An Empty Feeling

Story by musicallyinsane on SoFurry

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Ok so this story was something I have been working on for a while. It's just a one time short story that's a little over 15,000+ words. I wanted to post it last week but I did not certain parts and after a week of editing here is the finial product. Just as a warning their is bad language and your offended well...tough don't read it then.

I based the main character off of Josh Holloway's character from LOST: James Ford A.K.A Sawyer because he's so hot :P Hope you enjoy, comment and fave if you like.

An Empty Feeling

Eight hours...twelve minutes...and six seconds,



Graham sat alone in the small corner side coffee shop gazing up at the chrome diner clock above the counter. He was counting out-loud, quietly of course, but still loud enough for a young couple sipping some kind of mocha drink to casually glance over at him like he was stark raving mad. His eyes never left the clock, caring very little if at all even about what anyone else in the shop thought.



He was bored, so bored in fact that he had been keeping a running count of how long he has been bored today accurate up to the very second.

It was 2:00pm on the dot.

"Eight hours...damn that's a long time." He mumbled out loud again getting more stares, this time from the petite lynx waitress behind the counter.

The source of his very boredom was in fact the whole reason he was there in that shop in the first place, in town even. "A press conference for three days in Salt Lake City, CEO's will be there so be sharp and act sharper!" were his dick-hole boss' orders that landed him in this place. The meeting was out of the blue, there was no way get out of it without getting fired and to top it off, it was over Graham's payday. So long story short, not showing up would mean no job, no money, no food and no life for the wolf who begrudgingly said he would go.

Coleman...god he hated that equine man. Graham's dick-hole of a boss, was liar and general people pusher. He knew how to break ones balls when he needed to and by god he was not afraid to schedule a mid-week meeting of company minds on the other side of the country with the cheapest airfare, hotel rooms and vocational meeting space. A real company man, the spiteful boss, the fat cat or man. A total jerk.

"An evil bastard." Graham mumbled to himself earlier that day stepping out of the plane and into the dramatic climate change.

The moment the temperature controlled plane door opened out into the busy terminal of the airport, Graham knew he was not in Newport, Maine anymore. For January weather, it was pretty warm outside, and walking to the exit with luggage in hand the heat made the wolf shed his suit coat and call the nearest air-conditioned cab to get him to his meeting for the day.

The heat really started to get to him as he felt sweat begin to form under his arm pits and shirt collar. Angry, he swore something incoherent at the sky before walking over to a small yellow pay phone. He liked the cold, he lived in the cold, he never really left the cold, so being forced to leave the cold and go to board meetings in the heat only put an even bigger damper on his mood and he took it out on the nearest thing to him; the taxi driver he just had called.

"The BrightStar hotel, 594 West Sepal ave, get me there fucking quick and ill tip you good." Blunt and to the point but that was the way Graham carried himself in the presence of those be disliked,knew, and those he barely knew.

In short, most furs annoyed him with their presence.

As they pulled away from the curb, the middle aged coyote driver stared straight ahead trying hard not to say something to the commanding wolf in the back seat for lighting up a cigarette in the cab. He was probably afraid that he would burn him or something which wasn't unreasonable to assume judging by Graham's size. The wolf was very muscular and about six foot three inch's tall, with long parted jaw length black hair and zombie-like grey eyes. This made him an imposing looking guy even in a business suit.

Graham leaned back in the seat taking a drag and trying to think of a way to pass time once the meetings were done. He would have the whole night to himself basically and there were very few people in his company he would like to spend any social time with...Scratch that, there was nobody he wanted to spend time with in his company, especially Coleman that uptight,useless dick-hole...

He smirked at the thought of just punching him right in his face, breaking a tooth or giving him a neck brace right in the middle of a meeting, just to prove he didn't like him. Of course he would get fired and probably sued but it was all feasible and pleasurable in his head. Nothing could arrest his thoughts at least he hoped.

Oh how he hated his job some days.

Another thought however came into his head, one involving a different kind of satisfaction and pleasure that didn't involve punching a horse-man in the mouth. This thought was involving company of the other kind that he tolerated oh so well. He grinned wide, cigarette in teeth, thinking about what kinds of "candy" this town had to offer. Then it was settled then right then and there in the bag of the now smoke filled cab. He knew what he was doing that night.

Satisfied with his game plan for the evening he leaned back and tried to enjoy the ride.

The drive was about twenty minutes from the airport to the convention center, a large glass lined building in the center of town made of strong steel beams and fine stone architecture. The look of it, Graham thought, was similar to that of an airport terminal with a long flat building divided in half by one large cylinder of glass with the words 'Salt Palace' embedded in steel above the door. He stepped out of the cab, stuffing both the fee and a handful of ones into the window muttering something crude under his breath as he did. He didn't care about how he looked or sounded in public, especially here at a place he was going to learn to hate. No, as long as he was not trying to be seductive, Graham couldn't give two shits about the world around him, he only knew two things; pleasure and patients.

"Shoulda been a con-man." He chuckled to himself opening the door to the inside.

When he wanted to be seductive, then the different side came out, the more cunning, charming Graham spoke and worked his words like message oil over the many different specimens he liked to find.

He was a con-man of the game of sex, that was for sure.

"But instead I'm a salesman..." Graham frowned as he stood aimlessly in the lobby of the huge glass building brief case in paw. Only one word crossed his mind as he looked left and saw a small group of familiar faces and a large overweight stallion standing by the elevator; disgust.

Graham took out a neckerchief from is pocket and wiped some sweat from his brow, preparing to hold his tongue for the entire meeting. And so he joined his group of fellow salesmen into the elevator hoping his boss didn't look at him in the wrong way.

For his sake.


He remembered the meeting sure but did he care about what he remembered? Fuck no. The only thing he wasted his mind on knowing were the boring data numbers, the boring new pitches ideas and consumer propaganda and the BORED faces of all the members who sat together around the oblong rectangle table watching the slide shows and fiddling with pens. West Coast company, East Coast company, it didn't matter they all still shared the same null expression that would be commonly scene in grade schools. By the end and five hours later Graham wanted nothing more than to just find the nearest bridge and plunge to a watery grave or...get a hot cup of coffee and try and find something to fun to do in town. "Do" being the key word and center of his current drive.

He made note that he left the meetings and days work at 1:37pm and found himself at this exact coffee shop in this exact same seat at exactly 2:00pm on the dot trying to see just how long it would take to find anything nice in the warm city scape.

He had ordered a coffee, black, his favorite and decided to read one of the varied news papers that littered the counter of the shop. He sat in stoic silence, drinking his coffee for nine minutes, flipping through the pages and trying to get a feel for this foreign town. These nine whole minutes were normal, ordinary, boring, bland, droll, average, benign whatever you wan to call it...simply silent minutes spent reading about what was what in the large and bustling town of Salt Lake City Utah. His grey eyes scanned the columns, devouring the words trying to keep his brain doing something and not thinking about the other two days he had to stay here. Two days too many or...if applied right, two days of some unattached, unemotional, hormone raging, hot steamy love. He scanned the paper again looking for listings of any night clubs in the area, taking another sip of coffee. He knew once he found a club to go to getting laid shouldn't be that hard. That always seemed to work for him back home and as long as neither party cared enough to feel for each other...or if it was naughty he could get off. Call it a "kink" or "fetish" or whatever, but he liked dangerous love. Only problem with that is it was hard to come by and many were unwilling to engage in it with the wolf if they felt that it was dangerous.

Graham is a complicated wolf with a complicated heart.

Dissatisfied with what the newspaper had to offer and not feeling to up to prowling around town at the current moment, Graham leaned back in his chair and gazed around the small building he was in. The cafe was vacant, accept for one couple of ferret's sitting two rows down from where he sat in a tiny booth, chatting away over sandwiches. And then there was the lynx waitress who kept staring at him like he was a nut but who cares what she thought. Graham took another sip of his black coffee and sighed in content.

This was the silence away from the world of business that he both cherished and loathed. It was peace yet boredom in a fashion that he knew not what he could do with.

So he sat and drank coffee thinking about what his probability of having to masturbate in the evening will be.


A sharp pitched bell broke through the dull silence like a gun making the wolf pull his head out of the crook of his arm, his paw clutching his third cup of coffee of the afternoon. His ears swiveled with minor annoyance at the sound. He must have dozed off at some-point after putting the newspaper down and day dreaming about sex. Behind blurred sleep vision eyes, Graham heard footfall light and rhythmic, like the ticking of a wrist watch. He heard a voice speak, pitch light and high, alto maybe?

