The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 7: Love is forever

Story by NewLegend1 on SoFurry

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#7 of The Spyro Chronicles

Well after a long wait here it is. The seventh installment of The Spyro Chronicles. I hope you enjoy reading this, cause if you don't, I'll be sad...

Oh and if you happen to be under the age of 18, you'd better have a window to go to or something if someone walks in on you, or just save your self the trouble and leave.

Chapter 7: Love is forever

Lt. Buckman emerged from the temple and ordered some men inside with carrying equipment.

"So Buckman, what did you find out?"

"Not much sir, although they seem very interested with these crystals."

"That can't be good. Get some men in there and finish securing those crystals and get them back to the Archilles. I don't know what they would want with crystals but it can't be good." They saluted each other and Buckman continued to get crystals out of the temple.

After a while they got all of the crystals out of the temple and all of the marines boarded Nighthawks bound for the Archilles.


Karson woke up to see Allison hovering over him smiling. He nearly launched back in response.

"Well good morning." Allison said with a giggle. Karson smiled at her.

"So... where are we and what's going on?" Karson asked while looking at Spyro and Cynder.

"Well this is Spyro and Cynder." Allison said pointing to each of the dragons. Karson nodded to them. Allison then went on describing where they were, there situation, and that he was on board the Archilles in the medical bay. Spyro then went on to tell of the dragon realms, him being a special purple dragon, the dark master and his defeat. Spyro also mentioned that he had seen him in a dream. Karson let out a long whistle.

"So what about you. Wagner said that nuclear blasts are fatal." Spyro asked and everyone's eyes were on Karson who looked up at the sky and recalled the events of that day.

He proceeded to tell about the battle, the nuclear explosion, his capture by Lakador forces, his travel to this system, his escape and subsequent battles for survival leading up to his recovery. (He neglected to tell them about his dreams.)

They sat there talking when Lt. Wagner walked in.

"Well I see you have returned from the dead."

"Yea I guess you could say that." Karson smiled at him. Karson had to repeat his tale so that Wagner could hear it. When he finished Wagner chuckled and looked over towards Spyro and Cynder who were cuddled next to each other kissing and messaging each other. Wagner looked at Spyro and remembered the recon op he had seen him on.

"So Spyro, do you have any idea why those apes would want crystals so badly?" Spyro suddenly looked up as he remembered the recon he had been sent on. He looked over to Wagner and cleared his throat.

"While inside the temple I overheard the apes talk about the crystals. They said they needed it for the dark master's return." The mere mention of his name made Cynder whimper and Karson look depressed.

"Well then we need to tell this to Ignitus and get these crystals secured as soon as possible. I need to have a word with Colonel Dyke."

He walked off and found Dyke, as well as many other COs of other companies, talking with Ignitus and Volteer on the bridge. He saluted Dyke and he returned the salute.

"Sir, I was just informed by Spyro that the apes are using these crystals we recovered from the temple as a means to reawaken the dark master."

"Are you sure?" Ignitus asked.

"Yes. Spyro believes with 100 percent that that's what they want with these crystals."

"Well that's it then. Put those crystals inside the Archilles hold and place defensive parameters around the dragon temple effective immediately. Place phase lines with armored checkpoints and aid stations."

"Yes sir." With that Lt. Wagner went off back to the Karson's room. Ignitus caught up with him in the hallway.

"So lieutenant, do you know how many crystals they need in order to perform this?"

"No I do not. The only thing I know is that securing them should be our priority."

We'll have to take those temples one by one and place all of our remaining marines in defensive positions." By this time Ignitus and Wagner had arrived back at Karson's room. They saw Allison talking to Karson and Spyro and Cynder kissing each other. When they saw Wagner and Ignitus they jerked their heads back and turned red with embarrassment at the thought of Ignitus seeing them. Ignitus chuckled.

"Well Karson, I hope you will have a full recovery." Ignitus said.

"It's amazing that you were actually fighting in your state. You should have been unconscious that whole time according to the doctor."

Karson looked up at him and smiled.

"Well I don't know either. So what's going on?"

"Dyke wants us to put those crystals inside the Archilles hold until we figure out just how the apes want to use them. He also wants us to put up defense lines in order to defend the temple and the Archilles." Karson got off the bed slowly.

"I have to help..." He fell to the floor as his leg shot out a burst of pain.

"Oh, no. You are not going anywhere with your wounds. You should be resting right now." Allison said helping him up. He sighed and slowly got back on the bed. Spyro and Cynder both chuckled and they rubbed their muzzles together in love. Wagner chuckled to himself.

"You know, you two are just as bad a state as Karson is. You'll should be asleep and resting." They looked up at him and they once again rubbed muzzles together.

"Maybe we should give these two some alone time." Ignitus said and he and Wagner left the room. Spyro and Cynder smiled and kissed. Allison and Karson smiled and looked at each other.

"Its good to have you back." Allison said looking at Karson.

"It's good to be back." Karson looked in Allison's eyes and they were thinking the same thing. They too locked into a kiss.

Spyro and Cynder finally got up and decided to leave Karson and Allison to themselves. They walked off and adventured into the depths of the Archilles. They saw Volteer talking to some of the engineers and saw many marines walking the halls. After much exploring they came into a hanger bay with two UERNF Ravens in it. The room was big compared to them. They looked out into the open air-lock and they took flight into the sunny afternoon. They flew high in the sky taking in the sights. Spyro looked at Cynder and admired her. She was so perfect and so delicate. He wouldn't let anything happen to her. She was thinking the same thing.

