The Outsider - Chapter 1: Udderly Lost

Story by kawzman on SoFurry

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This is my second attempt at writing about a furry subject and, well, writing period. My first attempt was a personal story and more for practice and finding my own style.

This story was inspired by "Goat out of Town" written by Provolvere, which can be viewed at Let me know what you think. It's rather long as it was something that kept me preoccupied during my recent deployment. In my spare time I am working on finishing it up.

Preface: In rural northeastern Nevada there is a small, unassuming community where the local residents have a strong connection and resemblance to the goats they raise. On his way home from backpacking in the Nevada wilderness, Aaron wrecks his SUV in order to avoid striking a goat standing in the middle of the road. When a seemingly innocent local woman named Annabel takes him in while his SUV is repaired, an unlikely attraction develops during the time they spend together. And while Aaron longs to return home, he soon discovers that his feelings for Annabel may not be the only thing that prevents him from leaving the community.

Downloadable versions are available at (rtf) and (pdf). Enjoy!

The Outsider

By Kawzman, based on "Goat out of Town" by Provolvere



In rural northeastern Nevada there is a small, unassuming community where the local residents have a strong connection and resemblance to the goats they raise. On his way home from backpacking in the Nevada wilderness, Aaron wrecks his SUV in order to avoid striking a goat standing in the middle of the road. When a seemingly innocent local woman named Annabel takes him in while his SUV is repaired, an unlikely attraction develops during the time they spend together. And while Aaron longs to return home, he soon discovers that his feelings for Annabel may not be the only thing that prevents him from leaving the community.


Main Character - Aaron

Goat Girl - Annabel

Goat Girl's Mother - Gladys/Mama Goat

Goat Girl's Father - Pa

Tow Truck Driver/Mechanic - Billy Jo

Goat Girl's Best Friend - Meredith

Main Character's Best Friend - Steven

Austin Tow Truck Driver - Ned

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Udderly Lost

Chapter 2: Getting Adjusted

Chapter 3: Giving In

Chapter 4: The Shower

Chapter 5: Confession

Chapter 6: Leaving Town

Chapter 7: Realization

Chapter 8: The Decision

Chapter 9: Change in Plans

Chapter #: ???????

Chapter 1: Udderly Lost

It was early afternoon on a gorgeous Fall day and I was driving along a nondescript road in rural Nevada, about ready to concede that I was lost. Turning onto what had initially looked like a major highway at the time had since narrowed and become only a single lane each way. It had been at least several miles since I had seen the last farmhouse.

The sound of the road changed since there was no longer any paved road underneath my SUV's tires. My tires were kicking up some loose rocks from what had now become a dirt road about a lane and a half wide with nothing but tall field grass on either side.

"Come on, there has to be something out here. I know I'm going west." I muttered to myself. I would have checked my GPS but I had spilled water on it this morning and hadn't worked since. I figured I could find a town where I could find an electronic store or at least a farm to get directions.

I had been hiking and camping in the high desert mountains outside of Austin for about a week, training for my tackling of Mount Whitney in the summer of next year. Everything had gone well but my trip back home had become very arduous given the incompatibility of my spilled water and GPS system. After attempting to navigate unmarked dirt roads from memory for hours, it quickly became apparent that I was completely lost.

"Well, I can either turn back or just see what's ahead." I said to myself. Tapping the steering wheel with my index finger, I tried to decide what to do next. Perhaps a bit too caught up in thought, I didn't notice the goat standing in the middle of the road.

"Oh shit!" I shouted as I jerked the wheel to the left, nearly tipping the SUV onto two wheels. Realizing I was heading off the road, I tried jerking the wheel back to the right. My SUV's tires struggled to find purchase on the soft dirt with such short notice, and instead, I slid sideways until the rear wheels lost traction entirely. With all control gone, the SUV headed into a small ravine next to the road. It shook from side to side until it came to an abrupt stop, my airbag deploying upon impact with the ravine's side.

