“Grandma, there’s a wolf here for dinner…” Part 10

Story by Terian Whitepaw on SoFurry

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#10 of “Grandma, there’s a wolf here for dinner…”

This chapter includes mention of characters from my story BLOOD TIES... not posted here and not currently completed. It is being worked on as I work on this story. Hence the crossover...


Kyle and I sat down next to each other between Blake and Gordon. Blake on my left and Gordon on Kyle's right. The stew smelled delicious and I was hungry. I could detect all the spices that Gran had always used when making this every fall and winter.

"I haven't had this in a long time," Kyle remarked as Gran passed him a bowl.

I could see small drips of saliva escape the corners of his mouth. Looking over to Blake I noticed the same thing. I chuckled at the wolf in them wanting 'meat' when I realized that I had my own dribbles of saliva trying to escape. This was definitely going to take getting used too!

"Ok," Gran said after dishing all over us up and getting her own, "What exactly happened out there?"

Blake, who'd been forced by Gordon to at least wear shorts to the dinner table, informed Gran as to what happened after we'd stumbled upon the trail up to where Kyle came rushing into help. He went on to tell her how he'd been injured in one of Kyle's traps and then the fight between Kyle and the 'feral' that ended up sending the bastard over the side of the cliff.

"Well, I'm quite sure that didn't do him in," she remarked.

"Agre-e-e-ef," Kyle said clumsily as he stuffed his face with homemade biscuits she'd whipped up to go with the stew.

Gran looked over to see him grab another biscuit. Caught, he blushed. She could only chuckle at his antics, "Reminds me of when you were thirteen with the cupcakes." Kyle blushed harder.

"Well," she said looking across at us, "there's not much to tell except where Kyle came busting through the backdoor in a panic...." She proceeded to tell about Kyle slamming his truck into the yard and running on about me being in danger and then realizing that he was a lycan. She had tried without success to calm him and couldn't figure out why. "Now that I know he's Jesse's Alpha, then it makes more sense as to why he was so agitated. Still..."

"Um," I spoke up softly, "He's not just my Alpha Gran."

She'd been looking down at her stew pondering why the spells hadn't worked before slowly looking up at me and then over to Kyle. It looked like he was going to slide under the table, shift and run until Gordon caught his arm. He looked at Kyle and shook his head.

"What do you mean he's just not your Alpha Jesse?" Gran asked.

Kyle looked over at me as I kept my face focused towards my lap. He straightened up and looked her square in the face, "He's my Mate and I'm His!" he said determinedly.

A slow smile crept across her face, "Well then that explains why I couldn't calm him down."

I sat there in silence not realizing what was going on or people's expressions. I was too nervous. It was one thing to have a crush and be in love with a 'human' Kyle but to be considered the 'mate' of a lycan, well, that was something entirely different. I hadn't even noticed that Kyle seemed to relax.

"Jesse," she said softly trying to grab my attention, "Look at me."

I raised my head. I had always been taught to respect my elders, especially elder witches and warlocks. I was an adult but still with Gran she was my teacher, my elder and my Grandmother. She was even more that those three.

A small tear dropped from the corner of her right eye, "I'm very happy for you. Your Grandfather would be happy. No," she paused sniffling, "I know HE IS very happy."

"GRAN!" I said gasping before jumping up and running over to her. She pulled me into a hug and held me close.

She kissed my forehead and pushed me up, "Go and eat."

I had just sat back down when Blake decided it would be fun to have a discussion about the changes in me. "Well, now that it's "out"," making air-quotes with his fingers, "that you're in love with Kyle and he is with you. You should tell Althea about the wonderful new things you've discovered from the 'Lycan' spell."

He sat back with his arms folded with a deep look of pleased mirth and mischief on his face.

"DICK!" I mumbled under my breath knowing full well that he and Kyle could hear me. Kyle let out a low growl towards Blake.

"Calm down you two!" Gordon spoke up then focused his attention at his partner, "Blake Matthew Marmount!" Gordon gave him a hard stare then nodded in our direction.

Blake rolled his eyes, shrugged then snickered.

