Rhythm and Flow

Story by FaolWolf on SoFurry

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Just a short piece inspired by Santana\'s \"Into the Night.\" featuring Chad Kroeger. No full on yiff involved, but it\'s somewhat sensual nonetheless. Comments and critiques welcome, as always. Enjoy! A red tail swished slowly from side to side as it attempted to find the beat and rhythm of the music blaring in the club. As the bushy mass of fur found it\'s rhythm, it\'s owner got to his feet and headed for the dance floor. Even as he walked through the mass of fur around him, his body was swaying to the latin beat that filled the air. This music had always been his favorite, as it matched perfectly with the wave-like movements his lithe body made on the floor. As he found his niche in the mass of males gyrating to the beat, he closed his eyes and let his body take over. A black wolf leaned on the wall and sighed heavily. As much as he wanted to join in the worship of rhythm in front of him, he could not make his legs budge from where they were rooted. He was reduced to staring at the furs twisting movements on the floor. Some of them were hyper, their bodies flying every which way about the floor. Some of them were awkward, trying too hard to be fancy and thus looking unnatural. Some were doing nothing more than grinding the nearest sexy male, the dance nothing more to them than a necessary prelude to some later exploits or conquests. Some were actually quite good, their movements matching the beat of the song as their bodies whirled gracefully about. None of them were that fox though. The wolf\'s eyes shined slightly as he watched the vulpine\'s movements. It was as if the music had sent its soul out into the world embodied by the fox, so much did his beautiful dance match the music. The tail flowed gracefully around him, wavering in perfect time with the beat. The vulpines eyes were shut, not tightly like he was concentrating, but relaxed, as if he wasn\'t even thinking and it was only the music in the air that controlled his actions. The flow of the movements was as smooth as water itself. Even the fox\'s red fur shimmered softly at just the right moments in the music. No matter how hard he tried, the wolf found he could not take his eyes off him. The fox felt all the stress of a long week wash out of him as he let his body just move without his control to the rhythm that surrounded him. He paid no attention to the males around him, nor to their occassional bumps, accidental and intentional. As the music picked up a little bit, the swell beginning to rise and a new guitar kicking in, he knew it was time for his body to find another. It needed another to continue this dance at it\'s new rhythm and balance and he knew it inately. His eyes opened slowly to see almost immediately a wolf, standing by the back wall and alone. Once more his instincts took hold, as he knew he needed this wolf to complete his love-making to the rhythm of the song. Without losing a single beat of the music, the fox made his way through the throng of furs. He approached the black furred wolf and smiled at him, noticing the look of astonishment on his muzzle. With a single claw, the fox took hold the wolf\'s tight mesh shirt and cut through it. Even under the black fur, he could see the wolf, far from being angry, was blushing furiously. He gently took the wolf\'s wrist, pulling him towards the center of the floor. \"Wait, who are you?\" The wolf queried, still nervous and blushing furiously at the knowledge he was shirtless in public. \"It doesn\'t matter, just move with me.\" Was all the fox replied as he settled into a spot, his body now fully resuming it\'s emulation of the music. The wolf wrung his paws nervously and started to dance with the fox in front of him. He tried to mirror his partner\'s perfect moves, but found it impossible for him to do so, as evidenced by a stumble every now and again, and the awkwardness of his motion. The fox, smooth as he ever was, leaned over and whispered in the wolf\'s ear. \"Close your eyes, feel the music, worship the music.\" The wolf took a deep breath and stopped moving. He closed eyes, tightly at first but then relaxed. Slowly, but surely, his tail started to move with the rhythm of the beat around him, and before he knew it, his body began to move in time with the music in the air. He relaxed further, and gave himself over to the music. His tail, and then his body began to intertwine with that of his partner, and the vulpine seamlessly adjusted to the wolf. Their bodies flowed effortless around each other as they moved closer, the fur of the wolf\'s chest rubbing against the silk of the fox\'s silver shirt. Their bodies meshed and became almost one; the fox\'s lithe and airy movements complimenting the wolf\'s heavier, more solid ones to complete the song. As black fur moved against red, as bodies meshed into one to glorify the rhythm that flooded the air, the crowd began to give way, clapping their paws in time as the pair danced on into the night.

Can't Escape It

Contains, obviously, acts of sex between two males. Normal warnings apply for those underage and those who don't like that stuff, you know the drill. All characters are copyrighted to me. Do not use without my permission please. It really...

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Just One Kiss

NOTE: No Yiff in this one, but a kiss obviously b/w two guys, so the normal warnings of still apply of not reading this if you happen to be underage or don't like this sort of thing. All characters are my property. Do not use them without...

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The Other Side of the Line

I did have this posted once before, but I think this form is much better. It's flushed out and another scene is added. I hope this is better than the last one! ...

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