Meeting the Death Stars Meeting Aaron (Chapter 1)

Story by Lestat on SoFurry

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A short story between a Wolf and Horse

Keywords: Series, Horse, Wolf, Story Series, M/M, Rock

Well this is my first story on Yiffstar. As well as my first ever story. I hope that you enjoy. Please comment on how you like it and make me aware of any spelling errors. All the characters are copy right by me. If I have infringed on any ones characters please let me know and I will change them.

I have edit this story and fixed some of the mistakes. Please feel free to make me aware of any that I might of missed.

I will spare you with the lengthy disclaimer. This story contains sex between consenting male furs, if this offends or disgusts you don?t read it. If you are under the age of 21 or 18 in some countries, don?t get caught. Enjoy

The Band


Lestat- Clydesdale 6" 4 27 years old

Aaron- Wolf Black 6"4 26 Years old

On my usual run through the wind-swept streets of my local town I would be consumed by my thoughts. Running was always an escapefor me from my often stressful job of working in a call centre of a large IT company. My other escape from the job would be to listen to music, especially metal, which I was listening to now. Ah yes Slayer, my favourite band of all time, rain in blood was the song currently playing on my MP3 player.

Now normally during this run I really wouldn't focus too much on anything, as I would keep my mind clear of too many thoughts. But at that moment as I was running I stopped in my tracks as I saw a large billboard. Now seeing as bill boards are nothing special, usually just some random advertising for some wonder drug or the latest car, I was surprised that this bill board was advertising a roadie position for a band. It read

"Roadie wanted must have own car, preferably a van or station wagon. An appreciation of metal and an open mind. If you think that you fit this bill call 2344 8898 and ask for Aaron"

"Wow" I said "Just the break I've been looking for to help me from going crazy after my stressful day at work. The only thing that had me perplexed was the open mind part. This I wasn't too sure about, but I thought what the hey, I'm not getting any younger.

I ran very quickly towards my house which was only a few clicks up the road, as I looked at my watch which reminded me that I only had half an hour to run home, take a shower and get ready to go to work. As I was running towards my house I kept thinking about what the advert meant by an open mind, but I always thought that I had an open mind for new ideas.

Once I got home I just remembered to write the number down of the band so that I could ring it at lunch time. After I jotted it down I quickly ran into the bathroom and peeled out of my running shorts and singlet top. Taking a look in the mirror as I was taking my boxers off, I couldn?t help but look at the handsome horse that was staring back at me. Now don?t get me wrong, I?m not what?s considered a ?love-o?, a person who loves themselves too much and just stares in the mirror. But I think that I scrub up pretty well with my stocky body with just enough muscles to look good in a tight shirt.

After looking in the mirror I quickly get into the shower and set the water to get the right temperature. When it?s the right temperature, I get under the shower and feel the water soothe my body from the rigors of the run. I slowly tip some shampoo onto my hands and start slowly lathering my arms and then my chest paying special attention to my brown nipples. I gently pinch them and feel a tingling sensation trough my body. I then slowly work my hands down my back and start to caress my round firm bum cheeks paying special attention to my tail hole as I flick my tail out of the way. I gently start to push first one finger in to my pink tail hole and withdraw it slowly, then two as I slowly build up a rhythm. I begin to lose myself in my moment of pleasure. My actions speed up, as my other free hand moves from pinching my nipples to grip my 15 inch rod which has come out of my sheath and is as hard as iron. I begin to mimic the actions of my other hand and stroke up and down my rod slowly at first but increasing my strokes until my hand is just a blur as I jack hammer at my rod. After about 2 minutes of this action I feel by mandarin-sized balls pull up close to my body as I shoot squirt after squirt of white sticky horse cum on the white tiled wall. I almost collapse from the sheer pleasure of the orgasm. My penis slowly recedes into my sheath as I finish rinsing off.

Once I have finished cumming, I pull my two fingers out of my hole and suck them off, enjoying the sweet musky taste of my tail hole. I then finish washing my nicely toned legs and then I rinse off; rather quickly as yet again I have been in the shower too long and only have about 15 minutes to get ready for work. As I step out of the shower, I get under the fur dryer and turn it on to a high setting, which only takes about 1 minute to get me dry. Since I only have a thin layer of chestnut coloured fur. I then proceed to brush my teeth and comb my shoulder length black hair, until it's neat. Then I wrap a towel around my waist and open walk into my room, where I pull on a clean pair of silk boxer shorts, some black dress pants and a plain blue business shirt. I then go to the kitchen where I pull out my lunch box and close the fridge and grab the hastily scribbled note with the band's phone number on it. I then proceed out of the house, grabbing my bag and car keys while I lock and close the door behind me. I walk to the garage and open the roller-door and get into my 1992 Volvo 240 wagon and reverse out of my garage. I then close the garage with the remote and head out to work.

