The Outsider - Chapter 9: Making a New Life

Story by kawzman on SoFurry

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This is my second attempt at writing about a furry subject and, well, writing period. My first attempt was a personal story and more for practice and finding my own style.

This story was inspired by "Goat out of Town" written by Provolvere, which can be viewed at Let me know what you think. It's rather long as it was something that kept me preoccupied during my recent deployment. In my spare time I am working on finishing it up.

Preface: In rural northeastern Nevada there is a small, unassuming community where the local residents have a strong connection and resemblance to the goats they raise. On his way home from backpacking in the Nevada wilderness, Aaron wrecks his SUV in order to avoid striking a goat standing in the middle of the road. When a seemingly innocent local woman named Annabel takes him in while his SUV is repaired, an unlikely attraction develops during the time they spend together. And while Aaron longs to return home, he soon discovers that his feelings for Annabel may not be the only thing that prevents him from leaving the community.

Downloadable versions are available at (rtf) and (pdf). Enjoy!

Chapter 9: Making a New Life

I was awoken later that morning by the touch from a pair of soft and warm lips pressed gently against my own. "Good morning my mate."

I slowly opened my eyes to the pleasant sight of Annabel's smiling face in front of my own. I yawned and stretched, still quite tired. "Good morning baby." I returned with a similar smile. "What time is it?"

Annabel looked over at my watch on the nightstand. "It's eight fourteen." She paused for a minute and then shook me playfully. "Come on sleepy head, the kids sound hungry. Gotta get the chores done."

Still groggy, I slowly became more coherent. "Chores? Oh yay." I responded sarcastically. "What did you want to do after the chores?"

Annabel went over to the window. "Aww, it's rainy outside." She looked over at my laptop. "Can ya show me the stuff ya were wachin?"

"Sure, I can show you whatever you want baby."

"Sounds nice. Can't wait." Annabel was apparently wide awake and full of energy. She quickly grew impatient waiting for me to get going. "Come on sleepy head. I'll make ya breakfast."

I slowly rolled over to the edge of the bed as Annabel went to her bedroom to change into some new clothes to start the day. I plopped my feet onto the cool floorboards and slowly rose to my feet. I put on a fresh set of clothes and by the time I finished, Annabel flashed by the doorway and entered the bathroom. Entering the hallway, I slowly made my way to the kitchen and started taking out items I knew Annabel was going to need to make breakfast. Annabel joined me in the kitchen a short while after and milked herself while we talked. She filled a pitcher to her usual mark and then put it in the fridge. It was still an odd sight to see.

Like the morning before, we made breakfast together, the same tasty meal. I stuck with the non-changing foods as I wasn't quite ready to begin the changing process that, unbeknownst to Annabel, I had already decided to undergo. When the fixing was complete, we enjoyed our meal and each other's company at the dining room table. Afterwards, we cleaned up our mess and tidied up the kitchen.

We grabbed some light jackets and headed outside. We found Mama Goat out in the barn in the midst of her morning routine. It was a chilly overcast day. The rain was light but it was enough to wet everything down and make things more difficult. I quickly learned that rainy days mean that you will get very dirty while doing chores. By the time we were finished, both of us were covered in mud and dirt. I actually kind of liked it.

Mama Goat had gotten her usual early start despite the late night at the party. Like the day before, she and Pa completed most of Annabel's chores so we could have plenty of quality time together. I liked working with Annabel around the farm though. I was interested to see what her responsibilities were. We had fun, she teaching me, and me awkwardly attempting each task. Regardless, we always found the time to toy and flirt with one another.

It was a little before eleven o'clock when we returned to the farmhouse. We hung up our jackets outside by the door to dry and then headed inside to get cleaned up. I followed Annabel down the hallway and arriving in front of the bathroom she came to an abrupt halt. I nearly ran into her when she quickly turned, faced me, wrapped her arms around me, and initiated a round of passionate kissing. Annabel guided me into the bathroom where she began stripping off my clothes. As she did, I reached behind me and closed the door. Once naked, Annabel gave me a playful slap to he ass and told me to get in the shower and to make it hot.

I stepped into the bathtub and started the water as I watched her remove of all her clothes and kick them off to the side. She smiled teasingly as she strolled over and joined me in the tub. With a flip of the switch hot water sprayed forth out of the shower's head as Annabel pulled the curtain closed. I turned and faced her as I reached overhead and behind me to guide the water so that it wet us both in its soothing heat. Annabel moved up to me, pressing her body against mine while wrapping her arms around me for a welcomed embrace. I wrapped mine around the soft skin of her body as well and we both slowly leaned in and kissed in a more slowed and romantic manner.

As her udder rubbed against my soft member, it soon began to pulse to life as blood pumped into its vesicles. Feeling my building erection, Annabel pulled back and smiled widely. "Well, that didn't take long."

"Never does when your hot body is rubbing against mine." I responded with an equally large smile.

