The Dream

Story by Rashoni on SoFurry

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#2 of Waking the Dragon

DISCLAIMER: 18+ ONLY (or at least dont get caught)

I opened my eyes. I could see nothing but shimmering darkness only lit by a flickering light, which I couldn't find the source of. I lifted my head up from the hard smooth surface I had been laying on. I briefly peered around. I saw a fire some distance away from me, and in my groggy state, I got up and stumbled towards it thinking

"Why is the bonfire so far away?" I soon realized I was no longer in the clearing where Draco had lit the fire. Instead, I found myself in some kind of large cavern, but instead of bare rock, everything appeared to be smoothly carved and shaped out of the earth. Now at the fire, which resided in a large fancy fireplace, my mind finally grasped the situation. Where was I? How did I get here?

As if in response to my thoughts, a large figure appeared out of the shadows and beckoned me with a rather familiar orange-scaled claw. "Draco? Is that you?" I asked. All I heard in response was a silky hissed:

"Come". I walked towards the sound unable to see Draco's face in the darkness, but I fallowed her padding claws and the click-clack of her talons on the rock floor as she walked on all fours leading me on. The dragoness led me into a master chamber, complete with an immense four post bed that served as the centerpiece of the barn-sized room. She then proceeded to walk around the left side of the bed, while flipping her tail through the air and gently swaying her hips. A warm shiver ran up my spine as my mind started ticking away and away. Was the dragoness toying with me?... She then sat on the bed with her front claws hanging at her sides and peering over her shoulder at me with a devilish smirk on her lips and her reptilian tongue flicking out of her mouth in my direction.

It felt like every nerve in my body was as tense as a wound up alarm clock ready to burst. My chest was shivering uncontrollably and my palms already had beads of sweat on them. What was this dragoness thinking??...

"You sure seemed tense silly" she said in a more hissing than usual voice. "Maybe if you take of your clothes you might feel more comfortable?" my thoughts were screaming:

"Take off my clothes?!? Is she serious?!? My hands twitched nervously.

"Maybe that was the wrong thing to say, sorry" she said quickly with a blush. "But you do look very tense... maybe I can help?" she said inquiringly as she patted the bed with a claw, inviting me to sit down.

Trying to uproot myself from where I was, I half walked-half stumbled over to the bed, which stood a foot above my waist. I grabbed the edge of the bed with my fists, squatted, and jump-pulled myself up onto the enormous mattress. I sat with my feet hanging over the edge, and before I could look up at her, the dragoness had placed both her front claws on my shoulders, that same warming sensation spreading through my body from her touch. Gently as possible, she began to massage my shoulders, which wasn't very necessary because her hands acted like heat wraps, but it felt amazing. Her scales on her palms and fingers were like smooth leather against my bare arms, I couldn't help but close my eyes and sigh. Then, without warning, the dragoness bent her long neck over and teased my ear with her tongue. Out of reflex, I jerked away, while she giggled in embarrassment. I looked up at her slightly shocked and utterly confused. "Are you alright?" she asked in a concerned manner. Shaking off my reaction, I replied:

"Oh yes I'm ok... it's just that..."

"What's wrong?"

"Well..." I paused, "I've just never been this 'involved' with anyone... and all of this is quite new to me and its moving so fast..." She blushed in response,

"I'm sorry" with a giggle "So you mean to say you're still a virgin?" At that question my eyes nearly bugged out of my head.

"Y, y.. yess" I stammered, "I've never even had a girlfriend before...". She looked at me with a pitiful look on her face

"You haven't?" she said with a worried look in her eyes. "I'm sorry, for doing this, I must seem terrible" She buried her face in her claws.

"No n no" I stammered, "It's alright, I just... have never felt like this before, and it's a lot to take in all at once" I said with a meek smile, trying to be polite.

"Oh? So it's alright then?"

