All Through the Night Part 2

Story by Starry Night on SoFurry

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#2 of All Through the Night

(This is a reposting of an old story I did. I made a few changes and spruced a few details. Hopefully it's better than it was, though I admit it's still a tad bit sappy, I still like it.)

Warning: This section contains material of a sexual nature involving two dragon males. If you are under 18 or it is illegal to view this material in your state ... well it is you getting chewed out by your parents, not me.


"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE*SMASH*" The evening alarm sounded from Ken's clock only to be silenced by a sudden sledge-hammer blow that not only demolished the clock, but broke the bedside table's frame as well. He groaned as various aches made themselves known to his already aching mind while he struggled out of his bed. His eyes squinted open, greeted by the site of the three bags he had packed -- he looked at the clock and found it smashed beyond recognition, then grabbed up his watch -- 2 hours ago??

"OH NO!!!" He roared out, slamming his fist into the pillow and tearing it apart with silver talons. While asleep he had dreamt it was all a dream, and then he woke up. Sirens invaded his ears and he scrambled to the balcony. 4 blocks away a line of various law-enforcement vehicles were careening down the road in the direction of the apartment. He dashed back in, grabbing up the sleeping Jake with his one arm as before, and the bags with the other. He flew up into the sky just as the cars formed a circle around the building, officers jumping out of their cars and aiming guns of all sorts at the building. Only a miracle had kept them from coming sooner, the timing of his alarm clock being perfect. He almost felt sorry for smashing it. The sun was still high in the sky, but sleep had not let go of its hold on Ken, the eyes begging to close again even though he was flying. He struggled to keep them open, and as he pushed on it got easier.

For hours he flew at a speed even he didn't completely know, heading west towards a reserve that was kept off-limits for most people. Mountains began to form in the distance, bathed in a ruddy glow as the sun began to lower behind them, and clouds came rolling in, the smell of rain on the air. Ken searched frantically. He knew the spot had to be around here, he recognized the cliffs -- then he saw it. Curving his wings, he swooped into a downward glide towards a small dark spot in the middle of the red and tan cliff. The spot slowly evolved into a bushy green mass, and finally a cave mostly hidden by scraggly trees that had managed to cling onto the cliffside. Last summer he and Steve had gone hiking up here, having gotten special permission from the wardens, and spent the night at the bottom of this cliff; and so, being secluded and mostly forgotten, it was the best place Ken could think of for safety.

He landed lightly on a small ledge that protruded from the cave mouth, and looked down, the drop being a few hundred feet. He pushed through the trees and stood in utter darkness, save for the ghostly blue glow that came from the sky outside and his own bodily luminescence. He set Jake down gently, and pulled an electric lantern from one of the bags, as well as a heavy tarp which he proceeded to affix over the opening, making sure no light would escape. Tearing a branch off of one of the bushes outside, he cleaned out the cave as best he could, the rocky floor littered with with debris that come with years of emptiness. Thankfully because of its positioning, no animals had taken residence there and it had remained fairly clean. He grabbed another tarp out of the bag and laid it down like flooring, then a large inflatable bed which he pumped up, and laid Jake on it. The plastic squeaked a little under the weight, but because Jake was much lighter, it did not have a great effect. Ken piled blankets on the ground for himself which he promptly laid down on, and finally finding a comfortable position, his eyes illuminating Jake's head with a dim glow. Only now did his mind truly work, trying to make sense of the various events that had taken place, gazing absently at the sleeping dragon head, and yet looking at it intently as well, compassion and sorrow filling his heart. Three words wandered from his lips . . .

"Why Steve? Why?" Ken leaned his head down, the white glow on Jake's head becoming dimmer as his eyes slowly closed, and sleep took him in its gentle arms once more.