As the airbag deflated, I sat there motionless in an attempt to collect myself. An annoying beeping sound reminded me that my SUV was now off but the keys were still in the ignition. Pulling the keys out and taking my seatbelt off, I paused for a moment to make sure I was still in one piece. I looked over my body while inspecting with my hands for injuries whose pain might be masked by the sudden rush of adrenalin and shock. Nothing was immediately apparent until looking in the rear view mirror where I discovered I had bitten my lip when the airbag deployed. There was a little blood but nothing too serious. The condition of my SUV, on the other hand, was another story.

I pushed the door open and slowly worked my way out to assess the damage. My knees ached from the impact with the dash board and my neck was a little sore from minor whiplash. I didn't feel pain anywhere else, so I felt fortunate that it wasn't worse. I looked over the SUV and quickly noticed that both left side tires were flat as a result of hitting some of the larger rocks in the ravine. The right front wheel looked to be bent upwards.

"Shit, that's not good." I didn't dare try to start it again. I didn't want to risk potentially damaging the engine. It didn't seem to be worth the risk.

Climbing up the ravine and standing back on the road, I glanced back to where the goat had been, but of course, there was no sign of it. I walked around to see if I had hit it, and even walked back to check the front of the SUV for blood or fur, but all I found was tall grass permanently embedded in my grill.

"Well at least someone benefited from this wreck." I said in frustration. Standing on the road, I looked in the direction I had been heading. To my surprise, I spotted a tree and maybe even some type of home or building a few miles away.

It was going to be dark in a few hours, so I needed to figure out what I was going to do. "Well, I guess I'll go that way." I said with a shrug and started walking towards it. I hadn't seen another vehicle for quite a while, so I figured my stuff would be safe. I futilely checked my cell phone for reception but confirmed my suspicion of the lack of signal.

Approaching the structure, I couldn't tell if I was in luck or was approaching the beginning of a personal experience of the movie Deliverance. The good news was that it appeared to be a gas station with a single pump and a small convenience store. The bad news was that everything was rusted and faded.

There were quite a few cars and trucks on the lot from just about every era dating back to the 1950s near as I could tell. All of them showed signs of years of neglect. At first I thought that the station might be closed if it weren't for the sound of someone whistling and the metallic sound of tools coming out from under one of the old pickup trucks.

Finding some legs with large, wide boots sticking out from under one of the side of the truck, I tried to get the person's attention. "Excuse me, I was wondering if you'd be able to help me out?"

The whistling stopped but the man underneath didn't move. I wasn't sure what to do. I was sure he had heard me but he didn't seem interested. "Uhm...sir?" I tried again and started to kneel down to look underneath. Before getting my knee on the ground, the man under the truck pulled himself out and sat up.

To my surprise, the man barely looked like a man at all. The bridge of his nose was large and slanted while his nostrils were stretched apart forming what could only be described as muzzle like. The wide nose bridge seemed to push the man's eyes out like they were almost positioned on the sides of his head. The peculiar placement of his eyes were accentuated by his long face, tilted forehead, and long ears that flopped down on both sides. He also seemed to have more straw-like looking hair growing on his neck and arms than he did on his head.

"What's your name there, boy?" the man said in a high-pitched voice covered with a thick country accent.

With my mouth and eyes wide-open, I was unable to find a response.

"You ain't from round here, are ya. The name's Billy Jo." Billy wiped off the grease from his hands and offered one for a handshake. I temporarily snapped myself out of my trance and shook the man's hand with my right.

"My name is Aaron. I got into a bit of an accident down the road. I had swerved to avoid a..." I paused when I realized I was holding something hard in my hand. When I looked down, it dawned on me that Billy's fingernails were long and yellow and it looked as though some of his fingers had partially merged together forming two large, yellow, chipped hooves. Pulling my hand away, I wasn't sure what type of disease this guy had, but it had definitely taken its toll on Billy and I hoped it wasn't contagious.

