo. With the sandwich made, Marie hurriedly began cleaning the kitchen floor, the tears that fell from her face helping dampen the towels as she scooped up the food. She daren't risk eating herself, for if Josh found her doing that without his permission, he'd surely beat the shit out of her.

The woman woke up the next day at five in the morning, rushing to the shower to clean herself off after last night. She didn't shudder at what he made her do, didn't vomit. She was too callous for that; after years of the same treatment day after day, week after week, Marie was numb to it. She was nothing more than an object to him, someone he could yell at, spit on, smack, and then violate before he went to bed. She would have gone to the police, but they were in bed with him, she would have left, but he'd charge her with something, and the judges were in bed with him. For years, he voted the way they wanted him to, and so he had their full support.

Water cascaded off her bruises and cuts, the stinging welcomed as a break in the complete lack of feeling she had. Just another day at the office, but it was what she lived for. Working helped take her mind off of the hell back at home and the demon living in it, but eight hours weren't enough. She had tried to work overtime, but Josh wouldn't have it, demanding she get back home every day soon enough so that she could make him supper.

Stepping out to the mirror, Marie worked with her make-up, doing her best to cover her face. Josh didn't like her face, she didn't like her face, no one did. Shaking her head to clear the images so she wouldn't mess up her mascara with tears, Marie continued on with her morning ritual. She would be gone before Josh woke up, but she still needed to make breakfast for herself and Josh. Sighing, the woman put the container away, sliding the mirror closed, and walked back into the house.

An hour later, Marie closed the door to her prison, breathing the fresh air again. For another eight hours, she would be free from him, free from his abuse and his control. Settling into her car, Marie began the drive to work, playing some soft music on the radio. Arriving in the parking lot fifteen minutes later, she locked the doors and headed up to her regular floor level, sliding unnoticed into her cubicle. This was where she worked and if she could have her way, she'd be here all day, taking breaks only to eat and sleep inside of it.

Marie worked as a saleswoman for a company that sold heating and air conditioning units and she was one of their best employees. She was never late, was never caught not working and had one of the better sales rates in the business. One of the requirements that she had become good at was leaving her personal feelings at the door, blocking out her torment at home while she plugged away in here. There were few people she knew, and though she would like to actually have a friend, Marie realized that it just wouldn't happen. Who would want to be her friend anyway?

The hours clicked on by, eight turning to nine turning to ten and so forth, creeping ever closer to lunch. Marie had made another ten sales by the time she took a break, checking her clock to see that it was no more than a half hour away. Leaning back in her seat, she stretched out her shoulders and back before her eyes caught on a figure standing just outside her cubicle. Squinting her eyes in confusion, Marie sat back up, pulling off her headset and turning her chair so she could address the individual.

"Hello, do I know you?"

"Oh, my bad. I'm just new here and I was walking around trying to get a feel for the company. My name is Rose." The woman offered her hand to Marie who shook it welcomingly.

"Again, I'm sorry about intruding, but lunch is coming up soon and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind joining me for lunch. I have a hard time getting to know people and this is usually as far as I'll take it, but I don't want to make a bad impression on you."

"Oh no, it's certainly fine. Just meet me at the front door when we leave."

"Sounds good."

With that said, Rose moved on out of her sight, leaving Marie with a smile on her face. Someone had invited her over for lunch and wanted to get to know her, which left her giddy inside. Perhaps she might have a shot at a true friend after all. Reclining back in her chair, Marie put her headset back on and poured back into her job, selling another three units in the half-portion of an hour she had left.

Twelve o'clock hit and the sounds of all the employees organizing their items on their collective desks made the place sound chaotic. Within a few seconds though, the noise of the objects was replaced with the sound of voices as employees greeted each other and talked about as many made their way to the cafeteria while others made a beeline for the parking lot, interested in a more refined establishment.