The drive into work was un-eventful, the 35 kay trip only took me about 40 mins. This morning I pulled into work and parked my car in my space. I got out quickly and locked my car as I proceeded up the stairs to my office, where I put my lunch into the fridge. On the way back to my desk I nodded to a few of my colleagues who are mostly foxes and wolves. I sit down at my desk and log-into both my phone and PC and start the mind-blowing boring job of logging e-mails and logging calls. This takes me up until my lunch time. During which I can?t help to be excited about calling the band for the roadie gig.

"Ah finally lunch time" I say to no one in particular. I log of my pc and phone and head to the fridge to retrieve my lunch and make my way to the lunch room. In the lunch room I munch on my sandwiches and talk to some random furs, after finishing my lunch I go outside into the fresh air and start to walk. As I daydream, I remember that I had to do something. ?Ah? the roadie gig I thought to myself. I grab the scrunched up piece of paper and reach around my pockets to get my mobile phone, which I can?t find anywhere. "Damn" I think to myself I must have left it at home, so I go back into work and go into the quite room to make a phone call on one of the courtesy phones.

I dial the number and after three rings I hear a gruff voice "Speak to me"

"Yes, I'm not sure if I have the right number, but I am calling about the roadie position that you were advertising on the bill board around town?"

"Yes you sure have the right number" said the gruff voice

"If you are interested come to the Shefton Arms at 7 PM, tonight and ask the publican for Aaron, you got that?"

"Yes" I said.

"Aren't you gonna ask me any more questions as to what I've done?" I ask

"Nah, just as long as you're strong, like metal, can drink and have an open mind, you're good, plus there is a "test" and if you pass this test, you've got the gig"

"What test" I ask

"You'll just have to come and find out"

"OK, so the Shefton Arms at 7 tonight?" I repeat.


"Bye" I say


I still feel a bit confused as I hang up the phone. I don?t know exactly what this test will be, but I shrug it off and go back to my desk, logon and get back to work. Time passes rather quickly and before long its 5:30 and time for me to go home. I log of my pc and phone and shut the PC down and head to the car park. I get into my car and begin to drive home. I listen to music and tap nervously at my steering wheel, as I get stuck in traffic. I glance at the clock in my car and it says that its 6:15 PM, only 45 minutes to get there, but I begin to relax since I know that the pub is just a five minute walk from where I live.

I get home at 6:30 and park my car in the garage. I get out, close the garage and get the mail from my mail box and then I unlock the front door. I put my keys down on the counter and go to the kitchen where I fix myself up some food. Then I head to my room, where I put on my leather pants, studded belt and Slayer shirt. As I am about to leave, I remember to get my mobile which is next to my bed. I check the time and find out that it?s 6:50 PM. Just enough time I thought to myself, I grab my keys from the counter and lock the house. I step outside and breathe in the summertime air which is humid, but not too bad.

I begin my walk to the Shefton Arms while whistling some random Slayer tunes. As I get to the door I nod at the burly elephant that is doing security tonight. I notice that there is a board advertising that the Death Furs would be playing tomorrow night. Ah so that's my band I think to myself, as I head into the bar. I catch the eye of the publican who is a rather tall kangaroo.

"What cha' hav'n Lee-stat?" said Bruce the publican.

"The usual Bruce," I reply.

"Ok a pint of New, then right mate?"


"That'll be $4.50, sport"

"Ok, so what are the death furs like?" I ask

"Well they're something special", he winked at me

"What do you mean by special?" I asked rather puzzled

"Well there is a special test that all roadies have to go through, a kind of initiation before they can join the band, hah ha ha" laughed Bruce.

"What kind of initiation?"

"Well you have to find that out yourself"

"Oh, don?t tease me"

But before Bruce could answer, he had to attend to other customer in the pub, mostly working furs like dingoes, koalas and kangaroos. I sat down in front of the bar and slowly sipped my beer. I glanced at my watch and could see that it was 7:05 PM. Oh shit I think, I have to ask Bruce about Aaron. I whistle at Bruce who is washing some glasses in the sink. He comes over to me and I ask him about Aaron

"Oh Aaron he won't be here until about 7:30 since they don't play until 8:00 PM tomorrow, and he usually comes in this time to relax"


"So would you like another drink, while you wait on Aaron?"