Jake stirred in his sleep, opening his eyes a little, the pain in his body still present, but now only in the form of an achy reminder. He groaned a little as he sat up, feeling kinks in a dozen different places and stretching to try and get them out. He began looking about what he could see in the room, which was an amazing amount considering it was so dark. At first he thought he had to have been dreaming. How could he have gotten into a cave? Over against the back wall were three duffel bags, some partway opened, there was a lantern hanging from a piece of protruding rock on the wall, it's battery nearly dead now. His still dazed mind was drawn downwards towards the only source of light, and at first he was frozen with shock, but slowly, pieces of his memory began to fit into place, and as he did, he sank down onto his knees beside the dimly glowing figure, staring at it sadly. It was Ken, he knew it; the dragon was wearing Ken's jeans, and somehow had Ken's demeanor about him, even in sleep. Tentatively, he reached out a hand and lightly touched the nose, to make sure it wasn't a hallucination. Ken woke with a start, sending Jake leaping back away from him and cowering against the wall. Ken sat up and looked around, until his eyes fell on Jake, awake and frightened. He sighed and crawled over to Jake with some discomfort and patted him.

"Sorry about that, I was having a nightmare . . . didn't mean to scare you."

Jake nodded slowly.

"This whole thing is a nightmare . . . I don't know how you stand it. You're not you anymore."

"Not me anymore? I'm still me Jake, I just . . . well, . . . look different. Both you and I are the same people, even if we did get turned into dragons."

"What?! What do you mean 'we'?? I'm not a- . . . a . . ." Jake looked down at himself, noticing for the first time that his hands were now claws, that his skin was red and yellow scales. He felt around his head, finding horns there and an extended neck, tears unconsciously beginning to stream out of his eyes again, his breath becoming shorter as he doubled over sobbing. Ken drew his friend close again once more, rocking him and comforting him as best he could for the hour it took for Jake to finish. He knew what his friend was going through, he not only felt it, he had been reckoning with it all night, though he was tortured more by the betrayal than the change. Strangely enough, being a dragon didn't really bother him, in fact, it had been a secret wish for a long time now, though now that he was one, it still took a great deal of getting used to. Ken noticed Jake was silent and nuzzled him.

"You awake buddy?"

"Yeah . . . yeah, I'm awake, sort of."

"Sort of?"

"I don't want to be, I want all of this to just end, though I know it isn't going to. I don't understand why Steve- Steve of all people! Why Steve would do this to us."

Ken licked over his friend's face softly as he spoke, sometimes crying, sometimes just speaking in a sorrowed monotone, trying to rationalize the past events. Finally he stopped talking altogether, and after a few moments Ken responded.

"I know what you're going through Jake. Sometimes I wonder if I was actually asleep tonight or not, because even in my dreams this stuff haunted me. Steve was one of my best friends, the least person I would suspect of anything . . and now this. But you know what? There are two of us, and no matter what goes on, things will turn out alright. We're friends and we can help take care of each other, until we can figure out a way to get this whole mess fixed."

"I know . . . I know Ken . . . I have a question."

"What's that?"

"If we got back, and we were able to figure out a way to change you back to yourself, would you change again?"

Ken stopped for a moment, absently commenting that Jake was planning far a ahead, then thinking deeply for a moment.

"Honestly Jake I- . . I don't really know. I don't think I would, but then, I haven't tried living like this in human public, so maybe I would. I have to admit, I . . . I kind of like being a dragon."

Jake didn't say anything more for a while after that, but sat there, thinking. Finally he broke the silence, with a quiet contemplative voice.

"Ken, what do I look like?"

"Hmmm . . . well, you have scales, you're red and your undersides are yellow. No wings, or at least they haven't appeared yet, though I think they probably would have come up with everything else. You're a bit smaller than me weight and stature-wise . . . horns are black, bright yellow eyes, nice long tail. Your talons are black too, and appear to be retractable like mine. Over-all, you're pretty good looking as far as dragons go. Now if only there were two females." Ken grinned, poking Jake in the ribs gently. Jake turned and looked Ken over, then leaned back again.

"Nah, you'd steal mine from me."

