The Curse of Genius

Story by GhostDrake on SoFurry

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The reptile stood in line his eyes gazing upwards at the cranking machinery-- what a cruel fate that he had succumbed to! This was were he toiled away at because of a crime he TRULY did not commit. No one would believe that he, a servant, would not slay his master because of the misguided prejudice that was held for his species. They were considered brutes and nothing more, but Doyle, as his master called him, was far more intelligent than any in his species. His mind excelled in mathematics and medicine, but it was struck irrelevant when the humans discovered him with his slain master.

The court was a mockery of a fair trial. The prosecutor grandstanded and preached to the all-human jury, and they simply shook their heads in agreement with what he said. If Doyle had been one of lesser intellect, he could be easily fooled into believing he had been fairly convicted. Humans feared him, but he never knew why because he was nothing but a gentle and loving soul. He was once willing to give love to any being, if they were willing to love the intellectual inside of him. So perhaps his one and only true sin was showing that he could think above the level of humans and that made him a threat?

Whatever their reasons, he still longed to be free as did everyone else here and so a plan was hatched in his mind some days ago. His thoughts went back to the machinery, but now he had moved closer while he had been musing over the past events. He could see the route of his escape, albeit an extremely treacherous one. He peered down what looked like a hallway filled with conveyor belts and several large presses. If his math was right as it always was, he had approximately one minute until they would press in a pattern one after another. It was now or never.

He leaped over the railing and began to sprint down the hall. The roaring crunches of the presses behind him steeled his conviction to escape just as he darted out the last press crunched down. He hid among the cargo containers, if memory served him right, this was the docking bay for incoming ships. He covertly glanced between the a few of the stacked containers, and noted a human talking fiercely with the customs officer.

"Look, god damn it," He snarled at him, "I am really tired of this bureaucratic bullshit. I need my crew!"

"Sir," The guard gestured to the prison, "unless you want to be thrown in with them, you are going to have to wait for the rest of their sentence to be up and STOP--" The radio squelch interrupted him. "Be on alert, Prisoner #2223 was not in his designated spot. No security perimeters were breached."

"Take your cargo and get out of here! I gotta searched the damn line for some stupid gecko." The guard stormed off.

"Fuckin' A!" He roared as he kicked the container with his combat boot causing Doyle to jump. It was enough movement that it caught his attention and sharp green eyes glared at him before pulling his gun. "I was a Merc before I got this damn ship so you can imagine how many people I have shot between crates." He motioned for him to leave the safety of the crates.

Doyle emerged from the crates, quivering with the knowledge that his failed escape attempt would lead to his death. "I am assured by your tone that it was an untold amount." The alarms started to echo off in the factory. "I implore you," Doyle said quickly, "I will swear my loyalty to you in every form you wish, if you deliver me from this hellacious place!"

"Well, fuck it." He motioned with his head to the airlock next to him, "I need a crew, might as well start it with you."

Within a few moments, Doyle watched from the cockpit as they pulled away from the station's airlock and veered towards the stabilizing wormhole his vessel had made. "Name's Arthur Tannin. I am your captain now, and you're my bitch."

Doyle felt a strange stirring in him at the thought of being Arthur's 'bitch'. He had long been tired of having to protect himself and to have an alpha male almost reminded him of the fables he had been told of his people. "Are the vulgarities necessary? I understand well enough that I am your subordinate because I have given you the oath that I will be loyal to you for as long as you live."

"You know, if you weren't so damn smart, I might've left you there."

"Arguably, my ability to articulate my ideas intelligently has caused me a great deal of harm. It is a rare treat that I would be saved because of them."

"I understood very little of that, but I am taking that you are grateful?"

"Very much so."

The wormhole fully stabilized as they entered it, and traveled along the luminous path. It was rather enchanting, and for a moment, Doyle's mind attempted to explain the mathematics of it so that he could express it later. Soon he drifted away from the labyrinth of equations that now sat in his mind. "A mercenary to which group?"

"The Fangs."

"I assume the name comes from the group of genetic hybrid canines that were created circa 2370?"

"Yeah, I had a pretty high ranking under our Alpha." Doyle noted the rapid dilation of his pupils; a well known indicator of sexual interest in another party.