"Listen, sonny," the man said as he stood up, his height barely coming to about my shoulders. "This ain't the typa community that takes kindly to strangers. If I were ya, I'd turn round now and hoof it on outta here."

Billy Jo turned away to walk towards the station. I realized I might have upset him and I felt embarrassed about it. Even more of a concern was if he would leave me high and dry.

"But sir, that's the problem, I can't get out of here because I swerved into a ditch and now I have two flats and the front end is jacked up. Please help me."

"Sorry. It's about a day's walk to the next town over. You better start walking before it gets dark." Billy Jo said as his steps became more rapid to get away from me.

His walking slowed to a stop as a 1940's style pick-up truck pulled up to the shop. It seemed like the rust might be only thing holding the truck together and the motor knocked as it stopped. Billy Jo only stood there looking towards the truck and stated plainly, "There's Ms. Annabel."

As the dust cleared, a young woman became visible as she stepped out of the truck. She looked like she had stepped out of an old black and white movie with the style of clothing she was wearing. Her off-white dress, shirt, and sleeves were long and looked like they had come from the same era the truck was built. She wore a round hat with a small brim that almost hid her long floppy ears. As she approached, it was impossible not to notice her baby bump, the size of which probably put her in late second or early third trimester. I'm no doctor but it did seem as though she was carrying kind of low.

"Hey Billy Jo, who's this you have with ya today?" Annabel spoke in a soft yet cheery country voice.

She looked at Billy briefly and then fixated her stare on me. Her green eyes were full of life and energy, which nearly hid the fact that her nose was slanted down like Billy's but to a much lesser extent.

"Ah, he's nobody, Ms. Annabel. He's just leavin now." he said as he twisted the towel nervously in his hands.

"Leaving? What kind of service station is this?" I asked rhetorically as my frustration began to build, which only served to bring out the smart ass in me, a personality flaw that had bitten me in the ass before.

"What brings you to our community?" Annabel asked sincerely.

"Well, I swerved off the road about a mile down the road and my SUV is stuck. I've got two flat tires and a broken wheel, but Billy Jo is telling me to start hoofing it to the next town."

"What did ya swerve to miss?" Annabel asked politely.

"There was a goat in the middle of the road that I nearly hit. It came out of nowhere."

"Well then it's right good that you missed him, since we have many goat farmers and they would have been quite upset." Annabel walked up to me and looked me over like she was inspecting me. Smiling, she then turned and walked over to Billy Jo. "Why don't you just help him out and see if you can't fix his Ess-you-vee," she said, pronouncing out the letters like they were separate words. "You're not worried about him stealin me away from you, are you?" She leaned over and kissed Billy Jo on the forehead.

"Aw shucks, Ms. Annabel. You going to make me blush!" He stood there for a moment, his face turning red. "Alright, I'll fix it. But I don't want him sleeping in my shop messing up my stuff."

"I don't need..." I started to respond before Annabel cut me off.

"Don't you worry. I'll take him home with me," Annabel said, then looked at me with a smile. "You wouldn't mind that, would you...?"

"Aaron, my name's Aaron."

"Are you sure your Mama Goat is going to like that, Annabel? You know how she is about outsiders." Billy asked.

"You let me deal with Ma. She sent me to look for Pa and I think I know where he is, anyway. Besides, she'll be glad to have him stay with us when she hears his story. Risking his own life to save one of our goats," she said in a tone that made it hard to tell if she was kidding or not.

Regardless, Annabel was really starting to go out on a limb to help me. I just wanted to get out of here as soon as I could, but this Annabel seemed friendly enough. "Look, I don't wanna cause any trouble. I've got camping gear, so I can easily stay outside so as not to impose on anyone."

"Nonsense, I won't have it. We have an extra room with a bed. So wachya say?"

