Fur and Feathers Ch. 2

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#2 of Fur and Feathers


Avari: Me.

Fen: Nauta.

Fen was now four months pregnant, and accepting the fact that he had been knocked up by the same stud who fathered his dear griffoness's clutch. His belly was gently curved, bulging out through the tear in his shirt slightly. His clothes were dirty and frayed all over, and his jeans had been turned into cutoffs a while ago, but since he had no other clothes, he wore them anyway.

Avari had settled quite happily into her new lot in life as Fen's de facto mate. Her sides were nicely swollen with her clutch; she expected at least four eggs in this one, but she could never be sure. She was the primary provider for them, she easily able to hunt even with her pregnancy. She relished the smaller animals and especially the berries Fen contributed to their meals, though.

Now, as Fen and Avari walked through the forests far from their original home, they reached a long-spanning muddy pond of sorts, and there didn't seem to be an easy way around it, and Avari's wings were sore from flying as far as she had today. She looked around the mud hole, then down at him, cocking her head as if to ask him what he wanted to do. He sighed. "I think we have to cross it. It can't be that deep." He smirked, starting to step into it. It was thin mud, almost liquid, and it caked over his feet and ankles. "Well, come on Avari, it won't hurt you."

The griffoness nodded and started to pad in. She hated getting mud on her feathers when there wasn't any clean water around to wash it off with, but he was right, it wasn't going to hurt her.

Fen slowly continued to wade in as the mud rose to his shins and knees, putting a hand on Avari's back. "Heehee, it's okay, I'll find a nice pond or river for us to wash in after this." He noticed it was still getting deeper, and he hoped it wouldn't go above his thighs.

She grumbled an affirmative response as she walked, but then a cool feeling against her belly made her squawk in surprise and pad back, splashing a little muddy water around. She looked around and saw that her belly was big enough to brush against the top of the water, and as sensitive as it could be, the cool water had caught her off guard.

The muddy water lapped at his crotch by now as he stopped, looking back at her and smiling, noticing her swollen tummy had started to dip into the mud. "Mmm, my sweetie is getting a little lower to the ground," he said with a wink, pawing at her to come back to him.

Avari merfed and padded back over to him, her head hanging a little bit. As much as she liked getting big with a clutch Fen would help raise, it could really get in the way of her daily life. She chirped again as the water brushed her belly, causing her teats to harden.

Fen also merfed a bit as the water bathed his groin, slowly rising up along his shaft and making it stiffen slowly. It wasn't long before his shorts were completely soaked and the mud came up to his belly button, making him squirm. "Damn, this is deeper than I thought," he said, looking over to his griffoness.

She nodded, the cool water making her squirm and shiver. She looked at his tummy with a little grin; she had become anxious to watch him swell with a griffon egg or eggs as she was and wondering if his skin was becoming more sensitive.

A few more minutes of trudging through the muck and it began to shallow again, though the foxboy was coated from mid-belly down, dripping with slimy mud and rather hard in his shorts by the looks of it. "Ooh...my pants are soaked...and so are my nads...."

The griffoness grumbled and examined her own body. Her legs and the bottom of her belly were caked with a thin layer of mud, her nipples standing out against the annoying stuff.

Fen crouched down and giggled, giving her belly a pet and feeling its firmness and the cool mud against it, as well as her nipples sticking out erect. "Mmm...Gods, that was kinky...." he said with a blush, standing up again. "We need to find a waterfall or something."

She stomped a bit in place from his touch. Even though her teats still hadn't developed much, they were very sensitive, especially to his soft and warm hands. She nuzzled the side of his face, licking at his ear.

He flicked his ear and murred, giving her belly a caress again, fingering her teats as he knew it turned her on.

Avari let out a long trill as he fingered her sensitive spots, shivering again but this time in arousal as she set her wings on his shoulders to hold him still as she leaned down and nosed her beak against his crotch.

Fen growled a little, his cock stiff and tenting his shorts out for what little they could stretch, licking around the mud on her belly but rubbing the stiff nubs all over, carefully but erotically. "Mmmmm sensitive pregnant griffoness...."

She squawked and decided to forego subtlety altogether, hooking her beak into the waist of his pants and pulling on it, working a tear down his backside from how worn the pants had become over the last two months. As soon as she could, she wormed her face in and nosed at his femsex.

Fen yelped as she felt him tearing at his shorts, leaving his tattered white briefs exposed, soaked in mud at that. "Hey, these are all the clothes I have!" he cried, continuing to lap at the less swollen parts of her belly and finger her teats.