"Can I get a croissant and a mug of chai tea please?" The voice was airy and delicate making rub him eye slightly to see who had walked in.

Graham rubbed his eyes and looked at the source of the disturbance of his rest. It was a fox a red fox, a young and quite attractive male fox standing by the counter. His lips were curved slightly in a half grin, the kind that you give a waitress you care nothing about to seem polite in some manner. The fox was quite plump, his gut while wide was not overly large just present, hanging over his stone washed jeans enough to be noticeable. The rest of his frame was similar in build large arms, legs, chest, neck, making it a major question as to just how he could tread so lightly. Not even Graham walked that lightly but well...the wolf was pretty dense with muscle which does weight more. Their eyes locked for a split second when the fox turned his head to look around the establishment most likely for a place to sit. Graham knew that he had been caught staring, something he hated doing and in a frantic motion he whipped open the newspaper clutched in his paw holding it up in a manner like he was reading it. The way he opened it was quite clumsy and loud making the ferret couple behind him in the booth look over at him like a"freak and creep."

Their words. Whatever.

Graham could care less, right now he had other things on his mind and so did his crotch. He tilted the paper to just the right angle to score a peek, at the fox making sure it was ok for him to stare again.

He was quite handsome, the fox that is, as Graham smirked a bit behind his paper. His eyes ran all over the fox's womanly shaped body, looking at him without disdain. He was curved very much like a woman to Graham's pleasant surprise, having a round, pudgy stomach, broad yet toned hips and thick neck, narrow torso and a round perky butt.

Graham felt his pants get a little bit more snug at the thought of the fox's rump. As he kept scanning over him like sizing up a fine piece of meat, a clever idea wormed it's way into his skull.

His eyes lit up as though they were seeing so kind of luscious meal after not having eaten in many days. It was the eyes of a predator, of a wolf and his curt smile matched it, pointy white teeth and all. It was right then that Graham had decided that this fox was going to be his, one way or another and tonight he was going to rock his small world. Gay or not.

The fox had now grabbed his plate and tea and began to make his way over towards the wolf, probably aiming past him to a seat somewhere else in the cafe. Graham lifted the paper again and smirked before loosening the grip of his outer most digits.

The papers slid out of reach and dropped onto the floor.

And good feelings started to form in Graham's strong chest.

He had a good feeling about this fox standing before him as the papers dropped to the ground like blankets of snow spreading out and covering the entire walking path of the young creature. He had a good feeling when he quickly and franticly knelt down to pick up his mess and the fox had stopped and put his food down on his table. He had a good feeling when the fox locked eyes again with the muscular wolf and smiled in a polite manner, Graham doing the same back. He had a good feeling as the two made shuffle to the floor to pick up the strewn about papers, bumped heads and looked up into each others eyes blushing until the tips of their ears were as red as the booth that the couple two exact seats down were sitting in. Graham grinned widely, the fox bit his lip shyly and confused.

Graham had this in the fucking bag, this fox was his.

"I'm terribly sorry that happened I guess my grips not what it used to be." Graham chuckled dryly still smiling at the fox.

The fox stood up along with the wolf, papers in hand.

"It was no problem really, stuff happens what can you do." he shrugged handing a fist full of newspaper back to the wolf.

Graham smiled wide accepting the papers in paw and placing them on the table. He decided to go with a simple approach like light flirting when he noticed the fox rub his head where the two had collide moments ago. Then he had a better idea.

"Let me pay for the crescent and tea, it's the least I can do for the trouble I just gave you." he spoke apologetically, placing the paper back on the counter and taking a seat across from the chubby fox. "And head trauma." he threw on jokingly getting a small smile from the fox.

The fox shook his head politely.

"No, it's quite alright but thank you really." The fox responded with in a hollow tone.

Graham shrugged. Damn alright flirting it is.

"Well Mr. fox, can I at least get your name?" Graham spoke in a relaxed manor, not sexual at all, just friendly banter at its finest.

It was a good start.

"Jordan, just call me Jordan" he spoke a little bit dryer than Graham would have liked.

Graham chuckled in a forced tone.

"Alright, Jordan, I'm Graham then. We can go by first names if you want."

Jordan looked down at his cup of tea and food and then back to the wolf. Graham smiled and ushered for him to take a seat. Jordan looked at the wolf with a cautious glance before relaxing into his seat. He took a sip of his tea, wrapping his large, red fingers around the mug before raising it to his petite mouth.

Graham couldn't help but stare at the foxes adorably, chubby red tufted cheeks that wrapped into his white face and neck fur. The red was a brilliant shade of crimson, matched by an opaque white center patch of fur. The two colors really made his jade jewel like eyes sparkle that much more in the hot afternoon sun reflecting in the window. He almost seemed angelic sitting in the dimming light like he was just sipping his tea like Graham wasn't even there. Those large, curved, jade green eyes made something in the wolf's heart flutter at an intense rate and at the same time made his pants slightly tighten. The curve to them was almost womanly with slightly sunken sockets that made natural shadow and long lashes that would be considered a 6000 dollar gift from god by most plastic surgeons. There was just something in those eyes that could make him stare into them all day, which was both pleasurable and yet unusual from his normal one night stands. This was a pretty boy, a rarity to his usual routine; something he wanted to try out now more than ever.

The staring he realized was his first mistake of the night however. The one thing he didn't count for was that Jordan had been watching him stare the entire time out of the corner of his eye.

It was way too late to avert his eyes in a manner that didn't look shady so he just let them stay where they were, being cut off by a throat clearing cough. He had to think fast.

"Um is there something wrong?" Jordan asked making the wolf smirk.

There was so much he wanted from the fox right now but patient's was his speciality. He needed to wait, be patient and he would get his reward soon enough. Rushing always seemed to scare them off anyhow.

Graham shook his head back and forth, still staring the fox making him look uncomfortable.

"No, it's just you have...the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." He cooed, the white cheek fur on the fox turning slightly pink even in the orange light of the sun.

The fox laughed nervously.

"Well that's not something you here everyday, especially from a stranger. Or anyone that's not my friends grandmother." he joked possibly to pull the heat off himself.

An admiral contestant, he knows what to do by Graham's surprise.

"Well," Graham retorted quickly as to not lose his groove, "It's not everyday a handsome fox like yourself walks into a coffee shop and catches my eye."

Jordan laughed a little, his jade eyes scrunching up in the corners with laugh lines.

"You come on very strong, you know that?" He spoke still sounding uncomfortable.

The wolf raised an eyebrow.

"Why whatever do you mean?" He played dumb, old school.

The fox rolled his eyes.

"One man does not compliment another's eyes and calls them handsome unless they are hitting on them." He still wore a smile which Graham took as a good thing, leaning back slightly in his chair taking a dominant approach.

"Well, what if said man is hitting on other said man and can't help but love the other man's vivid curves and adorable smile as well." Graham's white teeth made their presence know again. Clever speak now, turning up the charm.

Jordan's face turned beet red.

"H-hey," he squeaked out in embarrassment. "It's not always a smart idea to hit on any guy you see walking into somewhere you think is...attractive, what if there not you know...into that kind of thing?"

Graham still held his ground.

"What if they are?" Graham retorted with a clever smirk, the fox taking another sip of his tea.

"Isn't that a bit risky? You could be wrong."

The wolf grinned his large, charmingly white smile.

"This time I know I'm right."

Th foxes face slackened, even if it was for just a split second before going back to it's polite smile. Graham had dealt with this before many times, he knew he was right, just that little facial twitch proved it. He just needed to push a little bit, just a bit.

"How do" The fox struggled for the right words, trying every combination he could think of under the pressure of the situation.

"Is there a reason as to why I think your gay? You tell me?"

Graham filled in the blank throwing the heat back onto the fox.

Jordan frowned took the last bite of his crescent and stared back at the muscular wolf that sat before him. After a brief pause he exhaled slowly and gathered up his wits forcing a playful smile.

"I don't know, maybe because your cocky and self confident." He snickered.

Ouch. So he wants to change the subject huh? Nothing I can't handle.

The wolf put on his "happy" smile again and glanced casually over towards the clock on the wall. 3:14pm

"Ok then your right, your not gay and I'm wrong, I guess I was just imagining things earlier." Now denial and deceit, playing dirty but effective.

The fox flicked an ear.

"Imagining what?" Jordan questioned a bit worried by the sound of his voice.

"Oh nothing, just a little bit of proof thats all." Graham mocked condescendingly.

"What? Your lying." Jordan stated disheartened.

"Really?" Graham laughed

"Really." Jordan spat bitterly.