Marie waited at the front door, trying to spot Rose before finally catching the sight of her clamoring through the bustle of people a few yards away. Waving her hand in greeting, the two met up and began walking to the parking lot. Rose invited her to ride with her. Marie obliged, doing all she could to make her new friend comfortable and happy as she desperately didn't want this chance to slip through her fingers. As they climbed into the car, Marie noticed an odd smell lingering in the vehicle, but made no mention of it, passing over it, believing it was probably just an odd smelling freshener.

The two of them talked on the way, but soon Marie began feeling drowsy, the smell of the car starting to overwhelm her. It made her eyes feel heavy and her breaths longer, relaxing her body until she felt as though she couldn't even move anymore. Rose kept on talking as if nothing had happened, but even the volume of her voice faded until there was only silence.

When Marie woke up again, everything had changed. She found herself sitting upright in a chair, but as she tried to sit up, she found her arms and legs would not cooperate with her, rather remaining entirely still on the armrests and floor. They weren't bound by anything visible, but they refused to respond to her brain's demands to move. Moving her head around, her eyes caught onto the items on the floor, seeing randomly placed bowls around her seat, some filled with flowers, others filled with spices and a couple filled with things she didn't recognize at all. Together they smelled identical to what Marie had first smelled when she got into Rose's car.

Then she began hearing a voice, a familiar voice, Rose's. The woman walked into the room, glancing at her before moving about to turn off the lights and close the windows. Lighting only a few candles to illuminate the room, the woman sat down, now unmistakably different in appearance from the young woman she had seen at work. Now Rose looked old, very old, but she didn't act like it, moving rather swiftly about the room to seemingly set things up for a final purpose. Marie was confused, but even her mouth wouldn't form words or noises, so all she could do was sit there, watch, and wait. Finally finished with all the preparations, Rose turned to her.

"Marie, sweet Marie, how unfortunate it must be to find yourself here. I wish we could have met under better circumstances, but certain relations you have proved it impossible. You see, I have knowledge that your husband is currently trying to pass a law that will sanction the killing of all stray cats in the city, something so despicable that I was forced to step in. The bill will not pass, of that I have made sure of, but he will pay for his insolence.

He is in too high of a position for me to do this without raising too much suspicion, so I had to choose you. You will bear the price, the punishment, for his actions, for in your continued relationship with this man, you have proven that you condone his values and his beliefs."

Marie tried all she could to speak out, to tell this lunatic that she had nothing in common with that man anymore, that she hated him, despised his very being, but her mouth would not budge. In horror, she watched as the old woman walked to the center of the room, sitting in a chair placed to look right at her. Rose closed her eyes, and then softly began speaking to herself. At first, Marie had no idea what she was doing, but then she noticed what was happening.

The candles began burning brighter, the items in the bowls falling apart into a fine dust. Marie could feel a strange sense of power emanating from the woman, a power that started surrounding her, targeting her for something. Marie tried to fight it, but she was completely rooted from her neck down. The chanting grew louder and more forceful until she felt it start seeping into her, diving into her and pouring through her body. Rose's voice was near deafening now, the walls in the house shaking with each syllable. Marie couldn't help but watch in fascinated horror as the ritual was performed.

As Rose drew to the end of her incantation, her shrill voice echoed through the building, sounding off one final note before she stopped, laying her eyes upon the woman sitting opposite of herself. Taking one final breath, she addressed that woman.

"I curse you woman. I curse you for the filth that you have let run in your life and have accepted as such. Your disdain for my kind is at its end. See my true form and behold the power I wield!"

With that, Rose began changing in front of Marie's eyes. She didn't change clothes, but rather her own body began changing, morphing into an animal. Black fur began sprouting across her body, her face becoming more elongated and elegant, her fingers swelling as her nails turned sharper, into claws. When she was done, her form was unmistakably feline. The panther stared directly at her, opening her mouth once again.

"From the moment you wake up again until the day I see fit to release you, you are cursed. From this moment forward, if you ever come into contact with one of my kind, you will be overtaken by its beauty. You will be unable to avert your interest, you will become fascinated by it. As you watch it, you will become it, merging with it so that you will know the power and beauty we possess. If you prove worth it to me, I will give you back your human form, but the feline inside of you will live on until the day you die.