"What? I'm not a bigamist. Polygamist yeah, but not just two." The two of them laughed despite themselves and then fell silent for a while, neither of them really knowing what to say. After a long while, Ken stood up stretching.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I want to get clean. I got a lot of your gore on my arm from carrying you, and though the sentimental value is a lot, I also like to stay nice and clean.

"My gore? What are you talking about?"

Ken motioned at Jake's side, who promptly put a hand there and felt the T-shirt and winced a little at the pressure.

"What happened to me?"

"Haven't got a clue, but it sure tore you up bad. Actually, let's take a look at that."

Ken kneeled down and peeled away the make-shift bandage, using the light from his eyes to illuminate the wound. Amazingly, the gash was only a third of the size it had been before, and the flesh was obviously mending quickly, much faster than the normal rate. Ken scratched his head thoughtfully.

"Heh, that's weird."


"Well, whatever was used to turn you into a dragon, also included something for super-fast regeneration or something. At this rate, the wound should be completely healed by tonight, when it was . . . I dunno, at least 7 inches long and an an inch deep in some places. I was worried that some of the muscles had been torn through . . . how does it feel?"

Jake craned his neck around to see.

"Not too bad actually, I mean it does sting, especially when people touch it, but when I move it only aches. Ken? What's the 'gore' on your arm?"

Ken lifted his arm to his eyes, displaying the brownish red mass painted over the hide. Jake made a face just at the sight of it.

"Yuck, and to think that came from me!"

Ken chuckled and got up, walking over to the entrance and pulling away the tarp to reveal the deep-blue early morning sky. The sun hadn't even risen yet, and an eerie glow filled the cave.

"Well, it won't be that way for long. I'm going to go down to the stream and wash off a bit, then come back and do some setting up."

"You've been here before?"

"Yeah . . . yeah." Ken bowed his head sadly. "Steve and I came hiking up here a few years back . . . he hardly remembers it now, we did so much of that stuff, but I happened to think of it while I was packing for who-knows-where in the apartment -- you probably don't remember that, you were unconscious -- so I figured this place would keep us safe for a while."

"You climbed to the cave?"

"Well, no, actually I didn't know what was in the cave, but it being the only sure place of hiding, I decided I'd find out, and it turned out to be pretty nice. Heh, and it's ironically appropriate, considering we're dragons. Anyways, I'm going to go wash off. You'd better clean that wound and re-bandage it, you'll find the first-aid in a bag in the blue duffel."

"Alright, thanks Ken . . . thanks for everything."

Ken smiled, his eyes shining softly.

"You're welcome bud."

With that he disappeared over the edge, and Jake heard him slowing flapping his way down to the ground. He crawled over to the duffel bag indicated and began rummaging around in it, and finally found a plastic Wal-Mart bag.

"Yet another devoted Wally customer." He chuckled to himself, finding the disinfectant wipes. Meanwhile he pulled out a radio that he also found and switched it on, tuning it to a clear station and adjusting the volume.

"******ol****offi**ls say that the two men escaped from the lab, taking with them vital information from the lab's computer which could be given to terrorist units. Their co-worker, Steve Mitchell, says that Ken Dawfield had been showing signs of lunacy beforehand, but he took it only to be caused by his friend's lack of sleep. He gave witness to the situation shortly after recovering from a minor concussion. He reports that Mr. Dawfield lashed out suddenly in the lab, throwing him at a tray of syringes, yet slipped and fell on them himself, and was injected with a modified form of the virus. He also says that these syringes had obviously been prepared before hand in order to assault him and his other co-worker that morning.

"He witnessed that after being transformed, he proceeded to grab Mr. Manning and inject him with a similar substance, also genetically transforming him into a dragon. After that he was knocked out by several attacking blows by Mr. Dawfield and was left for dead in the lab. Mr. Mitchell warns that if the two are found, both are likely to be changed mentally and they are to be avoided at all costs by civilians. If you do come across them, safely make your way away and call the authorities. The national guard, assisted by police forces, are sweeping the surrounding areas for the fugitives, hoping to track them down in as short a time possible, but so far no signs of the two dragons have been found. Officials assure us however, that the search will not be long lived as they have over 100 units doing grid scans within 100 miles of the city. This is Anne Forfex for WHYY, goodnight."