"Then I guess I'm sure you totally weren't thinking any gay thoughts when you were looking at my rear earlier right?" Graham boasted lying through his teeth. Sometimes the wording of things change what the eyes may or may not have seen.

Jordan's muzzle dropped open again slightly with a look that was clearly taken aback. The red tipped ears on his head flickered violently as he became flustered.

"What? That never happened." The fox denied quickly.

Graham laughed.

"Sure you did, right when I turned to pick up some loose papers that I dropped I saw you stealing a quick glance." He smiled wide and continued laughing, "Your a sly one I'll give you that much." He took a sip of the drink in front of him letting his words soak in.

The foxes cheeks still burned bright red but his brow was crinkling into a dirty glare. Graham was pushing his buttons.

"Now listen here...jerk...I know what I did, well, what I didn't do and you can't just make stuff up like that. I barely even know you!" He vented in a slightly raised yet confused voice.

Graham twiddled his thumb pads casually.

"Well then...why don't you get to know me better?"

The fox's face said all the necessary 'whut?' his mouth didn't. Graham continued.

"Come eat dinner with me tonight. We can talk and relax and become closer friends." A new tactic on Graham's behalf. A forced meeting and private time. he was really determined to score with this fox.

The fox sat back and waved his arms in front of the wolf's face, looking quite distressed.

"Whoa,whoa, WHOA! Who said we were friends? I just met you like ten minutes ago and since then you've spent most of that time failing to hit on me, which I clearly DON'T WANT TO BE HIT ON."

"Twelve minutes, forty-two seconds actually." Graham smirked. Que the!

The fox shook his head again with the 'whut?' face.

"Wha-no, whatever, that's not the point. The point is I'm not gay and I don't want you to hit on me ok? I just wanted my tea and crescent and some peace. I only picked up your stupid newspaper because I felt bad that it went all over the place when you dropped it. I didn't want to get picked up or something." he spoke firmly in an almost annoyed tone but not quite too annoyed only slightly.

"Then prove it."

"Prove what?? "Prove that your not gay by going out to dinner with me tonight."

The wolf was persistent and his logic was almost dumb yet with a slightly charming asset to it that could only be appreciated by someone with a high level of annoyance tolerance. The fox had the patience of a saint.

"What!? How does that prove I'm not gay!? If anything that would prove me as being gay."

Graham chuckled, again.

" a friendly dinner not a date. Join me as a friend, I could use some company. I don't have many friends to talk to, not in my line of business anyway." Yet another lie in the growing list, accept for that last part, that much was true.

One word: Coleman

"I can see why." Jordan muttered but the wolf still heard.

"Ouch Jordan, that's not very nice. Especially coming from someone as beautiful as yourself." He kept smiling making Jordan roll his eyes.

"STOP hitting on me! I'm not gay, I'm not going to dinner with you and I'm not gay!!" He was getting red in the face slightly.

"You said that already." Graham laughed.

"WHATEVER!" Jordan huffed. "I think I'm just going to take my tea and go, this isn't the kind of peaceful lunch I was hoping for."

Graham rubbed his head in frustration and strange pleasure at the same time. That was not the reaction he wanted, not at all. Maybe he pushed a little too hard and had a little too much fun for his own good. He knew that the fox shouldn't be worth the trouble be he was just so...cute... especially flustered and all. He didn't know why, but he thought the truth would change things last minute. He wanted to score tonight and this was a chance he might never have again.

He went for it.

"Well then why do you sit like a girl?" Ouch. That was cold coming from someone who was equally waving their arms around in a flamboyant manner. It takes one to know one.

Jordan's eyes grew wide and his grip tightened on the tea cup.

"If your not really gay, and if I'm wrong so be it but at least have some confidence to back yourself up. I just wanted to tell you how I feel about you and your body and gay or not your sexy to me." Laughing slightly at himself Graham ended on a rather creepy yet flattering statement that left an awkward silence between the two furs. The finial approach, dump out the truth and see where it takes you.

The foxes ears folded down against his head, his eyes drifting to the cup of tea. Graham placed his paw on top of the tables folded neatly, as the fox withdrew his cubby paws from the old diner table. Graham pulled his paws back as well seeing it too awkward too leave them out in the open. Strangers can do unexpected things, many of which could involve Graham's paws and the possible silverware in the vicinity.

Graham pulled at his shirt collar uncomfortably, feeling the heat radiate out as he lets his chest expose itself to the world. The fox still sat there like a broken doll, not making eye contact with anything but the table top, his thick red hair hanging down into his eyes.

Graham decided breaking the ice again might solve things. This fox was tuff on the outside but inside...that's another story. He didn't mean too but he went too far.

"Hey look I didn't mean to hurt your feelings...I just thought you...hmmmm..."

He lost his wording, lost his web of interconnecting thoughts that made it easy for him to pull himself out of dire situations like these. The fox's silence got to him before he got to himself. He had been to this stage in a couple of past failed experiences. The fox was dead in the water and shut down now. Sex was out of the question and he might as well move on.

You don't get laid offending people.

Graham decided to pull the plug and leave. All he wanted to do is pick up a horny fur easily and have a nice night of dirty fun and unwinding. It was a long business trip and he thought he deserved some kind of relief from having to drop all his plans for the next three days and fly half-way across the country to sit in meetings, with his dick-hole of a boss Coleman...ehhh. Sure it was work but this...this was off hours and his own personal agenda. He wanted the fox in a horny lustful way but the fox did not want him. Period.

The wolf stood up and peered down to see if standing would be a change to the fox's mood; something to bring him back into furry reality. didn't to Graham's slight disappointment. He liked fighting for his prize but sometimes letting them go was for the best.

He walked away but stopped by the door, not pushing it open into the dry air yet.

Graham felt an unsettling feeling in the pit of his well toned stomach before he reached the door. Hurting anyone feelings never made him feel good, he was no sociopath but it never got to him this much. he closed his eyes hand on the door ready to burst free into the open world once more, another heart down the drain yet he was having second thoughts.

Call him cold, unfeeling, whatever this wasn't fucking new to him.

This... feeling was a terrible one, filled with regret which was odd for someone he just met. He had hurt the fox's feelings and now he felt...bad? Guilty? That should not be happening.

Graham wanted to leave, wanted to throw in the towel and go somewhere else, try again. This was not the first time that he came on a bit too strong and chased off a possible date. He had a strong personality and even stronger confidence to go with it.

His percent rate of picking up dates was 75.63% by his math. He was pretty terrible at math but regardless those were some good odds on his behalf with his math.

What he couldn't account for however was why he couldn't leave this one. He was just another face in the world, a number in a long list of flirts for Graham. Jordan was cute and polite and flattering yet, he was just another guy, just one more fur in the large world. That fact the Graham couldn't stomach walking out on him right now was terrifying and reliving at the same time.

Maybe he had a heart after all contrary to popular belief.

The onyx black wolf let out a shaky breath, turning around and looking back at the fox. He was still in the same sad position he left him looking blankly at the table. Were his words that cruel? Graham wondered as he made his way back to the table. Feeling both unease in his stomach and fluttering in his chest. He felt sorry for the poor guy yet he still wanted to fuck his brains out.

He had not felt this way since late night parties at college and back then he was doing other things to get those feelings... amyl's really screw you up.

Jordan looked up in surprise at the loud bang across the table from him, Graham crashing down in the chair and half smiling his devilish grin.

"If you go out to dinner with me, I'll promise to leave you alone?" He whined in a pretty innocent manner from a not-so-innocent man. He tried to see almost stupid to an extent hoping the fox would not pick up on his guilty feelings.

The fox gazed deep at Graham, eyes slightly widen in shock, a small fire deep within the pupils.

"What?" he asked in a short tone.

"Look, it won't be a date or even friendly, just consider it me apologizing for being an ass one minute and twenty nine seconds ago." He spoke with out even glancing over at the clock.

The fox scratched his scruffy red head fur, not sure what to make of this.

"Wait, did you just ask me out? Even when I told you no?" he bared his teeth slightly. His face might have been resolved but the tone of his voice was fringing on anger and annoyance.

Graham held a straight face knowing how redundant and forceful he was still being. He wanted the fox, even if it meant playing by his rules, rules that weren't completely established. All this arguing and fighting was starting to make him hard anyway.

"No. I just want to say sorry and leave you alone. We'll get some quick food and then be off, I'll pay." He threw on at the end trying to sell a losing deal. Surprise, surprise yet more lies!

The fox placed his paws over his eyes and thought long and quiet for a minute or so. Graham sat there quiet as well slightly biting his lower lip. The fox was thinking about it, that was good. It was a long shot but Graham was hoping appealing to a universal sense of good-faith would maybe score him a second chance with the fox.