"I j-just don't know... it feels right, but it's so strange and different than I'd have ever imagined, not that you're strange of course, but I'm just not s-sure"

"If it feels good and you like it, why not? She asked puzzled, but before I could answer she said "look, if you want to stop I will, just say the word and it ends ok?" I couldn't reply but nodded while trying to stifle a whimper. I took a deep breath and blew out just as her large claws wrapped around my shoulders again, the warming feeling absorbing into me like a sponge. Her claws ran up and down my arms and my back and neck. New and wonderful sensations ran up and down my spine at her touch. I felt like I could melt away and never come back.

This went on for God knows how long, until she removed her hands and I let out a soft moan of comfort.

"That was wonderful" I whispered with the warm feeling slowly evaporating from my body. I then looked at her in a gaze that could stop time itself. She grinned and after rotating her large scaly hips and swinging her legs over my head to rest on the bed she said:

"Now it's my turn" as she lay on her side, her head being propped up on one of her arms. Sliding off my shoes I then slowly clamored over to where she lay, and nervously placed my hands on her side, feeling every inch my fingers would reach. I shuddered at the feeling, my hands moving in sweeping circles across her hide. She then rolled over on her stomach, her tail slightly raised and her knees bent in the air. Trying not to stare at her scaly ass, I climbed over her back, and sat on top of her with one of my feet on either side. I knew she wouldn't mind because frankly, I doubt the weight even mattered. I ran my hands all up and down her back, sliding over every leathery bump and scale, making large flowing motions. Focusing on her spine and weaving around her spikes, I ran my hands up and down, back and forth, trying to feel her entire length. She murrred softly and giggled, her tail twitching from my hands. I then turned around on her back and started massaging her tail base, and what I could reach of her massive tail, which stopped twitching and instead curled behind her and slightly vibrated, knowing I was the cause of what was happening. She let out another murring sound, and looked around saying:

"For a first timer, you're pretty damn good at this" as her cheeks glowed as red as mine. I chuckled to myself, almost enjoying it as much as she was.

Dismounting off her back, she rolled over on her side and smiled at me, as I flopped down onto the mattress beside her. "Now that wasn't so bad was it?" she asked with a smirk.

"Not at all" I said with a smile, but couldn't help but shiver from all that had just happened. "But I am a bit hot, and this shirt is getting too stuffy for me" I said blushing and wiping sweat off my forehead. The dragoness looked down at me and raised one eyebrow. Without another word, I removed my shirt which did have large sweat marks under the arms, but thankfully my deodorant hadn't given out yet. With this, the dragoness looked me up and down, admiring my figure and grinning while flicking her tongue. It may have been a while since I last lifted weights, but all the hard years of high school wrestling practice still hadn't worn off yet. I may not have been very buff, but I did at least have most of my abs visible and my ribs only showed when I stretched.

I looked away from her and lay down on my back, sighing and breathing deeply while staring at the high ceiling. Before I could react, the dragoness rolled over and propped herself up so she was directly above me, with her giant knees on both sides of me and her claws were near my arms. She then proceeded to bend her head down towards my chest with a sly grin. Before I could ask Draco what she was doing, her reptilian tongue slipped out of her mouth and began sliding over my chest. It was about two feet long and five inches wide at the thickest and it sent wave after wave of new sensations rocketing across my body, the touch was incredible and made me feel faint. Her slick tongue slowly lapped at my pectoral muscles and slid across my nipples before it trailed down to my abs where she then swiped them in slow circle motions. I gripped the bed with my hands, and tried my best to keep from moaning, but my mouth was hanging open anyway. My back arched in a slight muscle spasm as she stimulated my abs. I gasped as my head leaned back and my eyes were shut tight. "I bet you liked that didn't you?" she said with a devilish grin. She left me panting with desire and pleasure wanting to return the favor. I jumped up onto my feet, and before she could move, I placed my arms around her large neck and placed my lips on hers, my tongue yearning for her taste. Before I broke the kiss, she took my head in her claw and returned the kiss, but also with her tongue. It felt silky-smooth against mine as she wrapped hers around it and gently pulled it into her muzzle. Not until she released my tongue did we break the kiss, as a string of saliva parted our faces. She licked my cheek in affection as I smiled like I never have before. I felt like I was on top of the world, and that everything was perfect. Little did I know that the dragoness had more plans in store for me. In a blink while I was still standing, she hunched over on all fours as she nuzzled my crotch through my jeans. I looked down with a tingle in my loins trying to ask:

"Draco? Wha..." before I could finish one of her claws had scooped up my ass and her tongue had now darted down inside my pants. I gasped loudly, my body tensing up. Her tongue began to probe around inside my underwear, aiming for that thing that was pitching a tent inside them. When she found it, she wrapped her tongue around my member and squeezed slightly, pulling it in an upright position nearly peeking out of the top of my jeans. Since her hands were too large I knew it was up to me to undo my pants, so with my hands trembling violently I undid the button and unzipped my pants, my member now almost fully visible. At that, the dragoness grabbed the back of my pants with her claw and gently pulled down until they were hanging around my ankles. She released her grip with her tongue and laid me back down with her other claw. She then grabbed my thighs and pulled me towards her slowly while simultaneously pulling off my pants and socks, our faces meeting in another tongue kiss but while her claws were busy massaging my hips and my member rubbing up against her scaly chest. Breaking the kiss again she wasted no time slurping up my cock with her tongue and without any effort taking the seven inches into her muzzle while her chin rubbed against my balls. I moaned deeply, arching my back as her tongue went to work. She teased the underside with small flicks and rubbed up and down my chest with her claw. Wrapping her tongue twice around my member, she then softly squeezed and sucked, causing my back to arch and my legs to twitch as her tongue pulsed against my cock, the moist depths of her mouth incubating my cock in warmth. It wasn't long at all before I felt the familiar swelling in my loins. She sucked and squeezed slightly harder, knowing I was on the verge of orgasm. With one final suck of her tongue, I let out a long, soft grunt as my hips picked themselves up off the bed while I bucked upwards and erupted with my sticky spooge inside her muzzle. Without releasing her grip, she continued to squeeze every drop out of me as my fingers almost tore a hole in her blankets. With one big gulp she released my cock and licked her lips while grinning, then cleaned up the residue around the base of my cock and balls, which nearly caused me to cum again, but luckily I didn't.

"Mmm, tasty..." the dragoness murrred. I was now gasping to catch my breath still clutching the sheets. "Think you would like to try?" she said with a toothy grin. My body now flooded with energy, I jumped up and said

"Sure!" The dragoness then lay down on her back, her long neck now resting on the back wall and her long belly stretched out along the length of the bed. Standing there stark naked, I couldn't help but feel exposed as she beckoned me with her claw. I made my way over to where her tail connected with her hips, and she opened them. A strange new smell permeated the room. It was intoxicating and new, and it drove me wild. Knowing the source of the smell lay in front of me; I quickly moved over and finally saw the dragonesses' football-sized cunt in between her spread legs. My mouth almost fell open as I drew closer and I stepped over her thick tail so that I was now straddling it and facing her. I dipped my head in a bit closer and inhaled through my nose while a thick trail of juices flowed from the opening. The smell was like a poison that burned through my body and set my loins on fire. I shuddered as I placed my hands on either side of her huge slit, slightly rubbing while I inched my face closer and closer, the dragoness watching my every move in anticipation. I stuck my tongue out and placed it at the bottom of the opening, slowly moving up the slit all the way to the top where I scooped my tongue and took it into my mouth, tasting her gingerly. The taste was even more powerful than the smell and before I knew it I was licking up and down her slit, back and forth, sucking a bit on her golf ball-sized clit and teasing her with the tip of my tongue. Her legs squeezed around me and she murred a little louder this time, pulling me closer, embracing me in them. After a few more licks she sighed a bit and said