It was almost as if Annabel was leaving me no choice so I caved. "Sure, why not?"

"Alright, then it's settled. You're comin home with me," she said, and with a skip in her step she headed back to her truck.

I was blown away at the sudden turn of events. As I turned back to Billy to ask about repair work, I focused on the rusted and sedentary collection of former vehicles adorning the landscape surrounding the service station. I suddenly found myself doubting the capabilities of this service station. "Uh Billy, are you going to be able to repair my SUV? I mean, won't you have to order parts?"

"Don't worry sonny, I'll take good care of yur truck and have you back on the road in no time."

As I handed him the key, I told him where he could find my SUV. I was about to ask about insurance but at this point I would take whatever patchwork Billy could do as long as it was enough to get me back to a reputable garage and pay this out of my own pocket.

"Come on, Aaron!" Annabel shouted as she climbed into her truck.

"Thanks Billy!" I shouted back as I ran to catch up with Annabel before I missed my ride. Anything would be better than to have to stay there with Billy.

"Do you mind swinging by my truck so I can get a few things?" I asked as I climbed into the truck.

"No problem." she responded.

Annabel started the truck up and ground through a couple gears until the truck found one that worked. I pointed her in the right direction and we were off. The ride was a bumpy one and Annabel's driving technique was one that would not be described by finesse. There were no seat belts so I clung to the door with my right hand hoping it would remain attached to the truck.

"It's not much but she still can get the job done. Billy Jo keeps our trucks runnin for us. He's really a nice guy, actually. A gold heart. He just gets nervous when outsiders come round here. Can't blame him, really." she stated.

"Yeah, he seems alright. I just hope he can fix my truck." I really hoped he could get it fixed soon so I could get back home. I was tired from all the hiking and just wanted to get to my comfy chair and relax.

As we pulled up to my poor SUV, Annabel thought it was the coolest thing. "Wow! Now that's quite a fancy truck you got there. You must be rich."

I chuckled. "Hardly."

I jumped out of the truck and retrieved my two backpacks and locked up the SUV while Annabel turned the truck around. I put one in the bed of the truck, hoping it would still be there by the time we got to where we were going. The other I kept with me as it had my laptop and other electronic accessories.

Annabel forced the truck back into gear and we were off once again. We briefly stopped by Billy's garage so I could drop of a key to the SUV before continuing down the road. Since things seemed to be changing for the better, I pulled out my cell phone; still no reception. Noticing me pull something from my pocket, Annabel glanced down and was immediately puzzled. "What's that?" she asked.

"Just my cell phone." Annabel looked at me blankly as though I had lobsters crawling out of my ears. "You've never seen a cell phone before?"

"No I haven't. So it's like a telephone?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's basically a telephone without wires." I didn't bother go into a details if she didn't even know what one was to begin with.

"That's nice. We don't have many gadgets like that. If it's not for farmin or raisin goats, it doesn't much concern my family. There's a telephone in Billy Jo's shop, and there might be one in town. I can take you back to Billy Jo's tomorrow if you need to call someone."

Dammit, now she tells me! I contemplate asking her to turn around so I can use the phone, but I decided I better just relax for now and try to go back there later today or tomorrow. Not having much to look at on the road, I tried to study Annabel out of the corner of my eye. I glanced down at the gas pedal and realized that she was either wearing strange-looking furry boots with hard, split tips, or those were actually her feet. Long brown fur also peeked out from the edges of her sleeves around her wrists like it lined the inside of them. As she worked the steering wheel, I noticed that short brown fur covered her hands and at the end of her fingers were thick, brown nails similar to those that Billy had but without any of her fingers appearing to be at all merged.

I looked down at her baby bump and then to her left hand. No ring adorned her hand. I instantly wondered what story she had to tell. I figured it was probably no different than in the city. Guy fucks girl, gets girl pregnant, and then runs off. Suddenly, Annabel glanced over at me. Realizing that my stare had been caught, I looked away and pretended like I was looking around the truck and then out the window. Annabel only smirked and continued driving.

