The One Who Stole The Heart Of A God

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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The One Who Stole The Heart Of A God

By: Rakuen Growlithe

Disclaimer: Pokemon is not owned by me. Basic story concept requested by Shiguya. Story written and characters created by me.

AN: There will be a picture released for this story. Once the picture has been approved I'll link the picture and story together. Thanks to Keita for betaing this story.

I have met many pokemon in my lifetime. Most of them, for varying reasons, have gradually faded out of my life yet some have remained by my side for years and, I sincerely hope, will continue to stay with me and continue to enrich my life. One of the pokemon that belong to the latter category came to me completely by chance and eventually came to be my loving mate.

That is an encounter that will always remained in my mind, as vivid as when it first occurred and each time I revisit the memories of those weeks my heart is pulled at by various emotional strings, everything from pity, compassion and hatred to love.

My territory lies at the foot of a great mountain range. Most of the ground is contorted into hills and cliffs that became steeper and rockier as you approach the mountain, at which my territory ends and the land becomes home to a family of absol.

My den is concealed close to the border of my territory where floods off of the mountain have carved deep gullies that are in places blocked off by large boulders or razor-sharp slivers of stone. As I said the area was formed by floods and it still does at times in the rainy season yet the family of absol have never before failed to warn me and in exchange I occasionally offer them food that I have collected.

My food all comes from the opposite side of my territory where the fertile hills are covered with grass, trees and bushes that sag with the weight of their berries; I usually ignore them and focus on the various pokemon those berries attract.

To keep my home I have to patrol and reinforce the border marks regularly and it is on one such an excursion that my story truly begins.

I was sitting on a rock, trying to comb out an annoying collection of burrs that had got caught in my fluffy fur, after I had slipped and completed a rather undignified landing with my butt up in the air and my front stuck in a bush, when I heard the voice of a female human.

"Well I'm afraid no one's going to want to trade for a pathetic excuse of a pokemon like you. Don't look at me like that!"

I heard a dull thud, followed by a yelp before the voice continued, laced with scorn and superiority.

"It's your own fault, you little worm. You can't blame me because Incinerator has a bigger cock than you do. You were a poor excuse of a male anyway."

Another yelp.

"Just be glad I'm letting you live. You don't deserve it."

A woman, astride a fearow, flew up a short distance in front of me. I watched her soar until she became nothing more than a speck then ran to where I had estimated her take-off point.

I immediately saw what the trainer had been talking to; a small, male vaporeon whose skin was a mottled blue from bruises. He didn't seem to notice me as I approached him for he was staring intently up at the sky, resting his head upon his thin forelegs. Once I was up close to him I could hear that he was whimpering softly to himself.

"Hello," I said gently, trying not to startle him, "Are you okay?"

He turned his mournful face to me, all his movements drawn out as if he were completely exhausted. The vaporeon looked at me through his dull, black eyes then turned away and went back to staring up at the sky. I didn't want to just leave him there but no matter what I did he wouldn't talk to me or communicate in any way. So, after trying for quite a while, I left him there and continued patrolling the border of my territory, vowing to come back at the end of the day and check on him.

The sun was setting when I returned to where I had first encountered the vaporeon and I found that he was still lying there. His blue skin seemed almost grey now and his eyes were closed. My first fear was that he was dead, having been too weak to survive the day; especially as I could find no evidence that he had eaten or drunk anything during the time in which I was away. When I came closer, however, it became apparent that he was still breathing, albeit dangerously shallowly.

"You can't stay here," I told him, "It's not safe. Can you here me?"

I nudged his cheek with my nose; his head rolled to the side without any resistance, feeling warm to the touch.

That left me with a conundrum; should I help him or not? On the one paw, even if I took him in it was unlikely that he would survive and I would have to care for him as he slowly died. But then again I had already involved myself and couldn't just leave a fellow eon to die. Deciding I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I did nothing I squirmed underneath him, picking his limp body up on my shoulders and began to carry him home.

The next day caring for the vaporeon forced me to ignore my usual duties and instead focus on him. Luckily I had recently killed a stantler, a rare catch, stripped its meat and dried the strips out with my fire. I knew the dried meat would last me a while, perhaps even a whole week; less if the vaporeon woke up but at the moment I was eating the meat myself and foraging for a few berries as they were easier to feed to the unconscious vaporeon.

I was most worried about providing enough water for my charge. As a fire pokemon I require vey little water; vaporeon, however, a water pokemon, requires substantially more. Apart from the seasonal floods my territory is almost all dry and there's only one stream with any reliability. As would be the case it's quite a distance away from my den and there was no way I'd manage to carry the vaporeon all the way to it and back again every day. I stayed up most of the night trying to think up a solution, the ideas becoming more and more ridiculous until I was almost convinced there was nothing I could do when I finally stumbled across the idea. I usually discard my prey's skeleton in around the same area each time I make a kill. I went there and selected a couple of skulls, threading them along a rib bone through the eye sockets and used them to carry a load of water for the injured vaporeon.

The recently-abandoned vaporeon woke up near the end of the first day. I was resting, having just returned with another set of skulls full of water, when I saw him start to squirm before he rose to his feet with a low groan.

"Hello. How do you feel?" I asked softly, not trying to startle him.

At the sound of my voice he spun around rapidly, his eyes darting all over the dimly-lit cave to try and find me.

"I'm here," I stated, stepping forward to reveal my position.

The vaporeon slunk back, his body dropping low but it was easy to see he was tense.

"Wh...where am I?" he trembled, "Where's Mistress?"