The griffoness removed her head and put a huge paw on his shoulder to signal for him to get down, licking her beak and waving her tail around to fan the scent of her sex in the air.

The fox grunted, crouching down on his knees and leaning forward on his hands, looking back over his shoulder and grinning. "Mmm, my griffoness has something in mind?"

She leaned down on her forelegs and reached up to tear at his briefs with her beak, making fast work of the garment. Then she immediately put her tongue and beak to work, licking at his balls and nosing his clitoris.

Fen howled and shuddered, arching his back as pre shot into what was left of his briefs, making him squirm and lift his tail high, pushing his wet dripping sex and heavy balls back against her tongue. "Oooh Avari...!"

"Mmmrowrr," she purred as she oraled both his sexes as best she could. Her tongue wasn't very long but she had acquired a lot of practice in using it lately.

The fox panted and yipped, it only taking moments before he let out a squeal and came in his pants, hot seed showering into what was left of his briefs and splashing back to coat his sac and her beak in his spunk. "MMMMmm!"

She let out another purr and removed her tongue from his balls to press it against his clit, trying not to push her beak in for fear of cutting him.

He gasped and his sex tightened against her tongue, spraying out a gush of honey onto her face as he slowly sat up and flicked his tail, cum dripping down his mud-caked legs.

She traced her tongue slowly around his labia as she licked up his boy and girl cum. When he was at least relatively clean (well, his femsex at least), she padded beside him and gave his muzzle a lick.

Fen growled and kissed her back, mindful of the fact that his balls were hanging out of his shorts now as well, smiling at her and petting over her head. "I can't imagine not being with you, sweetie...even if you do ruin my clothes...."

Avari cooed and nuzzled his face, letting him taste his juices on her tongue before she gave him the chirping that suggested she wanted to mate, looking at him hopefully.

Fen smirked a little and crawled over, rubbing her flank and over her cunt gently. "Mmm, you're so good to me Avari...let me show you what a fox muzzle is for...."

Her eyes widened as she spread her hind legs and lifted her tail, showing him her swollen slit. She was already panting from anticipation, her talons digging into the ground to hold her steady.

The fox scooted behind her and, after taking a deep breath, plunged his muzzle into her snatch, licking around furiously and slurping up her delicious femcum laced with pheromones that made him drip all over again.

She let out a loud screech as he muzzle-fucked her, her talons digging furrows into the wet ground as her tail thrashed from side to side. Her whole body trembled with the intensity of her rapidly mounting orgasm.

With how good he was, one might think he'd done this before, pushing his muzzle in and out of her snatch while snorting hot breaths across her rear, his tongue flicking against her clitoris while his hands gripped her thighs.

The shaking of her body caused her eggs to press against a sensitive nerve and that set her into a screeching orgasm, her girlcum drooling out against his face as she arched her back and extended her wings as wide as she could.

He kept his muzzle inside her as she came for as long as he could, his face getting soaked before he had to take a breath, gasping and lapping at the spurts of femcum and moaning in pleasure, his cock straining the front of his shorts again. "Mmm, you hot pregnant griffoness...."

Avari nearly collapsed, panting hard as she slowly turned around and gently tackled him, licking and nuzzling all over his face. If she couldn't tell him how much she loved him with words, she'd do it with actions.

Fen yelped and flopped on his back, giggling and murring, licking back at her with her femcum all over his face, his belly brushing against her fur. "Mmmm, sweetie...can you rub your belly against mine?"

She nodded and moved to lie parallel to him, then scootched her belly up against his hip. She purred loudly as she felt her eggs shift again, looking forward to finally laying them.

The fox murred and pressed his belly up against hers, licking her chestfur and feeling their mutual eggs press against one another. Occasionally he could feel his shift, and he was wondering if he had more than one egg. "Mrrrf...between us we'll probably have five or six...so many babies, I wasn't expecting to have some myself."

Avari just shrugged and relaxed, enjoying the closeness.

Two months later, Avari and Fen had made bedding of sorts out of soft vegetation and furs from animals they hunted. At the moment, though, the heavily pregnant griffoness was pacing around the cave they called their home, her belly hanging low and tightening periodically with the squeezing of her internal muscles. Her teats had also become more prominent as her milk came in for when her soon-to-be-laid clutch would hatch.

The six-month pregnant foxboy, now rendered nude as nothing fit him, gently petted the griffoness while he watched, his own belly rather swollen out in front of him, his cock a little hard from watching her full belly sway and twitch. "Hey, it's okay honey, I'm here for you."

She nuzzled his face in thanks, licking at his muzzle as she continued pacing. Before long, she stopped and grunted, her belly drawing up into her body a little. Her eyes focused on the stone wall of the cave in concentration; she'd been in labor for almost half a day now, and based on her previous clutches, she could feel she was getting close.