Jordan pulled his paws free of his muzzle.

"Fine. Only because your paying." He spoke bluntly and annoyed.

"And..." He cut off a ready to speak Graham, "I'm choosing where we eat." Graham laughed out of sheepish habit, he couldn't help himself.

"What's so funny now?" Jordan's fur bristling making the wolf stop right then and there, face becoming stern.

"I was hoping you would. I don't even know where we are right now to be honest I just found this shop." Way to sound like a drug addict.

For the third time that afternoon the 'whut?' face was made by the husky fox.

"I'm from Maine."

The face still continued.

Graham laughed again and stood up looking over at the city skyline.

"I'll explain at dinner but I have to go now, duty calls. (He's lying!) Be back here at six o'clock and we'll go to wherever from here." He began to walk out leaving the fox sitting at the table, before turning back with an idiotic smile.

"Don't be late!" and was gone.


There was always a fear deep down past the thick, math ridden layers of Graham's brain that rejection would one day eat him alive from the inside out. Normally with a one-night stand like this, rejection was something that happened time to time but never bothered the twenty nine year old wolf was only for a night, no real feelings develop. However, that night as 5:59pm rolled around in the small cafe did the wolf's heart begin to race slightly. He didn't know why but he figured it had something to do with the feelings he had earlier, that feeling of....guilt? Sorrow? Remorse? What ever the hell it was, That he was sure he had. He didn't know why but that fox had gotten under his skin and for some reason the idea of him being late made him nervous...and that shouldn't be. Either that or it was the third cup of coffee he was on that was fucking with his nerves.

Your getting soft man pull yourself the fuck together before your a blathering nervous wreck! Grow a pair man for Christ sake!

As the clock struck six he felt his heart begin to sink, the bad feeling returning to the pit of his stomach. If he wasn't here soon, the wolf was getting a drink, a really strong one...or four or so.

He waited for about six minutes before he stood about to leave when the fox came strutting into the cafe dressed a bit more...casual than before. The wolf's jaw slackened slightly with disbelief as the fox made his way over to the table in a almost uncaring fashion. He was late, wearing the same outfit as earlier but more disheveled than before and he just seemed...uncaring. Truth be told he probably didn't want to be here. Still, his shirt was untucked, buttons open deep on the collar, wrinkled, ruffled wavy red hair, low hanging jeans, the works.

If he was trying to win a "worst class" contest he would have been in the top ten. They were going out to dinner after all, not a back alley bar for cocktails and a blow-job.

Although that didn't sound too bad to Graham either.

"You going somewhere?" Jordan asked nonchalantly.

Graham froze in place in a half standing position. In the low light and dingy attire Jordan seemed... still rather handsome. For a one night stand this one felt...different, even if it was a bad feeling that was in the wolf's stomach. Maybe he was just really that horny.

"You ok?" The fox spoke breaking his stare.

"Oh yeah...fine um...where are we going to." His smile was half-forced.

The fox shrugged.

"Whatever is close to here I guess. Wanted to be spot of the moment you know, stir things up a bit." That sounded very forced.

"Why?" Graham asked before he could stop himself.

Jordan gave him a funny look shrugging his shoulders.

"Why not? Your paying so lets just find somewhere close and quick. This ins't a date and I don't want to be there all night." Jordan spoke flatly.

Graham pondered for a second wether of not this whole date was going to be the death of him or the best night of his shitty trip. He nodded in an agreeing manner to the fox hoping the risk is worth it.


The entire walk to the restaurant Graham pondered over what made Jordan so different than anyone he had ever had a stand with. He went over reason after reason in his head to the point of complete madness and yet he found none. To him, it just seemed like the fox was something of a dangerous fruit, which he liked. Something yummy looking on the outside and so easy to grasp yet so dangerous to bite into that it made his head spin. Jordan was his dark temptation, a man who said no that he wants to say yes.

That really made his loins feel good.

Graham was going to change his mind wether Jordan knew it or not because this wasn't a date...that Jordan knew of at least...

The pair walked maybe five or six blocks south of the coffee shop until they came across a pub, an Irish tavern to be specific with some generic Irish name that Graham couldn't remember nor cared to remember.

The two went inside and were seated at a small window table, given menus and chose their food items. To the wolf's dismay and probably his egoistical ways back at the cafe, the fox ordered them appetizers, beers, entree's and deserts. All of which were very expensive and top grade on the menu. While Graham played it off as a celebration of being out of town and didn't get mad on the outside, on the inside he knew that the fox was getting his revenge by hitting him where it hurt, his wallet. Karma was a real bitch right then.

Regardless of that little upset, Graham was actually having a pretty nice evening...and Jordan began to unwind as Graham appealed to his more, 'soft' characteristics. The two had casual dinner talk, tensions still high between each other at first. Graham told the fox about how he had flown out here from Maine for business and how he's not used to the heat and how it makes his fur all frizzy and how he's only spending till friday at a local hotel all the while trying not to kill his boss at every ample opportunity. The goal for him was to get the fox to feel comfortable around him and open up, that was the way to his dick; through his heart. It was unimportant simple talk but the fox laughed several times during the evening, much to Graham's delight and towards the beer drinking part of their evening the tension had fully dissolved into semi-friendly banter. Jordan told him about living in a small town a couple hours from here, about how he's just in town to visit a friend of his till the end of the week, how killing your boss when he is alone is a better method than in public and how much of a girl Graham is for caring about the humidity and his fur.

That last comment made the charcoal black wolf blush red under his fur, although not visible.

They both shared a good laugh and continued to eat and drink in a more friendly manner than both had expected. The whole spiteful, bitter beginning to the night had turned into something that two fellow acquaintances could almost enjoy without even a second thought...almost anyway.

Graham looked over at a clock mounted above the bar, his vision slightly hazy from many thick lagers. It was now 8:43pm.

The sun was gone behind some trees a ways in the distance and the bar was probably as busy as it was going to get for a week night. Only a handful of furs remained in the pub most just drinking their troubles away at the bar. Regardless, the two furs sat back and patted their stomachs in content.

"Mmmm...that was seriously so good!" The fox rumbled placing his arms above his head and pulling back into a stretch. The veins on the side of his neck budged against his crimson fur as he pivoted his head and rolled back his shoulders. It was a full body stretch like one would take after sitting in a car for many hours or in this case a restaurant seat. As he pulled back, the flannel shirt slipped up on his stomach, exposing the bottom of his white belly. The thought of what the fox looked like completely nude crossed Graham's mind within that split instant making his insides stir with pleasure. Apology dinner or not Graham wanted this fox in a manner so indescribably badly that he felt his mouth start to water with lustful thoughts.

The heat crawled up his face from his stomach. Graham averted his eyes trying to look away to hide his blush only to feel his pants tighten with anticipation. He needed to get this show on the road soon or he might go at it right here in the pub and that was an easy way to end up in jail.

At least Coleman wouldn't be there in the morning.

Graham shrugged mentally. Not his best plan but that could be called his plan..."F" or so...

Jordan slouched back down and adjusted his shirt, looking back up at the wolf who was staring in a dazed manner. Jordan cocked his head.

"You ok?"

Graham pulled his eyes away from Jordan's gut and back up to the foxes face. He swallowed slowly, acting as if he was in a day dream and not being a complete pervert.

"Yeah." he spoke in a raspy voice, his throat suddenly dry. He took another sip of his drink.

Graham smiled at the fox with his signature toothy grin as the glass left his mouth. Jordan was still staring at him, not really sure if he wanted to know what was going on inside the wolf's grinning head. He doubted that it was anything sensible and not hormone driven making him roll his eyes with a sigh and smirk.

Graham took the smirk as a start; a tiny ember in a delicate bundle of tinder. He needed to nurse the flame, really turn up the charm if he wanted this to workout like he had planned. He always planned a head and had many plans for many different situations, yet this fox was different. This fox had outwitted his simplistic attempt at romance for the evening earlier to the point that he was ready to quit yet he crawled back to find out subtle words worked their wonders and made him easier to reason with. To Graham, Jordan was just a different type of flame, one that had to be ignited by other means that direct contact with dry substance. That was Graham's new strategy, to find that new substance.

"I guess this means were done for the evening." Graham spoke reaching into his wallet to pay the very large check that was sitting on the side of the table.

His wallet was going to be pretty sad by the end of the night looking at that bill. he sighed.

"You guess so?" The fox said seeming both disgruntled and amused at the same time.

Graham looked back up at Jordan smiled wide taking the last sip of beer from his glass.

"Well I just thought that maybe you might want to do something else, we still have the whole night." (Appeal to fun maybe?)