"You mean the human you were with?" I asked, "She abandoned you. She's long gone."

"No!" he barked, "Mistress wouldn't abandon me! She's waiting for me!"

I was surprised by how fiercely he said it all, actually taking a step back as he growled. Then, while I was still shocked he darted past me and out of the cave.

"Wait!" I called after him, "You've not fully recovered."

He paid me no heed as he raced over the surrounding, grey rocks. I sighed but followed after him. I still felt responsible for his safety.

Surprisingly the vaporeon made it right to the spot where he had been abandoned the previous day. I hung back a bit as he went back to where he had originally passed out and sat down.

"Where's she gone?" I asked, walking up next to him and lying down.

I could feel the warm ground through my fur even as the air chilled with the approach of nightfall.

"I don't know," he replied, "But... she'll come back. She won't leave me. She knows what she's doing. That's all that matters."

I continued to try and find out what I could, "Does she often leave you?"

The vaporeon's head drooped slightly as he answered, "No... But she makes her own rules. I just have to obey them."

I looked over at him sadly. I'd always lived alone, obeying my own rules. That was the only way to live and I couldn't imagine how he could say he only needed to obey the rules that some human set out for him; it made my fur bristle.

"What if you don't obey the rules? Is that how you got those bruises?" I inquired, referring to the dark purple blotches that marred the smooth blue of his skin.

"They were my own fault. I deserved to be punished."

I growled, "That's no reason to be beaten."

He gave an angry snort, turning away from me, and refused to answer any more questions so I decided to get comfortable and wait.

We lay together, waiting, for a long while. He said nothing and when I left for a few minutes and came back with a mouthful of berries that I'd collected he refused to take any. So I waited longer, watching as my shadow grew longer too until it was five times as long as I was.

"My mother used to say that my fur reminded her of the sunset," I recollected.

In front of us the sun was slowly vanishing beyond the horizon. The centre was a ball of bright yellow fire, ringed by a cloud of deep red that expanded to consume the sky, gradually darkening to deep blue above us and inky blackness behind.

The vaporeon was still silent but I sensed something inside of him change and decided to press it now, unless I was going to have to spend the entire night out here.

"She was a flareon herself, and my father. That's why I became one."

I kept watch on him out of the corner of my eye.

"She was pretty scruffy," I recalled with a chuckle, "And tough. And blunt. Do you know what she did to me?"

The vaporeon shook his head slightly.

"While I was still an eevee she asked me if I knew what birds do to their chicks to teach them to fly. I said I didn't. She told me they would watch them until they saw that they were old enough and strong enough to fly and survive alone. When that happens the parents kick them out of the nest and the chicks either learn to fly or fall to the ground, and are usually eaten. She said you could only really learn something by trying it and there was nothing more important to know than how to survive. She then said I was strong enough to survive and I had to leave. When I said I didn't want to she attacked me until I was forced to run away. I tried to go back once or twice but it wasn't until I'd spent a year alone that she let me come and spend time with her again."

The tip of the sun disappeared from sight and everything seemed to be plunged into darkness. There was a tiny strip of glowing sky still clinging to the end of the earth but the stars were no twinkling above us, shooing the light away.

"I... I don't remember my mother," the vaporeon admitted.

I shuffled to the side, up against the shadow that I knew was him. He tensed up at first but eventually leant his slight frame into my fur.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I d...don't have a name..." he admitted.


He shook his head then added, "Sometimes I'd be referred to as Poseidon... But only when there were strangers around."

"Do you like that name?"

"...I guess."

I gave his smooth cheek a friendly nuzzle, "Okay, Poseidon. My name is Prometheus. Now let's go to my cave for the night."

He gave a low whine, "But Mistress...."

"She needs to rest as well. I'll bring you back tomorrow," I said, trying to convince him to come, "Now get up. We're going."

He sighed but nodded his head and stood up. I led him through the darkness to my cave again.

When the growing light of the dawn woke me I found Poseidon fidgeting at the mouth of the cave. He kept glancing from the outside back to me, occasionally darting out a bit before returning, as if he were chained to something.

"Can we go wait?" he asked me with a whine.

"No," I replied, "You've got to eat first."

I watched his whole body seem to grow limp as I told him he couldn't go and wait for his trainer yet but he didn't try to leave and instead gave a small nod.

"Would you prefer meat or berries?" I asked.

"M-me?" he stammered in surprise.

"Yeah," I confirmed, "Who else?"

"I d-don't know... Whichever's easier for you."

"I don't mind. You can choose."

He kept going lower as he spoke, rebuffing my offers of letting him decide what to eat. When he was literally lying down I finally gave in and said that we'd both have meat. I took a few of the dried strips of stantler flesh and shared it out between the two of us. Once we had both eaten he thanked me and asked to go to where he thought his trainer would return to pick him up. I made sure he knew the way and then let him go while I took my collection of skulls down to the river to get some water for him.

It took me a while to travel to and from the stream, collect the water and then walk over to where I knew Poseidon would be patiently waiting for his mistress who would never come. I felt sorry for him; I knew what it was like to have someone so close to you taken away suddenly, although I couldn't comprehend how he could miss her after all the abuse she had obviously vented on him. I lived by my own rules and enjoyed it. It was tough to keep my territory alone, even more so if I got sick or hurt myself but I couldn't see myself living under another's rules, even if it made life easier.

I was completely unprepared for what greeted me when I arrived at the spot where Poseidon had been abandoned. I thought I would find him staring off into the distance but instead the small vaporeon practically pounced on me, his gentle blue face streaked with tears.