Annabel seemed pretty excited to be having company at her house. "There's going to be a lot I want to show you when we get home. But first you got to meet Mama Goat."

"Mama Goat? That's weird." I thought to myself.

The old rust bucket that I was being driven around in bounced up and down with every bump it hit, regardless of its size. The large bumps in the dirt road reminded me to hold on tight and hope that the truck would stay together. Billy Jo's station had long since disappeared into a sea of oat plants and wheat, from what I could tell.

In the distance, at the edge of one of the fields stood some tall green trees and a white spec appeared next to them. The spec grew larger as Annabel drove closer and then turned right onto another dirt road that was either a long driveway or another road, although it was impossible to tell.

"Is that your house?" I asked.

"Yep, that's where I live. Mama Goat will either be in the barn or the house. It's hard to say." I just looked at Annabel as she continued. "Her name is Gladys, but nobody ever calls her that." she stated as she glanced over at me.

As we neared the house, I noticed that it was about as in good a shape as the pick-up truck. The farmhouse looked like it had once been white, but was in desperate need of a washing and new coat of paint.

I saw unidentifiable animals running around nearby. I was sure I knew what they were, but I hesitantly asked anyway. "Are those goats roaming around?"

"Sure are. We raise goats and we farm. My family's been goat farmers for several generations now, long before I was born. There are several goat farms in our community. Most of the crops we grow end up feeding our goats or we sell it to our neighbors and community. You could say we have quite a large family to feed!" she laughed and glanced to me expecting laughter in return. I just sat there and looked at her with a bit of confusion as to what the joke was. Realizing the joke was lost on me, she gave me a hardy smile and quickly focused back on the road as a wave of embarrassment quickly overcame her.

"That's cool." I replied quickly, not wanting to offend her. I didn't know how to follow that up. I wasn't sure if she was kidding about her neighbors being family or not. An uncomfortable silence overtook the cab.

As we pulled up to the farmhouse, the cloud of dust that had been trailing behind us caught up and temporarily obscured the house from our view. When it settled, I looked up at the sagging front porch and noticed a figure peering from behind the screen door. Annabel hopped out of the truck and slammed the door closed behind her before skipping over to the porch steps. Looking back at me, she smiled and motioned for me to follow.

Getting out of the truck, I pushed the door closed and sighed, relieved that our arrival quickly ended the sudden discomfort. As we walked up the porch steps, the old weather-beaten wood creaked with each step; however, before we reach the porch, the figure behind the screen door spoke with a thick country accent. "Who-oo-oose that ya got there, Aah-nabel?" The woman's voice vibrated in her throat when she said Annabel's name, almost like it was a goat bleating as it tried to speak. The house was dark inside so I could not get a good look at her.

"Ma, this is Aaron. He got stuck at Billy Jo's station when he swerved to avoid a goat in the road and ended up in a ditch. Billy Jo is fixin his truck, so I said that he could stay with us till it's fixed." Annabel responded as we both stood there on the steps.

After a short pause, Mama Goat opened the screen door and stepped outside onto the porch. I tried to catch my jaw from dropping as my brain tried to comprehend what I was seeing. Standing maybe slightly over five feet tall, Mama Goat was a short, portly woman with a round yet slightly elongated face. Like everyone in this community seemed to have, Mama Goat also had a long nose, long ears, and also had horns sticking up from her head. Her feet were clearly split hooves and her hands resembled her feet, although it appeared that she could still move her two large merged fingers and her thumb. She had almost more hair than I did everywhere accept on her face, and had more curves than I could count. A long dress and a billowy shirt did their best to try and hold all of her in. Her unique features made her age difficult to ascertain, but with a daughter that looked like Annabel, I knew she couldn't be all that old.