"What things?" Gran asked giving Kyle and me the look she reserved for us when we were younger and were into trouble.

"Um..." I began.

Kyle hung his head down. Blake got up and came over to push between us and sat down. He reached around Kyle and me both and pulled us in until we were wrapped in his arms.

"She really does need to know," he said softly looking between the two of us. "You know that I'll be here for the both of you," as he leaned in and kissed us both on the cheek, "but, and this is important, Althea needs to know what's happened to Jesse." He squeezed us both hard, "I'll be here for both of you," then stared down at the slight bulge in his shorts."

I'm not sure whose eyes grew bigger at that moment, mine or Kyle's? We looked each other in the eye and I'm sure we both could feel ourselves wondering what the other was thinking at that moment.

Gordon leaned over and took Kyle's hand and squeezed it, "I will as well. We all should talk about a few things but first," looking up and over to Gran, "You need to tell Althea what happened with the spell."

"OK,"I said as I nodded my head up and down slowly.

"What happened with the spell?" Gran's voice was fraught with concern.

"It, um, well..." I paused trying to think how to get this across properly.

"Jesse," she said sternly.

I didn't know how I was going to tell her and started to wiggle in my seat.

"Shift," Blake spoke up while gently squeezing my shoulder.

"What do you mean shift?" Gran's voice raised as her level of agitation of not knowing what was going on grew. "Jesse's not a full lycan. He can't 'shift'."

I looked over to Kyle. He didn't say a word. It was obvious that he was worried about the implications of what would happen after Gran found out.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and concentrated. I could feel the tingling spread across my body so I knew that I had changed. Blake was right about one thing, having a sheath in shorts was something that was not easy to have considering how sensitive it gets down there.

Gran huffed, "What are you three talking about? I don't see a damn thing differ...." Her voice stopped when I opened my mouth to reveal my little canines.

Her next words were only a gasp of breath before she composed herself. "How? That's not possible with that spell! It doesn't work that way!"

She rubbed her forehead, "Well, at least that's the only thing."

"It's not," I spoke up quietly under my breath.

"What do you mean it's not?" as her gazed fixed back on me.

"Well," I paused trying to think how to approach the subject.

"Oh for God's sake!" her voice rose, "JESSE DANIEL MERIWEATHER!"

"OH SHIT!" I thought knowing full well what that meant.

"If you don't just come out and say what the hell is going on with that spell..." she stopped and took a deep breath. "Jesse, honey," as she paused to look me in the eye, "this is important. I know you don't like talking about things but it's very important that you tell me. I need to know what else the spell did to you."

"He's got a sheath," Blake blurted out.

I choked on his words and then got annoyed. That in turn earned Blake a hard elbow deep into his ribs making him double over.

"You deserved that," Gordon said looking over to his partner and crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Excuse me," Blake groused, "but this was getting way to dramatic just to say he has a damn sheath around his 'bits and pieces' like any lycan."

Kyle, with whom I was hoping to have some support, only stared out into space as if he'd turned to stone.

Gran looked over to me as if to seek confirmation. I nodded. I sure as hell wasn't going to drop my shorts and show her though!

"How in the hell is this possible?" running her fingers to push back her silvered hair behind her right ear.

"There's another thing we discovered as well," Blake said looking over at me and raising a finger. I could see that he'd 'shifted' his hand and now had his lycan fingers with the long sharp claws. "This is going to sting but she needs to see this as well," as he moved the clawed tip of his forefinger towards me.

I moved my hand out and let him run his claw over it. It drew blood but seconds later the blood seeped back into the wound and it began to slowly close and heal.

"Lycan healing?" Gran gasped. I nodded.

"I don't understand," as she stared at my hand before adjusting in her seat. Seconds later she snapped her fingers causing the living room doorway to widen and her large chair to slide into the kitchen. She moved to get up when Gordon sprang forward and helped her into the softer chair.

"Jesse," she began as she propped her ankle up on the bench, "what happened when you invoked the spell?"

"Nothing much from what I could tell at the time," as I told her exactly what happened during the entire time that I read the spell.