"Sh-she's really not c-coming back is she?" he asked, his body shaking against mine with his sobs.

I wrapped a paw around him and pulled him closer, not sure what I could do for him.

"No," I answered, shaking my head, "You're going to have to learn to be your own pokemon."

"I c-can't. I'm meant to serve her. That's why I exist. She told me! She can't just leave me here!"

"Shhh," I said, nuzzling against his smooth neck, "You need to quieten down. It's okay."

"No it isn't! I'm all alone. I can't survive alone... Why would Mistress do this to me? I always tried to be good. I wanted her to be happy!" he cried.

"She is happy, don't worry about that. She wasn't good to you. She didn't have to hit you and you're not alone. I'm here. I can look after you. I'll help you survive."

It took a long time to finally quiet Poseidon and lead him back to my den. I felt sorry for him but also angry. He was upset that he'd been abandoned and blamed himself when he should have been angry at his trainer. She had wrecked him, his body and his mind. I didn't want him to keep blaming himself but I doubted there was much I could do for him unless he could shake off his guilt.

After he realised that his trainer was never coming back for him, Poseidon slipped into depression. He curled up in the back of my den and lay there all day and all night. He ate and drank when I brought him nourishment but other than that he almost never moved. I had no choice but to keep monitoring my territory so I was gone most of the day, even more so than normal as I had to also get him a regular supply of water. The whole, long routine began to wear me down, leaving me with very little energy and a short temper.

"I'm thirsty," whined Poseidon, when I got home one evening.

"You know where the water is," I growled.

My paws were aching and I'd stumbled more than once during my patrol. I lifted my paw and used my teeth to pull out a thorn that had become impaled in one of my toe pads. I winced as it came free and spat it out my mouth, lying back and just wanting to sleep.

"It's all empty," came Poseidon's voice, from elsewhere in the den, "You have to go and get some more."

At that point I'd really had it with him. I was so exhausted I was starting to get injured from just walking around. All he did was lie around and moan to himself about how unfair life was while I had to maintain a territory, catch food for two pokemon and go and fetch him water! I leaped at the blue, smaller pokemon and tackled him. He gave a yelp as my teeth scored his skin and sent him scurrying outside. I then picked up the skulls I used to fetch water and tossed them out with him.

"I don't have to do anything! I'm letting you stay in my den, in my territory and feeding you! You had better not start your prissy-arse whining about what I have to do! The river's off in that direction!" I snarled, snorting as I indicated the location with my head, "Go get it yourself! I'm sick of waiting on you! And you had better have a bloody-good apology by the time you return!"

He whimpered softly as I glared at him from inside the cave, my fur bristling angrily and rising and falling with my heavy breathes. I watched as he threaded the skulls on a stick and went off to find water, his long, thick tail dragging along the ground. Vaguely I noted that his bruises were healing and he was looking better but by then I was almost seeing double as I collapsed on my side and gladly lost track of the real world.

When I awoke the next morning I was feeling better than I had in a while, not doubt the result of not having to complete the long trek to the river the previous night. For a second I thought I had chased the vaporeon off when I didn't see him in the cave but then I spotted Poseidon lying, curled-up, just outside the den with the water-filled skulls next to him. Now that I wasn't as exhausted as I had been when I'd yelled at him I felt a bit bad about it and went over to apologise. I smiled as I stood next to him, taking the chance to look over him in the dawn sun. His bruises had healed and now, instead of being blotched, his skin was a single, healthy, blue tone all along his streamlined figure. He also looked incredibly cute asleep and slightly exotic with his complement of fins. It was then that I felt my first attachment to him, the first that was more than just a desire to protect and look after him. I found myself wondering how his body tasted and how it would feel tightly pressed against my fur. It was an odd feeling but after seeing a few cubs in my time I had no desire to father my own and Poseidon, whether due to his past or breeding, had the slight build of a female and for just a minute I saw him as one.

Poseidon must have eventually detected my presence because he stirred, curling tighter and giving off a near-silent moan, before yawning and opening his eyes. As soon as he saw me he gave a surprised meep and scrambled onto his feet and backed away, his body held low and his eyes averted.

"Hey," I greeted him quietly, feeling a bit bad at how scared he looked.

"I'm sorry I was being a problem," he apologised suddenly, continuing before I had a chance to respond, "and I'm sorry I was whining at you. I won't be a problem anymore so please don't kick me out. I'll be good and fetch my own water, I can even catch you fish if you want and sleep outside."

I glanced at the skulls and saw there was indeed a fish there, although it was small and seemed rather torn up, probably because Poseidon had no experience with catching prey.

When he started to whine and began to nuzzle against my paws I managed to interrupt him, "It's alright. I'm not kicking you out. I was tired and irritable yesterday. Let's just have breakfast and then we can talk."

He nodded and sat up in front of me, his long tail curling around his paws and encircling him.

After that my life became a lot easier. Poseidon would do whatever I told him and although I tried not to use that too often I have to admit I probably did sometimes abuse that power. He was no longer stuck in his depression either, maybe because he was now getting out and doing stuff to get his mind off of his trainer. I went back to my schedule and regained my strength quickly as he fetched his own water, usually staying most of the day at the river trying to catch fish. He didn't catch much but when he did it meant I could relax and not worry about food the next day.

