Coming of Age

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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*Coming of Age*

(c) Cederwyn Whitefurr (Aka: Anthony Wain)

March 2003.

All Rights Reserved.

It was the Buck*s party to end all Buck*s parties, for tomorrow the young male human known, as Geoff was to marry his childhood sweetheart Katy. Already, the party had been in full swing for hours, with the mass of humans and anthro males all swapping stories, boasts and outright lies, whilst downing copious amounts of alcoholic beverages. It was a good night, a night that Geoff was to remember for the rest of his life.


As the doorbell chimed quietly, a large burly wolf opened the door and grinned, then had a hurried conversation with the shadowy form on the other side of the door. Turning to his friends and the bewildered looking Geoff, the wolf grinned wider and several friends quickly blindfolded Geoff and led him across the room, sitting him down in a high backed chair. Despite his good-natured protests and threats of dire consequences directed at his friends, Geoff took it all in his stride * but he got a little more apprehensive when his hands where hurriedly handcuffed to the chair behind his back. A soft clip-clop came to his ears, then he blinked as the blindfold was torn off and he stared at a young Gazelle anthro, who stood before him, gazing back with her wide-set, deep brown eyes.

Her graceful ears were laid back, and the backswept curving horns were immaculately polished and as he stared dumbfounded at them, he came to realise they were intricately engraved. She smiled shyly at him, her furred striped cheeks dimpling, as he shuddered and glanced at the sniggering males who stood in a semi-circle around him. This young Gazelle wore a heavy trench coat that covered her from her slender neck, all the way down to her ankles. Sensuously, she reached up with her hoof-paws and unbuckled the belt around her waist, and with slow, deliberate movements * slipped the heavy coat off her frail looking shoulders.

Gasps and moans rippled from the assembled males, as each in turn stared long and hard at the slinky satin gown that clung like a second fur to the tight, curvaceous form of the female Gazelle. If accentuated the feminine curves with frightening intensity, with a deep V neckline, that revealed the pale creamy fur between her ample bosom. Dancing slowly, the young Gazelle ran her silk-gloved paws slowly down her body, as she turned about and continued her slow, sensuous dance. Her slender hips swayed from side to side, as she glanced back over her shoulder at the young human in the chair, before she flashed him a heart-melting smile, her dimples making more than one male gathered there cough quietly and loosen his collar.

Her teardrop shaped tail flicked upwards, as she sashayed and swayed, her cloven hooves clicking softly against the wooden floor, before she nipped down on a gloved paw and delicately pulled the scarlet elbow length glove off, then blushed deeply and let it drop down over Geoff*s head. Dancing away, she twisted back and forth, as she smiled down at him, as she caressed her body slowly, trailing the claw tips down between her breasts, belly and tantalisingly, she rested her paws against her thighs and stroked them up and in, as if rubbing her concealed sex. Swirling back, she nestled herself over his lap and pressed her covered breasts against his nose, before leaning back and pressing her hips downwards and rubbing suggestively against his groin, as she smiled shyly, then caressed his cheek with her un-gloved paw, lightly trailing her gloved paw over his lips. Geoff groaned and shuddered in torment, as the Gazelle smiled again and scratched tenderly under his chin * before he gently bit down on the silk glove and with her furtive nod, he pulled it off and let it drop into his lap.

Sensuously, she rose and caressed his cheeks, making Geoff blush deeply, and low moans come from more than one young male present, as the Gazelle turned away delicately, and smiled at him over her shoulder, before turning back around and with exceptional balance, draped her left leg over his shoulder, as she slid her paws from the ankle up to the black frilly garter of her upper thigh. Geoff gurgled and struggled weakly, unable to resist the sexual urges that burned deep within him, his swiftly rising erection visible as a large bulge in his thin slacks. Teasingly, the Gazelle caressed her pale furred thigh, before she slowly slid the garter down her thigh and leg, locking her gaze on that of the helpless human before her. Geoff moaned and shuddered, as the Gazelle slipped the garter off and put her leg back down onto the floor, then playfully stroked the garter across his nose. Geoff*s eyes bulged as he got the scent of the Gazelle, and he moaned helplessly. Sliding her paws slowly up and down her body, she trailed a claw tip up to her shoulder, and twisting away from him, she glanced back over her shoulder and let one strap of her silken gown slip from her shoulder.