Jordan bit his bottom lip and shook his head slightly in frustration.

"I thought this was just dinner and goodbye, remember our deal?"

Graham shrugged.

"Maybe I have a bad memory. Maybe I enjoy spending time with you." (Playing forgetfully dumb?)

"No, you just enjoy spending time staring at me and getting all puppy-eyed when ever I tell you no."

The wolf scrunched up his lips and widened his eyes lowering his head to a lower more submissive angle. Jordan sighed out loud watching as the large canine became a puppy right before his eyes. It was cute, puppy dog cute, but in no way did it change Jordan's standing on the situation as a whole.

"Like that..." Jordan huffed. (Playing puppy-eyed! Yes!

"Can I have your number?" Graham begged snapping back to adult form just as quickly as he spoke, his tone excited and ancy.

"No." The fox spoke bluntly.

"Your email?"


"Your last name?"

"No and NO Graham! Why are you so fucking persistent anyway!" Jordan bellowed out in anger getting a few stares from the drunkards at the bar.

Graham had been pushing the fox and now Jordan was pushing back, even if it meant laying down the law in a crude and insensitive manner.

"Your built like a greek statute, your smart, your cunning and yet strangely charming but your soooooo fucking compulsively ignorant to anyone but yourself and you only seem to be after my ass for yourself! If I say no I mean NO, if I wanted to go out on a date with you I would have but I love Eric, Graham...and you can't change that." (DING-DING! WINNER!)

Or so Jordan thought that was what was going to leave his mouth...

"Who's Eric?" graham probed calmly, acting not even phased by the fact that the fox admitted to loving another man.

Jordan felt his face become hot, all the blood rushing to his head creating a dizzy spell that made him feel every single muscle in his body twitch. He went too far, revealed too much, dug himself a hole that he should have never so blindly walked into. It came over him, like a voice of angel's, like the roar of thunder leaping out of his chest and into his throat. The fox opened his muzzle and all that left was,

"My boyfriend asshole, you happy I said it now!?"

It was loud and drew many stares but Jordan could care less what the fuck they thought. In one swift motion he stood up and made for the door, eyes fixed on the door and nothing else. He shut off his ears, his tail, his breath and simply made for the door. Stepping out into the outside air the only feeling that came across his body was one from his blurring eyes. The fur under his cheeks suddenly got cold from the outside air.


"Jordan wait I-" Graham started but he was already outside. Another pang of guilt washed across his stomach as he laid money on the table quickly and made way for the door. Graham was not sure what some other furs in the restaurant said to him on the way out but something along the lines of

"Fuck off" and "Drunk Bastards" left Graham's lips as he chased after the fox outside.

His mind was in slight shock and amusement at the same time. He had been right all along, his radar never failing to ping him in the right direction but the whole boyfriend thing...well...that was something unexpected. The game changed once again.

The wolf ran outside seeing the fox leaning against the wall on a cellphone. As Graham approached he hung up quickly and the two met in middle ground near the wall. Graham tried to speak but was cut off by the fox's louder voice.

"Stay away from me Graham or I swear to god I'll call the cops for harassment."

He tried to walk off but Graham grabbed his arms which he shook off violently.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He yelped voice cracking.

Graham recoiled with a firm look.

"I just wanted to know why you didn't tell me you were taken in the first place Jordan? I would have backed off right away had I known?"

Was this a lie? (????) Well... Graham really didn't know. He wanted the fox bad and he still wanted him bad but would he have felt bad if he was taken? He really didn't know...

"Would you have?" So it was spoken, "Really, ask yourself if you would have because I doubt it." Jordan spat coldly.

Graham raised a finger to interject but was cut off.

"Look at you, your attractive, cocky, self confident, you don't care if you break hearts or wreck homes, curse people out or take their shit, all you care about getting your rocks off and having a good time with no strings attached. I doubt you ever have even been in a steady relationship. You just break hearts and leave the next morning." Jordan was fuming.

Graham swallowed hard pushing that guilt feeling back down his throat.

"That not true..." He whispered out.

"Have you been in a relationship? A real one I mean?" Jordan demanded pointing a black "gloved" finger at the wolf.

"No...but..." Graham tried scrambling for the right words.

"Then how do you know I'm not right?"


"HOW do you KNOW?"

For some reason a painful rage broke free of his chest. This was not what Graham wanted to let happen but it was out of his control now. He was letting his feelings of guilt slip free from his well controlled grasp trying to not use it as a last resort to get the fox. Wether he liked it or not, Jordan was making an impression on him, something that never happened with the "others" he picked up before. Jordan had fight and reason and looks and general politeness that many of the others lacked yet branching off to him was both nerve racking and strangely reliving and satisfying. He did not know why he yelled the next words but something deep down just felt...right...

"BECAUSE I STUCK AROUND TODAY INSTEAD OF LEAVING!" His voice boomed at the end taking the fox instantly aback.

"I stayed Jordan, I fucking stayed against my better judgement! I could have walked out when you told me no the first time, I could have found a club somewhere in this town and gotten laid multiple times by many people like I have done a thousand times before but...I...stayed...and I even "apologized" over dinner!"

He bellowed, Jordan flinching in the dull darkness as Graham drew closer with each sentence, Jordan backing up slightly.

"I stayed because I want you so much right now and I was willing to break a few rules of my own to get you, to play with your cards! I need you right now Jordan!!"

There was a fine line in this world between the words "want" and "need". One, is a selfish act driven by jealously, greed, pleasure that every living creature has at one point in time. Everyone wants something nice and pleasurable, something beyond basic that brings some kind of meaningless joy into their lives. It is something that makes comfort, if only temporary, to the fur who "wants" it. Needs are different...very different. To use the word "need" means that it is something that without it, day to day function can not be achieved and in the end life is forever changed without that "need".

To hear those words slip from his tongue well, that...that was something Graham knew would forever change what had taken place meer hours ago.

"Need me!? You don't even know me that well, we only met this morning no...afternoon even!! You need me because you want sex and that's all and I...have...a...BOYFRIEND!" Jordan spat the words with such disgust, such hate that Graham felt another twinge of pain on the inside.

He took a deep, calming breath and sighed out,

"Is that who your visiting in town?"

Jordan features visibly sunk as he stared at the stone faced wolf. It didn't take a terribly smart person to figure out that was why he was in town, and Graham was by no means dumb. Stubborn yes but not dumb.

"Yeah..." he sighed out not wanting to seen right at that very moment.

"Then why did you lie earlier about not being gay? About being single and "happy"? You should have just said something." recycling arguments was a last resort of Graham's but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

Graham tried to be most controlled in his speaking, be less brash, but in the end he could see the fox was on the brink of tears again making his guilt feel worse and worse.

"Because you're a charming, attractive wolf who keeps coming onto me and I just didn't want to do anything stupid then...with you I mean...and...I didn't...I didn't want to..." Jordan trailed off, tears leaving his eyes with the words.

Graham stepped closer to the fox leaning against the wall,placing his paw gently on top of the fox's jeans giving his plump package a firm squeeze. He was going for it, he had to make him stop crying or it would kill him.

"Huhhhh..." Jordan moaned out looking down first at the wolf's paw and than back up to the wolf. He placed a black 'socked' paw upon Graham's back, but it was gripped by the wolf's free paw and pinned to the wall. Jordan stared with wide eyes into the heart of Graham, unblinking with shallow breaths. Graham felt the fox's heart rate through his wrist and loosened his grip.

The fox spoke too much Graham decided, action spoke louder than words any day to him.

Graham moved his whole muzzle to the point where the two were practically touching, eyes in complete contact, lips quivering in hesitation. Graham held his position locking pleadings eyes with Jordan's salty ones. For the first time in his entire life as he held the position, Graham thought of something other than just sex, other than just lust. He thought of Jordan's feeling's if only for a moment and stayed perfectly still....Jordan moved first.

Gently Jordan pressed his lips against Graham's the two muzzles sliding into place like a jigsaw puzzle. There was a brief light kiss between the two in which both parties felt the others warmth radiate across the two interlocking tissues. That feeling, that empty feeling of guilt deep inside of Graham fractured a little, melting away with the touch of their lips. They held it for a minute and was gone. They broke, staring at each other down with no words to describe what had just happened. For a minute, Graham felt his more lustful self kick in wanting to get this fox in bed within a minutes notice, but to his surprise the fox caved. There lips met again at a much quicker and heavier pace, inter locking lips, tongues, and passions, grinding against the wall of the small pub on the empty street. They grunted and moaned as Jordan pulled his arms free of the wall and wrapped them around the wolfs shoulder, Graham doing the same. This was what the wolf was getting at, this is what he wanted,no...he wanted more than this and he knew where to get it.