Jake snapped off the radio, absently applying a bandage to his wound and staring at nothing in particular. After finishing, he sat there motionless for several long minutes as the revelation sank in. Before too long, he heard Ken coming back, and looked up as he landed on the ledge. Ken stopped, staring back at Jake, sensing that something was wrong. He took a few steps forward.

"Jake? What's the matter?"

"Steve . . . Steve is blaming you for what happened at the lab, and he says that we're both insane, so if we're found nothing we say can be trusted. Their looking for us everywhere, maybe even here; I don't know how far this is from the city. It's a hundred mile radius . . . anyway . . they haven't found any traces of us at least . . ." Jake hung his head and stared down at the ground soberly, his tail-tip drawing imaginary circles on the cave floor. Ken walked over and sat beside him, putting an arm around him and patting softly.

"We'll be alright Jake, we'll be alright. Steve hurt me too . . . goodness knows how it hurts . . . but, we can get out of this. I brought the laptop and my travel-solar chargers, and I got to copy the computer memory too, so we can analyze it and hopefully find something to clear us. Heh, we can also find out just what we are I think, I don't know. It depends on how much work Steve did on the computer with this stuff . . . though as I think about it, it'd be hard not to use the computer . . . we'll be alright Jake . . ."

His friend nodded slowly, taking a deep breath and patting his stomach before looking up at Ken.

"I'm hungry, how 'bout you?"

"That's my buddy." Ken said smiling "Let's find out what I packed, I can't even remember.


Several weeks later, the two were pretty well established in their cave home. Jake had even managed to somehow procure a wild rosebush and convinced Ken to let him create a makeshift planter for it at the cave entrance, despite the fact it was late fall and the bush was mostly dormant in the first place. Ken had built up the cave entrance so that no light escaped from the mouth at night, as well as putting in a make-shift water reservoir using one of the water-proof duffel bags. The news reporters were tirelessly coming out with breaking information about them, which always turned out to be the same: nothing, and finally they stopped listening to it all together. They were growing tired of hearing the depressing media, happy to stay isolated in their little niche to figure out a way to correct the wrongs done, but for the time being, just stay out of sight.

Another thing had been growing though, a more pleasant thing. Jake had always admired Ken secretly, but now that he was living with him, this admiration had blossomed into something much deeper, something that had actually been there for a long time, but that he had pushed down. He was always afraid to let it grow, let alone show it. He saw it as an impossible dream, and he didn't want to be hurt by it, wishing to grasp hold of a rainbow. But what was more, he was afraid of what would happen if he tried. Not of other people, but of Ken himself, of rejection. So Jake remained as inconspicuous about his feelings as he could and went about his business just being Jake, Ken's friend. As the days passed though, he found that he couldn't suppress it anymore, it grew without his consent though his fear still kept him from revealing it. Thus he suffered.

Food had run out after the first few days, and so Ken had taken to hunting deer in the forest, using his newfound powers to make an easy kill every time. Jake tried a few times with a bow he had rigged up, but frankly stunk, often earning a grin from Ken. Winter was coming on, and there had been a few snows and so they used this to store the left over meat, and buried the remains in the creek bed. Jake usually went with Ken on these trips, not because he was much of a help, but because he liked being around Ken and it gave him a chance to get out and about.

One particular day though, Ken had left Jake behind. It was a miserable day, snow was pouring down in sheets as it had been for the past week, keeping the two of them cooped up and without food some days. Finally Ken was determined to find something, much to the chagrin of Jake, but he ignored it and went out, himself fearing that they would starve and worried mostly about Jake who was getting sickly. Jake stoked the fire and opened the breathing crack at the tarp more to let the smoke out. He peered outside as he did so and growled to himself. Ken had been gone for five hours now, and still no sign. He couldn't get down and look for Ken because he had no wings, and Ken had to fly him down if they went places. All he could do was sit and wait. Thinking for a moment, he glanced at the wood stockpile. There was plenty of course, but it was really just something to take his mind off Ken. They had decided it was safe to have a fire with all the snow and wind, and it was almost dangerous not to with the frigid temperatures. There was many a night the two had slept close side by side to share body heat, which Jake rather liked, though he never showed it. He smiled a little to himself, thinking of the times he had faked to be freezing just to be close to Ken. There he went again thinking about Ken, Ken who was out freezing his tail off trying to find food . . . or not . . . how much wood was on the pile? Plenty.