Now, go back to sleep."

With that, Marie's consciousness shut down and she reentered the realm of dreams. She floated through space, unaware of time and of reality. All was peaceful and serene, a sort of pleasure she had not known for many years. Slowly, she drifted through space until she could see Earth. She began to fall, first through the atmosphere, and then the clouds. Under normal circumstances, Marie would be screaming in panic, but she was far too relaxed now. The buildings were small, but growing in size as she approached them.

Surprisingly, the building she was falling directly towards was the one she worked at. She could see her car, and then the roof was upon her. She fell straight through, falling through the levels, slowing down until she reached her level and dropped directly onto herself. Suddenly, she regained consciousness, finding herself sitting at her chair, staring at the computer just as it turned to 4pm. Work was done for the day and it was time to go home.

As Marie gathered her work items together, the events of the afternoon hit her again. Had she dreamt the whole thing? In retrospect, none of what happened made any sense to her. How could someone turn into a cat? Everything in biology said it wasn't possible and every bit of her mind knew it was logically incapable of happening. Still, a part of her was too curious about it to let it go completely. What if it did happen? If it hadn't, why couldn't she remember anything since going to lunch other than the event at the house? Where had the last three hours gone?

More than a bit flustered, Marie briskly walked to her car, quickly jumping in and driving home. Whatever had happened, she knew that she had to get home as fast as she could to make dinner. Josh would go crazy if he came home to an unprepared dinner a second day in a row. Still, though, she felt the need to let go of some stress. As she entered the house, Marie walked over to the television, glad to add some sort of noise to her life as she turned back to the kitchen.

In a rage, Josh left the building, slamming the door shut behind him. Today had been an absolute fiasco. His bill had been completely shot down, the seeming support for it had been completely lost and now he looked like a fool in front of his peers. How could they do this to him? Josh tore through the lot, storming into his car and mashing the gas pedal to the floor, tires screeching as he peeled out and left the premises.

His rage increased as every stop light seemed more than ready to turn red just as he was approaching it. It was nearly five o'clock by the time he reached his street. That bitch he called his wife better have a meal worthy of a king ready this time, or else he felt he might kill her tonight. He had to question whether or not it would be worth it; the amount of money he'd have to pay the cops to cover it up for him would be high, plus he wouldn't have anyone to vent his anger on when he got home every day.

Marie headed back to the kitchen, ready to pull the fixings out of the drawers, but something inside her told her to see what was on the screen. She tried to ignore it, but the desire lingered, pressing her to just sate that bit of curiosity. Sighing in resignation, Marie walked back into the living room and glanced at the television. What she saw in front of her nearly made her jaw drop.

The show was talking about the mating rituals of wildcats and in front of her, she could see a shot panning around of a huge male lion striding throughout his pride. Marie couldn't figure out why she was so drawn to it, but she stood stock still, watching his every movement. The lion was walking up to one of his females, seemingly ready to mate with her. She watched as he walked around to her rear and then positioned himself over her back. Marie could feel hot in her pants, lewd images and feelings prying into her mind of what it would feel like to be him, to have the control, to possess the power he did.

As she watched, her memory went back to the event at lunch and the words the panther had spoken to her. "If you ever come into contact with one of my kind, you will be overtaken by its beauty. You will be unable to avert your interest, you will become fascinated by it. As you watch it, you will become it, merging with it so that you will know the power and beauty we possess." She found it impossible to pull her eyes from the screen, watching intently as the male lion sunk his teeth into the back of the female's neck, wrapping his paws around her waist before plowing forward.

Marie arched back and yelled through clenched teeth as heat rocketed through her body, centering on her cunt as she orgasmed, her lips pulsing out a sticky fluid all into her thong. Gasping for air, she looked down at herself, nearly overcome with both panic and desire. Her hands shook as she noticed the hair on them grow thicker. Standing up on two legs suddenly became far more difficult and she felt herself gaining weight at a rapid pace.