Fen gently caressed her as best he could. "Would you like to lie down, Avari? We can snuggle."

Avari continued to stare into space until the tension passed. She looked over at the bedding and shook her head. She had to keep moving; it made the eggs come faster.

The fox nodded a little bit and moved over to the bedding, crouching down and leaning back, rubbing his own belly and sighing. It was getting heavy to stay on his feet for long.

She continued to pace and pant and tense up until almost an hour later, when a tightening drew a squawk out of her as she squinched her eyes shut and panted, a stream of clear fluid coming from her sex.

Fen blinked and just watched, not sure he could really do much more than the griffoness's natural instincts allowed. He rubbed his stiff cock some, pre leaking onto his belly, knowing he would be going through the same thing.

Avari finally opened her eyes as her body relaxed. She looked over at Fen pleadingly as she slowly padded into the bedding, setting herself down next to him and nuzzling his face. She'd never had a mate with her when she laid before, and she was anxious for reassurance.

Fen put his arms around her, resting his belly against hers and grunting softly, licking her chest and murring in pleasure. "You're so sexy, even when you're laboring...." He rubbed his hand over her wet, leaking sex, sniffing it and shuddering.

She smirked at him as she enjoyed the closeness of her mate when she needed him. The griffoness stroked his face with a wing and shifted a little, trying to find a comfortable position.

He smiled to her and gently licked along her belly, then her swollen teats and suckling lightly upon one, wondering if he would finally get a taste of griffoness milk, his own chest swollen into small breasts.

She chirped again as she felt her milk start to let down. The feeling of his mouth gently suckling her calmed her down for what was to come; then she would have to move him away.

Fen suckled as long as he could, moaning softly and kneading her belly as he nursed, closing his eyes and letting the warmth fill his belly. "Mmmm...so delicious, my griffoness...."

Avari purred and groaned, her contractions seeming to be in a lull, building their strength for the big push. She wanted to enjoy this closeness as long as she could, pawing gently at his head.

The fox panted, lifting his head to take a breath, his own nipples dripping slightly as his muzzle was soaked in griffoness milk. "Mmmm...you are so amazing." He leaned in to kiss her beak, licking at it with his little tongue.

She smiled and licked around his face, feeling a little aroused by the taste of her own milk on his tongue, when she felt another contraction starting. She merfed and quickly pulled herself to her feet, but stood still, as if gauging what was happening inside her.

Fen leaned back and rubbed his cock a little more, watching the griffoness curiously, keeping his eyes on her belly and sex, still dripping with fluid.

Avari held her position for a few seconds until she worked herself into a squat, looking over her shoulder at Fen and then at her sex, which was now dripping a little more.

Realizing it was time for her to lay, the fox moved to sit on his shins behind her. "Do you need some help, Avari?"

She nodded and looked forward again, shuffling her hind legs a little bit before she strained her lower muscles, her tail flicking and her body shaking slightly.

He sat behind her, her sex dripping onto his thighs as he reached up, gently rubbing her sexlips. "I'll catch them, my dear."

Avari grunted with the strain of pushing, her hind legs continuing to fidget as she felt the hard mass descend down her birth canal and drip more birth fluids onto her mate. Before long, her sex started to bulge, but she had to stop, straighten up, and pant as the contraction faded.

Fen yelped and smiled as he was doused with warm fluid, sitting up and licking at her nethers, rubbing her flanks and moaning softly. "You're doing good, hon, mmm...good griffoness."

She let out a long groan as Fen licked her sex, a welcome relief from the pain and pressure, which weren't so bad she couldn't think straight but still, she was running more on instinct than intellect.

The fox, trying to further relieve her, stuck his tongue into her sex, but upon feeling the egg, he gasped, pulling back and yerfing at her. "Oooh babe, it's very close."

Of course it was close; she could feel where it was. She stood up again, squatting for very long more of a strain on her legs than she liked, but otherwise didn't move except to pant.

He rubbed the backs of her thighs, cooing encouragement to his mate while she doused him with her fluids. He found the whole experience very erotic and at the same time, romantic...however weird it was to him. He just wished he didn't have a swollen belly himself, and could concentrate on raising his mate's children.

It didn't take long for another contraction to begin, and she quickly squatted and pushed, the point of the egg starting to push apart her nether lips as she growled long and deep with her push.

Fen helped by rubbing her stretching lips gently, leaning in to lick at them delicately, purring a little even as he breathed warm air over her nethers.