Jake's mind was going in circles, similar to the circles he was pacing on the floor as he had been for the last two hours. Finally he plopped down and sighed deeply, not knowing what to think. Suddenly he jumped up as a familiar deep whooshing noise approached the cave, barely audible among the wind outside. Jake rushed to the flap and pulled it up to be greeted with a blast of arctic like air, and was nearly bowled over as Ken's big form charged into the cave on landing. Ken turned around and secured the flap down, shivering with cold as he tossed aside yet another duffel, now filled with venison. It was all Jake could do to keep from grabbing him and hugging him at the same time he was so glad. Ken stripped off the now ice-coated blanket he had been using to keep warm and crouched over by the fire, his jeans making a creaking sound as he bent down. Jake went over and began rooting around for a fresh blanket.

"I see you got some deer."

"Y-Yeah," Ken grinned, still shivering, "a big st-stag. T-took for-rever t-to get it-t bur-ried in th-the str-stream."

"Ken, you shouldn't have done it!" Jake growled, partly from not being able to find a blanket, but mostly directed at Ken.

"J-Jake . . . are y-you mad at m-me?"

"Yes," Jake paused for a moment, hanging his head over the pile of stuff he had pulled out. " . . . and no . . . Yes!"

"Heh, well, th-that's unexpected."

"Unexpected! You were out there committing suicide!" He half-roared, clawing through the pile again.

"Jake, I ap-preciate your concern, but we h-had to get food. Y-you should see yourself sometimes. You couldn't g-go without food anymore." Ken said softly. Jake whipped around, his eyes flaring, his talons piercing the blanket he now held.

"Ken I-" he stopped short, his expression changing from anger to that of an innocent schoolboy in the flash of an instant. While he had been fiddling with finding the blanket, Ken had pulled off his jeans, now soaked as the ice melted in the fire's warmth, leaving him totally naked, and frankly, really good looking. Jake whipped back towards the pile as fast as he had turned to face Ken, nervously shoving things back in the wrong places trying to think of what to do.

"Jake? Jake are you alright? Honestly, I didn't mean to make you so upset."

"N-no Ken it's f-fine."

"Are you sure you're alright Jake? A few seconds ago I was the one stuttering."

Jake put a hand to his forehead, trying to gain composure and shake down the cold shivers he was getting, almost breaking out into a sweat. He pulled himself straight as a rod and turned back around, marching almost mechanically over and sitting down beside Ken, totally forgetting about the blanket and staring holes into the fire. Ken patted his back softly, which Jake resisted, doing everything he could to concentrate on the fire and not on Ken. He began to shake with emotion, fear mostly, fear and weariness from hiding himself.

"Aww Jake, come on now, it's al- . . . oh . . ."

Ken's eyes happened to glance down as he was speaking to Jake and as soon as he saw it he understood. Jake's pants had been too small ever since the transformation, and now they revealed a relatively small cockhead barely peeking over the edge. At first Ken took no action, but then slowly put an arm around his friend and wrapped his tail around the small of Jake's back. He took a finger and gently laid it on the tip of the shaft.

"What's this?" He asked softly, bringing his muzzle near Jake's.

"I . . . I . . it's . . . ooohhh." Jake groaned and broke down into tears, hunching over slightly as his will broke. "K-Ken, I *gasp* I l-l-l- . . . I lo- . . . I-"

"I love you too Jake." Ken cut off Jake's sobbed out confession, hugging softly, and after a thought, laid a tender kiss on his nose. Jake looked up, breathing hard, confusion swimming in his tear-filled eyes.

