Stress Leave

Story by Jonathon Ford on SoFurry

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The following is a work of furry fiction. Any resemblance to actual people is a shear oddity of fate, over which I have no control. Oh and by the way this story is copyright by me...blah...blah...blah. It also contains acts of a sensual nature between consenting furs, if you are underage or such a thing is illegal where you are then be gone with you, or just be sneaky, either way enjoy the read?. Comments- [email protected]

Stress Leave

"Man I'm going to be glad when this day is over." John said to his co-pilot Neil as Neil was winding the next cleared level into the mode control panel for the auto-flight system. Neil just grinned. He had to agree that it had been a long day. Ever since World Regional Express Airlines, or WRX as they were commonly known, had put on seven new Boeing/Lockheed suborbital cruisers the workload on the senior crews had jumped drastically. Today had started out no different to any other for John and Neil. The pair had met this morning in the airline's briefing office to review the roster for the day and to pick up the load and passenger manifests for the flight. John had picked up the flight plan from the dispatch officer, a petite young vixen of about 26, and groaned inwardly when he saw the routing. It was another seven sector day, the fourth this week and the tenth since the month had started two and bit weeks ago. He was getting tired of this, very long days with only short breaks for refueling and changing passengers, it meant that he didn't get to spend as much time with the love of his life, his wife Linda. He pictured her in his mind as he walked back to the briefing office, flight plans in hand to discuss who would fly what legs with his first officer.

Most of the day had been as pre normal, right down the numbers, exactly how John liked it. But during final approach into Sydney International something went wrong with one of the computers in the plane and LAND 2 annunciated instead of LAND 3, but as the weather in Sydney at the time was fine Neil, who had been the pilot flying for this sector decided that he'd let the plane continue with the automatic landing rather then take over and hand fly the approach. Once again this caused John to groan inside, letting a sigh escape his lips showing his disappointment in this turn of events. He pulled the latest weather report from the flight deck printer. "heavy rain with very low cloud" was forecast for their arrival back home in Hong Kong. Since he was set to fly the home leg, and with only LAND 2 available from the aircraft it meant that he'd have to hand fly the approach. It wasn't really a big deal normally, but after a long day covering most of the planet and a nighttime arrival, he wasn't looking forward to the prospect. It wouldn't have been so bad in the old Boeing 747-400's that he'd been flying before being offered a command on the new cruiser. Of course he jumped at the chance to fly the newest aircraft in the fleet, but it had come as a big surprise to him at just how much of a handful the aircraft was to hand fly, even with the flight director online. But the simulator training had been very good and he learned how to deal with the big birds little nuances.

"Hong Kong Approach, World Regional 1980 heavy. Left 22000 for 9000." Neil said into the little boom mike. The approach controller acknowledged that the level they where descending to was correct before moving on to the next aircraft in her area. "Haven't been able to get home as much as you'd like to John?" Neil asked as he pulled a copy of the instrument approach chart from his map pocket on the dashboard.

John nodded, "I'm starting to miss the old days flying the 400, you know week on then a week off." This time it was Neil's turn to nod, since he'd been a 400 captain as well. "In the last three weeks since I finished my line checks I think I've had about five days off and even one of those was a standby, so all day spent in the lounge at the office." John shrugged his shoulders and sighed as he looked around the controls to check that everything was set properly. He adjusted the range on the weather radar until it showed Chet Lap Kok, their home airport, and sure enough a mass of yellow hovered over the area, indicating heavy rain was indeed falling. "Ah well," John said turning to Neil, "Better get the cabin secured for landing."

Neil nodded and picked up the intercom phone and gave a brief message to the people in the passenger cabin telling them to fasten their seatbelts and for the flight attendants to make the cabin ready for landing.