Fen's touch helped her maintain her focus: push that egg out. Her slit started to yield to both Fen's affection and the egg, widening slowly but steadily.

He licked at the emerging egg gently, taking in her scent, caressing her belly and moaning a bit while he watched in wonderment. "Oooh man it's big...."

Avari clawed at the bedding with her forelegs as the egg approached its diameter. The pressure and stretching combined with Fen's touch was making something happen in her, and she couldn't tell whether it was good or bad, but it felt like an orgasm the likes of which she'd never felt before.

Fen licked his tongue around the edges of the egg as it emerged, his body soaked in fluids by now and his erection very stiff, his paws caressing her belly and the closest pair of nipples he could reach.

With a last, shrieking cry she came...and so did the egg. It slipped out of her sex with a small deluge of birth fluids and a bit of her blood and cum. Her sex remained open for a few seconds after it left her body, and she could see the muscles twitch with her orgasm.

He caught the egg gently and gasped, holding it for a moment before starting to lick it clean, looking up at her stretched sex and smiling a little, gently leaning over to place it in the nest beside them. "Our first child, dear Avari."

Well, it was more like her seventh, but yes, it was their first. She lowered herself to rest on her belly and craned her neck to inspect and lick the egg, a bright smile (for her, anyway) spreading across her face.

The fluid-soaked fox gently held the egg out to her to inspect and lick, smiling and swishing his tail against the ground, leaning over a bit as the egg inside him shifted slightly. "Mmmf, no wonder I feel so stuffed...got one of these inside me...." He held the egg up to his belly to gauge its size in comparison.

Avari looked over at him and stroked his face with a wing, pushing the egg back into the nest. She'd worry about incubating them once they were all out of her. She shifted her hindquarters a little, merfing as she felt her milk let down more...of course, it wouldn't be needed until the eggs hatched.

Fen stroked her flanks gently while sitting behind and slightly to her side, his cock still stiff and enjoying the intimacy of the moment, even if he was on every messy foxboy. "You're doing great, hon...I hope I can do this as well as you."

The griffoness lay her head on her forepaws as she waited for her labor to restart, flicking her tail in a mix of anxiety and contentment. This was nice...having someone she loved with her during the most intimate of events.

He petted her rump and tailbase, nuzzling her still swollen belly and murring a little. "I wonder how long it will be before they hatch?"

"Anywhere from a few days to a few weeks," Avari thought. The griffoness's essentially hybrid nature made for a short but variable incubation period. She'd rather just birth them alive and get it over with...well...perhaps with Fen's young, she could....

Fen gently lapped along her belly again, caressing her as they awaited her labor to continue.

Over the course of the next couple hours, Avari laid another two eggs, both of which came out a bit easier than the first, with her passage being stretched and her more ready for the pain, but Fen's touch helped immensely. Now she was lying on her tummy again, looking over the three large eggs in the nest. Although the births themselves didn't take long, having been in active, hard labor for quite a while prior was wearing her out.

The drenched fox licked her beak gently, lying on his side beside her with the eggs between them, panting a little himself at the anxiety and excitement of watching his mate lay. "Almost done, Avari. Looks like you only have one more in there." The griffoness nuzzled his face, infinitely grateful for his reassurance. She hoped there was only one more. She just wanted another contraction to hit so she could push it out...and so Fen would touch her again. He reached back to caress her belly at least, noticing how much smaller it was but still bulged with the shape of the last egg inside of her.

Avari gave him a little trill before she grunted, starting to pull herself to her feet again. Her wings were pulled against her back and her rump and sex were simply soaked, and quite red from pushing three eggs out.

Fen reached back to massage the back of her thighs, brushing against her sex gently in the process, nuzzling the back of her belly and murring gently to her. "Easy, babe...just one more."

She squatted once again and pushed, but soon she let out a loud squawk. This one hurt...a lot, even with all the stretching she'd endured so far. Her talons dug deep into the bed as she squinched her eyes shut.

The fox sat up, realizing something was different about this egg. He stroked her flanks delicately and yarfed to her, perking his ears. "Sweetie...what is it, what's wrong?"

Her head slowly rose up as she pushed harder, tears building in the corners of her eyes. This hurt more than it should. Her hind legs shuffled and stomped a bit.

He scooted up to gently kiss her, petting over her head and licking gently, rubbing her beak. "Shh, sweetie, it's okay, I'm right here...."

As the contraction ended, her sex wasn't even bulging yet. In fact, she'd only made a little progress. The second and third eggs only took one or two contractions. She tiredly worked her hind legs to stand up, shaking a little. She slowly turned her hind end to face Fen, lifting her tail. She needed him to reach in and feel if something was wrong.