It was only a matter of time before he was going to-

A sound loud and echoing. It came from a sharp honk and a flash of headlights behind him.

They broke the kiss to see a black taxi parked next to the side walk, a tired looking ferret behind the wheel giving them a nonchalant wave. Jordan released Graham, letting his arms fall to his side.

"Um...guess my ride is here..."

No. it was too soon, the wolf didn't want to leave the fox just yet, he still never got what he wanted.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He spoke not even thinking about it.

Jordan scratched his head looking over at the taxi in a worried manor.

"I...I'm going to my boyfriends house to stay the night and..."

"Tell him your staying at a hotel for the night because your flight got delayed. He doesn't know your in town yet right?" Graham pleaded not wanting it to end just yet.

The fox carried a worried expression on his muzzle. Graham desperately wanted to get the fox naked to get what he needed out of him. It was beyond wants right now.

"Yeah but...he and I are...we...this isn't right Graham, I'm sorry."

Graham felt his heart wither and die slightly in his chest. He was so close to getting what he wanted, so close to fucking this fox's brains out, so close to having a pleasurable evening in a town of strangers and still.. His grip remained on the fox's shoulder, not wanting to give up on him yet, not after all he had went through to get that kiss.

Jordan placed a chubby paw on Graham's forearm, his paw still gripped around the fox's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Graham but...I should really go." Jordan attempted to pull away but was held in place. He gave Graham a look, it was a pleading look that said "don't make me do this." with all his heart straining up in his jade eyes. It was over, the fox didn't want it and he wasn't going to force it. He had been charming, clever, cocky, his normal self but still...this one got away.

It took a snort and all the will power in Graham's ripped body to unclench his paw from the fox's shoulder. He let his arm fall to his side as he stared at the fox with hurt eyes. The fox had gotten to him and now he was bitter, this sucked. He turned and walked away not saying a word nor looking back.


Graham was mad. His paws in his pocket's he furiously kicked a soda can on the side of the road brow furrowed as the can went whizzing into a mail box on the other side of the road. Traffic traveled by in a normal and graceless manner making a subtle yet strangely calming white noise that helped suppress his burning rage to punch the nearest object.

Where was Coleman when you needed him?

He felt cheated. The fox had finally given into the temptation that Graham swore was there all along and actually made out with him. He actually managed to get get something going only to have a friggin cab driver out of all people bring the chubby fox back to his senses. A cab Fuck you Karma.

As Graham rounded the corner his mind had became so broken over something so small yet so important that he had to lean against a window display to realize what had happened.

Graham did not know what time the fox left. He didn't know his last name, phone number, email, anything! And why was he getting so bent out of shape over something like this in the first place!! This was not like himself not at all!

The fact that not once while he was with the fox did he try to get him drunk or out of it was something else on it's own. For once he tried to get a date the old fashion way without the need for heavy booze or drugs. It was odd but at the same time therapeutic to think he was honestly trying to be charming on his own by his own will. But what made him do that today out of all days, and why the fox?


This was going to weigh on his mind for a long time to come and he knew all too well what he was going to do once he got back to his hotel.

Drink till he passed out. That was plan "D".

He rolled up his sleeve and read his watch.

10: 16pm.

It was late, he was tired and he wanted to go home now, not sure still of what to make of the fox and his strange effect on his mind. As he made his way down the street, exactly five blocks from where he had left his very close chance of a one night stand, the wolf looked behind himself and saw something odd.

It was the taxi, still sitting out front of the pub.

Graham squinted in the dim light of the street lamps to double check.

It was him!

Graham began to walk back towards the pub not sure why he was still there, he swore he heard the car pull away when he walked off. As he walked closer he saw the same handsome fox step out of the car and look around, scanning, by way of paw gesture. Graham's heart began to race as he walked at a quicker pace, confused but certain as to what the fox was looking for.

He ran.

The fox looked around a few more times before his face turned into disdain and he climbed sullenly back into the vehicle, the tires starting to move away from the curb. Graham felt the sweat rolling down his body as he full out sprinted in the slightly warm night air.

Two blocks...

His heart was pumping furiously in his chest as the car pulled into the correct lane.

One block...

Graham didn't know what to do other than flail his arms and scream the only thing he could think of at the moment...the fox's name.


He reached the pub just as the taxi was starting to drive away. He ran after the taxi flailing his arms behind the cab hoping to catch the driver attention. The fox must have saw first.

Graham watched as the foxes head peered backward's out the window staring him down squinting, looking confused.


The fox opened his eyes wide and slid back into the cab, the vehicle jamming on it's brakes very quickly, screeching to a stop. Graham was panting and face and long black hair covered in sweat, his black t-shirt soaked heavily around the neck and armpit area. He bent over to catch his breath, having it stolen away again by a soft, pink tongue running around his mouth and over his own. In surprise Graham pulled back, still breathing heavily. Jordan grabbed his wrist and pulled him over to the cab and pressing him against the door. He kissed him again, this time minus the tongue and opened the car door.

"I have some thinking to do." Was all he spoke before shoving the taller canine into the car and closing the door.


The ride back to Jordan's hotel was spent mainly groping and kissing each-other with little more than grunts or moans for talk. The cab driver, while a bit disgruntled over the borderline sex in the back seat of his cab, turned out a happy ferret when he got his payment for all the extra driving and waiting around he did for the horny pair. As he drove off, everything seemed like a blur for the pair that some how managed to make their way up to the third floor hotel suite and into a room swinging the door shut with their hind paws. A "please do not disturb" sign was now present on the chrome knob.

Graham ran his paws down the fox's fluffy back lifting his shirt over head, the fox doing the same. Their heads got stuck on the collars only for a brief second due to their lips being locked together,tongues working their magic. They separated and pulled the shirts off their heads. Graham hit the button for the nightstand lamp to give them some light. The darkness instantly vanished, replaced by the power of a 40watt light bulb giving the room a dull glow. When he looked back up at the fox he physically gasped. The shirtless fox before him made his salivary glands start flowing.

The fox's body was rather well curved with broad hips compact chest and thick neck. His fur was very vibrant in the dull light making his whole body appear to be leaving shadows as he stood by the bed. He was plump yes, but that was only a plus in Graham's eyes, seeing it as nothing more but something bigger to hold onto. Graham placed his paws on the foxes shoulder sliding then gently onto his chest and giving his pecks a slight squeeze. His flesh was soft and smooth under his black paw pads and his nipples were firm from the foreign yet pleasing sensation.

"What are you doing?" Jordan asked in asked in a pleasured voice.

Graham cracked a clever smile and ran his hands across the soft belly of the fox. He stomach wasn't quite large but it sagged slightly in that famous muffin top shape. The wolf murred slightly as he reached down below the belt and grasped the jean button, popping it off and sliding down his pants. He reached behind and grabbed onto the fox's large, soft rump and gave that a firm squeeze too. Jordan squeaked.

"Your body is my temple for tonight Jordan." Graham growled licking the fox's cheek. Jordan murred in delight at the wet sensation.

He squeezed the fox rump again. Jordan unbuttoned the wolf's pants gazing over his well toned six pack abdomen and tight arm muscles with sheer envy. The pants fell along with the underwear of both furs. Jordan grabbed the tight, toned rump of the wolf with out underwear this time and gave him a third squeeze making him blush with exotic feelings. jordan ran his thumb claws down wolf's toned abdomen feeling each tight abdomens muscle in his paws. He placed his muzzle in the nook of graham's thick black furrowed neck and breathed out a slow hot breath making his spine tremor a little.

"Your's too." Jordan muttered.

Graham dropped to his knees not waiting for Jordan to say anything else and shoved his face into the hung, damp crotch of the fox. His wet nose pad made contact with the top of the foxes shaft, the fox moaning in surprise and pleasure. He sat back on the bed ready to be taken away to a high plain of love making. Graham inhaled deep of the fox's moist crotch sent making his already hard penis throb with the anticipation of the nights events. He gave the growing black member a gentle lick right next to the opening of the receding sheath along the shaft making it quiver and pulse. Jordan moaned in ecstasy as he felt the long canine tongue slide up and down his thick cock. Graham gave the opening to the long black member a long and savory lick exchanging pre-cum and saliva between the two furs. Jordan ran his paws over the wolf's broad shoulders and large muscular bicep's, feeling the muscles tense and stretch as he supported his weight on Jordan tummy, his head engulfed over the vulpine's throbbing prick. He moved his head slowly up and down, rolling his tongue over and over the fox's shaft and head sucking the salty-sweet juices with complete and utter passion. The large, bushy read and white tail rapped back and forth across the bed happily as the fox raised his head up and moaned into the ceiling.