Poseidon's new regimen had him spending a great deal of time either walking or swimming and the constant exercise began to show on his body. He didn't get much bigger but his muscles did become more defined and his rubber-like skin would shine and ripple beautifully in the sun. My own walks used to have me talking idly to the trees and rocks in my land but now I was having trouble getting the vaporeon out of my head. I wanted to make some sort of move on him, badly, but I had no idea how he would feel about it and scaring him off was the last thing that I wanted to happen, so I kept a bit of distance between us and just watched him closely every morning and evening.

"Would you like to come and patrol with me?" I asked Poseidon one morning.

He squirmed slightly. He still seemed uncomfortable whenever I asked his opinion.

"You want me to go with you?" he asked quietly.

I nodded, "We have some spare food and we can get water later. One day won't be a problem. It is a long trip though and it can get very hot and dry out there. But if you think you can do it I'll be glad to have you come with me."

"A-alright," he replied, "I'll go with you."

I smiled, a warm feeling spreading through me at the idea of spending the whole day with my secret crush. He first went to the skull bowls and lifted a leaf off of an upside-down raticate skull and lapped up some of the clear water inside before he came to the mouth of the cave.

I gave him a comforting nuzzle, murring silently in my head, "Let's go."

I was surprised Poseidon could keep up as well as he did but it seemed as though the swimming had got his fitness up to an acceptable level for a wild pokemon. The worst part of the trip was when we passed the spot where he had been abandoned. I can't believe I didn't think to take a different path. Poseidon became obviously muted and slowed down as we passed the spot. I did ask if anything was wrong but he said that he was fine and just continued. I didn't press the issue and he soon perked up again. We got back to the den earlier than I usually did, since I shortened the trip for Poseidon, and went to the river together, arriving back before the sun had set.

"Was the walk okay?" I asked when we were nearing the end of our dinner.

We were both eating fish that Poseidon had caught. These were properly killed and good specimens. It made me glad to know that he'd managed to teach himself to fish because there was no way that I would have been able to teach him. I doubt I can even swim at all.

"It was fine," he answered, tearing the white flesh of the fish off of the ribs, "Very dry though."

I chuckled, "That's what it's like here. Hot and dry, at least until the rains. Then we'll have to find somewhere else to stay or we'd be swept away."

He nodded and pushed his fish away with his forepaws, "I'm done."

"Me too," I said, doing the same, "It was very nice. Thank you."

He blushed, his blue cheeks tinting red ever so slightly, "It was nothing."

I got up, and walked over to him. He watched me through his large, black eyes, rolling onto his back as I came right up to him. I stepped over him, straddling his toned body, suppressing a gasp as he seemed to slide up between my legs.

"You've got some fish on your muzzle," I said, reaching down to his muzzle with my own.

He flinched as my nose touched his cheek but I stayed there until he seemed quiet and then extended my pink tongue and began to clean around his maw. I murred softly as I got my first taste of him when my tongue slid smoothly over his skin. I cleaned the flecks of fish quickly but lingered on him. My body just wanted to press against him and take him but I couldn't. I gulped and climbed off of him.

"It's late," I said, walking into the deepest corner of my den, "I'll see you in the morning."

In the fading light I couldn't see Poseidon's face anymore but I could hear him breathing irregularly and he hadn't moved by the time I fell asleep.

I woke up very early, something I had become used to now. I glanced around the dark cave, barely making out the shadow of Poseidon curled up on the other end of the cave. My heart was already beating fast and I curled tightly into a ball, letting my hot tongue, the same one that had tasted the sexy water-type in my den, reach out to touch the tip of my engorged cock. I murred silently, closing my eyes, unneeded in the dark anyway, and imaging that it was Poseidon's tongue I was feeling. I gave a shiver of pleasure and tasted a bead of my own pre leak out onto my tongue.

A whimper from Poseidon brought my head up from my crotch instantly, my heart beating wildly as I looked around. He was moaning to himself as he rolled around where he was sleeping.

"No... Please... I didn't mean to do it," he whined to some individual in his dream.

He yipped and winced at other occurrences only visible to himself. This went on for a few minutes before with a loud cry he leapt to his feet, panting hard and skittishly looking around.

I lay as still as possible, waiting for Poseidon to fall asleep again but it didn't happen. He walked over to me and nudged my neck gently.

"Prometheus," he whispered, "Are you awake."

I didn't answer and he nudged harder, "Please wake up."

I mumbled a bit, pretending to wake up, "What is it?"

"I... I had a... a bad dream. May I sleep with you? Please."

I sighed and mumbled my consent. Inside, I was wide awake, my heart felt like it would explode with the thrill of sleeping with him and I was desperately trying to force my erection to disappear. I could feel it harder than ever up against my belly and a growing feeling of dampness in the fur.

Poseidon walked around to my front and curled up there, leaning his head against my chest fluff. I awkwardly tried to wrap my forelegs around him but he took it as an invitation to get even closer and snuggled up right against my front. My eyes went wide as his smooth, sexy rear rubbed up against my cock and released a good splurge of pre-cum on him. He yipped in surprise and jumped away. I had never felt so bad in my life.

"I... I'm..." I started to apologise.

"It's alright," he assured me, nuzzling up against my face, "I shouldn't have gone up against you like that."

I was taken aback by his response. I was perving over another male's body and he was apologising for making me!

"No, it's my fault," I insisted, "I shouldn't have been thinking of you like that..."

I heard Poseidon meep, "Y-you were thinking of me?"

I wished then that I hadn't said that. He hadn't realised I was attracted to him and now I had probably ruined our relationship for ever.

"N-no one ever thought I was good for anything," he stammered, nuzzling up between my paws.