"You may be great at your first oral sex, but for me there's no substitute". Not knowing what she meant, she reached down and scooted me up her tail farther, almost to where my still erect cock met her welcoming vagina. She winked at me while she held herself up with her arms. I slowly situated myself so that I was still standing but just barely above her tail, pulling myself up with her large scaly thighs. I couldn't help but say as I looked at my member compared to her cunt

"Are you sure th..." but she just winked at me with a smirk, so I continued. I reached down with one hand, guiding my throbbing cock into her gaping slit as a shiver ran up my spine. Her pussy was soft and warm and it enveloped my cock so nicely. But then, I noticed a tightening sensation around my cock. I looked up at her and saw that she was transforming back into her anthro form, her features returning. As her vagina muscles grabbed perfectly around my member, I also noticed her scaly breasts were now extending out of her flat chest, back to where I saw them underneath her robe.

"See? I told you" she said with a blush.

With her now smaller body, which was still a foot or two longer than mine mind you, I could now easily position myself over her, my face directly above her round scaly breasts. While my cock was still inside her, I ignored that fact for a moment while I marveled at her beauty, my hands slowly sliding up from her hips to meet and then feel all over her now curvy chest. I began to slowly slide my dick in and out of her cunt, stopping before the tip came out and pausing when it went all the way in while my fingers felt around her hard nipples and the dragoness murred with pleasure. My cock felt like a lightning rod of pleasure as the tingling ran all the way up and down through my body, sending endless muscle spasms through my nerves that I had no control over. I gasped once and then placed both my hands on either of her thighs for support. I began to buck my body more intensely, the dragoness' vagina flexing around my cock in time with the thrusts while she began slightly moaning. I went faster and faster till I was lost in the rhythm and my body went on auto-pilot. The dragoness reached with one of her claws to cup my buttocks, grabbing onto them and helping me with my thrusts. My body was now hitting hers making wet smacking noises as she became more and more wet. We were both panting now, both of us matching each others rhythm in perfect time. The dragoness stretched out her legs and had her toes pointed as her leg muscles tensed from the pleasure. She even cried out a few times in ecstasy, her tongue flicking in and out. I could feel the beat of her heart against her body, matching the time of the thrusts. I let out a high-pitched moan as I threw my head back with my jaw hanging open, the endless waves of pleasure crashing over my body with each thrust. I then looked back down at the dragoness with fire in my eyes while I then leaned in and while still keeping rhythm, I managed to lick and suck on her nipples, causing her to let out little gasps of pleasure. After thoroughly working on each nipple, I lifted my head again, bucking like mad. I could feel the pressure mounting as well as the dragonesses' vagina beginning to tighten around me. I knew it was time. My tempo accelerated quickly as both of us began crying out in ecstasy. With one final gigantic thrust I yelled in pleasure as I spilled my seed inside the dragoness, my cock having hilted her all the way and my balls now pressed against her. She as well trembled with orgasm and roared with smoke coming out of her mouth as a river of hot juices flowed from her slit, covering me from the waist down. While the aftershock waves were still ravaging my body, I leaned down and met her lips as our tongues became entwined in a wrestle.

With the aftershock waves finally subsiding, I collapsed and trembled against the dragoness, having done my all for her as I rested my head in between her large scaly breasts. I gasped for breath and panted while I rested against her, while her claw rested on my back and played with my long hair as she murred with delight. Gathering up my breath, I looked up at the dragoness and said

"I love you Draco"

"I love you too" she said with a smile. I was about to move away when she said "Don't worry, rest now, you were fantastic" she said with a smile as she leaned her head back on the bed. Having lost my virginity to the one that I loved more than anything, I lay my head back down on her chest with me still inside her as my eyes closed and I faded from consciousness, lost in a sea of warmth.