Neil had no sooner placed the phone set back into its rest then a double beep caught both of their attention. The beep was immediately followed by the computer warning system's voice, "Traffic, Traffic." It called out. John and Neil both looked out the windscreen but they'd entered the clouds and so could see nothing. The computer then sounded a very loud alarm followed by the instructions "Climb, Climb now. Climb, Climb now." and a set of red bars appearing on John's primary flight display. John pulled back on the controls to move the airplane symbol outside the red bars and held it there until the computer gave the "Clear of conflict." Call and he returned the aircraft to its original flight path. Neil in the mean time was busy telling the controller what was happening, the controller gave her apologies for missing the call to them with instructions to level off at a new altitude to allow a departing jet out underneath them. After the John had the aircraft settled back on its original descent path and finished muttering a few words, best left on the Cockpit Voice Recorder tape, he asked Neil to continue briefing the upcoming approach. John maneuvered the aircraft onto final approach and as he began the final descent for landing the Auto-flight system annunciated LAND 2, indicating that the previous fault was still present. John sighed and tightened his grip on the controls slightly. Despite the fierce image displayed on the weather radar, the approach turned out to be rather smooth. But with the aircrafts typically unstable speed profile john had to still work hard to keep the aircraft under tight control and to ensure a smooth ride for the 400 plus passengers down the back. The main landing gear touched down with a gentle bump and John pulled the handle to raise the spoilers while Neil engaged reverse thrust. The aircraft slowed and John turned off the runway and into the veritable maze of taxiways that make up Hong Kong's Chet Lap Kok international airport.

After the passengers had been deplaned and the rest of the crew were ready to go, John and Neil emerged from the flight deck. Neil stretched his arms as much as he could in the aisle just outside the cockpit. John grinned as he looked at his Co-pilot, he'd always found it amazing that Neil could get his hat to balance properly between his long rabbit ears. John and Neil thanked the cabin crew for a good flight and started up the aerobridge. "Well," Neil said as they made their way through the terminal towards the company's office, "It looks like we have a bit more paperwork to do now."

"Yep," John replied, "And I was hoping to get home to Linda early for once." He added with a slight chuckle. Neil reached up and patted the big wolf on the shoulder as they walked. In fact it was quite late by the time the pair finished with all the reports that go along with the type of incident that they'd had, reports for Air Traffic Services, reports for the airline, reports for the NTSB, and so on. John sluggishly opened the door to his Jeep with one paw while holding the umbrella with the other. He collapsed the handle on his travel case and hefted it into the backseat. Then in a deft movement for someone his size closed his umbrella and jumped into the driver's seat and pulled the door shut, getting only slightly wet from the steadily falling rain. He placed the still dripping umbrella on the floor in front of the passenger seat and started the engine. It was going to be a long drive home in this weather, even at this time of night. It was just after midnight when John pushed the button to open the garage door at his home on the edge of Kowloon city. He pulled in and shut the engine off, waiting for the garage door to close before flipping the passenger seat forward and retrieving his bags from the rear seat. Closing the car door he quietly made his way to the door into the laundry and into the house. He left his larger pull case next to the drier and placed his captain's cap on the first self. John removed his shoes but left his socks on to prevent his toe claws from clicking on the tile floor. Slowly and as silently as he could he made his way into the living room. Looking into the kitchen he paused, a smile creeping across his muzzle, his wife Linda sat asleep at the dining table. Two places had been set and the food that rested on the table had long since gone cold.

John had always loved how her black stripes had contrasted the snowy white of her fur, and now sitting in the dim light, her head resting in her arms on the table she looked absolutely gorgeous. John could feel his sheath swelling and straining against his uniform pants. He placed his flight bag on the floor against the wall and started to make his way towards her. He'd gotten about half the distance when he noticed a black tipped ear swivel in his direction and Linda's head shifted slightly, "Damn those ears of hers." He thought to himself as he closed the rest of the distance between them. Linda stretched her arms out wide and yawned, showing a lot of sharp teeth. She wasn't very tall for a tiger, standing about 5' 9". But John loved her dearly. He placed his paws on her shoulders and leant down, kissing her on the forehead.

She looked up at him with sleep filled eyes and grinned, "Just get home?" she asked yawning again.

John nodded and she started to get up, "I'll warm you up something." She said getting to her feet. John pulled her close taking in her scent and kissing her on the cheek, "No. You're going to bed. I'll take care of that, and I'll be up after I clean up down here." Linda just sighed and started to shuffle off toward the stairs that lead up to their bedroom, her heavy tail swaying gently behind her. John watched her until she rounded the corner at the end of the short hall and started up the stairs. He thought, probably for the thousandth time since he'd married her how lucky he was to have found such a lady.