Her body ached as the clothes she wore stretched and then finally snapped, the fabric unable to handle the stress of her muscles' expansion. Falling to her now bulging hands, Marie cried out as her bones popped and snapped into new positions and shapes, everything adapting to her new form. Her neck lengthened and enlarged, muscles billowing out from her frame. Her arms and legs became stockier and her hands were no longer hands, but massive paws each with four sharp claws twitching on the floor.

She gasped as a massive growth of fur spread over her neck and down her back, orange fur that flowed wonderfully down her frame, stretching to the nape of her chest and halfway down her spine. No longer capable of human noises, she hissed as she felt something slap her legs, turning her head around to see her tail twisting around her, whipping up and down. She slapped it around a few times, but then suddenly she groaned out as it slapped up between her legs, swiping over her swollen clit. She had to get off, absolutely had too.

She lumbered up the stairs to her bed, knowing that it would give her more leverage, plus also be more comfortable. The bed creaked loudly when she climbed up, but otherwise held her weight without much issue. Lying on her back, she pressed herself against the wall, helping to gain an angle to work with. Grabbing onto the sheets with her claws, she drew her tail over her lips again, the tuft of it tickling her. Unable to wait any longer, she slid the flesh of her tail up against her vagina and then slammed it forward, roaring as pleasure burst through her, climaxing immediately while she vigorously pumped the appendage up even further.

Still panting as she came down from her euphoria, she noticed a change in her crotch. She could feel the flesh around her tail start to tighten considerably, and then move. Whipping her tail out, she watched with uncanny fascination as the lips tightened into a small hole. The skin around it began to plump out, stretching out to create a large sheath. Underneath it, she felt two large balls push outward, the skin and muscle stretching to accommodate it before what had to be a ballsac dangled underneath her sheath.

Her chest tightened, the muscles around her breasts snapping tightly as they spread throughout her belly, until all that was left of them were two pink nipples on top of a flat chest. She was purely male now, and with that knowledge came the need to test out her new parts. Swiping a paw down to her sheath, she closed around it much like she had done for Josh so many nights, except that this time, the pleasure was solely hers. Instantly she felt a response, a slight twitch from the penis hidden inside of it.

She stroked over the furred muscle, coaxing her shaft out with each pump. Marie gasped as the tip of it finally began to emerge and grow out, each pulse causing it to stiffen and swell. It kept increasing in size, growing larger than her husband's five inch taint, finally stopping at eight inches long and a good inch thick. The cock curved over her belly, softly staining the fur with a drip of precum. Bringing her paw further down, she cupped her sac in her fingers, gently rolling and massaging the balls in her paw. Feeling how heavy they were, she returned to the task of rubbing over her member, sighing as the gentle, throbbing pleasure roiled over her with each smooth stroke.

Suddenly she was interrupted by the sound of the door opening downstairs. The unmistakable voice of her husband ran through the hallway and into the room as he yelled.

"What the FUCK! Marie, you get your ass down here now! I let off last night on the belief that you didn't make dinner soon enough because you're just dumb and useless, but this is outright defiance. You're going to pay for this!"

Marie could hear him storming up the stairs and she winced, knowing full and well the beating that was coming. She sighed for a second as he first entered the bathroom, slamming the door behind him in fury. She contemplated what she could do to get out of this, but then it hit her. What on earth could he do to her now? She weighed well over five hundred pounds, had muscles rippling over her whole body, and she was a fucking lion.

She hissed as the word fucking brought forth a lewd image of Josh underneath her, crying out as her shaft slammed into him over and over again. With each breath, her cock pulsed in agreement, begging for her to go through with it as she stimulated it with her paw. Marie could hear Josh finishing up in the bathroom ranting and throwing obscenities around, calling her a bitch, a cunt, an idiot, a moron, a good for nothing whore, and she finally lost it.