I was so shocked that it took me a while to finally respond, "You're not... you're not angry with me?"

He shook his head, nuzzling into my chest and I held him with my paws. I felt something wet on my fur from him and I realised that he was crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

I was too far in now to gain anything by holding back so I gave him a loving lick up his head fin.

"My trainer w-would rape me..." he admitted, "But she never felt anything for me. I-it was just because she c-couldn't g-get any boys. No one ever cared for me."

"I do," I promised him, hugging him tightly to me, "I think... I think I love you..."

"You mean it?" he sniffed.

"With everything I have," I answered.

He wriggled out of my paws and I could feel him nuzzling down my front till I could feel his breath passing blissfully over my erection.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked.

"Please let me suck you," he asked, "I'll do my best."

"You don't have to," I told him, "I don't want to make you. I'm not like your trainer."

He shook his head, "I know. But I want to."

I panted eagerly, this was my deepest desire, to feel Poseidon's muzzle slowly engulf my cock and if he really wanted it I would certainly not deny him.

"I'd love it," I answered, rolling more on my back and spreading my hind legs apart for his ease.

I groaned as Poseidon's smooth tongue began to lap over the engorged heard of my cock, sending tiny sparks of pleasure down my rod and throughout my entire body. The small vaporeon went to work efficiently at my groin, his tongue lapping over the head and then down the rest of the shaft, curling around it and coating it in a slippery layer of saliva. It was the first time I had ever had another pokemon pleasure me and it felt great as his tongue rubbed over my sensitive sexual organ, each contact causing my rigid dick to tighten and jump in front of his face.

"Oh yeah," I moaned, curling my back until I was about to overbalance.

At that point Poseidon took the initiative to straddle my body, holding me down with his own weight. He pursed his lips against my cock hole, flicking his tongue out and teasing it until it dribbled out its nectar, which he sucked down as though it were ambrosia. I gasped, trying to squirm and push against him but finding myself trapped on my back under Poseidon. He moved his maw down my penis, his tight lips sliding firmly down my slippery skin and causing my tail to thrash in the darkness.

I threw my head back, moaning loudly, realising only as I bumped my nose against his thick tail that I should return the pleasure. I couldn't see what I was doing, only a fuzzy grey shadow that I knew was my lover, and I had no clue what to do so I just lifted my head up, following his tail and lapping wildly when my lips pressed against skin. His arse and skin were all absent of fur and much thicker than my own skin but also incredibly smooth and tasted just as good as his face had earlier. I knew I had done well when Poseidon suddenly gulped on my cock, drawing out a spurt of pre and the thickening of the base of my cock. I gasped from the tightness and smoothness of his mouth and pushed my tongue past his muscular, anal ring, wriggling it in the tight confines of his rear.

Poseidon was now the one groaning lustfully. Each time his muzzle would vibrate delightfully around my dick until he slipped his mouth off. I whined sadly, pulling my tongue from his rear.

"Don't stop," I complained, "That felt brilliant!"

"I'm not," he answered, licking down my length to assure me.

He got into the mating position of a female flareon while still standing over me. With my head raised I now found his long, thick cock bumping my nose as it swung in front of my face, dripping thickly all over my fur. I eagerly opened my muzzle wide and sucked down as much of his cock as I could, gagging when it reached the back of my mouth and being forced to spit it out again.

"Slowly," giggled Poseidon, nuzzling the inside of my legs, sending a wave of pleasure that called forth a deep murr from my body.

He began to nibble my forming knot, making me twitch under him.

I took a breath to try and calm myself before taking Poseidon's large cock slowly into my mouth. I only managed to get about half in before I couldn't take any more but, from his loud murrs as I suckled on it, I knew I had enough.

Poseidon produced far more pre than I was used to. Almost constantly the watery fluid leaked out of the tip of his dick, filling my mouth with its taste until it began to dribble out of my mouth and run down my cheeks. I gulped down a lot of it, finding it a lot more watery and having far less taste than my own pre, which I was used to lapping up the past few nights.

While I sucked him, Poseidon was rubbing my knot between his paws and bobbing his head down my dick, his tongue twirling around it and even guiding it into the tight grip of his throat. As he continued his treatment I found myself nearly unable to suck him as the pleasure kept shooting from my dick and my face and chest began to get soaked with the sheer amount of pre he was leaking.

As he gave me one extra hard and protracted suck I was unable to hold back my climax any longer. I howled in pleasure, pushing his pre out of my mouth as I spasmed under the small vaporeon and shot out a few bursts of spicy, hot cum into his wonderful mouth. I could feel him knead my swollen knot with his feet as he gulped down my seed and licked my cock clean before climbing off of me.

"Lie down," I panted, "I want to finish you."

I struggled to my feet, nuzzling his legs apart before I went back to sucking at his juicy member. Within a few more sucks, Poseidon also orgasmed, firing out a constant, strong stream of cum into my muzzle. I couldn't handle the amount and fell back, getting the rest of his enormous load right in my face. I clenched my eyes tightly as I felt the thick cream running down my head and into my ears.

"Whoa..." I sighed, shaking my head and clearing off the loose drops of cum that hadn't soaked into my face fur, "That was so... it was incredible."

Poseidon murred as I praised him, "It was a pleasure."

I gave him a wet nuzzle, smearing cum onto his rubbery skin before cuddling up to him.

"Goodnight," I whispered.

"Goodnight," he replied.