John filled his plate with some of the good looking food that Linda had made for him and placed it in the microwave to reheat. As the plate took its time spinning around in the microwave, John set about clearing the table, putting away unused cutlery and dishes. He was just about to finish putting Linda's plate and utensils in the dishwasher when the microwave beeped to inform him that his dinner was ready. So he closed the door to the dishwasher and pulled the steaming plate from the microwave, tapping the door shut with his elbow. He'd had dinner on the plane before landing, but that had been over five hours ago now and he could never say no to his wife's cooking. So it didn't take him long to finish off the contents of his plate. He lifted his plate and Linda's from the table and placed them both in the dishwasher before closing the door and setting it to run. As long as his day had been John didn't feel tired at the moment, so me made himself a cup of hot Milo, something he'd picked up from his time flying in Australia before joining WRX, and settled into the couch in the living room to think. He'd joined the airline as a junior first officer flying Boeing 747-400's and after just over five years had got his command on the big jet. It had been a great time with his duty roster averaging one week on and one week off pretty much all the time. But this last year, the company had put on the new cruisers and now he was almost starting to regret making the decision to change off the 400. He could tell that the stress of his being away from home so much was starting to wear on Linda, despite his best efforts to avoid it. So here he sat, wondering if the extra money that he was making flying the cruiser was worth the stress on his wife.

John lost track of how long he'd been sitting on the couch with the long empty mug resting on the coffee table. A pair of warm black and white striped paws broke him out of his thoughts as Linda pulled him into a tight hug. She leaned in and kissed his cheek, "I thought you where coming to bed hours ago. I was beginning to worry about you." "Umm," John said placing his paw atop hers and leaning his head on her arm, "sorry hun, I was just thinking and lost track of things I guess."

"What were you thinking about?" Linda said slipping around the couch and sinking down next to him.

"I was thinking about going back to the 400."

Linda sat up and looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face, "But I thought you liked flying the new plane sweetheart."

"It's not that I don't like flying it, but it means that I've been away from home and you a lot more lately and I know it's been a burden on you."

Linda snuggled in close to John, "I don't mind dear really, just so long as you're happy." John sighed, "But I mind. Under the old schedule that I had I was home a lot more and we could do more things." He said as he rubbed her head fur and skritched behind her ears, drawing a load purr from deep within her. "And besides, it's not like we need the extra money or anything."

As Linda lay in his lap purring away, John could feel his member beginning to stiffen again and his sheath began to swell under the vibrations of Linda's furry chest. John grinned, happy to be home with his loving wife, but at the same time still tense with the stress of work. John was not, however, the only one to notice the changes in his crotch. Linda could feel how stiff and tense her husband was and she looked up into his eyes as he rubbed her head fur. "Come to bed sweetheart, and I'll help get that stress out of your system." She said with a seductive smile.

John's ears flicked upright and he gazed down at his loving wife lying in his lap, grinning in return. Linda swiveled off his lap and rose to her feet, pulling him off the couch with her. Hand in hand they made their way back to their bedroom, eyes never leaving each others.

Once in the bedroom John pulled Linda in close to him, his paws running up and down her back and sides. He stopped for a moment at her waist and undid the cloth belt of her robe, letting the two halves fall open to reveal her largely white chest fur. A few thin black stripes found their way around onto her chest and tummy. John threaded his paws in under the open robe and caressed her soft fur and beautiful form, his hands roaming the small of her back and down her butt and thighs. He let a paw run up the inside of her thigh, noticing that she wasn't wearing any panties he ran his paw over her quickly moistening sex. Drawing a gasp and a pleasured moan from her. Linda set to work unbuttoning John's shirt, whilst he held her close. Slowly she peeled the shirt off his shoulders and from him altogether, tossing it aside. She wasted no time in starting to rid John of his pants, working the belt off and then unbuttoning them. As she worked on removing his clothes from him, John began fondling her breasts, playing with each one in turn, making the pink of her nipples stand out in strake contrast to her white fur. All the attention was making it hard for Linda to think straight and keep her mind on the task at hand. Still she finally managed to get his pants completely undone. John shifted his position slightly, letting the pants fall to the floor before stepping out of them altogether. His member, finally freed from the tight confines of his pants, snapped out making his boxers look rather like a tent. Linda slipped her paws in under the waistband and pulled them off his hips letting them fall to the floor, joining the rest of his clothes. John slowly brought his paws up and around Linda's shoulders, lifting the robe off her fur and sliding it down her arms about halfway before letting gravity do the rest for him.