"He was one of the best shots you've ever seen. Before you ask, he died and I took over the organization. After awhile, most of the groups under me splintered because they could not stand a human being in charge. So here I am with this ship and no crew. Heh, you probably want to get changed, go back there and pick a room. I will get some clothes for you when we are out of the wormhole."

"Thank you." Doyle stood and nodded kindly, then exited the cock pit. He found himself down a long corridor with various rooms. From the combination of smells tickling his sensitive nose, there had been a vast amount of people occupying the rooms at some point, some of their things still were present. Knowing that none of them would know if he looked, he began digging through some of their drawers, and there he found something odd.

He had heard of thongs, but never actually seen one. Knowing that reptilian and canine genitals were virtually a modification of Human genitals, he became curious about how it would feel to wear them. His old master disapproved of slutty apparel such as thongs, but as he ran his fingers over it's soft yellow fiber he found his urges intolerable. He wanted to know why they had such sex appeal to the male canines, and he wanted to know how it felt to be a sex symbol to another. He glanced behind him and listened. They were still in the wormhole, so what would it hurt? Arthur wouldn't know.

Doyle slipped off his dull gray jail garb, grinning. He slid the thong up over his bronzed scales, all the way up over his curvaceous rear. He was looking in the mirror of the wardrobe at himself. He was enamored with the way it held his sex, and growled, "I am sexy." He was grinning to himself as he felt his maw flush with heat.

"I'll say." Doyle spun around to see Arthur smirking at him. "It's been awhile but that thong has been all over the floor of my room." He unsnapped his combat vest, "Just to let you know, I am a thief and a pirate."

"As members of The Fangs are known for."

"If you wanna survive on my crew of former Fangs, then you need to know a few other things about my Clan."

"And what is that? About the rampant homosexual activities that the canines and you participated in? Or that there is no way your name is Arthur because they rename you after you enter the clan?"

"Yeah... all that's kinda true. Especially, the 'homosexual activities' part."

"Don't worry about me," Doyle slipped off the thong and kicked it to a random corner. "My master enjoyed me, but I enjoyed him a lot more because it fulfilled my instincts." He walked up to Arthur, and rested his claw upon Arthur's shoulder, "My species values our warriors and protectors, if you want me, simply tell me your real name."

"Ka'Tannis is what they call me but most of them shorten it to Tannis."

"Well Tannis," Doyle wrapped his arm around the back of Tannis's neck, and whispered gently into his ear. "I want to show my appreciation for my warrior." He slid down onto the floor resting upon his knees working the buttons of his pants to expose his cock.

He wrapped his lips around the limp member, closing his eyes to intensify every sensation. He glanced up to Tannis who's knees were about to buckle from the sheer weight of the pleasure being inflicted upon him. "Tannis, sit." Tannis slid down the wall; his cock now fully erect in such a short time, Doyle assumed he was pent up from all the time alone, and crawled over his knees so his tail could rest between them. He gently grasped the cock, and massaged it with his claw. Before pressing it against his hole.

Tannis gasped for air as he sensed the tight hole yielding, "Fuck," He moaned under his breath, "Ride me!"

It was painful fitting such a large member into his hole, but slowly he became use to it as his thighs flexed, pushing him up the shaft, and as they weakened he slowly slid down it. This went on for some time just getting used to the cock. He forced himself to go faster leaving him groaning in pleasure and pain. His mind was focused on nothing else than pleasuring Tannis.

Doyle dug his teeth into Tannis's shoulder and the both moaned with the pain mixing with the pleasure. Tannis's cock started to clench and finally he was overwhelmed with his orgasm as he cummed deep into Doyle.

"I am sorry I came so soon, it's been awhile..." He blushed slightly.

"We've got a long journey head, I'll get your stamina up." He stood up his own pink cock exposed, and started to walk away.

"Hey can't I do you?"

Doyle smiled at him as he entered on of the rooms, "Maybe if you make me your mate I'll let you have full access." He peeked out at him, "Think about it."

The door slid closed and chirped as it locked.

"Damn it." Tannis stood up and walked back to the cockpit, his self-esteem slightly damaged.

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