"We do have a good idea though of what occurred," Blake said gripping Kyle's shoulder harder and finally getting him out of his shell shocked state.

"It seems 'lover boy' here," smirking at a clearly squirming Kyle, "has been in love with Jesse for years; but of course, I'm sure you have an inkling of that as well," laughing at Gran's smirk.

"Indeed," she said with a laugh, "but..."

"I'm getting to that," as Blake shook Kyle's shoulder. "Hey!" he raised his voice in Kyle's ear, "You in there?"

"Huh?" a clearly dazed Kyle turned to look at Blake and then me.

"It's ok Kyle," Gran gestured in his direction grabbing his attention, "I'm not mad or upset. It's just something I couldn't foresee with regards to this incantation."

Kyle relaxed slightly as Blake got up and pushed me closer to my Alpha and mate. Kyle pulled me up and over into his lap and began holding me protectively. His warmth made me snuggle in closer.

"Awwww! Isn't that sweet!" Blake said with glee.

Kyle pulled me closer before looking up at Blake and sticking his tongue out. "Get bent!" he laughed at the older lycan.

Blake came behind both of us and wrapped his arms around our bodies squeezing us with his strength. Kyle gasped a little from something that Blake did behind him but only I and Blake heard him.

"Anyway," Blake continued with his hands on Kyle's shoulders, "You're familiar with the mating instinct in lycans right, Althea?"

"Somewhat," Gran half responded looking over to the coffee pot. "Damn!" she cursed.

"I'll get it," Gordon spoke up.

"I'll help," I added trying to get out of Kyle's arms but he wouldn't let me.

"Nah-uh," I heard along with a little rumble that was only audible to both Blake and I. "Wait? What?" I thought to myself realizing that my hearing had now increased as well.

"Um, coffee is in the freezer Gordon and filters in the cabinet above," I said snapping the fingers in my left hand and making the grinder float out of the pantry towards the counter.

"Oh how I wish I could do that!" Gordon laughed.

"Guys," I said loud enough to grab their attention, "It seems that my hearing has improved as well. I just realized that I've been able to hear the lower level rumbles you two emit."

Blake rubbed his chin, "Now that's interesting." He began to pace the floor. "This is really fascinating from a transformation point of view since there really isn't any further transformation. You have certain attributes that are of a lycan without fully shifting."

"That's all well and good Blake," Gran said pulling down her glasses and giving him a hard look, "But what's your belief in how this happened."

"Oh yes!" he said sitting down beside us again, "Well, like I asked, you're familiar with the mating instinct?"

"Yes," Gran nodded, "as I said. However, as I remember, it's not that common anymore."

"It's not," Blake confirmed. "But," smirking over at the both of us, "It seems that since Kyle has always been in love with Jesse, and vice versa, when he was changed into a lycan it triggered the mating instinct. That in turn made his body produce vast quantities of the lycan virus and," looking over to Gran, "as you know is housed within our saliva."

"It seems the other day that someone picked up the wrong water glass on his way to bed and took a sip of someone's backwash before invoking the spell," as Blake both his hands wide.

"Well, I'll be damned," Gran's surprised showed. "Then the active lycan virus that Jesse ingested and got into his mouth didn't really have enough time to change him due to the fact that the spell had been invoked. They worked together to basically only half-way turning him."

"Essentially," Blake confirmed.

"Huh," Gran mulled it over.

"OK, OK," Kyle spoke up, "Now that is settled. I need to know something." He turned towards Gordon, "Listen, please forgive me for asking this but I need to find out just why..." he paused taking a breath.

"Just why, what?" Gordon asked.

"Just why in the hell did you smell like my brother the other day and why you smell like him now?" Kyle blurted out.

"Yes, why is that dear," Blake smirked.

"What the fuck do you know about it?" Kyle snarled while whipping his head around at Blake. I could feel little prickles of fur start to sprout.

"Kyle," I leaned up and grabbed his chin forcing him to look at me. His eyes caught mine and calmed down.

"I'm sorry," turning back towards a smiling Blake with his eyes and voice in contrition. "It's just that I haven't seen him in a while and I was worried but then I smelled him all over Gordon, both the other day and today."