She leaned back in and we resumed our soft romantic kissing as the hot water continued to pour over us. After a few moments, my cock was straining against her soft skin yearning to stand erect. Annabel tilted her head back to break the connection of our lips and I kissed my way down her chin to her neck as it was exposed to the level of my lips. "Mmmm. Take me Aaron. Take me now." Annabel pleaded.

I had never had sex standing up before, but it was something I had always wanted to try. I reached overhead once again and directed the shower's spray onto the wall beside us so it wouldn't be freezing when her back pressed up against it. I grabbed Annabel's ass and gave it an erotic squeeze as I lifted her up. The sudden move caught her by surprise. Annabel smiled and giggled with anticipation as she wrapper her legs around my waist while placing her hands around my neck to help keep herself balanced and upright. She then leaned in and rested her forehead against mine as her expression exuded the love she felt deeply for her mate. "I love you my mate." She said softly as she looked into my eyes with those emerald green eyes I loved gazing into.

"I love you too baby." I responded as softly.

I turned slowly so as not to lose purchase on the wet tub beneath my feet. Leaning forward, her back pressed against the green tile and she moaned subtly at new warm soothing sensation contacting her skin. My painfully hard cock, no longer trapped between our bodies, extended outward and rested under her sex and ass. Annabel felt my wet hardness under her and longed to have it inside her. I pulled my hips back and lowered her a bit to line up with the entrance to her sex. Realizing the impending penetration, Annabel reached down and lifted her udder with her right hand to avoid an uncomfortable compression. I waited for her to get situated.

"OK, go ahead my mate."

I slowly moved my hips forward until the tip of my cock pressed against the lips of her vagina. The hot water rushing down between our bodies made it difficult to know my position relative to her entrance. I moved slowly so as to be sure not to hurt Annabel. I knew for certain I had found my mark when I slowly pushed my cock forward and feeling her lips part, the warm, soft, and damp tissue of her vagina took in my manhood. Annabel moaned softly as I slowly penetrated her. The overwhelming pleasure enticed her to lean back against the wall as well as the back of her upward tilted head. Once fully inside her, Annabel made eye contact with me and stroked the right side of my face with her left hand.

"Aaron, make love to me." she requested softly.

I smiled in approval and slowly pulled back, my length sliding outward through her hot tunnel. I then began pumping into her with long slow strokes. After a few moments Annabel placed her hands at the back of my head and grasped it in her hands in time with my rhythm. She pressed her lips together tightly to dull her expressions of sexual satisfaction. Our breaths hardened and paced the penetrating act our bodies carried out in the steam filled environment. Annabel suddenly leaned in and locked her lips on my and immediately slid her tongue past my loosely closed lips. We frenched feverishly as the increasing pleasure radiated from our sex. As Annabel's first orgasm raced through her body, she pulled me tight against her lips in an attempt to muffle her audible responses. Her moans and bleats of ecstasy reverberated through my mouth.

I tried to maintain a slow and steady pace, but the urge to pound into her was difficult to resist. My thrusts changed speeds as I fought my instincts to maintain the pace. Annabel was past her first orgasm and leaving my lips she collapsed back against the wall and turned her head left and right, rolling it against the wall behind as she rasped. As I felt my own climax begin to build, I desperately fought to maintain my slow steady pace. Annabel's rasps quickly built to moans as her body quickly began to tip into a second orgasm. She locked her lips on mine yet again as it crashed over her. The heat and twitching of her vagina around my painfully erect cock sent me over the edge as well. My seed shot deep inside her as I thrust forcefully into her as I lost all control. We exchanged moans and screams of pleasure into each other as we kept our lips locked as tight as possible.

My pumping slowed as my climax passed. Annabel leaned back against the wall once again, now overwhelmed by complete sexual satisfaction. We stared at each other with wide smiles, admiring our lover and mate. My legs began to quiver, weakened by our standing act. I slowly set Annabel back down on her hooves and then we embraced each other and kissed softly.

We took turns washing each other and once finished, dried off, and then went off to our respective bedrooms to dress. I quickly dressed and then moved my laptop to the bed so we could watch some of my favorite shows. Glancing out the window, a gloomy gray light shown through the window and it made me wonder when the weather was going to be nice enough for me to execute my plan with Annabel. I moved over to the bed, laid down, and surfed to get the local weather forecast. I smiled, relieved to see that nicer weather was well on the way and that it was going to last for a while.

With this good news my mind began to wonder as I began to formulate my plan. A soft knock at the door withdrew me from the midst of my daydream state. "Yes?" I answered, knowing full well that it was Annabel.

"It's me." She responded softly as she slowly opened the door. Annabel smiled coyly as she entered the room. "Aw, you're already dressed."

"Well, fortunately, my clothes are easy to take off." I responded. Annabel came over to the bed and bending over, we exchanged a greeting kiss.

"Wachya doin?"

"I was just checking the weather forecast."