Everything I saw of Mama Goat brought everything else into perspective. The fur I saw on Annabel was hers and not of her clothing and she was definitely not wearing boots of any sort. She and Billy Jo's unique features flashed through my mind as I pieced together an accurate assessment. She and Billy Jo, like Mama Goat were some sort of human-goat hybrids. I stood there, frozen and silent.

"Ye-eh-eh know how I feel about strangers coming rou-ou-ound these parts, Aah-Annabel." she said in a very firm tone with an equally serious face, not even looking at me.

"His name is Aaron, Ma. He'd just be stranded out there. I figured the least we could do is offer him some hospitality for a night or two." Annabel pleaded.

I didn't know what to do next, but I didn't want my shocked silence to be misconstrued for rudeness. "Excuse me Ma'am", I interrupted, "I'm really sorry about intruding on you like this. I really don't want to be a burden. It's just that I'm lost and I haven't been able to call for help, so I'm a bit stuck right now."

"Ma, he saved a goat!" Annabel added quickly. This one detail seemed to change everything about Mama Goat's stance on the situation.

Mama Goat switched her gaze over to me and stared at me long and hard. Suddenly, her disapproving look turned into a huge smile that lit up her face. "Alright, of course ye-eh-eh can stay, Aa-aa-ron. But I'll warn ye-eh-eh we do things a bit different rou-ou-ound here. And for cryin' out loud, sonny, call me Mama Goat!"

"Yes Ma'am! I mean, yes, Mama Goat!" I was immediately confused. One minute I was being shunned and the next welcomed with open arms. It was quickly becoming obvious that goats were important to these people, more so than what I would consider to be normal for goat farmers, not that I was by any means an expert. From the appearance of everyone I had met so far, it looked as though they were breeding with them! I shuttered at the thought. Suddenly, my gazed involuntarily fixed on Annabel's baby bump and generated wonder. My cruel subconscious immediately invaded my mind with a thankfully brief scene of her being fucked by a goat. "Ewww, could've done without that." I thought to myself.

Everything was happening so fast and I didn't have an opportunity to take a moment and properly evaluate the situation. In the face of not being able to make an informed decision, my fight or flight instincts were kicking in. Since they seemed to be more friendly than a threat, I decide to play along and play nice.

Mama Goat turned around to walk inside and I was relieved not to be the focus of her stare, although her warm smile had helped break the ice. Despite her abnormal appearance, she seemed to be really friendly and I hoped that I would not accidentally insult her by leering at her. Mama Goat motioned us inside and Annabel smirked as she held the door open for me. As I approached, I took hold of the door and motioned Annabel to enter first. "After you Annabel." A smile of appreciation of the simple gesture came across her face. "Why thank you Aaron." she responded as she entered the house. I followed in closely behind.

The house smelled old but it was surprisingly clean. As my eyes adjusted to the decreased light, I noticed that the inside looked much like most any grandmother's house, with various antiques and old pictures adorning the place. There was also some goat artwork on some of the walls, adding to the country theme of the décor.

"Ye-eh-eh have to be starvin, Aa-aa-ron. What can I fix you? We have cereal, eggs, chicken, grits..." Mama Goat offered as I walked inside.

Following Annabel into a dining room, she showed me to a chair at the table and then took a seat herself across from me. I noticed Annabel beginning to take off her bonnet-like hat and I watched intently with curiosity, wondering what would be revealed with its removal. Distracted by the revelation to come, I was completely unaware that Annabel's eyes were locked on mine as she slowly removed the bonnet, evaluating my facial expressions to determine my reaction to her unique features. Once removed it was revealed that she also had horns, although much smaller than her mother's. The show now over, I caught Annabel's interrogating stare and I quickly diverted my eyes to Mama Goat and watched her slowly waddle into the kitchen.

"I'm not too hungry Mama Goat. It's been a long day and my nerves are a bit shot after the accident. Maybe some fruit if it's not too much trouble?"