Gordon had finished with the coffee and set it to brewing. He moved over to sit down on the other side of us again.

"I believe this jacket is the answer to your question," Gordon said with a smile. Kyle leaned in and sniffed the jacket before leaning in and sniffing Gordon. "Yeah," he said, "the jacket smells like Kevin."

"It should," Gordon laughed, "it was your brother's."

Kyle's eyes grew wide and then narrowed, "How did you get my brother's jacket?"

"To put it succinctly, we dated when I was in Germany and in the military. When my time was up, I didn't want to stay so he and I went our separate ways. I hadn't realized that he'd left the jacket at my apartment and only found it after unpacking," Gordon said.

"YOU dated my brother?" Kyle asked his eyes wide in wonder. "He's gay?"

Gordon nodded slowly, "You didn't know?" Kyle shook his head, "On either account. Asshole!" he grumped.

"If it helps," Gordon added, "I think I was the first guy he ever dated and ever came out to both as gay and a lycan."

Kyle was quite. "You OK?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess so. It's just that I wish I'd known sooner. It'd been a lot easier on me but still he was always supportive after I'd come out to him. He was the only one who knew besides Mom and Dad," as Kyle's mind turned remembering the past.

He turned back to Gordon, "So is that how you're so at ease with the lycan thing?" Gordon nodded, "Um-hmmm."

"I had just got back in the states from being in the Air Force and had decided to spend some time in LA. I been renting a month to month place at a little hotel in WeHo when I found this little bar in an alley not too far from where I was staying," Gordon brought his hand up to rub his chin as he remembered.

"Anyway," he continued, "I walked into the bar and instantly recognized that it was fully of supernaturals. Being around a lycan for so long and dating, you tended to meet certain types of people. Kevin was going about research work and when I had time free we'd travel together. We'd met a few other lycans, a couple of witches and warlocks along with a vampire along the way."

"The bartender, who I found out was the owner later, was a lycan and a nice guy. His partner owned a construction company and was a vamp," as Gordon paused we could hear the coffee maker end its' cycle.

"I'll get that," Gran spoke up. "Who's having?"

"I will," Gordon said. Kyle, me and Blake declined. Gran said a few words softly and the coffee, cups along with cream flew out from their respective places and landed on the table.

"Continue," Gran said pouring their coffee.

"Well," Gordon spoke as he added cream and sugar to his cup, "Eli, the lycan bar owner, and Dustin, his vampire partner and I got to know each other very well. They were in the middle of dealing with a newly turned vamp, cute little thing too, who rivals you," as he nodded to me, "in his uniqueness of being turned. I spent a great deal of time getting to know them."

"That's where I come in," Blake spoke up. "I was down to LA for a break and a change of pace. I was visiting Dustin and El along with meeting the new vamp, Tristan and his human boyfriend. Eli was working so Dustin, Tristan and Sean, who by the way, was doing 'straight' porn," he paused laughing.

"SERIOUSLY?" Kyle said loudly, "HE was starring in straight porn? A gay guy?"

Blake laughed, "Oh yeah! And Tristan worked for the studio as well... It's a long story but suffice to say it wasn't fully settled when I left."

"Anyway," he continued, "Gordon walked into the bar that night and I was drawn to him like Bears to honey! The guys introduced me and, well," he laughed, "the rest is history."

"So that's why I smelled my older brother on you? The jacket," Kyle laughed.

Gordon nodded.

"Now that's complete," Blake said seriously, "I want to know how you were turned," as he looked straight into Kyle's eyes.

"That," Gran said standing up and leaning against her chair, "can wait until the morning. It's nearly midnight and we all need some sleep to heal."

"Yes mam," Kyle said picking me up in his arms.

He practically ran up the backstairs towards my bedroom.


The two of them were out of earshot when Gordon snorted.

"What?" Blake asked laughing knowing full well what Gordon was laughing about.

"You seriously think they are going right to sleep?" he laughed.

All three adults burst out laughing as the older lycan helped Althea to her room for the night.