"Sure, why not"

"OK, $4.50"

"Here you are, I say handing over a five dollar note and keep the change" I wink at him.

Bruce goes to get another pint for me while I look around at all the furs sitting at the bar drinking. Bruce comes back after a minute with my new drink, while I hand him my old one. I slowly sip at my beer and glance at my watch; it?s now 7:29. Not too long I think to myself. Just as that thought has entered my mind I see a black wolf walk towards the bar area and orders a drink. I am quite intrigued by his looks, he is tall, just my height I think, quite muscular and oh those blue eyes, what a god, I think. I get a bit hot under the collar as he approaches me and sits on the stool next to me and takes a sip.

I can't keep my eyes of this beautiful creature, he just sits there and stares into his drink not really paying any attention to me. I contemplate whether I should talk to him, but since I am the shy type I just try and send him some subliminal messages so that he would look towards me. I get lost in my thoughts and almost forget that I came here to meet Aaron, who I haven?t met before, so I couldn't figure what he looked like. I still couldn't keep my eyes of that sexy wolf who was sitting next to me, but he didn't even seem to recognize me.

With a sigh I clicked my fingers towards Bruce who came up to the bar and asked

"Another drink?"


"I was just wondering where this Aaron is that I am supposed to meet, it's already nearly eight and there is still no sign of him"

"Well you don?t have to look too far" said Bruce with a wink. ?He?s right next to you?

As if on cue the sexy wolf sitting next to me looked up from his drink and said ?That?s right?

I must of looked funny as my jaw dropped as I started to blush.

"What's the matter, never seen a wolf before Mate?" he said with a gruff, yet sexy voice.

"Ah..Y Y..Yessss" I started to stutter much to Bruce's amusement

"Well, are you gonna just stare and stutter or are you going to introduce yourself?" He asked

"Yes I'm Lestat" I said offering him a shaky hand.

"Well I am as you've figured Aaron, one member of the "Death Furs" he said taking my hand with a firm grip.

I took his and gave him a firm hand shake in response.

"Well I have to see what you can do, just let me finish my drink and we?ll head of to our practice room where you will meet the rest of the band and go through the 'test', Ok"

"Ok" I say as I quickly finish my drink with a big gulp.

"You ready to go?" Says Aaron


I follow him out of the pub and we talk about our likes and dislikes, things that we have done in the past. I can?t help but be attracted to his blue eyes, it seems as if they can see into my soul. I begin to blush as I begin to feel aroused and thoughts being to enter my mind about what he would look like without clothes on.

We walk down the main street for about 2 mins while we walk to the industrial area, as we approach a factory unit I notice that there is a Nissan Skyline, Honda S2000 and a jet black Volvo S60 R parked outside the unit.

"Wow" I say as my jaw drops

"Who owns all these beauties ?" I ask

"Well, take a guess which ones mine?" Aaron asks

"Skyline" I say a bit disappointedly

"No wrong" Aarons smirks, "It?s actually the S60R"

What a dream come true, I think to myself. Not only handsome but likes the same cars as myself. I wonder if he likes males. Nah who am I kidding. He can?t possibly be bi or gay could he?

"Shall go in then?" I am snapped out of my daze by Aaron.


We walk towards a door at the side of the factory unit and we walk into large room which is nicely furnished with a pool table in one corner, a dart board next to it and a large 70 Inch TV takes up ones entire wall. The rest of the room is filled two large leather sofas.

"Sit down and relax, while I go talk to the other band members" Says Aaron.


I glimpse at Aaron?s firm bum as he walks past me and into a door opposite of the TV. I think to myself, if only I can get into those pants. We can all dream, no? As I sit there and just think how I can get past my shyness and fear of homophobes to ask him out. My train of thought is interrupted as the lights suddenly go out and I can hear a door opening and the sound of footpads on the floor. My heart rate increases as I ponder what is happening.

Before I can further contemplate what is happening, the lights come on and standing right in front of me is Aaron who is looking at me with lust in his eyes. I can smell his arousal quite strongly. It's a smell that I quite like, since it smells earthly, with a mixture of pine needles, a bit of sweat and a smell unique to wolves. This is just too much, I think to myself as I can feel my leather pants get tighter, my rod getting bigger and bigger.

"Are you ready for the test?" Aaron asks suggestively

"What yy..ou have in mind?"