Fen reached his hand up to gently trace her folds, slipping some fingers into her sex, slowly but carefully reaching in until he could feel around the egg. "Umm...honey...it's coming backwards. It's going to be a little more difficult but you should be able to do it."

Avari grunted but nodded slightly. That was what she thought. She had to be careful; the blunt end coming out first would stretch her faster than usual. Once Fen tried to pull his hand out, though, she moved back to try to keep it in, giving him the chirp that told him she wanted to mate. His hand gave her something to focus on...and helped open her a little. The fox understood, spreading his hand out slightly and giving her walls a gentle stroke, kissing her flank. She breathed deeply to try to calm down and concentrate on Fen, not worry about the big thing wedged in her birth canal, and once again, Fen came through as she saved her strength.

When the next contraction started, she started to squat again, but slowly so he wouldn't come out too much.

Fen kept his hand in nearly to where the egg was, swishing his tail and murring, licking her rump gently and trilling lovingly to her. "Come on, Avari, make us the proud parents of four little griffawns...."

As the egg slowly progressed despite the protests of her tunnel, she groaned and grunted and shook her head slowly, alternating between curling her face down to her chest and arching it back. But it was coming, Fen could feel that much.

The fox churred excitedly, letting his hand pull back as the egg slowly progressed, rubbing his head to her flank. "Good girl...almost there, almost there...."

Avari would have nearly been in a panic if it weren't for Fen's reassurance. She felt her sexlips start to bulge outwards as the hard contraction faded, causing her to let out a long breath. Okay...she was that far...just try not to tear too much if at all. She could take it. Fen pulled his hand out as the egg spread her, leaning in to lick and nuzzle her sex, stroking her sides lovingly. She took more deep breaths, her thin tongue hanging out of her beak as she tried to stand upright again, but was just too tired...and it didn't feel right. She started to scuttle to lie on her belly, her back legs spread a little.

The fox did his best to try to hold her up, but with her size and his teenage body, he really didn't do a lot, and his six-month belly made it harder still to get good leverage. "Damn...sweetie, come on...hold on...."

The griffoness felt a little better in this position: it put some more pressure on her belly and she could rest easier. She looked over her shoulder at Fen and smiled slightly, leaning her face into his as she usually did to indicate she wanted to kiss him.

Fen leaned forward slightly, grunting a bit and putting some pressure on his belly. "Mmmf, damn it I'm fat." He smiled at her, licking at her beak.

Avari nuzzled his face and kisslicked his lips, communicating in their way how grateful she was for him. She cooed and trilled in the spoken part of the griffon language; even though she knew he didn't understand her perfectly, the sentiment was there.

He kissed her back gently, looking eagerly in anticipation at her backside, curling his tongue around hers as he lay on his side. "Mmmm...you pretty girl."

She merfed and licked at his ear, but soon merfed again and arched her neck to push down with her diaphragm, feeling her slit start to be pushed open by the egg's blunt side.

Fen twitched at the lick, giggling for a moment before realizing she was bearing down again, petting over her back and looking under her tail to inspect the progress.

Her sexlips were bright red by now, a bit of blood leaking out between the tight seal created by the egg. Nothing that would signal she was in real danger, just that this was not going to be easy. She let out a long growl and kept up her effort.

The fox kneaded at her flanks and tailbase, purrgrowling and nuzzling lovingly, shivering a bit at the blood. "Mmmf...I'll make it up to you for all the work sweetheart, just keep pushing...."

She clawed at the bedding and her growl steadily progressed into a sustained squawk, her sexlips being pushed wider and wider. Her face went red under her feathers.

Fen whimpered a bit, trying to hide his worry and concern, stroking over her back and sides gently and chirping to her, as he'd learned to make a few griffon sounds himself. "Almost out, Avari...almost...."

Her squawk turned into an outright roar as the egg finally reached its widest diameter, and with a last screech, it fell from her sex with a wet slurp, followed by a backed-up deluge of birth fluids tinged with her blood. Upon its exit from her body, her whole body relaxed as she panted.

The fox caught the egg gingerly, smiling and wiping it off and giving it a fatherly lick before reclining towards Avari's forelegs and placing it near her beak. "There you go, hon...four wonderful little griffawns, and they're ours...."

Avari tiredly lifted her head up to clean the egg, her maternal instincts bonding her to the eggs...and to Fen. She looked over at him and gave his face a last nuzzle before she rested her chin on her forepaws, closing her eyes with the egg still next to her.

Fen kissed her cheek, laying his head down beside hers, the four eggs and the one in his belly nestled between them.