I woke up the next morning feeling better than any morning I could remember. For a moment I wasn't sure why until I became aware of my surroundings, more specifically the smooth vaporeon pressed up close against me. I began to murr as I recollected what had transpired a few hours before, twitching as I found my face fur had stuck together and pulled when I tried to move.

My motions woke up Poseidon who murred guiltily when he saw me.

"Morning," I greeted, wincing from the pain my matted, face fur caused, "Sleep well?"

Poseidon nodded, "You?"

"Until my face started stinging," I told him.

His blue features flushed slightly and he began to lick my face, combing out the fur until it was as good as new.

"Um... I... I got to go patrol," I said suddenly, leaving quickly with Poseidon's surprised meep fading away behind me.

I didn't go on a proper patrol that time. I just wandered idly around my territory wondering what would happen now. I wasn't sure if I had just ruined whatever Poseidon and I had had or if he'd even be there when I got back. For all I knew he had just done it because he saw me as his alpha. I had told him I'd loved him but what did he say? I couldn't remember him saying that he loved me or anything about his feelings. What did I know about him really, he had escaped an abusive trainer and come to me and I had just done exactly what his trainer had done, hadn't I?

Most of that day, and a few after it, as well, were a blur. I don't remember speaking to Poseidon much and he almost never started a conversation. I knew I had to clear up everything between us and I wanted to be with him but I was too scared to talk to him. Eventually I resolved to try, I couldn't go on silently anymore and I had to know what he was thinking.

It was the evening when I saw Poseidon next. I cleared my throat to get his attention. Strangely enough when he turned to me, the same pokemon I'd been living with for weeks, I found it almost impossible to speak.

"I... I'd like to show you something, if you want to come."

"What is it?" he asked.

"It's a surprise," I said, "You'll like it."

He shuffled his feet a bit as he thought about it, "Okay."

I sighed in relief inside. If he had refused I don't know what would have happened. At least now he would hear what I wanted to say.

"Follow me," I instructed, leading him out of the den and up the mountainside.

It didn't take us very long to reach the very edge of my territory and the scent marks changed from my own familiar smell to that of the absol family. Nervously I gave a long, loud howl, hearing it echo through the mountain paths and reverberate of the many peaks. The only part of my plan I wasn't sure about was whether the absol would allow me into their territory. We were on fairly friendly terms and never bothered each other but a pokemon's territory is their territory. I wouldn't want them hunting on my lands and I know they didn't particularly want me on theirs.

"What are you waiting for?" asked Poseidon.

"Huh? To get permission to cross the border," I replied.


"Because this is where my territory ends and another pokemon's begins," I explained.

I'd forgotten that due to being raised by humans he wouldn't know about different pokemon's domains.

"If we go in without permission we will be attacked, but we are free to do anything in our own territory," I continued, surprised that I said our instead of my, "You mustn't leave my territory. It's not safe if you do. Just keep an eye out for signs, or smells, that mark the borders."

Poseidon nodded, jumping as the absols' answering howl came back. It was friendly, we could enter their territory.

"I was once chasing some prey when it ran out of my territory into here," I told Poseidon as we continued our trek, now in the absols' territory, "And I found something that I'm sure you'll enjoy."

"What is it?" he inquired, tilting his head in curiosity.

I smiled at him, "It's just around this bend. Go take a look."

He looked curiously at me before deciding to do it and he trotted forward. I heard him squeal happily as he found my surprise and it was followed by a small plop as the vaporeon dived into the water.

I had taken him to a large lake formed in a depression. It was also fed underneath by a spring and so was the source and year-round supply of water for the river that ran through my territory.

I stood on the cool bank, watching Poseidon diving through the black water, the ripples he caused shimmering in the moonlight.

Eventually, when Poseidon tired of the pool, we lay together under the stars.

"Are you cold?" I asked him.

The night wind was flowing down the mountainside, ruffling my thick fur but not penetrating it. I was concerned for Poseidon though, who had no fur and was wet from his swim.

"I'm okay," he assured me, "We're used to swimming in cold water."

I smiled, "Didn't know you had multiple personalities."

He shook his head, giggling slightly, "I meant vaporeon in general."

"Poseidon... I want to apologise for what happened the other night."

He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off before he started, "I'm very sorry. I shouldn't have done that to you. I was just like your trainer and I'm sorry for that. But, I did mean it when I said that I loved you and I know you probably don't 'cause I'm a guy but I won't ever do anything like that again if you don't want me to. I don't want you to leave and if you just want to be friends I'm happy with that. I just hope you can forgive me."

I had done it. I had told Poseidon everything I wanted to. Now all that was left was to see whether he would accept my apology and we could be friends again.

He got up with a sigh, shaking the water off his smooth skin and walked over to me.

"I can't accept your apology," he said, nudging my chin up with his nose as it fell, "because there is nothing for me to forgive. You didn't force me to do it, I wanted to do it. And you're nothing like my trainer; you cared for me. You took me in and looked after me when I was abandoned. I should be apologising that I never thanked you for it. If it wasn't for you taking me in I would have died out there. And... I can't say that I love you but I do care for you, a lot, and if you want me to I'll be happy to live with you. You're my only friend and I have no desire to leave."

He licked my face gently, and lay against my side, "I know it's not exactly what you want to hear but I don't want to lie to you. I've been lied to my whole life and I don't want to do that to you. You're far too important to me."

Important, but not his love... It was a lot better than I could have hoped for - yet somehow it still left me feeling empty.