"W-What did you say?"

"I said I love you too, and I mean it. Why do you think I went out there in that cold, why I got so worried about you? Sure I mean, you are my friend but . . . well . . . you've grown to be more to me."

Jake gasped a few times, not sure whether to hit himself, scream for joy or bawl out his relief, and involuntarily doing all three at once in a strange sounding "AAAAoooooowwwww" promptly followed by a fresh river of tears. Ken couldn't help smiling at Jake, even though he felt the same kind of relief himself, and lovingly licked away the tears that fell, bringing even more from Jake. Ken pulled him onto his lap and cradled the red dragon in his arms as he quieted, nuzzling as Jake recovered from the revelation. Jake finally looked up at the object of his adoration, and smiled a little, leaning his head against Ken's chest.

"I wonder if you know how many times I faked being cold . . ."

Ken threw back his head laughing.

"Ha! I dunno, but I loved every one of them, just as much as the times I did it . . . Jake? Jake . . . I have a question."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well . . . Jake I . . when I say I loved you, I mean it, but I mean it a lot more than just a fondness or sexual attraction."

". . . . so do I Ken. Heh, worlds more than that. What are you getting at?"

"Well . . . . . I can understand if you don't want to, I mean, opposition from society and all -- heh, that is if we get back into society -- but . . Jake," his voice softened to a whisper, "Will you be my mate?"

Jake didn't respond for a few minutes, and the look on his face was so uncertain that Ken was actually afraid he would say no. Then finally after what seemed like ages, a quiet but decided voice floated up to him.

"Ken, that's what I've always wanted, from the very first time I began to love you. I was just afraid to talk about it, because I didn't want to be . . well, rejected."

Ken let out a loud cathartic laugh and hugged Jake close to him, kissing his nose again.

"Somehow I knew, but I didn't want to trust my own judgment on it and screw things up. Hmm . . ." Ken sensed tension between the two of them and after eyeing Jake's crotch, gave him a warm grin as unbuckled the red dragon's pants, pulling them off with his free hand. "And you know what? You get me pretty riled up yourself." he said, pointing at the now full white sheath between his legs, an inch of pink head poking out of it. Ken leaned down and nuzzled Jake's sheath, re-exciting the retreating member. Jake churred and pulled his legs up laughing.

"Hey! Don't do that! It feels weird!"

"Oh it does does it? Well, sorry, but this, mmmm, this smells so good." came the reply as Ken nuzzled into Jake's crotch further, rubbing his muzzle against Jake's length. Jake murred, relaxing his legs and snuggling closer to Ken, who promptly took the member in his mouth and began to suckle softly, being rewarded with a large gasp from Jake. He wrapped his tail around Jake's legs and continued his meal, slavering over the pink flesh with his tongue, stroking down into the sheath and gently rubbing the ballsack that had lowered down from inside the protection of the body with his paw. Because of the tension before, Jake didn't last long against Ken's ministrations, and his penis jolted into a powerful climax as Ken continued to caress the dragonmeat with his now cream-drowned tongue. After he was done, Ken suckled softly a bit longer, swallowed and leaned down to Jake's face and kissed him squarely on the lips, a smile spreading on his face.

"I love you Jake," He crooned, stroking the other's cheek softly. "And now we get a real dinner." He chuckled and nuzzled Jake, helping him up and walking over to the duffel he had discarded in the corner earlier. Jake made a brave move and grabbed Ken's crotch, massaging the sheath and popping his erection out halfway. Ken gently grabbed Jake's wrist and pulled it away grinning.

"Whooo, now wait a minute loverboy. That feels great but my tummy's hungry and it wants to eat - and don't give me any puns on how I just did." He laughed and gave him a dutch rub, going back to the duffel. The meat that night was delicious, especially since neither of them had eaten since yesterday, and the smell of cooked venison just heightened their appetites as they chowed down, hungrily biting off huge chunks. After the meal, the two leaned back against the wall, feet and tail to the fire and one snuggled up against the other. Ken looked over at Jake, who was staring off into space in his own little world. He nuzzled him softly, bringing him out of his reverie.