Growling in contempt, she rolled off the bed, her male body silently stalking up to the door, her penis dripping in anticipation, her mind nearly drunk on the idea of finally having control. As soon as the door to the bathroom opened, she growled, glaring daggers at his confused and then terrified face. Marie grinned at the sight of him so out of his element, so fearful of his predicament. He had nowhere to go, her body taking up the whole doorway, her shoulders level to his chest, her head a mere six inches from his neck.

Josh panicked, trying to climb over her, but she would have none of it. Snarling in anger, she leapt into his body, tackling him to the floor, growling and pinning down the man that had for years bent her will to anything he wanted out of the very same fear he was now stinking of. Taking in a deep breath, Marie loosed everything out, roaring at him just inches away from his face. He screamed like a girl, like the bitch he had made her feel like and convinced her she was, but it wasn't enough. No, he had more coming and she had a cock to please, and for once, it wasn't his own.

Using her paws, she picked the now sobbing man up and dragged him out of the bathroom, carrying him down the stairs, into the basement, using her tail to shut the door behind her. She flung him onto the floor, lavishing the sound of him yelling as he crumpled onto the unforgiving cement. Marie's claws clicked with each deliberate step to him, looking directly at his rear. She knew he didn't have a pussy there, but he had an even tighter hole she could use and would use. Walking up to him, she brought both paws underneath his pants and ripped them back, tearing his jeans and boxers in half, immediately exposing him. Screaming in terror, Josh tried to get away, but two paws wrapped firmly around him just above his waist, lifting his back up and his ass into a soaking wet cock.

Marie nearly purred when she felt that naked skin rub against her dripping member. The man below her tried to get away, but he was so weak, so very weak. It took hardly any effort from her to hold him down, pressing her body weight upon him until his chest and face were hard against the cold floor. Bucking up against his ass, she used him as a tool for her desire, grinding into his crack, rubbing her needy flesh against his crack. Groaning softly from the sensation, she felt gouts of precum spit over his ass and back, coating his shirt, but she wanted him to feel it. With one clean swipe, his shirt fell to the floor, ripped in half, leaving his whole back to her.

Thrusting hard against his warm skin, she felt herself growing closer to release, the heat welling inside of her, but she didn't stop, simply grinding harder as the heat surged into her shaft and burst out her slit, pumping huge strings of feline spunk over his ass, lacing all over his back. Marie grunted with each hump, the ecstasy nearly mind blowing, but as the last of the seed trickled out, her shaft didn't soften, it couldn't. Not with the sight of him in tears on the ground, his limp dick dangling between his legs. She needed more, and since she had all the control, she was going to get more.

Panting slightly, Marie repositioned herself, starting to slowly grind against him again, but this time with more focus. She heard him cry out in desperation as he felt her going again, small trickles of blood dripping down his ass from the sharp barbs digging into this taught skin. He wouldn't have to worry about those areas much longer though. After a few more thrusts, Marie stepped back, positioning herself so that her cock pulsed against Josh's soaked asshole. She could feel him tense, but his yell of fear quickly turned into one of brutal pain as she slammed forward with every ounce of muscle, sinking her entire shaft into his quivering ass in one thrust.

She purred at the sound of his scream and the tight clenching of his ass around her dick. Clamping down hard, she drug her penis out, the flesh pulling at her barbs sending shockwaves of ecstasy through her. Josh clawed at the floor below her, but she didn't relent, instead swiftly thrusting into him again, her balls slapping against his. The feeling was so exotic, like nothing she had ever felt before, or could have imagined. She pulled back and speared him again, roughly dragging her shaft to the very tip each time before running him through again and again.

Each thrust made her wild, her claws gripping onto his chest, digging into his flesh as he wept and hoarsely screamed, his voice dying to small whimpers as she took him. His cock flapped against his chest with each resounding thrust, his balls aching as the lion violated him. Drool splattered on his neck and back, Marie going wild with lust and the need to dominate. Her thrusts were shorter now, pummeling into him, shaking him like a ragdoll. Marie could feel the warm precum lubricating his entrance along with his own blood. It made her go harder, feral lust pouring through her strong body before she finally buried herself within him, grinding as hard as she could before she felt the heat explode out of her tip and into his body.