Turning back to face him, she repeated the move with the opposite shoulder, then raising her arms up above her head, she wriggled her slender hips from side to side * then the gown slid down her lightly furred body, revealing an even tighter fitting silken corset beneath. Some males groaned and coughed, watching as the slender, graceful Gazelle stepped out of her fallen gown, then ran her paws slowly over her breasts and down her belly, before caressing her paws over her inner thighs. Straddling Geoff*s lap once again, she rested her forehead against his and smiled at him, then teasingly ran her claw tips along his jaw line * before her paws grasped the necktie around his throat and grinned mischievously, as she pulled it delicately in her paw * easily loosening it, then slipping it off and letting it drop to the floor beside them. Geoff groaned and shuddered, as his male friends all watched on with awestruck silence, as the well skilled Gazelle continued to steadily remove Geoff*s clothes. She smiled and licked his nose playfully, then leant backwards, very intently rubbing herself against the firm bulge in his slacks, before her delicate paws unbuttoned his shirt. Sliding her paws in, the claw tips sliding around his neck, Geoff gasped and bucked against her, but the Gazelle only looked deep into his eyes, then smiled and playfully tapped his nose.

Behind them, a young red deer stag gurgled and turned crimson, a large wet patch forming on his own pants, as he was jeered and playfully punched by his friends for his lack of self-control. Unmindful of them, the Gazelle slid her paws playfully around Geoff*s neck and she nuzzled inside his shirt, her lips caressing his firmly muscled chest as she murred softly, her teardrop shaped tail flicking slowly from side to side. Geoff gasped and bucked against her, as she giggled softly and nibbled tenderly against his chest, then used her long, warm tongue to lick a long swatch across his chest. Pulling back softly, she unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and pushed it away and down, letting it fall down behind his back. Rising back to her hooves, the Gazelle smiled at Geoff, then turned around and ran her paws down her silk corset * then gently pulled the lacing, and the corset loosened. Raising her paws to her bosom, the Gazelle teasingly began unlacing it, listening to the soft whines, gasps and gurgles from the males, her eyes locked on Geoff*s, who stared back in pure, unashamed sexual desire.

With a blush, the Gazelle slipped out of the corset and let it fall from her paw. She turned back to face the crowd, who groaned as they gazed at the creamy white fur of the Gazelle, now revealed for their perusal. Sensuously, she ran her black paws down her throat, across her firm breasts, tightly muscled belly and down to the darker paled furred mound of her sex. Rubbing her paws up and down her body, she turned back around to face Geoff, then smiled innocently, as she ran her paw across the dark mound * then pressed it inwards and squirmed in delight, before she sidled over to Geoff and rubbed the damp furred fingers over his lips. Geoff gurgled as he got the scent, then the taste of the Gazelle, and he shuddered helplessly. She smiled at him, then knelt before him and unbuckled his belt, pulling it free of the loops with slow, deliberate movements. Geoff gurgled and shuddered, and the Gazelle favoured him with a shy, furtive smile, before she grinned and with one swift move, had his clothes and briefs around his ankles. Derisive jeers and whistles came from the crowd as Geoff turned bright red, feeling his exposed manhood visible for one and all*s perusal, and even the Gazelle*s resolve momentarily broke, as a startled gasp escaped her, but only Geoff heard it and seen her almond eyes go wide. Quickly, she regained her control and smiled shyly up at him, before she knelt and clasped both paws around his member and teasingly breathed on it.

With a strangled squeal, Geoff felt as if his heart had leapt into his throat, as the Gazelle giggled quietly and dropped her head down, then sensuously, ran her tongue from the base to the tip, making her human captive gyrate and squeal helplessly. She rose back to her hooves and turned about, then sat herself down, keeping his erect member between her thighs as she squeezed in with strong thigh muscles. Geoff nearly came there and then, as the torturous pleasures the Gazelle brought him inflamed his senses. She smiled shyly at the crowd who whistled appreciatively and jeered in good-natured laughter, as Geoff was rendered helpless to resist. She took his length in her paws, caressing its rigid form, squeezing just below the slightly flared head, before tickling with her claw tips. Whining helplessly, Geoff could do nothing to fight the urges that burned within him * then he gasped as the Gazelle giggled, her laugh soft and musical, before she rose back up and brushed her tail against his stomach. Turning herself about, she sat back down on his lap, flicking her tail back and forth across his straining member, feeling the underside of her tail become wet and sticky as Geoff grunted and squirmed in torment. Smiling at him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and gently pulled his head against her firm breasts * as she lifted herself back up, slapping her tail down over his member and pushing it back beneath her.