"I think it's time we made being mates official. I don't like to be kept waiting, you know." he grinned. Jake rubbed noses with him and kissed.

"I'm ready for it if you are."

Ken smiled, then pulled him up onto his lap, crossing his arms over Jake's chest and rocking softly, crooning tenderly into his ear as he lapped at it with his tongue. He carried Jake over to the bed of blankets, taking the one Jake had pulled out earlier and wrapping them both in it, again crossing his arms over his love's chest and laying down gently on top of him, his penis unsheathed and pressing warmly between Jake's thighs. He gently coiled his tail around Jake's, both hugging and rubbing it, as well as pulling it out of the way. Jake smiled as he closed his eyes and felt Ken's muzzle rest on his own, spreading his legs a little as he felt the cockhead press against his anus. He relaxed, willingly giving himself up to the dragon he adored, purring softly in response to the deep murrs emanating from Ken's chest. He melted as he soaked in the sensation of Ken's muscular arms about him, growling softly as one of those arms slipped down between his legs to massage his sheath. Ken chuckled warmly above him, deepening the massage as he felt the crotch stiffen with delight, brushing a finger lightly over the opening .

"You like that love?" He whispered. Jake just moaned and smiled, nodding, relaxing his legs even more. He felt the power in Ken as his thighs tenderly gripped his buttocks, holding them in place firmly, yet softly, Ken's tail hugging his own. Then, with a gentle shove he was in, pushing his full length into Jake, who was tense and moaned softly as Ken mounted him. Ken's penis dribbled out precum, lubricating the tailhole and letting him slip in and out more easily, the muscles contracting around his shaft as it slowly invaded, alien to Jake's body, yet welcomed. Ken marveled as he slowly mated; Jake's form was so tender and small, strong but at the same time weak and trusting. Every moment he loved him even more, his humps becoming slightly stronger as the quiet passion slowly built. Jake smiled, even as he gasped for breath on the instrokes, experiencing that which he thought was impossible. Around him were the supporting arms of a monster, strong but loving and tender, firm and soft. He loved the feeling of fullness from his mate, the way Ken's thighs and legs tenderly commanded him and subdued him. An amazing sense of security and love flooded his mind as he lay there, thankful for any luck he had to bring him to this point. He slipped his tongue out to reach up and lick the black muzzle that lay over his, and it was rewarded by a another warm soft tongue reaching down and curling around it, caressing it softly.

Ken rubbed Jake's sheath firmly now, coaxing out the pink length yet again and wetting it with the streams of precum that dribbled down it's sides. An audible groan of pleasure came from Jake and he smiled, pumping harder till his crotch cupped his mate's rear as he thrust in. Jake tightened his ring around the shaft, his muscles grabbing at the powerful cock driving into their depths. Soon Ken was in a barely controlled frenzy, mating Jake hard and hilting him on each stroke, though still careful not to hurt him. Jake climaxed for a second time in the Ken's hand, the sensation too much for his body to take, pumping white cream out underneath him over the black palm. Ken began to growl, and it steadily grew into a roar, his entire body shining with energy in its power. He pulled Jake's rear up, so they were both face down on their knees, and in that position, he gave a few last intense thrusts, finally bellowing out as sensation flooded his body, his cock jetting seed into Jake. Slowly he calmed, running a paw up and down the side of Jake's chest and lowering them back down, rolling onto his side hugging Jake against him, still humping him tenderly. Both breathed out a long sigh as they relaxed together. Ken pulled his hand up to lick it clean and then cupped it against his love's sheath again, stroking it lovingly, a token of familiarity and care. The fire had died down to a few glowing coals, but the two neither minded nor noticed, their own closeness providing what they needed. The storm outside had lessened, and instead of howling it now made a soft pattering noise on the tarp, lulling the two to sleep, Ken still embedded in his mate, and his mate resting peacefully in his arms.