Wave after wave of seed spilled from her heavenly shaft, the absolute finality of it all washing over her in an absolute sense of glee. She softly thrust back and forth a few inches as her cock spasmed inside his ass, spilling more than a pint's worth of semen into him before the flow finally ebbed off. She looked down to see Josh sobbing quietly underneath her and she grinned. Her cock jumped in approval, already asking for more. She didn't disagree. Straightening up, Marie lined up her cock and pressed forward, purring as the mixture of sperm, blood, sweat and precum met her soaking pole.

Grunting, she eased forward, sliding the hardening member into her toy's anus, feeling the worn out walls of flesh struggle vainly to keep her out. Within seconds, she was back inside of him, using his ass to please her again, the lubrication allowing her to lewdly slip in and back out of him. She pulled out completely, beginning to thrust over his crack again, hearing him moan in the humiliation overtaking him. She had all the control now and she was enthralled with the feeling of him so helplessly trapped under her body, her cock eagerly spitting out more fluids onto his sweat and cum covered back.

Marie took it slowly this time, relishing every sensation, every soft stroke up against him, purring and drooling like a housecat on catnip. She could feel him shudder and wondered if he had the grotesque knowledge that it was her, if he could somehow sense that it was his wife who was on top of him, fucking him, violating him. She hoped he did. With his ass now drizzled over with her precum, she walked backwards, sliding her paws to his butt cheeks, latching her claws into them as the spread them apart.

She brought her muzzle forward, letting the scent of her musk, his blood and sweat and her strong cum drift into her nose. Sticking out her tongue, she lapped up his crack, letting the mixture of fluids wash over her taste buds. It was intoxicating, his raw and sensitive crack now bleeding as her rough tongue continued to firmly lick over it. Gathering a large amount of the mess into her maw, she brought herself level with his balls and spit it all out, covering his still limp shaft with the aftermath of her pleasure.

He whimpered below her, pleading with her to stop, but all it did was spur her on further. Growling with need, she climbed back atop her bitch, positioned her shaft again and slipped inside his slick hole. She murred as the heat washed over her flesh, taking her time as she slid back and forth, sawing her cock into him, moaning as constant pleasure coursed through her body and soul. Her cock twitched and throbbed, drooling precum into him as she prepared him for another load of semen.

The fact that she was a cat now made the situation even better. As she had been told on the documentary, cats could mate over and over again, some species copulating even seventy times a day. At the rate she was moving, she could go on for a very long time, and she planned to do so. His wants and desires were far from her mind as she glided in and out of his rear end. Pressure built in her loins, her balls starting to jump in her sac, more than ready to release another load.

With deliberateness, Marie sunk into him again, tightly wrapping her paws around his waist before sinking her jaws into his shoulder, stifling back a roar as her shaft throbbed out another blast of seed, sending large spurts deep into his quaking ass again. Suddenly, she felt his walls clench on her own, hearing him let out a long moan as she heard the splatter of his own cum on the ground. Purring as her cock was squeezed so tightly, she began to thrust inside him, stimulating herself more within the taught walls of flesh.

Marie sighed as she slumped onto his prone body, his whole body too weak to hold himself up anymore. The lion pulled out, letting Josh fall completely to the floor, her cock slapping his ass as it dribbled out the last of its spunk. He grunted, the air being pushed out of his body as she laid atop him, using him as a pillow as she regained steam for another round. She could feel her own cum now oozing out over the base of her shaft and balls and it sent another throb through her member.

Chuckling to herself and her shaft warmly, Marie wondered how long it would take to fully sate her rod. Sliding her paws back around Josh's waist, she chose to find out. He barely made a noise as the lion mounted him again, her dick growing hard with the desire for more action. She would claim him as hers until he was so full of cum it was drooling out of his upturned ass. Even then, she might not stop. Licking his bleeding shoulder, Marie sunk her hard shaft into his anus and began to thrust again, purring as she used him yet again.