Melodies of the Heart

Story by Khalei Vi on SoFurry

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#7 of Poetry

The second one I created. I may do more... maybe...

As seen in my Writer's Blog:

'Tis sweet the melodies of the heart,

two lovers hum while they're apart.

Lyrics so longing, chords intermingling,

but neither has even an inkling.

That the tune they sing, while distance is king,

Is the same sad song, the other's whistling.

My Dearest Mother

For all the tears you've wiped away and times you've bailed us out. For all the times you've kissed away and rid us of our pout. For all the events that you have planned to make our dreams come true. For all the clothing you have sown to make it...

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In Silence Speaks the Heart

What words do I use to describe my love? What songs do I sing? What must I say for you to understand the thoughts that dwell within? What enchanting phrase? What savoring verse could speak my hearts content? No words, song, phrase nor verse could...

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