Geoff nuzzled her firm breasts and nursed softly at a bright pink nipple that poked out of the pale, creamy white fur, and the Gazelle squirmed and moaned in pleasure, nodding and tilting her head back, as she arched her hips inwards * then with a slow, torturous downwards movement * she pressed her warm folds against the tip of Geoff*s member. He bucked and screamed, his voice breaking to a strangled gasp as he felt the tight lips of the Gazelle*s sex parting between her careful downwards move, then the hot warmth as she gurgled and tensed momentarily, a tear sliding down her cheek and dripping onto her breast, as she bit her lower lip. To all the visible friends, the Gazelle seemed to be intentionally teasing the human, but the truth was far more disturbing. Gurgling, Geoff*s eyes rolled and he bucked again, as the Gazelle looked deep into his eyes, then amidst cheers and roars of approval * she pushed herself down onto him, pressing her hips firmly against his thighs. Laying her head to the side, the Gazelle softly whimpered and she cradled Geoff*s head in her paws, and then pressed her furred lips to his.

As the Gazelle squeezed down with her muscles along Geoff*s length, he turned to butter under her attentions and gave himself fully to the delights that her incredible depths brought him. Again she squeezed, then with a soft sob, she squeezed tighter and rippled her muscles along his length, and with a muffled gurgle, Geoff bucked savagely and the Gazelle pulled his head tighter, muffling her own cry with her deep, passionate kiss * as he began ejaculating deep within her dark depths. Pulse after pulse of his semen flooded into her, yet she continued to squeeze and milk his iron-like member, as his body responded with even more of his seed. Finally, she broke the kiss and squirmed sinuously in his lap, as Geoff went limp and panted in exhaustion, completely spent. Relaxing her muscles along his member, the Gazelle remained straddling him until his erection subsided, before she rose and rested her forehead against his sweaty one and smiled weakly at him and caressed his sticky cheek.

*Thank you * for your precious gift.* Whispered the very shy and tearful voice of the Gazelle, as she leant in close and breathed into his ear.

Without another word, the Gazelle rose and curtsied to the crowd, before she retrieved her shed clothes and was helped back into her thick coat by the wolf, which had let her in originally, his own bulge in his pants indicative of his arousal. She flashed him a shy, nervous smile * then as the crowd roared in approval, she caressed his cheek and leant up on her hoof tips and kissed him shyly on the nose. He blushed deeply beneath his fur and whined softly, his ears laying back as he coughed and squirmed, then with a paw lightly on the young Doe*s elbow, led her back to the door and out of the house, before he returned inside.

Outside, the Gazelle whimpered and shuddered, as she hurriedly glanced up and down the dark, deserted street and clopped quickly across the road. An older Gazelle stood casually leaning against the car, then it threw open its arms and encircled the Doe, as she burst into tears and clutched the larger male tightly.

*Shhh * its alright.* Came the soft, yet husky voice of the male. *You have done as you were asked?*

*I*yes father.* Sobbed the Gazelle Doe, as she squeezed her father tighter. *His seed is within me, and I am sure, I will bear his fawn.*

With a sigh, the male Gazelle Buck tenderly kissed his daughters forehead and nodded, as he opened the car door for her.

*I know my daughter, and I am proud of you.* He told her, after joining her in the car.

*Why father?* Wailed the Doe. *Why did you choose him? Why a human? Do you not know how their scent sickens us*how their*bodies*are so cruelly designed, how much it hurt * to have him inside me?*

With a sad sigh, the Buck tenderly patted his crying daughters paw. *I know my child * I know*. It is yet, one of the things that we must do, my daughter. For with your breeding to him, which has been planned since you where born, you have become a Doe * in every sense of the word. It takes a human for us to make that final step my daughter. Now * you are an adult, and I am proud of you.*

Looking across at her father, the Doe caught the glimmer of a tear that slid down his cheek, and she shuddered, before looking away. His ear flicked and his eye swept across to glance at her, before he sighed.

*Yes my fawn, I too, had to breed to a human, when I had come of age. I empathise with you my child, for it is*the things we do for humans, and little do they realise, that they serve us, not we them. Come my beloved Doe * it*s time to take you home.*


Magick Happens

Magick Happens (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain) November 2002. All Rights Reserved. Galen was wandering the woods, his mind off with the fairies, as he whistled an old tune that he had learned from a passing bard a few winters...

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Red's Riding Who?

Red's Riding Who? © Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka - Anthony Wain) 16th May, 2001 All Rights Reserved. Kitiara was a young Vixen of sixteen winters old, raven haired and brown eyed. She was the sole offspring of Alexis, her mother, the...

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Night Walks

Night Walks (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain) 2001. All Rights Reserved. Aleisha unlocked the door to her unit and walked in, and instantly, her ears pricked as she head the skittering of claws on the wooden floor. Barely having...

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