After a little bit of flying they saw how the marine defense grid was set up. They had two central phase lines; one was positioned at the base of the temple and a few dozen yards up on the cliff overlooking the central entrance. The other was positioned half a mile outwards. In between they had what Wagner referred to as "artillery", tanks, a few aid stations positioned in key areas. They had jeeps going to and fro and driving along the defenses. They also saw several Nighthawks flying carrying tanks, jeeps and other weapons to the front.

Spyro and Cynder decided it would be best to stay within the UERMC defenses so they wouldn't be disturbed by enemy forces. They spotted the cave that they were at earlier. (The one where Spyro admitted his love for Cynder and where they found Karson) They touched down and walked inside. Cynder giggled and jumped on top of Spyro. He laughed and tacked Cynder in response. They wrestled for a bit until they got tired and laid down to rest. Cynder giggled as she hugged Spyro. He sighed as he felt her warm body against his chest. He felt something at his tail base. Like before, it was pleasurable instead of the stabbing pain that he used to feel. He felt a bulge and thought back to a conversation he had with Ignitus.

Ignitus had said that he would be going through some changes in the upcoming months. He would be preparing for adult hood. He didn't really understand what he meant back then, but know he was slowly realizing it. Realizing what it was, he tried with all his might to stop the bulge. He didn't want Cynder to think he was perverted and then she'd dump him.

Cynder was lying next to Spyro and sighed happily as she felt his strong, muscular chest. He is so small, yet strong, she thought. She felt a really good feeling at her tail base. She looked down and saw her sex swelling up. She got worried. Ignitus had told her a month ago that she would go through maturing that would prepare her for adulthood, and know she really began to understand. She tried to suppress this feeling so Spyro wouldn't notice. She didn't want him to think of her as a slut.

They both lay there trying to suppress their horniness when Cynder felt something brushing her belly. At the same time Spyro felt a liquid trickle onto his legs. They both looked at each other and blushed.

"Uh... Cynder I..."

"Spyro... I"

They looked into each others eyes and understood each other. They trust themselves into a long kiss. They both sat there enjoying each others love. They both let their tongues dance in each others mouth. By now, Spyro was fully erected and Cynder's swollen slit was waiting for it. During their cuddling, Spyro's member brushed her sex. They both moaned as the feeling rippled through them. Cynder wanted more, but she didn't want to intrude on Spyro. So, she did the only thing she could do: wait.

Spyro noticed that she liked it and wondered if he should do it again. Their eye's met and Spyro saw her non-verbal answer.

"Cynder... are you sure?" She continued to look into his eyes and not really knowing what to say herself, simply nodded. He let his dragon hood search for her sex and, looking into her eyes for confidence, began his first trust.

They both moaned loudly as pleasure rocketed through their bodies. Cynder visibly flinched as she was overwhelmed with this new feeling. Spyro slowly let his member slip out of her and she gasped for air. They looked into each others eyes once more.

"Please... more..." Was all Cynder could say before Spyro caught her in a loving kiss and he trust once more. His dragoon hood plummeted into her warm, moist depths and she once again was filled with that new feeling. He started to begin a rhythm. He started slow at first, and then slowly speed up. Cynder shuddered as her body went into a sweet feeling of love. She felt his member slip in and out of her, penetrating her with each new trust. Every time his cock slipped out, her juices went with it. Cynder felt something start to build up, but paid it no mind as she let her body concentrate on the pleasure she was receiving from her purple dragon.

Spyro was lost in the new feeling that he was receiving from this. He felt her juices gush onto his cock and he felt a large pressure building in his cock. He was completely lost as she began to groan as the pleasure shot through her.

"Oh... Spyro..."


They said each others names as he trust into her. They were completely lost in this new feeling. Spyro suddenly moaned loudly as he felt her juices gush out of her at once as she climaxed.


Cynder moaned loudly as she climaxed, releasing all of her juices in one go. Spyro shuddered as she climaxed. Her warm juices coated his member and gushed all over him. Because he was on top of her, most of the juices rushed down her chest and onto the cave floor. He felt the pressure in him suddenly explode. He roared as he let her have his climax. Cynder moaned as she felt his warm seed flow into her depths.

He slowly let his member slip out and he lay down next to her panting.

"Wow. That... was... great..." Cynder said in between breaths.

"Yea... It was..." He managed to say before she kissed him. They lay there basking in the after glow of their first mating. They finally broke the kiss and they both got up. They went to the river outside and got themselves cleaned up. They sat in the river scrubbing each other off and messaging each other. When they were done they walked back to the cave.

"Oh Cynder, I love you so much."

"Not as much as I do." And with that she kissed him on his cheek. Spyro lay next to her thinking. He finally gathered the courage and asked her.

"Cynder... uh would you..."

"Would I want?" Cynder searched her own thoughts to guess what he was asking her. She had a thought but she never thought that he would ask her.

"Would you... be my mate?" Cynder froze when he asked her that. She finally came to and looked him in the eyes. She smiled and tears filled her eyes.

"Oh Spyro, I would love to." She hugged him and he returned it. They lay there in the cave and they fell into a deep sleep.

End of chapter 7

I hope this was worth the wait for you guys. I was stuck on the part where Karson is being debriefed in the med bay for a long time. I couldn't think of anything to type! Well I managed to pull through just for you guys! Next chapter should be close to follow. I have Monday off so that's a relief. I can type that day!

Oh and if you haven't already noticed (or if they haven't approved it yet) I posted a picture for my series. Check it out.

Don't forget to leave comments!