Over the next few days things returned to normal and we began to talk a lot more. I was still sore that he didn't love me but he wasn't angry and wanted to be my friend so I had enough to go on. Even if he didn't love me I decided we were now a pack, in a way at least. I just felt that it was finally time to share my territory, my baby, the ground I had fought to claim and defended my entire adult life. There was no one I would rather share it with. So, the next day, I took Poseidon with me to mark the borders.

Poseidon and I walked along the long, invisible line that marked the boundaries of my domain. At regular intervals I paused to leave a mark; anything from a physical mark to a strong scent that would linger for a while.

"What do you think of my territory?" I asked as we wandered over the dusty ground.

"It's nice..." he answered.


"Personally, I'd have chosen somewhere with more water."

I smiled, "Just what I tried to avoid. What if you could have this territory, what would you say?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, frowning slightly.

"Well, if we're staying together we're basically a pack. And I'd like to share my territory with you. You can help me mark the borders and we could spend more time relaxing in our den."

"I'd like that," he answered.

I could tell he was distracted by something but I didn't want to pry.

When we reached the next spot to leave a mark I offered him the chance.

"All you have to do is leave some sort of mark," I explained, "Most pokemon just use their urine."

"Are you sure I can?" asked Poseidon, "I mean it's your territory really, I just got dumped here."

I gave him a reassuring nuzzle, "It's alright. It doesn't matter how you got here. I want you to share it with me."

He nodded then lifted one of his hind legs and left a marking on the side of a tree.

"There we go. That wasn't so hard was it?" I asked.

"Uh-uh," he grunted, shaking his head.

"Now it's your territory too."

"I've never had anything before," he whispered, "Thank you."

"And I've never had anyone to share it with, so thank you for that."

It was on our way to the next site that he decided to give voice to what was bothering him.

"How would you know when you love someone?" Poseidon asked suddenly.


"How can you tell if you love someone?" he repeated.

"Well you think about them a lot... you always want to be with them... you care for them like you care for yourself... You just know. Everything feels so much better when you're with them."

I blushed as I gave him the best answer I could think of, just thinking about how I felt about him.

"That's just how I feel. I feel like that every time I'm near you. It's like there's something growing in my chest and it's been getting stronger. D-does that mean I love you?"

I wanted so badly to tell him it was but I knew I couldn't. He had to choose for himself. And while I wanted whatever was right for him I hoped more than for anything before that he did love me.

"I can't tell you," I sighed, "You have to decide for yourself."

He stood silently for a few minutes, his face distorted with concentration as he searched himself for the answer. I waited, not daring to move, while my heart hammered in my chest. Eventually he stopped thinking and nodded slightly.

"I... I do love you, Prometheus."

I gave a yip of pure happiness as I pounced on him. He collapsed from my weight, kicking up a small cloud of dust as I snuggled tightly against him and began covering his face his warm kisses.

"Poseidon, will you be my mate?" I asked, rubbing my furred cheek against his smooth one.

He rubbed back, murring under my body as he replied, "Yes."

I murred back, locking my lips against his and drawing in to a deep, prolonged kiss.

Poseidon and I bounced into our den in high spirits. I almost immediately tackled him down, feeling his lithe body squirming like liquid under me. I gave him a series of gentle nips down his neck, leaving tiny red, love-bite marks on his throat. He yipped so cutely then, melting my heart.

"So, Love," I murred, "Want to eat or play?"

"Play," he giggled, licking under my chin.

His tongue sent a shiver through my body and I hugged my limbs around him tightly.

"Sounds good to me," I responded, tracing my tongue along his delightfully smooth skin, then nuzzling against his face and resting my forehead against his.

Our dark eyes stared deeply into each other's, Poseidon soon blushing and looking away. I giggled, crawling over him and nibbling wherever I could get my teeth on his wriggling body.

"You don't have to be scared of me," I assured him.

"I know," he answered, "It's just... hard."

I found it cute how he was so submissive and gripped him in my paws, pulling him on top of me as I rolled onto my back. He gave a surprised yip as he suddenly found himself straddling over me.

"How's it now?" I grinned.

He blushed, trying to step off of me until I held his hips with my hind legs, "Uh uh. Stay there. Now give me a few nips."

"...Why?" he mumbled.

"Because it's fun," I replied, "Now go on."

I smiled as he bent down over me and touched my throat with his nose. He opened his maw slowly and uncertainly before giving me his first tentative nip. I got him to continue and soon he was getting into it and biting a little harder. When it was sharp enough to make me yip even through my thick fluff I spun around again and pinned him on his back, murring loudly.

"Good boy," I grinned.

"Can you mark me?" asked Poseidon from under me.


"Like you mark your territory so others know it's yours. Can you mark me so others now I'm your mate."

I chuckled at the blue boy, "You want me to piss on you?"

He nodded, "Y-yeah."


I didn't really mind the idea. I wasn't too fussed about a bit of a mess. It was already in my body so if it were outside that would be pretty much the same. That and you try piss on a stone without it splashing and making a spray all over, especially when it's windy.

"Alright," I agreed, "But on one condition."

"What's that?" inquire Poseidon.

"You have to do it to me as well, okay?"

He nodded, "Okay."

I smiled and relaxed my bladder, sending an arc of urine splashing over my unsuspecting mate. He yelped in surprise, not expecting me to start so soon but soon wriggled below me as the warm, yellow stream flowed over his skin. I let it all go but when it ended Poseidon still whined a bit, wanting more.

"Is it really that great?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Poseidon nodded, "I enjoyed it. It's all warm."

I laughed and licked his clean face, my nose twitching as he smelled strongly of my piss now, "If you wanted warmth we could have just cuddled, you know? Well, let me see what it's like now."