"K-keep it r-right there Graham...Oh god yes!"

Graham felt his own pre sliding down the side of his shaft as he squeezed the fox's soft belly some more, taking in a another deep breath of Jordan's sent. It was a thick sent, a musky sent that made his loins dance and his mind delve into a pleasure he was all too familiar with. He tightened his lips around the very stiff cock and sucked harder now. His head slid up and down the thick black vulpine shaft as Jordan grabbed hold of Graham's shoulder and gripped on tight getting ready for a very hot release.

"Here we go...oh yes...yes...ohhh...uhhhh..."

With one last large moan the fox climaxed in a white spray of salty-sweet semen, coating the wolf's tonsils with a large burp. Graham reared his head back and coughed slightly before swallowing hard to get down the load in his mouth. Through slightly watery eyes he saw the plump fox fall forward in a slow motion esque fashion landing on top of himself pinning him to the floor. Graham felt the fox's hot breath on his neck making the fur damp in clumped up patches. Jordan panted a few times before straddling Graham's ripped abdomen.

"Were not done yet Sexy."

Graham gasped as he felt the hot sensation of the fox's tongue running down his tight neck and over one of his nipples. His cock gave another needy twitch at the pleasing sensation. Jordan suckled the right nipple then the left, working his tongue over him in the same fashion a small child would do to a breast feeding mother.

"Mmmmmm..." The wolf purred running his paws down the fox's thick back, gripping onto his hips and running his finger through the fur. Jordan pulled his paws off the wolf's stomach and slid down onto his own bulky legs reaching his paw below his taint and running them around the ring of his own musky hole. In a swift yet sly motion, Jordan ran the same musk covered finger across the muzzle of he wolf tracing his stout fingers across his nose pad. Graham inhaled deep into the fox's sent making his mind spin out of control into overdrive causing his cock to spurt out another round of pre-cum. Jordan ran the fingers around Graham's lips in a taunting manor, begging subconsciously for a good lick. Graham understood, obliged and took both fingers in his mouth giving them a long suckle.

This was Graham's tease, his passion of the night. He was going to fuck this fox's brains out until he begged for rest.

"I want you so bad right now Jordan." Graham begged letting the saliva covered fingers slide out of his mouth.

Jordan smirked giving him a lust full look.

"Come get me then."

Graham slid the fox partial way off himself are barley reached his pants on the floor next to the bed. In under a minute he had produced a small bottle of lube and a condom that he slipped over his throbbing prick with a slight moan at the delicate sensation. Sliding himself back under the fox, he slid his sensitive organ between the fox's back and his own stomach. He gripped the fox's thick cheeks with firm paws murring as how large they really felt cupped in such a way. He braced himself against the side off the bed with that toothy grin back on his muzzle. Something told him deep down inside that he was really going to enjoy this.

"Ready for the ride of your life?"

Jordan blushed sheepishly at Graham.

"Yes...oh please yes, please.." he whined.

Graham winked and lifted with all the force he had flipping the fox up onto his shoulders. The wolf was now on his knees muzzle within reach of Jordan's taint. Graham gripped between his thighs and groin taking another deep breath of Jordan's soft white sweaty crotch, the fox's legs. He licked the underside of his scrotum eliciting a pleasant squeal from Jordan. The fox laid his arms flat out on the floor, his flaccid leaky cock slapping against the bottom of his round belly sending the blood to his head. Graham stood up now hunched over, with his cock aimed at Jordan's back.

Jordan's eyes grew wide as the wolf grinned ear to ear looking more like a cat than a wolf.

"What are you...uhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Jordan felt a hot, slimy object slather around the outside of his bum hole. The sensation was that of pure bliss rippling down his spine and around his stomach reviving his spent cock for round two of the night. Graham licked around the rim of the hole savoring the taste of male on his tongue. His large furry balls tightened to his shaft, his body craving for the internal taste of the fox, beckoning like a feral hunger for that dark temptation he knew he should not have.

He thrust his tongue in the fox, Jordan curling his toes and moaning in pure bliss of raw emotion. Graham's senses became overwhelmed at he felt his way around the muscular passage way. It was a salty taste but yet enjoyable. Graham made sure not to delve too far into the rectum not wanting to taste anything else that might be lurking in his date's colon. He let his tongue squirm around the muscle mainly feeling the fox's body try and reject the incoming object to no avail.

"PLEASE MOUNT ME...FUCK! OH GOD PLEASE DO IT!" Jordan moaned digging his blunt nails into the coarse carpet.

Graham retracted his tongue,feeling the muscle close out the slippery apparatus knowing all to well something bigger and harder was about to penetrate it in a traumatizing manor.

Still gripping onto the fox's meaty thighs, Graham stood up and grabbed the lube bottle on the bed. With a few good squirts and a steady paw, he lathered around the glans,shaft and base of his cock along with running a few fingers around Jordan's hole.

"You...ready..." Graham panted feeling like any longer would be both mental torture and salivating anticipation in a deathly battle.

The fox nodded to the best of his ability on the floor, looking more like he was smushing his head into his neck.

"Do it...I want this..." Jordan begged, his tongue sliding out of his mouth slightly.

Those were the three words that Graham wanted to hear the whole night. He had finally managed to get them out of the plump fox after a long and perilous battle of wit. He muscles tightened, gripping the fox that much tighter. He had won his prize, won with his sheer will power and ambition. Even in this strange town he had managed to score some action and on the first night too!

Now then, he needed to claim his prize his own.

He grinned ear to ear and slid his cock up against the base of Jordan's hole. With a slight rocking of his hips, the glans slipped inside, the fox moaning, staring wide eyed at his own growing cock's bounce to life.

Three, four, five inches slid into the fox's rump muscles clenching it like his very own paw. Jordan moaned and gripped the carpet even tighter tearing out small pieces with his nails.

Six, and the Graham felt his ball's grace the out side of Jordan's sweaty taint, the smell of sex and lube filling his nostrils.


Graham was in, completely in and throbbing like his heart was now in his shaft. A new wave of pleasure coursed through his body at the sensation. Gripping the wolf's ass, he began bucking to his heart's content.

Jordan moaned, Graham moaned, the speed varied, the couple hummed, fucked, pile-drived in unison down into the floor, the fox leaking pre-cum onto his soft belly. Jordan's inside's clenched and pushed back onto and around the large canine cock, the wolf's knot and balls slapping against the dilated opening in vigorous rhythm. Graham bathed in the pleasures, the sensations of having his dick in a hot and moist place, the feelings of pure sex. Yet, he wanted to do something for the fox, anything to turn the favor, to maybe make himself feel better deep down about this whole thing. For some strange reason that he never had before, he wanted to please this fox more than himself.

He wanted this fox to have the best ride of his fucking life tonight and he was going to make it happen.

Graham grasped Jordan's flopping hard cock with his right paw using his knees to fully support Jordan's weight. Jordan moaned again arching his back into the fuck's as they came.

" that's great...keep...GOIng..."

Graham nodded and fucked his ass while pumping his dick at similar speeds. He had a rhythm going, his balls slapping the fox's hole while his hand squeezed and pumped the shaft, pre soaking down from the rigid black cock and in between his fingers. Graham pumped, both ways, feeling his cock twitching with delight. His bucking became harder, faster, more chaotic, more heavy, his hand began spasming, pumping up and down like a judge's gavel. Jordan's tongue was hanging out of his mouth, drooling onto the floor like a large, sleepy dog having the best dream of his entire life. The wolf slammed his hips harder and harder into the fox's rectum stretching the hole a little bit each time until in could not take the strain anymore.

The wolf's knot slipped inside, deep inside, his balls making a wet smacking sound as they hit Jordan's rump. Graham's entire shaft was now engulfed in Jordan's hot insides. His mind was now in a state of sensual 'nirvana', every nerve inside his penis screaming, exploding with pleasurable information hitting his brain with maximum force. His dopamine receptors hit critical max dumping their heavy payload into his synapses, ripping apart every fathomable thought on his mind. He had just knotted with a complete stranger -yet- it felt so right. He gave Jordan's cock a firm squeeze right on his glans, right on the very fucking tip of his oozing member and all their sensual walls came crashing down into one mass of fur and bone.

Everything he ever knew about anal was changed right then and there for the fox.