Now it was Linda's turn to go to work on her husband. She dropped silently to her knees and took his, now fully erect, wolfhood into her paws. Small beads of pre formed at the tip as she slowly began sliding her paws up and down his member. Smoothly she leaned in and gently lapped the beads from his tip, sending electric shocks through his spine as her rough tongue played over his sensitive tip. Linda then took the head into her maw and began to softly suckle it. Slowly she began to take more and more of his maleness into her mouth, sucking and lapping his length as she did. John stood panting over her, his paws working her head fur constantly. Pre oozed freely from his tip now, and Linda lapped it all up lovingly. John could feel his knot starting to form at the base of his cock and slowly pulled Linda up off it. Slowly he lay her down on the bed. She scooted back and spread he legs wide in beckoning. John was close behind, moving up the bed. But he stopped he his nose just inches from his wife's exposed sex. Slowly he extended his tongue and began to gently lap at her pussy. Now it was Linda who was panting and moaning in pure pleasure as John returned the favor. A deep, rumbling purr began to emanate up from her chest as he continued his attentions. John gave one final lap with his tongue before thrusting it into her sex, causing Linda to arch off the bed slightly. Satisfied that she was now good and ready John moved up, positioning the tip of his member at her entrance.

He looked down at her, her emerald green eyes full of love and lust gazed back up at him, he started to push ever so gently. Linda closed her eyes as he pushed into her. It didn't take long for the head of John's cock to slip inside her sex. John paused for a moment to let Linda adjust before slowly but steadily feeding inch after inch of his eight inch member into her wet pussy. He hilted inside her and again paused, this time to savor the feeling of his wife's passage gripping his wolfhood, then just as slowly as he'd gone in he pulled out. Leaving only the head of his member inside her before feeding it back in again. He took up a rhythm of slow, full strokes, wanting to make this time together last as long as possible. As he thrust himself into her he leaned down and took her right breast into his maw and sucked at it. His rough tongue playing over the sensitive nipple, giving her little nips every so often. Each stroke of his tongue brought a gasp from below him. Linda's paws ran through his head fur, clutching behind his ears. She was finding it hard to get time to breathe properly in between gasps as John licked her nipples and moaning as he thrust his hard member deep within her. John slowly began to let his rhythm build in speed until he has humping his cock into Linda with abandon. He could feel his knot starting to swell near the base of his member, and each time he reached his deepest it pressed hard against his wife. As he continued to pound his love's sex he could feel pressure rising in his sack. He gave a hard deep thrust and pushed his knot inside Linda's dripping pussy with a slurping pop. His tempo changed to short quick thrusts, staying locked to his love.

Linda's back arched off the bed and bolts of pure pleasure racked her body as she came. Her sex clamping down like a vice around John's member pushing him over the edge as well. He thrust hard one last time and held it there. His sack drew tight to his body and his cock jumped and pulsed as he emptied himself into his wife. Jet after jet of wolf seed he pumped into her. He let out a triumphant howl before collapsing atop her. They lay there wrapped in each other, both of their fur matted with sweat. Linda drifted off to sleep, a rumbling purr emanating from her chest. John wasn't far behind as he settled in the afterglow. Soon he too was happily asleep, one arm draped over his love.

The incessant ringing of the phone jarred John from his dreams the next morning. Sunlight drifted through the curtains, changing hues as a few clouds drifted across the sun. During the night his knot had softened and he'd dislodged himself from his wife, who was still sleeping, despite the phone doing it's best to wake the neighbors. He lifted the handset from its rest, "Hello." He said, sleep evident in his voice.

"Good morning Captain Gledfern, it's Naomi here from Dispatch. I'm sorry to call you at such an early hour, but the people in scheduling asked me to give you a message."

"Ok. Go ahead." John replied. Sleep fading quickly from his voice.

"Well they said to tell you that they've been reviewing your flight and duty records they noticed how busy you've been over the last couple of months. And well since they don't want you to run out of hours too early in the year, they are going to put you back on your old schedule, but still in the cruiser."

"I see, so what does that mean for me at the moment?"

"Well sir, it means that all your flight's this week have been reassigned and you have the week off."

"Ok then. Thanks for the call Naomi." He said hiding the joy in his voice.

"Not a problem sir, and again sorry to call you so early. Have a good week off." The young voice said before hanging up.

John placed the receiver back in its place and snuggled back down under the blankets next to Linda. He looked at her black stripes as her chest rose and fell quietly. This was going to be a good chance to get caught up on some things and work some of the stress of the last few months out. And if Linda's plans for getting the stress taken care of were anything like last night, it was going to be a very enjoyable week off.

The End... (At least until I figure out if I should do the rest of the week)