"Of course not sonny. Not a pro-o-oblem." Mama Goat leaned out of the kitchen. "Can I get you something to drink? May-aye-be a nice glass of milk? We Ma-aye-ke it fresh..."

Annabel's eyes widened and her mouth dropped as if something was terribly wrong. "Uh, no...he can't!" she quickly interjected.

Mama Goat's and my attention quickly turned to Annabel, both of us caught off guard by her sudden reaction. "And why can't I have milk?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

Annabel's head spun back to me. "'s...gone bad."

"Ba-a-a-d? It's fresh from..." Mama Goat started before being cut off again by Annabel.

"Mama! Trust me it's bad!" she insisted as she not-so-subtly shook her head "no" with widened eyes as if she were trying to convey some underlying message to her. Annabel looked back at me and smiled widely.

"Okay-ay-ay, juice then? We have or-or-orange."

"Uh, yeah, sounds great Mama Goat. Thank you."

The situation was quite odd. If I hadn't been a stranger to the family, I would've thought that Mama Goat had almost spoiled some surprise Annabel had planned for me and pulled off one those not-so-subtle on-the-spot cover-ups. I'm just not one of those who act clueless and lets it go.

"So what in the world was that about?" I asked without regard to subtlety.

" me, you won't like the way our milk tastes."

"Why's that?" I responded.

Annabel gave me one of those looks women give guys when they want you to drop something. Me being me, that only fuels my curiosity and makes me push more and I think Annabel quickly realized it. She looked towards the kitchen to ensure Mama Goat wasn't within ear shot, leaned towards me, and then whispered. "Well, the way we make our milk ready to drink makes it taste a little sour."

"That's it?!" I responded. I didn't believe I was getting the whole story.

"Ssshhhhh! Not so loud! Mama Goat takes a lot of pride in the meals she makes and I didn't want you to not like it and hurt her feelings."

I sat there and evaluated the situation. Annabel's reaction just seemed too extreme for something so seemingly trite, but when Mama Goat entered the dining room with my juice and a bowl of apples and pears, I decided I'd let it go for now. Mama Goat joined Annabel at the table and began discussing the chores that needed to be done tomorrow. I joined in the conversation by asking about their farm as I finish up my fruit and juice.

The rest of the afternoon and evening was a bit of a blur for me, as I tried to take in everything at once while I wondered when I was going to get home. We talked a bit about ourselves in turn before things turned to how I had gotten lost, and come to be in their community. MORE?

It was only about 7pm when I began to feel a little light headed and dizzy. I attributed it to the accident, thinking the airbag might have jostled my head or something. So I decided it was probably a good idea to lie down and get some rest. So, while Mama Goat cleared the table and made some dinner for themselves, Annabel showed me to a guest room that smelled as old as the house but had a bed that was nice and soft. As Annabel said goodnight, and turned to leave the room, I could swear that I saw something moving under the back of her skirt above her ass, like a short tail wagging underneath. She smirked her innocent smile as she closed the door, keeping eye contact until the door was shut.

I changed into some more comfortable clothes and laid down in the cool and soft bed. I plugged in my cell and laptop to give them a night's charge and then turned the light off. As I laid there in the bed, I could hear Annabel and Mama Goat's hooves clomping on the wooden floors as they moved about the house. I strained to make out their muffled conversation but couldn't decipher much of what was being said. I struggled for a short while to shut my mind down, but the thoughts of the incredible things I had seen in the day made it challenging to do so. I still struggled with the fact that I was a guest to goat people. I came to wonder how they came to be. Bestiality gone awry? I mean, I've heard jokes about farmers getting intimate with their animals, but offspring resulting from the coupling? How is it they haven't been the subject of the media or science? Exhaustion finally overcame my active mind and as my eyelids grew heavy, the sounds of the house began to fall out of my mind and the last conscious thought to enter my head was a wonder of what was going to be in store for me tomorrow.