Their screams of pleasure and moans of bliss ran together, their climax's rocking their worlds. Graham's load was massive. He felt his cock twitch three maybe four times filling up the entire space at the end of the condom with his creamy load. It felt wet, sticky, different from the warm and tight sensation the fox's rectum was giving off. Graham's whole body shook as muscles ceased and relaxed, tightened and slackened in post orgasm bliss. He felt his paw get very,very wet as the fox erupted another load, bigger and wetter than the last splashing down across the wolf's paw and onto his own face. Jordan's mouth was still open from moaning, allowing much of his own seed to splash into his mouth and all over his muzzle. It glistened in the dull light of the bedroom end-lamp like a fresh splash of water, refreshing and tasty in it's own salty-sweet way. Jordan swallowed the load seeming both satisfied and beat with the end result of the nights play.

Graham felt he knees grow suddenly week, the entire weight of the plump fox becoming increasingly heavier even for someone as built as himself. Jordan seemed dazed, dropping his entire frame onto the drained wolf's knee and with in a few second the inevitable happened. Jordan's legs dropped and Graham came crashing down landing right on top of his belly and chest, head on the fox's thick neck. The fox was sweaty, he was sweaty, the room reeked of heavy sex and male musk and for all Graham cared he was having a good time. His balls ached slightly as they brushed up against Jordan's leg. He looked over at the window to the left, seeing under the pulled curtain that it was very dark out, probably close to midnight or so but he didn't really care.

He didn't care, about the time and about the location about playing his games, Nothing-at-all.

Just laying on top of the fox was all he could think about, feeling his soft fur, his softer belly, his radiating heat. Everything on his mind seemed strangely at easy as the fox's chest raised and lowered itself, slowly and listlessly. Graham gave the zonked fox's side one last squeeze satisfied with himself for his catch tonight. However something else still burned at the back of his skull almost like a bad itch.

There was something else he wanted to do with the fox, that he had never done before with anyone else willingly. Graham dug his hind legs into the floor half standing up, legs week and shaky from the work out they had received earlier. He reached behind Jordan's back and ass and braced his self against he bed. Jordan gave him a weary smile not sure what he was trying to do only to be sewed off his paws in one swift dead lift motion and flopped onto the bed. The fox's head hit one of the pillows followed by the wolf's. Graham stared at the sleepy fox with a grin on his face, a different one than the toothy lust full grin he wore when he looked at the fox. Jordan half smiled as Graham pressed the side of his muzzle against the fox's face, wrapping his arms around his stomach and torso and pulling him in close. He held Jordan in the cuddling position until minutes ticked by and he passed that slim border between awake and unconscious. Jordan however lay awake not sure as how to feel anymore inside.

He closed his eyes and tried to push the negative sea of thoughts out of his head, praying that the answers would reveal them self's in the morning.


A loud crack and a louder bang screamed out into the morning air of the hotel as the hotel room door came flying in knocked almost off its hinges.


Graham awoke with a jolt at the obnoxious nasally voice coming from a panicking gentleman in the door way standing next to a shorter woman figure. The wolf ran his meaty paws across his eyes forcing the sleep out as quickly as possible. He looked at them face strung with panic and confusion.

In the door way to the room was a couple of badgers probably in their their mid to late forties. The male was screaming flailing his arms around in a large circle like something you would see on The Three Stooges or something. The female stood there stone petrified and looking at the muscular wolf with fearful eyes. They were both dressed in county club golf attire and looked very tired judging by the bags under their eyes. Graham felt cold sweat running down his chest and looked over into the mirror across from the bed wide eyed in confusion. During sex last night he must have broken a blood vessel in his left eye or something because it was half glazed over with blood, he had crazy sex hair, the long locks strung out in multiple direction and flipped up above his forehead. A small yellow piece of paper was taped to his chest which he thought odd.

"WHATTHEFUCKAREYOUDOINGINOURROOM-WHYCOULDN'TWEGETINLASTNIGHTWHENWEWANTEDTOOANDA-" The man in the doorway sputtered out in a long stream of incomprehensible rage making Graham stand up naked with a jump and pull the paper from his chest. The woman named Charlene fainted next to her husband and left him to deal with him Graham. The wolf however could care less about them at the moment, right then he was looking for his clothes around the room.

Something was wrong right away.

They were gone, his clothes were gone. He looked around the room some more, the mini fridge was hanging open with all the booze gone, a small safety deposit box that did not belong to himself was broken open on the floor as well;empty.

What the fuck is this?

As he looked over at the bed it all hit him at once and came crashing down on him like a hail storm.

Jordan was gone...

Graham stared over at the older badger who was fanning his wife and then back to the bed bewildered by what was before him. Always it had been him to be the one who got up and left in the middle of the night, always the one to fuck and run as he might put it himself. Never had he ever stayed the night with one person all the way till morning, except for last night. He had never made that kind of gamble before, never took that kind of risk, he way too clever to wake up with the consequences of the nights previous actions.

Except for last night.

Looking down at the pile of empty sheets on the bed his miscalculated realization was kicking in.

He got tricked.

He looked down at the piece of paper in his paw. On the back of it written in black marker was the name: Graham. Without question as to whom it was from he peeled off the tape and flipped open the small piece of notebook paper. It read:


Thank's for the lovely evening, the money, the sex, the booze and your clothes. You play really well you know that? In my entire long run of doing this little scheme you have probably been my favorite catch. Handsome, charming, hell-of-a good sex partner and you even managed to make me almost leave at one point last night! I actually left in that taxi because I felt bad for hurting you and that right there speaks millions Graham. You made me feel bad for YOU. After we were done our little session, I almost wanted to stay the night through with you, see how things might plan out but well...I'm not too good with morning afters. Or keeping boyfriends who trust me...Anyway your probably the same way as well right? I would hope so because if your reading this then I'm long gone, like out of state gone. I left shortly after you passed out. Figured I owed it to you to give you this letter of explanation after what we went through. Normally I just leave but were a special case. Anyway it's been fun, catch you later some time maybe? And can have Eric...I don't know who he is but him and his wife are using that room apparently. I just "borrowed" the key last night. They were probably out all night trying to find a way to get in hahaha.

Sorry :p

  • XOXO Jordan a.k.a. A real Con-Artist

p.s. Your a good guy, you'll find the right one someday, I know it! ;)

As he finished reading the letter, an unpleasant feeling, much like heart burn formed in the center of Graham's muscular chest. He felt sick all the sudden, sick and angry.

Graham felt a rumble deep within his chest and he let out a deep growl and slammed his fist in to the wall, a lock of his long black hair falling into his face. The male badger jumped a little not speaking extremely fast anymore with annoyance. He was silent as a mouse.

Graham thought about the fox right now, laughing at him, mocking him as he drove away to other town to pick up some other sucker who thinks their so "hot and clever" to rob. The fox fucking took him for a ride, a joy ride even. He must have acted his way through the whole night ,saw through what Graham was doing and in the end got a free meal, some booze, some money that wasn't Graham's and some money that was along with his goddamn clothes. Graham looked down on the floor and saw his wallet laying emprty with the credit cards and cash stolen out of it. Another slip of paper was stuck into the money slit he opened it up.

Nice last name sexy :p

Another growl formed in graham's throat and the veins in his arm's and head erupted outward from his body. A series of events took place shortly after that,

Several holes were put into the wall behind the Television by the wolf's fist scaring the old couple shitless The Television was then thrown at the old couple narrowly missing the man named "Eric" by meer inches. They ran screaming down the hallway to where, unknown. Graham slammed the door and gently and laid back down in bed naked and waiting for the cops to show up.

He looked at the clock. It as 9:00am. He was late for work. He smiled at the thought of being fired for this; about the beating he would give Coleman before he left as the man tried to fire him with delight. He thought about the hotel room he needed to get back to and hoping that the room key that was in his pants pocket wasn't discovered and that his passports and such were not stolen. Along with his other clothes.

However, the most important thing he thought about was the great time he had with the con-artist fox he slept with last night and just how hard he dominated the fucker. Graham made him his bitch for the evening and now Jordan returned the favor by morning, if that was his really name. Probably not.

Still graham could help but smile even happier at the thought of what became out of last night. Maybe...just maybe Graham learned something out of all this mess...about himself that is.

And Con-Artists...

But mainly about what it meant to date someone as though it was a romance and not a game. To date with out calculation and instead using passion and natural charm. As he lay in bed naked waiting for the couple to come back with security or a gun or not at all, Graham took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. The guilt was gone, the empty feeling in his stomach was gone...and he felt like a new wolf.

He felt like a hungry new wolf. He reached over to the bes side table and found the room service menu.

'Fucking best business trip ever." He mumbled before falling back asleep in a strangers bed.