"Well the test involves a test of manhood" Aaron winks at me while, he slowly dose a seductive strip-tease. He starts with his shirt, I marvel at his well toned muscles. Then he slowly turns facing away from me while he takes his jeans off, revealing a nice firm arse, which just makes me drool. I notice that he is wearing a black g-string which gets lost against his black fur, appearing as if he?s naked.

He then turns slow to face me while taking a few steps towards me and asks

"Like what you see stud?"

"Yeah, how did you know, that I was um, you know bi?"

"Well, it was quite easy to spot, as you can?t keep your eyes off me. And I just couldn't resist having a taste of you"

"Well come over here sexy, so that the big bad horsey can play"

"OK, but like I said I want to taste you"

With that he literally jumped on to my lap, no doubt felling my ragging cock straining against my tight pants.

"Wow is that for me?" asks Aaron as he stats sliding up and down my cock.

"Yes it sure is"

"Why don't you unwrap it and see for yourself?"

Without any hesitation, Aaron undoes my pants and sees the top of my ragging hard on straining out of its silky prison. With another quick tug, he has my shirt over my head, as I help him by lifting my arms above my head so that he can take my shirt off. With his hands he slow pinches my nipples, and he slowly slides his paws down my fur, making me tingly all over. As he slowly reaches for my tight boxers and pulls them down, I lift my feet so that he can slowly slide them of my legs. He throws them to the side and watches with bewilderment at how big I am, as at the moment I am only partly erect.

"Amazing, let's" see if more will come out shall we?"

After he says this he wastes no time as he slowly takes a tentative lick at the top of my rod and exclaims ?Not bad? as he takes about 3 inches into his muzzle. With his right hand he slow starts to stroke my balls while with his free hand he starts to slowly stroke my length. He slowly builds up a rhythm as he first slowly, teasingly and then rapidly begins to pump my rod while he takes more and more of my cock, as I feel my tip reach the back of his throat. At this stage he has managed to stuff about 7 inches of my rod in his mouth. I do my up most to hold back the impeding orgasm that I can feel coming, as my balls tightly pull up closer to my body.

"Fuck I am gonna cum" I manage to groan as the first of my cum sprays the back of his throat. Wave after wave of my horse cum sprays partly into his stomach as he tries to drink as much as he can. But he can?t finish fast enough, as the cum begins to leak out of his mouth and leak out all over the sofa. As I slow come down from my orgasm, I almost see stars, as I haven?t come this hard in all my life.

"That was fucking amazing" I say as I bask in the afterglow.

"That was only the entree, wait for the main course" he says with a smile as he begins to gently lick all the cum from the tip of my penis. After he finishes he just smiles and says

"I've seen yours, now time to see mine!" He grins as he stands up and turns away from me and slow pulls down his black G-string. I am greeted by the most perfectly round buns that I have seen. He kicks the g-string off and turns towards me, I can only salivate over his nice 8 inch red cock and his low set balls. Wow I think to myself.

"Well now to business, you sexy stud"

He walks towards me and straddles my waist and begins to rub backwards and forwards over my slowly hardening cock.Once he has got me hard enough, he lifts himself up and slowly lowers himself over my head and I begin to push in to the tight confines of his tail hole. He slowly builds up a rhythm. Slowly at first, then faster. I begin to match his thrusts as I pull almost all the way out and then back in. With my hands I grab his cock and start to pump away at his cock, while I tease his fist sized knot. I am in absolute heaven as I lose all sense of time and space.

This motion of me pounding his ass starts to take a toll as I feel my cock hitting his prostate, which sends him moaning more and more. I begin to fight my own orgasm as I slowly feel my balls move closer to my body. At this moment in time we are both moaning and I can feel his impending orgasm as his cock gets as hard as steel and he begins to squirt lots of cum about 5 feet into the air. This is enough to send me over the edge as I feel my cock get clamped by his mussels. I flare and grunt as I send volumes upon volumes of cum into his arse, which begins to spill out of his tail hole. After what seems like hours, me both stop squirting and just looking into each other?s eyes, not wanting to look anywhere else.

"That was intense" said Aaron

"Yeah, but I loved every minute of it"

"So do I get the job?? I ask

"Yes sexy and I think that you got more than just the job, I think that you have gained a soul mate as well. Where have you been all of these years?"

" Searching for you I guess"

"So when do I get to meet the rest of the gang?"

"All in due time, for now we rest."

"Sounds good enough to me"

We both kiss and say our good nights as we both drift off to sleep.

The End? Maybe

Well, how did I do? Please comment. I am open to suggestions.

Cheers Lestat.