I lay down on my back, wondering exactly how it felt as Poseidon climbed to his feet, dripping on the floor of the den. He stood perpendicular to me, just above my head, and raised his left, hind leg over me. I meeped, clenching my eyes tight.

Within a few moments I heard Poseidon sigh and felt his pee land on my face. It was warm and felt just like water as it trickled down my face. I sensed him shifting position above me and soon spray of urine moved down my body, over my collar of fluff, down my belly and onto my crotch. As the liquid splashed over my dick I realised I was hard from the thought of my lover peeing on my body and blushed. Unlike Poseidon my blush was hidden by, and blended in with, my fur. His pee ran between my legs and over my tail hole, making it tighten up at the sudden touch.

Poseidon kept up for longer than I did but he also stopped eventually; leaving me not daring to move as his piss dripped slowly off of me, some pooling in various depressions on my body. I gave a shiver when I finally resolved to get up, shaking some more urine loose.

"What did you think?" asked Poseidon.

"It was different," I answered, adding after he giggled, "And good."

I got up and pounced Poseidon, intending to pin him down but underestimating how slippery his skin would become when wet. Due to the urine that now moistened his flesh I slipped right off of him onto the floor next to him.

"Missed me," he giggled as I meeped when I hit the floor.

He pounced and I felt his weight on my back. I was still stronger and bigger than him though and it wasn't too hard for me to stand up and shake him off of me. Once he was done I straddled his slick body and hooked my legs around his so he couldn't slip out of my grip.

"Caught you," I smirked, lying down on his slippery belly and rubbing myself up and down a bit.

My hard cock sent strong shivers through me as it moved along Poseidon's smooth skin. I could feel his large cock trapped between our bellies and straining against me to stand up straight.

"Are you going to mate me now?" he asked, licking my face and muzzle.

"Do you want me too?" I asked back, rubbing my dick in circles over his pink pucker, giving it a gooey coating of pre.

He nodded up at me, "Yes."

I smiled and gently kissed his sweet lips, "Then I'll mate you."

Slowly I began to tease my cock ever more forcefully against Poseidon's hole, trying to loosen it up enough that it wouldn't hurt when I took him. As I pressed my hips forward and back bit by bit I lay my head on his shoulder, snuggling into his neck and occasionally pinching the tough skin and making him yip and tense up.

I had managed to ease in about the first third of my member when I felt Poseidon curl his muscular tail up and the finned end touched my arse. I lifted and tilted my head curiously, yelping as it drew back and gave me a slap, following through to push me all the way into my mate's rear. He closed his eyes and winced as my dick spread his anal walls apart and made itself at home inside.

I gasped, arching my back in pleasure as my whole cock was engulfed in his tight tail hole, the inside much cooler than my body and providing an interesting sensation.

"What was that for?" I asked, chiding him with my tone, "I was trying to be gentle to you."

He opened one eye, looking sorrowful, "But you were taking so long. I want you to mate me and I know it's going to hurt a bit. It's okay."

"Alright... But I'm still going to go easy on you."

I pressed my lips tightly against Poseidon's, my lips parting to allow my tongue to rub my partner's lips. Poseidon eagerly opened his mouth enough for me to slip my tongue inside and twirl around his own.

The light touch of his tail on my arse was enough to remind me not to neglect the actual mating. I gently drew my cock out from his bum, squirting out a path of pre behind me. As I pushed in again the pre was smeared all over his walls, making them as slick as his skin outside and allowing me to gradually increase the pace.

Poseidon and my murrs filled the den as we made love. Our tongues were joined in his maw while he savoured the taste and suckled it gently. My cock pulsed, spurting out a burst of lubricating pre with each deep thrust into Poseidon's tight tail hole. I pulled him close, my nose flaring as I tried to get enough breath for my pleasure-wracked body. I could feel my knot expanding and I quickly thrust it inside, breaking the rhythm and jarring Poseidon out of his reverie.

He yipped and released my tongue, which I slurped back into my own mouth, tasting him all over it. My belly had begun saturated with my mate's pre and the fur was hanging heavily under me as he kept oozing all over. I made my thrusts shorter and harder, keeping my knot within his sphincter and pressing my dick up into his prostate with every lunge forward.

I knew he was just as close as I was and when I pressed my soaking belly over his cock I made sure to tense my belly muscles so that they waved over it, making him gaps even louder.

I shoved hard into Poseidon, arching my back and howling loudly as my first orgasm in my mate struck me. My knot swelled up in his arse, locking us tightly together, as my hot cum pulsed out in thick, short bursts.

Poseidon yelped as my seed shot out, probably unprepared for the hot cum that fire-types possess but his own cock jumped under me and begun to spew out a constant stream of watery vaporeon seed. Since I'd arched myself up the cum mostly missed me and splashed on his chest. I watched as the milk-white pool expanded until it covered his whole chest and was pouring down his sides.

As he orgasmed, Poseidon clenched his bum tightly around my cock until I could feel every heartbeat that pumped blood through his body. Each beat built on my climax, driving it higher than it had ever been before until it couldn't be sustained any longer and crashed.

My orgasm faded away, along with my strength and I fell, with a splash, on my love's firm chest. The two of us lay there, moaning, until my knot had shrunk and for a few minutes even after that. Too tired to clean up or eat a meal, we snuggled close together, shared a tender lick and gradually fell asleep; uncaring of the sticky mess, only the sound of our two hearts beating in time as the world become a happy black.

The End